Compare and contrast rational and incremental models of policy making. - University Social studies - Marked by (2024)

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Making Public Policy Assignment Compare and contrast rational and incremental models of policy making. Decision making is recognised as a fundamental activity of public administration. The debate of rational versus incremental models of policy making is could be viewed as a debate over alternative political systems and values. Rational decision making has a centralising bias, while incrementalism tends to favour representative and pluralist decision making. Additionally, the rational model tends not to favour any community contribution while incrementalism leans towards widespread popular participation in decision making. Despite their numerous differences, both techniques can work well or even fail, depending on the situation in which they are used. The rational model is aimed at maximising efficiency and 'net value achievement'. This means that all of the values of society are known and that any sacrifice in one or more values required by a policy is compensated for by attainment of other values. This definition could be viewed as interchangeable with the concept of efficiency - it comes down to more than money - all social, political and economic values have to be considered. Many techniques are employed to limit alternatives and to promote effective decision making; these include hierarchy, specialisation, premise controls and 'grid regulation'. more.


Here stages of the policy process follow on from one another but the policy process does not terminate. Solutions define the context for the next problem; hence, the stages of policy process can be seen as a cycle.6 The incremental approach was originally proposed by the economist Lindloom and attempts to correct the imperfections of the rational model and to illustrate how policy decision-makers actually behave. He touts the advantages of a 'successive limited comparison mode over "the rational comprehensive method"'7. This perspective accepts that political objectives may be purposely kept unclear with the intention of building political consensus and support. He argued that decision makers do not annually review all existing and proposed policies, highlight societal goals and research costs, as suggested by the rational model as impractical. Instead they take an incremental approach in which there is slow evolution of policies by cautious incremental changes. The incremental approach is conservative in that existing policies, programs and expenditure are considered and attention is concentrated on new policies and on increases, decreases or modifications of established programs. Perhaps this suggests that they do not totally remake policy every time they make a 'policy-decision', but in its place modernise existing policy. more.


or constituency; avoiding overly rigid adherence to rules; the oversimplification of reality; the over-quantification at the expense of qualitative factors; and, the reluctance to engage in policy and program evaluation and feedback. This policy model is effective where as the incremental option may not be as in the case of the Falklands. This method of policy making was and is still being used with the Europe issue - the stance being 'wait and see'. Incrementalism is a continuous, exploratory process and the policy makers tend to operate within an existing framework and adjust their position in light of any feedback. The whole issue of the Falklands illustrates the inability of Whitehall to plan any long term policy and make decisions. 1 Financial Times - 7th March 2001 2 Herbert Simon 1982, Page 66 3 Simon 1983 4 Psychology Review 63 - Rational choice and the structure of the environment 5 Making Public Policy - Lecture 7 - taken from Baybrooke and Lindboom (1963) 6 Making Public Policy - Lecture 6 - Rational Models of Policy Making 7 Public Administration Review - 'The Science of Muddling Through' by Charles Lindloom 8 Lindloom 1959 - Page 266 9 Lindloom 1959 - Page 226 10 Landing On Your Feet: How To Control Policy Problems - Chapter 8 11 12 Page 1 more.

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Compare and contrast rational and incremental models of policy making. - University Social studies - Marked by (23)

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3 star(s)

This essay demonstrates a basic understanding of rational and incremental models of policy making. Some good points are made with regards to advantages and disadvantages but many of the points would be improved by using examples

Marked by teacherDiane Apeah-Kubi25/03/2013

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Compare and contrast rational and incremental models of policy making. - University Social studies - Marked by (36)

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Compare and contrast rational and incremental models of policy making. - University Social studies - Marked by (2024)


What is the difference between rational versus incremental policy making? ›

Rational decision making has a centralising bias, while incrementalism tends to favour representative and pluralist decision making. Additionally, the rational model tends not to favour any community contribution while incrementalism leans towards widespread popular participation in decision making.

What is the difference between rationalism and incrementalism? ›

The rationalist approach is better suited toprojects as it uses fixed resources to get towards a future desired state. The incrementaliststrategy is more flexible allowing for changes in the desired future state as well as resourcesallocated to getting there.

What is the incremental model of policy making? ›

incrementalism, theory of public policy making, according to which policies result from a process of interaction and mutual adaptation among a multiplicity of actors advocating different values, representing different interests, and possessing different information.

What is the rational model of policy making? ›

Rational Model. This model tries to understand all the alternatives, take into account all their consequences, and select the best. It is concerned with the best way to organize government in order to assure and undistorted flow of information, the accuracy of feedback, and the weighing of values.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of incremental model? ›

Advantages and Disadvantages of Incremental Model
This model is less costly compared to othersRectifying a problem in one unit requires correction in all the units and consumes a lot of time
A customer can respond to each building
Errors are easy to be identified
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29 Oct 2022

What is the difference between decision-making and rational decision-making? ›

Rational vs.

The rational model of decision-making involves reasoning, facts, and data. In comparison, intuitive decision-making involves choosing among options without relying on reasoning or analysis. It involves unconsciously recalling a memory or relying on emotions to make decisions.

What is rationalism and example? ›

Rationalism is the philosophical view that knowledge is acquired through reason, without the aid of the senses. Mathematical knowledge is the best example of this, since through rational thought alone we can plumb the depths of numerical relations, construct proofs, and deduce ever more complex mathematical concepts.

What are the differences and similarities between how empiricists and rationalist acquired knowledge? ›

The main difference between Rationalism And Empiricism is that rationalism is the knowledge that is derived from reason and logic while on the other hand empiricism is the knowledge that is derived from experience and experimentation. Rationalism is about intuition while empiricism is about visual concepts.

What are any two characteristics of rationalism? ›

rationalism, in Western philosophy, the view that regards reason as the chief source and test of knowledge. Holding that reality itself has an inherently logical structure, the rationalist asserts that a class of truths exists that the intellect can grasp directly.

What is the example of Incremental model? ›

In this daily life example, we want to draw a picture, first, we draw the first part of the picture as shown in increment 1, Similarly after completing the first part of the picture we have to add one another part of the picture labeled as increment 2 in the above picture.

What is the major advantage of using Incremental model answer? ›

Explanation: Incremental Model is generally easier to test and debug than other methods of software development because relatively smaller changes are made during each iteration and is popular particularly when we have to quickly deliver a limited functionality system.

What is the importance of Incremental model? ›

Advantages of using Incremental process model :

It has lowers initial delivery cost. It has incremental resource deployment. It can deduct errors easily because core modules are used by the customer from the beginning of the phase and then 5. These are tested thoroughly.

What are the main assumptions of the rational model of policy making? ›

The rational model also assumes:

An individual has full and perfect information on which to base a choice. Measurable criteria exist for which data can be collected and analyzed. An individual has the cognitive ability, time, and resources to evaluate each alternative against the others.

Why is the rational model important? ›

The most basic use of the rational decision-making model is to ensure a consistent method of making decisions. This could be used as a standardized decision-making tool across an organization or to ensure that all managers receive the same information to make decisions.

What is the meaning of rational model? ›

Definition. Being the opposite of intuitive decision making, rational model of decision making is a model where individuals use facts and information, analysis, and a step-by-step procedure to come to a decision. The rational model of decision making is a more advanced type of decision-making model.

What are the problems of incremental model? ›

Incrementally developed systems change so quickly that it is not cost-effective to produce lots of system documentation. Furthermore, incremental development may sometimes require unfamiliar technologies to be used to ensure the most rapid delivery of the software.

What are the advantages of taking an incremental approach to policy change? ›

Perhaps the main advantage of incrementalism is its efficiency compared to more rigidly structured methods of policymaking. It wastes no time or resources planning for problems and outcomes which never materialize.

What do you mean by incremental model? ›

Incremental Model is a process of software development where requirements are broken down into multiple standalone modules of software development cycle. Incremental development is done in steps from analysis design, implementation, testing/verification, maintenance.

What is an example of rational decision-making? ›

Example: “If one of our solutions increases our total traffic by 10%, we should consider it a practical way to overcome our traffic plateau.

What are the advantages of rational decision-making? ›


The rational model allows for an objective approach that's based on scientifically obtained data to reach informed decisions. This reduces the chance of errors and assumptions. It also helps to minimise the manager's emotions which might have resulted in poor judgments in the past.

What are the differences between rational and irrational models in group decision-making? ›

One of the major differences between rational and irrational decisions is how you include emotions in the decision-making process. You typically make rational decisions by using quantifiable data, research and logic. In contrast, emotions are often the primary factor in irrational decisions.

What is the importance of rationalism in education? ›

A conception of rationality as a goal of education is proposed that incorporates the complementary strengths and avoids the limitations of the developmental and thinking skills approaches.

Who are the three main rationalists? ›

The first philosophers who are today referred to as having been rationalists include Descartes (1596-1650), Leibniz (1646-1716), and Spinoza (1632-1677). These thinkers thought they were defending a form of rational thought in the form of a science against the older school of thought known as scholasticism.

What are the three key ideas of rationalism? ›

At its core, rationalism consists of three basic claims. For people to consider themselves rationalists, they must adopt at least one of these three claims: the intuition/deduction thesis, the innate knowledge thesis, or the innate concept thesis.

What is the key point of disagreement between rationalists and empiricists? ›

The distinction between the two is drawn primarily by reference to their objects: sense experience allows us to acquire knowledge of external objects, whereas our awareness of our mental operations is responsible for the aquisition of knowledge of our minds.

What is the central disagreement between the rationalists and empiricists? ›

Whereas rationalists tend to think (with some exceptions discussed below) that some ideas, at least, such as the idea of God, are innate, empiricists hold that all ideas come from experience.

What do empiricists and rationalists use to argue the truth of their school of thought? ›

These two, very different, schools of thought attempt to answer the philosophical question of how knowledge is acquired. While rationalists believe that this process occurs solely in our minds, empiricists argue that it is, instead, through sensory experience.

What are the characteristics of the rational system model? ›

The two main characteristics of rational systems are goal specificity and formalization. Most early theorists emphasized the rational perspective and viewed organizations as deliberate and purposeful.

What are the four types of rationalization? ›

Four types of rationality are identified and com- pared with one another: practical, theoretical, substantive, and for- mal.

What are the two types of rationality? ›

Two Kinds of Rationality distinguishes between instrumental and mythic rationality, picturing the latter as a value rationality. Projecting reality as basically ambiguous, Evens offers a critique of theoretical approaches to social action and a rethinking of contemporary notions of human agency.

Is incremental model rational? ›

The incremental model splits the decision-making process into smaller steps. These steps occur in three phases: identification, development, and selection. The decision-makers are not fully rational and consider only a limited number of alternatives during each step.

What are the features of incremental model? ›

Characteristics of Incremental Model

System is broken down into many mini development projects. Partial systems are built to produce the final system. First tackled highest priority requirements. The requirement of a portion is frozen once the incremented portion is developed.

Is an incremental approach the best approach? ›

The incremental approach often offers the best way to reduce the destructiveness of confrontations over intractable issues.

Which of the following is the best definition of an incremental development model? ›

Which one of the following is the BEST definition of an incremental development model? a) Defining requirements, designing software and testing are done in a series with added pieces.

What are two flaws with the rational decision-making model? ›

Critiques of the Rational Model

Their objections to the rational model include: People rarely have full (or perfect) information. For example, the information might not be available, the person might not be able to access it, or it might take too much time or too many resources to acquire.

Which model is known as rational model of decision making? ›

The Rational Decision-Making Model is a method of taking emotion out of making decisions and applying logical steps to work towards a solution. The model involves comparing multiple options or alternatives by using non-bias research, facts, and other data to help choose.

Why is the rational decision making process hard to achieve all the time? ›

Individuals do not always make rational decisions. In reality, people are often moved by external factors that are not rational, such as emotions. Individuals do not have perfect access to the information they would need to make the most rational decision every time.

What is rational model of organization? ›

Rational organization theory is the idea that an organization, such as a business, is a tool for achieving a definable goal or set of goals. A rational organization uses a formal structure to define the role of each member of the organization.

What is the difference between incremental and radical change? ›

Incremental change, or first order change, usually occurs via a series of small steps, with no single step taking up a long period of time. Compare this to radical change, which is a transformation shift behind the fundamentals of a company's norms. In radical change, the gap between two states of affairs is great.

What is the difference between rational and irrational decision-making? ›

Rational thinking is defined as thinking that is consistent with known facts. Irrational thinking is thinking that is inconsistent with (or unsupported by) known facts.

What are the different types of policymaking? ›

These are agenda building, formulation, adoption, implementation, evaluation, and termination.

What is the main difference between incremental model and spiral model? ›

1. Spiral model is a software development model and is made with features of incremental, waterfall or evolutionary prototyping models. Incremental Model is a software development model where the product is, analyzed, designed, implemented and tested incrementally until the product is finished.

What are the advantages of incremental change? ›

The major benefit to Incremental Improvements is that the changes can be implemented quickly. The change can be dissected into smaller changes allowing an organization to focus on improvements that can be implemented in the necessary timeframe.

What is the meaning of the incremental? ›

(ɪnkrɪmentəl ) adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] Incremental is used to describe something that increases in value or worth, often by a regular amount. [formal]

What are the differences between the rational decision making models and the Nonrational model? ›

Summing-up: Rational decisions are carefully considered and negative outcomes are weighed. Nonrational decisions are based on intuitive judgment. Irrational decisions are made in haste and no outcomes are considered.

What are some examples of rational decision making? ›

Example: “If one of our solutions increases our total traffic by 10%, we should consider it a practical way to overcome our traffic plateau.

What are the advantages of rational decision making? ›


The rational model allows for an objective approach that's based on scientifically obtained data to reach informed decisions. This reduces the chance of errors and assumptions. It also helps to minimise the manager's emotions which might have resulted in poor judgments in the past.

What are the three types of policies and explain each? ›

Public policies will include laws, rules, regulations, judgments, case studies, government programs, etc. Now public policies and their nature are basically of three types – restrictive, regulatory and facilitating policies.

What are the three 3 essential components in policy making? ›

The policy process is normally conceptualized as sequential parts or stages. These are (1) problem emergence, (2) agenda setting, (3) consideration of policy options, (3) decision-making, (5) implementation, and (6) evaluation (Jordan and Adelle, 2012).

What are the 4 types of policy? ›

The American political scientist Theodore J. Lowi proposed four types of policy, namely distributive, redistributive, regulatory and constituent in his article "Four Systems of Policy, Politics and Choice" and in "American Business, Public Policy, Case Studies and Political Theory".

What is the similarity between incremental system integration and spiral model of design? ›

Definition: The spiral model is similar to the incremental development for a system, with more emphasis placed on risk analysis. The spiral model has four phases: Planning, Design, Construct and Evaluation. A software project repeatedly passes through these phases in iterations (called Spirals in this model).

What is the major advantage of using the Incremental model? ›

Explanation: Incremental Model is generally easier to test and debug than other methods of software development because relatively smaller changes are made during each iteration and is popular particularly when we have to quickly deliver a limited functionality system.

What are the different advantages and disadvantages of spiral model? ›

Spiral Model Advantages and Disadvantages
Cost estimation becomes easy as the prototype building is done in small fragmentsSpiral development works best for large projects only also demands risk assessment expertise
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12 Nov 2022

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