20 Popular Tax Deductions and Tax Breaks for 2023-2024 - NerdWallet (2024)


Tax benefits are generally broken into two major categories: tax deductions and tax credits. As you examine programs that could potentially apply to you, it's a good idea to know the differences in how tax savings can work.

In short, a credit gives you a dollar-for-dollar reduction in the amount of tax you owe. A tax deduction, also sometimes called a tax write-off, provides a smaller benefit by allowing you to deduct a certain amount from your taxable income.

Another consideration with tax deductions is that they won't do you much good unless you itemize your deductions, which only makes sense for people with a considerable amount of deductible expenses.

Need a primer first? Jump down to:

  • How tax deductions and tax write-offs work

  • How to claim tax deductions

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20 Popular Tax Deductions and Tax Breaks for 2023-2024 - NerdWallet (1)

20 popular tax deductions and tax breaks

Here are some of the most popular tax breaks for the 2023-2024 tax filing season, and links to our other content that will help you learn more.

1. Child tax credit

The child tax credit, or CTC, is a tax break for families with children below the age of 17. To qualify, you have to meet certain income requirements as well.

  • In 2023 (taxes filed in 2024), the child tax credit could get you up to $2,000 per child, with $1,600 of the credit being potentially refundable.

2. Child and dependent care credit

The child and dependent care credit, or CDCC, is meant to cover a percentage of day care and similar costs for a child under 13, a spouse or parent unable to care for themselves, or another dependent so you can work. Generally, it's up to 35% of $3,000 of expenses for one dependent or $6,000 for two or more dependents.

3. American opportunity tax credit

The American opportunity tax credit, sometimes shortened to AOC, lets you claim all of the first $2,000 you spent on tuition, books, equipment and school fees — but not living expenses or transportation — plus 25% of the next $2,000, for a total of $2,500.

4. Lifetime learning credit

The lifetime learning credit lets you claim 20% of the first $10,000 you paid toward tuition and fees, for a maximum of $2,000. Like the American opportunity tax credit, the lifetime learning credit doesn’t count living expenses or transportation as eligible expenses. You can claim books or supplies needed for coursework.

5. Student loan interest deduction

The student loan interest deduction lets borrowers write off up to $2,500 from their taxable income if they paid interest on their student loans.

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20 Popular Tax Deductions and Tax Breaks for 2023-2024 - NerdWallet (2)

6. Adoption credit

The adoption credit is a nonrefundable tax break that helps taxpayers cover a certain amount of qualified adoption costs per child. The credit begins to incrementally decrease at certain income levels and completely phases once your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) exceeds the given threshold for that tax year.

  • For 2023 (taxes filed in 2024), the credit maxes out at $15,950. The credit is phased out at MAGI of $279,230 or more.

7. Earned income tax credit

This earned income tax credit (EITC) is a refundable tax break for low-income taxpayers with and without children.

  • For 2023 (taxes filed in 2024), the credit ranges from $600 to $7,430, depending on how many kids you have, your marital status and how much you made.

8. Charitable donation deduction

If you itemize, you may be able to write off the value of your charitable gifts — whether they’re in cash or property, such as clothes or a car — from your taxable income. Per the IRS, you can generally deduct up to 60% of your adjusted gross income.

9. Medical expenses deduction

In general, you can write off qualified, unreimbursed medical expenses that are more than 7.5% of your adjusted gross income for the tax year.

10. Deduction for state and local taxes

You may deduct up to $10,000 ($5,000 if married filing separately) for a combination of property taxes and either state and local income taxes or sales taxes.

» Dive deeper: How the property tax deduction and the sales tax deduction work

11. Mortgage interest deduction

The mortgage interest tax deduction is touted as a way to make homeownership more affordable. It cuts the federal income tax that qualifying homeowners pay by reducing their taxable income by the amount of mortgage interest they pay.

12. Gambling loss deduction

Gambling losses and expenses are deductible only to the extent of gambling winnings. So, spending $100 on lottery tickets isn’t deductible — unless you win, and report, at least $100, too. You can’t write off more than the amount you win.

13. IRA contributions deduction

You may be able to deduct contributions to a traditional IRA, though how much you can deduct depends on whether you or your spouse is covered by a retirement plan at work and how much you make.

14. 401(k) contributions deduction

The IRS doesn’t tax what you divert directly from your paycheck into a traditional 401(k). In 2023, the contribution limit is $22,500 ($30,000 if 50 or older). In 2024, that limit rises to $23,000 ($30,500 for those 50 and above).

These retirement accounts are usually sponsored by employers, although self-employed people can open their own 401(k)s.

15. Saver’s credit

The saver's credit runs 10% to 50% of up to $2,000 ($4,000 if filing jointly) in contributions to an IRA, 401(k), 403(b) or certain other retirement plans. The percentage depends on your filing status and income.

16. Health savings account contributions deduction

Contributions to HSAs are tax-deductible, and the withdrawals are tax-free, too, as long as you use them for qualified medical expenses.

17. Self-employment expenses deduction

There are many valuable tax write-offs for freelancers, contractors and other self-employed people. (How it works.)

18. Home office deduction

If you use part of your home regularly and exclusively for business-related activity, the IRS lets you write off certain self-employment deductions for associated rent, utilities, real estate taxes, repairs, maintenance and other related expenses.

19. Educator expenses deduction

If you’re a school teacher or other eligible educator, you can deduct up to $300 spent on classroom supplies. Spouses who are both educators and file jointly get a deduction of $300 each, making them eligible to claim up to $600 on their return.

20. Solar tax credit

The solar tax credit, also known as the "residential clean energy credit," can get you up to 30% of the installation cost of solar energy systems, including solar water heaters and solar panels.

Bonus: Electric vehicle tax credit

The nonrefundable EV tax credit ranges from $3,750 to $7,500 for tax year 2023. Taxpayers can also get a credit of up to $4,000 for used cars. Eligibility depends on a number of rules, including income, price of the vehicle and whether the car meets IRS manufacturing guidelines for qualified EVs.

» MORE: What other tax credits can I qualify for?

20 Popular Tax Deductions and Tax Breaks for 2023-2024 - NerdWallet (3)

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20 Popular Tax Deductions and Tax Breaks for 2023-2024 - NerdWallet (5)

What are tax deductions?

A tax deduction or tax write-off lowers your taxable income and thus reduces your tax liability. You subtract the amount of the tax deduction from your income, making your taxable income lower. The lower your taxable income, the lower your tax bill.

The IRS allows taxpayers to lower their taxable income by choosing either the standard deduction or itemized deductions. Before that, you can also make certain adjustments to your gross income by taking above-the-line deductions in order to arrive at what's called your adjusted gross income.

Above-the-line deductions

Contributions to a retirement account, health savings account contributions or student loan interest payments are referred to as "above-the-line" deductions, but it may be easier to think of them as "adjustments" to your income. These deductions are subtracted from your gross income to determine your adjusted gross income, or AGI. If you qualify, you can take them regardless of whether you itemize or take the standard deduction. Your AGI is important because it is the starting point for calculating your tax bill and also the basis on which you might qualify for many deductions and credits.

Below-the-line deductions

Below-the-line deductions, on the other hand, are qualified expenses that are subtracted from your adjusted gross income to help determine your taxable income. The IRS lets you take either the standard deduction or itemize. There are dozens of itemized deductions available to taxpayers and all of them have different rules. Examples of itemized deductions include deductions for unreimbursed medical expenses, charitable donations, and mortgage interest. Whether you choose to itemize or take the standard deduction depends largely on which route will save you more money.

» MORE: Itemized deductions vs. the standard deduction

What are tax write-offs?

The IRS doesn't use the term "tax write-offs" anywhere in the Internal Revenue Code, but the phrase has gained popularity as a synonym for "tax deduction" over the years. If you hear someone talking about a tax write-off, they're probably referring to certain qualified expenses — or deductions — that itemizers can take to lower their taxable income.

A tax credit, on the other hand, is a dollar-for-dollar reduction in your actual tax bill. A few credits are refundable, which means if you owe $250 in taxes but qualify for a $1,000 credit, you’ll get a check for the difference of $750. Most tax credits, however, aren’t refundable.

A tax credit can make a much bigger dent in your tax bill than a tax deduction, and you don't have to itemize to claim a credit.

» MORE: Tax credits vs. tax deductions

How do you claim tax deductions?

Generally, there are two ways to claim tax deductions: Take the standard deduction or itemize deductions. You can’t do both.

The standard deduction is a flat-dollar, no-questions-asked reduction in your adjusted gross income. The amount you qualify for depends on your filing status. You can learn more about standard deduction amounts here. People 65 or older, or who are blind, get a bigger standard deduction.

Itemized deductions let you cut your taxable income by taking any of the hundreds of available tax deductions you qualify for. The more you can deduct, the less you’ll pay in taxes.

The standard deduction has gone up significantly in recent years, so you might find that it's the better option for you now even if you've itemized in the past. Your tax software or tax preparer can run your return both ways to see which method produces a lower tax bill.

» Ready to file? Check out NerdWallet's top picks for tax software

As a seasoned tax professional with extensive expertise in tax planning and financial strategies, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. My years of hands-on experience in navigating the intricate landscape of tax regulations and helping individuals optimize their financial positions have equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of the concepts discussed in the article.

Let's delve into the key concepts outlined in the article "MORE LIKE THIS: Taxes, Tax Deductions, and Tax Credits":

Tax Benefits Overview:

The article distinguishes between two major categories of tax benefits: tax deductions and tax credits.

  1. Tax Deductions:

    • Definition: Tax deductions, also known as tax write-offs, reduce taxable income, lowering the overall tax liability.
    • Standard vs. Itemized Deductions: Taxpayers can choose between taking the standard deduction or itemizing deductions based on individual circ*mstances.
  2. Tax Credits:

    • Definition: Tax credits provide a dollar-for-dollar reduction in the actual tax owed.
    • Refundability: Some tax credits are refundable, meaning taxpayers may receive a refund if the credit exceeds their tax liability.

Popular Tax Breaks for 2023-2024:

The article highlights several popular tax breaks for the upcoming tax filing season:

  1. Child Tax Credit (CTC):

    • Benefit: Up to $2,000 per child with a potentially refundable portion.
  2. Child and Dependent Care Credit (CDCC):

    • Purpose: Covers a percentage of day care and similar costs for qualifying dependents.
  3. American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOC):

    • Usage: Claim up to $2,500 for tuition, books, and school fees.
  4. Lifetime Learning Credit:

    • Benefit: Allows a 20% claim on the first $10,000 spent on tuition and fees.
  5. Student Loan Interest Deduction:

    • Deduction: Up to $2,500 for interest paid on student loans.
  6. Adoption Credit:

    • Nonrefundable credit for qualified adoption costs.
  7. Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC):

    • Refundable credit for low-income taxpayers with and without children.
  8. Charitable Donation Deduction:

    • Eligibility: Available for itemizers, allowing deduction of charitable gifts.
  9. Mortgage Interest Deduction:

    • Purpose: Reduces taxable income by the amount of mortgage interest paid.

Additional Tax Deductions and Credits:

The article covers a range of deductions and credits, including those related to retirement savings, self-employment expenses, home office deductions, educator expenses, and clean energy initiatives.

Claiming Tax Deductions:

The article explains the two primary methods for claiming tax deductions:

  • Standard Deduction: A fixed reduction in adjusted gross income based on filing status.
  • Itemized Deductions: Choosing specific deductions from a list of qualified expenses.

Tax Write-Offs:

The term "tax write-offs" is used interchangeably with tax deductions in the article, referring to qualified expenses that reduce taxable income.


My in-depth understanding of these concepts positions me as a reliable source for clarifying any questions related to tax planning, deductions, and credits. The article provides valuable insights for individuals seeking to optimize their tax positions and leverage available benefits in the upcoming tax season.

20 Popular Tax Deductions and Tax Breaks for 2023-2024 - NerdWallet (2024)


What is the standard deduction for 2023 and 2024? ›

2023 vs. 2024 Standard Deduction
Filing StatusStandard Deduction 2023Standard Deduction 2024
Married, Filing jointly$27,700$29,200
Married, Filing separately$13,850$14,600
Head of Household$20,800$21,900

What are 3 itemized deductions I could claim now? ›

A taxpayer must choose either the itemized or standard deduction. Itemized deductions include medical expenses, mortgage interest, and charitable donations.

Is there any new tax breaks for 2024? ›

The tax year 2024 maximum Earned Income Tax Credit amount is $7,830 for qualifying taxpayers who have three or more qualifying children, an increase of from $7,430 for tax year 2023. The revenue procedure contains a table providing maximum EITC amount for other categories, income thresholds and phase-outs.

What is the standard deduction for 2024 for seniors? ›

For 2024, assuming no changes, Ellen's standard deduction would be $16,550: the usual 2024 standard deduction of $14,600 available to single filers, plus one additional standard deduction of $1,950 for those over 65.

At what age is Social Security no longer taxed? ›

Bottom Line. Yes, Social Security is taxed federally after the age of 70. If you get a Social Security check, it will always be part of your taxable income, regardless of your age. There is some variation at the state level, though, so make sure to check the laws for the state where you live.

Do seniors still get an extra tax deduction? ›

Increased Standard Deduction

When you're over 65, the standard deduction increases. The specific amount depends on your filing status and changes each year. The standard deduction for seniors this year is actually the 2022 amount, filed by April 2023.

What is the extra standard deduction for seniors over 65? ›

If you are 65 or older AND blind, the extra standard deduction is: $3,700 if you are single or filing as head of household. $3,000 per qualifying individual if you are married, filing jointly or separately.

Are there any deductions you can take without itemizing? ›

To reap the benefits of deductions without the hassle of itemization, Backman notes you'll need line items that fall into these categories — contributions to your IRA, contributions to your HSA (health savings account), expenses you incur as a teacher like purchasing classroom supplies, and interest on student loans.

What are good itemized deductions? ›

If you itemize, you can deduct these expenses:
  • Bad debts.
  • Canceled debt on home.
  • Capital losses.
  • Donations to charity.
  • Gains from sale of your home.
  • Gambling losses.
  • Home mortgage interest.
  • Income, sales, real estate and personal property taxes.

What can I write off on taxes? ›

To claim these deductions, you must complete the IRS Schedule A and file it with your Form 1040. Common itemized deductions include medical and dental expenses, state and local taxes, interest expense, charitable contributions, and theft and casualty losses, which are explained below.

What is the 2 rule on itemized deductions? ›

In the case of an individual, the miscellaneous itemized deductions for any taxable year shall be allowed only to the extent that the aggregate of such deductions exceeds 2 percent of adjusted gross income.

What is the new tax law for $600? ›

The new ”$600 rule”

Under the new rules set forth by the IRS, if you got paid more than $600 for the transaction of goods and services through third-party payment platforms, you will receive a 1099-K for reporting the income.

What is the EITC credit for 2024? ›

The earned income credit is a refundable tax credit for low- to middle-income workers. For tax returns filed in 2024, the tax credit ranges from $600 to $7,430, depending on tax filing status, income and number of children. Taxpayers without children can qualify for a lower credit amount.

How do I get the most back on my taxes 2024? ›

To avoid that, here are some strategies to ensure you get the largest refund possible in 2024:
  1. Select the right filing status.
  2. Don't overlook dependent care expenses.
  3. Itemize deductions when possible.
  4. Contribute to a traditional IRA.
  5. Max out contributions to a health savings account.

Will standard deduction change in 2024? ›

Both federal income tax brackets and the standard deduction were raised for 2024. The higher amounts will apply to your 2024 taxes, which you'll file in 2025. It's normal for the IRS to make tax code changes each year to account for inflation.

What is the over 65 standard deduction for 2023? ›

For 2023, the additional standard deduction amounts for taxpayers who are 65 and older or blind are: $1,850 for Single or Head of Household (increase of $100) $1,500 for married taxpayers or Qualifying Surviving Spouse (increase of $100)

What are the standard deduction changes for 2025? ›

All of the individual tax provisions of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) expire at the end of 2025. Among the changes: Individual income tax rates will revert to their 2017 levels. The standard deduction will be cut roughly in half, the personal exemption will return while the child tax credit (CTC) will be cut.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.