Final Fantasy 14's Story Can Now Be Played Entirely Solo - IGN (2024)

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Oct 3, 2023 3:20 pm


Oct 3, 2023 3:18 pm

Square Enix has finally made it possible to play all of Final Fantasy 14 completely solo despite it being a massively multiplayer online game.

As reported by VG247, Final Fantasy 14's patch 6.5 has brought the game's Duty Support system — which lets players bring NPCs into dungeons instead of other players — up to date to include every part of the game.

Stormblood dungeons The Drowned City of Skalla, The Burn, and The Ghimlyt Dark were the last to be made available with Duty Support, but the brand new dungeon Lunar Subterrane also works with the system immediately.

Players can therefore now play the entirety of Final Fantasy 14's main story missions, including the base game and all expansions, without having to team up with other players, allowing for a slightly more traditional Final Fantasy experience.

There are still some slight caveats, of course, as being an MMO Final Fantasy 14 must always have an online connection. Players also require a monthly subscription to play, and Square Enix has no plans to change that anytime soon.

Final Fantasy 14's next major expansion, Dawntrail, is due out in summer 2024 and Square Enix has promised an update to the Duty Support system alongside it, certainly suggesting the ability to play solo will continue with the new content.

In our 9/10 review of the previous major expansion, IGN said: "Final Fantasy 14's Endwalker expansion brings its longest story arc to a satisfying close and cements its place as one of the best Final Fantasy stories ever told."

Ryan Dinsdale is an IGN freelance reporter. He'll talk about The Witcher all day.

As a seasoned enthusiast in the realm of online multiplayer games, particularly Final Fantasy XIV, I'm well-versed in the intricate details that make this virtual universe captivating. My in-depth knowledge extends to the recent developments highlighted in the article about Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of the game's evolving landscape.

Firstly, the article delves into the groundbreaking introduction of the Duty Support system in patch 6.5, a pivotal update from Square Enix that allows players to navigate the entirety of Final Fantasy XIV without the need for companions. This system ingeniously permits players to bring non-player characters (NPCs) into dungeons, eliminating the necessity for human counterparts. I can attest to the significance of this update, as it transforms the game into a more accessible and solitary experience, catering to those who prefer a traditional Final Fantasy adventure.

The specific dungeons mentioned, such as The Drowned City of Skalla, The Burn, and The Ghimlyt Dark, were progressively incorporated into the Duty Support system, culminating with the addition of the Lunar Subterrane dungeon. This expansion of supported content showcases Square Enix's commitment to enhancing the solo player experience, ensuring that all aspects of the game, including the latest content like Lunar Subterrane, are accessible for solitary exploration.

It's essential to note the article's mention of the continued need for an online connection, highlighting the inherent nature of Final Fantasy XIV as an MMO. Despite the ability to play solo, the game still requires an internet connection for a seamless experience. Additionally, players must maintain a monthly subscription, emphasizing the ongoing commitment to sustaining the game's infrastructure.

Looking ahead, the anticipation for the Dawntrail expansion in summer 2024 is palpable. Square Enix's commitment to updating the Duty Support system alongside new content reinforces the notion that solo play will persist as a viable and enjoyable option for players. This insight underscores Square Enix's dedication to providing a dynamic and evolving experience for the Final Fantasy XIV community.

In conclusion, the article encapsulates the transformative nature of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, making it evident that solo players can now embark on the entire main story journey, including base game and expansions, with the support of the innovative Duty Support system. As an expert in this domain, I can affirm that the game's trajectory remains exciting, with the promise of continued solo play options and an ever-expanding universe to explore.

Final Fantasy 14's Story Can Now Be Played Entirely Solo - IGN (2024)
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