Bitcoin Rush Review 2021: Is It a Scam or Safe Trading Robot? (2024)

Like most other automated trading software, Bitcoin Rush is also an automated platform created by the top software developers, to ease out trading Bitcoins and other Cryptocurrencies. It is said that the system helps its users hastily trade Bitcoin, thereby allowing them to quickly “rush” into the volatile cryptocurrency market; hence, the software is named Bitcoin Rush. This trading software makes use of one of the most-advanced bitcoin algorithms that helps it to perform both fundamental and technical analyses.

The fundamental analysis involves an analysis of qualitative data like news, whereas, on the other hand, technical analysis, takes into account quantitative data like price charts. With these algorithms’ help, Bitcoin Rush can make corresponding trades by reading any news as and when they emerge. The crypto trading robot claims to generate an average money profit of $1500 per day. In this Bitcoin Rush review, we are here to prove the integrity of the platform and also establish its legitimacy.

Bitcoin Rush Review 2021: Is It a Scam or Safe Trading Robot? (1)

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Features of Bitcoin Rush

Some of the amazing features that the Bitcoin Rush trading software offers are:

1) Excellent payouts

When traders choose their most preferred Bitcoin robot software, they first look into the payout potential of the software; otherwise, all their efforts in bitcoin trading would go in vain. With this automated trading software, the traders have reported earning huge daily profit money, which is amazing. But such a huge profit-earning capacity cannot be borne in just a single day. To attain this much perfection, one needs to practice online crypto trading every day and to learn the success tactics of the trading robots, like the Bitcoin Rush. The registered users have also reported having earned profits with just the fixed minimum deposit of $250, which is amazing.

2) Easy to use features

The Bitcoin Rush automated trading platform is designed in such a way so as to meet the needs of both the new traders as well as the seasoned ones. Generally, trading robots are perceived in a very skeptical way due to its recent emergence in the crypto market. But with Bitcoin Rush, this has never been an issue with the new traders. In fact, the new traders also get quickly adapted to the trading system of the Bitcoin Rush. Even the novice traders with no previous experiences in working with trading robots would find it easier to work on Bitcoin Rush. This is only possible with the easy-to-use features that the traders find comfortable to operate in.

3) Simple procedures

The registration process is also quite simple and gets completed by following some easy steps. The deposits and withdrawal procedures are equally easy and simple. The minimum deposit required is only $250 to get started with the crypto trading on this platform. Moreover, traders can use any mode of payment. Withdrawals also do not take much time to process, which is sound evidence that this platform is an outwardly legit one. Had it been a scam software, withdrawals would not have been so easy as the deposits; it would take forever to initiate processing of a single withdrawal request.

4) Easy verification process

The verification process is also very simple and logical. During the registration process, the platform does not ask for any kind of verification. Only during the funding process, and if the deposits are made via debit or credit cards, the platform asks for some verification. In such cases, the traders are required to share details like their card numbers and date of expiry, and this is done just to authenticate the card details. No other documents like IDs or bank statements are required on the Bitcoin Rush platform.

5) Regulated brokers

Not all the trading platforms coming up these days collaborate with well-regulated brokers, but with the Bitcoin Rush, this fact is well assured. All the brokers that apex regulatory bodies well regulate the platform links with. Therefore, the brokers’ fear of running away with the client’s money is baseless, when traders are working on the Bitcoin Rush, because every broker there is well regulated. Even there has not been any single news till date, where the brokers are convicted for sharing their clients’ details with any third party without prior permission from their clients.

6) Demo account

The demo trading account is one of the exclusive features that the Bitcoin Rush platform offers to its users. The demo trading account serves the purpose of practicing demo trade and is very useful for the new traders. Signing up on the demo account is absolutely free of cost. It allows the traders to learn new trade tactics that, too, without staking their own money; the demo account is virtually funded; therefore, the traders get to use this virtual fund for placing trades. The demo account has all the trading tools, and so the traders always get the feel of real trading, while practicing trade from the demo account.

7) Excellent customer service

The customer service team is very well trained in dealing with the traders’ issues. The customer services team instantly solves any issues raised by the traders via direct phone calls, emails, chats, or even via social media platforms. Working with the Bitcoin Rush app has been a very good experience as stated by the traders because apart from getting all their trade-related issues solved instantly, they also get regular updates on the recent crypto market trends. The updates about the recent crypto market trends are not given by the customer service team directly; they are directed to the broker’s page.

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Benefits of the Bitcoin Rush software

Trading robots like the Bitcoin Rush bring in immense benefits for both the new and the seasoned traders.

1) Secure app

The Bitcoin Rush app is very secured, as stated by the registered traders on various platforms. The app places more emphasis on securing their clients’ details than just making profits, which makes the app so widely popular among crypto trade enthusiasts. All the clients’ data are stored in encrypted forms. To ensure more protection, the app uses SSL certificates, which makes hacking impossible by hackers.

2) Digital educational resources

The Bitcoin Rush allows its users an opportunity to live trading through continuous learning. The platform provides a compact digital resource in its official website itself, and the traders can gain valuable insight on crypto trading therefrom.

3) Transparent

The Bitcoin Rush live trading software is outwardly transparent, and this can be proved from the fact that apart from the registration fee, it does not charge any money from the traders, in the name of transaction fee or commission. All the money that the traders earn is entirely theirs, and they can withdraw their money anytime they wish to without any hustles. There are no inactivity fees charged on this platform, for accounts that remain inactive beyond a particular period of time; it hardly matters, as dormant accounts can be activated by depositing $250 anytime at the trader’s discretion.

4) Minimum fixed deposit

Bitcoin Rush requires a minimum deposit of $250 to start live trading on the platform, which is sometimes confused as the robot charges that the platform levies on its clients. In fact, the fixed minimum balance is actually the working capital that Bitcoin Rush collects from its users to start live trading on the platform. Most of the new traders are attracted to this minimum deposit, and sometimes they want to try their online crypto trading skills without losing a heavy amount; this minimum fixed deposit seems perfect. Even if they lose the entire money, it does not affect much.

5) Leap factor

The Bitcoin Rush software scans the crypto market and can predict crypto price fluctuations (upwards and downwards) well ahead of the market by 0.01 seconds, even before they have actually moved. The leap factor allows the software to make prompt trade decisions that turn out to be successful ones most of the time because of the correct predictions. It is not possible for a human trader to gauge such predictions and formulate such trade strategies based on price fluctuations; hence, trading robots have become so popular.

6) No downloads required

The Bitcoin Rush review needs no download as such. The platform can be accessed anytime through any web browsers. It is compatible with both desktops and tablets and can be installed on smartphones also. All it needs is a powerful internet connection, and it can be accessed from anywhere and everywhere.

7) Emotion-free trading

The Bitcoin Rush software always bases its operations on statistics, and therefore there is no place for human emotions. Emotions like fear or greed mar the decision-making abilities of human traders. Sometimes, human traders often ignore the trade risk signals and continue trading out of greed, which ultimately ends in bad trade decisions.

What Are the Working Procedures of the Bitcoin Rush?

Bitcoin Rush leverages on the profitable trading signals based on the sophisticated computer algorithms to make the trading decisions. These computer algorithms help to analyze the volatile cryptocurrency markets and big data to secure tradable insights. Trading algorithms are more accurate than human calculations owing to their ability to take millions of underlying factors into account that a human brain can never gauge, which helps in taking wiser trading decisions. Moreover, the trading robots like the Bitcoin Rush can do this instantly without missing any trading opportunities as they come. We find out the working procedures of the platform from the Bitcoin Rush review that are in brief below.

1) Registration:

If you wish to become a new member of the platform, all you need to do is visit the official website of the Bitcoin Rush platform. There you will see a registration form for a Bitcoin Rush account that you need to fill up with some of your personal details like your full name, valid email address, and phone number. You will also need to create a powerful password so that the next time you log in to your account, you can do it in a secure way, thereby protecting your account details. The password should consist of alphanumeric characters not less than 6 or more than 10, which is considered to be the strongest. Registration is completely free for a Bitcoin Rush account on the platform.

2) Deposit:

Just as every other trade needs working capital, so is here also. To get started, the users need to deposit a minimum amount of $250 into the Bitcoin Rush account. However, the deposit does not take place on the Bitcoin Rush page but is recorded on the broker’s page. The traders have the liberty to choose any mode of payment for depositing the money; debit or credit card transfers, direct bank transfers, e wallets, Neteller, Skrill, MasterCard, Visa, PayPal etc.

3) Demo trade:

Before starting live trade, it is a good practice if the traders get themselves involved in the demo trading, provided on the Bitcoin Rush platform. By practicing demo trading, the new traders will get an idea of how the actual live crypto trading is done on such trading platforms. After they become well conversant with the trade practices, they can anytime switch on to the live trading mode.

4) Start trading:

This is the fourth and the final step that requires the trader to click on the “auto trade” tab, and the trade will immediately begin on the Bitcoin Rush platform. It is recommended to set the trade parameters before the traders click on to the “auto trade” option, which will enable the Bitcoin Rush software to scan the crypto markets based on the set trading parameters.

Bitcoin Rush Review 2021: Is It a Scam or Safe Trading Robot? (2)

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Is Bitcoin Rush Safe to Use?

Yes, using the Bitcoin Rush platform is absolutely safe to use. However, the extent of winning trades depends on the amount of investment made by the traders and the strategies employed by the traders.

Is Bitcoin Rush legit?

To call a trading bot a scam, it needs a substantial amount of proof to go against it. Merely investing in a trading robot and losing your hard-earned money cannot tag a trading robot as a scam or illegitimate. It is something like betting on a lottery and losing your entire money. Do we even call that lottery a scam? Obviously not. Because we all know that the lottery is luck and there are equal chances that you lose, similarly, in the crypto market also, there are equal chances that you lose what you invest and just, for this reason, we cannot tag the trading platform like Bitcoin Rush, a scam. As stated before, the cryptocurrency market is very volatile, and trading in such a volatile market itself attaches various risks inherent to the process. A trading platform like the Bitcoin Rush claims to emit trading signals that make the automatic trading processes more likely to have higher win rates than manual trading.

Another issue that the traders often face while trying to log in to a legit page is that many scam websites resemble the original crypto trading platforms in every aspect. One cannot even gauge that the website that he has landed on to is a scam. The only way to identify a scam website is to follow only the “http” link. Most of the scam websites direct the traders to a page where they are required to deposit money for registration. After some days, the traders find themselves in a maze of confusion, and sometimes even they cannot also track the brokers with whom they have invested their money. They are completely at a loss, and therefore, before investing money, every trader should do a background check of the app; they should read reviews or do some research work on the Bitcoin Rush app.

Wrap Up

When we are making this Bitcoin Rush review, we are basically talking about a robot that can do everything for you, starting from scanning the volatile market and looking for profitable opportunities, and then placing the trade when it perceives the most profitable trading signals.

Once the trader signs up on the Bitcoin Rush platform and creates an account, he next needs to set his preferences as to what winnings he expects to obtain, and once he clicks on auto-trade “ON,” the robot will take care of the rest. As soon as any criteria set by the trader matches, the robot automatically triggers trade without looking into anything else. The trader’s role is to open and close trading sessions, but it is recommended to pay attention to market news to get an insight on when to open or close the trades. With Bitcoin Rush, it is also important to monitor the trading robot, whether it is performing trades as per your preferences. If you are not satisfied with the outcomes, you can switch on to the manual mode at any time.


1: What is the Bitcoin Rush?

Ans: Bitcoin Rush is an auto trading platform that uses advanced bitcoin algorithms that helps it to perform in both fundamental & technical analyses.

2: How much does the Bitcoin Rush cost?

Ans: The rush bitcoin app does not charge anything for live trading and is absolutely free. Apart from the minimum deposit of $250, which is fixed, there are also no hidden fees or broker commissions charged on the platform.

3: How much money can I make on Bitcoin Rush?

Ans: The profits are unlimited on the Bitcoin Rush platform, and it depends on the amount of investment made by the traders on the Bitcoin Rush live trading platform. Some members have started to have earned their first million within just 61 days, which is amazing.

4: How many hours in a day do I need to work on Bitcoin Rush?

Ans: The average time is 20 minutes that you need to spend daily. With Bitcoin Rush, there is no need to monitor the trade constantly.

5: How much minimum deposit needs to make on Bitcoin Rush?

Ans: You can deposit a minimum of $250 to start trading on this trading system. However, investors can deposit more if they feel and increase their chances of winning more profits. For the first time traders, it is better to start with the minimum deposits, and then gradually increase their stakes as they progress in learning the trade tactics.

6: Is Bitcoin Rush a scam?

No, Bitcoin Rush is not a scam platform. It is absolutely legit and connected with well-regulated brokers who place trades on behalf of the registered traders on the Bitcoin Rush platform.

Bitcoin Rush Review 2021: Is It a Scam or Safe Trading Robot? (2024)


Is Bitcoin Rush legit? ›

Bitcoin Rush does not offer automated trading, and they do not even have a mobile trading app. Take a minute and search the app store, and you will not find a real app. The only thing that Bitcoin Rush offers investors is a “professional” money manager.

Are Bitcoin robots legit? ›

Yes, Trading bots are widely available programs that connect to a user's cryptocurrency exchange and make trades on their behalf. They work using a variety of indicators and signals, such as moving averages and indices. The idea is simple: to help users make money in the markets, while not wasting a lot of their time.

Is Bitcoin Trader app a scam? ›

However, there is some debate over whether or not Bitcoin Trader is a legitimate platform. Some users have reported success in making profits with the platform, while others have reported losing money.

How do you know if you are being scammed with Bitcoin? ›

No legitimate business or government will ever email, text, or message you on social media to ask for money. And they will never demand that you buy or pay with cryptocurrency. Never click on a link from an unexpected text, email, or social media message, even if it seems to come from a company you know.

Does Rush give real money? ›

Can I withdraw cash from money winning apps? Yes. You can instantly withdraw real cash in your bank account from money winning apps like Rush. Rush processes instant winnings withdrawals using UPI with 100% safety & security.

Is Rush app fake? ›

Rush is a real money gaming app that was launched in India in 2021. It is developed by Hike, a popular Indian social media and messaging app. Rush offers a variety of skill-based games, including Ludo, Carrom, Call Break, and Pool. Players can win real money by playing these games.

Can you lose money with trading bots? ›

Traders can lose money in bot trading due to technical failures, market risks, programming errors, over-optimization, lack of adaptability, and human oversight. However, with proper risk management, oversight, and testing, traders can mitigate these risks and improve their chances of success in automated trading.

Which trading bot is legit? ›

What's the best crypto trading bot in 2024?
PlatformExchanges supportedIdeal for
Hummingbot19 dexes + 24 dexesProfessional liquidity providers and market makers
CryptoHero10Simulated trading
TokenSets3 blockchainsDeFi crypto trading bots
Coinrule10Crypto trading bots for beginners
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Feb 12, 2024

Are there any legit trading robots? ›

The short answer is: it depends. There is no guarantee that any forex trading robot will work, and there are many factors that can affect the performance of a robot. However, there are some robots that have been shown to be profitable over the long term.

What is the safest Bitcoin trading app? ›

Compare the Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges
CompanyTransaction FeesTrade Limits Best Mobile App0.00% to 0.075%Yes
Gemini Best for Security0.0% to 0.40% for active trader, 1.49% for most transactions on regular platformYes
BitMart Best for Altcoins0.0080% to 0.40%Yes
Cash App Best for Bitcoin0.75% to 3%Yes
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Can a Bitcoin scammer be tracked? ›

Yes, contrary to popular belief, most cryptocurrency is traceable with the right tools and expertise. Blockchain ledgers that record cryptocurrency transactions use a unique address of numbers and letters to identify each user.

Which app is better for Bitcoin trading? ›

Top 5 Cryptocurrency apps in India
App NameAvailable CryptocurrencyTaker Fee
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Apr 25, 2024

Can I get my money back if I got scammed from Bitcoin? ›

Did you pay with cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrency payments typically are not reversible. Once you pay with cryptocurrency, you can only get your money back if the person you paid sends it back. But contact the company you used to send the money and tell them it was a fraudulent transaction.

Can someone send me money through Bitcoin? ›

Important things to remember: Sending bitcoin: There are no fees or tax implications for gifting stock or bitcoin. You are simply sending USD earmarked for a particular stock or bitcoin. Note that you can only send bitcoin to recipients over the age of 18.

Is there any game that pays real Bitcoin? ›

Bitcoin Bounty Hunt is an online FPS where you compete against other players to collect their rewards. Rewards can be earned in various ways, such as finding them in the game world or through viewers of your stream.

Does BTC miner really pay? ›

If a miner is able to successfully add a block to the blockchain, they will receive 3.125 bitcoins as a reward. The reward amount is cut in half roughly every four years, or every 210,000 blocks. As of April 2024, Bitcoin traded at around $63,000, making 3.125 bitcoins worth $196,875.

Are there real Bitcoin giveaways? ›

Almost all types of crypto giveaways are scams. They all follow a similar pattern of pretending to be someone else, then asking you to send crypto before they send you more back. Educating yourself and being able to identify this type of crypto scam is the best way to protect yourself.

Is Bitcoin legit and safe? ›

The short answer: No. Bitcoin is a particularly risky investment with more volatility than traditional investments of stocks, bonds and funds.

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