How to Calculate Room Cost – Hotel Revenue Management Tips (2024)

This article goes into detail about how to calculate room cost, and what that can mean for your hotel. It was written by Chris Hunter of For those who would prefer to watch, I’ve also created a video on this topic which you can watch below.

Finding the Right Number

Someone walks up to your hotel counter at 11:59 pm and says “You have 10 unoccupied rooms that are going to sit empty, and I need a place to stay. Here’s $20. It’s $20 more in the cash register that wasn’t there before.” Do you take it?

For successful revenue management for hotels, knowing how much it costs to put someone in a room is an important first step.

Knowing this number will let you know how low you can go when changing rates throughout the year. Restaurateurs will be familiar with this concept because they have to “plate food” or calculate how much each part of a given dish costs, then use that information to calculate how much to charge the guest.

Figuring how much it costs to rent out a room is a little bit of a tricky question because there are two answers. I’m going to explain both of the costs, the differences between them, and I’ll show you step-by-step how to calculate these for your property.

Incremental Cost

The first cost is called “incremental cost”. It doesn’t matter that you remember the name of this cost (you can even make up a name that helps you remember it), it’s just important that you understand the concept.

Remember our late-night guest standing at the counter offering us $20? If we reject his offer and leave a hotel room empty, we incur no additional incremental cost. Why? Incremental cost answers the question “What is used up if I rent a room to someone?”

Imagine this: the hotel owner’s family member has a house fire, so he lets them stay at the property for one night for free. It’s not free for the hotelier to let them stay there. He will incur additional costs. Those costs are the incremental costs. What will those guests “use up”?

Here’s a quick brainstorm list that you can add to:

  • Electricity (lights, TV, charging cell phones, AC/heat)
  • Water (washing hands, brushing teeth, showers, flushing toilets)
  • Wear & Tear (walking on carpet, sleeping on the bed, turning doorknobs, using lightbulbs)
  • Breakfast
  • Housekeeping (room must be cleaned after they leave, cleaning supplies used)
  • Laundry (sheets, towels)

Some people won’t include wear and tear, but then I give them this example: if a mattress costs $1,000 and is rated up to 1,000 nights before it needs to be replaced, then each night someone sleeps on that mattress they use up $1 of the lifetime value of that mattress. Although difficult to track this same scenario is playing itself out as guests sit in your chairs and walk on your carpet.

To calculate the incremental cost, look at your expenses from your P&L (Profit and Loss Statement) for the previous calendar year for the categories we mentioned above. Take that number and divide it by the number of room nights sold for the year and this will be your incremental cost to put someone in a room. (Spoiler alert: it’s usually about $20.)

Example: A hotel’s expenses for these categories is $200,000 and they sold 10,000 room nights last year. $200,000 ÷ 10,000 room nights = $20 incremental cost.

So, do we sell the late-night guest a room for $20?

Really, it’s just a waste of time to let him stay because you’re just spinning your wheels, not making any profit. You’re also training your customers to not pay the going rate for your property and to just wait until the last minute and give you a low offer.

On the other hand, it will put an additional $20 of revenue on the books. So if you’re getting ready to sell you want to have as much revenue on the books as possible (even if it’s not profit), because banks and buyers really like that.

Also, if it’s a slow time, taking that additional booking will give your housekeepers an additional room to clean.

So again… do you book the room? A revenue manager’s favorite answer is “Depends!” Feel free to reach out to me and let me know what you’d do.

Burdened Cost

We’re not done yet. The incremental cost is only half of the story. I’d like to introduce you to “burdened cost”.

Again, I don’t care if you remember the exact name for this (there isn’t going to be a test later). Call it whatever you want as long as you understand the principle. This cost is a full or complete, all-in cost. It is “burdened” with all of the costs a property incurs.

We’ve already addressed the day-to-day costs associated with what guests use up with the incremental cost. If you’re reading this, you’re likely a manager, front desk or office worker and I want to make sure you get paid. That’s where this cost comes in.

Burdened costs are costs that you have to pay whether you sell 1 room or 100 rooms.

You’re going to pay the maintenance worker to go check and adjust the pool levels every morning regardless of occupancy. You’re going to pay a Night Auditor to be at the front desk all night watching Netflix…I mean running end of day reports regardless of the number of rooms sold. With an incremental cost of $20, that means anything we take over that goes to help offset these constant costs. I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s stop and make a brainstorm list of burdened costs:

  • Staff (maintenance, front desk, management, breakfast attendant)
  • Mortgage
  • Insurance
  • Internet
  • Parking lot repair
  • New towels
  • Cable TV (Example: $10 per room per month regardless of occupancy)
  • Marketing
  • Trade shows
  • Chamber of Commerce membership

There could also be major costs such as all new furniture for all of the rooms that you might want to take an extra step with. If you expect that furniture to last 10 years, then you could divide that cost by 10. Use just a tenth of that cost in your burdened calculation to help keep from skewing the number. Just do this for major purchases like furniture, mattresses, and carpet.

To calculate the burdened cost look at your P&L again and at the bottom will be a list of total expenses.

Let’s use a number of $400,000. Take that number and divide it by the total number of rooms sold (this will be the same number you used for the incremental cost). Let’s use 10,000 room nights. $400,000 ÷ 10,000 room nights = $40. In America for a basic hotel usually the incremental cost is about $20 and the burdened cost is about $40. If you’re in a big city, or higher-end property these numbers, of course, will be higher.

So, what does this $40 number mean? If you are not consistently getting over $40 a night for your rooms, then you will soon be out of business!

Now, as we already mentioned you can dip below $40 for a short amount of time if it’s part of an overall strategy. Maybe January is a very slow month for your property, so you go to $30 on Sundays. This is $10 more than your $20 incremental cost meaning you can take the $10 you “profit” and use that to help offset your burdened costs like managers’ salaries.

You also might do this because you want to give your housekeepers a few more rooms to clean for the week and because it will help bring down the ADR (Average Daily Rate) for guests who are looking for longer LOS (Length of Stay).

A Word of Caution…

A word of caution when flirting with ultra-low rates even if it’s just for a short amount of time and as part of an overall strategy: there is a rate that is low enough that it starts to attract trouble. When I’ve run experiments of “how low can we go” at the properties I work with, we’ve found that number to be about $45.

Below that rate is when you start getting frequent visits from the cops and have lots of complaints of unruly guests. Suddenly those few extra dollars just aren’t worth it.


The first step in successful revenue management is knowing how much it costs to put someone in a room. The basic cost that guests use up by being on your property is the incremental cost, and for a budget hotel in America is often about $20. The big-picture, all-in cost that matters at the end of the year is the burdened cost and is usually about $40.

The biggest revenue management mistake that hoteliers make is not raising their rates high enough during times of high demand. You can read more about that and other top-six revenue management mistakes that hoteliers make by clicking here.

On the other end of that spectrum, you need to be competitive during times of low demand.

Going too low can cause you to get frequent visits from the cops and soon go out of business, but finding that sweet spot where you’re competitive and beating your competition on the rate is an effective strategy to steal market share.

Follow the process to figure both your incremental and burdened room cost and use those numbers to start your journey to successful revenue management.

How to Calculate Room Cost – Hotel Revenue Management Tips (1)

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How to Calculate Room Cost – Hotel Revenue Management Tips (2024)


How do I calculate cost per room? ›

To calculate the cost per occupied room, divide the operation costs of the building by the number of occupied rooms.

How do you calculate cost per occupied room in a hotel? ›

How is CPOR Calculated. CPOR is calculated by dividing the total costs of room operations by the number of rooms sold. This can be calculated for different periods, including daily, monthly, and annually.

How do you maximize revenue from a room? ›

11 Simple Ways to Successfully Increase Hotel Revenue
  1. Offer Early Check-In and Late Checkout.
  2. Promote your food and beverage options throughout the stay.
  3. Offer room upgrades pre-arrival.
  4. Partner with local businesses to offer excursions and experiences.
  5. Take advantage of other upsell opportunities.
Sep 14, 2021

What is the formula of room? ›

Multiply the length by the width and you'll have the square feet. Here's a basic formula you can follow: Length (in feet) x width (in feet) = area in sq. ft.

How do you calculate daily revenue for a room? ›

Simply multiply your average daily rate (ADR) by your occupancy rate. For example: If your hotel is occupied at 70% with an ADR of $100, your RevPAR will be $70. The other way to calculate it is by dividing the total number of rooms available in your hotel with the total revenue from the night.

How do you calculate hotel room revenue? ›

Room revenue formula

It can be calculated in two ways: Multiply average daily rate (ADR) with occupancy – this is the most popular method. Divide the total revenue of a set time period by the number of available rooms in that period.

What is the formula for forecasting rooms revenue? ›

RevPAR = ADR * Occupancy Rate

You have to divide the Total Number of Occupied Rooms by the Total Number of Available rooms and multiply the result by 100. RevPAR also enables you to compare your hotel's RevPAR to the average RevPAR in the market.

How do you calculate room usage? ›

Occupancy: Space occupancy is occupied square footage divided by unoccupied square footage (multiplied by 100 to convert to a percentage). The result tells you how much available, unutilized square footage there is. Take the inverse to find the utilization rate.

What are the 4 factors to be considered in pricing? ›

Five factors to consider when pricing products or services
  • Costs. First and foremost you need to be financially informed. ...
  • Customers. Know what your customers want from your products and services. ...
  • Positioning. Once you understand your customer, you need to look at your positioning. ...
  • Competitors. ...
  • Profit.
Nov 22, 2018

What are the three methods of price determination? ›

Methods for Determining Price
  • Cost-plus pricing. This pricing method is designed to assure that fixed and variable costs are covered and that profit is built in. ...
  • Competitive pricing. ...
  • Markup pricing. ...
  • Demand Pricing.

What are 3 things you would do to increase revenue? ›

Strategies to improve sales and profitability
  1. increasing your prices.
  2. finding new customers.
  3. selling more to existing customers.
  4. offering sale promotions to boost the volume of sales.
  5. developing new product or service lines.
  6. selling in new markets.

What is the best way to calculate revenue? ›

Revenue (sometimes referred to as sales revenue) is the amount of gross income produced through sales of products or services. A simple way to solve for revenue is by multiplying the number of sales and the sales price or average service price (Revenue = Sales x Average Price of Service or Sales Price).

What is the formula to maximize revenue? ›

Maximum Revenue Formula

To calculate a maximum revenue, multiply the price of goods at maximum demand by the quantity of goods at maximum demand.

How do you calculate room capacity? ›

Divide your usable floor space by 36, to determine how many people can fit in the space (assuming a 36 sq. ft. allotment)

How do I calculate area of a room? ›

Multiply the width and length of each rectangle together to find the area. Then, add the areas of each rectangle together to find the total area. If you have an L shaped room, for example, this can be split into 2 rectangles.

How do you calculate room inventory? ›

Room inventory is obtained by calculating the number of rooms a hotel has minus the amount sold. The result is then the available rooms for each day. In this 'simple' abstraction, hoteliers must include only the number of rooms available for guest reservations.

What is room revenue analysis? ›

The room revenue report displays columns containing the number of Nights and Total Room Revenue, along with other filter criteria. The report divides the total revenue by the revenue amount per stay, and by the number of nights in the stay.

What is included in room revenue? ›

Room Revenue means all revenues, income and proceeds of any kind from the rental of guest rooms (whether from cash, check, credit card, credit transactions or otherwise), including the fair market value of any barter and other non-cash property and services received by the licensee as an alternative to cash payments, ...

How is daily cost calculated? ›

Cost Per Day Formula

To calculate the cost per day, divide the overall cost by the number of days.

What is the ADR if a hotel has $50000 in room revenue and 500 rooms? ›

If a hotel has $50,000 in room revenue and 500 rooms sold, the ADR would be $100 ($50,000/500).

How is cost per sq ft calculated? ›

The formula to calculate price per square foot is price divided by size (in square feet). So for example, if you have a 2,000-square-foot house selling for $300,000 you take the total price, then divide it by the square footage, which would give you $150 per square foot.

How is price per sqft calculated? ›

The average price per square foot is a useful tool that can help you assess the value of your home. You can calculate this value by taking the purchase price of the home and dividing it by the square footage of the home.

How do you calculate cost per unit example? ›

Here is the formula broken down: Cost per unit = (Electricity + Rent + Labor + Raw materials) / Number of units.

What is the formula for room capacity? ›

Divide your usable floor space by 36, to determine how many people can fit in the space (assuming a 36 sq. ft. allotment)

How do you calculate cost structure? ›

Let's begin by defining the two types of costs that make up the cost structure of all businesses: fixed costs and variable costs. Our first, very simple, equation to remember is that Fixed Costs + Variable Costs = Total Costs (FC + VC = TC).

How do you calculate square footage for dummies? ›

Measure the length and width, in feet, of each room. Then, multiply the length by the width to calculate that room's square footage. For example: If a bedroom is 12 feet by 20 feet, it is 240 square feet (12 x 20 = 240).

What does $/ sqft mean? ›

Price per square foot is a metric used in the real estate market to evaluate a home's value. There are a lot of factors that go into determining the price per square foot of a given property: location, age, condition, number of rooms, lot size, upgrades and renovations and more.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.