How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (2024)

Wondering how to make $200 a day?

Do not worry, we’ve got exactly what you are looking for.

Through this guide, we’ll show you 30 fast ways you can make $200 a day. Be it part-time jobs, passive income ideas, or offline side hustles, we have got a well-rounded collection of ideas for everyone.

From attending surveys and research groups to starting a blog and providing freelancing services, I’m sure you will enjoy this list. Hopefully, this list might just be the thing that’ll point you in the right direction and set you up for future success.

With that said, let’s begin without further ado!

1. Become a Proofreader

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (1)

If you’re a native English speaker with a keen eye for detail, then proofreading might just be the perfect online job for you to earn $100 a day.

By offering your proofreading services on popular freelance websites such as Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, and Guru, you can earn up to $100 per day!

One proofreading success story is Caitlin Pyle, who earns over $40,000 annually and even teaches others how to achieve the same success.

This flexible job allows you to work from home, making it an ideal opportunity for stay-at-home moms or dads, and even teachers who want to earn extra money during the summer.

If you’re interested in learning more, Caitlin has a FREE proofreading workshop where she shares valuable insights on proofreading as a profession, tips on finding work, and a tutorial on the most popular proofreading tool in the market. This is an excellent chance to earn extra income on your own terms.

Free Proofread Anywhere Workshop

Start a Blog

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (2)

Want to earn $200 a day?

In my opinion, the #1 idea to make money (be it $20 a day, $200 a day, or $2000 a day) would always be to start a blog. That’s what I do, I make a decent income from it and I love it!

Blogging is:

  • An exciting activity that gets your creative juices flowing
  • Highly profitable – the sky is the limit for making money. How does $40 for 1000 people viewing your site sound? That’s how profitable blogging is.
  • Very affordable (you can afford a blog if you skip just one Starbucks coffee a month, it’s that affordable)
  • Comes with the potential to help you earn $200 a day (or much much more).

If you have expertise in any topic that you want to share with the world, you can start a blog and make money from it.

It’s a highly rewarding activity. You get paid for helping someone out with information. Please note that you don’t have to be a subject matter expert or a great writer to start a blog.

What people are looking for is genuine, helpful information written in a simple way. You would have people visiting and loving your website as long as you offer this!

How to make money blogging?

These are the 3 best ways you can make money blogging:

  • Showing ads (some platforms like Mediavine offers up to $40 or more per thousand visitors for certain niches)
  • Promoting affiliate products or services and taking a commission for each sale coming from your blog.
  • Publishing sponsored posts in collaboration with brands.

And above all, it’s very simple to start and set up a blog. You can do it in a matter of 30 minutes with Bluehost (our recommended web hosting for beginners).

We have created a 10,000+ word detailed guide on how to start a blog and make money. You’ll find pretty much everything (almost everything you would find in a $197 paid course to be frank) in this guide. So, get a coffee, read through the entire guide, set up your blog, and start taking steps toward your financial freedom!

How to Start a Blog and Make Money: A 10,000+ Word Guide

Attending Online Surveys

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (3)

If you want to make $200 fast, you’ll have to get creative. One such idea that’ll help you reach your goals is to take online surveys.

A few of the popular survey sites include Survey Junkie, Swagbucks, MyPoints, American Consumer Opinion, etc.

This is an idea that’s perfect to take up during your free time. Irrespective of whether you are just scrolling through your phone mindlessly at home, watching movies, on lunch break at work, or at a coffee shop, you can attend surveys to make some extra money.

Doesn’t matter if it’s a weekday, weekend, or holiday, it’s a cool way to make some extra bucks in your free time!

How do you get compensated for filling out surveys?

Some companies pay you in the form of cash, some through PayPal, some through gift cards, some through store points, and others.

Each platform will have a pre-defined way of compensation. Based on how you want the money to come in, you can join the apps accordingly.

Please also note that surveys alone might not be enough to help you make $200 a day. But it’ll add to your income.

And why would someone avoid it when all it takes is a few minutes of your free time. It’s literally free cash!

Below are a few of the best survey sites you can join for free!

American Consumer Opinion

Survey Junkie



Become a Transcriptionist

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (4)

Are you good at typing? Fast at it?

And do you have good listening skills?

If so, you could easily make $200 a day as a transcriptionist.

As a transcriptionist, you would be converting audio and video files to text content. You have to listen carefully and type down the material.

Transcription is not just applicable for converting media, YouTube and similar audio files, it would be applicable in medical and legal professions as well.

A scopist is someone who performs legal transcription. You can expect to earn $30 an hour or more performing medical and legal transcription services.

So, for people wondering how to make $200 a day fast, well, 6-8 hours of daily transcription service can help you reach there.

Your goal would be to identify clients and have a long-lasting relationship with them. Once you do that, making $200 a day would start looking like a small income to you.

You can offer your services at platforms like TranscribeMe.

And if you want to learn transcription in detail, you can take the free workshop from Transcribe Anywhere, a course created by a six-figure professional transcriptionist, Janet Shaughnessy.

Transcribe Anywhere

Becoming a Virtual Assistant

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (5)

Most business owners would need some assistance related to administrative tasks. It could be calender management, attending calls, scheduling meetings, replying to emails, processing and managing bills, etc.

You can offer your service to such businesses virtually. Replying to an email or managing bills doesn’t have to be done in person, it can be covered virtually.

As a Virtual Assistant (VA), you wouldn’t be a full-time employee. But instead, a business owner providing part-time services to other people.

And since the services are offered to businesses instead of individuals, the income potential is also quite high.

Moreover, if you are offering your services to a large business, and you are doing well at it, it could become a full-time role in the future.

If you are still wondering how to make $200 a day in income, becoming a virtual assistant is a great idea to explore.

You can download the free workbook from Horkey Handbook below to learn the secrets employed by Gina Horkey to build a VA business that made her $48,000+ dollars annually.

Free VA Workbook from Horkey Handbook

Make Money Testing Websites

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (6)

Every website owner wants to ensure the best user experience for their visitors.


There are two reasons why:

  • Better user experience leads to increased leads and sales (ie, more money in the bank!).
  • Better user experience means better rankings in Google. Because it’s an important ranking factor considered by search engines.

In short, all website owners want to provide the best experience to their visitors (including me).

And how they provide the best experience is by creating a prototype and testing it among a sample crowd. The feedback from this test is later incorporated into the website to further boost the user experience.

You can use websites like UserTesting to make money testing websites.

Who would have thought testing websites would be a fast way to add some money towards making $200 a day right!


Make Money Playing Games & Watching Videos

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (7)

How do you spend your time usually?

Watching videos? Scrolling through your phone? Playing games?

If so, there is a way how you can convert what you usually do to earn real money.

Wondering how?

There are platforms that pay you to watch videos and play games. One such platform is InboxDollars.

At InboxDollars, you are not just limited to playing games and videos, but you’ll also find surveys, cashback offers, and much more. You’ll also get a $5 free joining bonus as well!

This is another perfect way to chip in some extra money towards the goal of earning $200 a day.


Save More to Earn More

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (8)

Ever thought that if you saved $200 a day, it would just be the same as making an extra $200 a day?

I understand that saving $200 a day would be a bit much, but again, it would be a great way to add to your final goal. When you combine multiple such tasks that are optimizations of activities you already do (from simple activities like surveys, games, and watching videos to cutting your spending and using cashback apps), making $200 a day becomes a reality.

If you ever wanted a super fast way to make $200, this would be the best idea for you. Cutting back on bills.

It could be cutting down entertainment bills (do you need Prime Video, Netflix, Disney Plus, HBO, and everything together), not eating out, moving from packaged water to home-purified water, and more. All these will significantly add your income goal!

Drive for Ride-Booking Services

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (9)

Are you a good driver who enjoys riding?

And do you have a car of your own?

If so, you can join ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft as a driver.

With the increasing demand for ride-booking services, you can make a lot of money working as a driver.

You can do it part-time (in case you are a student or has a day job), at night, or whenever you have some free time with you.

And you’ll get to learn your local area inside out. Finding out new picnic spots, unheard-of restaurants, and new shops become a daily activity for you.

For people wondering how to make $200 a day in income (and are good at driving), this would be a great way to achieve that.

Join Uber

Join Lyft

Rent Your Vehicle

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (10)

Our vehicles are machines with the capability to print money, if we put them to the right use.

Do you have an unused vehicle at your home? A two-wheeler? A four-wheeler? An RV?

If so, why not rent them out!

A few such platforms include Turo, HyreCar, Outdoorsy, etc.

And renting your vehicle isn’t as hard as you think. You just have to download their app, complete your profile and vehicle data, and reach out to people who book your vehicle.

Making $200 a day by renting out one vehicle alone would not be feasible, but it’s a great way to chip in some extra cash that’ll add up to make the $200 a day you are aiming for.




Trading & Investing in Stock Market

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (11)

The best way to make money, be it 10 years back, today, and probably 10 years into the future, would be to invest in the right financial instruments. You can make a huge passive income by investing in stocks, bonds, and derivatives.

Again, there are multiple aspects to this. You can take up short-term trading (which is challenging, risky, and highly rewarding) or long-term investing (which is relatively easier, less risky, and offers lower returns).

I would recommend you to take up long-term investment if you are new to stock markets.

How to invest in stock markets?

Well, you first have to start an account with a brokerage firm. You can register on discount brokers like WeBull, Fidelity, Robinhood, Public, etc.

Once you have the account ready and money added, invest it in the right companies, sit back, and see the stock market work its magic!

Important: Please note that stock markets come with a lot of risks (and huge upsides too obviously). You might be tempted by the potential riches that can be made and could end up making some poor decisions. Know that more than 90% of traders lose money (a whole lot).

Only if we realize the fact that we are unexperienced, have good chances of losing money, and stay focused and humble could we make some good choices. Be wise. And never be in a hurry.

Just a friendly advice from someone who has went through the market learning curve over the last many years…

There are a few other ways you can find the money for your brokerage. For example, certain credit card providers offer cashback in the form of brokerage credits or will deposit the rewards directly to your investment account. You can look into such cards and services that would help boost your account size.

So, for people wondering how to make 200 dollars a day, this is one the best ways to achieve your goal (and much more!).

Below are a few of the best brokerage firms you can consider registering in.





Learn More:

  • Day Trading for Beginners: The Definitive Guide

Become a Bookkeeper

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (12)

Are you a numbers person?

Are you skilled at identifying errors in things and being a perfectionist?

If so, you would make a great bookkeeper. And can quite easily make $200 a day providing bookkeeping services.

As a bookkeeper, you would be managing the finances of a business. You would be in charge of listing down the money coming in and the money going out.

And no, you do not need a fancy degree to become a bookkeeper. You need to be skilled and good with numbers though.

Do not worry, there are many online courses that’ll teach all you need to become a great bookkeeper.

The founder of, Ben Robinson, has created a free masterclass that will give you an insider’s view of bookkeeping as a profession. If you wish to earn $200 a day as a bookkeeper, Ben would be the right guide for you.

Having sold two million-dollar bookkeeping businesses in the past, his experience and expertise in bookkeeping would be unmatched!

Free Bookkeeping Masterclass

Sell Creative Items & Handicrafts Online

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (13)

Still wondering how to make $200 a day?

If so, how about selling some creative handicrafts online?

If you have knitting, sewing, or a special creative skill, you make money selling creative products you make.

  • How about knitting a blanket and selling it?
  • Or you could make clay models and sell them…
  • Maybe you could paint a canvas!

The possibilities are endless. And people tend to pay a premium for handmade artwork.

And the creative items need not always be tangible, offline products. You can even create online products like diaries, budget and meal planners, among other printables.

And where to sell them?

Etsy would be the best place to sell your handcrafted creative products. It’s the biggest marketplace for handmade items.

The best part is that you can directly open a store of your own on Etsy. You just have to register a store, set-up your profile and list the products for sale. It’s as simple as that!

You’ll also get visibility from millions of existing Etsy customers and do not have to go through the struggle of creating a website from scratch. A win-win by all means!

Sell on Etsy

Sell Unused Items At Home

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (14)

When was the last time you looked at your basem*nt?

Almost everyone has a load of stuff lying unused at their homes. Why not sell them off?

It’s like practicing minimalism and earning money simultaneously.

If you are wondering “how to get 200 dollars fast?”, well then, you should start selling unused items. This is a quick way to make $200 from home!

The thumb rule is that if you do not use an item at least once every 3-6 months and you can afford to buy it at times of need, you should get rid of it. Anything affordable and unused should go.

You can either throw it away or sell it to someone who would benefit from it. You can do a yard survey or sell through eBay, FB Marketplaces, Decluttr, etc.


Facebook Marketplace


Refinancing Your Loans

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (15)

A great way to make $200 or much more quickly is to refinance your loans.

Yeah, it’s a perfect example of earning more through saving more.

Through refinancing, what we do is that we merge all the loans into one single loan. So, if you had 5 lenders at 5 different rates you were paying to, you can instead take 1 loan, close off all your other smaller loans and pay for the new one alone.

How you benefit here is by saving on the interest rates for the new loan taken. Since the amount is bigger (the combined amount of all your individual loans), you can easily negotiate and obtain a much smaller interest rate.

It’s a great way to make $200 fast (or much much more). And your lifetime savings through refinancing could amount to thousands of dollars.

You can refinance your loans through platforms like LendingClub, Upstart, etc.



Earn Through Cashback Rewards

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (16)

Think of how much worth of shopping you do in a year.

Groceries, dresses, dining out, electronics, binge shopping, travel shopping, and the list goes on…

Quite a big amount right?

Now think of saving 2 to 5% of this entire value. That would be quite an amount right!

Cashback and rewards sites might seem silly on the outside, but it becomes powerful as you cumulate your spending.

You can use apps like Ibotta (up to 30% cash back!), Dosh, etc to get cashback. They have partnered with hundreds of thousands of retailers to offer you a part of your spending back.

And even more exciting is that you get a referral bonus (up to $20) just to sign up on these cashback sites.

It’s not a lucrative idea to make a lot of money like $200 a day. But it’s a great way to chip in some extra income to your goal.



Taking Advantage of Credit Card Bonuses

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (17)

This is another method that’ll add to your goal if making $200 a day.

Most credit cards offer a joining bonus worth $500 to $1000. If you can get a new card and make all your upcoming spends through these cards, you’ll be able to bag a good bonus amount from them.

Credit card bonuses are a great way to obtain travel benefits. You can cash in the bonus points for the spends for air miles and obtain free tickets!

So, the next time you are going a make a big spend, just think if you had a free credit that would give you a bonus for making that spend, why not take advantage of it!

For example, Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card offers 60,000 bonus points (worth $750) for making a spend of $4000 and the Capital One Venture Rewards Card offers a one-time bonus of 75,000 miles once you spend $4000 on purchases!

Important: Please note that credit card debts can become very hard to pay off. While this is definitely a great way to bag free money, ensure that you have the financial stability to pay off any debt you incur. It could also affect your credit scores and future potential to avail banking services.

Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card

Capital One Venture Rewards Card

Become a Food Delivery Agent

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (18)

Well, people nowadays are so lazy they prefer ordering food over cooking something at me (yeah, myself included in the lazy list!).

And this presents us with an amazing opportunity to make some extra money online. You can make money as a delivery partner, by picking up food from shops and delivering it to homes.

It’s a simple work that pays well. You can also take it up part-time. So, even if you have a day job or are a student looking for extra income, you can work at night.

You can join services like DoorDash,Uber Eats, or Grubhub to provide delivery agent services. You can manage the orders, driving distance, and pretty much everything using a simple mobile app with these companies.

Your earnings depend on how much you drive.

And a part of the total delivery service goes towards commissions as well. So, the best way to start making $200 a day and increase your income per km driven is to work with a local restaurant.

Below are a few of the best companies to provide online food delivery services.


Uber Eats


Delivery Agent for E-Commerce Sites

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (19)

How many times do your order from Amazon (and other e-com sites) every year?

Quite a lot, right?

Now think of how many orders 8 billion people across the world would be placing!

And each of these orders needs a delivery person. Well, at least till the time drones become feasible.

If you are a good driver and have a vehicle of your own, this is a job that you can take up to hit your earnings target of $200 a day!

Amazon enrolls its drivers through Amazon Flex, an on-demand platform. You can typically expect to earn $18-$25 as a driver through Amazon Flex.

Amazon Flex

Become a Mystery Shopper

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (20)

A mystery shopper is someone disguised as a regular shopper in retail stores to understand service quality on the ground.

You would be visiting the store, purchasing products, interacting with staff members, looking into the cleanliness of the store, checking the ease of entry/exit/billing/parking, etc.

You might also have some questionnaires or checklists with you. If you are someone who likes shopping (or spending time outside), you can consider being a mystery shopper.

Your opinions and findings can have a direct impact on the shopping experience of future customers. So, in a way, you are making a real difference as well.

You wouldn’t make a ton of money as a mystery shopper, but it’s a great way to add some extra money to your daily goal of making $200 a day.

And you can find clients looking for mystery shoppers on websites like Secret Shopper and Field Agent.

Secret Shopper

Field Agent

Provide Freelancing Services

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (21)

Freelancing is a glorious word in today’s world. Being your own boss, working at your own pace, at a time of your convenience, from wherever you like, and charging what you want to.

No dress code, no unwanted meetings, no boring engagement activities, and no daily standup meetings.

I mean, what more could one ask for?

But in reality, freelancing might not be as glorious or fancy as you would think. Of course, it’s an amazing thing, but it comes with a few cons as well. The biggest one being finding clients.

Because your income is dictated by your clients.

You can find clients on websites such as Fiverr, Upwork, Peopleperhour, TopTal, and These sites will connect you with clients. The best part is that you there is a demand for almost everything on these websites.

From web designing and SEO services to copywriting, you will find immense opportunities to make $200 a day or more!

A few of the popular platforms to provide freelancing services include:



People Per Hour



Rent Out Your Home

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (22)

How about making money renting spare rooms in your house?

Or renting your entire home while you are vacationing somewhere else?

Airbnb has literally changed the concept of room booking. You can now just list your home on Airbnb and find short-term renters looking for a stay.

Also, you get to charge what you want and set your own rules.

No partying allowed?

Of course, it’s your decision.

And Airbnb also offers insurance that covers any eventualities of property destruction as well. You are safeguarded that way.

Also, the payments would happen through the Airbnb app and it’s a very streamlined experience as well.

So, depending on the size and room availability of your house, you can make a good side income by renting your home. This is another great way to add extra money to your income goal of making $200 a day.


Manage Social Media for Others

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (23)

Do you spend a lot of time scrolling through your phone?

Visit a lot of social profiles every day?

Then, how about becoming a social media manager?

A lot of businesses have awful social media profiles. Most profiles are unattended, outdated, and not follow-worthy.

That’s where you come in.

You can pitch your services to these businesses that you’ll handle their social profiles. From making social media creatives to scheduling posts at high-engagement times, replying to comments, and making the profile look cooler and follow-worthy, you can provide a whole suite of services to help local businesses climb up the digital marketing ladder.

And once you have a decent list of clients, making $200 a day becomes a simple task.

And the best thing?

It’s a highly scalable business model. Once you start building your list of clients, you can actually grow your business to great heights (maybe even a 7 or 8-figure company!).

Pet Sitting

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (24)

Wondering how to make $200 a day as a pet sitter?

I know it’s a bit unrealistic, but this is something that can definitely add to your income. Maybe you can club pet sitting with a different side hustle:

  • pet blogging?
  • making pet videos?
  • pet beautician?
  • pet social media influencer?

If you are an animal lover, this is something you would love. And you get to make money throwing a fetch toy or a tennis ball.

Yeah, it’s literally getting paid to play with pets. You just have to ensure you follow the instructions of the owner (like specific diet, playtime, walk time, etc).

So, yeah, would you like to make money playing with pets?

If so, Rover is an amazing platform where you can find pet care services.


Make $200 a Day Teaching Online

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (25)

If you have expertise in any specific subjects, you can teach online and earn a decent side income.

It doesn’t matter whether you have a bachelor’s degree or a Ph.D., what matters is your understanding of the subject. And you are not just limited to academic subjects, you can even teach art, music, and other skills online.

If you have a good grasp of something, why not make money sharing it with the world!

It’s something you would enjoy doing and something that can easily help you earn $200 a day!

A few platforms where you can teach online include:





How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (26)

Are you good with kids?

If so, you can earn $200 fast babysitting.

In the busy world today, there might be times of need (meetings for both parents at the same time? unavoidable situations?) when you would want someone to come in and babysit.

And the demand for people who can babysit is significant. Of course, you have to be a caring and responsible person, those are two natural qualities needed for a babysitter.

You also get to negotiate and earn what you want to charge.

Some children might require more care. If you find that some children are difficult to deal with, have an open conversation with the parents. Each child is different in their own way and a good babysitter makes it work irrespective of how kids behave.

Searching for childcare jobs?

You can check out to find good jobs in your neighborhood.

Take Up Handyman Services

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Household activities are inherently boring (to most people)…

Think of changing bulbs, plumbing, and painting. Do these sound like things you can do?

If so, you can provide handyman services to people.

TaskRabbit is an excellent platform to offer your services.

Most of these are skilled work, such as plumbing, electrical work, etc. And you can charge a decent hourly wage for your services.

You also get to work with different clients, can get reviews from them to build up your profile, and earn that $200 a day you were dreaming of.


Make Money Answering Questions

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (28)

Again, if you would like to get paid for your expertise and experience, there are sites like JustAnswer that are a perfect fit for you.

You can make up to $200 quickly by providing answers to questions asked by people across the world. Please note that many sites would need subject experts to provide answers.

Thus, if you consider yourself to be a subject matter expert at something, this is an amazing opportunity to make some extra bucks!


Sell Print on Demand Products

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (29)

How about selling print-on-demand products and making money from them?

“But isn’t that tough?”, you would be wondering.

Well, it’s not. In today’s world, you do even not have to manage the inventory. All you have to do is to create designs and bring in sales.

The printing, inventory management, billing, and shipping would be taken care of by the POD platforms likePrintful, Printify, etc.

Now if you would like to remove the hassle of bringing in sales as well and focus only on creating great designs for your products (t-shirts, mugs, etc), there’s a solution for that too. It’s called Amazon Merch.

At Merch, you’ll only have to upload the designs. And the products go live on Amazon. If an Amazon customer (and they have millions of customers) likes your product and decide to buy it, you’ll earn a royalty for the design.

Of course, the printing, distribution, and all the other headaches would be taken care of by Amazon. All you’ve got to do is to create great designs that sell!

This is another great way to chip in some extra income to your goal of making $200 a day.

Make Money From YouTube

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (30)

Another great and highly-scaleable way to earn $200 a day is to create videos and publish them on YouTube.

With top YouTubers earning 8-figure incomes from the platform, making $200 a day from YouTube is something a dedicated person can definitely do.

And what’s the secret to YouTube success?

It’s discipline and continuity. Never stop posting.

The thing about blogging and YouTube is that, in the beginning, you’ll not see any results. No one will watch your videos initially. But you just have to keep publishing.

You have to keep that faith. Because it takes a bit of time for YouTube algorithms to recognize your channel and videos. Moreover, you’ll notice that your videos will gradually improve in quality once you start publishing more.

So, continue posting useful videos and with time, you’ll definitely get to your goal of earning $200 a day!

Become a Tour Guide

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (31)

Do you live in a popular city or near a tourist attraction?

If so, you can make money helping people navigate and understand your city. A guide can significantly improve the local experience of a traveler.

It’s a highly enjoyable activity as you get to go around your city, explain its history, features, specialness, and interact with new people from around the world. And you get paid to have fun in your city!

You can also specialize in tours, like offering city tours, nature walks, history and museum tours, beach tours, trekking tours, etc.

Where can you list your services as a tour guide?

With Locals and Tours by Locals offer you the platform to provide your services as a local tour guide!

If you are from a popular tourist destination, this is a great way to earn $200 a day in service charges and tips!

With Locals

Tours by Locals

30 Ways to Make $200 a Day Fast – A Summary

To sum up, below are the 30 ideas that we have discussed in this post:

  1. Become a Proofreader
  2. Start a Blog
  3. Attending Online Surveys
  4. Make Money Testing Websites
  5. Make Money Playing Games & Watching Videos
  6. Save More to Earn More
  7. Drive for Ride-Booking Services
  8. Rent Your Vehicle
  9. Trading & Investing in Stock Markets
  10. Become a Transcriptionist
  11. Become a Bookkeeper
  12. Sell Creative Items & Handicrafts Online
  13. Sell Unused Items at Home
  14. Refinancing Your Loans
  15. Earn Through Cashback Rewards
  16. Taking Advantage of Credit Card Bonuses
  17. Become a Food Delivery Agent
  18. Delivery Agent for E-Commerce Sites
  19. Become a Virtual Assistant
  20. Become a Mystery Shopper
  21. Provide Freelancing Services
  22. Rent Out Your Home
  23. Manage Social Media for Others
  24. Pet Sitting
  25. Make $200 a Day Teaching Online
  26. Babysitting
  27. Take Up Handyman Services
  28. Make Money Answering Questions
  29. Sell Print on Demand Products
  30. Make Money From YouTube
  31. Become a Tour Guide

FAQs | How to Make $200?

We’ll take a quick look at a few of the most frequently asked questions.

1. How can I make $200 a day working from home?

You can make $200 a day working from home by adopting ways like starting a blog or YouTube channel, becoming a transcriptionist, proofreader, bookkeeper, or virtual assistant, and by providing freelance services.

All these services can be performed from home and have the potential to earn you $200 a day (or more!).

2. If i make $200 a day how much is that a year?

If you make $200 a day, then you would make $73,000 in a year.

Assuming a year to be 365 days, your annual income would be $200 per day x 365 days, which is $73,000!

3. How to Make $200 a Day by Posting Ads?

You can make $200 a day posting ads through the following methods:

1. Make $200 a day through display advertisem*nts on your website: You can show ads on your blog and make money from them. You can join affiliate networks like Google Adsense, Mediavine, etc that pay you for show advertisem*nts.

With Mediavine, you can expect to earn up to $40 per 1000 website views in certain niches. For someone wondering how to make $200 a day by posting ads, this would be the most recommended method.

2. Make $200 a day from display advertisem*nts on your YouTube Channel: The next best idea would be to build a YouTube channel and run ads on them. You’ll be paid when people watch the entire ads or click on the links embedded in the ads.

Managing a YouTube channel would be a little harder than a blog, but this is also a great way to make $200 a day by posting ads.

3. Make $200 a day posting ads on Social Media: Well, you can perform the advertising activity for other businesses and charge money for your services. As a social media ad manager, you would be in charge of managing ad campaigns and getting new leads/clients.

You can run ads on multiple platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, etc. Some people specialize in certain platforms and provide dedicated services.

4. Make $200 a day posting ads through sponsored content: Sponsored posts are posts that are created for a fee. A brand/business would pay you to create and post some content in your business (could be a blog, YT channel, podcast, social media handle, etc). You would also embed a small ad about this brand in your content.

Essentially you get paid for promoting a brand through new content on your platform. Never thought you could make $200 a day posting ads this way right!

5. Make $200 a day posting ads wherever possible: Well if you have a car, wall, or anything where you can stick some promotional content, you should make use of it. It’s just a matter of reaching out to some businesses. Local businesses would love to advertise in such nearby spaces.

Well, making $200 a day is a definite possibility for someone willing to put in the time and effort.

The ideas listed in this post are sure to help you reach your goals as well.

Whether your goal is to make $200 fast or to create a passive income source that makes $200 a day, it’s within your reach. You just have to reach out and get it done.

Wish you all the best. Hopefully, you’ll reach the goal of making $200 a day in no time.

How to Make $200 a Day? (30 Fast Ways) - Financial Folks (2024)
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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.