How Much Traffic Required For Adsense Approval in [2023 Updated] (2024)

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Adsense Approval

It is not uncommon for new bloggers or content creators to request minimal traffic requirements for AdSense approval.

Internet traffic may play a role in AdSense approval, but this does not change the need to create genuine and plagiarized content. This will help you to monetize your website in the long run as you will benefit from substantial organic traffic.

How Much Minimum Traffic is Required For AdSense Approval?

The Google AdSense monetization plan does not say in any of its articles that a minimum amount of internet traffic is required. Therefore, you will get Adsense permission even if your website has zero (0) or no traffic.

However, below are the general requirements for Adsense approval with zero minimum traffic:

  • Your website should have ten (10) to fifteen (15) personal posts or articles.
  • Each post should be at least 300 to 750 words long.
  • Must have relevant pages about your website, such as the Contact and Privacy Policy page.

Without these, it would be difficult for you to get Adsense permission. It does not matter how many posts your website has. Every article you write should be quality.

You can only have one personal Adsense account. If your account is suspended for any reason, you will not be able to create a new one.

How to Apply For AdSense?

Follow the steps written by the official Google AdSense team and apply and get your free account here. Be sure to follow the guidelines listed above to avoid your application being rejected.

Below are four things to keep in mind to increase your chances of being recognized by AdSense:

  1. Excellent website with unique and original content.
  2. Create a website that is at least six months old
  3. A website with decent or organic traffic.
  4. When adding Adsense ads for the first time, be sure to place the ads above or below the fold.

Applying for an Adsense Account: Prerequisites

Before applying for an Adsense account, make sure you understand the following:

  • Read Adsense policies to understand how Adsense works.
  • Make sure you have a content-rich website that follows all AdSense policies.
  • Get a custom domain name.
  • The domain must be at least two months old. If you are applying for an Adsense account from India, China, the Middle East, or Pakistan, your domain must be 6 months or longer.
  • To use Adsense, you must have a Google Account (such as Gmail).
  • Cannot apply unless you are at least 18 years old.

How to Increase Chances of Getting approved by Adsense

Below are four things to keep in mind to increase your chances of being recognized by AdSense:

  • Excellent website with unique and original content.
  • Create a website that is at least six months old
  • A website with decent or organic traffic.
  • When adding Adsense ads for the first time, be sure to place the ads above or below the fold.

What to do if you are not approved (Rejected by AdSense)

If you are not authorized, you should carefully read the email they sent you explaining the reasons for the rejection.

You can go to AdSense forums and see what others have done with the same issues.

Next, re-read the AdSense guidelines, make a list of things you need to fix, wait at least two weeks, and apply again.

Although there is no maximum effort to be accepted, do not apply unless you have taken the right steps.

Using Google AdSense is a great way to earn money. It helps you generate cash online by placing ads on your website, blog or social media profile. However, it is important to note that Google AdSense has strict requirements for advertisers to meet in order to earn money. These requirements may change over time, and it is important to know what they are.

Gmail ID

Almost everyone has a Gmail account. Using this free service to sign up for the AdSense program is easy as pie, as long as you are eligible. And while you’re at it, make sure your website is up to Google’s standards. The platform is a great way for web publishers to earn some extra cash, as well as a free lunch or two.

In fact, Google has gone as far as to ask prospective advertisers to provide proof of address. They’ll send you a postcard with a pin, which should prove pretty easy. If you’re still on the fence, try a gander at the official Google AdSense website. The site’s user forums are a great place to start, as are the many blogs, forums and Facebook groups. Creating an account is the logical next step, as Google’s ad platform is arguably the best in the business. In addition to its ads, Google offers a host of free tools and services to help publishers optimize their content, including keyword management, keyword tracking, and ad scheduling.

Website or blog on WordPress

Having a website or blog on WordPress is an excellent choice for several reasons. First of all, it is free to download, install and use. It has a powerful WYSIWYG editor, which allows users to create web pages easily. It has thousands of free and premium themes to choose from. There are also numerous plugins that can be installed to enhance the performance of your WordPress website.

The WordPress platform also allows for users to create custom blogs with rich media. WordPress is the leading blogging platform in the world. In fact, it accounts for almost half of all websites with a CMS.

WordPress is an excellent choice for small businesses and individuals. It offers a free trial period of 14 days and a free domain name for one year. The company offers a hands-off blog experience, and it is always improving its platform.

WordPress is also an excellent option for ecommerce sites. The platform integrates with Google Analytics and UberSuggest, which helps users monitor their blog’s performance.

Primary language

Fortunately, Google AdSense supports the Filipino language. However, there are some complexities that you should keep in mind. While Google AdSense can help you earn money, you should understand that it can only post relevant ads on your website if you’re using the correct language. You should also ensure that your Ad Exchange language settings match the content on your site. If they don’t match, your site’s ads will not be served. In this case, you will need to clear your browser’s cache and set your Ad Exchange language preferences to match.

To set the primary language for Google AdSense, you should first log in to your Google Ad Exchange account. You’ll need to select the preferred language, then click the drop-down box to add additional languages. Once you have selected your preferred language, click Save. You should then be able to serve Ad Exchange ads on your site. If your website isn’t serving ads on your site, you can contact Google’s support.


Getting approval for an AdSense account can be tricky. Fortunately, AdSense approval does not require a minimum of traffic, so following the rules or criteria outlined above may be accepted immediately.

AdSense is a fantastic way to make money online. However, remember not to violate their guidelines for any reason.



How Much Traffic Required For Adsense Approval in [2023 Updated] (2024)


How to get AdSense approval in 2023? ›

Don't use other Ad Network: Mostly new bloggers use so many Ad Networks before applying for Adsense, like Revenuehits, Infolink, Chitika, yahoo ads and so many. but make sure when you apply for Google Adsense, remove all networks ad from your blog.

What is the new policy of AdSense 2023? ›

Starting in November 2023, we will begin to move Search Ads publisher products from using "" as their "serving domain" to the new domains listed below. Products in scope are: AdSense for Search (AFS), AdSense for Shopping (AFSh), and Programmable Search Engine (ProSE).

What is the minimum traffic for AdSense approval? ›

There are no minimum traffic requirements to use Google AdSense. You can sign up for an AdSense account as long as your traffic is high-quality and authentic. One caveat: you won't be able to pull out your payment until you meet an earnings threshold of $100.

How much content is required for AdSense approval? ›

How Much Content Is Required for Google AdSense Approval? There is no fixed rule regarding the amount of content required for AdSense approval. However, it's generally recommended to create substantial and valuable content for your website. Writing around 3,000 words per day can help you build a solid content base.

How to get AdSense approval fast? ›

There are a few things that you can do in order to speed up the approval process: - Make sure that your website is designed well and looks professional. - Review your website for any potential errors or issues. - Try to add as much relevant content as possible so that Google can understand what your site is all about.

Is AdSense worth it in 2023? ›

In 2023, some publishers may earn a few dollars per month, while others could earn thousands of dollars or more.

What is the minimum threshold for AdSense? ›

If you haven't received your AdSense payment: Ensure you've reached the $100 payment threshold. Verify your payment details and method in your AdSense account.

Why is Google AdSense not approved? ›

Your site has content quality issues. We believe that there isn't enough original, rich content that would be of value to users. As a publisher, you must provide unique and relevant content that gives users a reason to visit your site.

How much traffic do you need to make $100 a day from AdSense? ›

2,000 x 30 = 60,000. 0,000 visitors every month to make $100/day with Adsense. Of course, this is just an estimation using very ideal metric figures. It's not easy to maintain an average CPC of $1+, and CPC is a giant factor in how much traffic you'll require to reach this figure.

How do I increase my AdSense traffic? ›

Tips to increase traffic to your site
  1. Submit your pages to the Google index. ...
  2. Find out how Google sees your site. ...
  3. Diagnose potential problems. ...
  4. Find out which queries drive traffic to your site. ...
  5. Get re-included.

How much traffic do I need to monetize my website? ›

How Many Visitors Do You Need? A large number of visitors increases your chances of attracting advertisers and, hence, of monetizing your traffic. To be attractive to advertisers, you must have at least 10,000 organic views per month. This website monetization model also works well for a small audience volume.

How to get Google AdSense approval in 2024? ›

AdSense Approval Checklist 2024
  1. Understanding Google AdSense Requirements. ...
  2. Website Content. ...
  3. Website Design and Navigation. ...
  4. Content Categories and Compliance. ...
  5. Domain Ownership Verification. ...
  6. Removing Other Ad Networks. ...
  7. Creating Essential Pages. ...
  8. Optimizing for SEO.
Feb 28, 2024

Can I get AdSense approval with AI content? ›

Is Google AdSense approved to generate content from AI? The answer is YES! But it doesn't mean that you go to any websites and use the AI-generated articles for your blog. It would be best if you used these tools wisely.

How many days does Google AdSense take to approve? ›

We email you when your account is fully activated. This usually takes a few days, but in some cases it can take 2-4 weeks. You can then set up ads on your site and start earning money. If you've already turned on Auto ads, ads will start to show on your site.

Why am I not getting approved for AdSense? ›

1. Insufficient Content: Google Adsense requires websites to have a sufficient amount of high-quality, original content. A lack of substantial content can lead to non-approval.

How to get $100 dollars in AdSense? ›

How to Estimate Your Traffic Needs for $100/Day in AdSense
  1. If the RPM is $2.75 then 100/2.75 = 36.36 so you need around 36,360 visitors a day.
  2. If the RPM is $4.50 then 100/4.50 = 22.22 so you need around 22,220 visitors a day.
  3. If the RPM is $6.10 then 100/6.10 = 16.39 so you need around 16,390 visitors a day.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.