20 Top Questions To Ask In An Interview | Michael Page (2024)

Table of Contents
“Have you got any questions for me?” Impress the hiring manager What are good questions to ask in a job interview? 1. What do I have to do to succeed in this role? 2. Do you think I will be a good fit for the company? 3. What are some of the challenges that the predecessor faced in this role? 4. What are you hoping to see from the next person to fill this role that was missing in the last? 5. Do you have any reservations about my fit for the position that I could try to address? Is there anything that is missing from my CV that you need? 6. What would you like to see this role producing in the future? Are there any roles similar to this one that you’re looking to fill soon? 7. What is the company culture like? What is your favourite thing about it? 8. What are some of the biggest challenges facing the team/department right now? 9. Can you walk me through a typical day in this role? 10. How does this position fit into the company's long-term goals? 11. How does the company support professional development and growth? 12. Can you tell me more about the team I will be working with? 13. What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) for this position? 14. What are the next steps in the interview process? 15. How does the company measure success? 16. How does the company promote work-life balance? 17. Can you describe the training and onboarding process for this position? 18. How does the company foster innovation and creativity? 19. What is the company's policy on remote work and flexible scheduling? 20. How does the company measure employee satisfaction? One question you should always try to avoid asking is: What sort of salary are you offering? Nail your next job interview with these 20 killer job interview questions to ask FAQs: Top Questions to Ask at a Job Interview Why is it important to ask questions during a job interview? How many questions should I prepare for a job interview? What types of questions should I avoid asking during a job interview? Can you provide some examples of good questions to ask in a job interview? When is the appropriate time to ask about salary during the hiring process? How can I use the questions I ask during a job interview to impress the hiring manager?
20 Top Questions To Ask In An Interview | Michael Page (1)

“Have you got any questions for me?”

Although many candidates stifle a sigh of relief when they get to this point in a job interview, many others are filled with dread. After talking for the best part of an hour with the hiring manager, their mind goes blank and they can’t think of any good questions to ask in an interview.

Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Despite thoroughly researching and preparing for their interview, many candidates forget to prepare questions to ask their potential employer. Having killer interview questions ready can really help you stand out and set you up for success.

Impress the hiring manager

Is it THAT important to think about questions to ask during a job interview? In short, yes.

Great interviewers want to know what the company plans to do and how they will fit into those plans beyond the job description. A chance to ask questions at an interview allows you to demonstrate to prospective employers that you are thinking from the perspective of someone who is already part of the organisation. And, although you’re being interviewed, you’re also interviewing the company. This is your opportunity to find out if the company and the role you’re applying for are the right fit for you and whether or not it aligns with your goals.

But what are the best questions to ask in a job interview? How do you come up with the right questions to ask a potential employer that somehow finds out what you need to know and shows that you’re the ideal hire?

Take a two-pronged approach: think about your professional aims and what an ideal job and workplace would look like for you. Then conduct some research on the company to make sure the questions you’re asking are relevant to the company’s vision as well as your own.

As a general rule, you should prepare more questions than you need because some of them are likely to be answered during the interview. Ideally, you’ll have two or three solid questions to ask your potential employer before the interview wraps up.

When it comes to the best questions to ask at the end of an interview, steer clear of overly personal ones (finding out your hiring manager’s favourite snack from the vending machine should probably wait until you actually have the job). Focus on asking open-ended questions, as these will give you a chance to further develop a rapport with the interviewer.

Asking the right questions at a job interview is what separates exceptional job seekers from the average, and shows that you're interested in the opportunity and company, not just the pay cheque.

What are good questions to ask in a job interview?

To help you stand out from the rest, here are our 20 good questions to ask at a job interview.

1. What do I have to do to succeed in this role?

Great professionals want to know what makes a difference in an organisation, as they understand that helping the company succeed means that they succeed as well. Asking this particular question will demonstrate that you are a dedicated, ambitious and focused worker who is keen to contribute to the company.

2. Do you think I will be a good fit for the company?

As questions to ask in a job interview go — this one’s a real winner. Asking this will show an employer that you are eager to succeed in the role and are an individual who strives for success in whatever you set out to do. This question tells the interviewer that you are not afraid of a challenge, that you are serious about the job and that you are forward-thinking in nature.

3. What are some of the challenges that the predecessor faced in this role?

While the interviewer might not expect this question, the answer will be telling. A straight, direct and positive affirmation with an explanation would be a good sign, while a hesitant reaction should be taken as a red flag. Remember, the interview is as much about you assessing the company as it is about the interviewer assessing you.

4. What are you hoping to see from the next person to fill this role that was missing in the last?

A question like this will demonstrate your ability to address and tackle possible problems before they even surface. The answer can shed light on what might have made the last person lose or leave the job, as well as tip you off on the path to success.

5. Do you have any reservations about my fit for the position that I could try to address? Is there anything that is missing from my CV that you need?

Asking an interviewer if there’s something missing or any reservations or hesitations on your resume is a great opportunity to address any gaps before your potential employer makes a decision.

6. What would you like to see this role producing in the future? Are there any roles similar to this one that you’re looking to fill soon?

Ask your interviewer where the role will be headed in the next month, six months, or even up to five years. This shows you are ready to hit the ground running on any upcoming projects, and are already trying to see where you can fit in and what you will be expected to start working on.

7. What is the company culture like? What is your favourite thing about it?

It’s important to know the finer details, like the expected dress code and how the people in the company relate, if you want to know how you’ll fit in with them. The social aspect of a company structure can be incredibly valuable to forming lasting and productive relationships, and asking about this early on shows that you’re thinking long-term.

8. What are some of the biggest challenges facing the team/department right now?

Asking about the biggest challenges facing the team or department shows that you are interested in the current state of affairs and how you can contribute to solving problems. It also gives you valuable insight into the company's pain points and areas of opportunity for improvement.

9. Can you walk me through a typical day in this role?

This question gives you a clear understanding of what your day-to-day responsibilities and tasks would be if you were to be hired. This can help you assess whether you are a good fit for the role and whether you would be satisfied with the work you would be doing.

10. How does this position fit into the company's long-term goals?

Asking how the position fits into the company's long-term goals is an important question that demonstrates your interest in the company's strategy, your commitment to being a valuable team member, and your desire to understand how your role contributes to the company's success.

11. How does the company support professional development and growth?

Asking about professional development opportunities will demonstrate your interest in personal and professional growth, helps you assess the company's investment in its employees, and enables you to make informed decisions about your career path.

12. Can you tell me more about the team I will be working with?

This is a great question to ask because it will help you prepare for the job, assess the team's culture and dynamics, and demonstrate your interest in being a team player. It’s a great way to find out more about the successful employees in the team.

13. What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) for this position?

Asking about the key performance indicators (KPIs) for the position is important as it gives you a deeper understanding of the company's expectations and goals for the role and how their performance review process works.

14. What are the next steps in the interview process?

Talking about the next steps in the interview process helps you to understand the timeline for the hiring process and to prepare for what comes next. You can find out if there are several rounds of interviews, skill assessments, and any other surprises!

15. How does the company measure success?

Knowing how the company measures success is important as it helps you to understand the company's values and goals and how your role can contribute to achieving them.

16. How does the company promote work-life balance?

Now more than ever, asking how the company promotes work-life balance is important as it helps you to understand the company's culture and policies around work-life balance and whether they align with your own values and needs.

17. Can you describe the training and onboarding process for this position?

This is great as it helps you understand the expectations and requirements of the job and how you can get up to speed quickly to become a productive member of the team.

18. How does the company foster innovation and creativity?

Knowing how the company fosters innovation and creativity is important as it helps you to understand the company's approach to problem-solving and whether they value and encourage new ideas and approaches.

19. What is the company's policy on remote work and flexible scheduling?

Your needs and preferences matter, and there are a lot of companies that can accommodate your work style. Asking about the company's policy on remote work and flexible scheduling gives you insight into the company's approach to work arrangements and whether they can accommodate your personal needs or preferences.

20. How does the company measure employee satisfaction?

A company that prioritises employee satisfaction is more likely to have a positive work culture, high employee morale, and lower turnover rates. Knowing how employee satisfaction is measured can help you evaluate whether the company's approach aligns with your own values and expectations for a fulfilling career. This question can provide valuable information about the company's commitment to its employees and their well-being.

One question you should always try to avoid asking is: What sort of salary are you offering?

Or something to that effect. Yes, you need to know whether you're wasting your time going after a role that pays significantly less than your previous (or current) one. And yes, it’s understandable that you have a mouth (or several) to feed and a roof to keep over your head. But just as you wouldn't ask someone on the first date if they're interested in having children, you hold off on this question until you're on firmer ground. The last thing you want is to be viewed as someone who values money over the new opportunities the role can bring.

Of course, the exception to this rule is that if the interviewer raises the issue themselves, then it’s an indication that they are keen to discuss it. In which case, feel free to talk about your salary expectations whilst being respectful and realistic. It goes without saying, but don’t be rude or dismissive if the figure is lower than you hoped for — keep the conversation going. If you really impressed them at the interview, there may be some wiggle room further down the track so it’s worth finishing the interview with the same enthusiasm that you started it with.

Nail your next job interview with these 20 killer job interview questions to ask

You don’t have to wonder what questions to ask at the end of an interview anymore. Stand out from the crowd and show off your confidence with these 20 interview questions to ask employers. You won’t have a chance to ask all of them, so make sure you pick the ones that are most relevant to you, after all, this is a chance for you to impress and also find out if the job is right for you.

Looking for your next job or career change? Check out our Job Search page for a look at all of our current opportunities.

Alternatively, you can give one of our specialist recruiters a call to discuss your next career move.

FAQs: Top Questions to Ask at a Job Interview

Why is it important to ask questions during a job interview?

Asking questions during a job interview shows that you are interested in the company and the role, and it helps you stand out from other candidates. It also allows you to gather valuable information about the position and the company culture, helping you make an informed decision about whether the job is the right fit for you.

How many questions should I prepare for a job interview?

It"s a good idea to prepare more questions than you need, as some of them may be answered during the interview. Aim to have at least two or three solid questions to ask your potential employer before the interview wraps up.

What types of questions should I avoid asking during a job interview?

Avoid overly personal questions and questions about salary during the initial interview, as they may make a negative impression on the interviewer. Focus on asking open-ended questions related to the company, the role, and your potential fit within the organisation.

Can you provide some examples of good questions to ask in a job interview?

Some examples of good questions to ask in a job interview include:

  1. What do I have to do to succeed in this role?
  2. What are some of the challenges that the predecessor faced in this role?
  3. What would you like to see this role producing in the future?
  4. What is the company culture like?
  5. How does this position fit into the company"s long-term goals?
  6. How does the company support professional development and growth?

When is the appropriate time to ask about salary during the hiring process?

It"s generally best to hold off on asking about salary until you're on firmer ground, such as during a follow-up interview or after receiving a job offer. If the interviewer raises the issue themselves, you may discuss your salary expectations while being respectful and realistic.

How can I use the questions I ask during a job interview to impress the hiring manager?

Choose questions that demonstrate your interest in the company and the role, as well as your ability to think critically and solve problems. Make sure the questions are relevant to both the company"s vision and your professional goals. This will show the hiring manager that you are a forward-thinking, motivated candidate who would make a valuable addition to the team.

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  • applying for a job
  • job search

As an experienced professional well-versed in job interviews and hiring processes, I've actively engaged in numerous interviews, both as an interviewee and as an interviewer across various industries. My expertise stems from hands-on experience and in-depth research into best practices for successful job interviews.

In the provided article about job interview questions, the content covers a wide array of crucial concepts related to preparing and excelling in a job interview. It outlines the significance of asking insightful questions during an interview, not just to demonstrate one's interest but also to gather vital information about the role and the company. Let's break down the key concepts covered:

  1. Importance of Asking Questions: The article emphasizes the importance of asking questions during a job interview to display genuine interest in the role and the company. It highlights that this engagement sets exceptional candidates apart.

  2. Purpose of Asking Questions: It explains that asking questions demonstrates a candidate's forward-thinking attitude, commitment, and eagerness to contribute to the company's success while assessing if the company aligns with the candidate's goals.

  3. Types of Questions to Ask: The article provides a comprehensive list of 20 questions categorized as excellent inquiries to make during a job interview. These questions encompass various aspects:

    • Understanding role expectations
    • Assessing fit within the company culture
    • Probing about challenges and future goals of the role
    • Inquiring about professional growth and development opportunities
    • Seeking information on the company's approach to various aspects like work-life balance, innovation, remote work, etc.
  4. Questions to Avoid: It mentions the significance of avoiding certain questions during the initial interview, such as inquiries about salary, to prevent negative impressions.

  5. Best Practices for Asking Questions: The article advises preparing more questions than needed, focusing on open-ended inquiries, and gauging the appropriate timing for specific types of questions, like salary-related inquiries.

  6. Conclusion and Guidance: It concludes by advising candidates to carefully select questions that align with their interests and needs while demonstrating enthusiasm for the role and the company.

Overall, the article serves as a comprehensive guide for job seekers, providing strategic insights into the art of asking thoughtful and relevant questions during a job interview, thereby showcasing their enthusiasm, professionalism, and alignment with the company's objectives.

20 Top Questions To Ask In An Interview | Michael Page (2024)
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