Accounts Payable and Your Business - (2024)

  • Accounts payable are bills that a company needs to pay.
  • Some examples of accounts payable apply to cleaning services, staff uniforms and office supplies.
  • The three steps to accounts payable are purchasing the order, receiving the order and sending the vendor invoice.

Accounts payable are the bills and other debts that the business needs to pay. As a matter of fact, the only thing that a business pays that is not considered accounts payable is payroll. Everything else falls under the category, making it a critical aspect of your business.

“The accuracy and completeness of a company’s financial statements are dependent on the accounts payable process,” said Harold Averkamp, founder and author of accounting advice websiteAccounting Coach. “The efficiency and effectiveness of the accounts payable process will also affect the company’s cash position, credit rating and relationship with its suppliers.”

Implementing a dependable accounts payable system will produce accurate financial information you need to plan for both the short and long term. Here’s what you need to know about keeping up with your business debts.

[Related: Everything You Need to Know about Accounts Receivable]

Examples of accounts payable

Here are some examples of accounts payable.

  • Cleaning services: One example of accounts payable is when a company hires an outside company to handle their cleaning services. In this case, the company must send regular payments to the company in exchange for prompt and reliable service.
  • Staff uniforms: Another example of accounts payable is when a company hires another company to create their uniforms. In this case, many companies have to constantly order uniforms for new employees and to replace uniforms that have been damaged or lost by existing employees.
  • Office supplies: Another prominent example of accounts payable is that of office supplies. Many companies buy office supplies in bulk and have automatic orders set up based on the frequency at which these supplies are used. Therefore, they often have pending payments to these companies to ensure efficient workflow.
  • Sanitation: Lastly, many businesses must pay to have their garbage and recyclables hauled away. These services are typically weekly.

Tracking accounts payable

Accounts payable, sometimes abbreviated as A/P, is tracked monthly for many small businesses, but as the business grows, it is better to make it a weekly task to take advantage of early payment discounts and resolve any credits due to inventory returns. It is handy to keep a record of accounts payable in case there are any payment disputes, to remind the business of current or outstanding invoices, or as proof of spending at tax time. These records can be kept manually or with accounting software.[Read related article: Best Accounting Software for Small Business]

Working with accounts payable requires great attention to detail. Each invoice needs to be verified for accuracy, billing date and payment date, and then entered correctly in the general ledger or accounting software. Based on our research, here are some general tips to set up your accounts payable and help the process run smoothly:

  • Work from the original invoice whenever possible. Some invoices are sent electronically. With electronic invoices to avoid any mistakes, print the invoice once and then file the email away to minimize confusion.
  • Use the same entering system every time.Each vendor has its own system of invoicing but assigning the invoice number in your system should be consistent. Determine the method, such as using leading zeros, and stick to it.
  • Enter every invoice individually.This includes multiple monthly invoices from the same supplier. In the event of a dispute, you will want to be able to track it down in your system easily.
  • Get invoice approval from the appropriate person before entering it.The person approving the invoice should be different than the one entering it. If you are a sole proprietor and do your own bookwork, this may not be possible, but still, have a clear process for approval and entry. Keep solid records to support each one.
  • Look for early payment discounts to save money.It can add up by the end of the year. Some vendors offer a small percentage off the invoice if you pay it within a specified time frame from the invoice date, such as within 10 days. If you typically only work with accounts payable once a month, consider a system in which you identify early payment discount opportunities when the invoice is received and pay those separately from the monthly pile.

Cash flow is important to a small business. A solid system of monitoring and paying accounts payable gives you a clear picture of your expenditures against your revenue, enabling better business decisions.

[Related Content: Accounts Payable vs. Accounts Receivable – What’s the Difference?]

The accounts payable process

These arethe steps of the accounts payable process, according toUntapped:

  • Purchase order: In order to initiate the process, the purchasing department of a company or organization sends the purchase order to the vendor.
  • Receiving report: From there, one the company has received the good or service, they create a receiving report, which documents the shipment including any issues, damages, etc.
  • Vendor invoice: Lastly, the invoice is sent by the vendor in order to request funds. Once accounts payable receives the invoice, they are given a certain amount of time to pay all or a portion of the costs in the case of big-ticket goods and services.

Additional resources

Further information on handling accounts payable can be found in the following articles:

Accounts Payable and Your Business - (2024)


What are the 4 functions of accounts payable? ›

In a typical Accounts Payable Clerk role, the job description typically includes the following responsibilities: Calculating, posting business transactions, invoice processing, verifying financial data for use in maintaining records.

What are the role of accounts payable in business? ›

What is Accounts Payable? The Accounts Payable department is responsible for the financial, administrative and clerical support of a company. They are in charge of making payments owed by the company to suppliers and other creditors, paying vendor invoices or bills, and recording the company's short-term debts.

What is best practice for accounts payable? ›

15 Accounts Payable Best Practices
  • Simplify the accounts payable workflow.
  • Limit access and establish controls.
  • Prioritize invoices.
  • Make good use of technology.
  • Eliminate AP fraud.
  • Renegotiate payment terms.
  • Reduce verification and signature responsibility.
  • Organize vendor data with a supplier portal.

Can you explain what accounts payable is in your own words? ›

Accounts payable (AP) are amounts due to vendors or suppliers for goods or services received that have not yet been paid for. The sum of all outstanding amounts owed to vendors is shown as the accounts payable balance on the company's balance sheet.

What is the double-entry for accounts payable? ›

However, in double-entry accounting, an increase in accounts payable is always recorded as a credit. Credit balance in accounts payable represents the total amount a company owes to its suppliers. Once the invoice is received, the amount owed is recorded, which consequently raises the credit balance.

What are the two types of accounts payable? ›

Business accounts payable can be divided into two types: salaries and expenses. They are typically in the form of supplier invoices, however, accounts payable can also include bills, invoices and checks. Salaries are payable to employees, while expenses are paid to suppliers and government agencies.

What are the three basic functions of accounts payable? ›

Three major elements are typically required for execution within the accounts payable process – the purchase order (PO), receiving report (or goods receipt), and vendor invoice. However, PO and receipts are optional and are dependent on how the company runs its business.

What is 3 way matching in accounts payable? ›

Three-way matching is an accounts payable process that checks that the details on a purchase order, the supplier's invoice and the delivery receipt match before an invoice is paid.

Is accounts payable a difficult job? ›

Yes, accounts payable can be a difficult job.

The typical problems and a short time frame to process payments make the accounts payable clerk position a difficult one. Accounts payable clerks must quickly handle all payments accurately and ensure that all backup data is entered and filed correctly.

What are the biggest challenges with accounts payable? ›

The 5 Biggest Challenges Facing Accounts Payable
  • Manual effort. Removing paper and manual effort. ...
  • Fighting Fraud. Enhancing security and fighting fraud. ...
  • Data management. Improving the efficiency of data management. ...
  • Paying on time. Paying vendors on time.

Why is accounts payable so stressful? ›

Working in accounts payable can be tedious and stressful, especially when period closings and audits roll around. It only gets more stressful when a company grows while using outdated, manual processes with redundant data entry, chasing signatures, stuffing envelopes, and relying on paper.

What makes a good payable specialist? ›

Accounts payable specialists skills

Understanding of double-entry bookkeeping. Proficiency with accounting software, like Quickbook, MS Excel, SAP, or Oracle. Verbal and written communication skills. Attention to detail.

What is the most important account payable? ›

The most important reports within accounts payable for a small business owner are usually the reports that track the company's total expenditures and specific payments within departments. A small business owner can also use accounts payable reports to verify bill payments.

What are golden rules of accounting? ›

Golden rules of accounting
  • Rule 1: Debit all expenses and losses, credit all incomes and gains.
  • Rule 2: Debit the receiver, credit the giver.
  • Rule 3: Debit what comes in, credit what goes out.
2 Nov 2022

What are the most important goals of accounts payable? ›

Accounts payable objectives include making timely vendor payments, maintaining accurate data, nurturing positive relationships with suppliers, and researching ways to save money and improve the bottom line. All of these objectives help guide the overall accounts payable process.

What are the 3 rules of accounting? ›

Golden Rules of Accounting
  • 1) Rule One. "Debit what comes in - credit what goes out." This legislation applies to existing accounts. ...
  • 2) Rule Two. "Credit the giver and Debit the Receiver." It is a rule for personal accounts. ...
  • 3) Rule Three. "Credit all income and debit all expenses."

What are the 5 types of journal entries? ›

They are:
  • Opening entries. These entries carry over the ending balance from the previous accounting period as the beginning balance for the current accounting period. ...
  • Transfer entries. ...
  • Closing entries. ...
  • Adjusting entries. ...
  • Compound entries. ...
  • Reversing entries.
9 Sept 2022

What are the rules for accounts payable? ›

Accounts payable are funds you owe others—they sent you an invoice that is still “payable” by you. Accounts payable are usually due within 30 days, and are recorded as a short-term liability on your company's balance sheet.

Is AP a liability or expense? ›

Accounts payable (AP) is a liability, where a company owes money to one or more creditors. Accounts payable is often mistaken for a company's core operational expenses. However, accounts payable are presented on the company's balance sheet and the expenses that they represent are on the income statement.

What is accounts payable formula? ›

In basic terms, the formula is Days Payable Outstanding = Accounts Payable/(Cost of Sales/Number of Days). To sum it up, the formula to determine accounts payable days is to add all purchases from suppliers during the measuring time period and then divide by the average number of accounts payable during that time.

What is journal entry in accounts payable? ›

Accounts Payable Journal Entries refer to the amount payable in accounting entries to the company's creditors for the purchase of goods or services. They are reported under the current head liabilities on the balance sheet, and this account is debited whenever any payment has been made.

What is P2P cycle? ›

"Procure to pay," or P2P, is the full cycle of actions and events that a business engages in when they require goods or services from an outside supplier. This cycle describes the steps that a company must take to procure the items and pay the appropriate remittance to the supplier, less any discounts and adjustments.

Should the PO match the invoice? ›

Hence, only an invoice that matches the PO, goods receipt, tolerances, and the inspection slip is considered suitable for payment. These ways of invoice matching ensure that companies pay only for the goods/services ordered and received.

How many types of PO are there in accounts payable? ›

The four types of purchase orders are:

Standard Purchase Orders (PO) Planned Purchase Orders (PPO) Blanket Purchase Orders (BPO) (Also referred to as a “Standing Order”) Contract Purchase Orders (CPO)

What job comes after accounts payable? ›

Detailed Ranking of the Most Common Jobs of Former ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERKS
RankJob Title%
1Administrative Assistant2.91%
2Staff Accountant2.83%
3Accounting Clerk2.55%
4Office Manager2.47%
96 more rows
13 Jul 2022

Which is harder accounts payable or receivable? ›

The accounts payable process is much easier if you're using accounting software, as most accounting software applications handle vendor management, proper expense allocation, and the ability to track due dates to ensure payments are made on time.

Is there a future in accounts payable? ›

As technology evolves and processes become digitized, the future of accounts payable and the accounting profession will certainly shift. Innovations like AP automation solutions, e-payments, and virtual cards will become must-haves.

What should I audit in accounts payable? ›

The basic way to audit an accounts payable department is to match general ledger transactions to the figures in your general ledger.
Despite these differences, auditors are generally looking for the same things, which include:
  • Completeness.
  • Accuracy.
  • Validity.
  • Compliance of records.
  • Proper disclosure.

What causes a negative accounts payable? ›

Ask the Accountant…

Answer: Negative amounts in your accounts payable are usually the result of the QuickBooks supplier purchase order not matching exactly the invoice from the supplier before creating the bill.

Is accounts payable good career? ›

Accounts payable is an area of business that offers many employment opportunities across various industries. Nearly every large company has an accounts payable department responsible for paying business expenses to creditors and suppliers.

Does accounts payable pay well? ›

The average Accounts Payable salary in the United States is $74,877 as of November 23, 2022. The range for our most popular Accounts Payable positions (listed below) typically falls between $39,043 and $110,711.

How long should I stay in accounts payable? ›

Ideally, you need to retain accounts payable records for at least 7 years. However, if you can extend your retention period without adding to your business expenses, it's always a good idea. The more documentation you have on hand, the better prepared you will be in the event of an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit.

What is a smart goal for accounts payable? ›

Improve Productivity and Efficiency

Some of the key ways that you can seek to improve productivity through smart goal-setting are: Reducing invoice cycle times. Making invoice payments more efficient, e.g., capturing discounts but protecting cash flow. Increasing the number of invoices processed per employee.

What is interesting about accounts payable? ›

Importance of the Accounts Payable Department

The accounts payable department is responsible for accurately tracking what's owed to suppliers, ensuring payments are properly approved and processing payments. Accurate information on accounts payable is essential to producing an accurate balance sheet.

Why is it called accounts payable? ›

Definition: When a company purchases goods on credit which needs to be paid back in a short period of time, it is known as Accounts Payable. It is treated as a liability and comes under the head 'current liabilities'. Accounts Payable is a short-term debt payment which needs to be paid to avoid default.

What are the six basic accounts? ›

The six basic types of accounts used in a typical accounting system, according to Wikipedia are:
  • asset accounts.
  • liability accounts.
  • equity accounts.
  • revenue or income accounts.
  • expense accounts.
  • contra accounts.
10 Aug 2010

How do I become a better accountant? ›

20 Qualities & Traits That Make a Good Accountant
  1. You Shine Behind the Scenes. ...
  2. You're Detail-Oriented. ...
  3. You Can Think of Money as Numbers. ...
  4. You're Tech-Savvy. ...
  5. You Have a Strong Work Ethic. ...
  6. You Value Personal and Professional Integrity. ...
  7. You Have Great Communication Skills. ...
  8. You're a Team Player.
18 Nov 2021

What are the 5 rules of debit and credit? ›

Rules of Debits and Credits: Assets are increased by debits and decreased by credits. Liabilities are increased by credits and decreased by debits. Equity accounts are increased by credits and decreased by debits. Revenues are increased by credits and decreased by debits.

What are the main functions of AP? ›

AP departments ensure good relationships with suppliers by making sure suppliers' information is accurate and up to date in the company's systems. They make sure suppliers are paid on time and boost relationships to gain favorable payment terms and discounts.

What are the 5 types and functions of accounting? ›

Your accounting department should master and perform seven crucial functions. They include account receivable and payable, payroll, inventory management, budgeting, reports and financial statements, legal compliance and financial control, and record-keeping.

How hard is accounts payable? ›

Yes, accounts payable can be a difficult job.

The typical problems and a short time frame to process payments make the accounts payable clerk position a difficult one. Accounts payable clerks must quickly handle all payments accurately and ensure that all backup data is entered and filed correctly.

What are 7 process of accounting? ›

The steps in the accounting cycle are identifying transactions, recording transactions in a journal, posting the transactions, preparing the unadjusted trial balance, analyzing the worksheet, adjusting journal entry discrepancies, preparing a financial statement, and closing the books.

What are the 3 system of accounting? ›

A business must use three separate types of accounting to track its income and expenses most efficiently. These include cost, managerial, and financial accounting, each of which we explore below.

What are the 3 accounting methods? ›

And, there are three accounting methods: accrual basis, cash basis, and modified cash basis. Before we can talk about which types of businesses use specific accounting methods, let's briefly go over the basics.

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