EBITDA vs. Revenue: What Is the Difference? | Klipfolio (2024)

Profitability stands as the ultimate goal for enterprises across industries. It fuels growth, ensures sustainability, and lays the foundation for success.

To maximize their profits, companies must pay attention to the relationship between revenue and profitability metrics. Among these metrics, two significant indicators often come into focus: EBITDA and revenue.

In this article, we'll delve into the fundamental differences between the two and shed light on their definitions, calculations, and practical implications.

What is EBITDA?

EBITDA is a financial metric that assesses a company's profitability and overall financial performance. The acronym stands for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.

It is commonly employed by investors, analysts, and business owners to assess operational efficiency and financial stability. By focusing on core business operations, EBITDA offers valuable insights into a company's capacity to generate cash flow.

Its usage in financial analysis facilitates a more comprehensive understanding of a company's financial health, assisting stakeholders in making informed decisions and strategic planning for the future.

What EBITDA Does

When evaluating a company's financial performance, EBITDA provides a more comprehensive perspective compared to revenue alone, which solely reflects the company's total income. This is because EBITDA considers operating expenses, which can significantly impact profitability.

EBITDA is useful for comparing the financial performance of companies in the same industry by neutralizing the impact of accounting practices and capital structure variations. This is especially valuable for assessing the financial health of businesses withdifferent debt levels,allowing for an equitable comparison of operational effectiveness.

Furthermore, EBITDA helps isolate the influence of non-operational costs that may distort a company's true operational profitability. It highlights the cash a company generates before accounting for non-operational expenses.

EBITDA can also serve as a benchmark for comparing a company's performance against its industry rivals or peers, providing insights into operational effectiveness and profitability by examining its EBITDA margin.

While EBITDA is a helpful indicator, it should not be the sole metric used to assess a company's financial performance. In addition to EBITDA, it's crucial to consider other indicators like net income, cash flow, and revenue to get a fuller picture of a company's financial situation.

How To Calculate EBITDA

EBITDA is calculated by adding back interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization to a company's net income. The formula for calculating EBITDA is as follows:

EBITDA = Net income + Interest + Taxes + Depreciation + Amortization

Note that EBITDA excludes other expenses, such as capital expenditures, working capital changes, and additional non-operating costs. As a result, EBITDA should not be used as the sole metric to evaluate a company's financial health.

What is Revenue?

A company's revenue represents the total income generated from the sale of its products or services. This financial metric encompasses all the money the company earns, whether through the sale of goods, provision of services, or a combination of both. It's significant since it enables investors and business owners to assess the organization's financial health.

What Revenue Does

The top line of a business is its revenue, which is the amount of money it makes before deducting charges like taxes, operational expenses, and interest payments.

Tracking revenue trends over time provides valuable insights into the company's sales performance, allowing for predictions about its future financial prospects and aiding investors in making informed decisions.

Examining a company's revenue also enables the assessment of its efficiency. Comparing revenue to expenses helps gauge profitability, as a company with high sales but significant expenses may be less profitable than one with lower revenue but lower expenses.

Moreover, revenue is a valuable tool for comparing the effectiveness of multiple businesses operating in the same industry. Analyzing revenue figures helps identify market leaders and emerging players, supporting investment decisions andidentifying companies worth monitoring.

How To Calculate Revenue

Revenue is calculated by multiplying the price of a product or service by the number of units sold. The formula for calculating revenue is as follows:

Revenue = Price x Units Sold

For instance, if a company sells 1,000 units of a product for $100 each, the total revenue would amount to $100,000.

Alternatively, revenue can be computed by summing up the earnings from all sources of income within a company. For example, if a company generates $50,000 from product sales and $25,000 from rental income, the total revenue would be $75,000.

Comparing EBITDA vs. Revenue

Now, let's explore the differences and similarities between EBITDA and revenue, two essential factors in evaluating a business.


EBITDA and revenue are key financial indicators for evaluating a company's performance. They provide insights into income generation and profitability, aiding analysts and investors in assessing the company's standing relative to its industry peers.

These metrics also facilitate meaningful comparisons of a company's performance over time. By examining EBITDA and revenue, stakeholders can gauge its progress and growth trajectory. Consistency in using these metrics allows for reliable performance comparisons across quarters or years.

However, it's crucial to acknowledge that EBITDA and revenue can be susceptible to manipulation. Companies may employ accounting techniques to inflate revenue or adjust EBITDA, complicating performance evaluations. This calls for careful analysis and consideration of other financial indicators to ensure a comprehensive assessment.


EBITDA is a more comprehensive financial term than revenue as it considers a company's operating expenses. Revenue, on the other hand, only indicates a company's total income. EBITDA is derived by adding back interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization to net income.

EBITDA is particularly useful for comparing the financial performance of businesses with different capital structures, tax rates, or accounting standards. In contrast, revenue provides a straightforward measure of a company's overall income.

However, EBITDA has limitations that revenue does not. It does not account for changes in working capital, capital expenditures, and debt payments, which can impact a company's cash flow and long-term financial health. Revenue, on the other hand, provides insights into a company's sales performance and top-line growth.

EBITDA is often criticized for being anon-GAAP financial metric, meaning it can be calculated differently by different businesses, leading to inconsistencies when comparing EBITDA across industries. Revenue, on the other hand, is a GAAP metric that is standardized across organizations, facilitating comparisons across industries and companies.

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Pros and Cons of EBITDA in Assessing Financial Performance

Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of EBITDA is essential for stakeholders who rely on this metric to make informed decisions. Let's delve into these aspects.

Advantages of EBITDA

As a financial metric, EBITDA provides several benefits that make it popular among analysts, investors, and businesses.

Facilitates Easy Comparison among Companies in the Same Industry

EBITDA is a commonly employed metric that facilitates easy comparisons among companies operating in the same industry.

EBITDA provides a more precise evaluation of a company's operational efficiency and profitability by excluding interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. This allows a more straightforward assessment of how a company stacks up against its competitors.

Assesses Debt Servicing Capacity and Future Expenditures

By excluding interest expenses from the calculation, EBITDA provides a measure of a company's operating performance without the impact of its debt structure. This enables stakeholders to gauge the company's financial capacity to handle its obligations and plan for future investments.

Indicates Cash Flow and Consideration of Operating Expenses

EBITDA's emphasis on earnings from core operations offers a more transparent view of a company's cash generation ability and capacity to meet financial obligations. This is especially valuable for evaluating liquidity and short-term financial stability.

This way, EBITDA allows stakeholders to assess the company's ability to generate cash flow from its primary business activities and determine its short-term financial resilience.

Limitations of EBITDA

While EBITDA is a valuable metric, it's essential to acknowledge its limitations when evaluating a company's financial performance. Being aware of these limitations is crucial toavoid potential pitfalls.

Exclusion of Non-Operating Costs, Potentially Distorting Financial Situation

One must be cautious when relying solely on EBITDA as it excludes non-operating costs like interest, taxes, and one-time charges. This exclusion could create an inflated perception of a company's financial situation.

Potential for Manipulation through Accounting Strategies

Certain businesses may manipulate their EBITDA by making adjustments that do not truly reflect their operational performance. Such practices can deceive stakeholders and create a distorted perception of a company's profitability.

Therefore, it is essential to carefully scrutinize the components and adjustments made when calculating EBITDA to ensure transparency and accuracy in financial evaluations.

Unreliable Predictor of Profitability for Companies with Significant Fixed Assets

For companies with significant fixed assets that depreciate over time, EBITDA may not be a dependable predictor of profitability.

The omission of depreciation in EBITDA calculations can lead to an inaccurate representation of a company's financial well-being, especially when its profitability relies on efficiently utilizing these assets. In such instances, it's essential to consider alternative metrics such as net or operating income alongside EBITDA to understand the company's profitability better.

The Bottomline

To sum up, it is crucial to emphasize the significance of comprehending the differences between EBITDA and revenue when evaluating a company's financial health. Revenue serves as a comprehensive measure of overall income, while EBITDA offers a granular view of operational performance.

Investors and analysts need to be mindful of the merits and limitations of EBITDA and should integrate it alongside other relevant financial metrics to make informed judgments. By holistically considering these factors, stakeholders can acquire a more thorough understanding of a company's financial situation and make well-grounded decisions based on comprehensive insights.

EBITDA vs. Revenue: What Is the Difference? | Klipfolio (2024)


EBITDA vs. Revenue: What Is the Difference? | Klipfolio? ›

EBITDA is a more comprehensive financial term than revenue as it considers a company's operating expenses. Revenue, on the other hand, only indicates a company's total income. EBITDA is derived by adding back interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization to net income.

What is a good ratio of EBITDA to revenue? ›

Although some analysts consider 10% a good EBITDA margin, a good EBITDA margin is relative. It varies based on industry. And when comparing companies, investors will choose a company with a higher EBITDA margin.

Which is more important EBITDA or net income? ›

Since EBITDA shows income before non-cash expenses (expenses like depreciation and amortization that are recorded on an income statement without any cash changing hands), it's a better indicator than net income of a business's ability to bring in cash.

How do you calculate revenue from EBITDA? ›

How to Calculate EBITDA
  1. EBITDA = Net Income + Interest + Taxes + Depreciation + Amortization.
  2. EBITDA = Operating Income + Depreciation + Amortization.
  3. EBITDA = $10,000,000 (net income) + $5,000,000 (interest) + $5,000,000 (taxes) + $3,000,000 (depreciation and amortization)
Nov 23, 2022

What does EBITDA actually tell you? ›

EBITDA, or earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization, is an alternate measure of profitability to net income. By including depreciation and amortization as well as taxes and debt payment costs, EBITDA attempts to represent the cash profit generated by the company's operations.

Why is EBITDA better than revenue? ›

EBITDA is a more comprehensive financial term than revenue as it considers a company's operating expenses. Revenue, on the other hand, only indicates a company's total income. EBITDA is derived by adding back interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization to net income.

What is the difference between EBITDA and revenue multiple? ›

The enterprise value-to-revenue (EV/R) looks at a companies revenue-generating ability, while the enterprise value-to-EBITDA (EV/EBITDA)—also known as the enterprise multiple—looks at a company's ability to generate operating cash flows.

Is it better to value a company using a revenue or EBITDA multiple? ›

As stated earlier, there can be instances, such as when analyzing start-ups or unprofitable companies, when using revenue over EBITDA is more appropriate. However, in most cases, finance professionals prefer the EBITDA multiple because it provides a more comprehensive view of a company's financial performance.

Does EBITDA include salaries? ›

Ebitda includes all revenue generated by the business minus any expenses related to production such as cost of goods sold, operating expenses like wages and salaries, research and development costs and other overhead expenses.

Should EBITDA be higher than profit? ›

Large interest payments should be included in the financial analysis of such companies. In addition, the EBITDA margin is usually higher than the profit margin. Companies with low profitability will emphasize EBITDA margin as their measurement for success.

Does EBITDA include owner salary? ›

For example, interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization are added back when calculating both SDE and EBITDA, and many of these adjustments are similar in both methods. The major difference is that SDE includes the owner's compensation, and EBITDA does not include the owner's compensation.

How many times EBITDA is a business worth? ›

The multiples vary by industry and could be in the range of three to six times EBITDA for a small to medium sized business, depending on market conditions. Many other factors can influence which multiple is used, including goodwill, intellectual property and the company's location.

How do you explain EBITDA in simple terms? ›

EBITDA definition

EBITDA is short for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. It is one of the most widely used measures of a company's financial health and ability to generate cash.

What is EBITDA for dummies? ›

The acronym EBITDA stands for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. EBITDA is a useful metric for understanding a business's ability to generate cash flow for its owners and for judging a company's operating performance.

Why is EBITDA misleading? ›

Insensitivity to Debt Levels:** EBITDA does not consider interest payments, which can lead to an overestimated valuation for heavily leveraged companies.

What is rule of 40 revenue EBITDA? ›

The Rule of 40 – popularized by Brad Feld – states that an SaaS company's revenue growth rate plus profit margin should be equal to or exceed 40%. The Rule of 40 equation is the sum of the recurring revenue growth rate (%) and EBITDA margin (%).

Should EBITDA be higher or lower than revenue? ›

EBITDA is not required to be included in an income statement, but if it were, it would appear a few lines below the revenue line item. A business's EBITDA number will always be lower than its revenue figure, as certain operating expenses are deducted from it.

What is a normal EBITDA ratio? ›

The enterprise-value-to-EBITDA ratio is calculated by dividing EV by EBITDA or earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. Typically, EV/EBITDA values below 10 are seen as healthy.

Is a 20% EBITDA good? ›

An EBITDA over 10 is considered good. Over the last several years, the EBITDA has ranged between 11 and 14 for the S&P 500. You may also look at other businesses in your industry and their reported EBITDA as a way to see how your company is measuring up.

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