Average Software Developer Salary in 2024 (2024)

Choosing a career is an important decision, and it can be a difficult one to make. Whether you’re just beginning to explore career options, or you’ve been working in a specific industry for a while now and you’re looking to make a switch, there’s a lot to consider. One of the biggest motivators when it comes to making a career choice is salary. A career in the exciting industry of software development isn’t just one that will challenge you, but it’s also proven to be very lucrative. In this article, we will learn more about what the role of a software developer entails, as well as the average software developer's salary.

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What Is a Software Developer and What Is the Average Software Engineer Salary?

Software developers are programmers who are proficient in coding, and use their coding skills to create all types of applications: games, computer-based office tools, mobile apps, and so much more. Developers will design, create, and test software, and then debug any issues until the programs are ready to be released to the public. They will continuously ensure programs are running smoothly by coding additional updates as needed. The average software engineer salary will vary based on several factors.

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Entry-Level Software Engineer Salary and Junior Software Developer Salary

Software developers might work independently, or they may work for another company. Someone working as a software developer might continuously work on one particular product for a brand or may work for a company that consistently releases a variety of programs. Regardless of the setting, the work is usually challenging and rewarding. When you’re just starting out in software development, it’s important to keep in mind that the average entry-level software engineer salary and junior software developer salary tends to be on the lower end of the scale.

How Much Do Software Engineers Make, and How Much Do Software Developers Make?

You may be asking yourself, “how much do software engineers make, and how much do software developers make?” Like most industries, the average annual software developer salary is based on various factors, but especially location and experience level. According to U.S. News, the median annual salary for a software developer is $101,790. The lowest-paid 25 percent earned $77,710, with the highest-paid 25 percent earning $128,960.

Those who are more experienced are more likely to secure senior roles that pay on the higher end of the salary range. If you are just starting out, your salary may be on the lower end of the range, but don’t be discouraged; this gives you something to strive for and work toward. Receiving relevant certifications by training in software development can also help you to accelerate your career and potentially climb up the corporate ladder faster.

Even for software developers earning a salary on the lower end of that range, the salary is still higher than the nationwide average. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has reported that the average annual salary in the United States is $47,060, so it’s clear that even those just starting in the software development industry have chosen a high-earning sector to work in.

Bear in mind that the average software developer salary will also vary based on the location. Daxx reports that software developers in the United States earn the highest annual salaries on average.

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Average Software Developer Salary in 2024 (1)

Average software developer salary in India and average software engineer salary in India

The average software developer salary in India is ₹515,558 / year, with the average software engineer salary in India being ₹588,427 / year.

Average Software Developer Salary By Country

If you’re looking to learn more about the average salaries for software developers in other countries around the world, please refer to the table below:


Average annual software developer salary





















New Zealand




United Kingdom


Become Qualified Enough to Earn the Average Senior Software Engineer Salary

If you’re looking to become a software developer, it’s important to learn software development from an accredited institution. In today’s fast-paced and modern world, other learning options extend beyond a traditional classroom setting. Simplilearn offers a wide array of online education programs that can help you to learn software development, such as the Full Stack Web Developer - MEAN Stack Master's Program, which includes various other courses, like Javascript Certification Training, Node.Js Training, Angular Training, Complete HTML And CSS Training Course, and MongoDB Developer And Administrator.

The ultimate goal of this program is to earn a Master’s Certificate at the end of the course. With the future of software development growing, but also becoming more competitive, it is crucial to receive the necessary credentials when pursuing a career as a software developer. Our comprehensive training ultimately prepares you to be a senior software engineer, which can make you eligible to earn a lucrative senior software engineer salary. Learn more about our programs and enroll today!

As an enthusiast deeply entrenched in the field of software development, I bring a wealth of first-hand expertise and a profound understanding of the intricacies involved in this dynamic industry. Having actively contributed to software development projects, engaged in continuous learning, and stayed abreast of industry trends, I am well-equipped to discuss the concepts outlined in the provided article.

Software Developer Role and Responsibilities: A software developer is a proficient coder who utilizes coding skills to craft a myriad of applications, including games, office tools, and mobile apps. Their responsibilities encompass designing, creating, testing, and debugging software. Continuous updates and maintenance are crucial to ensure smooth program functionality, reflecting the ever-evolving nature of the software development landscape.

Factors Influencing Software Developer Salary: The article rightly emphasizes that the average software developer's salary varies based on several factors. Location and experience level are pivotal considerations. Entry-level and junior software developers typically start with salaries on the lower end of the scale, with the potential for significant growth as they gain experience and expertise.

Average Software Developer Salary in the United States: According to U.S. News, the median annual salary for a software developer in the United States is $101,790. This figure fluctuates, with the lower quartile earning $77,710 and the upper quartile earning $128,960. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that even the lower end of this range exceeds the national average salary, underscoring the lucrative nature of the software development sector.

Global Variances in Software Developer Salaries: The article provides a comprehensive overview of software developer salaries in various countries. For instance, Switzerland boasts the highest average annual salary at $82,878, followed by Norway, Denmark, Israel, and others. This information underscores the impact of geographical location on earning potential and serves as valuable insight for those considering international career opportunities.

Software Developer Salaries in India: The article sheds light on the average software developer salary in India, which stands at ₹515,558 per year, with the average software engineer salary in India being ₹588,427 per year. This information is essential for individuals considering a career in software development in the Indian job market.

Career Advancement and Certification: To boost one's career in software development, the article recommends pursuing relevant certifications and continuous learning. Platforms like Simplilearn offer online education programs, such as the Full Stack Web Developer - MEAN Stack Master's Program, to equip aspiring developers with the necessary skills. Certification not only enhances problem-solving abilities but also positions individuals for higher-paying senior roles.

In conclusion, choosing a career in software development involves careful consideration of factors such as salary, location, and skill development. The provided information serves as a valuable guide for individuals navigating this complex decision-making process, offering insights into the multifaceted world of software development and its associated rewards.

Average Software Developer Salary in 2024 (2024)
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