How can my artwork steer clear of copyright infringement? - EPGD Business Law (2024)

Painters and artists in Miami oftentimes copy images presented to them, without first checking to see if the artwork is copyrighted. This can unfortunately lead to a case of copyright infringement—something every artist seeks to avoid.

What constitutes copyright infringement in art?

Under 17 U.S.C. § 501, an artist who copies a copyrighted artwork commits copyright infringement because the artwork they copied qualifies as a “pictorial” work of art under §102. However, it is important to know whether the designs that the artist copies are registered with the U.S. Copyright Office. Unregistered designs do have rights under copyright law. Yet, while registration is voluntary, and copyright exists from the moment the work is created, the design does need to be registered to bring a lawsuit for infringement of work.

More specifically, tobring a lawsuit to enforce the copyright, you need a copyright application with the US Copyright Office—there is no common law right to sue for copyright infringement. If the image is registered, then its owner also has rights to “derivative work” under §101 and §106, so the artist who copied the image does not have the right to create and sell their derivative work.

No protection is available for unregistered designs. While the UK has design rights akin to copyright, design rights in the US are related to patentsand must be registered in a design patent application at the USPTO. Unless the image that the artist is copying is registered with the US Copyright Office, the other artist cannot seek a court order restricting its use. Thus, remedies such as injunctions or damages would only be available if the designis registered.

In other words, artists in Miami should always ask if the images they are being asked to freehand are registered with the Copyright Office. If they are, then the artist should not copy or sell these images, because a court order can be brought against them.

How much do you have to change artwork to avoid copyright?

There is actually no percentage by which you must change an image to avoid copyright infringement. While some say that you have to change 10-30% of a copyrighted work to avoid infringement, that has been proven to be a myth. The standard is whether the artworks are “substantially similar,” or a “substantial part” has been changed, which of course is subjective.

The court will look at the circ*mstances and what exactly has been copied. While copying a small part of an image might seem insignificant, it might be deemed “substantial” if it defines or is the essence of the piece. The court will likely say that if a reasonableperson would see the pieces as similar and point out which is the copy, an infringementhas occurred.

Nonetheless, if you were to use the work for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research, then you would not be infringing under the fair use exception to copyright infringement. The court uses the following factors to determine if the use of the artwork falls into one of the fair use categories:

(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;

(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;

(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and

(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

Artwillbe considered fair if it is “transformative,” or adds “something new, with a further purpose or different character.”

To avoid copyright infringement, artists in Miami should create their own images and register them with the U.S. Copyright office. This would give the artist the right not only to their art piece, but also to copies of their art, derivative works based on their art, and the sale of those copies of their art.

How can my artwork steer clear of copyright infringement? - EPGD Business Law (2024)


How can we solve the copyright infringement problem? ›

Six steps to protect against copyright infringement claims
  1. Do not copy anything. ...
  2. Avoid non-virgin development. ...
  3. Avoid access to prior design work. ...
  4. Document right to use. ...
  5. Negotiate for enhanced warranty and indemnity clauses. ...
  6. Document your own work.

How do I protect my art from copyright? ›

Like anything else that can be copyrighted, artwork is protected by copyright when the art is affixed in a tangible form (such as a painting, sculpture, or drawing). You have to register your copyright with the US Copyright Office if you want to be able to take infringers to court and be awarded damages.

How much of a design do you have to change artwork to avoid copyright? ›

Accordingly, you cannot claim copyright to another's work, no matter how much you change it, unless you have the owner's consent. See Circular 14, Copyright Registration for Derivative Works and Compilations.

How can you avoid copyright infringement with images? ›

If you edit an image that you didn't create, copyright law still applies. The only way to avoid copyright infringement with images is to create unique works, purchase a license to use an image or find a free-to-use image.

What is copyright infringement * Your answer? ›

Copyright infringement is the use or production of copyright-protected material without the permission of the copyright holder. Copyright infringement means that the rights afforded to the copyright holder, such as the exclusive use of a work for a set period of time, are being breached by a third party.

How can we protect our artworks from art theft? ›

Simple ways to deter thieves
  1. ©️ Copyright your work. Not all art thieves act with malice. ...
  2. 💧 Watermarks and signatures. Presenting your artwork clearly as your own keeps it from being useful to would-be art thieves. ...
  3. 🖼️ Upload a lower-resolution file. ...
  4. 🤝 Build a community. ...
  5. 🔒 Protect your art.
30 Jun 2022

How can you ensure your artwork is original? ›

First-time buyers should ensure that an authenticity certificate is issued along with the artwork. The certificate should list details of the art piece such as the title, name of the artist, medium and size, an image of the artwork and be appropriately signed by the gallery representative or the artist.

How do you know if an artwork is copyrighted? ›

A watermark on an image is a clear sign that the image is copyrighted. Often, the watermark will contain text that indicates the name or company to whom the image belongs: do some googling and find out. Under no circ*mstances should you attempt to use software to strip the image of its watermark.

How much of a photo do you need to alter to avoid copyright infringement? ›

There is actually no percentage by which you must change an image to avoid copyright infringement. While some say that you have to change 10-30% of a copyrighted work to avoid infringement, that has been proven to be a myth.

What are the 4 fair use exceptions to copyright? ›

Fair use of copyrighted works, as stated in US copyright law, “for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.”

Can you use old art without copyright? ›

The definition of limited time has changed over the years making it difficult to know when work no longer has copyright protection, however, one rule you can always count on is that any work created before 1924 is in the “public domain,” meaning it has no copyright protection and is free to use in any way you like.

How do I get permission to use a copyrighted image? ›

The Basics of Getting Permission
  1. Determine if permission is needed.
  2. Identify the owner.
  3. Identify the rights needed.
  4. Contact the owner and negotiate whether payment is required.
  5. Get your permission agreement in writing.

How do I get permission to use copyrighted images? ›

Obtaining Permission

You send a letter to the holder asking for permission and stating how you intend to use the image. The holder sends a letter back granting you permission. Your request should be as specific as possible in describing the intended use of the image.

What is copyright give at least five examples of infringement? ›

Copyright Infringement Explained
  • Illegally downloading music files.
  • Uploading someone else's copyrighted material to an accessible web page.
  • Downloading licensed software from an unauthorized site.
  • Modifying and reproducing someone else's creative work without making significant changes.
  • Recording a movie in a theater.
16 Aug 2022

Can you use copyrighted images if you cite them? ›

Citing an image has nothing to do with fair use. Providing attribution for an artist or linking to an image offers you no protection against copyright infringement; it only helps you avoid plagiarism. To determine if you can use the image, see the four-factors of fair use, outlined at the top of this page.

Why is it important to protect artwork? ›

Preservation is about preventing damage to a work of art and preserving it for future generations. It's also about ensuring that we can continue to enjoy an artist's vision without the risk of losing it forever.

Why do we need to protect your artwork? ›

The work you share online is vulnerable to copying and reproduction on various other mediums and platforms. This means that protecting your work may be as important as sharing it in the first place. The good news: there are strategies to protect your work from potential infringers.

Why do we need to protect your artwork and how do we protect it? ›

Copyrights protect the expression of an idea. Ideas may be expressed in artistic forms such as photographs, songs, poems, sculptures and paintings. Copyrights give the author or artist the exclusive right to copy, distribute, publicly perform, and make derivative works from the protected work.

How do you prove you are the original artist? ›

A signed statement of authenticity from the artist or an expert on the artist is ideal. An original gallery sales receipt, receipt directly from the artist, or an appraisal from an expert in the era are also good options. Unfortunately, anything can be copied or falsified, but these are generally good options.

What are 3 things you can do when you make a mistake on you artwork? ›

But before we dive into our solutions, let's take a look at preventing the mistakes in the first place and the meaning of imperfection.
3. Remove the Mistake with Blades
  1. Use an Eraser with a Rough Surface, a Sand Eraser or a Piece of Sandpaper. ...
  2. Creating a Paper “Patch” ...
  3. Use Digital Tools to Fix Mistakes. ...
  4. Redraw.

How do you know if the artwork is effective? ›

Art is good when it masters the artistic elements and principles. A Formalist artist focuses on an artwork's form—the way it's made and what it looks like. In a successful piece of art, the visual features are most important: line quality, color, composition, and other artistic elements and principles.

How do I know if an image is copyrighted without copyright? ›

Both Google and Bing offer the function to check an image's usage rights (or license). Simply tick the relevant box on the search engine advanced search options, and search for the image you wish to use* or a completely new non-copyrighted reusable image.

Is my artwork protected by copyright? ›

To start, you need to know that copyright is an “automatic right.” Copyright automatically protects your work from the moment it is fixed in a tangible form. In other words, once you create a piece of art, write a story, or write down or record a musical composition, it is protected by copyright.

How do you check if there is a copyright? ›

How to Check for Copyrighting
  1. Visit the US Copyright Office's webpage and search for the work using its title, name, or keyword.
  2. View the results.
  3. If needed, narrow the results.

Is it hard to prove copyright infringement? ›

However, to avoid copyright disputes you must be able to prove that you are the original copyright owner of your creative work and when that work was completed. This can actually be more difficult to prove than you first think, especially when you've created the work yourself.

What counts as fair use for images? ›

Fair Use - Most teaching- and paper-writing uses of images fall under the famous “fair use” provision (single use for scholarly purposes). Basically, fair use allows academics to use even copyrighted materials a single time to a limited audience without securing the permission of the copyright holder.

What are the 5 rules to copyright and fair use? ›

  • Factor 1: The Purpose and Character of the Use.
  • Factor 2: The Nature of the Copyrighted Work.
  • Factor 3: The Amount or Substantiality of the Portion Used.
  • Factor 4: The Effect of the Use on the Potential Market for or Value of the Work.
  • Resources.

When can I use copyrighted material without permission? ›

Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission from the copyright holder for purposes such as criticism, parody, news reporting, research and scholarship, and teaching.

What 5 items can be copyrighted? ›

Copyright, a form of intellectual property law, protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture.

Can you use famous paintings without copyright? ›

Back to the famous paintings of “Mona Lisa”, “The Starry Night”, and “The Scream”, since the authors / painters have died over at least seventy years, there is no longer copyright protection in these famous paintings. Hence, these famous paintings (artistic works) are now in the public domain.

Can I sell a painting that I copied? ›

It is illegal for you to sell a copy of the artist work without the original artist permission. That would be Copyright infringement.

Can I use old paintings in my art? ›

In short, the painting itself is in the public domain if the artist has been dead 100 years (regardless of when the painting itself was made), but the image of the painting has its own copyright i.e. if you use a photo of the Mona Lisa in your game, the person who took the photo actually has the copyright of that image ...

Can images be used without permission? ›

As a universal rule, most images are protected by copyright laws around the world and you need permission to use an image as-is or to adapt it.

Can you use a copyrighted image without permission? ›

When an image has copyright protection, no one else can use the image without the owner giving permission. With these rules in place, you need to assume that there is copyright attached to any image you come across. Otherwise, you may face a court order, fines, or escalated legal action.

Can a company use my image without my permission? ›

Can a business post your picture without permission? Generally, the answer is no. Unless you've signed a waiver or release specifically authorizing your employer to use your image, your boss likely needs your consent before publishing any photos that feature you.

How can I avoid copyright without permission? ›

Six steps to protect against copyright infringement claims
  1. Do not copy anything. ...
  2. Avoid non-virgin development. ...
  3. Avoid access to prior design work. ...
  4. Document right to use. ...
  5. Negotiate for enhanced warranty and indemnity clauses. ...
  6. Document your own work.

What are two ways to obtain proper permission to use copyrighted material? ›

Getting permissions, step by step
  1. Determine if permission is needed for the work you want to use. You will need to seek permission from the copyright holder of a work if: ...
  2. Identify the copyright holder or agent. ...
  3. Send a request for permission to use the material.

How do I credit a picture to avoid copyright? ›

If you're using it in a blog post or on your website, put the name of the creator and a link to their website or the source of the image beneath it. The format should be something like this: “Photo by [artist name with their website hyperlinked]” or “Image by [artist name] via [website hyperlinked].”

How do you avoid copyright infringement on images? ›

If you edit an image that you didn't create, copyright law still applies. The only way to avoid copyright infringement with images is to create unique works, purchase a license to use an image or find a free-to-use image.

How much does it cost to copyright your art? ›

The standard filing fee for copyrighting art is $55, but if you're registering only one work as the sole author and claimant, it will cost only $35. You must file individual claims for each artwork you wish to copyright. Remember, the moment you create a work of art, the copyright belongs to you.

Is my art automatically copyrighted? ›

The Basics. To start, you need to know that copyright is an “automatic right.” Copyright automatically protects your work from the moment it is fixed in a tangible form. In other words, once you create a piece of art, write a story, or write down or record a musical composition, it is protected by copyright.

Do you have copyright over your own art? ›

It is important to know that copyright nearly always rests with the artist, regardless of who owns the artwork. There are exceptions to this rule, such as work that has been specifically commissioned or completed during employment, in which case copyright stays with the commissioner or employer.

Can someone use my art without permission? ›

Generally, for copyright protected material, the person must acquire permission if the use is outside the bounds of fair use. If the material has protections in place under the law, or if the use would cause a violation, he or she will need permission from the owner.

Can you copyright for free? ›

If you do not want to pay the fee to register a book copyright, and do not need the legal peace of mind that comes with officially registering a copyright, then you can copyright your book for free by simply writing it yourself.

How old does a painting have to be to be copyright free? ›

For any work published after Jan 1. 1978, the duration of copyright is from creation to 70 years after the author's death. For iconic images, movie posters, books, music, and other “titled” works, they can be found on the Copyright Office database.

How long is art under copyright? ›

As a general rule, for works created after January 1, 1978, copyright protection lasts for the life of the author plus an additional 70 years.

How can someone get permission to use a copyrighted work? ›

One way to make sure your intended use of a copyrighted work is lawful is to obtain permission or a license from the copyright owner. Contact a copyright owner or author as far as pos- sible in advance of when you want to use the material specified in your permissions request.

Can you get copyrighted if you credit the artist? ›

The license between the original creator and the new creator is the reason why there is no copyright infringement when the original work is re-used by a new author or artist. The license gives legal permission to use the work in the way agreed between the two creators provided that attribution is given.

Do old paintings have copyright? ›

This means that ancient works (sculptures, paintings) such as Da Vinci's, Géricault's or Rembrandt's works are no longer protected by copyright – they are said to be part of the public domain. Accordingly, you are free to reproduce them.

Does the owner of a painting own the copyright? ›

When an artist creates a painting, the artist owns both the copyright in the artwork, and the physical artwork. Ownership of the copyright is an intellectual property right. Ownership of the physical artwork is a personal property right. A sale of the physical artwork does not transfer the copyrights in the artwork.

Can an artist sue you for using their art? ›

When these rights are infringed, copyright owners can file a lawsuit seeking money damages for infringement as well as a court injunction to mandate that the infringer cease its infringing activity. As you can imagine, copyright law is therefore an important tool for visual artists.

How can I legally use images from the Internet? ›

6 Best Practices for Legally Using Google Images
  1. Always Assume the Image is Protected by Copyright. ...
  2. Linking. ...
  3. Use Your Own Photos and Images. ...
  4. Use Creative Commons-Licensed Images. ...
  5. Use Images From Stock Photo Agencies. ...
  6. Confirm Who Owns the Copyright in the Image.
13 Sept 2022

Can you use someone else's art in your art? ›

Also, copyright protection does not preclude another author from creating independently authored, yet identical, works. Q: Can I use part of someone's work if I change the work? A: In general, you may not use someone else's work without their consent no matter how much you change it.

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