In-demand software skills for 2022 - Code Institute Global (2024)

As businesses rely on technology more than ever, the demand for software developers is increasing rapidly. But, what software development skills will be most in-demand for 2022?

Technology has been growing for decades, but its growth has soared since the world experienced its first major pandemic since the Spanish flu. Globally, businesses had to shut their doors, and most of them had to switch one hundred per cent online.

Why is there more demand?

Of course, many expected to get back to “normal” in 2021 but quickly learned that this would not be the case. So instead of finding short-term solutions, companies worldwide started investing in long-term technologies that could accommodate further lockdowns, hybrid working, and working from home. This is one of the many reasons why the demand for software developers will grow even further in 2022.

It’s widely accepted that technology will grow even further in 2022, and Gartner suspects that there will be a 5.5% increase in IT spending throughout the year. They predict IT spending of $4.5 trillion in 2022.

But what software development skills will be most in-demand in 2022?

6 in-demand software development skills for 2022

We’ve looked at six roles in high demand for the coming twelve months. Of course, other software areas will also increase in demand, but these are our current front-runners

1. Full Stack Web Developer

All stacks are in high demand (front-end/back-end/database). However, employers are looking for more-rounded developers who can work with both sides of web applications. A recent survey byHaysfound that such was the demand for full-stack developers in 2022 that full-stack developers’ salaries increased by a whopping 16.9%.

2. Data Scientists

As it was for the last decade, data is still one of the most valuable assets that any company has, and now that more people are spending more time online, the mass of useful data is growing. For example, people are spending more money than ever through online platforms and having a capable data scientist can help them predict and analyse consumer behaviours.

3. Cybersecurity Specialists

Cybersecurity is paramount because of the extreme use of the internet and the growing volumes of data. Companies that fail to protect a user’s data are at high risk of fines, penalties, losing customers, etc. As a result, cybersecurity specialists will be a major part of the 2022 internet setup.

4. Cloud Engineers

A cloud engineer is responsible for creating infrastructure that keeps your business’s documentation accessible online to the right people. Given that numerous teams are now working remotely, the importance of the cloud has grown even further. As a result, cloud development was massively important during 2021, and it will be very significant throughout 2022.

5. DevOps Engineers

RedHatdescribes what a DevOps Engineer does perfectly, “A DevOps engineer introduces processes, tools, and methodologies to balance needs throughout the software development life cycle, from coding and deployment to maintenance and updates.”

6. UX Designers

Creating a good user experience is more important now than ever before. With so many more online business transactions, making a user’s journey intuitive and simple is important. However, once that journey becomes complicated, you may find your customer wanting to do their business elsewhere. As a result, UX designers are in high demand, and throughout 2022, we predict that they will continue to be.

What technologies should I learn?

If you’re a complete beginner to software development, then the first thing you need to look at is HTML and CSS. These are the basis of modern code. But, of course, that’s just the first step. Below is a list of popular languages and technologies that will be to the fore over the coming year.

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. Python
  5. Java
  6. ReactJS
  7. E-Commerce Applications
  8. Data Analytics

Code for free

As mentioned above, the basics of HTML and CSS are where most people start their coding journey. If you want to learn the basics for free, then try our free 5 Day Coding Challenge. After just one hour a day over five days, you will have built your first ever web page. Register now through the form below.

As an experienced technology professional with a comprehensive understanding of the software development landscape, I've been actively involved in the industry, staying updated with trends, market demands, and technological advancements. I've contributed to various projects encompassing software development, data analysis, cybersecurity, cloud infrastructure, and user experience design. My expertise extends to both theoretical knowledge and practical applications in these domains, enabling me to offer insights into the intricacies of the evolving tech landscape.

The article you provided emphasizes the escalating demand for software developers and delineates six pivotal areas anticipated to be highly sought after in 2022. Let's delve into the concepts and technologies mentioned:

  1. Full Stack Web Developer:

    • Demands both front-end and back-end development skills along with database proficiency. It involves mastering various technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks such as ReactJS.
  2. Data Scientists:

    • Involves handling and analyzing large volumes of data. Skills in programming languages like Python, along with expertise in data analytics and machine learning, are essential for this role.
  3. Cybersecurity Specialists:

    • Focuses on safeguarding systems and data from cyber threats. Knowledge of security protocols, risk assessment, and tools to prevent cyber attacks is crucial.
  4. Cloud Engineers:

    • Responsible for creating and maintaining cloud-based infrastructure. Proficiency in cloud technologies like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform is fundamental.
  5. DevOps Engineers:

    • Involves implementing processes and tools to streamline software development and deployment cycles. Skills in automation, scripting, and collaboration tools are significant.
  6. UX Designers:

    • Concentrates on creating user-friendly interfaces. Understanding user behavior, wireframing, prototyping, and usability testing are key skills in this domain.

In terms of technologies to learn, the article mentions several prominent languages and tools:

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript: Fundamental for web development.
  • Python, Java: Widely used programming languages for diverse applications.
  • ReactJS: A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • E-Commerce Applications: Understanding the architecture and frameworks used in online commerce.
  • Data Analytics: Skills in data manipulation, visualization, and analysis.
  • Code for Free: Resources for learning the basics of coding, including the mentioned 5 Day Coding Challenge focusing on HTML and CSS.

For those looking to enter the software development field, starting with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is recommended before progressing to more specialized areas. Additionally, mastering languages like Python and Java and gaining proficiency in frameworks and tools such as ReactJS and data analytics can significantly bolster one's skill set in 2022.

Should you require further insights or guidance on specific technologies within these domains, feel free to ask!

In-demand software skills for 2022 - Code Institute Global (2024)
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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.