All About Assets (2024)

“Asset” is one of those words that has both a casual meaning and a specificdefinition. Aspart of everyday speech, asset is used favorably: “He’s a real asset to thecommunity.” Butin the business accounting sense, what do finance professionals mean by assets? In thatcontext, an asset is something of value that a company expects will provide future benefit.

Assets are a key component of a company’s net worth. Lenders may also factor in acompany’sassets when issuing loans. As a note, this article only addresses company-owned assets, notRight of Use assets (i.e.leased assets).

What Is an Asset?

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) defines an asset as “a resourcecontrolled by the enterprise as a result of past events and from which future economicbenefits are expected to flow to the enterprise.”

Put another way, assets are valuable because they can generate revenue or be converted intocash. They can be physical items, such as machinery, or intangible, such as intellectualproperty. Assets are reported on a company’s balance sheet, one of its key financialstatements.

Assets vs. Liabilities

It’s critical to understand the difference between assets and liabilities. A companylistsits assets, liabilities and equity on its balance sheet. Assets are resources a businesseither owns or controls that are expected to result in future economic value. Liabilitiesare what a company owes to others—for example, outstanding bills to suppliers, wagesandbenefits due to employees, as well as lease payments, mortgages, taxes and loans.

As a note, for public companies, leased property and equipment is listed on the balance sheetas both an asset (Right of Use) and a liability (the present value of future leasepayments). Private companies will soon be required to do the same under U.S. GAAP.

Equity is the company’s net worth—the value that would be returned to the ownersorshareholders if all assets were sold and all debts were settled. The relationship betweenassets, liabilities and equity is defined in the “accounting equation,” one ofthe basicprinciples of accounting:

Assets = Liabilities+ Shareholders’ Equity

A business with more assets than liabilities is considered to have positive equity orshareholder value. If assets are less than liabilities, a company has negative equity orowes more than it is worth.

How Assets Work

Assets underpin a company’s ability to produce cash and grow. They are categorizedbased onspecific characteristics, such as how easily they can be converted into cash (forcompany-owned assets) and their business purpose. They help accountants assess acompany’ssolvency and risk, and they assist lenders in determining whether to loan money to acompany.

Types of Assets

Assets can be classified based on a number of criteria. For companies, the correctclassification is critical to financial reporting and evaluating the business’sfinancialhealth. Typically, assets are valued by the expected future cash flows they represent intheir current condition, according to the IFRS.

Personal: Soft personal assets, such as intellect, wit or a winning smileare different than personal financial assets, which contribute to an individual’s orhousehold’s net worth. Examples of personal financial assets include cash and bankaccounts,real estate, personal property such as furniture and vehicles, and investments such asstocks, mutual funds and retirement plans.

Business: Business assets deliver value to a company because they can beused to produce goods, fund operations and drive growth. Assets include physical items suchas machinery, property, raw materials and inventory, and intangible items like patents,royalties and other intellectual property. Companies account for their assets on theirbalance sheet and categorize them based on a set of criteria that reflect their liquidity,or how readily they can be converted to cash, as well as whether they are physical ornonphysical assets and how they’re used to derive value.

Convertible: Convertibility, or liquidity,refers to how readily a business can convert an asset to cash. Assets that are likely to beturned into cash within one fiscal year or operating cycle are called current assets. Whileany asset can be converted into cash within 12 months if the price is sufficientlydiscounted, current assets only include assets that are expected to be convertedinto cash within 12 months.

Current assets include:

  • Cash and cash equivalents, such as treasury bills and certificates of deposits.
  • Marketable securities, such as stocks, bonds and other types of securities.
  • Accounts receivable(AR), or sales to customers on credit that must be paid in the short term.
  • Inventory, or the salablegoods and materials a company has on hand.

Non-current assets are items that may not be readily converted to cash within a year.Examples of such assets include facilities and heavy equipment, which are listed on thebalance sheet, typically under the heading property, plant and equipment (PP&E). Not allcompanies use the term “PP&E” on their balance sheet—they may insteadlist non-currentassets under the heading fixed assets, long-term assets or simply non-current assets.

Tangible: Assets that have a physical existence are called tangible assets.They include cash, PP&E, inventory, raw materials or tools and office supplies. Tangibleand intangible assets that are expected to provide an economic benefit beyond the currentyear, such as manufacturing equipment or buildings, are called or “long-lived”assets.

Intangible assets, as the name implies, lack a physical presence. Examples of intangibleassets include right of use assets, patents, copyrights and trademarks, the value of whichcan sometimes be difficult to quantify.

Some tangible and intangible assets are referred to as wasting assets, or assets that declinein value over a limited life span. Tangible assets that qualify as wasting assets includemanufacturing equipment and vehicles, which wear down or become obsolete over time.Intangible assets such as patents also qualify as wasting assets because they have a limitedlifespan before they expire. To reflect wasting assets’ reduction in value over time,accountants reduce the assets’ value on the balance sheet by applying depreciation (fortangible assets) or amortization (for intangibleassets).

Asset Usage: Finally, an asset can be classified as operating ornon-operating based on how a company uses it. Operating assets are necessary to the primaryoperations of a business, such as cash, inventory, factories and patents. For a miningcompany, heavy equipment qualifies as an operating asset, as does a manufacturer’sproduction equipment.

Non-operating assets are not necessary for funding business operations but have otherperipheral value. Examples include short-term investments, marketable securities, interestfrom deposits and administrative computers.

Examples of Assets

There are a wide variety of assets that businesses might have to perform at their highestlevel. They include:

  • Cash and cash equivalents
  • Accounts receivable (AR)
  • Marketable securities
  • Trademarks
  • Patents
  • Product designs
  • Distribution rights
  • Buildings
  • Land
  • Mineral rights
  • Equipment
  • Inventory
  • Software
  • Computers
  • Furniture and fixtures

Three Key Properties of Assets

For something to be considered an asset, it must have three properties:

  1. Ownership: First, a company must have ownership or control of theasset. This enables the company to convert the asset into cash or a cash equivalent andlimits others’ control over the item. Note, right of use assets aren’talwaysconvertible. Lease agreements often stipulate that the lease cannot be transferred orsold. The ownership property is important when considering an asset’s informalmeaningversus its technical meaning. For example, companies often say their employees are their“greatest asset,” but in terms of accounting, companies don’t havetrue control overthem—employees can easily leave for a new job.
  2. Economic value: Second, an asset must also provide economic value. Allassets can be sold or otherwise converted to cash, except for some right of use assetssuch as lease agreements. In that way, assets can be used to support production andbusiness growth.
  3. Resource: Finally, an asset must be a resource, which means it has orcan be used to generate future economic value. This generally means that the asset cancreate future positive cash inflows.

Importance of Asset Classification

Properly classifying assets is important for company leaders to have an accurate picture ofkey financial metrics such as working capital and cash flow. Asset classification can alsohelp a business qualify for loans—it gives the bank a clearer picture of the riskit’staking on—work through bankruptcy and calculate tax liabilities.

Distinguishing operating assets from non-operating assets also helps organizations see howeach asset type drives overall revenue.

Three Classifications of Assets

Business assets can be divided into three different categories based on their convertibility,physical existence and usage. What are these three types of assets?

  • Convertibility describes how easily assets can be converted to cash.
  • Physical existence describes whether an asset physically exists or is intangible.
  • Usage describes the purpose of an object as it relates to business operations.
All About Assets (1)

How Do Assets Play Into Accounting?

Understanding and properly valuing assets is integral to accurate accounting, businessplanning and financial reporting. And in the case of public companies, accurately accountingfor leased assets is required by law. Classifying and valuing assets is critical tounderstanding a company’s cash flow and working capital. Accountants have to properlyclassify assets for purposes such as securing credit and obtaining insurance. They also haveto properly value assets in order to calculate depreciation and amortization for taxpurposes, and to enable the company to sell them if necessary.

Automated Asset Management Solutions

Keeping track of assets can be challenging given the number and diversity of assets a companymay own. Automated assetmanagement solutions offer a way to inventory, categorize and track assets in orderto understand their value and plan operations efficiently. Asset management solutions canalso help to track and plan the operational life cycle of an asset from acquisition todisposal, including operating and maintaining the asset. In addition, automated assetmanagement solutions can help a company comply with shifting government or industryregulations.

Assets include almost everything owned and controlled by a company that’s of monetaryvalueand will provide future benefit. Assets are classified by how quickly they can be convertedto cash, whether they are tangible or intangible, and how a business uses them. Assets are akey component of a company’s net worth and an important factor in its overallfinancialhealth.

Asset FAQs

How can a business tell if something is an asset?

An asset is anything that has current or future economic value to a business. Essentially,for businesses, assets include everything controlled and owned by the company that’scurrently valuable or could provide monetary benefit in the future. Examples includepatents, machinery, and investments.

What are intangible assets?

Intangible assets are non-physical assets that provide value to a company but don’texist inphysical form. Non-physical assets include things like goodwill, reputation,patents andtrademarks, royalties, brand equity, and contractual obligations.

Does labor count as an asset?

Labor is not an asset. In most cases, labor is an expense. Wages payable count as a currentliability to hold salaries that are due to employees at the end of the month or wheneverpayday is.

What’s the difference between current and fixed assets?

Current assets are generally used up within a year and are therefore short-term. They areinvolved in the daily processes of running a business. Fixed assets are those that have alonger lifespan – generally over one year.

All About Assets (2024)


What are the 3 types of assets? ›

Three of the main types of asset classes are equities, fixed income, and cash and equivalents. For individual investors, these are more commonly referred to as stocks, bonds and cash. An investor's asset allocation, or mix of asset types, is the foundation of portfolio construction.

What is all included in assets? ›

An asset is anything that has current or future economic value to a business. Essentially, for businesses, assets include everything controlled and owned by the company that's currently valuable or could provide monetary benefit in the future. Examples include patents, machinery, and investments.

How do assets work? ›

An asset is something containing economic value and/or future benefit. An asset can often generate cash flows in the future, such as a piece of machinery, a financial security, or a patent. Personal assets may include a house, car, investments, artwork, or home goods.

What are the 7 current assets? ›

Current assets include cash, cash equivalents, accounts receivable, stock inventory, marketable securities, pre-paid liabilities, and other liquid assets. The Current Assets account is important because it demonstrates a company's short-term liquidity and ability to pay its short-term obligations.

What are the 5 major assets? ›

Generally, you should consider five broad asset classes when constructing your investment portfolio: cash, fixed-principal investments, debt, equity, and tangibles. Cash refers to the most liquid holdings in your portfolio.

What is a strong asset? ›

This means that you're reliable and consistent, have good communication skills and can complete tasks independently. Being an asset also means that you can work well with others, especially if they have different strengths or weaknesses than yours.

Is my car an asset? ›

A car is a depreciating asset that loses value over time but retains some worth. Because you can convert a vehicle to cash, it can be defined as an asset.

Is your house an asset? ›

An asset is anything you own that adds financial value, as opposed to a liability, which is money you owe. Examples of personal assets include: Your home. Other property, such as a rental house or commercial property.

Is 401k considered assets? ›

Your 401(k), and any other retirement accounts, are financial assets. These are portfolios in which you hold securities and investment products that have either realized or potential value. This makes your 401(k) portfolio an asset in your name as long as you own the account and as long as it has a positive balance.

How do I start owning assets? ›

A good piece of advice to investors is to start with simple investments, then incrementally expand their portfolios. Specifically, mutual funds or ETFs are a good first step, before moving on to individual stocks, real estate, and other alternative investments.

How do assets make you money? ›

Income-producing assets are investments that generate cash flow for you. Examples of income-producing assets include rental properties, dividend-paying stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. When you invest in an income-producing asset, you can expect to receive a regular stream of income from that investment.

Are assets real money? ›

Assets are categorized as either real, financial, or intangible. All assets can be said to be of economic value to a corporation or an individual. If it has a value that can be exchanged for cash, the item is considered an asset. Intangible assets are valuable property that is not physical in nature.

What are quick assets? ›

Quick assets are highly liquid assets that occur in cash form or can quickly convert to cash. Typically, they comprise cash or any cash equivalent, accounts receivable, prepaid expenses, taxes and marketable securities. They may also include inventory when calculating financial ratios, such as the quick assets ratio.

What is wasting assets? ›

A wasting asset is an item that has a limited life span and irreversibly declines in value over time. Examples include depreciating fixed assets such as vehicles and machinery and securities with time decay, like options, which continually lose time value after purchase.

What are 3 main asset classes? ›

Historically, the three main asset classes have been equities (stocks), fixed income (bonds), and cash equivalent or money market instruments. Currently, most investment professionals include real estate, commodities, futures, other financial derivatives, and even cryptocurrencies in the asset class mix.

What are your 3 best assets? ›

Your three greatest assets are your time, your mind, and your network.

What are the main types of assets? ›

These six types of assets are:
  • Current assets. Current assets are ones an owner can convert into cash or cash equivalents within a year through sale or account payments. ...
  • Fixed assets. ...
  • Tangible assets. ...
  • Intangible assets. ...
  • Operating assets. ...
  • Non-operating assets.
Jul 31, 2023

What are Level 3 assets examples? ›

Examples of Level 3 assets include mortgage-backed securities (MBS), private equity shares, complex derivatives, foreign stocks, and distressed debt. The process of estimating the value of Level 3 assets is known as mark to model.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.