How to become a Doctor in India (2024)

Becoming a doctor is the aspiration of a lot of students. Doctor’s profession lets the candidates enjoy a prestigious social and professional life being able to serve a lot of people as well as make a lucrative income. If you wish to become a doctor, the planning and preparation must start very early in your life not later than your high schooling. Here is a step by step guide to becoming a doctor.


If you have chosen to become a doctor in your life, know that your path is never going to be easy. You must put in a diligent work right from your young age. You must be able to grasp things quickly as well as do the much-needed sacrifice for several years to land on a doctor’s profession. Also, a passion to help others and a genuine interest in the welfare and happiness of others are two important characteristics that are necessary for a doctor. As a doctor, your journey is not going to be on a bed of roses. Prepare yourself for a tough life during studies and during your profession.

Steps to become a doctor

Secondary School Education

In the secondary school or plus two levels, you must opt for subjects including Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

When you apply for the MBBS program through the general category, you must have completed 17 years, but must not be older than 25 years.


MBBS is the basic degree required to become a doctor. This is the entry card to a career in medicine. This is usually a 5 and a half year course that will conclude with a year of internship that is compulsory.

Entrance examination

Those who wish to pursue graduation in MBBS, BDS or Veterinary Science program must go through NEET examination. This is a common entrance examination conducted by the Central Board Of Secondary Education in India year on year for giving entry to students to various medical colleges in the country. Your ranking in the NEET examination decides which colleges you can join. If you wish to specialize in fields like Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Unani, there are special courses you can do during your graduation.

Some colleges like JIPMER, AIIMS, Armed Force Medical College, Lady Hardinge Medical College, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Kasturba Medical College, Maulana Azad Medical College, Christian Medical College, etc., conduct their own entrance examinations. Students wishing to join these institutions must take these exclusive tests organized by these colleges and need not go through the route of NEET.


In India, about 12,000 professionals complete their doctor’s degree in a typical year. After completing your MBBS, you must pursue a Masters course to specialize in a field of medicine. NEET PG is the common entrance examination that will give you an entry to the various PG Diploma courses.


In the Master’s program, those who take MD can become a physician while those who take MS will become surgeons.

Some interesting specializations in MD and DM

Obstetrics & Gynaecology





Cardiology (DM not MD)

Endocrinology (DM)

Neurology (DM) and Anaesthesiology




Some interesting specializations in M.Ch

Pediatric Surgery (M.Ch not MS)

Plastic surgery M.Ch

Cardio-thoracic surgery



Cardiac surgery

Cosmetic surgery

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How to become a Doctor in India (2024)
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