How does HMRC debt collection work? - RBR (2024)

Dealing with HMRC debt collection agencies

If your company isstruggling with HMRC arrears, such as non-payment of VAT, corporation tax and/or PAYE, you may be finding yourself under increasing pressure to bring your account up to date. HMRC will typically chase for payment by sending you reminder letters, urging you to repay the money you owe. If payment is not forthcoming, however, you could well be issued with a ‘final opportunity letter’, after which your company may receive a visit from a HMRC debt collector.

When it comes to recovering money owed by companies, HMRC is tenacious in doing so. As a large organisation, they have a huge number of resources which can be directed towards chasing later payers and those who have fallen into arrears. As part of this process, HMRC may decide to use the services of a debt collection agency or send their own officers in to recover the money owed.

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Understanding HMRC debt collection

HMRC debt collection is typically undertaken using one of two routes. In some instances, you may be visited by a Field Force or Distraint Officer; this is a trained collection officer employed directly by HMRC. Alternatively, HMRC also enlist the services of a number of third-party debt collection agencies and companies to carry out tax debt recovery work on their behalf.

According to, HMRC currently use 8 different debt collection firms to recover monies owed in unpaid taxes. The aim of HMRC debt collectors is to seize assets from the company premises which will then be sold off with the proceeds going towards paying down the debt, however, during a visit from a field force or distraint officer, you can also make payment towards the debt if you are able to do this, or alternatively set up a Time to Pay (TTP) arrangement if you need more time and space to settle the money owed.

The debt collection agencies HMRC uses are as follows:

  • 1st Locate (trading as LCS) -0113 228 4452
  • Advantis Credit Ltd -01782 400400
  • Akinika Debt Recovery Ltd -01772 557635
  • Bluestone Credit Management Ltd -0114 242 6628
  • BPO Collection Ltd - 0141 375 0958
  • CCS Collect (also known as Commercial Collection Services Ltd) -020 8665 4929
  • Moorcroft -0330 123 9765
  • Oriel Collections Limited - 01242 508 639
  • Past Due Credit Solutions (PDCS) -0141 447 0554

Once HMRC has asked a debt recovery firm to chase the debt, it is often the case that you must make payment to the HMRC debt collection agency rather than to HMRC themselves, although you should always check this by speaking to HMRC directly before parting with any money.

If you have already been visited by a HMRC debt collection agency and you wish to make a payment or contest the amount owed, you will need to contact the debt collection agency being used and enter into a discussion with them directly.

Concerned about HMRC debt collectors?

It is common for HMRC to make numerous attempts to recover this debt themselves, either by calling you or by sending letters to notify you that the tax is overdue.

Being faced with a letter threateningaction from a HMRC enforcement officeris usually the result of a sustained period of time in which your company has failed to meet tax liabilities on time and following a series of alternative collection efforts on behalf of HMRC; however, in spite of this, it is still an often very distressing experience when you receive a visit from a debt collection officer.

If you have been threatened by a visit from a HMRC debt collection agency or a field force officer, you should take swift action to remedy the situation and prevent it from going any further. Ignoring the situation will not make it go away, in fact in the vast majority of cases you will only make the problems worse by refusing to seek advice.

Taking expert company debt advice from a licensed insolvency practitioner will allow you to understand your options, and work out a plan for the future. At Real Business Rescue, we help company directors facing financial distress and most of the time, this distress includes tax debts owed to HMRC for unpaid VAT, PAYE or corporation tax. It is often the way thatHMRC are last to be paidwhen directors are struggling balancing the books; it is easy for directors to shelve their tax payments and, instead, pay trade creditors first and foremost. It is only further down the line that directors then realise they do not have the means to meet their company tax liabilities when a HMRC debt collectors turns up at their door.

What to do if you are threatened with HMRC debt enforcement action

The best advice when dealing with the threat of HMRC company debt collectors is to seek swift professional advice. There are a number of options out there which could help, even if you don’t have the money to clear the balance owed in full at this time.

At Real Business Rescue, our team of business rescue and recovery experts can help you put forward a convincing proposal to HMRC asking for additional time to pay the money you owe through a Time to Pay (TTP) Arrangement. We can liaise with HMRC on your behalf, using our vast experience to present your case in the best light possible, maximising your chances of having a payment plan put in place.

Alternatively, if your debts to HMRC are just the tip of the iceberg, we can explore the possibility of a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) which would allow you to enter into formal negotiations with all of your creditors – including HMRC – to lower your monthly repayments into a more achievable and sustainable amount.

Need to speak to someone?

If your company is struggling with unmanageable debts, squeezed cash flow, or an uncertain future, you are far from alone. We speak to company directors just like you every single day, and we are here to give you the help and advice you need.
Call our team today on 0800 644 6080

How Real Business Rescue can help

If you are struggling with HMRC tax orPAYE arrears, we offer a free initial consultationto all company directors, shareholders, and sole traders.We can provide expert independent advice whether you're at the early stage of HMRC sending you an overdue tax letter or the more critical stage where HMRC enforcement officers are knocking on your door.

Contact us today for immediate help and advice, or to arrange a no-obligation consultation from a licensed insolvency practitioner.

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How does HMRC debt collection work? - RBR (2024)


How do HMRC collect debt? ›

Creditors like HMRC (or those acting on a creditor's behalf) can recover debts directly from customers' bank and building society accounts. This is called 'direct recovery of debt'.

Do HMRC send out debt collectors? ›

HMRC will take 'enforcement action' if you do not pay all the money you owe in the agreed time. For example, they might ask a debt collection agency to collect any remaining money. Your debt may be passed to the Department for Work and Pensions ( DWP ) if HMRC cannot get the money you owe.

How long can HMRC pursue a debt? ›

How Long Can HMRC Chase A Debt? HMRC can chase a tax debt for any period of time in light of Section 37 of the Limitation Act 1980. There is no limitation period on tax debts. However, this does not apply to National Insurance Contributions (“NICs”) which are not deemed to be tax but 'contributions'.

Does HMRC debt affect credit rating? ›

HMRC debts are simply money owed to the UK Government, but the UK Government hasn't given you any credit. And for that reason, the debts you owe to HMRC will not impact your credit score. And thus, not reduce your chance of getting credit or even getting a mortgage.

What happens if you dont pay HMRC debt? ›

If you've received a bill from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) that you can't pay, it's important to contact them as soon as possible to try to come to an arrangement. If you don't, and your bill remains unpaid, HMRC will start proceedings to recover the money.

Can HMRC chase a 10 year old debt? ›

Claimants may contact you with very old tax credit debts, often they will say that they have not heard from HMRC for many years. It is not unusual for debts to be over 10 years old. In theory, in England and Wales, the Limitation Act 1980 applies to tax credit debts.

Do HMRC always prosecute? ›

HMRC aims to secure the highest level of compliance with the law and regulations governing direct and indirect taxes and other regimes for which they're responsible. As explained in powers and safeguards, HMRC is not responsible for deciding if a case will be criminally prosecuted.

What happens if you owe HMRC money? ›

The penalty is 5% of the original amount you owe HMRC - plus interest if you don't pay straight away. If you're self-employed and filled in a Self Assessment tax return to work out your income tax, you can check how much your penalty will be on GOV.UK.

What happens if you just ignore debt collectors? ›

Ignoring or avoiding the debt collector may cause the debt collector to use other methods to try to collect the debt, including a lawsuit against you. If you are unable to come to an agreement with a debt collector, you may want to contact an attorney who can provide you with legal advice about your situation.

Can HMRC send bailiffs? ›

HMRC will send an enforcement officer (who is an HMRC employee) or a bailiff (who is not an HMRC employee) to carry out the collection of the tax debt. An HMRC enforcement officer will always carry an identity card and will be able to show this to you if you request it.

Can a 10 year old debt still be collected UK? ›

There's no time limit for the creditor to enforce the order. If the court order was made more than 6 years ago, the creditor has to get court permission before they can use bailiffs.

How far back can HMRC investigate you? ›

In normal cases, the HMRC tax investigation time limit is 4 years, in which they can go back to claim money from taxpayers. If someone has been visibly careless (submitting tax returns with mistakes), HMRC can journey back 6 years.

Which collection agency does HMRC use? ›

The debt collection agencies HMRC uses are as follows: 1st Locate (trading as LCS) - 0113 228 4452. Advantis Credit Ltd - 01782 400400. Akinika Debt Recovery Ltd - 01772 557635.

Can debt collectors see your bank account balance UK? ›

To find out if you've got savings or are expecting a pay out, your creditor can get details of your bank accounts and other financial circ*mstances. To do this they can apply to the court for an order to obtain information. You'll have to go to court to give this information on oath.

Why do I always owe HMRC money? ›

HM Revenue and Customs ( HMRC ) will collect the tax you owe over the next year. This will happen automatically if you: pay Income Tax through an employer or pension provider. earn enough income over your Personal Allowance to cover the underpayment.

Can HMRC see my bank account? ›

HMRC has a shared service to check bank account details are correct. Other government departments and local authorities could collect your bank details from you, then check them with our shared service.

Can HMRC take money out of my bank account? ›

This is usually in the form of letters outlining how much is owed, when you must pay, and the penalties you'll receive if you fail to settle your debt. If after being contacted four times you don't stump up the cash HMRC thinks you owe then they can potentially use their new bank account draining powers.

Can HMRC refuse a payment plan? ›

You will not be able to set up a payment plan if HMRC does not think you will keep up with the repayments. If HMRC cannot agree a payment plan with you, they'll ask you to pay the amount you owe in full.

How long before a debt becomes uncollectible? ›

In California, the statute of limitations for consumer debt is four years. This means a creditor can't prevail in court after four years have passed, making the debt essentially uncollectable.

What triggers an HMRC investigation? ›

What triggers an investigation? HMRC claims compliance checks are usually triggered when figures submitted on a return appear to be wrong in someway. If a small company suddenly makes a large claim for VAT, or a business with a large turnover declares a very small amount of tax, this will likely be flagged-up by HMRC.

Can HMRC visit your home? ›

HMRC may ask to visit your home, business or an adviser's office, or ask you to visit them. You can have an accountant or legal adviser with you during a visit. You may have to pay a penalty if HMRC sends you an inspection or information notice and you do not send information or refuse a visit.

How do I know if HMRC is investigating me? ›

How do I know if HMRC is investigating me? Every tax investigation starts with a brown envelope marked 'HMRC' falling through your letterbox. Your company records will face varying degrees of scrutiny, depending on the reason the investigation has been launched.

How long can HMRC claim unpaid tax? ›

HMRC has the power to claim unpaid tax up to six years after the end of the tax year in which the liability arose. If you have not paid your taxes by then, HMRC can take action against you and reclaim any money owed from your bank account or other assets.

Can debt collectors see your bank account balance? ›

Can debt collectors see your bank account balance or garnish your wages? Collection agencies can access your bank account, but only after a court judgment.

Can you go to jail for being in debt? ›

You can't be arrested for debt just because you're behind on payments. No creditor of consumer debt — including credit cards, medical debt, a payday loan, mortgage or student loans — can force you to be arrested, jailed or put in any kind of court-ordered community service.

What not to say to debt collectors? ›

What Not to Do When a Debt Collector Calls
  • Don't Give a Collector Your Personal Financial Information. ...
  • Don't Make a "Good Faith" Payment. ...
  • Don't Make Promises or Admit the Debt is Valid. ...
  • Don't Lose Your Temper.

Do police work with HMRC? ›

HMRC plays an important role in implementing the government's strategy to tackle serious and organised crime. It is involved in the tasking and co-ordination of agencies at national level, alongside the National Crime Agency and others.

What happens if you dont answer the door to a bailiff? ›

They'll normally leave if you refuse to let them in - but they'll be back if you don't arrange to pay your debt. It's important to do this as quickly as you can, otherwise the bailiffs can add fees to your debt.

Can HMRC visit unannounced? ›

Unannounced visits are rare and, generally speaking, will only occur in instances where a business has repeatedly ignored requests from HMRC, or where HMRC reasonably believe that giving notice would likely result in records being destroyed etc.

Is it true that after 7 years your credit is clear? ›

Highlights: Most negative information generally stays on credit reports for 7 years. Bankruptcy stays on your Equifax credit report for 7 to 10 years, depending on the bankruptcy type. Closed accounts paid as agreed stay on your Equifax credit report for up to 10 years.

Do debt collectors give up? ›

Do debt collection agencies ever give up? Debt collectors will chase you for a long time to get payment for what you owe. At the end of the day, it is their job to make sure the debt is paid, so they will do whatever they can to collect the balance.

Can UK debt be written off? ›

In the UK, for most people, unsecured debts go away after a period of 6 years from the point when they started or 6 years from the point when they last made a payment to, or had contact with, their creditor. This period can be 12 years for some mortgage debts.

What can HMRC fine you for? ›

HMRC can charge you a penalty if you make an error, for example on a return or other paperwork that you submit to HMRC, which understates or misrepresents your tax liability. If you receive an assessment from HMRC, and it understates your tax liability, you can also face a penalty if you do not tell HMRC.

Do HMRC investigate all tip offs? ›

HMRC does not shy away from carrying out investigations covertly to highlight tax fraud. HMRC off Members of their Enforcement and Compliance Taskforce have broad powers to expose tax evasion, including entering business premises disguised or simply posing as customers.

What type of Offence would HMRC investigate? ›

HMRC has similar criminal investigation powers to other UK law enforcement agencies, but the use of these powers is limited to HMRC -related offences. For example, fraudulent evasion of tax. HMRC has powers to: apply for orders requiring information to be produced - production orders.

Can you ignore collection agencies? ›

If you get a summons notifying you that a debt collector is suing you, don't ignore it. If you do, the collector may be able to get a default judgment against you (that is, the court enters judgment in the collector's favor because you didn't respond to defend yourself) and garnish your wages and bank account.

Can collection agent visit your home? ›

The agency's name must be mentioned on the lender's website. Recovery agents can't use abusive language. “The customer must be treated respectfully and be allowed to present his situation,” says Ramamurthy. Collection agents can only visit customers during standard hours.

Will HMRC negotiate? ›

HMRC is still willing to listen to a struggling business and potentially negotiate more manageable terms if the situation requires. However, it is important to take a more active role in the process.

Can debt collectors track your phone? ›

Because of cellphones' mobile nature, when a collector calls you on your cellphone, the collector doesn't know where you are. If you're at a place where it's inconvenient for you to receive collection calls, then the collector has violated the FDCPA.

Do debt collectors monitor your credit? ›

Thus, if you owe money to a debt collector, the debt collector has the legal right to pull and review your credit report. Debt collectors have a variety of reasons for wanting access to your credit reports. One reason a debt collector might conduct a credit inquiry is if the company cannot locate you.

Can debt collectors freeze your bank account? ›

A creditor or debt collector cannot freeze your bank account unless it has a judgment. Judgment creditors freeze people's bank accounts as a way of pressuring people to make payments.

How long can HMRC chase you for overpayments? ›

How long can HMRC pursue a debt? Some HMRC debts do not become Statute Barred, meaning a claimant can be chased for decades. The standard timeframe for HMRC to investigate claimants is four years. But there is nothing stopping them from pursuing much older debts.

How do I clear my HMRC debt? ›

Contact HMRC

You need to agree a regular payment to clear the debt. You should offer the amount shown in your personal budget after all of your bills and living expenses are covered. Don't offer a payment that you can't afford. You can call HMRC on 0300 200 3300.

How do I pay off HMRC debt? ›

You can pay your debts in instalments by setting up: a Debt Management Plan which is an agreement with your creditors managed by a financial company. an Administration Order when you've had a county court judgment ( CCJ ) or a High Court judgment ( HCJ ) against you for debts under £5,000.

Why do HMRC think I owe them money? ›

HM Revenue and Customs ( HMRC ) will collect the tax you owe over the next year. This will happen automatically if you: pay Income Tax through an employer or pension provider. earn enough income over your Personal Allowance to cover the underpayment.

How do you know if HMRC owe you? ›

If you have not paid the right amount at the end of the tax year, HMRC will send you a P800 or a Simple Assessment tax calculation. Your P800 or Simple Assessment will tell you how to get a refund or pay tax you owe. You will not get a P800 or Simple Assessment if you're registered for Self Assessment.

Can HMRC check your credit file? ›

Both Concentrix and HMRC use automated systems to identify claims that they want to carry out more in depth checks on. These systems look at credit reference and financial data and will flag up if another person is linked to the claimant's address.

How far back can HMRC claim unpaid tax? ›

In normal cases, the HMRC tax investigation time limit is 4 years, in which they can go back to claim money from taxpayers. If someone has been visibly careless (submitting tax returns with mistakes), HMRC can journey back 6 years.

Do HMRC ever make mistakes? ›

Absolutely! Some mistakes are more common than others, though. HMRC are as keen as the rest of us when it comes to avoiding costly errors, so they do try to remain open and transparent. There's a very specific complaints process you can go through, so if they do make mistake then you shouldn't end up out of pocket.

Can HMRC take money from my bank account? ›

This is usually in the form of letters outlining how much is owed, when you must pay, and the penalties you'll receive if you fail to settle your debt. If after being contacted four times you don't stump up the cash HMRC thinks you owe then they can potentially use their new bank account draining powers.

How long does HMRC repayment take? ›

The 30 days starts from the day HMRC receives your VAT Return and ends the day your repayment is approved, not the day you get it. HMRC does not count days taken to check your return is accurate and legitimate, and to correct any errors or omissions, as part of this 30-day period.

Can HMRC take my house? ›

The simple answer to this common question is, no – so please be assured. They can only take property owned by the company – no hired or rented means, nor property under your own name. If your company fails to pay its debts with HMRC, they will perform enforcement actions, to get the money they are owed.

Do you have to pay back HMRC? ›

It's your responsibility to make sure payments reach HMRC on time. Check your bank's transaction limits and processing times. If you do not pay in time, the money you owe will be recovered from you in another way. Call the helpline if you want to make extra payments to clear the debt more quickly.

How long can HMRC chase you for tax credits? ›

How long can HMRC chase a debt? If HMRC launches an investigation into your finances, they can chase a debt which as old as 20 years. However, the standard timeframe for an investigation is four. Therefore, if you're hoping HMRC will simply forget about what you owe – they won't.

Can HMRC audit you? ›

HMRC may ask to visit your home, business or an adviser's office, or ask you to visit them. You can have an accountant or legal adviser with you during a visit. You may have to pay a penalty if HMRC sends you an inspection or information notice and you do not send information or refuse a visit.

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