5 World-Famous Tech Products Built in Ukraine | 8allocate (2024)

Software development in Ukraine is rapidly developing. Every year new startups appear on the global market, drawing the attention of the international audience. Ukrainian companies present their projects on the global tech fairs in the US and Europe. We’ve prepared a list of the 5 coolest worldwide-known tech solutions built in Ukraine:

1. Grammarly

The program corrects the mistakes in English texts better than Word or Google Translate. This AI-powered grammar-checker is built to help people in building effective communication. You can install the add-on in the browser, and the AI will check everything you write on any website. The program is also available for Word and Outlook. It checks spelling, article usage, subject-verb agreement, irregular verb conjunctions. The paid version has more advanced features to check.

2. V-touch

A revolution in the Gesture control from the Ukrainian software developers. The technology tracks the smallest movements of your hand and helps to sink into the virtual reality. With this technology, the user will be able to touch the objects in VR and feel its texture. The “cyber-glove” is to help users in the interaction with the technique. Its developer says, it can work as a trainer for people with fine motor skills disorders. The information got from the glove can be transferred into the virtual reality.

3. Looksery

A mobile application for video modifying in the real-time mode. The app uses the technology of morphing: the filters catch the face of a user, change colour and shape of eyes, nose size, skin colour and so on. In 2015 Snapchat company has bought this startup for $150 million. Since that time it is impossible to download this app from AppStore or Google Play – it is integrated into the Snapchat.

4. Petcube

The programmers in Ukraine do care about their pets: they have developed an interactive toy, which plays with the animal when the owner is away. The software on the owner’s phone helps to play with the pet. Through the built-in webcam, you can see what’s happening at home and make funny movies with your animal. The next generation of the Petcube hardware has a treat dispenser, so owners can feed their pets as well. The mobile application also helps to communicate with the animal: cat or dog will hear your voice, and you will see the reaction of the animal.

5. People.ai

The project has been launched as a service, helping to hire sales managers for the company, but later faced some changes. Now artificial intelligence can analyze the work of your sales-department and give some recommendations on how to improve productivity. The application determines, how much time a worker spends on non-work tasks, evaluates the success of the deal and the efficiency of the particular manager. The service can offer an algorithm of actions you should do to improve the quality of work and raise sales.

Ukrainian software engineers are using cutting-edge technologies to present their new ideas to the world. They take part in large international projects and create applications for giant corporations. Thanks to the bright talents, Ukraine has become one of the top outsourcing destinations in Europe. And if you need a software of outstanding quality – Ukrainian software developers are always ready to code it for you. And of course, we are at 8allocate ready to make all your dreams, wishes and projects come true. So reach out.

5 World-Famous Tech Products Built in Ukraine | 8allocate (2024)
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