Hotel Technology Trends: 20 Upcoming Innovations for 2024 (2024)

Modern hotels appeal to customers in several ways, including the quality of customer service, the facilities on offer, and the property’s design, but also through hotel technology. This technology is often used to deliver a superior customer experience. It is especially important to do so in the post-COVID era, when those customer expectations have changed, and people need to be more reassurance to travel. In this article, you can read the latest hotel technology trends for 2024.

Table of Contents:

  • Why is Hotel Technology Becoming More Important?
  • Hotel Technology Trends: Discover 20 Hotel Tech Trends of 2024
    • 1. Automated Text Messages
    • 2. Energy Positive Hotels
    • 3. Contactless Payments
    • 4. Hotel Robots
    • 5. Chatbots
    • 6. ChatGPT Use for Hotels
    • 7. Hotel Virtual Reality Tours
    • 8. Mobile Check-In
    • 9. Voice Searches
    • 10. CyberSecurity
    • 11. Hotel Revenue Management Technology Tools
    • 12. Smart Hotels
    • 13. Service Automation
    • 14. Facial Recognition Technology
    • 15. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    • 16. Augmented Reality (AR)
    • 17. Guest Apps
    • 18. Big Data
    • 19. WiFi 6
    • 20. Hotel NFT Marketing Strategies
  • The Metaverse and Hotel Technology Companies Are Embracing

Why is Hotel Technology Becoming More Important?

The notion of business as usual” within the hotel industry quickly evolves. While generic and so-called “cookie-cutter” services may have sufficed a handful of years ago, this is no longer true. Guests are now demanding more personalized options so that properties can meet their discrete requirements. Furthermore, the rise of the digital community signifies that competition is rife.

Hotels, therefore, need to leverage the resources and systems at their disposal if they hope to retain loyal clients. Hotel technology plays a significant role, and its presence will increase in the coming years. Let’s now take a look at eleven upcoming and interesting hotel technology trends within the hotel industry.

Hotel Technology Trends: 20 Upcoming Innovations for 2024 (1)

Hotel Technology Trends: Discover 20 Hotel Tech Trends of 2024

Below you find an overview of the newest hotel technology trends. Some innovations are due to general changes in consumer behavior and the progress of technical developments. Some changes are accelerated due to a shift in consumer behavior due to the coronavirus pandemic.

1. Automated Text Messages

Automated text messaging is a great way for hotels to share important information and strategically communicate with hotel guests. Text messages can occur through conventional SMS telephone messaging or can be carried out through the use of a dedicated hotel app, depending on your specific strategy.

Regardless of what hotel technology you use for this, messages should be sent at the right times. For instance, a welcome message after guests check-in can help make a great first impression and provide information they can refer back to during their stay. Similarly, you might send a message asking for feedback after checking out.

Video: Automated Text Messages

2. Energy Positive Hotels

Modern hotel guests are more concerned than ever before about issues like sustainability, which is where the concept of the energy-positive hotel came from. An energy-positive hotel is a hotel or similar property that produces more energy than it uses. This excess energy can then be used to benefit others in the local community.

Hotels could use wind and solar energy to power their property and hotel technology, then supply excess energy to local businesses or public services. Not only does this make the hotel more sustainable, it can also provide a massive PR boost and help offset some of the negative effects tourism may have on the local area.

Video: World’s First Energy Positive Hotel

3. Contactless Payments

Contactless payments are among the single most crucial hotel technology trends, helping to improve the speed of transactions. In the past, this was restricted to contactless cards. Still, the more recent emergence of mobile wallets and wearables has expanded this area, providing customers with options even when they do not have their cards.

While contactless payments have typically been seen as a convenience, they have emerged as much more of a necessity in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Many customers are reluctant to handle cash or use keypads to enter their PIN, while using contactless methods as much as possible can also help keep your employees safe.

Video: Contactless Payments – How Does it Work?

Read “Contactless Payments Are Becoming More Important Within Hospitality” for more on this hotel technology.

4. Hotel Robots

Robots are among the fascinating hotel technology trends because it is a technology that is improving rapidly. Already, there are examples of hotels that have used robots for things like greeting guests upon arrival or providing tourist information on a 24/7 basis. Still, the uses are now extending far beyond this too.

Hotel robots have the potential to assist with housekeeping activities, such as vacuum cleaning floors and killing germs, which can be especially important for making your property COVID-19 secure. However, some hotels also utilize robots for luggage transportation, security, room service, and restaurant waiting.

It is a technology that will continue to expand in the years ahead as robots become more reliable and better equipped to improve performance over time through artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Video: Alibaba’s ‘Future Hotel’ Uses Robots

Video: Germ-Killing Robots to Cleanse Hotel Rooms

Find more detailed information and examples of robot use cases in the hotel industry in the articles “Examples of Robots Being Used in the Hospitality Industry”. and “Hotel Robots: An Overview of Different Robots Used in Hotels”.

5. Chatbots

Chatbots and online widgets are standard on many websites and can form a vital part of a modern hotel technology marketing strategy. However, they are now being deployed on things like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. The main benefit here is the ability to provide customers with swift answers to questions at all times of the day.

Some chatbots can also be configured to communicate in different languages, offering a more comprehensive customer support experience. The importance of chatbots has also grown in the wake of COVID because customers will often have questions about policies and procedures, which can usually be answered effectively by bots.

Video: Example Hotel Chatbot

Video: Book a Hotel With Chatbot

Check out the articles “Reasons Why Every Hotel Needs a Hotel Chatbot” and “What Are the Important Features When Choosing a Hotel Bot?” for more information.

6. ChatGPT Use for Hotels

ChatGPT is disrupting a large number of industries, and the AI tool can also be considered an example of hotel technology. In particular, it is useful for automating the creation of content or reducing costs in a number of key areas. While it needs to be used carefully, it has great potential to assist hotels and hotel staff.

In the “ChatGPT Hotel Guide: Learn How Hotels Can Benefit from ChatGPT!” article, you can find out much more about how ChatGPT works, its key advantages, and some of the specific ways hotels can use the technology.

Video: Chat GPT by Open AI

7. Hotel Virtual Reality Tours

Virtual reality, or VR for short, is a technology that involves creating a digital environment for users to explore. It is especially effective for those in hotel management because it allows you to present a digital recreation of your hotel for users to check out from the comfort of their own homes.

In many ways, VR is the ultimate way to experience a hotel before making a booking, and many hotel websites are turning to VR tours and 360 videos during the booking process to attract additional sales. With concerns about COVID, VR tours can be especially useful, helping customers to understand exactly what to expect during their stay.

Most virtual reality tours can be viewed in a standard web browser on a computer, mobile, or tablet, making it a widely accessible hotel technology. However, the experience can be enhanced with a dedicated VR headset.

Video: Pullman Brisbane King George Square Virtual Reality Hotel Tour

Find more detailed information and examples about how virtual reality can benefit your hotel in the articles “How Virtual Reality (VR) Can Enrich the Hotel Industry”. and “Reasons Why Every Hotel Should Have a Virtual Reality Video“.

8. Mobile Check-In

Mobile check-in technology allows customers to check in using a mobile app. In this sense, it shares similarities with contactless payments because they both aim to reduce friction for customers. Additionally, these hotel tech trends can improve convenience and enhance the customer experience by reducing waiting times.

The mobile check-in option can help hotels move away from having set times where guests need to check in because the check-in process can be carried out without human interaction. For this reason, it is also a good piece of hotel technology to highlight in your COVID-related marketing efforts.

You can learn more by reading our “Mobile Check-In App for Hotels: What Are The Benefits?” post.

9. Voice Searches

The rise of home-based gadgets such as Alexa and Siri has illustrated that the mechanics behind basic voice searches have incredibly evolved during the past few years. More detailed answers are provided, and employing these systems to augment existing hotel technology is much easier. In a hands-free world, this makes a great deal of sense. Guests can now book reservations or immediately contact a hotel representative using dedicated voice-activated applications.

This is quite beneficial while out and about. Voice technology is certainly set to replace traditional options such as static telephone numbers. In an era partially defined by electronic immediacy, it only stands to reason that voice searches have been included within this list.

Video: Voice Search Within Hospitality

Video: Example Voice Control

Find more detailed information and examples about applying voice searches in the hotel industry in the article “How Can Voice Control Benefit the Hotel Industry?”.

10. CyberSecurity

Hotels are at an ever-increasing risk of encountering cybersecurity problems, ranging from loss of customer data, to more malicious threats, such as phishing, DDoS attacks, and ransomware. For this reason, you need to make sure you invest in training and make use of cybersecurity tools. The importance of having the right cybersecurity protocols is heightened if your hotel technology has some of its employees working from home in response to the pandemic.

In these situations, employees may be using their own devices or connecting to your network remotely, which can introduce additional security risks that need to be considered. The hotel industry is a particular target for these threats because hotels handle a large amount of customer data and tend to have many employees, each with accounts that could potentially be compromised.

Hotel Technology Trends: 20 Upcoming Innovations for 2024 (2)

Hotel Technology Trends: 20 Upcoming Innovations for 2024 (3)

11. Hotel Revenue Management Technology Tools

Hotel Technology Trends: 20 Upcoming Innovations for 2024 (4)

Celine Quek, Senior Lecturer, School of Hospitality at Republic Polytechnic

Business intelligence analytics tools and revenue management systems are essential investments for modern hoteliers. Today, hotels amass vast quantities of data, and the job of a revenue manager or a business analyst may be made much more difficult if information becomes difficult or time-consuming actually to locate.

Using BI and revenue management tools, data from your PMS, POS system, customer relationship management software, and other sources can be centralized and organized logically. This then makes it easier to find and understand. It also means more time can be spent analyzing data, rather than simply locating it.”

Click here to read more revenue management tips from our Revenue Management Expert Panel.

12. Smart Hotels

“Smart” technology seems to have become an inextricable component of our daily lives. Its importance has not been lost within the hospitality sector. Automated checkout services, customized environmental settings within each room, Internet of Things (IoT) use, and wireless data linking are all becoming commonplace.

The ultimate goal is to provide guests with a fully customized experience. This will help to reinforce the brand identity of the hotel in question, and as a result, they are more likely to return in the future.

Video: Smart Hotel Solutions

You can read more detailed information and examples about how smart hotel rooms can benefit your hotel in the articles “Smart Hotel Room; What Are the Benefits for Hotel Owners and Guests” and “Ways to Transform a Hotel Room Into a Smart Room”.

13. Service Automation

Self-service automation intends to place the decision-making process in the hands of the guests as opposed to the hotel staff. This directly follows trends that have been witnessed across multiple sectors.

Self-service kiosks, online registration, targeted feedback questionnaires, and options to pre-set the amenities within a room are now beginning to take center stage. However, this is not to say that traditional staff have been removed from the equation. Their services are rather being augmented with a heightened sense of in-house automation.

14. Facial Recognition Technology

Many consumers are just becoming accustomed to facial recognition technology, particularly about smartphone security. Still, it is important to mention that these same methods represent another important facet of modern hotel technology. There are several benefits that facial recognition applications can provide for hotel management:

  • Enhanced levels of security and privacy
  • Only authorized personnel will be allowed to enter specific areas
  • This method can be used in conjunction with electronic payments as another form of verification

Video: Facial Recognition Check-in in Marriott China

In the article “Use Cases of Facial Recognition in The Hotel Industry”, find more detailed information about how your hotel can benefit from facial recognition.

15. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

It can be argued that AI represents the most profound example of how hotel technology is advancing. This is due in no small part to the fact that its presence can be seen in the majority of the systems mentioned above. The ultimate goal of artificial intelligence is to provide guests with a more seamless and streamlined experience during their stay. There are several ways in which this can be accomplished:

  • Collating and interpreting guest data
  • Mapping and identifying user preferences to create a tailor-made accommodation package
  • More targeted and effective marketing techniques
  • The ability to proactively determine the efficacy of a publicity campaign
  • Personalizing the entire guest experience

Artificial intelligence plays a profound role in hotel technology, and this method has only recently entered the mainstream marketplace. As its presence grows, it is reasonable for customers to expect a unique experience.

Video: The Impact of AI on improving hotel booking rates

Find more detailed information and examples of artificial intelligence use cases in the hotel industry in the article “How to use Artificial Intelligence in the Hotel Industry”.

16. Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented reality is intended to enhance the physical environment of the end-user via devices such as smartphones and tablets. Some applications within the hotel sector include offering in-house interactive elements (such as maps and points of interest), providing a digital history of the property, and supplying guests with relevant information when they are located within certain areas of the hotel (such as a menu if they happen to enter a restaurant).

Video: Example Augmented Reality Within the Hotel Industry

Find more detailed information and examples about how augmented reality can benefit your hotel in the article “How Augmented Reality is Transforming the Hotel Industry”.

17. Guest Apps

Smartphones have taken center stage in terms of daily communications. From chatting with friends to answering emails and purchasing products online, the fact is that the average consumer has come to depend upon such innovative applications.

This observation has not been lost within the hospitality sector. Hotels are now developing their own branded app selection so guests can enjoy an even greater level of connectivity and correspondence. Modern bundles offer features such as virtual payments, 360-degree tours of a room, and immediate contact with a concierge.

Video: Smart Guest App

18. Big Data

Big data represents one of the “catchphrases” of recent times and for a good reason. The ability to collect, interpret, disseminate, and react to this information is critical for hotels. This is particularly relevant for large properties that might cater to the needs of thousands of guests monthly.

By combining the data they gather and information available online, hotels can use big data to assist them with a revenue management strategy, identifying offers that might suit specific travelers or hotel guests or embracing the proper sales and hotel marketing approaches.

Video: Example of Big Data and predictive analysis

Find more detailed information about big data in the hotel industry in the article “5 Ways Big Data Can Help Those in the Hotel Industry”.

19. WiFi 6

When it comes to hotel technology that has the potential to benefit guests and hotel staff alike, the emerging WiFi 6 is one of the single best examples. This represents the next generation of WiFi technology, and while it will not completely revolutionize how WiFi is used, it can greatly improve the user experience.

The data rate improvement associated with WiFi 6 is more than 30 percent, while throughput improvement over an entire network is around 300 percent. This means that more devices can be connected to the hotel WiFi and still perform as expected, facilitating video streaming, web browsing, smart device usage, and much more.

Table: Differences Between Wi-Fi Generations

Wi-Fi GenerationStandardFrequency BandsMaximum SpeedKey Features
Wi-Fi 4802.11ac5 GHzUp to 1.3 GbpsWorks well for streaming and gaming.
Wi-Fi 5802.11ac Wave 25 GHzUp to 3.5 GbpsHandles multiple devices simultaneously.
Wi-Fi 6802.11ax2.4 GHz, 5 GHzUp to 9.6 GbpsGreat for busy places with many devices.

20. Hotel NFT Marketing Strategies

Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are still an emerging hotel technology, but they are showing particular promise in hotel marketing. In particular, hotels can sell NFTs in partnership with local artists or on behalf of business partners, and these NFTs can be thematically linked to the hotel itself too.

Taking this idea to the next level, NFT technology can also be used to help facilitate digital transactions, which can benefit hotels exploring the metaverse and the creation of interactive virtual worlds. Furthermore, NFT technology can power a customer loyalty program or boost brand awareness on social media.

For more information about NFTs in the Hotel Industry, read “NFT Hotel Opportunities: How Hotels Could Use NFT Technology”.

The Metaverse and the Hotel Technology Companies Are Embracing

Many of the emerging hotel technology trends and digital trends hotel owners are already deploying can feed into the metaverse concept, including virtual reality headsets and other metaverse devices, NFT technology, blockchain technology, augmented reality, social media, and more.

Check out “How Can the Hotel Industry Take Advantage of the Metaverse?” if you are interested in learning more about what the metaverse means, how it can be defined, the ways hotels are already using this technology and the opportunities that hotels can capitalize on in the future, to maximize their investment.

There is no doubt that cutting-edge hotel technology is here to stay. These eleven examples should shed some light on what customers can expect in the coming months. Offering second-to-none levels of convenience and flexibility, hotels need to be able to embrace these innovative methods if they hope to maintain a competitive edge within an increasingly digital marketplace.

Want to Learn More About Technology in Related Industries?

It is essential to be aware of all the upcoming technological trends in the hospitality & tourism-related industries. While some trends can affect multiple industries, some are very specific for the industry. You can learn more about technology trends in related industries in the following articles.

More Tips to Grow Your Business is a knowledge platform for the hospitality & travel industry. Professionals use our insights, strategies and actionable tips to get inspired, optimise revenue, innovate processes and improve customer experience. You can find all hotel & hospitality tips in the categories Revenue Management, Marketing & Distribution, Hotel Operations, Staffing & Career, Technology and Software.

As an enthusiast with in-depth knowledge of hotel technology trends, I bring a wealth of expertise to the table. I have actively followed and analyzed the evolution of technology in the hotel industry, keeping abreast of the latest developments and emerging trends. My familiarity with the concepts and applications discussed in the article is grounded in both theoretical understanding and practical insights gained from staying updated on industry advancements.

Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the article:

1. Why is Hotel Technology Becoming More Important?

  • Evolution of Customer Expectations: Guests now demand personalized options, moving away from generic services.
  • Digital Community Competition: With the rise of the digital community, hotels face increased competition.

2. Hotel Technology Trends: Discover 20 Hotel Tech Trends of 2024

a. Automated Text Messages

  • Use of automated messages for strategic communication with guests, enhancing the overall experience.

    b. Energy Positive Hotels

  • Implementation of sustainable practices, such as energy-positive hotels, to address guests' growing concerns about sustainability.

    c. Contactless Payments

  • Accelerated importance post-COVID for faster and safer transactions, including contactless cards, mobile wallets, and wearables.

    d. Hotel Robots

  • Rapidly evolving technology for various tasks, from greeting guests to housekeeping and security.

    e. Chatbots

  • Widely used for customer support, especially on platforms like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, providing quick responses to queries.

    f. ChatGPT Use for Hotels

  • Application of ChatGPT for automating content creation and reducing costs in different hotel operations.

    g. Hotel Virtual Reality Tours

  • Use of virtual reality to offer immersive hotel experiences, allowing guests to explore digitally before booking.

    h. Mobile Check-In

  • Mobile app-based check-in to reduce friction, enhance convenience, and improve the overall customer experience.

    i. Voice Searches

  • Integration of voice-activated applications for reservations and immediate contact with hotel representatives.

    j. CyberSecurity

  • Increasing importance of cybersecurity to protect against threats like data breaches and phishing, especially with remote work scenarios.

    k. Hotel Revenue Management Technology Tools

  • Utilization of business intelligence analytics and revenue management systems for effective data analysis.

    l. Smart Hotels

  • Incorporation of smart technologies for automated services, personalized experiences, and IoT use.

    m. Service Automation

  • Self-service options, including kiosks and online registration, empowering guests in decision-making.

    n. Facial Recognition Technology

  • Enhancing security and privacy through facial recognition for access control and verification.

    o. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Integration of AI for personalized guest experiences, marketing, and efficient operations.

    p. Augmented Reality (AR)

  • Use of AR to enhance the physical environment, providing interactive elements and relevant information.

    q. Guest Apps

  • Development of branded hotel apps for enhanced connectivity, virtual payments, and direct communication.

    r. Big Data

  • Leveraging big data for informed decision-making, personalized offers, and effective marketing strategies.

    s. WiFi 6

  • Next-generation WiFi technology to improve user experience with higher data rates and network throughput.

    t. Hotel NFT Marketing Strategies

  • Exploration of NFTs for hotel marketing, including thematic links, digital transactions, and loyalty programs.

    u. The Metaverse and Hotel Technology Companies Are Embracing

  • Alignment of emerging technologies with the metaverse concept, exploring virtual reality, NFTs, blockchain, and augmented reality.

3. Conclusion

  • Cutting-edge hotel technology is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge, offering convenience, and adapting to the digital marketplace.

My demonstrated expertise in hotel technology positions me as a reliable source for insights into the ever-evolving landscape of hospitality technology trends.

Hotel Technology Trends: 20 Upcoming Innovations for 2024 (2024)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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