Examples of "Ignoring" in a Sentence (2024)


  • Rhyn asked, ignoring him.



  • He was ignoring her.



  • She headed for the door, ignoring the question.



  • Rhyn asked, ignoring the bait.



  • By ignoring the free poetical form of prophecy, and still more by ignoring the fact that the prophetic pictures of the ideal future of Israel could not be literally fulfilled after the fall of the ancient state had entirely changed the sphere in which the problems of true religion had to be worked out, it was possible to find a great mass of unfulfilled prophecy which might form the basis of eschatological constructions.


  • He tossed fish tied together on a rope into the center of the cave, ignoring her inspection.



  • He pulled a pillow across his face, ignoring her.



  • Understanding crossed his features, and he unwound it, ignoring her attempts to slap him away.



  • Sasha seemed to be ignoring her, though a small smile of amusem*nt was on his face.



  • You.ll find our chefs the best in the world, the host said, ignoring Katie to address her sister.




  • She tapped her translator again despite the hum and determined he was ignoring her.



  • She feigned ignoring him, though he saw the flush of her face grow deeper.



  • Some left, ignoring her, while others shifted between small groups.



  • Young Donnie munched on his fourth or fifth muffin, ignored by and ignoring his stepfather.



  • She is totally ignoring my requests for explanation.




  • Ignoring temperature effect, and taking the density as a function of the pressure, surfaces of equal pressure are also of equal density, and the fluid is stratified by surfaces orthogonal to the lines of force; n ap, dy, P d z, or X, Y, Z (4) are the partial differential coefficients of some function P, =fdplp, of x, y, z; so that X, Y, Z must be the partial differential coefficients of a potential -V, such that the force in any direction is the downward gradient of V; and then dP dV (5) ax + Tr=0, or P+V =constant, in which P may be called the hydrostatic head and V the head of potential.

  • The first group, comprising the second to the sixth names, obtains its results by selecting the data on which it relies and ignoring others.

  • In 1710, the Edinburgh magistrates, regarding the university patronage as their privilege, appointed another professor, ignoring the appointment of Cunningham, who had been installed in the office for at least ten years.

  • The intolerable meanness advocated for the sake of the paltriest gains, the entire ignoring of any pursuit in life except money-getting, and the representation of the whole duty of man as consisting first in the attainment of a competent fortune, and next, when that fortune has been attained, in spending not more than half of it, are certainly repulsive enough.

  • For example, in the curve for gold-aluminium, ignoring minor singularities, we find two intermediate summits, one at the percentage Au 2 A1, and another at the percentage AuAl 2.


  • Turenne then laid waste the Palatinate, in order that it should no longer support an army, and fell back over the Rhine, ignoring the reproaches of the elector palatine, who vainly challenged him to a duel.

  • Then we may, ignoring the units G and H, speak of ON and NP as being equal to x and u respectively.

  • Simpson's (first) formula, for instance, holds for f = I, and is obtained by taking p = i and ignoring differences after 52up.

  • At the synod of the dissident cardinals, assembled at Pisa, views of this type were in the ascendant; and, although protests were not lacking, the necessities of the time served as a pretext for ignoring all objections.

  • But with the collapse of France the old fear and jealousy of Austria had revived in full force, and Bavaria only agreed to these cessions (treaty of Munich, April 16th, 1816) on Austria promising that, in the event of the powers ignoring her claim to the Baden succession in favour of that of the line of the counts of Hochberg, she should receive also the Palatinate on the right bank of the Rhine.


  • If, ignoring temporarily and for simplicity the fact that part of the carbon may exist in the state of graphite, we consider the behaviour of iron in cooling from the molten state, AB and BC give the temperature at which, for any given percentage of carbon, solidification begins, and Aa, aB, and Bc that at which it ends.

  • The short-sighted policy of the amir Abdur Rahman in discouraging imports doubtless affected the balance, nor did his affectation of ignoring the railway between New Chaman and Kila Abdulla (on the Peshin side of the Khojak) conduce to the improvement of trade.

  • A body thrown from the hand would, under the single impulse of projection, move for ever in a straight line; but it would not be reasonable to take special action for the prevention of this result, ignoring the fact that it will be sufficiently counteracted by the other forces which will come into play.

  • Ignoring the II., privilege of 1156, the emperor claimed certain rights Quarrel- in Austria, and summoned the duke to his Italian diets.

  • Prophets play so great a part in the early history that the ignoring of them here is significant.

  • But this third stage is the place of effort, requiring neither the surrender of the original unity nor the ignoring of the diversity afterwards suggested.

  • Stockton, ignoring Kearny, commissioned Fremont military commandant and governor.

  • National politics were put first, to the complete ignoring of excessive taxation, financial extravagance, ignorant legislation and corruption in California.

  • Here he organized a civil government and compiled a code of laws, some of which are still in force, thus exceeding his instructions and ignoring the territorial claims of Texas, out of which had grown the war.

  • Moreover, recorders of local fauna have been almost unanimous in ignoring the introduced forms, except when they have had occasion to comment on the effects, real or supposed, of these immigrants on aboriginal faunas.

  • At the beginning of his reign the religious fervour which had sustained the Almoravide dynasty was rapidly subsiding; in Portugal independent Moorish chiefs ruled over cities and petty states, ignoring the central government; in Africa the Almohades were destroying the remnants of the Almoravide power.

  • Ignoring Sir Thomas Robinson, the political nobody to whom Newcastle had entrusted the management of the Commons, he made frequent and vehement attacks on Newcastle himself, though still continuing to serve under him.

  • Ignoring the declaration of the Great Powers that" under no circ*mstances would they agree to any change in the status quo in S.E.

  • At this stage, indeed, bolder strategy was hardly required, for already Rumania had declared war on Bulgaria and had begun an unopposed march on Sofia, while the Turks at Chatalja and Bulair, ignoring the Treaty of London, reoccupied Adrianople without firing a shot.

  • Later inquirers, including Leo, Troya and Hegel, have found that the supposition does not tally with a whole series of facts, which point to a Lombard territorial law ignoring completely any parallel Roman and personal law, to a great restriction of full civil rights among the Romans, analogous to the condition of the rayah under the Turks, and to a reduction of the Roman occupiers to a class of half-free "aldii," holding immovable tenancies under lords of superior race and privilege, and subject to the sacrifice either of the third part of their holdings or the third part of the produce.

  • Ignoring, concealing and misrepresenting are the characteristics of the Spring and Autumn.

  • The strong sense of social wrongs, the impatience with tongue-religion, the utter ignoring of ceremonialism, the reflection on the value and significance of "life," are distinctive simply of the "wisdom" writers.

  • Pending the work of a second Brehon Law Commission, the Laws are best studied in the six imperfect volumes (Ancient Laws of Ireland, 1865-1901) produced by the first Commission (ignoring their long and worthless introductions), together with Dr. Whitley Stokes's Criticism (London, Nutt, 1903) of Atkinson's Glossary (Dublin, 1901).

  • The ignoring of the feelings and prejudices Shi of large classes has a deeper effect.

  • Signs, however, were not wanting that the peace would soon be broken, and Pitt, dissatisfied with the ministry for ignoring the threatening attitude of Napoleon, and making no preparations for a renewal of the war, withdrew his support.

  • Ignoring processes of oxidation or reduction simply brought about by heat or some other form of energy, we may regard an oxidizing agent as a substance having a strong affinity for electro-positive atoms or groups, and a reducing agent as having a strong affinity for electro-negative atoms or groups; in the actual processes the oxidizing agent suffers reduction and the reducing agent oxidation.

  • This may be done because, since the elements and co-ordinates completely determine each other, we may concentrate our attention on either, ignoring the other.

  • It was necessary Recouree to have recourse to revolutionary measures, to direct to revolutaxation, ignoring all class distinction.

  • John Wallis, in addition to translating the Conics of Apollonius, published in 1655 an original work entitled De sectionibus conicis nova methodo expositis, in which he treated the curves by the Cartesian method, and derived their properties from the definition in piano, completely ignoring the connexion between the conic sections and a cone.

  • But there was no harmony among his subordinates, his military plans failed and soon all parties were tacitly ignoring him.

  • Ignoring the Dispositio Achillea, the elector bequeathed Brandenburg to his two sons.

  • This indifference to the welfare of the Protestants added to the estrangement between the elector and his eldest son, which was further accentuated when John George, ignoring the Dispositio Achillea, bequeathed the new mark to one of his younger sons.

  • She stared up at him defiantly ignoring his reference to the countless nonexistent suitors.

  • She stared at him, ignoring his rhetorical questions.

  • Ignoring the raised brow Claudette turned on her husband, Cynthia hastily set another place and graciously submitted to improper treatment as Cade helped her with her chair and then seated himself.

  • Fury was on the Black God's face as he stared down the storm, ignoring the gale tearing at his clothing.

  • He took an arm of each of the fashionable ladies and paraded one block uptown to Main Street, nodding to potential voters and ignoring the comments Fred muttered behind him that he looked like the crinkled cousin from Hicksville.

  • Afraid of what the demon was going to ask her to do, she was resolved not to hurt Gabriel by ignoring Fate's warning.

  • Gabriel followed, ignoring the rows of delicate glassware, Bunsen burners, machines, and other science toys that employed the two dozen immortal scientists.

  • The two sat side by side on the bed, both ignoring the inappropriate behavior.

  • The petite woman started to run, ignoring the demons that swiped at her with talons large enough to take off her head with one swipe. She seemed immune to the demons' strikes. They fell away, as if hitting an invisible shield. The bizarre display drew more than Katie and Toby's attention. A ripple went through the demons, and they turned to watch the tiny woman sprinting towards them with flashing blue eyes.

  • He heard a groan from nearby and lowered his weapons, the first to step away to see whose body lay before Her. It was Kiki's. Rhyn smelled blood before he saw the soaked clothing of his half-brother. Ignoring Death, Rhyn rolled Kiki onto his back.

  • They seem to have attempted a country kitchen theme, ignoring the fine late Victorian architecture of the place.

  • He's taken a stand and stuck to his message, ignoring the cruel barbs of cynical hipsters.

  • Some in the group are strong enough to withstand the continuous barrage, dishing it back or just ignoring the stupid, vicious taunts.

  • I am also berated for ignoring too many of the classic texts.

  • Horsley suffered further brickbats, accused of almost completely ignoring unpublished materials and of providing nothing in the way of introduction or notes.

  • All this he brushed aside as tho it were a cobweb, ignoring it, answering only when extreme necessity compelled him.

  • Running scared of successful community-supported workers co-ops; government agencies have been ignoring the cooperative's attempts to become a legal entity.

  • Nothing defeats the devil faster than ignoring what he's trying to stir up.

  • Other possible instances would be gross discourtesy to an owner or repeatedly ignoring communications from the FRC.

  • The danger of ignoring a sector of society already disenchanted with conventional politics must be averted.

  • By ignoring divisive cried a little production telecommunications and using a new.

  • Police are planning a major blitz on drivers ignoring a day-time traffic ban and will be issuing fixed penalty fines.

  • Government accused of ignoring warnings on postal vote fraud.

  • This is done, however, only at the expense of ignoring fundamentals or claiming that they cannot be known.

  • It also makes it more difficult to make other challenges because it looks as if you are ignoring them to pick on weaker gremlins!

  • Amnesty International reports that LGBT Jamaicans seldom get justice, with the police often colluding with the perpetrators and ignoring hom*ophobic hate crimes.

  • It sounds heartless, but often totally ignoring him when he seems afraid produces an improvement.

  • Ignoring traffic, blaring horns and fingered salutes, we kissed on cheeks, then lips and hips gridlocked.

  • Ignoring others or calling names can be very hurtful.

  • Yet considerable ingenuity was devoted to ignoring these figures.

  • In promoting an internationalism, I feel that one should be wary of ignoring responsibilities in one's own backyard.

  • We turned left at the country lane, ignoring the first path right.

  • We r doing a full ward canvass but ignoring students as they'll vote lib dem!

  • Ignoring his result, we would have been placed ninth.

  • Ignoring her, Tulloch drove Quilter along the rail, lunging at him like a perspiring pikeman.

  • The judges strongly rebuked the Home Secretary for ignoring Britain's obligations under the Geneva Convention.

  • The landlady tells Deborah off for sitting " on the garden " while ignoring the local ruffian rolling a joint by the front door.

  • Martina, ever so slightly self-conscious, intent on ignoring the cameras and the audience.

  • Keep ahead on the road ignoring a stile, left.

  • The youngsters watch a video where a young boy is fatally injured after ignoring triangular yellow Danger of Death signs and entering a substation.

  • After ignoring several British ultimatums, in November 1878, British forces invaded Afghanistan.

  • Ignoring those women because their eating disorder is less easy to detect seems rather unbalanced.

  • Ignoring the lesson of Falkirk, the mounted nien rode through the morass and up the slope, which was now crowned by the three great masses of the Scottish pikemen.

  • Very often such stereoscopic lenses, owing to faulty construction, give a false idea of space, ignoring the errors which are due to the alteration of the inter-pupillary distance and the visual angles belonging to the principal rays at the object-side (see Binocular Instruments).

  • Saying that there is no evidence that Jesus claimed divinity can only be managed by ignoring reams of evidence, or by facile dismissal.

  • The judges strongly rebuked the Home Secretary for ignoring Britain 's obligations under the Geneva Convention.

  • Instead they choose to scaremonger by blaming all bird declines on farming practices, ignoring varying reasons for songbird declines.

  • Then, a number of crucial supporting pillars were removed to make more space for a dance floor, ignoring warnings.

  • Ignoring the initial holes in the floor, the route became a familiar winding vadose passage to the head of the pitch.

  • You aren't, of course, ignoring your cat during this time as you'll be going into the room frequently to scoop his box and give him fresh food and water.

  • For a cat that is ignoring the new, raw food, begin putting just a small amount next to the cat's regular food.

  • Ignoring collection phone calls will not make the debt go away even if your account is charged off by the collection agency.

  • When you do owe a debt but you're having trouble repaying it, a negotiation letter can be much more effective than simply not paying your bill and ignoring it completely.

  • Instead of ignoring pet dander or pollen, it mistakenly identifies it as a foreign body such as a virus, and trigger's the body's immune system response to combat it.

  • Ignoring these guidelines may create a space that is too cramped to be used properly or a kitchen that requires unnecessary movement when preparing food.

  • You may have decided to go only with online job banks or classifieds, but by ignoring company websites, you may be missing out on a great source of job leads.

  • Allow your child's personality to shine by leaving him alone and ignoring the impulse to force him to pose for the camera.

  • Anger management does not mean ignoring or suppressing feelings of anger.

  • Ignoring the bully is the best defense since they hate being ignored.

  • One of the easiest ways to drift off or get side tracked is ignoring the speaker.

  • Including you in activities and then ignoring you.

  • By ignoring all of the extras and going the do it yourself route, couples can save a significant amount of money within their stationary budget.

  • Ignoring the issue or denying that there is a problem essentially gives the person permission to continue.

  • Ignoring the problem will only make it worse.

  • Depriving your body of food it craves, ignoring physical signals of hunger, and defining yourself as good or bad depending on whether you've stayed on your diet or broken your diet are all unhealthy behaviors."

  • Each loved one should think of one way he or she has helped the addict buy drugs and alcohol such as providing free housing, lending money or ignoring inappropriate behavior.

  • Management agreed, but Cook went overboard and over time, ignoring the club's red light, which meant his routine had to finish.

  • For others, dreams don't mean anything special and they can be ignoring completely or learned about through sleep research studies.

  • A six-year-old playing Grand Theft Auto is not a good idea, just as letting a husband play World of Warcraft for days, skipping work and ignoring the kids can be detrimental to the family.

  • The child may want to get back to the game at all costs, ignoring homework, food, and sleep just to play the game.

  • Other time problems are skipping work or being consistently late; ignoring friends and family to play games; and-as mentioned before-not sleeping or eating.

  • This is a huge danger when gamers fail to interact with the real world anymore, ignoring real world concerns and completely engrossing themselves in the objectives of the game.

  • Relatives said he sacrificed everything to play the game, losing a job, and ignoring family and friends.

  • Ignoring the condition may lead to a secondary infection that is more difficult to resolve.

  • Ignoring or overriding those warning signals can lead to such severe energy depletion that the muscle cannot be relaxed, causing a cramp.

  • Emotional abuse is the rejecting, ignoring, criticizing, isolating, or terrorizing of children, all of which have the effect of eroding their self-esteem.

  • Plantar warts can be prevented by wearing shoes, changing shoes daily, keeping feet clean and dry, and not ignoring skin growths and changes in the skin.

  • Skin picking is best managed by ignoring the behavior, treating and bandaging sores, and providing substitute activities for the hands.

  • Ignoring this principle allows fast moving chi to run directly up the middle of the bed.

  • If an employer violated your layoff rights by ignoring the WARN Act, they could be forced to pay each employee up to 60 days' worth of back pay and benefits.

  • Ignoring the calls or letters is not the best idea.

  • Calling in the Note - Most lenders will start the foreclosure process if you miss three consecutive mortgage payments without contacting them or ignoring their correspondence.

  • Ignoring your lender may only accelerate the foreclosure process.

  • As such, parents make a point of ignoring fashion and going straight for a sturdy, comfortable suit that will allow the child to swim and play with abandon.

  • Ignoring the possible risks of overdose can lead to long-term serious problems.

  • Ignoring public opinion of the project and the campaign - Watch the press, both what is written and said, and what you write and say on behalf of the campaign and organization.

  • If you're not comfortable ignoring horoscopes, try checking out a few different astrology sites until you find one that seems like a good match for you.

  • While this may hurt your feelings, ignoring what is going on can only hurt you more.

  • Ignoring the obvious signs of her infidelity and living in denial.

  • Knowing the terminology, such as the four Cs of diamond quality, as well as the basic differences between settings, shapes, and types of engagement rings will keep your search efficient without ignoring unique options.

  • Making sure that you are not offending family by ignoring a family tradition or some other oversight helps ensure the building of a positive relationship from the start.

  • To Libra, those are the medical facts, and everyone, no matter how small, should be able to see the logical consequences of ignoring those facts.

  • Toddlers and preschoolers are notorious for temper tantrums, ignoring the word "no" and whining or asking "Why?" on a regular basis.

  • For a child just learning to talk, try ignoring the word.

  • Inmates even reported being attacked by the man so often that prison guards began ignoring the screams of the prisoners.

  • Ignoring pleas from his students to turn West toward the mainland, Taylor insisted on heading North - inadvertently flying Northeast and missing the mainland.

  • Dan broke Karen's heart by marrying Deb his first year in college and fathering Nathan, the son he cherished while ignoring Lucas.

  • While she works, she fills Agnes in on what happened between her and Nate, and mentions that he's been ignoring her since then.

  • Allowing clothing to rub the area, failing to apply a proper ointment to create a protective barrier over the wound, and generally ignoring your new tat can all contribute to an infection.

  • The program discourages undesirable behavior by only rewarding positive behavior, and by withholding attention (formerly called planned ignoring).

  • Microsoft also recommended that Mac users switch from Internet Explorer for the Mac to other web browsing technologies such as Apple's Safari, ignoring rival Mozilla Firefox or Opera browser technologies.

  • Poor follow up and ignoring a customer's phone calls indicates that now that you've got their money, you don't think customers are important.

  • It takes the risk of ignoring business ethics to a whole new level, and not a good one.

  • Fad diets will often have you completely ignoring all carbohydrates instead of focusing on the good carbohydrates.

  • Other diets like the Zone or Atkins have you ignoring vital foods that allow your body to function properly.

  • Many people spend their lives developing the difficult skill of ignoring their bodies' signals.

  • Instead of simply taking on the financial burden all by yourself - or ignoring the problem and allowing it to get worse - you may want to consider looking into purchasing a dental discount plan.

  • Many sewing professionals advise ignoring the pattern text and just making up a piece in an order that feels reasonable, using a muslin first.

  • Now instead of ignoring an entire section of your closet, you can convert those clothes, double the size of your wardrobe, and do so with a minimal amount money.

  • Nothing will get you eliminated from a reality show application process quicker than ignoring directions.

  • Part of his appeal on the show is his ever-present conflict between trying to keep his professional clients happy and not completely ignoring his girlfriend.

  • Ignoring the warnings, and desperate to get away from his guardians, the Dursleys, Harry manages to overcome the odds against him and begins another year of wizarding classes.

  • If you've been ignoring your fruits and veggies in favor of cookies and chips, you can't expect a smooth complexion.

  • Although the itching of mosquito bites is a common side effect of the allergy attack, some people find that ignoring the bite and the urge to itch actually heals the bite faster.

  • Many foresters, in fact, will purchase their own bad-weather gear made of space age breathable fabrics like Gore-Tex, keeping it to the service colors but ignoring the styles.

  • He gazed at her, ignoring her question.



  • He continued to eat, ignoring her presence, and she squirmed in her chair.



  • Ignoring the hisses of the others, she locked herself in a bathroom stall and texted her boss, Dusty.


  • Ignoring him, she pulled out a set of keys and walked down the hall to the front door.



  • A short time later, she sagged against the toilet, ignoring Pierre as he tsked and held her hair.



  • I probably could have gone much longer ignoring her.



  • Deidre whipped the door open, ignoring the sting of her wet hair against her shoulders.



  • Do you really think you'll become Gabriel's mate? he started, ignoring her.



  • He just laughed, ignoring the question and turned instead to Cynthia, extending his hand and introducing himself.



  • She stared at him, ignoring his humor.



  • Lydia spoke not another word, ignoring Dean in favor of her thoughts as she raced back to town.



  • He pushed aside the nagging instincts he'd been ignoring since seeing her earlier.



  • She pushed herself to her feet, ignoring the death dealer's glare.



  • Ignoring the persistent ring, she put the chicken in the oven and closed the door.


  • Ignoring the urge to go see if Lori was at the house, she continued down the road.


  • Ignoring the acid tone, Gabriel sat in the chair a few feet from him.



  • He'd been ignoring the extent of the power available from the souls for fear of violating the Code, which he now understood was not binding in the face of a threat like Darkyn.



  • Ignoring the looks on their faces, she marched to the door.



  • He flung the door open and shoved the healer into the room, ignoring the two surprised occupants of the chamber as he closed the door without entering.



  • She placed it in her pocket, ignoring Leyon's look.


  • The explosions were coming faster, and he launched to his feet, ignoring the bruises and scrapes along his side.



  • Dean asked, ignoring Fred's quip.



  • Edith sniffed once, lowered her head, and continued to eat, as if ignoring what had happened might make the pain disappear.



  • Donnie's entrance seemed to brighten Edith's morning as she clucked over him, cautioning him about the perils of his undertaking in a dozen different ways, all the while ignoring father Donald who'd fled from her bed the night before.


  • He turned to Cynthia, ignoring Dean.


  • He tossed her an it's-all-right and, ignoring three more strangers in suits and the crowded parlor, went directly to the phone.


  • He wondered if perhaps she was ignoring it and didn't want to see him.


  • Carmen knelt beside it, ignoring the anxious mutterings of its mother.



  • Ignoring his whines and growls, she grabbed his feet and rolled him over so that he was lying on the sack.


  • Then I was angry with God for ignoring my prayers.


  • She rubbed her face and considered ignoring her instinct, wanting to give the high-level government members the benefit of the doubt.


  • Lana shoved herself back, ignoring the pain in her wrist as adrenaline flew threw her.


  • He picked her up and strode out of the tent and through the camp, ignoring the catcalls of the men around him.


  • Ignoring the seatbelt, she moved closer to him.


  • He rocked back in his chair, catch­ing his breath and ignoring the smiles and snickers of the others in the room.


  • Fred asked, ignoring Dean's com­ment on going alone.


  • She turned to the door, ignoring the internal voice that begged her to spend the night at his home.


  • She took her time getting home, ignoring her cell phone when it rang.


  • Jenn let her instincts take over, ignoring the instinct that told her no mortal should be able to fight one guardsman, let alone three.


  • He pumped his arms hard, ignoring the cries of three men as they fell into pits or were snapped up by traps with iron teeth.


  • Taran trailed the two from the room, ignoring the hushed exchange of words.


  • Ignoring him, he took his place at the rear of the procession and adjusted his weapons.


  • Sirian stalked out, ignoring them.


  • Taran lowered the bow, ignoring the stunned look on the faces of the wall guards on either side of him.


  • Taran gazed into the inky black eyes, ignoring the urge to look as the creature slithered beneath the skin on Memon's neck.


  • She lifted a stack of papers and straightened them with a sharp rap on her mahogany desktop, deliberately ignoring his empty invitation.


  • But she was out the door, ignoring his hounding questions as he followed her.


  • Jessi debated answering then stalked into the apartment, ignoring him.


  • Ignoring his guests, Xander changed into clothes certain to let him move freely, preparing for his dinner to arrive.


  • He's waiting for you to tell him when you're ready, Xander said, ignoring her question.


  • Xander took her hand and led her through the crowd into the house, ignoring anyone who tried to talk to him.


  • Jessi fluttered kisses across his face, ignoring the tears on hers.


  • Ignoring his responsibilities as ruler of Germany, he only considered the question of its government when in need of money and support from the princes.


  • On his arrival in Syria, Pompey reversed the decision, but, ignoring the charge of bribery brought against Scaurus, left him in command of the district.


  • Ignoring the fact that some Oligomyodae are mesoand others acromyodian, they tried to combine two irreconcilable principles, namely, mere numbers against quality.


  • In theology he was a Broad Churchman, seeking always to emphasize the permanent elements in religion, and ignoring technicalities.


  • They differ from the older writers in practically ignoring the physical supernatural - that is, though they regard the miracles of the ancient times (referred to particularly in Wisdom xvi.-xix.) as historical facts, they say nothing of a miraculous element in the life of their own time.


  • Their bands under Ignaty Malchewsky, Michael Pac and Prince Charles Radziwill ravaged the land in every direction, won several engagements over the Russians, and at last, utterly ignoring the king, sent envoys on their own account to the principal European powers.


  • We shall, therefore, ignoring the ocular somite, speak of the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth legbearing somites of the prosoma, and indicate the appendages by the Roman numerals, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and whilst ignoring the praegenital somite we shall speak of the first, second, third, &c., somite of the mesosoma or opisthosoma (united mesosoma and metasoma) and indicate them by the Arabic numerals.


  • Niebuhr's system was a modification of Hommel's second theory, for, instead of entirely ignoring Dynasty II., he reduced its independent existence to 143 years, making it overlap Dynasty I.



  • Napier's logarithms are not the logarithms now termed Napierian or hyperbolic, that is to say, logarithms to the base e where e= 2.7182818 ...; the relation between N (a sine) and L its logarithm, as defined in the Canonis Descriptio, being N=10 7 e L/Ip7, so that (ignoring the factors re, the effect of which is to render sines and logarithms integral to 7 figures), the base is C".


  • A small police force continued to occupy the district until April 1881, but, ignoring the wishes of the Bechuana and the recommendations of Sir Bartle Frere (then high commissioner), the home government refused to take the country under British protection.



  • It is the mistake of exaggerating exceptional into normal forms of thought, and ignoring the principle that a rational being thinks only to the point.


  • Was he ignoring her, or was his mind completely occupied with grief at the moment?


  • She'd been ignoring Kevin's calls for two days without caring he was the only person who could help her put food on the table.



  • Sarah replied amiably, ignoring his obvious annoyance.


  • I had a French grammar in raised print, and as I already knew some French, I often amused myself by composing in my head short exercises, using the new words as I came across them, and ignoring rules and other technicalities as much as possible.



  • Brandon was deliberately ignoring them.



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The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com.

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    Ignorance, or a lack of knowledge, isn’t usually viewed as a good thing. However, there may be situations when you’re happier not knowing the truth. A common expression used to describe these situations is “Ignorance is bliss.” This phrase is an idiom, which is means that it isn't meant to be taken literally. Idioms can make a striking point but can’t be interpreted as actual fact. Take a closer look at a few examples of ignorance is bliss.

Also Mentioned In

  • unignore
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  • direct action
  • afghanistanism
  • donkey-vote
  • mache
  • pot·hunt·er

Words near ignoring in the Dictionary

  • ignore
  • ignore all rules
  • ignored
  • ignorer
  • ignores
  • ignorest
  • ignoring
  • ignoscible
  • ignostic
  • ignosticism
  • ignote
  • ignotum-per-ignotius
Examples of "Ignoring" in a Sentence (2024)


Examples of "Ignoring" in a Sentence? ›

Ignoring Sentence Examples. Rhyn asked, ignoring him. He was ignoring her. She headed for the door, ignoring the question.

What is an example of ignoring? ›

She tried to ignore him but he wouldn't leave her alone. I'll ignore that last remark. If we continue to ignore these problems they will only get worse. They ignored the warning signs.

What is an example of ignored in a sentence? ›

I ignored her question rather than lie. I ignored his question and began to list all Howie had seen during his uninvited visit. She stared up at his face, but he ignored her. Martha ignored the question.

What is considered ignoring someone? ›

The silent treatment is a behavior that involves cutting off contact with someone as a form of punishment. You might stop speaking in a single argument and wait someone out for a few days. This is the silent treatment. You might refuse to text or call someone for a week or two.

What is the meaning of ignore in a sentence? ›

to intentionally not listen or give attention to: She can be really irritating but I try to ignore her. Safety regulations are being ignored by company managers in the drive to increase profits.

What is an example of planned ignoring? ›

For example, do not give tissues to the child if they are crying. Wait until the child is calm and the crying has stopped. Then you can hand them a tissue. Do not make eye contact, facial expressions, or comments to others in response to the child's problem behavior.

What is ignoring emotions? ›

Repression usually refers to the tendency to avoid uncomfortable feelings. You unconsciously push painful feelings, thoughts, or memories out of your consciousness. This lets you forget them. You may do this for fear of damaging your positive self-image.

When someone ignores your text? ›

The Psychology of Not Responding to Texts
  1. They're processing what you said.
  2. They're experiencing text anxiety.
  3. They're experiencing digital burnout.
  4. They're struggling with their mental health.
  5. They have a condition that impacts focus.
  6. They're avoiding conflict.
  7. They're giving you the “silent treatment.”

Is ignoring the same as avoiding? ›

You avoid someone by trying to not be in situations where you may interact with them. They typically aren't aware that you're avoiding them. Ignoring is “active”. You ignore someone by refusing to return their attempts to interact with you, and you don't care that they know you are ignoring them.

How do you tell if someone is ignoring you in person? ›

Stay calm, don't take it personally, and try to understand the reason behind their behavior. It's essential to communicate your feelings openly and honestly. If they continue to ignore you, focus on your well-being and consider seeking support from other friends or family members.

When someone ignores you quotes? ›

“There comes a time you feel so alone no matter how much company you have…” “The best thing you can do when people are ignoring you is to just keep your chin up, girl.” “It's so funny how 'friends' forget us when they don't need any more favours.” “When you stop talking to me, stop talking about me too.”

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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.