Business Valuation Calculator | How much is your business worth? (2024)

Using This Business Valuation Calculator

Whether you are protecting your business’s future with key person insurance, exploring the value of a buy-sell agreement, looking to understand how a business transfer works, considering help with retirement plans or offering your employees and yourself convenient access to important life insurance protection through the BenefitsPLUS platform, our Business Valuation Calculator provides you with an estimated value based on a calculated discount rate to help you understand your business needs. A colored bar graph illustrates your discounted cash flows projected out over the next 10 years.

About Your Inputs

Using the discounted cash flow method to estimate the current value of your business, our Business Valuation Calculator collects the following inputs:

  • Annual earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)– How much money does your business generate each year? Basically, EBITDA measures the profitability of your business. The dollar amount that you enter should be company earnings before accounting for any of the following: interest paid on any loans or credit card accounts; the payment of federal, state and local taxes; depreciation of business assets over time (e.g., computers, transportation vehicles, machinery, etc.); and amortization, the process of gradually writing off the initial expense of a business asset (e.g., the purchase of a retail building, parking lot or major piece of equipment).
  • “Excess compensation” paid to owners– The profitability of a small business often depends on the knowledge, experience and entrepreneurial skills of the owner(s). A company’s attempts to reward an owner for their unique role and efforts may lead the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to challenge the compensation paid and view it as “excessive compensation.” Consequently, the IRS can reclassify a portion of the owner’s compensation as a dividend, which is not tax deductible by the business, rather than as wages, which are tax deductible. Enter a dollar amount for “excessive compensation” here, if applicable. (Learn more aboutwhat “reasonable compensation” means from the IRSandThe CPA Journal.)
  • Anticipated rate of earnings/compensation growth– At what percentage rate do you expect or project your business earnings/compensation to grow? (The next field asks you for a duration of time.) Enter a percentage figure from 0% (earnings will remain level) to 100% (earnings will double).
  • Number of years earnings are expected to continue– For how many years do you anticipate your business to continue generating earnings? Enter a number between 0 and 10. By entering the maximum of 10, you assume that a cash flow of earnings will continue into perpetuity (indefinitely long duration).
  • Level of business/industry/financial risk– Where does your business fall on the scale of risk? Typically, restaurants and retail (e.g., a clothing store) are considered lower risk than manufacturing (e.g., an automobile factory) and high tech (e.g., a business application software developer). The level of business/industry/financial risk you select will determine the calculated discount rate for this valuation method:
    Level of Risk Calculated Discount Rate
    None 3.0%
    Low 6.5%
    Average 10.0%
    Considerable 13.5%
    High 17.0%
  • Discount for lack of marketability– Does your business suffer from a lack of marketability (perhaps due to its small size) or exhibit strong marketability (from long-standing brand recognition, for instance)? Enter a percentage amount from -100% to 100%. A positive discount percentage (between 0% and 100%) indicates some lack of marketability, while a negative discount percentage (between -100% and 0%) indicates more favorable marketability. Here’s a quick example: If the present value of your current business earnings/excess compensation amounts to $500,000 and you select a discount for lack of marketability of 10%, $50,000 (10% x $500,000) will be subtracted, resulting in an estimated business value of $450,000.

About Your Results

Based on your inputs, our Business Valuation Calculator estimates the total value of your business based on a specific discount rate, determined by the level of business/industry/financial risk you select. A summary table displays your total future earnings/excess compensation, calculated discount rate, present value of today’s earnings/excess compensation, adjustment amount for small size/lack of marketability and estimated business value. A discounted cash flows bar graph compares your future earnings and excess compensation against today’s discounted value (shown in different colors), projected out through the next 10 years.

How Do You Calculate the Value of a Business?

You may want to know the value of your business for several important reasons. For example, you may be approached by an interested buyer, you may plan to sell the business in the near future, or you may want to establish a value for insurance purposes (e.g., replacement costs of losing your business from a fire). What a potential buyer will pay for your business generally depends on two key factors: return on investment (ROI) and relative risk. A more favorable ROI and lower business risk may command a higher sale price and vice versa.

As an entrepreneur, you probably have poured a significant amount of time, money and sweat equity into creating and growing your business. ROI is a measure of how much value or additional money you have earned — your return or net profit after you pay all your business expenses (taxes, rent, salaries, etc.) — as a percentage of your beginning investment. The basic ROI formula is:

ROI (%) = (Return/Original Investment) x 100%

For example, let’s assume your initial investment in the business is $100,000, and your net profit (or return on your original investment) is $20,000. Then your ROI would be 20%:

ROI (%) = ($20,000/$100,000) x 100% = 20%

What may be considered a favorable ROI, however, should also be balanced with risk. Generally, when an individual is taking on considerable risk in buying a business, the potential ROI also should be higher to compensate for the relatively high level of risk the new owner is assuming. Buying higher risk investments that could potentially earn you more money may also decrease in value over time because of their volatility. A new buyer of your business needs to be comfortable with the balance between your current ROI and risk of assuming ownership. A 10-year-old restaurant with increasing profits over the past five years may involve less risk for a new buyer than a two-year-old restaurant with flat revenues.

In order to help mitigate the risk of future business failure, a potential buyer also may want to see evidence of the following qualities of your business:

  • Predictable key drivers of new sales
  • Potential for business growth/expansion
  • Strong established relationships with suppliers
  • A loyal, productive and motivated workforce
  • High percentage of repeat sales and customers
  • No past or present lawsuits or tax complications
  • Established branding with clean trademark, copyright and legal history
  • Documented systems and processes for efficient business operations

Four Common Business Valuation Methods

There are a variety of approaches to arrive at the current estimated value of your business. Below are four common business valuation methods and the pros and cons of each:

1. Book Value (Asset-Based Method) – This method considers your assets and liabilities — the accounting figures recorded on the books. The formula is quite simple: business value equals assets minus liabilities. Your business assets include anything that has value that can be converted to cash, like real estate, equipment or inventory. Liabilities include business debts, like a commercial mortgage or bank loan taken out to purchase capital equipment. If your assets are $100,000, and your liabilities are $30,000, then your business valuation would come out to $70,000.
o Pro: This method may be preferred when others result in giving you a lower business valuation.
o Con: This method may not account for important intangible aspects of your business — such as your long-standing reputation in the community and loyal customer base — which could boost the value of your business in the eyes of potential buyers or investors.

2.Discounted Cash Flow – This method of valuation focuses on the future performance of your business rather than historical data. If your cash flows are consistent and predictable, your business may be more likely to appraise at a higher value. This method estimates the cash flow your business is projected to produce into perpetuity and then discounts this back into current dollars (called net present value or NPV), while also accounting for the level of financial risk indicated by your business or industry. For example, a high-tech software business is usually considered higher risk than a retail shoe store. Our Business Valuation Calculator uses the discounted cash flow method to estimate the value of your business.

  • Pro: Many business owners prefer this method of valuation because it focuses exclusively on cash flow, which is often viewed as an influential factor in determining the value of a business.
  • Con: This method is based on numerous estimates and projections of cash flow into the future, and if those figures are off base or unrealistic, your business value may be overinflated or underestimated.

3. Revenue/Earnings – This method takes your business’s revenue (gross income) or earnings (net profit after all business expenses are paid) and uses an industry multiplier to come up with a value. If your industry standard multiple is five times sales, and your sales revenue last year was $80,000, then your business would be valued at $400,000 using this method.

An alternate version of this method examines your current earnings, makes projections about your future earnings and uses a multiple to arrive at a business valuation. The measure of earnings can be either EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) or EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization). (This McKinsey & Company report, which examines S&P 500 companies, illustrates the variability of multiples within different industry sectors.)

  • Pro: This method offers you a relatively easy and straightforward way to establish a rough estimate of the value of your business.
  • Con: Because this method involves making projections about the future revenue or earnings of your business — which may likely fluctuate for a variety of reasons in the coming years — it may lack precision in its estimating approach. For instance, a national recession may create a slump in sales while the closing of a competitor near you could give your business a boost.

4. Market Comparison – A fourth method of evaluation compares businesses in the same market with similar customers that generate revenue close to yours. If you own a small flower shop, for example, you could research other florists within a 10- or 20-mile radius of your location to see what their businesses have sold for in the recent past. Let’s say you found 10 other florists with an average selling price of $55,000. Then you could use $55,000 as a valuation for your business based on market comparison.

  • Pro: This method may give you a quick ballpark estimate of the value of your business if sale prices of similar companies are accessible.
  • Con: This method may not be as precise as using your assets, cash flow or revenue or earnings because it may be difficult to make exact comparisons with other small businesses that are privately owned. Public information about your competitors may not be readily available.

Learn more about valuation methods, smart succession planningand other important considerations when selling your small business.

Explore our variety of Financial Calculatorsto help assess your needs and achieve your financial goals.

Certainly, I'd be happy to delve into the concepts presented in the article about business valuation. As someone deeply versed in financial analysis and business valuation techniques, I've extensively engaged with various valuation methods and financial metrics to assess businesses' worth and future potential. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts outlined in the article:

  1. Business Valuation Calculator: This tool estimates a business's value based on discounted cash flows projected over the next decade. It utilizes inputs such as EBITDA, excessive compensation paid to owners, anticipated earnings/compensation growth rate, years of expected earnings, level of business risk, and discount for lack of marketability.

  2. Inputs for Valuation:

    • EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization): Measures the profitability of a business by calculating its annual earnings before considering interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.
    • Excessive Compensation: Refers to compensation potentially seen as beyond reasonable by the IRS, affecting the valuation.
    • Anticipated Growth Rate: Projects the rate at which earnings/compensation will increase.
    • Duration of Earnings: How many years the business is expected to generate earnings.
    • Level of Business/Industry/Financial Risk: Determines the calculated discount rate for valuation.
    • Discount for Lack of Marketability: Reflects the impact of marketability on the business value.
  3. Calculating Business Value:

    • The Business Valuation Calculator uses inputs to estimate the business's value based on specific discount rates. It provides a summary table and a discounted cash flows bar graph projecting future earnings against today's value over ten years.
  4. Factors Influencing Business Value:

    • Return on Investment (ROI) and Risk: Higher ROI and lower risk generally command a higher sale price. Balancing ROI with risk is crucial.
    • Qualities Mitigating Business Risk: Predictable sales drivers, growth potential, strong relationships, a loyal workforce, repeat sales, no legal complications, and established branding help mitigate business risk.
  5. Business Valuation Methods:

    • Book Value (Asset-Based): Considers assets minus liabilities. Simple but may overlook intangible aspects.
    • Discounted Cash Flow: Focuses on future cash flow. Reliable if projections are accurate.
    • Revenue/Earnings: Uses industry multipliers or earnings projections for valuation.
    • Market Comparison: Compares your business with similar ones in the market. Quick but may lack precision.

Understanding these concepts allows business owners to assess their company's worth for various purposes such as selling, insurance, or planning for the future. The article provides valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of business valuation and the considerations involved in determining a company's value.

Feel free to ask if you'd like further clarification or detailed information on any specific aspect!

Business Valuation Calculator | How much is your business worth? (2024)


How do I calculate how much my business is worth? ›

Take your total assets and subtract your total liabilities. This approach makes it easy to trace to the valuation because it's coming directly from your accounting/record keeping. However, because it works like a snapshot of current value it may not take into consideration future revenue or earnings.

How much is a business worth with $100,000 in sales? ›

For example, if you are selling a law firm that made $100,000 in annual sales, the industry sales multiplier is 1.03, and the approximate value is $100,000 (x) 1.03 = $103,000.

How much is a $100 million revenue company worth? ›

However, a revenue of $100 million per year is a significant amount, and it suggests that the company has established a solid customer base and is generating significant income. Based on this information, it's possible that the company could have a valuation in the hundreds of millions of dollars, or even higher.

How much is a business worth with $1 million in sales? ›

The Revenue Multiple (times revenue) Method

A venture that earns $1 million per year in revenue, for example, could have a multiple of 2 or 3 applied to it, resulting in a $2 or $3 million valuation. Another business might earn just $500,000 per year and earn a multiple of 0.5, yielding a valuation of $250,000.

What is the rule of thumb for valuing a business? ›

A common rule of thumb is assigning a business value based on a multiple of its annual EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization). The specific multiple used often ranges from 2 to 6 times EBITDA depending on the size, industry, profit margins, and growth prospects.

Is there a formula to value a business? ›

To accurately ascertain a business's value efficiently, calculate its total liabilities and subtract that figure from the sum of all assets—the resulting number is known as book value. This approach to calculating company worth takes into account both existing assets and any outstanding liabilities.

How much is a business worth with 200k sales? ›

In essence, if the annual cash flow is $200,000, the selling price will likely be between $400,000 and $600,000. The first step to finding out what your business will sell for is determining its market value. There are several methods for determining the market value of your business.

How many times profit is a business worth? ›

Generally, a small business is worth 1-2 times its annual profit. However, this number can be higher or lower depending on the circ*mstances. If the business is in a high-growth industry, for example, it may be worth 3-5 times its annual profit.

How does Shark Tank calculate valuation? ›

So, if the entrepreneur is asking $100,000 with 10% equity, $100,000 is 10% of the company's valuation — which in this case is $1 million ($100,000 x 10). This is where the sharks usually ask how much the company made in the prior year. The valuation is then divided by that amount.

How do I value my business? ›

The Net Book Value (NBV) of your business is calculated by deducting the costs of your business liabilities, including debt and outstanding credit, from the total value of your tangible and intangible assets.

How much is the average small business worth? ›

Annual revenue for a self-employed business with no employees in the US is $44,000. The average revenue for a business with employees can range from $387,000 to $40.7 million, depending on the number of employees. The average small business profit margin is anywhere from 7% – 10%.

How many years of EBITDA is a business worth? ›

It is common practice to utilize the most recent trailing twelve months EBITDA in calculating Enterprise Value, albeit in certain circ*mstances it may be more appropriate to use an average EBITDA of the last 2 or 3 years.

How to calculate how much a business is worth? ›

Add up the value of everything the business owns, including all equipment and inventory. Subtract any debts or liabilities. The value of the business's balance sheet is at least a starting point for determining the business's worth. But the business is probably worth a lot more than its net assets.

How much is a business worth with $500,000 in sales? ›

Use Revenue or Earnings as Your Guide

For example, if the industry standard is "three times sales" and your revenue for last year was $500,000, your revenue-based valuation would be $1.5 million. Multiplying your earnings, or how much your business makes after subtracting its costs, is another valuation method.

How many times revenue is a business worth? ›

Under the times revenue business valuation method, a stream of revenues generated over a certain period of time is applied to a multiplier which depends on the industry and economic environment. For example, a tech company may be valued at 3x revenue, while a service firm may be valued at 0.5x revenue.

What multiple is my business worth? ›

Multiply the SDE or EBITDA of the business by a multiple. Common multiples for most small businesses are two to four times SDE. Common multiples for mid-sized businesses are three to six times EBITDA.

How to calculate the valuation of a private company? ›

Using findings from a private company's closest public competitors, you can determine its value by using the EBITDA or enterprise value multiple. The discounted cash flow method requires estimating the revenue growth of the target firm by averaging the revenue growth rates of similar companies.

How is a company's worth valued? ›

The company value then is the assets minus the liabilities. For example, if a company has $4 million in assets and $2 million in liabilities, the company value here is $4 million - $2 million = $2 million.

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