Audit Procedures for Revenue Cycles (2024)

By Chron Contributor Updated September 15, 2020

As part of a financial audit, the auditor must assess the inherent risk associated with the revenue cycle and perform tests to determine it is relatively free of error or fraud. The inherent risk for this cycle is related to the cutoff dates for particular types of sales and the pressures from management to misstate revenues. By conducting so-called substantive tests and tests of controls, the auditor can provide some assurance that the revenues of the company are recorded accurately.

The Revenue and Receipts Cycle

Revenue recognition issues usually stem from consignment sales, round-trip sales, refund and return rights, gross sales and bill and hold transactions. Sometimes management feels pressure to misstate revenues to encourage investors or impress upper-level management or the board of directors. Other times it is simply a case of human error and recording the revenue at the wrong time, reports CPA Charles Hall.

Before performing the audit, the auditor should develop an understanding of both the entity and industry in which the organization operates so he can better assess the outcome of the auditing procedures.

Analytical Procedures

Analytical procedures often include running various financial ratios and comparing them to industry benchmarks. For the revenue cycle, the auditor examines the gross profit margin and the amount of growth that the company has experienced in one year. As part of the revenue cycle audit checklist, he should analyze the organization's maximum capacity for sales if its facility and employees were fully utilized.

He must also examine the accounts receivable account to ensure it is not outgrowing sales. If it is, this could indicate that the company is a credit risk and may have cash flow problems in the future.

Tests of Controls

The main component for the internal controls of an organization, no matter which cycle they are pertinent to, is management's adoption and adherence to high ethical standards and strong controls. According to professional services firm Kaufman Rossin, tests of controls for the revenue cycle include:

  • Who accepts and approves credit sales
  • The separation of duties for filling out, shipping, and recording sales orders
  • Appropriate documentation for collecting and depositing cash and recording the receipts
  • The appropriate authority and documentation to grant discounts for early or cash payments and sales returns
  • Management authorization to determine that an account is uncollectible and should be written off to bad debts.

Substantive Tests

Other audit procedures for the revenue cycle journal include the performance of substantive tests. This will help to find any errors or misstatements within the accounts or documentation associated with the revenue cycle.

These tests include checking the trial balance that the accountant creates at the end of the cycle, confirming receivable amounts with the company or person who owes money and evaluating the accuracy of the allowance for uncollectible accounts by reviewing the history of the entity. They also include vouching, tracing and performing cutoff tests for all sales, sales returns and cash receipts.

To do this, the auditor examines all documentation related to a customer and also examines a journal entry; she then either works forward from the initial sales order to the journal entry or backward from journal entry to initial sales order to determine accuracy.

Audit Procedures for Revenue Cycles (2024)


What are the audit procedures for revenue? ›

The two main stages of a revenue audit include testing the revenue accounts on your income statements followed by an examination of your accounts receivable on the balance sheet. The auditors may also check for revenue recognition issues, such as side agreements and channel stuffing.

What are the 5 audit procedures? ›

What Is the Audit Process Step-by-Step?
  • Inspection. In this phase, the auditor checks the accounts payable or receivable transactions for potential misstatements and other relevant reporting standards.
  • Observation. ...
  • Confirmation. ...
  • Recalculation. ...
  • Reperformance.
29 Jun 2021

How do you audit sales cycle? ›

How to conduct a sales audit
  1. Examine the company's sales practices. ...
  2. Take an inventory of marketing and sales tools. ...
  3. Evaluate the quality of the company's current sales leads. ...
  4. Study sales reports and data. ...
  5. Consider sales efficacy and customer service. ...
  6. Create a report.
26 Oct 2021

What are the 5 steps required in revenue recognition? ›

The FASB has provided a five step process for recognizing revenue from contracts with customers:
  • Step 1 – Identify the Contract. ...
  • Step 2 – Identify Performance Obligations. ...
  • Step 3 – Determine the Transaction Price. ...
  • Step 4 – Allocate the Transaction Price. ...
  • Step 5 – Recognize Revenue.

What are the 7 internal control procedures? ›

What are the 7 internal controls procedures?
  • Separation of duties.
  • Access controls.
  • Physical audits.
  • Standardised financial documents.
  • Periodic trial balances.
  • Periodic reconciliations.
  • Approval authority.
7 Mar 2022

How do you write a good audit procedure? ›

This includes the following:
  1. Assess the risks of the specific area to be reviewed.
  2. Develop a written work program.
  3. Agree on scope, locations, sample sizes and period under review.
  4. Develop a report format that will be effective.
  5. Request and receive certain advance information from the area to be reviewed.
17 Oct 2019

What is the most important in audit procedure? ›

Physical Inspection

Physical examinations are useful procedures for auditing assertions because they provide highly reliable audit evidence regarding the existence of assets.

What are the 4 common phases in an audit process? ›

Although every audit process is unique, the audit process is similar for most engagements and normally consists of four stages: Planning (sometimes called Survey or Preliminary Review), Fieldwork, Audit Report and Follow-up Review.

What are the 3 main types of audits? ›

There are three main types of audits: external audits, internal audits, and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audits. External audits are commonly performed by Certified Public Accounting (CPA) firms and result in an auditor's opinion which is included in the audit report.

What are the 5 types of analytical procedures? ›

7 examples of analytical procedure methods
  • Efficiency ratio analysis. ...
  • Industry comparison ratio analysis. ...
  • Other ratio analysis methods. ...
  • Revenue and cost trend analysis. ...
  • Investment trend analysis. ...
  • Reasonableness test. ...
  • Regression analysis.
13 Jul 2021

How is revenue completeness tested? ›

To test completeness, the auditor is looking to select a sample from a reciprocal population outside of the accounting system. Completeness of income testing should be undertaken by selecting a sample from the earliest point in the income cycle and ensuring that everything has been fully recorded.

How many audit cycles are there? ›

The audit cycle was categorized into six stages4—stage 1, choosing a topic; stage 2, setting target standards; stage 3, observing practice; stage 4, comparing performance with targets; stage 5, implementing change and planning care; stage 6, repeating the audit cycle.

How does the audit cycle work? ›

An audit cycle is the accounting process an auditor uses to ensure a company's financial information is accurate. The audit cycle typically involves several distinct steps, such as the identification process, audit methodology stage, audit fieldwork stage, and management review meeting stages.

What are the four basic revenue cycle activities? ›


Four basic business activities are performed in the revenue cycle: sales order entry, shipping, billing, and cash collection.

What are the 4 main requirements associated with revenue recognition? ›

In this instance, revenue is recognized when all four of the traditional revenue recognition criteria are met: (1) the price can be determined, (2) collection is probable, (3) there is persuasive evidence of an arrangement, and (4) delivery has occurred.

What are the 3 main conditions that require you to recognize revenues? ›

According to the IFRS criteria, for revenue to be recognized, the following conditions must be satisfied: Risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred from the seller to the buyer. The seller loses control over the goods sold. The collection of payment from goods or services is reasonably assured.

What are the 7 types of audit evidence? ›

One widely used audit text lists physical examination, confirmation, documentation, analytical procedures, inquiries, recalculation, re-performance, and observation as types of audit evidence. All of these are actually audit techniques that produce evidence.

What are 5 audit risks? ›

Residual Risk
  • Financial Risk »
  • Inherent Risk »
  • Internal Controls »
  • Residual Risk »
6 Nov 2020

What are the 9 common internal controls? ›

Here are controls: Strong tone at the top; Leadership communicates importance of quality; Accounts reconciled monthly; Leaders review financial results; Log-in credentials; Limits on check signing; Physical access to cash, Inventory; Invoices marked paid to avoid double payment; and, Payroll reviewed by leaders.

What are the 5 internal controls in auditing? ›

There are five interrelated components of an internal control framework: control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring.

How do you answer audit findings? ›

You fundamentally have three ways of responding:
  1. Agreement and corrective action plan. If you agree with the audit finding, simply say so, then move on with a corrective plan of action. ...
  2. Disagreement. When you disagree with the finding, proceed with caution. ...
  3. No response.
19 May 2017

Which of the following audit procedures is most reliable? ›

Which of the following procedures would provide the most reliable audit evidence? Inspection of bank statements obtained directly from the client's financial institution.

What are the 4 C's of auditing? ›

As for directors, there are four features to consider when evaluating the sufficiency of any risk-based audit plan: culture, competitiveness, compliance and cybersecurity – let's call them the Four C's, for short.

What are the different audit cycles? ›

There are four types of audit cycle for companies- annual, quarterly, monthly and weekly. Every financial statement must be audited within these given time constraints. This ensures that they are accurate and reliable.

What is process audit checklist? ›

A process audit checklist helps in examining each process and obedience to the individual specifications and procedures. It helps in maximizing the results of any audit and also assists in staying organized.

What are the 5 types of audit reports? ›

4 Different Types of Auditor Opinions
  • Clean Report or Unqualified Opinion.
  • Qualified Report or Qualified Opinion.
  • Disclaimer Report or Disclaimer of Opinion.
  • Adverse Audit Report or Adverse Opinion.
12 Apr 2022

What is the most challenging part of the audit process? ›

7 Challenges Faced By Auditors In Accounting
  1. Revenue Recognition. “One of the biggest audit challenges that comes up is revenue recognition,” says Marcin Stryjecki, SEO project manager at Booksy. ...
  2. Fraud. ...
  3. Inventory Inaccuracy. ...
  4. Information Delays. ...
  5. Talent Retention & Development. ...
  6. Job Stress. ...
  7. Outdated Skills.
14 Jun 2022

What ratios do auditors use? ›

The financial ratios used by the auditor will fall into 3 general categories:
  • Profitability/Return. Gross Margin. Net Margin. ROCE.
  • Liquidity/Efficiency. Receivables/Payables/Inventory Days. Current Ratio. Quick Ratio.
  • Gearing. Financial Gearing. Operational Gearing.
26 Apr 2020

What are the 3 main components of analytical thinking? ›

The process of applying your analytical skills usually involves several steps, including:
  • Identifying a topic, problem, or issue.
  • Gathering information through testing and observation.
  • Developing solutions or deepening your understanding of the topic.
  • Testing solutions or new ideas based on what you've learned.
22 Sept 2022

What are final analytical procedures? ›

Analytical procedures are performed as an overall review of the financial statements at the end of the audit to assess whether they are consistent with the auditor's understanding of the entity. Final analytical procedures are not conducted to obtain additional substantive assurance.

How do you audit accuracy of revenue? ›

  1. Identify contracts with the customer. ...
  2. Identify separate performance obligations. ...
  3. Determine the transaction price. ...
  4. Allocate transaction price to the separate performance obligations. ...
  5. Recognize revenue.
1 Jul 2020

How do I check my completeness audit? ›

To test completeness, the audit team would sample transactions from the fixed asset requisition form or the fixed asset schedule and trace the item to the general ledger. Basically, the audit team just needs to verify that all PP&E transactions are included in the financial statements.

How do you overstate revenue? ›

Overstated Sales

You can overstate sales in a number of ways. One way is failing to record selling expenses, such as allowances, discounts, commissions and returns. All of these costs reduce net sales, so omitting some of them will increase taxable income. Some companies are too aggressive at recognizing revenue.

How long is an audit cycle? ›

Audits are typically scheduled for three months from beginning to end, which includes four weeks of planning, four weeks of fieldwork and four weeks of compiling the audit report. The auditors are generally working on multiple projects in addition to your audit.

Why does the audit process use cycle? ›

The audit cycle ensures that the auditing is carried out smoothly and that no process leaks are involved. It gives the authority to the auditor to question the current procedures and norms. The audit process can be tracked efficiently, ensuring no delay in the activities and timely completion of the complete audit.

What is ISO audit process? ›

An ISO 9001 audit is a systematic, independent, objective and documented process for gathering facts. These will help you identify areas for improvement and ensure you have best practice processes in place. Driving continual improvement is a key part of ISO 9001.

WHY IS audit process important? ›

Importance of Auditing

It is to ensure that financial information is represented fairly and accurately. Also, audits are performed to ensure that financial statements are prepared in accordance with the relevant accounting standards.

What is the most important part of an audit? ›

Evaluating internal controls

This is arguably the most important part of an audit and where many organizations can find a significant amount of value from having an audit conducted.

What is the first step to prepare for an audit? ›

A good first step on the road to easier audits is to prepare a list of all known and likely audits. Review your government's past audit reports and ask colleagues if they know of audit requirements for their departments and programs.

What is the process of revenue? ›

Revenue Formula

For product sales, it is calculated by taking the average price at which goods are sold and multiplying it by the total number of products sold. For service companies, it is calculated as the value of all service contracts, or by the number of customers multiplied by the average price of services.

How will you audit revenue and debtors? ›

During an audit, the auditor will try to determine whether: Your balance sheet reflects your accounts receivable accurately. Refund records for returned items are accurate. Proper measures are taken to prevent misappropriation of non-electronic payments in the form of cash and checks.

What are the four main activities in the revenue cycle? ›

Four basic business activities are performed in the revenue cycle: sales order entry, shipping, billing, and cash collection.

What are 4 types of revenue? ›

Rent revenue. Dividend revenue. Interest revenue. Contra revenue (sales return and sales discount)

What are the five core factors of revenue management? ›

Dynamic Factors in Revenue Management
  • Revenue Management Pricing. The most obvious factor in revenue management is the price. ...
  • Inventory Revenue Management Systems. ...
  • Revenue Marketing Strategies and Opportunities. ...
  • Sales Channels and Revenue Pricing.

What are the two methods of revenue recognition? ›

Different revenue recognition methods include:

Sales-basis method: Revenue is recognized at the time of sale, which is defined as the moment when the title of the goods or services is transferred to the buyer. Completed-contract method: Revenues and expenses are recorded only at the end of the contract.

What is the first step to follow for revenue recognition? ›

Step one: Identify the contract with a customer

Identifying the contract or contracts with a customer is the first step in the new framework for determining revenue recognition. Under existing guidance, persuasive evidence of an arrangement typically does not exist until both parties have signed a contract.

Which method of revenue recognition is most commonly used? ›

Cost-recoverability method

Under this method, which is the most conservative revenue recognition method, you can recognize revenue only after you have recouped all the costs associated with the contract.

What is step 5 of the revenue cycle? ›

Step five in the revenue cycle is remittance processing. Once a practice's claims have gone out, they will get remittances back. The explanation of benefits shows the practice what they got paid for the services provided. During this process, allowables are determined.

What is a revenue cycle example? ›

Revenue Cycle of a Manufacturer

For example, if the JKL Corporation makes widgets and promotes those widgets through a sales staff, a salesperson may contact potential customers. If the salesperson gets an order, the normal procedure might be to check company records to ensure that sufficient inventory is on hand.

What is step 3 of the revenue cycle? ›

Step 3: Claim Submission and Denial Management

The next step in revenue cycle management is submitting a claim. Once you have completed the charge capture process, it is then up to you to submit the accurately coded claim to the payer.

How do you check revenue accuracy? ›

The accuracy assertion addresses whether the transaction was recorded at the correct amount. The most common way to test accuracy for revenue or sales transaction is to obtain the invoice that was sent to the customer and compare or agree the two pieces of information.

Why is it important to audit revenue? ›

Auditors evaluate whether the company is the principal or agent in a given transaction. This information is needed to evaluate whether the company's presentation of revenue on a gross basis (as a principal) vs. a net basis (as an agent) complies with applicable standards.

Why is the revenue cycle of concern to auditors? ›

The revenue cycle needs to be operating efficiently if an organization wants to ensure its financial viability. An audit should examine nearly every aspect of a healthcare operation, both before a claim is dropped and retrospectively, experts recommend.

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