8 Data Analyst Skills Employers Need to See in 2022 (2024)

June 27, 2022

8 Data Analyst Skills Employers Need to See in 2022 (1)

What is a Data Analyst?

A data analyst is someone who uses technical skills to analyze data and report insights.

On a typical day, a data analyst might use the following skills:

  • SQL skills to pull data from a database
  • Programming skills to analyze that data
  • Communication skills to report their findings

However, which skills are the most important to land a data analysis job? To answer that question, we performed many hours of research, including interviews with data analysts, data scientists, and hiring managers.

Here’s what we learned.

What Skills Does a Data Analyst Need?

Because the data science tools you will use vary depending on the role, the company, or the industry, we learned to focus on skills and not on tools (like Python, R, SQL, Excel, Tableau, Power BI, etc.).

Here’swhatyou’ll need to do as a data analyst (nothowto do it).

Here are the eight most important data analyst skills:

  • Data cleaning and preparation
  • Data analysis and exploration
  • Statistical knowledge
  • Creating data visualizations
  • Creating dashboards and reports
  • Writing and communication
  • Domain knowledge
  • Problem solving

And here’s an explanation of each . . .

1: Data Cleaning and Preparation

Research shows that data cleaning and preparation will consist of about 80% of the work of most data professionals. That means this skill is vital.

A data analyst will commonly need to retrieve data from one or more sources and prepare it for numerical and categorical analysis. Data cleaning also involves resolving missing and inconsistent data that may affect analysis.

In data analytics, data cleaning isn’t always exciting, but preparing data can be fun and challenging when treated as a problem-solving exercise.

Interested in this skill? Check out our beginner-friendly data cleaning courses.

2: Data Analysis and Exploration

It might sound strange to mention “data analysis” in a list of required data analyst skills, but analysis as a specific skill is necessary.

Fundamentally, data analysis involves taking a business question or a need and analyzing relevant data to develop an answer to that question.

Another form of data analysis is exploration. Data exploration involves looking for interesting trends or relationships in the data that could bring value to a business.

A business question might guide exploration, but it also might be relatively unguided. By looking to find patterns in the data, you may stumble across an opportunity for the business to decrease costs or increase growth.

Interested in this skill? Check out our list of data analyst courses.

3: Statistical Knowledge

Probability and statistics are important data analyst skills. This knowledge will guide your analysis and exploration and help you decipher the data.

Additionally, understanding statistics will also help you ensure your analysis is valid, and it will help you avoid common fallacies and logical errors.

The exact level of statistical knowledge necessary will vary depending on the demands of your particular role and the data you’re working with.

For example, if your company relies on probabilistic analysis, you’ll want a much more rigorous understanding of those areas than you would otherwise need.

Interested in this data analytics skill? Check out our probability and statistics courses.

4: Creating Data Visualizations

Data visualizations clarify data trends and patterns. Humans are visual creatures — that means most people will understand a chart or a graph more quickly than they will understand a spreadsheet.

This means creating clean, visually compelling charts that will help others understand your discoveries. It also means avoiding things that are either difficult to interpret (like pie charts) or that can be misleading (like manipulating axis values).

Visualizations can also be an important part of your data exploration. Sometimes, there are things that you can see visually in the data that can hide when you look only at the numbers.

8 Data Analyst Skills Employers Need to See in 2022 (2)

(Image source)

It’s very rare to find a data science role thatdoesn’trequire data visualization, which makes it a key data analyst skill.

Interested in this skill? Check out our data visualization courses.

5: Creating Dashboards and Reports

As a data analyst, you’ll need to empower others to use data to make key decisions. By building dashboards and reports, you’ll give others access to important data by removing technical barriers.

This might take the form of a simple chart and a table with date filters, or it might be a sophisticated dashboard containing hundreds of interactive data points.

Job descriptions and requirements can vary from position to position, but almost every data analyst job is going to involve producing reports on your findings or building dashboards to showcase them.

Interested in this skill? Learn how to create dashboards and reports with our Power BI courses.

6: Writing and Communication

The ability to communicate in multiple formats is another key data analyst skill. Writing, speaking, explaining, and listening are all communication skills that will help you succeed in any data analytics role.

Communication is key when collaborating with your colleagues. For example, in a kickoff meeting with business stakeholders, careful listening skills help you understand the analyses they require.

Similarly, during your project, you may need to be able to explain a complex topic to non-technical teammates.

Written communication is also incredibly important — especially when you’re writing a summary of your analysis or explaining a discovery in your data exploration.

Communicating clearly and directly is a skill that will advance your career in data. It may be a “soft” skill, but don’t underestimate it.

The best analytical skills in the world are worthless if you can’t explain what they mean and if you can’t convince your colleagues to act on your discoveries.

7: Domain Knowledge

Domain knowledge is understanding topics that are specific to the industry and company that you work for.

For example, if you’re working for a company with an online store, you might need to understand the nuances of e-commerce.

By contrast, if you’re analyzing data about mechanical systems, you might need to understand how those specific systems work.

No matter where you work, if you don’t understand what you’re analyzing, it’ll make executing your job significantly more difficult.

This is certainly something that you can learn on the job. However, if you know a specific industry or area you’d like to work in, then building as much understanding as you can up front will make you a more attractive job applicant — and a more effective employee once you get the job.

8: Problem-Solving

As a data analyst, you’re going to run up against problems, bugs, and roadblocks every day. Being able to problem-solve your way out of them is another key skill that will be valuable as a data analyst.

Here are a few potential scenarios:

  • You might need to research a quirk of some software or coding language that you’re using.

  • Your company might have resource constraints that force you to innovate how you approach a problem.

  • The data you’re using might be incomplete.

  • You might need to perform some “good enough” analysis to meet a looming deadline.

Whatever the circ*mstances, strong problem-solving skills are going to be an incredible asset for any data analyst.

Other Data Analyst Skills

The exact definition of “data analyst” varies depending on whom you ask, so it’s possible not all of these skills will be necessary for every data analyst job.

Similarly, there may be skills some companies will require that aren’t on this list. Our focus here was to find the set of skills thatmostdata analyst roles require in order to build the very best data analyst learning paths for students.

Getting Hired as a Data Analyst

If you want to build the technical skill-set you need to successfully get a data analyst job, check out our interactive online data analysis courses. You’ll write real code directly in your browser to analyze real-world data.

Dataquest’s unique pedagogy and project based learning style will help you learn quickly, retain concepts, and grow confidence.

Specifically, the data analyst skills we’ve covered in this article are the basis for our two “data analyst” learning paths:

  • Data Analyst in Python
  • Data Analyst in R

Completing these courses will improve your data analyst resume (and portfolio), which will help you stand out as a candidate. You can start both paths for free and begin your journey to becoming a data analyst today.

Become a Data Analyst!

Learn the skills you need to work as a data analyst today. Sign up for a free account and get access to free interactive Python, R, and SQL course content.

Sign up now!

(No credit card required!)

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8 Data Analyst Skills Employers Need to See in 2022 (2024)


Is data analyst in demand in 2022? ›

In 2022, more than half of all businesses around the globe view data analytics as a core component of their operations. With the ever-increasing amount of data being created, the need for qualified Data Analysts to analyze it is at an all-time high and will likely continue to increase in the coming years.

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Skills needed to be a data analyst

Common programming languages data analysts use include SQL and Python. Analytical skills: Data analysts must be able to effectively find, collect, organize and interpret various types of data as well as present this data in a way that is easy to understand.

What skills do a data analyst must have? ›

5 Essential Data Analyst Skills
  • Programming. The most common languages used in data analyst roles are R and Python. ...
  • Math. Data analyst jobs require basic math skills, specifically in statistics. ...
  • Data Processing Platforms. ...
  • Visualization. ...
  • Machine Learning.
Dec 5, 2022

Can you make 100k as a data analyst? ›

Candidates with advanced skills or at least three years of work experience on their resume can earn an average salary of over $100,000 per year.

Will data analysts be replaced by AI? ›

While many analysts may fear they will be replaced by automation and AI, CEO of Yellowfin, Glen Rabie, believes that the role of the data analyst will increase in significance to the business and breadth of skills required.

What are the three pillars of data analytics? ›

“Data-driven organizations need to allow users to freely innovate with data while still maintaining governance, security, and control.

What SQL skills are needed for data analyst? ›

Programming Knowledge: As an SQL Data Analyst, one must be fluent in writing scripts, and queries and must know other Programming Languages as well. Advanced Computer Skills: The job role of a SQL Analyst also requires advanced computer knowledge. They must have basic knowledge of the hardware of computers.

What Big data skills are most in-demand? ›

Top 10 In-Demand Big Data Skills To Land 'Big' Data Jobs in 2023
  • Analytical Skills. ...
  • Data Visualization Skills. ...
  • Familiarity with Business Domain and Big Data Tools. ...
  • Skills of Programming.
  • Problem Solving Skills.
  • SQL – Structured Query Language.
  • Skills of Data Mining.
  • Familiarity with Technologies.

Is Excel and SQL enough for data analyst? ›

Most data analysts learn both Excel and SQL. They use SQL to work in businesses and communicate with large databases and bust out Excel to solve quicker data analysis problems. To become a strong data analyst, it's recommended you learn both.

What are the four main types of data analyst? ›

4 Key Types of Data Analytics
  • Descriptive Analytics. Descriptive analytics is the simplest type of analytics and the foundation the other types are built on. ...
  • Diagnostic Analytics. Diagnostic analytics addresses the next logical question, “Why did this happen?” ...
  • Predictive Analytics. ...
  • Prescriptive Analytics.
Oct 19, 2021

What makes a great data analyst? ›

A data analyst should be curious, strategy-minded, able to operate in a systematic and scalable manner, and have excellent communication skills. Curiosity is one of the skills Ste. Marie believes is most critical for data analysts to possess. “The only trait that you can't teach analysts is curiosity,” he says.

What Excel skills does a data analyst need? ›

What you will learn
  • Use Excel tools and functions to clean and prepare data for analysis.
  • Use Named Ranges and Tables to automate your analysis.
  • Understand the different types of data in Excel and use appropriate functions to work with them.
  • Use logical and lookup functions to transform, link and categorise data.

What is the most important as a data analyst? ›

SQL, or Structured Query Language, is the ubiquitous industry-standard database language and is possibly the most important skill for data analysts to know. The language is often thought of as the “graduated” version of Excel; it is able to handle large datasets that Excel simply can't.

Which of the soft skill is required for a data analyst *? ›

Soft skills include communication and problem-solving skills. Data analysts must be able to take data and turn it into insights that help their company make better decisions. They also need to be able to effectively communicate those insights to people who may not have a technical background.

Is it stressful being a data analyst? ›

Several data professionals have defined data analytics as a stressful career. So, if you are someone planning on taking up data analytics and science as a career, it is high time that you rethink and make an informed decision.

Which company pays most for data analyst? ›

Top ten data science companies paying fortunes to data analysts in 2022
  • Tableau. Tableau is one of the top data science companies offering a fortune to data analysts. ...
  • Accenture. ...
  • Fractal Analytics. ...
  • Mu Sigma. ...
  • iTechArt. ...
  • HData Systems. ...
  • TCS. ...
  • Salesforce.
Aug 7, 2022

What is the highest paying job in data? ›

Top 10 Big Data Careers
  • Big Data Engineer. Median Salary: $151,300. ...
  • Data Architect. Median Salary: $137,000. ...
  • Data Modeler. Median Salary: $130,800. ...
  • Data Scientist. Median Salary: $122,100. ...
  • Database Developer. Median Salary: $109,300. ...
  • Database Manager. Median Salary: $106,400. ...
  • Database Administrator. ...
  • Data Security Analyst.
Mar 9, 2022

What is better than data analyst? ›

Compared to a data analyst, a data scientist may be more focused on developing new tools and methods to extract the information the organization requires to solve complex problems. It's also beneficial to possess business intuition and critical-thinking skills to understand the implications of the data.

What is the future of data analyst? ›

The future of Big Data Analytics will all about be harnessing the potential of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). In fact, AI and ML are the core principles of Augmented Data Management.

Will data analyst become obsolete? ›

Data science will not become obsolete; instead, the field is predicted to grow in the near future. Data scientists create and maintain machine learning algorithms that handle increasingly large amounts of data and will remain in demand as artificial intelligence becomes mainstream.

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data analysis process follows certain phases such as business problem statement, understanding and acquiring the data, extract data from various sources, applying data quality for data cleaning, feature selection by doing exploratory data analysis, outliers identification and removal, transforming the data, creating ...

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The 5 Ps of product, price, promotion, place, and people are the holy grail of business for retailers and consumer packaged goods (CPG) enterprises. Data scientists are now simplifying and creating the optimal mix of these 5 Ps for enterprises, using the massive amount of data they generate.

What are the 7 stages of data analysis? ›

Data Analysis: Generate Insights Like A Pro In 7 Steps
  • Step 1: Understanding the business problem.
  • Step 2: Analyze data requirements.
  • Step 3: Data understanding and collection.
  • Step 4: Data Preparation.
  • Step 5: Data visualization.
  • Step 6: Data analysis.
  • Step 7: Deployment.
Nov 11, 2022

Do I need coding skills for data analytics? ›

Do Data Analysts Code? Some Data Analysts do have to code as part of their day-to-day work, but coding skills are not typically required for jobs in data analysis.

Should I learn SQL or Python first? ›

One thing to remember is that SQL is a big first step to some more complex languages (Python, R, JavaScript, etc.). Once you understand how a computer thinks, it is easy to learn a new programming language to analyze your data.

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These are the most common skills data analysts have. SQL —This is a must have skill. It's not possible to be a data analyst without being good with SQL.

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The 9 Best Data Analytics Tools for Data Analysts in 2023
  • Microsoft Excel.
  • Python.
  • R.
  • Jupyter Notebook.
  • Apache Spark.
  • SAS.
  • Microsoft Power BI.
  • Tableau.
Nov 30, 2022

What is the most in demand skill right now? ›

7 high-income skills to learn
  1. Data analysis. Analytical thinking and innovation is the top skill forecasted in the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report [2]. ...
  2. Software development. ...
  3. User experience. ...
  4. Web development. ...
  5. Project management. ...
  6. Account management. ...
  7. Content creation and management.
Dec 9, 2022

Is data analyst a high income skill? ›

According to Glassdoor, the estimated total pay for a data analyst is $86,563 per year in the United States, with an estimated base pay of $76,262 per year. A senior data analyst can expect to earn $93,000 per year.

What is the first step a data analyst should take? ›

1. Get a foundational education. If you're new to the world of data analysis, you'll want to start by developing some foundational knowledge in the field. Getting a broad overview of data analytics can help you decide whether this career is a good fit while equipping you with job-ready skills.

Can you make six figures as a data analyst? ›

For instance, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests that data scientists (a common next step for experienced data analysts) can earn around $100,000 or more per year, with salaries increasing based on experience, expertise, and specialism.

What does a data analyst do on a daily basis? ›

A data analyst gathers, cleans, and studies data sets to help solve problems. Here's how you can start on a path to become one. A data analyst collects, cleans, and interprets data sets in order to answer a question or solve a problem.

What are the 7 analytical methods? ›

  • 7.1.1 Internal Strontium Measurements. ...
  • 7.1.2 In Vivo and In Vitro Radiostrontium Measurements. ...
  • 7.2.1 Field Measurements of Radiostrontium. ...
  • 7.2.2 Laboratory Analysis of Environmental Samples. ...

What are the 5 V's of data analytics? ›

Big data is a collection of data from many different sources and is often describe by five characteristics: volume, value, variety, velocity, and veracity.

What are the 6 phases of data analysis? ›

According to Google, there are six data analysis phases or steps: ask, prepare, process, analyze, share, and act. Following them should result in a frame that makes decision-making and problem solving a little easier.

How can a data analyst stand out? ›

Gain a solid foundation in data science concepts such as statistics, programming languages, machine learning, deep learning, data management tools, and interpersonal skills. It is recommended to take courses in these subjects.

Which personality type is best for data analyst? ›

The average Data Analyst is likely a natural problem-solver: Perceptive, analytical, and detail-oriented. The average Data Analyst tends to be confident and insightful, enjoying deep discussion to understand a particular issue.

What are two important first steps in data analysis? ›

Let's get started with step one.
  • Step one: Defining the question. The first step in any data analysis process is to define your objective. ...
  • Step two: Collecting the data. ...
  • Step three: Cleaning the data. ...
  • Step four: Analyzing the data. ...
  • Step five: Sharing your results. ...
  • Step six: Embrace your failures. ...
  • Summary.
Dec 19, 2022

What 5 essential Excel skills do employers look for? ›

Here are five basic Excel skills that you could benefit from including in your CV.
  • The SUM Formula. The SUM function in Excel allows you to easily find the total of any number of values that you've selected. ...
  • The AVERAGE Formula. ...
  • Charts and Graphs. ...
  • Sorting Data. ...
  • Find and Replace. ...
  • VLOOKUP. ...
  • Pivot Tables. ...
  • Conditional Formatting.
Dec 21, 2022

What are the top 5 soft skills to use Excel? ›

Top five soft skills to excel in your career
  • Communication. In most jobs strong communication skills are vital. ...
  • Problem-solving. Employers highly value people who can resolve issues quickly and effectively. ...
  • Initiative. ...
  • Critical thinking. ...
  • Teamwork.

What are three attributes of a data analyst? ›

To become a Data Analyst, you will need to:
  • be good with numbers.
  • have great IT skills, including being familiar with databases and query languages.
  • have good analytical skills.
  • be good at solving problems.
  • to be able to work to deadlines.
  • pay attention to details and accuracy.
  • be able to work as part of a team.

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Ability to demonstrate the data proficiency, flair and mastery on data manipulation to solve or answer organisations questions should be a habit of a good analyst. This quality would help the analyst develop the ability to spot when things or data issue are very wrong.

What is your greatest strength data analyst? ›

“I think the two biggest traits that are important for successful data analysts to have are extensive technical knowledge and strong communication skills. Technical knowledge is needed to complete the majority of a data analyst's responsibilities.

What data skills are in demand? ›

The most in-demand big data skills
  • Programming languages. ...
  • Machine learning, AI, and Natural Language Processing (NLP) ...
  • Quantitative analysis. ...
  • Data mining. ...
  • Problem-solving. ...
  • SQL and NoSQL databases. ...
  • Data Structure and algorithms. ...
  • Interpretation and data visualization.

Is data analyst a good career choice in 2022? ›

Yes, data analytics is a very good career. Simply put, there has never been a better time to be a data professional. About 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day—and that pace is only quickening.

Is it worth learning data analytics in 2022? ›

Is the Demand for Data Analytics Growing? The World Economic Forum published a report for 2022 that showed 85% of companies are going to adopt big data and data analytics technologies. There isn't an industry in the world right now that isn't looking at analytics and hiring analysts to make better business decisions.

Do data analysts have a future? ›

WEF also found that 96% of companies were definitely planning or likely to plan to hire new permanent staff with relevant skills to fill future big data analytics related roles. As a result, the “new role” of Data Analyst is forecast to be one of the most in-demand jobs by 2022.

Is data analyst a good career in 2023? ›

Data analysts are in high demand, and the demand for data analysis is increasing in organizations. The data analyst job market is expected to grow at a rate of 18% by 2024. The reason for this is that companies need to analyze big amounts of data and turn them into insights to make better decisions.

What is the highest salary a data analyst can get? ›

Highest salary that a Data Analyst can earn is ₹11.5 Lakhs per year (₹95.8k per month). How does Data Analyst Salary in India change with experience? An Entry Level Data Analyst with less than three years of experience earns an average salary of ₹4.4 Lakhs per year.

Which industry pays the highest data analyst salary? ›

The top five industries with the highest paying data analyst jobs are: hardware and networking, finance, software and IT services, entertainment, and energy and mining.

Is data analyst oversaturated? ›

Data science is not oversaturated. The myth that the field is saturated — or close to it — likely stems not from an abundance of advanced analytics talent but from the exponential growth in interest in the field. Many businesses do not understand the technical aspects of data science or its potential to deliver value.

Can I become data analyst in 3 months? ›

You can make use of the playlists to lean skills needed for a data analyst in 3 months. Remember this important point doing practical work is important than theory. Spend 20% time on theory and 80% time on implementing it.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.