Average Caseload for Mental Health Therapists → What's the Magic Number? (2024)

This "caseload" for mental health therapists often comes from the therapy practicum or a social work internship, where a therapist-in-training learns that their fully licensed peers maintain a certain number of clients. This caseload number set by the agency and has little to do with what is sustainable for the mental health counselor. I've seen averages of 30-40 clients on a caseload, and I've seen some caseloads as high as several hundred clients!

Mental health folks LOVE a good black-and-white answer, which is ironic because so much of their training equips them to embrace the space in the middle! Instead of frantically googling how many clients you should see each week, ask yourself, “how many clients do I want to see? What do I envision my ideal schedule as a mental health counselor to look like?”

A full caseload changes when you go into private practice because of various factors (read the full piece on how to set your fees here). So many "caseloads" only look at therapists who see clients 1:1 and don't consider the extra preparation or energy exertion for a therapist who runs groups, sees couples, or works with families. In those cases, additional tweaking is needed.

How Many Clients Does a Full-time Therapist See in a Week?

I've seen new therapists (or new to private practice therapists) ask themselves, "How many clients can I see before I burn out?" which is the wrong approach! Instead of getting as close to possible as burning out as an outpatient therapist, I urge you to consider a sustainable number of clients for you to see.

Therapists who see 30 clients a week often use this as a benchmark of "full" because it mimics a 40-hour workweek by the time you account for notes, emails, and the like. I can't imagine being fully present for thirty clients in an outpatient private practice setting! As a private practice owner, I do most of the heavy admin lifting and would be scrambling to keep on top of emails, return phone calls, complete my psychotherapy notes, and, quite frankly, keep all of my clients straight if I saw 30 clients a week. I prefer having spaciousness with and in between my clients and ensuring I'm fully present as a therapist.

Sample Therapist Schedules

These sample therapist schedules are based on the model of seeing 15-20 adult clients weekly for a 50-minute or 60-minute session. Tweak as needed if you run groups, work with families or couples, or have clients who need longer appointment times, such as working with a neurodiverse client or a client with a trauma history that requires extra time for grounding and safety before getting into their therapy session.

Mind Money Balance Therapist Schedule

Don’t you want to know how I do it as a financial therapist in private practice?! I kid, but also, I think it’s helpful to learn how other people set up their therapy practices.

At the time of this post (February, 2021), my version of having a "full" caseload is 18 clients. I see five per day Tuesday through Thursday, and three clients on Fridays. I prefer this therapy schedule to do administrative tasks, blog writing, and record podcast episodes on Mondays, shift into clinical mode on Tuesday and end early on Fridays to get all of my case notes done before the weekend. You’ll see I “batch” my psychotherapy notes and do them all at once at the end of the week. I used to do my notes each day, but I’ve switched to doing them weekly to take away some of the admin time on client-facing days. I have some therapist friends who like to see seven or eight clients a day back-to-back, three times per week, and I have others who want to see two or three clients each day on weekdays. This is just the weekly schedule that currently works for me as a therapist.

  • Monday: Admin day (notes, scheduling, billing), blog writing, podcast recording, client coaching.

    • 10 am-4pm with a 30-minute lunch break

  • Tuesday-Thursday 5 clients

    • 10 am-1 pm, Three clients

    • 1-2 pm Lunch

    • 2-4 pm Two clients

  • Friday 3 clients

    • 10 am-12 pm Two clients

    • 12-12:30 Lunch

    • 12:30-1:30 One client

    • 1:30-3 pm Notes and wrap-up

As of August 2021, my schedule has shifted to better accommodate my changing energy and capacity. My updated, and reduced caseload, is below:

  • Monday: Admin day (notes, scheduling, billing), blog writing, podcast recording, client coaching.

    • 10 am-4pm with a 30-minute lunch break

  • Tuesday-Thursday 3-4 clients

    • 10 am-1 pm, Three clients

    • 1-2 pm Lunch

    • Admin time

    • 3-4 pm, One client bi-weekly

  • Friday 3 clients

    • 10 am-12 pm Two clients

    • 12-12:30 Lunch

    • 12:30-1:30 One client

    • 1:30-3 pm Notes and wrap-up

Early Bird Therapist Schedule

For therapists who identify as early risers, they might like to start their days off early! This can be a great schedule if you want to be home in the afternoons, work with a lot of professionals, or generally have more energy at the start of your day. This sample therapist schedule front-loads the therapeutic work at the start of the day and leaves notes for the end of the therapist’s workday.

  • 7 am-1:30 pm Monday-Friday, caseload of 20 clients per week

  • 7 am-12 pm Four in a row, 15-minute break in-between sessions

  • 12-12:30 Lunch

  • 12:30-1:30pm Admin time

Night Owl Therapist Schedule

Night owl therapist looking for a schedule? This sample schedule focuses on the therapist who has more energy in the afternoons and evenings. In this sample, the admin work is at the start of the clinical day, so the therapist can use their peak energy for seeing their therapy clients.

  • Monday-Friday 3 pm-9:15 pm, caseload of 20 clients per week

    • 3-4 pm Admin hour

    • 4-6:15 pm Two clients, 15-minute break in-between sessions

    • 6:15-6:45 pm Dinner

    • 6:45 pm-9:00 pm Two clients, 15-minute break in-between sessions

Weekend Warrior Therapist Schedule

The weekend warrior schedule works great for a therapist who wants—or needs—to be home for most of the workweek. This one is set up for a therapist to see fifteen clients over three days, but depending on your needs and energy, you could easily add on an additional client to Saturday and Sunday, seeing 12 clients over two days and eliminate work on Fridays. Play around with the timestamps; this weekend schedule closely mimics a traditional 9-5 workday.

  • Friday-Sunday, 9 am-4:30 pm, caseload of 15 clients per week

    • 9 am-12:30 pm, three clients, 15-minute break in-between sessions

    • 12:30-1:15 pm Lunch

    • 1:15-3:30 pm, two clients, 15-minute in-between break sessions

    • 3:30-4:30 Admin hour

Average Number of Clients Per Psychiatrist

The average number of clients per therapist varies. Seeing more than six psychotherapy clients a day (in my mind) is a recipe for therapist burnout. Now, psychiatrists in private practice are different than traditional psychotherapists when it comes to an average caseload. A psychiatrist's average caseload could be in the hundreds because they see their clients monthly or quarterly. Besides the psychiatric assessment, most return appointments with a psychiatrist are 15-30 minutes and focus on medication benefits, side effects, and adherence. If you are a psychiatrist reading this, please tweak the sample caseload schedules according to your energy levels and how you prefer to manage your caseload.

What's Your Ideal Caseload?

There you have it! The trouble with trying to mimic agency work as a private practice outpatient therapist, how to craft your schedule to work for you, sample weekly therapist schedules, and tweaks to make to your caseload if you are a psychiatrist.

More Private Practice Help

If you need help, I have a couple of things you might be interested in. If you are a DIY-er and want to watch a workshop full of tips on how to take your private practice from “on the side” to full time so you can create your ideal caseload, check out the 1-hour workshop here.

If you want to work with me 1:1, I offer 1-time Power Sessions where I help clinicians troubleshoot 1-3 specific questions plaguing them in their private practice. We can cover anything from raising fees, to choosing a marketing platform, or setting financial goals in practice. Learn more about Power Sessions here.

And, a few times a year, I run a small coaching group for private practice therapists. In the program, I help them to rewrite their money stories, charge sustainable fees and maintain their ideal caseload, and learn the foundations of niching and marketing to call in their ideal clients and reduce burnout. Learn more about Grow a Profitable Practice From the Inside Out here.

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Average Caseload for Mental Health Therapists → What's the Magic Number? (2024)


How many clients is a full caseload? ›

Therapists who see 30 clients a week often use this as a benchmark of "full" because it mimics a 40-hour workweek by the time you account for notes, emails, and the like.

What is a normal caseload? ›

• Typical caseload: ~100 to 120.

What is a reasonable caseload for a therapist? ›

Some therapists who consider themselves full-time see less than 20 clients per week. This could be considered the average caseload for mental health therapists, but each therapist's number of clients is going to be different. It's important to consider when you want to work.

How much is too much of a caseload? ›

A caseload is the number of cases (child or family) an individual is assigned within a period of time. For a child welfare worker, the average caseload is between 24 and 31 children; however, the Child Welfare League of America recommends that caseloads not exceed 15 children per social worker.

How many clients should a therapist have per week? ›

How many clients should a therapist see per week? The range I hear most often when talking with therapists who work fulltime in private practice is 20-30 clients per week. The amount that's right for you might consider several variables: -How much money you need to make.

How many clients should a therapist see per day? ›

In communal settings, you are typically expected to see 8–10 a day. However, in terms of the number you can attend with full capacity, for long time practise and without burnout, it's probably between 20–30 a week for most therapists.

How do you calculate caseload? ›

A common approach to this problem is to use the formula: case load = N × P × K × C where: N is the size of the population in the program area. This is usually the population aged between 6 and 59 months which, in low income countries, is commonly estimated as 20% of the total population.

What is a heavy caseload? ›

all the cases that someone is responsible for dealing with at the same time, especially a doctor, lawyer, or social worker. She has a heavy caseload (=many cases).

What is the optimum size of a case management caseload? ›

Collectively, research indicates recommended caseload sizes range from 20 to 30 cases or more for low intensity services, 10 to 20 cases for moderately intensive services, and five to 10 cases for highly intensive services.

How do you handle a heavy caseload? ›

Here are nine ways to better manage a heavy workload:
  1. Determine your priorities. ...
  2. Itemize your work responsibilities. ...
  3. Know your limits. ...
  4. Develop an organizational strategy. ...
  5. Take a break. ...
  6. Collaborate and communicate with your team. ...
  7. Focus on one thing at a time. ...
  8. Schedule your tasks.

What is an example of a caseload? ›

The caseload of someone such as a doctor, social worker, or lawyer is the number of cases that they have to deal with. Social workers say the average caseload is 32 families per employee.

How long does it take to build a therapy caseload? ›

How long does it usually take to build a full-time caseload? In my experience, when one is starting from scratch in a new community and one takes the typical approaches to build a caseload, it takes about two years. That will get you to a decent and steady caseload of 25 clients per week. That's just how long it takes.

What is caseload vs workload? ›

The concept of workload encompasses all of the work activities you perform that benefit students directly and indirectly. Caseload refers only to the number of children seen by occupational therapy as part of the individual education program (IEP) or individual- ized family service plan (IFSP).

How many clients do most therapists see a week? ›

On average, I see 15-20 clients per week with at least a 10-minute break in between clients. I work a 4-day week taking off Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays. Early on in my career as a therapist, I knew that I didn't want to work weekends as I worked over this time in my first career in broadcast journalism.

How many client hours is full time therapist? ›

In general, when private practice therapists say “full-time,” they are usually talking about somewhere between 15-30 clinical hours per week.

What therapist makes most money? ›

Psychiatrist positions are by far the highest-paying jobs for psychology majors. The average salary is $217,798, according to PayScale. A psychiatrist should be licensed as a board-certified psychiatrist.

What is the average number of sessions for counseling? ›

Therapy has been found to be most productive when incorporated into a client's lifestyle for approximately 12-16 sessions, most typically delivered in once weekly sessions for 45 minutes each. For most folks that turns out to be about 3-4 months of once weekly sessions.

How long should a therapist be client? ›

The number of recommended sessions varies by condition and treatment type, however, the majority of psychotherapy clients report feeling better after 3 months; those with depression and anxiety experience significant improvement after short and longer time frames, 1-2 months & 3-4.

What is the average length of a therapy session? ›

If you're going for individual counseling, then your session will last approximately 50-55 minutes. This 50-55 minutes is referred to as a "therapeutic hour." This is standard practice, although some clinicians will offer 45-minute sessions or 60-minute sessions.

How do you calculate per 1000 patients? ›

Divide the number of falls by the number of patient bed days for the month. Multiply the results by 1,000 to get the fall rate per 1,000 patient bed days.

What is a workload calculator? ›

Workload consists of all the activities required to effectively manage caseload. The ASHA Workload Calculator is designed to help school based SLPs identify the amount of time spent on direct and indirect services, compliance, including paperwork, and other daily activities.

How do you calculate cases per 1000 people? ›

Divide the population size by one thousand. In the example, 250,000 divided by 1,000 equals 250, which is called the quotient, the result of division. Divide the number of occurrences by the previous quotient.

How many cases should a caseworker have? ›

Is there an “Ideal” Caseload Size for Best Practice? According to the CWLA (1995), the per caseworker caseload size for family foster care should be between 12 and 15 children, depending upon the level of service required for each child.

What are the 4 levels of case management? ›

Components of an effective case management practice. A successful case management process consists of four core components: intake, needs assessment, service planning, and monitoring and evaluation.

What are the 5 stages of case management? ›

Key phases within the case management process include: Client identification (screening), assessment, stratifying risk, planning, implementation (care coordination), monitoring, transitioning and evaluation.

How do you manage caseload therapy? ›

5 Quick and Effective Solutions
  1. Boundaries. Inform clients of your boundaries for cancellations, and be firm about implementing them. ...
  2. Time Management. Schedule clients as recurring appointments, and be sure to confirm the next appointment before your client leaves at the end of the session. ...
  3. Prioritize. ...
  4. Consult. ...
  5. Self-Care.
2 Jun 2021

What are the 4 P's of social case work? ›

Components of Social Case work; The person, The problem, The place, The process.

Why are caseloads increasing? ›

California Backlogs

Typically, court case filings exceed case dispositions, and when dispositions lag filings, courts accumulate new cases faster than they can close current cases, in turn causing current caseloads to grow.

What are the 7 helping process in case work? ›

Social casework is an ongoing process of exploration (study), assessment (diagnosis), formulation of goals and treatment planning, intervention (treatment), evaluation and termination (disengagement).

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.