How To Make Your Boyfriend Cry In A Good Way (81 Sweet Ways) - Her Norm (2024)

Table of Contents
81 Ways To Make Your Boyfriend Cry In A Good Way 1. Write a love letter to him in the morning 2. Tell him he is wonderful 3. Reassure him 4. Talk about your conflicts 5. Randomly tell him you love him 6. Tell him he is on your mind 7. Say you miss him 8. Tell him why you love him 9. Let him know that you accept his imperfections 10. Be profound 11. Tell him if he is the only one for you 12. Let him know you are there for him 13. Tell him how happy he makes you 14. Apologize when you are wrong 15. Say something sweet before bedtime 16. Motivate him 17. Manage the situation when he’s acting jealous 18. … and when you are acting jealous 19. Liven up his day 20. Tell him he is the man of your dreams 21. Remind him of what you have been through together 22. Open yourself up to him 23. Appreciate him 24. Send him a love message just because 25. Give him a boost when he's emotionally drained 26. Say something amazing when he's going out 27. Say something when he's on your mind 28. Say something nice on his birthday 29. Say something sweet when you are in a good mood 30. Say something if you just got back together 31. Reach out when you've been too busy to hang out 32. Send the perfect anniversary message 33. Once you realize he is the one, say something 34. Tell him how safe you feel with him 35. Remember the good times 36. Message him about the future 37. Let him know how special he is 38. Tell him the reasons why you love him 39. Send him something sweet when he goes on a trip 40. Call him just to hear his voice 41. Tell him how he makes you feel 42. Commend him for his achievements 43. Tell him how brave he makes you feel 44. Try to express your love in words 45. Tell him how much you want to spend time with him 46. Tell him how happy you are that you met 47. Say something about how he motivates you 48. Tell him how his love for you is different 49. Tell him you accept his flaws 50. Thank him for loving you with your flaws 51. Let him know how he opened you up to love 52. Tell him how he completes you 53. Let him know you are lucky to have him 54. Show the depth of feelings 55. He's lucky to have you 56. He's all you want 57. He makes you better 58. Talk about your meeting 59. He's your friend 60. He's unique 61. Make him feel secure 62. Tell him he soothes you 63. Reassure him 64. Comfort him 65. Praise their love 66. Dote on him 67. Reveal something sappy 68. Highlight your compatibility 69. He changed your perception 70. You can't stop caring about him 71. Compliment his looks 72. Define love 73. Thank him for his effect on you 74. Pay him a simple compliment 75. Express your emotions 76. Tell him you miss him even when he's there 77. He's the most important person 78. Make him feel great 79. Tells him he is the best 80. Commit yourself 81. Tell him he is sweet FAQs To Conclude

Some people will look at this and wonder if there is any reason to make your boyfriend cry. Well, sometimes relationships require one or both parties to show a little emotion, so make him cry. If you want to make him cry, stop thinking too much, and start feeling. Raw emotion is what will get you through that door.

So, if you want to make him cry, here are a few sweet words and letters that can drive it home. I am bringing in the big guns here, so you may want to keep your tissues on standby. Without further ado, here are some ideas on how to make him cry.

Table of Contents

81 Ways To Make Your Boyfriend Cry In A Good Way

1. Write a love letter to him in the morning

Writing a love letter to my boyfriend every morning was one of the best things I could do for our relationship. I let him know every single day that he is the love of my life. Say something like, ‘I’m so happy I get to wake up next to my best friend every morning, because the moment I see your face, I remember why I yearn to spend the rest of my days with you.

2. Tell him he is wonderful

I love you so much and cannot imagine my life without such a wonderful man. You have been nothing but good to me, even when my actions do not warrant it. Spending the rest of my life with you is nothing short of a dream come true.’

3. Reassure him

I already know that I want to be with you for the rest of my life, so do not be taken aback on off days. Like it is in all relationships, we will have ups and downs, but I ultimately want to spend my whole life with the love of my life.’

4. Talk about your conflicts

Relationships are not a bed of roses, so do not let fairytales build unrealistic expectations. When you do have a lover's spat, it can get quite intense. Instead of further infuriating your sweetheart, here’s a little something to tell your boyfriend that will make him cry. ‘While we were arguing, many words flew back and forth; at some point, I lost track of the reason we were going at it. I am sorry for upsetting you, my Love; when we argue, let it only be about the things that matter

5. Randomly tell him you love him

Whether it is in the form of a love letter or simply a text message, it's sweet to remind him how taken you are with him. Say something like, ‘Before you, I never knew I could love the way I do right now. My Love for you is like a thrilling adventure, every step of the way I experience it more.

6. Tell him he is on your mind

Sometimes I write a letter to my boyfriend just to tell him that he is on my mind. I am no Shakespeare, but it goes something like this. ‘When anyone catches me with a random smile on my face, it can only mean one thing, I’m thinking of you. I love you so much that I constantly feel lucky to be your girl.

7. Say you miss him

This is a sure one to use on your boyfriend to make him cry, especially if you don’t see each other often. To make him cry, simply say, ‘I missed you so much today, and guess what? It was for no reason at all. I am constantly jealous of people who get to see you more than I do. I can't wait to see you soon, Sweetheart.’

8. Tell him why you love him

How To Make Your Boyfriend Cry In A Good Way (81 Sweet Ways) - Her Norm (1)

Your boyfriend knows that you love him, but it doesn’t hurt to tell him. For me, I often express this in the form of a letter to my boyfriend or a note; either way, it’s sure to make him cry in a good way.

‘Every morning I wake up next to you is a testament to the fact that true love exists. I’ve never met a man like you, and I equally love the way you treat me. I love your smile; I love you like a partner, a brother, a lover, and a friend. Thank you for showing me what true love is like.’

9. Let him know that you accept his imperfections

One sure way to make him cry is to let him know that you love him, imperfections and all. Here something you can say to your boyfriend that will make him gush with emotion. ‘Relationships are not perfect, but guess what?

There is no one else I’d rather be imperfect with than you. I’m your girl, and you’re my man; I love you so much, and you’ll need to do more than snore too much to chase me away.’

10. Be profound

Say this to your boyfriend to make him cry, ‘You already know that I love you so much, but here’s the thing, I did not fall in love with you. This girl walked into love with you with her eyes wide open. Since the day it happened, I cannot stop thinking about you, and I am so glad thatI found true love.’

11. Tell him if he is the only one for you

If you are looking for what to say to your boyfriend to make him cry, take a swing at this. ‘If I had another chance to pick anyone to spend the rest of my life with, it would still be you. When I am with you, I am in my comfort zone, I can’t imagine spending a day without you, and I don’t want to sample the reality.’

12. Let him know you are there for him

Telling someone you cannot spend a day without talking to or seeing them is as sweet as it gets. With that in mind, say this to your boyfriend to make him cry, ‘Saying I love you so much is not enough; I just want to let you know that there is no one I would rather be with. Also, I will always be here, regardless of what we go through.

13. Tell him how happy he makes you

Why would you make someone who makes you smile cry? Well, sometimes you need to look for things to say to your boyfriend to make him show some emotion. In this case, ‘I feel so lucky to have you in my life, when we first met I could not stop thinking about you, now I am blessed enough to have you all to myself.

14. Apologize when you are wrong

It may not be the sweetest scenario, but when you wrong your partner, the apology is one way to spark some emotion. With an apology like this, you may very well have him bawling, ‘I am overcome with emotions whenever I think about the fact that I’ve hurt the man I love, but I would rather not sit around waiting for the issue to resolve itself. I love you, and I am so sorry.’

15. Say something sweet before bedtime

Take some time out to say something sweet to your boyfriend to make him feel loved. It's just nice to feel the love right before you both get some shut-eye. Here are a few words to try on for size. ‘ You’ve spent the entire day being the amazing man that you are, so before you go to bed, I want to let you know how special you are. I love you like you’ve been a part of my life forever.’

16. Motivate him

Being in love is not only about saying mushy stuff to your man; you can also motivate him with kind words or ideas. It goes like this, ‘You are the best boyfriend in the world, and there is no other person I would rather be with. I love you so much, not just because you are mine, but also because you are a great human being. I know this, and everyone knows this; it's time for you to accept it too.’

17. Manage the situation when he’s acting jealous

This may sound corny, but every man on the planet pales in comparison to you. I love you so much that I could never imagine being with anybody else. My life has only gotten better since we got together, and I can never give that up.

18. … and when you are acting jealous

It's hard to watch the love of your life connect with so many people. It is torture. Every day, I look at you and see this amazing soul, and I know others see it too. In a few words, I hope I don’t fudge this up one day and lose you eventually.

19. Liven up his day

You bring sunshine and laughter into my life, so I would like to try to do the same thing for you today. Whenever I am with you, it feels like there is no one else around; your presence is so big and warm that everything fades into the background. I hope our love lasts so I can experience this for the rest of my life.

20. Tell him he is the man of your dreams

Many people say that falling in love is nothing like what you imagine as a little girl. But the moment I met you, I knew something was so familiar. You are everything I dreamt of when I was forming the image of my Prince Charming. Don’t ever change my love.

Use this tool to check whether he actually is who he says he is
Whether you're married or have just started seeing someone, infidelity rates are on the rise and have increased over 40% in the last 20 years, so you have all the right to be worried.

Perhaps you want to know if he's texting other women behind your back? Or whether he has active Tinder or dating profile? Or worse yet, whether he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?

This tool will do just that and pull up any hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more to hopefully help put your doubts to rest.

21. Remind him of what you have been through together

Let me start by saying that as far as boyfriends go, you are the best choice I ever made. It's been since we started this journey together, and we have had our fair share of ups and downs, but we braved through it. I love you so much and promise to navigate this mystery called life together.

22. Open yourself up to him

My Love, you are more a part of me than you could ever understand. Sometimes, I shy away from telling you things because I try to maintain an air of mystery. But, ultimately, it's you I want to vent to at the end of the day; it's you I want to run straight to when I have good and bad news. I love you so much.

23. Appreciate him

All these years we've spent together have been amazing; I've grown as a person beyond my imagination. You make me want to be a better person and to open myself to new experiences regularly. Even better, you've shown me what love is meant to be.

24. Send him a love message just because

This is just to tell you that you are amazing, just because you light up my day. You make me so happy I feel like sprinkles are bursting out of my orifices. Because of that, I want to make you feel as wonderful as you make me feel, all for the sake of the love we share.

25. Give him a boost when he's emotionally drained

My Love, sometimes life throws the worst challenges at us, and that's what going on with you right now. I'm confident that I am in love with a strong and intelligent man who can face anything the universe throws at him.

26. Say something amazing when he's going out

In an ideal world, I would stay in all day with the guy I love. But since you need to have a life outside 'us,' I'm going to let you step out just this once. All I want you to do for me is to stay safe and come back in one piece. I can't help but worry about you, but you're a big boy, and not seeing you now will only make it better when we see each other later.

27. Say something when he's on your mind

You have made the concept of love so real for me, so much so that you are always on my mind. I just thought about you now, and I decided to let you know how much I love you. At times, I am so overwhelmed by thoughts of you, the way you look at me, how your touch feels, and how much I look forward to seeing you at the end of the day. I hope you are thinking about your lady love too.

28. Say something nice on his birthday

How To Make Your Boyfriend Cry In A Good Way (81 Sweet Ways) - Her Norm (2)

Can you believe that I never immensely enjoyed birthdays before this, but once we celebrated your first birthday, I was won over? The fact that you came into the world today is a gift on its own; I can't imagine my world without you. On this day, I want to thank the universe and all the forces within for giving you to me.

29. Say something sweet when you are in a good mood

Every time I'm in a good mood, you're the first person that comes to my mind. Maybe it's because you are often the reason I am in such a good mood. You make me so satisfied that even when a foreign situation makes me laugh, I instantly think about the man I love.

30. Say something if you just got back together

A lot has happened to us in a small space of time, our relationship has been tested in fire, and I'm glad we only came out stronger. I knew from the moment we got together that I love you passionately; despite the hitch in the road, we are still here today. Thank you for choosing to work on this with me, my Love.

31. Reach out when you've been too busy to hang out

There's so much going on in our different spheres that sometimes I forget to reach out to you. I want to let you know that I still love you beyond expression, and though life gets in the way, you are still my favorite person in the universe. I know our love is strong, and it can withstand any pressure that our social obligations throw at us.

32. Send the perfect anniversary message

I remember the day we first met; it was nothing short of an out of an extraordinary experience for me. Though the room was crowded that day, the only person I could see and sense was you. The moment you stepped into the room everyone else dissolved into the background. I still get that feeling today, and I look forward to experiencing it many years down the line.

33. Once you realize he is the one, say something

I have been in relationships before, each one with its upsides, downsides, and lessons. What makes this one different? My emotions run a lot deeper, and I can't help but feel that you are the one. I've never even believed in the concept of the one till this moment; it's apparent that you were the missing link.

34. Tell him how safe you feel with him

I've never really trusted anyone wholly; I was taught to depend on number one. Since I met you, a weight has been lifted off my shoulders because I now have a partner to face the big bad world. I sometimes trust you more than I trust myself because you somehow know me more than I know myself.

35. Remember the good times

Can you remember the first time we met? It was as if we had always been together; I felt no pressure to impress you or be someone else. As we make new memories together, I still feel the same way with you, my Love. I won't ask you for much; simply keep being the amazing person I fell in love with.

36. Message him about the future

I remember imagining my future as a little girl; all I could see was me driving through life, becoming a career woman, and maybe settling down with a man. Little did I know that you were my future. I see us going for the long haul, a house with a picket fence, and the whole shebang. I feel like we started in love and progressed from there. May we have a bright future together.

37. Let him know how special he is

I know I tell you this every day, but I love you immensely, you are the most critical person in my life, and I would never trade you for anything. When we are together, we are in a world of our own, and I've never had that sensation with anyone.

38. Tell him the reasons why you love him

It's no secret that there are so many men out there, but you are obviously the only one for me, and here's why. You make me laugh genuinely; you make my heart soar, understand me, tolerate me, and correct me respectfully.

39. Send him something sweet when he goes on a trip

There's something about being stuck here alone when you have to go on trips; it makes me miss you more. If I could have my way, I would keep you with me all the time, but I know that's unrealistic. So, all I can say is that I love you and want you to be safe, come back to me soon.

40. Call him just to hear his voice

I know you're at work now, probably doing something very important and urgent. But, I just had to call you to tell you that I love you; cuteness, imperfections and all. Our love is the best feeling I've ever experienced, and it sometimes leads me to do weird yet cute things like calling you to tell you I love you while you're at work.

41. Tell him how he makes you feel

It's been a few years down the line, and you still make me feel like a love-struck school girl. I feel so safe, secure, and easy-going whenever we are together; it's as if we have created this perfect little world for ourselves, and it's nothing short of amazing. I will continue to bask in your love, and I hope you have the same idea.

42. Commend him for his achievements

It baffles me how smart you are sometimes; you put in all the hard work and aren't scared to get your hands dirty. That's one of the many things I love about you; another major thing I love is how humble you are. Someone as smart as you should be pompous and showy, but you are as down to earth as it gets. Congratulations, my Love, this is only the beginning.

43. Tell him how brave he makes you feel

When I am with you, I feed off your energy, and it makes me so courageous. I pray you to continue to rub off me in the right way.

44. Try to express your love in words

The love I have for you is far more intense and profound than you could ever imagine. It's more than just an emotion; it drives me to be a better person.

45. Tell him how much you want to spend time with him

You taught me that love is a beautiful thing, and that's one lesson I will always appreciate. This makes me want to spend every day with you; I'd go into withdrawal if we stayed apart too long.

46. Tell him how happy you are that you met

Saying that I've been happy since we met is nothing short of a gross understatement. Since the day you came into my life, it's been one happy memory after the other.

47. Say something about how he motivates you

I love how you push me to be a better person; I can't reconcile the person I am now with the girl I was before.

48. Tell him how his love for you is different

I've been in love before, or at least, that's what I thought it was. With you, it's a different sensation and experience; let's just say, I love being in love with you.

49. Tell him you accept his flaws

I love you so much; strengths, flaws, and the whole shebang. During our time together, I've seen all your shades, and the verdict is out. You may not be perfect, but you're perfect for me.

50. Thank him for loving you with your flaws

I know I'm not a bowl of sugar all the time, but you still love me regardless. What more can a lady ask for in this brutal dating scene?

51. Let him know how he opened you up to love

Your love for me is so pure that it opened up my eyes to how amazing true love can be.

52. Tell him how he completes you

How To Make Your Boyfriend Cry In A Good Way (81 Sweet Ways) - Her Norm (3)

I never believed in soul mates before I met you, but every moment I spend with you confirms the fact that you complete me

53. Let him know you are lucky to have him

You're the man of my dreams, and if that doesn't make me a lucky person, I don't know what possibly could.

54. Show the depth of feelings

I've never felt love more real than what I feel for you.

55. He's lucky to have you

You probably already know this, but I am quite the catch, and I chose you and you alone. If given another chance, I'd do it again.

56. He's all you want

There is no one else I would rather be with than you. Thanks for being so amazing.

57. He makes you better

Every moment I am with, you makes me a better person because I want to ensure I'm treating you well.

58. Talk about your meeting

I never believed in fate till I met you, and now there's nothing that can convince me it doesn't exist.

59. He's your friend

You're not just some guy I'm deeply in love with; you're also my closest friend.

60. He's unique

I don't know if you truly grasp how special you are, not just to me but everyone else in your life.

61. Make him feel secure

Even 10000 miles cannot change how I feel about you, and nothing will ever change that.

62. Tell him he soothes you

Your presence is so calming that I can hardly imagine feeling stressed when you're with me.

63. Reassure him

Our love is airtight; it's a fortress, and trust that we can brave whatever life throws our way.

64. Comfort him

There's nothing in this world that can bring you down; I know this because I witness your strength daily.

65. Praise their love

The way you care about me is unlike anything I've ever experienced before. You're perfect for me, and that's why your love is so right for me.

66. Dote on him

You are wonderful, and though I'm your partner, I also want to ensure that you are OK. I want to take care of you because you do the same for me.

67. Reveal something sappy

Remember when we were in school together? I used to stare at you through the corner of my eyes, hoping that one day I'd be given a chance to talk to you simply. Now, you're mine, and I still can't believe it.

68. Highlight your compatibility

I don't care how many people we have been with before; all I know is we belong together.

69. He changed your perception

I used to think that love was a myth, but with you, it seems like the most natural thing on earth.

70. You can't stop caring about him

I've been with you for some time now, and it's evident that I can't stop loving you.

71. Compliment his looks

You are the most handsome man ever, but it's not just the way you look; your beauty isn't skin deep.

72. Define love

To me, love is not just an emotion; it's an expression, it's a person, and that person is you.

73. Thank him for his effect on you

You bring out the best in me; that's something only a small circle of people can do. Thank you so much for being a positive influence.

74. Pay him a simple compliment

You are amazing; I don't know if I say that often enough. In case I don't, here's a reminder.

75. Express your emotions

I get so emotional every time I think about how well you treat me. It's such a good feeling that I want to share it with you.

76. Tell him you miss him even when he's there

I know you're sitting next to me, but I miss you in advance. Every moment we spend apart makes me anticipate the next time we will be together.

77. He's the most important person

You are by far the most important aspect of my life; I will never take you for granted.

78. Make him feel great

You light up any room you walk into; there's just something about your personality that is golden.

79. Tells him he is the best

I have met many people, but they all pale in comparison; you take the cup as the best person in my life.

80. Commit yourself

I cannot pinpoint the exact minute it happened, but I'm ready to spend the rest of my days with you.

81. Tell him he is sweet

You are the sweetest person I've met in a long while, in fact, I thought your kind was extinct.


What can I say to make my boyfriend cry?

Let me start by saying that this is a ‘different strokes for different folks’ situation. Not man reacts to things the same way. But, off the top of my head, you can tell him, ‘you make me feel so good about myself, and every single day I spend with you gets better than the last. Even on my worst days, your love is like a pick me up.’

Is it OK to cry to your boyfriend?

Yes, it is recommended that you cry in front of him once in a while to ensure that he knows you trust him enough to let your guard down. You don’t always have to be this strong person in front of your partner, hiding tears behind a smile.

How can I make my boyfriend feel special with words?

For the most part, you need to talk to make the words quite personal. Nobody knows your boyfriend more than you, so use that to your advantage. Compliment something he does for you in particular, tell him how he makes you the happiest woman on the planet, tell him something dirty, etc.

How can I make my boyfriend crazy about me?

Start by complimenting him every once in a while; that always does the trick. Then, it would help if you equally surprised him; he doesn’t have to do things for you constantly. Just look for cute ways to make him fall in love with you over and over again. Ultimately, treat him like he is your favorite person in the world.

How do I make him jealous?

Ensure that there is always an air of mystery; as much as you should be vulnerable, never lay out all your cards. Of course, you don’t have to be with anyone else, but ensure that he knows that you have options. Once in a while, throw in some comments about your ex-boyfriend, and that should take him over the edge.

To Conclude

Relationships can be quite rocky, so you need to connect with your man on a more emotional level. Your words can go a long way to make your boyfriend cry but in a good way. This isn’t some ploy to reduce your sweetheart to a mushy pile of emotions and snot, but you need to fall in love multiple times to keep the relationship moving.

I hope this article helped you out, and if you have comments, feel free to share them in the comment section below. Also, share this with someone who needs it.

Utilize this tool to verify if he's truly who he claims to be
Whether you're married or just started dating someone, infidelity rates have risen by over 40% in the past 20 years, so your concerns are justified.

Do you want to find out if he's texting other women behind your back? Or if he has an active Tinder or dating profile? Or even worse, if he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?

This tool can help by uncovering hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more, potentially putting your doubts to rest.

The concepts covered in this article revolve around nurturing a loving relationship through various means of emotional expression and communication. Here's a breakdown:

  1. Expressive Affirmations: Ways to express love, appreciation, and emotional support through verbal communication. This includes compliments, expressions of gratitude, assurance of commitment, and acknowledgment of the partner's positive attributes.

  2. Conflict Resolution: Addressing conflicts in a relationship positively by acknowledging misunderstandings, offering apologies, and seeking resolution without escalating tensions.

  3. Emotional Connectivity: Highlighting the importance of emotional connection, missing each other, and expressing the depth of feelings, including feelings of safety, happiness, and comfort in the relationship.

  4. Relationship Milestones: Celebrating significant events such as birthdays, anniversaries, and rekindling the relationship after brief separations.

  5. Long-Term Commitment: Expressing intentions for a long-term relationship, envisioning a shared future, and acknowledging the partner's impact on personal growth and perspectives on love.

  6. Making Each Other Feel Special: Conveying appreciation, making efforts to understand each other better, acknowledging compatibility, and creating a sense of security and support.

  7. Emotional Vulnerability: Encouraging the expression of genuine emotions, including vulnerability and trust, by creating an environment where both partners can share their feelings openly.

  8. Creating and Maintaining Excitement: Keeping the relationship dynamic and exciting through surprise messages, expressions of affection, and sustaining mutual interest.

  9. Jealousy and Trust: Addressing jealousy issues with reassurance, emphasizing trust, and maintaining healthy boundaries in the relationship.

  10. Self-Reflection and Growth: Acknowledging personal growth within the relationship, expressing gratitude for positive influences, and recognizing how love has changed perceptions and experiences.

  11. Individual Identity within a Relationship: Balancing individuality while being in a committed relationship, expressing the uniqueness of the partner, and nurturing both friendship and romantic aspects.

  12. Reaffirming Love: Constantly reaffirming love and commitment, acknowledging flaws, and accepting imperfections as part of a strong and enduring relationship.

Each idea listed in the article serves as a method to evoke emotions, strengthen bonds, and foster a deeper connection between partners in a romantic relationship. These suggestions focus on emotional intimacy, trust, and maintaining a positive and fulfilling relationship.

How To Make Your Boyfriend Cry In A Good Way (81 Sweet Ways) - Her Norm (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.