101 Top Job Interview Questions and Answers in 2022 - theJub (2024)

Most Common interview questions

Are you preparing for an upcoming job interview but aren’t sure what to expect?

After a number of discussions with different hiring managers and recruiters from all aspects of the employment industry, we came up with the 10 most common job interview questions and answers (with an additional 91 questions for good measure).

While it’s impossible to memorize each question and potential answer (we don’t suggest that), this list should provide you with the necessary tools needed to win over your next interview.

10 Most Common Interview Questions ...

10 Most Common Interview Questions (with Answers)

Questions Answered (2022 Updated)

  • What are the 10 most common job interview questions and answers?
  • 91 additional interview questions
  • What to bring to an interview?
  • How long do interviews last?
  • How long should my answers be?
  • How to stand out in a face to face interview?
  • Tips for interviewing over the phone
  • What are behavioral interview questions?
  • Looking to hire a job interview coach? Check out what Top Resume has to offer.

Have you ever stumbled over your words during an interview? Maybe a certain question had you stumped?

Don’t worry: we’ve all been there.

Preparing yourself for questions commonly asked during a job interview can be the difference between landing or losing a job offer.

While there’s no need to memorize every possible question and come up with the perfect answer for all of them, it’s still important to educate yourself about the interview process and the common interview questions you’re likely to be asked.

The more prepared you are the less nervous you’ll be, so even if you’re asked something unexpected, you’ll be able to think on your feet and answer.

  1. Tell me about yourself
  2. What is your greatest strength?
  3. What is your greatest weakness?
  4. Why should we hire you?
  5. What’s something positive your boss would say about you?
  6. What are your salary expectations?
  7. Why are you leaving your current role?
  8. What interests you about this position?
  9. What are your future goals?
  10. Describe a difficult work situation on how you overcame it

1. Tell Me About Yourself.

Most job interview questions are open-ended, and the interviewer is often as interested in how you answer over the specific details of the answer.

In the case of this common question, they’re looking to understand what you know and what you’ve done, particularly as it relates to the job you’re interviewing for. They’re not looking for your full life story.

101 Top Job Interview Questions and Answers in 2022 - theJub (1)

How to Answer: Briefly share details about how you got to where you are today. Tie in those experiences to the skills you have that are relevant to the position.

Keep it brief, but be prepared with some more information if the interviewer asks you to elaborate on anything that you mentioned.

Example Answers:

  • “During my time with Google, I branched out from copywriting and grew more passionate about Social Media.
  • “I developed most of my paid ad and social copywriting experience through live training events where I ended up testing at the top of my class…”

2. What Is Your Greatest Strength?

This is one of those questions that has become a bit of a cliche, but it still may come up in your interview. The interviewer is testing your confidence and looking to see what qualifies you for the role.

How to Answer: It’s important to discuss what qualifies you for the position, and what may set you apart from other candidates.

Study the job description carefully prior to an interview, and make sure that you can talk about the “Must Have” or “Required” skills as part of this strengths conversation.

Example Answers:

  • “As an HR Specialist over the last 3 years, I would say employee care is by far my greatest strength. My passion and dedication to the industry have led me to effectively resolve employee issues and understand them at a deeper level…”
  • “One of my greatest strengths is my attention to detail. In my data entry work, I’ve always been careful to avoid errors by double-checking everything so that I don’t submit anything incorrect.”

3. What Is Your Greatest Weakness?

The typical follow-up question to your greatest strength is your biggest weakness. With this question, the interviewer is looking to see if you’re open to criticism and have a desire to improve.

How to Answer: Stay away from personal qualities and concentrate on professional traits. Think about skills that you’ve been trying to improve, or that you’ve made progress with recently.

Regardless of your weakness, let the interviewer know you’re currently working on turning the negative (weakness) into a positive. Everyone has flaws, and saying you don’t will likely lead to rejection.

Example Answers:

  • “My greatest weakness is being too direct and outspoken at times in the workplace. I’ll often get caught up in the moment and say whatever comes to mind without processing the information first. I’ve been working on correcting this by analyzing all the details of a conversation before speaking up…”
  • “My greatest weakness has been keeping everyone up to date with project status updates when I’m fully engrossed in the detail work of a project. I’ve been trying to be more proactive with sending out updates to the team by making a habit of taking some time at the end of the day to go over all my active projects and send out any relevant updates.”

4. Why Should We Hire You?

The answer, “Because I really need a job,” might come to mind but it might be a good idea to back off on that response. What the interviewer is looking for here is what sets you apart from others.

They want you to differentiate and sell yourself!

How to Answer: Create a short, detailed sales pitch explaining why you deserve the job. Emphasize what makes you unique to build confidence in the interviewer’s decision to hire you.

Example Answers:

  • “Your company provides similar services to my background so I’ll have an initial understanding of the role. With that being said, I believe that my familiarity with the industry and passion for this type of work would make me a good fit for this position…”
  • “I think that my combination of sales and customer service experience, along with my art background, means that I’ll be able to understand what your customers are looking for.”


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5. What’s Something Positive Your Boss Would Say About You?

This is one of those behavioral interview questions which can be tricky to understand exactly what they’re looking for.

Just saying that your boss approves of your work isn’t enough. The interviewer is looking to see what kind of relationships you’ve built with the management team, and get an impression about how you may fit in with their team.

How to Answer: This is a great time to brag about yourself with someone else’s words. Start with “My boss has told me that…” so that it’s clear you understand the question. Stay humble and refrain from sounding arrogant.

Example Answers:

  • “My boss has mentioned that my attention to detail and thoroughness can’t be matched.”
  • “She said the last campaign we ran together produced amazing results because of my effort and ability to thoroughly run it from start to finish…”
  • “My boss mentioned that she’s gotten a lot of compliments about my customer service from customers.”

6.What Are Your Salary Expectations?

Of all the job interview questions that make people nervous, this may be the most nerve-wracking. The interviewer is looking to see what you’re currently making and if it’s within their budget.

How to Answer: It seems like a simple question, but your answer can make or break a job offer. It’s in your best interest that the employer mentions a pay range first. Unfortunately, that’s not how it always works.

Prepare for this question by doing some research about salaries. Keep a number in mind by understanding the local going rates and your bottom line. What pay rate would you accept and walk away from? Note: In some states it is illegal for an employer to ask about your current salary.

Example Answers:

  • “What kind of rate are you offering for someone with my type of background?”
  • “As I understand it, the salary range is around $xxx, is that about right?”

7. Why Are You Leaving (Or Have Left) Your Job?

This is another one of those behavioral interview questions.

The specific reasons for your leaving are often less important to the interviewer than how you conduct yourself when discussing it.

The interviewer is often looking to see if you speak ill of your former employer and/or left on good terms.

101 Top Job Interview Questions and Answers in 2022 - theJub (2)

How to Answer: When asked about why you are moving on, state your reason in a positive manner rather than being directly critical or accusatory.

Focus on what you’ll get out of the change in employment. If you are currently employed, you can explain that your career goals don’t line up with the company’s direction, and if you were recently let go, give them a brief overview about why, without ever bashing your previous employer.

Example Answers:

  • “My current employer’s vision has changed over the past few years and no longer lines up with mine.”
  • “After 4 years with the organization, I’ve made the decision to look for a company where I can utilize my skills and share similar values…”

8. Why Do You Want This Job?

Don’t be tempted to answer “Because I need a job!”. The interviewer is looking to see if you’ll be a good fit with the company, and if you have specific goals for your career.

How to Answers: Be specific about why you’re a great fit for the role. Mention aspects of the company that appeal to you along with your short and long term goals. Reiterate your commitment to the hiring manager prior to finishing the interview.

Example Answers:

  • “I know the company’s mission and growth-oriented mindset are in line with my values. Both get me excited about work and what the future holds which is why I would love to be part of the team….”
  • “The overall goals of the company mimic my career goals. This is an opportunity for me to showcase my skills and help the company grow while also learning from a great team.”

9. What Are Your Future Goals?

This interview question, like the previous one, is intended to see if you’ll be a good long-term fit with the company.

The interviewer is looking for commitment and motivation.

How to Answer: Focus on your career goals that align with the company. Demonstrate your understanding of the company’s mission, and how you can find your place there. If there is a clear promotion path available that you’re interested in, feel free to mention it.

Example Answers:

  • “Eventually I’d like to make my way into a project management position. I’m already familiar with many of the aspects of the work, so I’d like to improve my knowledge in the areas I’m less familiar with so that I can oversee an entire project.”
  • “I enjoy working with people and helping to resolve conflicts, so I can see myself moving up in HR eventually.”

10. Describe A Difficult Work Situation & How You Overcame It.

This is another typical interview question. The interviewer is looking for some insight about how you problem-solve and how you handle a challenge.

How to Answer: Share how you’ve handled a tough situation with big implications. Break it down into parts, giving a detailed overview on how it was fixed, especially your role in solving the issue. Make sure to provide measurable metrics and results for the interviewer.

Example Answer:

  • “We were down 5 staff members prior to a charity event we organized for our client who generates roughly 75% of our annual business. They expect a flawless evening every time we put the event on so missing 5 key staff members who had prominent roles was crucial. I ran through all options immediately after receiving the news and began coming up with another game plan. (Talk about what you did and how you did it). The evening went without a hitch and the client continued doing business with us the following year…”
  • “2 months back we were about to launch a very timeline marketing campaign when one of our platforms was shut down suddenly. My manager who helped run this platform was out sick so I had to fill in. After multiple calls, getting access capabilities and juggling a number of issues within the platform, we were able to get the platform back up before the campaign had launched. The campaign launch drove 3x the number of conversions that first day compared to the rest of the week so it was a win across the board.”

11. How do you handle success and/or failure?

Be modest here but don’t hold back how you feel. How you handle yourself when things are going well (and not so well) is important to employers.

12. Do you have any questions?

It doesn’t matter what the question is but always ask them something at the end of an interview. It shows you have interest in the position.

13. Tell me about a time you disagreed with your manager?

The hiring manager is looking to see if you handled a disagreement professionally and learned something from the experience.

14. How well do you work with others?

Give examples of successful collaborations with past co-workers or teammates.

15. What do you think we could do different here?

Be honest and do some research on the company prior to the interview. They are looking for someone to help them grow so any recommendations are welcome.

16. If you were an animal, which one would you want to be?

This answer varies depending on the role and your work style. Just make sure to explain why you believe you would be that animal.

17. What would your first 30, 60, or 90 days look like here?

This will also vary but look to establish a good understanding of the business, begin to take over your specific area of expertise, and implement your suggestions and ideas by the end of your first 90 days.

18. What did you like most about your last position?

Anything related to the tasks you will be performing in the new position are great options to bring up.

19. What did you like least about your last position?

Keep it positive and stick to something that will be different in this new role. For example, if I worked alone before but the new position works within a team.

20. What motivates you?

Speak to your passions in life and at work (not just money). Employers love candidates who show passion in things.

21. What do you like to do outside of work?

They are likely checking to see if you are a cultural fit with the team. Tell them the truth but it always helps to do a little prior research to see what the hiring manager and rest of the team like to do in their spare time.

22. What is your biggest professional achievement?

Bring up a past success that had a major impact on your career or the business itself. Answer using the STAR method – situation, task, action, result.

23. Would you rather work on home or remotely?

They are likely just trying to get a sense of how you would work together in the future (more and more employers are giving employees an option)

24. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

This is an attempt to see if you will stick around for the long haul at this company. If they hear an answer that doesn’t suit the direction the company is going, they might pass on you.

25. Are you a team player?

Most positions today revolve around working on a team of some sort (even with many of us working from home). Make sure you hammer home that you know how to work well with a team but can also work great individually as well.

  • How did you hear about us?
  • Why did you apply for this role?
  • What kind of work environment do you like best?
  • Why have you switched jobs so many times?
  • Why is there a gap in your work history?
  • Are you able to adapt to new technology?
  • Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
  • Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
  • What have you done to develop or change in the last few years?
  • Give an example when you had to lead in a project?
  • How do you think you would fit in here?
  • What is your work style?
  • What is you management style?
  • How do you like to be given feedback?
  • Sell me this pen.
  • How many times do a clocks hands overlap in one day?
  • What should I know that’s not on your resume?
  • What makes you unique for this job?
  • Are you willing to relocate?
  • Give an example of a time you went above and beyond in your job?
  • How do you handle working with people that you often disagree with?
  • How long would it take to start making a contribution to the team?
  • What did you go to school for?
  • Did you graduate college?
  • Why did you choose your major?
  • How much do you like the boss to be involved with your work?
  • What is the difference between good and great?
  • How do you want to improve yourself over the next 12 months?
  • Who are your heroes and why?
  • Tell me about a time when you improved your ideas based on your teammate’s recommendation?
  • How would you describe your old boss?
  • How do you build trust on a team?
  • Tell me a time when you had to motivate your team to achieve your goals.
  • How would you define good customer service?
  • When balancing multiple projects, how do you keep yourself organized?
  • Are you applying to other jobs?
  • How do you organize your work days, weeks and months?
  • Tell me about a time you turned a “no” into a “yes”.
  • Describe a time you fell short of a goal?
  • What do you know about this company?
  • What are you looking for in a new position?
  • How do you feel about working weekends or late hours?
  • Do you take many risks?
  • Do you think working harder or smarter is better?
  • What do you think we can do better as a company?
  • How would your colleagues describe you?
  • Give an example of when leadership disagrees with you and how you reacted?
  • Give an example of your best accomplishment over the last 2 years?
  • How do you stay organized?
  • What do you like least about your last job?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • How do you hope to achieve your current career goals?
  • What is your ideal job?
  • What superpower would you pick and why?
  • What is your spirit animal and why?
  • What were your responsibilities in your last position?
  • What do you know about this industry?
  • If you found out a company was breaking the rules or law, what would you do?
  • Provide an example of an idea that you implemented.
  • What tools and technology do you use in your current role?
  • What do you ultimately want to do with your career?
  • How would your friends describe you?
  • Describe yourself in 5 words or less.
  • How do you handle stressful situations?
  • How well do you think this interview is going?
  • Do you prefer remote or office work?
  • What is the best bear?
  • What can you do that other candidates lack?
  • What makes you the strongest candidate for this position?
  • What is the biggest lesson you learned from your previous job?
  • How do you create goals within your job?
  • How do you delegate responsibilities when necessary?
  • Have you ever bent the rules to achieve a goal?
  • What do you do to stay on top of current industry trends and changes?
  • What would you like to know about our company?
  • Are you comfortable talking over the phone or in person?
101 Top Job Interview Questions and Answers in 2022 - theJub (3)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What To Bring To the Interview?

Things to bring include a pen, notepad, multiple copies of your resume, references, post interview questions, and a positive attitude.

Here’s a post on the 11 Must Have Items for a job interview to help guide you.

How long do interviews last?

Interviews can generally last anywhere between 30 minutes to several hours.

There are many factors that come into play including the type of job, how the company structures their interviews, and what number interview it is (to name a few).

Phone, face to face, and Skype interviews will all run at different lengths as well.

How long should interview answers be?

The right length for an interview answer should be less than two minutes. This will give you enough time to thoroughly explain the answer without losing the interviewers attention.

How to stand out in a face to face interview?

There’s a variety of ways to stand out in a face to face interview. Here are a few that might be worth taking note of:

  • Smile
  • Give a solid handshake
  • Ask the right questions
  • Show how you’ll add value to the company
  • Know the company inside and out
  • Ask to take notes (bring a notepad)
  • Bring a 30-60-90 day plan
  • Show great body language
  • Send a thank you note

What are some Tips for Interviewing over the phone?

With the large surge of phone interviews in today’s work world, it’s nice to have a few tips and tricks in your pocket to stick out. Here are a few tips to help during your next phone interview:

  • Find a nice, quiet place away from other distractions
  • Do some research on the company prior to the interview
  • Write down talking points prior to the call
  • Keep your resume in front of you
  • Don’t speed through questions
  • Take your time
  • Prepare some question to ask
  • Ask if they noticed anything from the conversation that you can work on (around the job)
  • Send a thank you email

What are behavioral interview questions?

Behavioral interview questions (aka STAR Interview Questions) are questions that look to learn more about your past “behaviors” in specific jobs to better understand how you might act in the future.

What are common job interview mistakes?

When interviewing for a job, it’s important to say the right things and even more important to refrain from saying something inappropriate or wrong.

Here are the most common interview mistakes ruining job seeker interviews.

What are questions to ask the interviewer?

At the close of the interview, most interviewers ask whether you have any questions about the job or company. It’s always best to come prepared with a few before hand or jot down any questions you have through the interview itself.

  • What are the daily responsibilities for this role?
  • Is there room for growth?
  • What would success look like when performing this job?
  • Please describe an average day on this job.
  • What are the key challenges or problems of this position?
  • Who would I be directly working with?
  • When will you make the hiring decision?

Here are the 7 best questions to ask at the end of an interview to impress your interviewer and help you win the job.

What are brainteaser questions an interviewer might ask?

While most interviewers tend to stay away from these type of questions, some will bring them up every chance they get.

  • How many times do a clock’s hands overlap in a day?
  • If you were an animal which one would you be?
  • How would you weigh a plane without a scale?
  • Sell me this pen.
  • What superpower would you pick and why?

How do you prepare for a video job interview?

The more time you spend preparing for a job interview, the better your chances of landing the job are.

The interviewing process can be difficult, especially with the current state of the job market. One hiring shift that has blown up over recent years is video interviewing…with no slow down in sight.

Here’s how you can win over the hiring manager or recruiter during your next video interview.

Wrapping Up | interview questions to prepare for

During your interview preparation, spend some time reviewing the job description and the company, so that you can ask relevant questions and show that you understand the position you’re applying for.

You should also review your own work history to identify achievements and struggles so that you can quickly answer if they were to be brought up.

While figuring out how to prepare for an interview may be stressful, nerves can be tamed by having a proper plan of attack. Interview preparation makes the difference between feeling flustered and walking into that interview room with confidence.

To recap the top 10 most common questions asked during interview:

  • Tell me about yourself
  • What is your greatest strength?
  • What is your greatest weakness?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What’s something positive your boss would say about you?
  • What are your salary expectations?
  • Why are you leaving your current role?
  • Why do you want this job?
  • What are your future goals?
  • Describe a difficult work situation on how you overcame it

Many job seekers stumble through interviews as if the questions were randomly made up, when most are general and recycled.

Study the list of frequently asked interview questions and answers to build confidence for any challenge thrown your way.

Best of luck!

Need additional help from a Professional Interview Coach? Check out Top Interview

Title: What are the 10 most asked interview questions and answers?

Category: Interview

Tags:common job interview questions and answers sample pdf, top 10 interview questions 2022, best answers to behavioral interview questions, most common interview questions 2022, common questions asked during interview, what are the 10 most common interview questions and answers pdf, how to stand out in a face to face interview, unique interview questions and answers, sample interview question and answer, recruitment interview questions and answers, perfect interview answers, top ten interview questions, unique interview questions and answers, basic interview questions and answers, mock interview questions, how to answer interview questions confidently, how to prepare for an interview, questions asked at a job interview, mock interview questions and answers, hiring process, company culture, work environment, sample answers

Author: Reid is a contributor for theJub. He’s an employment and marketing enthusiast who studied business before taking on various recruiting, management, and marketing roles. More from the author. | Author Profile

101 Top Job Interview Questions and Answers in 2022 - theJub (2024)


How do you ace an interview in 2022? ›

How to ace a job interview
  1. Research the company and your interviewers.
  2. Practice your answers to common interview questions.
  3. Study the job description.
  4. Answer questions using the STAR method.
  5. Recruit a friend to practice answering questions.
  6. Be prepared with examples of your work.
  7. Plan your interview attire the night before.
Jun 9, 2023

What are the 5 hardest interview questions and answers? ›

The most difficult interview questions (and answers)
  • What is your greatest weakness?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What's something that you didn't like about your last job?
  • Why do you want this job?
  • How do you deal with conflict with a co-worker?
  • Here's an answer for you.

What to expect in an interview 2022? ›

Most interviewers will ask at least a few behavioral questions, that is, questions about how you've acted or would act in certain scenarios. While you can't anticipate every possible situation you'll be asked about, you can prepare a few stories about your past work experiences that you can adapt as needed.

What to say why should we hire you? ›

Here are some additional examples to build your response to “Why should we hire you?”:
  • You have a passion for the work and proven abilities.
  • You have differentiated experience in this field.
  • You have exceptional drive and determination to succeed.
  • You have unique skills that separate you from other candidates.
Oct 31, 2022

What is the best answer for Tell me about yourself? ›

Your answer to the "tell me about yourself" question should describe your current situation, your past job experience, the reason you're a good fit for the role, and how you align with the company values. Tell the interviewer about your current position and a recent big accomplishment or positive feedback you received.

What makes you stand out? ›

Standing out often comes from hard, consistent work. Attitude. There's no denying that positive people have better relationships. Keeping an upbeat attitude and being pleasant to be around can really make you stand out from everyone around you, especially if you're surrounded by toxic people.

What is the STAR method in interviews? ›

The STAR method is a structured manner of responding to a behavioral-based interview question by discussing the specific situation, task, action, and result of the situation you are describing.

How do you say I don't know in an interview? ›

Know when to say “I don't know.”

You can say something along the lines of, “I haven't dealt with a situation like that before, but I would start by asking these questions…” You could also try something like, “That concept or situation is new to me. I'll have to look into it a bit more.”

How do you answer how do you handle conflict? ›

Describe Your High-Level Approach to Handling Conflict

For example, you should emphasize remaining calm and trying to understand the other party's perspective. This shows you take conflicts seriously and try to minimize drama before it begins. It also displays great interpersonal skills.

What is the biggest failure interview question? ›

Choose a specific failure

Look for a story where something didn't go as planned. Choosing the right story is important, as you want to explain a situation where only one thing went wrong. This will help keep the story brief and make it easy to articulate what you learned and what you can do differently next time.

How can I be impressive in an interview? ›

The interview
  1. be polite and use the right language and tone for a formal situation.
  2. listen to the questions and think before you begin your answers.
  3. ask the interviewer to repeat or explain further if you do not understand a question.
  4. use the STAR method to answer questions about your skills and experience.

What not to wear to an interview 2022? ›

Wrinkled, torn, or ill-fitting garments. Garments that feel uncomfortable, restrictive, or completely at odds with who you are. An outfit that doesn't match the brand or culture of the company you want to work for. A combination of radically different patterns, colors, textures.

How interview questions are changing in 2022? ›

As a result, more interviews are including questions about what, specifically, the employee wants and needs in the role to ensure the fit is right. Some of the questions that Harris is seeing emerge include: How many days per week would you be willing to come into a physical office space?

What questions to ask at the end of an interview 2022? ›

5 questions to ask your interviewer in 2022
  • Ask: What does a typical day look like? ...
  • Ask: What skills and experience are you looking for? ...
  • Ask: Can you tell me more about the team I will be working with? ...
  • Ask: What opportunities are there for professional development in this position?

What is the number one question in an interview? ›

Most Common Job Interview Questions:

Tell me something about yourself.

What is the single most important interview question? ›

Tell me about the company, your title, your position, your role, and the team involved.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.