Common Interview Questions for a Midwifery Role | learndirect (2024)

9th December 21

One of the most rewarding and important jobs within the healthcare sector is a Midwife. They are responsible for not only helping to bring new babies into the world, but becoming a Midwife, UK learners, also entails offering emotional and medical support during the course of an expectant mother’s pregnancy.

The support of a Midwife also extends to the birth and postnatal period, ensuring that mother and baby are in the best environment possible. There is no doubt that this role is rewarding on many levels, and if you are wondering how to become a Midwife, UK hopefuls should know that qualifications are needed.

One of the most important Midwife facts that you need to know is that you require a degree accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). If you don’t possess A Levels to get to university, you can still pursue this route of academic study by achieving an Access to midwifery course.

After gaining the qualifications you need, you will be eligible to apply for official midwifery roles. If you get to the interview stage, it is best to be as prepared as possible, equipping yourself with essential Midwife facts. The knowledge you have gained through midwifery courses will help you prepare answers, but if you need an extra helping hand, continue reading! We have outlined the common interview questions for a midwifery role, which should help you become a Midwife, UK learners.

1. Tell Me About Yourself


To put yourself in a good position in the early stages of the interview, before discussing Midiwfe facts, you should talk about your qualities as a person and liken these qualities to the role of a Midwife. If you are wondering how to become a Midwife, UK hopefuls need to have the right personality traits as well as the skills they learn in midwifery courses.

To prepare for these midwifery interview questions, you should read over the job description and see how your qualities mirror what they’re looking for. Make a note of these attributes and when practising your answer, you should give examples of how you have demonstrated this behaviour in either a work or life setting, always associating your answer with Midwife facts.

Model Answer:

“I have always taken pride in my ability to focus and work hard at every task I’ve been responsible for in previous jobs. A caring nature is something that every Midwife needs to have, and I have demonstrated this many times when stepping in to help my sister care for her newborn. She really struggled during her pregnancy and I was able to provide support to her and her partner. I am comfortable working under pressure and I’m naturally a friendly person, so I go out of my way to make sure the people around me feel comfortable.”

Common Interview Questions for a Midwifery Role | learndirect (1)

2. How Would You Describe the Role of a Midwife?


At this point, you should draw on the knowledge you have gained during the midwifery courses you have studied, this involves delving into the Midwife facts you know. For example, the Access to midwifery course explores the roles and responsibilities of a Midwife, so you can draw on these Midwife facts when giving your answer.

It is important to pick out a handful of features that a Midwife possesses when answering these midwifery interview questions rather than list all of your Midwife facts. This demonstrates that you have a solid understanding of the role and how to become a Midwife, as opposed to just reading off a list.

Model Answer:

“A Midwife will cover a range of responsibilities, but essentially they are specialists in providing support and advice to expectant mothers and their families. They offer antenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum care, ensuring that mother and baby are safe and well. As well as providing support and advice, a Midwife also knows how to handle emergency situations during labour and birth.

They regularly work with various healthcare professionals, such as Anaesthetists, Social Workers, GPs and more. Midwives can also specialise in certain areas, including pregnancy loss, diabetes in pregnancy, caring for vulnerable expectant mothers.”

2. Why Do You Want to be a Midwife?


This is a significant interview question and one that you should definitely expect to be asked when applying for a midwifery role. You will have an opportunity to wax lyrical about your passion for midwifery, detail some Midwife facts, and identify what you think you could bring to the role. It is always advisable to draw on real-life examples as well as the knowledge you have gained through accredited midwifery courses.

Try and think outside the box with your answer to these midwifery interview questions. Keep in mind that interviewers will speak to plenty of candidates, so you need to stand out from the pool of applicants.

Model Answer:

“As someone who is close with their family and has helped to support siblings during their pregnancy journeys, there is no job better suited to me than a Midwife. I have a keen interest in every part of the process, from supporting mothers during the pregnancy, labour, and birth, to helping them care for their baby during the postnatal period.

Unlike many other healthcare roles, Midwives are not there to simply provide medical support, they provide emotional support too. You have the opportunity to bond with an expectant mother and create a trusting environment around them. This role is rewarding on so many levels.”

Common Interview Questions for a Midwifery Role | learndirect (2)

3. What Would You Identify as Your Strengths and Weaknesses?

This is a common question that crops up in most job interviews, and the most important thing to remember is that your chosen strengths and weaknesses need to be tactical. If you list off weaknesses that could be detrimental to your role as a Midwife, then it will only go against you. When mentioning a weakness, you should talk about how you are going to improve on them or the work you are currently doing to improve on them.

Ensure that you choose strengths that relate to the roles and responsibilities of a Midwifeas well as Midwife facts. If you opt to study an Access course to midwifery online and then later obtain an accredited degree, you should know everything that is expected of a Midwife. Consider this and then identify the strengths you have that relate to the job role.

Model Answer:

“I am confident interacting with people from all backgrounds and walks of life, as well as the ability to use my own initiative. Midwives receive support from other healthcare professionals, but you generally work alone, and I have plenty of experience in doing this. In previous jobs and during my training, I was able to make important decisions and handle tasks using my own initiative.

On the other hand, because of my ability to use my own initiative, I sometimes take time to ask for help. In my position, I understand that some things will not always go to plan, and rather than try to tackle things myself without the appropriate knowledge, I should turn to my superior.”

4. How Will You Cope with the Pressure of Being a Midwife?


This question is less about the Midwife facts you learned during your midwifery course online, but more about how you can cope mentally and emotionally in the Midwife role. Pressure affects us all differently, and with midwifery potentially leading to pressurised situations, you will need to know how to adapt. These midwifery interview questions will give the interviewer an idea of your coping mechanisms for when you become a Midwife. UK learners should put in some preparation time for this question.

Think of situations in which you have had to deal with pressure and perhaps draw upon those when answering this question. It is also advisable to mention things you do outside of work to de-stress, showcasing to the interviewer that you are well-rounded.

Model Answer:

“I have a big support network of family and friends, so I never feel like I’m dealing with stress alone. I like to go for runs to de-stress and I always make time for hobbies so that I am not overrun with the pressures of work. Given that the role of a Midwife can change from day to day, it is difficult to say how I will cope with the pressure as I won’t know until I’m doing the role itself.

All I can do is be as prepared as possible and be ready to adapt when necessary. I intend to befriend other Midwives to make sure that I not only get support but become aware of the regular challenges.”

Common Interview Questions for a Midwifery Role | learndirect (3)

5. What Mindset is Required When Working as a Midwife?


This question is testing the knowledge you have learned during midwifery courses, so you will need to draw upon those Midwife facts again! To succeed in your position, you will need to possess the correct mindset, so it is important to know the qualities that are needed to become a Midwife. UK learners should mention a range of attributes and explain how you have demonstrated these qualities.

Model Answer:

“The correct mindset for a Midwife is to have the expectant mother and baby’s interests in the forefront of their mind. A Midwife cares for and provides assistance and advice, so they need to be willing to be patient and listen to the needs of the mother they are assisting. You could argue that customer service is an important part of this job, and I have previous work experience in delivering stellar customer service.”

6. What Challenges Have You Faced and How Did You Overcome Them?


The interviewer will be keen to know how you are able to cope with challenges that could potentially come up when working as a Midwife. These midwifery interview questions give you the chance to provide examples of when you dealt with difficult situations and your ability to overcome them. After all, it is impossible to predict what is going to happen on a daily basis when working as a Midwife, even if you know all of the Midwife facts!

Model Answer:

“In a previous job, I regularly faced issues with language barriers. It is frustrating for both parties if you are unable to communicate effectively. To combat this, I taught myself common phrases in various languages and also arranged to have an interpreter available when interacting with patients that did not speak English as their first language.

Working in midwifery means that you will be helping expectant mothers from all cultures and backgrounds, so by having a solution to language barriers, you will be better placed to provide the best care.”

Enrol on a Midwifery Course Online to Get Started!

To get to the interview stage for a role as a Midwife and become a Midwife, UK learners will need to gain relevant qualifications, and you can do that by enrolling on an Access to Midwifery course with learndirect. The accredited Level 3 Diploma will help you get to university to study a midwifery degree as you will be equipped with the Midwife facts you need to study at degree level.

To find out more information about our midwifery courses, or how to become a Midwife, UK learners should speak to one of our Course Executives today by calling 01202 006 464. Alternatively, contact us online or click below to learn more Midwife facts!

Common Interview Questions for a Midwifery Role | learndirect (2024)


Why do you want to be a midwife answer? ›

Unlike many other healthcare roles, Midwives are not there to simply provide medical support, they provide emotional support too. You have the opportunity to bond with an expectant mother and create a trusting environment around them. This role is rewarding on so many levels.”

What are the 10 most common interview questions and answers answer? ›

10 most common interview questions and answers
  • Tell me about yourself.
  • What attracted you to our company?
  • Tell me about your strengths.
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • Tell me about a time where you encountered a business challenge?

What is the most important role of a midwife? ›

A midwife is a health professional trained to support and care for women during pregnancy, labour and birth. They help you to stay healthy in pregnancy and, if no complications arise, to give birth with little intervention. Midwives also care for you and your baby in the first few weeks following the birth.

What is the most important skill for a midwife? ›

Skills required to be a midwife
  • an understanding and caring attitude.
  • an ability to get on well with people from a wide range of backgrounds.
  • emotional and mental strength.
  • good observation.
  • an ability to act on own initiative.
  • patience.
  • maturity.
  • willingness to take responsibility.

What are the key roles of a midwife? ›

You'll provide:
  • provide full antenatal care, including parenting classes, clinical examinations and screening.
  • identify high-risk pregnancies.
  • monitor women and support them during labour and the birthing process.
  • teach new and expectant mothers how to feed, care for and bathe their babies.

What are the 3 types of answering interview questions? ›

There are a number of different types of interview questions. The most common 3 types of questions that are generally asked are - Open-ended, Behavioural and Situational.

Why should we hire you? ›

Over the years, I have acquired relevant skills and experience, which I shall bring to your organization. I have also worked tirelessly on my communication abilities and teamwork skills, which I will put to use in my future career, which would be in your organization if I am selected for the position.

What is midwifery short answer? ›

A midwife is a trained health professional who helps healthy women during labor, delivery, and after the birth of their babies. Midwives may deliver babies at birthing centers or at home, but most can also deliver babies at a hospital.

What are the weaknesses of a midwife? ›

Disadvantages of a Midwife-Attended Birth
  • Midwives carry only basic tools and cannot offer ultrasound or anesthesia, for example.
  • Midwives are not qualified to manage high-risk pregnancies or any acute problems or complications that may occur during childbirth.
Aug 1, 2017

What are the 3 C's of interview? ›

These three C's that we will examine are: Credibility; Competence; and Confidence. They are inextricably connected. I'm an introvert by personality type, but can interview with the best of them because of the successful implementation of these three C's.

What are 5 successful interview tips? ›

Tips for a Successful Interview
  • Be on time. ...
  • Know the interviewer's name, its spelling, and pronunciation. ...
  • Have some questions of your own prepared in advance. ...
  • Bring several copies of your resume. ...
  • Have a reliable pen and a small note pad with you. ...
  • Greet the interviewer with a handshake and a smile.

How do you answer a tricky interview question? ›

Follow These Tips To Answer Tricky Interview Questions
  1. Pause. If an interviewer asks tricky interview questions, you don't have to answer right away! ...
  2. Prepare Notes. ...
  3. Consider What the Employer is REALLY Asking. ...
  4. Provide Examples. ...
  5. Be Honest, But Positive. ...
  6. Practice. ...
  7. Redirect.
Dec 16, 2021

How to introduce yourself in interview? ›

Self Introduction in Interview
  1. Dress Appropriately. ...
  2. Prepare What To Say. ...
  3. Begin By Greeting the Interviewer. ...
  4. Include Your Educational Qualifications. ...
  5. Elaborate on Professional Experience (if any) ...
  6. Mention Your Hobbies And Interests. ...
  7. Be Prepared For Follow Up Questions. ...
  8. Sample 1.

What are the 4 types of midwives? ›

Types of midwives
  • Certified nurse midwives (CNMs) ...
  • Certified midwives (CMs) ...
  • Certified professional midwives (CPMs) ...
  • Direct entry midwives (DEMs) ...
  • Lay midwives. ...
  • Doulas.

What are the three types of midwives? ›

The most common types of midwives are listed below including the three professional U.S. midwifery credentials, Certified Professional Midwives (CPM), Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNM), and Certified Midwives (CM).

What are the current issues facing midwifery? ›

The profession is ageing rapidly, with over 1,000 NHS midwives in England now in their sixties; one in three is now over the age of 50. An inability and unwillingness to offer flexible working opportunities to midwives juggling family commitments leads to even more leaving the profession.

What are the 6 C's in midwifery? ›

It outlines the values every nurse or midwife should work to, known as the 'six Cs'. This concept has caught the attention of caring staff everywhere. The six Cs – care, compassion, competence, communication, courage and commitment – are the core elements of our vision.

What are the core values of midwifery? ›

We believe that:
  • Integrity: Good character, moral soundness reliability and trustworthy professional.
  • Professionalism: Sustained act or reflection of the true and positive ideals of nursing and midwifery. ...
  • Excellence: High quality services: Attitude of high degree of quality care and services.

Who is the mother of midwifery? ›

A certified professional midwife who has attended more than 1,200 births, Ina May Gaskin is known as the “mother of authentic midwifery.”

What are the qualities of a good midwife? ›

Important Midwife Characteristics:
  • Understanding and Caring Attitude. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, compassion is one of the top qualities to seek out in a midwife. ...
  • Good Listening Skills. ...
  • Remaining Calm in Stressful Situations. ...
  • Decisive. ...
  • Trustworthy.

What are midwife skills? ›

To become an ideal certified nurse midwife, you need to have the following skills:
  • Strong evaluation skills.
  • The ability to communicate effectively with patients and the health team.
  • Excellent organizational and leadership skills.
  • Technological knowledge.
  • A compassionate or caring attitude.

What are the six P's of an interview? ›

Landing an interview doesn't mean landing the job, because selling your skills and abilities depends on you: Prepare, Practice, Presentation, Powerful Interview, Post-Interview, and Ponder the Position are the six Ps that ensure the best possible outcome for you and the interviewer.

What to ask at the end of an interview? ›

20 smart questions to ask at the end of your next job interview
  • What do you personally like most about working for this organisation? ...
  • How would you describe your organisation's culture? ...
  • Can you tell me about the kind of supervision you provide? ...
  • What have past employees done to succeed in this position?

How do you nail an interview? ›

But if you're ready to take your interviewing skills to the next level, check out these five tips to nailing the interview.
  1. Own Your Personal Story. ...
  2. Bring Real-Life Examples. ...
  3. Understand the Value of Numbers. ...
  4. Hone Your Value Sets. ...
  5. Come Prepared with Great Questions.
Nov 8, 2021

What do you say in Tell me about yourself? ›

A simple formula for answering “Tell me about yourself”
  • Present: Talk a little bit about what your current role is, the scope of it, and perhaps a big recent accomplishment.
  • Past: Tell the interviewer how you got there and/or mention previous experience that's relevant to the job and company you're applying for.
Jul 20, 2022

What is the STAR method when interviewing? ›

The STAR method is a structured manner of responding to a behavioral-based interview question by discussing the specific situation, task, action, and result of the situation you are describing.

What 3 things should you do during the INterview to be successful? ›

During the INterview
  • Listen carefully to the interviewer.
  • Make sure you answer the question your interviewer is asking.
  • Relate your skills, accomplishments, and objectives to the needs of the company.
  • Provide specific examples when possible using the SARA method (Situation, Action, Result, Application).

What 2 questions should I ask in an interview? ›

7 good questions to ask at an interview
  • Can you tell me more about the day-to-day responsibilities of the role? ...
  • How could I impress you in the first three months? ...
  • Are there opportunities for training and progression within the role/company? ...
  • Where do you think the company is headed in the next five years?

What are some tricky interview questions? ›

15 tricky job interview questions — and how to nail them
  • Can you tell me a little about yourself?
  • How did you hear about the position?
  • What do you know about the company?
  • What are your greatest professional strengths?
  • What do you consider to be your weaknesses?
  • What is your greatest professional achievement?

How do you handle stress and pressure? ›

2. Commit to a Positive Attitude
  1. Decide what you can do. Pinpoint which parts of the situation you have the power to change or influence for the better. ...
  2. Get support. Find someone to talk to about your situation. ...
  3. Care for yourself. Take especially good care of yourself when stress in your life is high.

What motivates you to apply for this position? ›

'I see the role as a way of developing my career in a forward-thinking/well-established company/industry as…' 'I feel I will succeed in the role because I have experience in/softs skills that demonstrate/ I've taken this course…' 'I believe my skills are well-suited to this job because…”

How do I prepare for a midwifery interview? ›

Interview Tips
  1. Arrive on time or you will stand out for the wrong reason!
  2. Be prepared with your record of achievement or all relevant paperwork in one place.
  3. Dress smartly.
  4. Be clear why you want to be a midwife.
  5. Be ready to answer questions about the profession.
  6. Know the university you have applied for, go to the open day.

What is the full meaning of midwifery? ›

Midwifery is an approach to care of women and their newborn infants whereby midwives: • optimise the normal biological, psychological, social and cultural processes of childbirth and. early life of the newborn; • work in partnership with women, respecting the individual circ*mstances and views of each. woman.

Who is the father of midwifery? ›


Why Do midwives love their job? ›

The reason number one, why I love midwifery is that I get to educate people and that is my favorite thing to do. I've always loved to help inform people and inform myself already.

What are your strengths as a midwife? ›

There are many personal qualities and skills needed to be a midwife, including:
  • an understanding and caring attitude.
  • an ability to get on well with people from a wide range of backgrounds.
  • emotional and mental strength.
  • good observation.
  • an ability to act on own initiative.
  • patience.
  • maturity.

What interests you about midwifery? ›

Midwifery is a very noble field of medicine that has been around for thousands of years. Midwives are arguably some of the most important people in women's health care. A career in this area could see you supporting countless mothers and their children from early pregnancy to well after birth.

How to introduce yourself at an interview? ›

Tips on How to Introduce Yourself in an Interview
  1. Greet Your Interviewers. ...
  2. Let Your Interviewers Know About Your Educational Background. ...
  3. An Alternate Approach for Seasoned Professionals. ...
  4. A Line or Two on Your Passions and Hobbies. ...
  5. The Vital Closing Statement.
Nov 8, 2022

What would be the most important caring behavior of a midwife? ›

Compassion as one of the five C's of caring means being considerate and kind. The midwives explained that when they were compassionate in their care, patients responded positively to their guidance, and cooperated better with taking treatments.

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