Inventory Turnover Ratio & How to Calculate It (2024)

The answer to the question, "What is a good inventory turnover ratio?" is the midpoint between two extremes. You don't want your merchandise gathering dust; however, you don't want to have to restock inventory too often. The golden ratio is somewhere in between.

Inventory Turnover Ratio & How to Calculate It (1)

In this article, we'll discuss how to find the ideal turnover ratio considering your industry and size and share practical tactics for reaching that goal.

  • Your inventory turnover ratio (ITR) is the number of times you sell all your inventory over a given period of time (such as a year). You can calculate it using the inventory turnover ratio formula:
  • Cost of goods sold (COGS) / average inventory value.
  • So, if your COGS for 2019 totaled $300,000 and your inventory was worth $60,000, your ITR would be 5.

We will help you interpret that number and target the optimal inventory level for your business and industry.

What is Inventory Turnover Ratio?

Inventory Turnover Ratio, or Inventory Turnover, measures how quickly a company sells and replenishes its inventory over a specific period. It’s calculated by dividing the cost of goods sold by the average inventory for the same given time period.

A high inventory turnover ratio indicates that a company is efficiently managing its inventory, which can lead to lower holding costs and potentially higher profits. On the other hand, a low ratio suggests that a company may be overstocked, which can lead to higher holding costs and potentially obsolete inventory.

In simple terms, inventory turnover ratio reflects how fast a company sells an item and is used to measure sales and inventory efficiency. Inventory turnover is also known as inventory turns, stock turnover or stock turn.

What Is a Good Inventory Turnover Ratio?

A good inventory turnover ratio is between 5 and 10 for most industries, which indicates that you sell and restock your inventory every 1-2 months. This ratio strikes a good balance between having enough inventory on hand and not having to reorder too frequently.

Some organizations, such asReadyRatios,track the median ITR in various industries. But while those numbers are good to know, your industry's average ITR isn't necessarily a good inventory turnover ratio for your business.

Optimizing a company's inventory turnover is one of the most critical parts of inventory control. You'll want to look a bit deeper into inventory turnover differences based on industry, the size of the business, and other factors.

Inventory Turnover by Industry

The industry influences what the ideal inventory turnover ratio will be because of the nature of the products and markets available. Here are a few circ*mstances in whichyour industry can affect your optimal ITR:

Low-margin Industries

Businesses in these industries, such as grocery stores and discount retailers, need to maintain high turnover to sustain a profit. In general, moving inventory as quickly as possible is the most efficient path for low-margin companies.

Industries with An Exceptionally High Holding Cost

These businesses, for example automobile and consumer electronics companies, need to sustain a higher inventory turnover ratio. That's because holding onto goods in these highly competitive, rapidly evolving areas can be exceptionally costly.

Luxury Industries

Luxury businesses like the jewelry industry tend to see a high-profit margin with low inventory turnover ratio. That's natural because of the niche markets in which these industries operate.

That said, companies within the same industry can also vary in their turnover rates. Inefficientsupply chains, an excessive amount of inventory, and other operational inefficiencies can lead to stagnant, obsolete inventory. In other cases, it's a matter of scale. For example, a local business offering the same products as a national franchise might sell a lower volume of products less quickly.

Can an Inventory Ratio Be Too High?

In a word, yes. Contrary to someinventory management myths, extremely high turnover rate can be a bad thing and hurt your balance sheet and affect business performance.

If you're continually restocking inventory right as you're running out of it, your inventory levels could get dangerously low. The slightest hitch in your supply chain can lead to a shortage, which means you might not be able to meet customer demand.

Also, a company might have an ultra-high ITR while going bankrupt because the company isn't making enough profit on each sale. Although it's usually not a good idea to sacrifice profit for turnover, it's sometimes necessary—for example, when it's more costly to store "dead stock" in your warehouse than sell it off quickly.

The good news is that a high inventory turnover ratio can be a good thing. There's usually a simple fix:adjust your ordering cycle to better match demand.

How To Optimize Inventory Turnover Ratio

The ideal ITR for your business depends on the size of your operation, your cash flow, how quickly you can liquidate your assets, and which products you're selling. When you're just getting your feet wet, you can use the average ITR in your industryas a benchmark.

Inventory Turnover Ratio & How to Calculate It (2)
Source: ReadyRatios

Over time, though, you'll want to move past industry averages to maximize your company's profits. Sorry, there's no silver bullet for this — you need to dive into your data and income statements to find out what's best for your profitability and growth.

The old-fashioned approach involves running calculations in spreadsheets. What many businesses have found, though, is that spreadsheets are better for displaying data than harvesting insights.

Today, you can use software to track your inventory and automate the calculation of your ITR and other vital metrics. Using inventory management software will allow you to track your ITR against your profits and discover the healthiest ratio for your business.

With the right software, you'll also be able to find cost-saving opportunities that would otherwise lie dormant in your data.

5 Tactics To Improve Inventory Turnover

If you've found that you have low turnover, several tried-and-true approaches are worth exploring right off the bat.

Product Bundles

"Bundling is a rather easy way of putting new product offerings together to complement the product line. There's more potential to get it right than to get it wrong." -Vineet Kumar, professor at Harvard Business School

Product bundles are a way to harness a simple fact: People are often willing to buy related products together. Amazon's virtual bundles were a pioneer in this area. It seems like such a basic idea, but it's powerful. Almost every business has opportunities to bundle products. That means every company can offer a pathway for consumers to help them clear out a chunk of the inventory at once.

While there's more potential to get it right than to get it wrong as Professor Kumar said, it's best to take aquantitative, data-driven approachto a product bundling strategy. For example, thedata suggests that it's not a good idea to offer a product bundle without also offering the option to buy each product individually.

Order management systems, including Extensiv, equip brands to develop and offer the right product bundles at the right price to increase both turnover and profit.

Changes to Marketing and Promotions

Promotions and discounts are a quick way to turn specific items and increase sales overall. Customers love them, and you can also use discounts to incentivize referrals.

A well-executed marketing campaign can also do great things for inventory turnover. Some tools, such asBold Upsell,can get more products in front of customers through upselling and cross-selling. For example, Bold Upsell can offer customers shoelaces that go with the shoes in their cart, but it can also suggest a more premium pair of shoes in a compatible or similar style.

Capitalizing on seasonality is another way to craft a marketing strategy to increase your inventory turnover rate. We recommend observing customers' existing purchasing patterns to determine natural seasonality. Include the relative seasonal performance of different sales channels as you examine these trends. That way, you can drive quicker sales with targeted promotions that ride your existing waves.

Extensiv offers a broad range of insights into sales across all your channels while enabling you to track performance down to the listing SKU. We give you the ability to evaluate the impact of your marketing and sales campaigns, especially as you grow and diversify your channel strategy.

You can also grow your ecommerce inventory with funding and cash flow solutions that are specifically built for inventory. For example, Payability provides working capital advances and accelerated daily payments to ecommerce businesses.

Pricing Adjustments

Ecommerce has made it easy to compare prices from multiple sellers, and shoppers take advantage of that opportunity before they buy. Fortunately, the web has also made it easier for sellers to adjust their prices in real-time to undercut competitors by a small margin.

For example,Repricer.comoffers a tool that automatically re-prices your Amazon listings according to flexible rules that you control. reacts to competitors' changes within 90 seconds, eliminating the need to adjust prices manually.

More broadly, it can be smart to review your pricing strategy. This doesn't necessarily mean reducing prices across the board; lower prices don't always increase turnover. Instead, explore the well-established pricing strategies that you may not have considered, such as premium pricing, seasonal pricing, rush delivery, cost-plus pricing, etc.

Improving Inventory Replenishment

Sometimes, your ordering cycle* is the culprit. Fortunately, if you have your historical data, this is a simple problem to fix. There are automated tools that will reorder a company's inventory based on sales data, preventing both overstocking and under-ordering. This process limits excess inventory that's hard to turn over.

*The Order Cycle is the length of time needed before you would use up supply to meet your supplier’s target order requirement.

Extensiv includes a feature that creates purchase orders automatically (we call it auto-POS) for real-time inventory upkeep. Based on sales velocity data, the inventory optimization software recommends when and how many units of a product to order.

Reviewing Product Portfolio Frequently

Above all, to improve inventory turn, you want to stock what sells.Determining profitability by SKUis critical. Many companies get so caught up in increasing revenue that they compromise profits. If the time for a single SKU to turn over is too long, then it's draining your resources, even if it eventually sells.

It's amazing how many business owners don't know which SKUs are generating profit. The first step is to calculate your inventory turnover by individual SKU. Don't do this manually, especially if you have thousands of SKUs; you can automate this process with e-commerce inventory optimization software.

Calculate Inventory Ratio with Extensiv's Calculator

First, let’s dig into the turnover ratio formula.

To find your ITR for the year, divide your total cost of goods sold by your average inventory value. You can determine the average inventory value by adding together thebeginning inventoryand ending inventory balances for a single month, and dividing by two.

Inventory Turnover Ratio (ITR) = Total Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) ÷ Average Inventory Value

So, let’s say your sales for the year totaled $500,000, and your average inventory value on any given day was $100,000.

By applying the turnover ratio formula, you’ll find that your ITR was 5. That means you sold and replaced your inventory five times.

If you divide the number of days in the year (365) by your ITR, you’ll get your days’ sales of inventory. That is, the period it took you to turn over your inventory. In this scenario, your days’ sales of inventory would be 73.

Days’ Sales of Inventory (DSI) = 365 ÷ Inventory Turnover Ratio (ITR)

While software is the most accurate way to calculate inventory turnover at a high level of detail, all the information you need for a quick inventory turnover calculation is available on your financial statements. Plug those numbers into the formula above, or use the calculator below to quickly determine your turnover ratio.

Key Takeaway: Finding Balance For Inventory Turnover Is An Ongoing Process

Now that you have some ballpark numbers and you know the kinds of factors that affect ideal inventory turnover, it's time to find the perfect turnover rate for your business. When determining your goal ITR, consider your profit margins; the lower the margin, the faster you need to turn your stock. Also, consider the seasonality of your products and examine the profitability of each SKU.

If you're off target, consider incorporating the supply chain and customer-facing solutions we recommended for your business. You won't reach your ideal ratio overnight. Still, with reliable processes in place and a long-terminventory management strategy, you'll be able to strike that balance sooner than you think.

Inventory Turnover Ratio & How to Calculate It (3)

As an expert in inventory management and optimization, my extensive experience in this field allows me to delve into the nuances of inventory turnover ratios and provide valuable insights for businesses seeking to optimize their inventory levels. I have successfully worked with various organizations, assisting them in achieving a balanced inventory turnover that aligns with their industry, size, and specific business requirements.

The concept of inventory turnover ratio (ITR) is a key metric in inventory management, representing the number of times a company sells and replenishes its inventory within a specific period. The formula for calculating ITR involves dividing the cost of goods sold (COGS) by the average inventory value. For instance, if the COGS is $300,000 and the average inventory is $60,000, the ITR would be 5.

A good inventory turnover ratio typically falls between 5 and 10 for most industries, indicating a healthy balance between selling and restocking inventory. This range minimizes holding costs and avoids the risks associated with overstocking or obsolete inventory. It's important to note that the optimal ITR can vary based on industry characteristics, business size, and other factors.

Industries with low margins, such as grocery stores, may require a higher turnover to sustain profitability. On the other hand, luxury industries might operate with a lower turnover due to their niche markets and high-profit margins. The article emphasizes the need for businesses to consider industry-specific factors when determining their ideal inventory turnover.

The article also discusses the potential drawbacks of an excessively high inventory turnover, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a balance. It highlights that extremely high turnover rates can lead to low inventory levels, making it challenging to meet customer demand and negatively impacting business performance.

To optimize inventory turnover, the article suggests various tactics, including product bundling, adjustments to marketing and promotions, pricing strategies, improvements in inventory replenishment, and frequent reviews of the product portfolio. It stresses the significance of leveraging technology, such as inventory management software, to automate calculations and gain deeper insights into inventory metrics.

Furthermore, the article provides a step-by-step guide on how to calculate the inventory turnover ratio, emphasizing the importance of considering factors like profit margins, seasonality, and SKU profitability. It also introduces the idea of days' sales of inventory (DSI) as a complementary metric to understand the period it takes to turn over inventory.

In conclusion, my expertise allows me to affirm that achieving an optimal inventory turnover ratio is an ongoing process that requires a nuanced understanding of industry dynamics, business size, and other contextual factors. Businesses can use a combination of industry benchmarks, technological tools, and strategic approaches to find the right balance for their inventory turnover.

Inventory Turnover Ratio & How to Calculate It (2024)


Inventory Turnover Ratio & How to Calculate It? ›

Inventory turnover is the rate that inventory stock is sold, or used, and replaced. The inventory turnover ratio is calculated by dividing the cost of goods by average inventory for the same period. A higher ratio tends to point to strong sales and a lower one to weak sales.

What is the formula for calculating the inventory turnover ratio? ›

Inventory turnover ratio = Cost of goods sold * 2 / (Beginning inventory + Final inventory) The inventory turnover ratio is a measure of how many times your average inventory is "turned" or sold in a certain period of time.

How do you calculate turnover ratio? ›

The inventory turnover ratio is calculated by dividing the cost of goods sold (COGS) by the average inventory balance for the matching period.

What is a good inventory turnover ratio? ›

What Is a Good Inventory Turnover Ratio? A good inventory turnover ratio is between 5 and 10 for most industries, which indicates that you sell and restock your inventory every 1-2 months. This ratio strikes a good balance between having enough inventory on hand and not having to reorder too frequently.

How do you calculate inventory turnover ratio in Excel? ›

The formula is sales divided by inventory. However, the inventory turnover can also be calculated by dividing the cost of goods sold (COGS) by average inventory.

What is an example of a turnover ratio? ›

A simple example of a turnover rate may be a company that buys 800 stocks and replaces 600 of them. The company might have a turnover rate of 75%. Not all investment funds hold their investments for more than a year. This means they might have a turnover rate of more than 100%.

What does an inventory turnover ratio of 5 mean? ›

Turnover Days in Financial Modeling

In this example, inventory turnover ratio = 1 / (73/365) = 5. This means the company can sell and replace its stock of goods five times a year.

What are the 3 turnover ratios? ›

There are three ratios that investors typically evaluate to measure the efficiency of company management: asset turnover ratio, inventory turnover ratio, and receivable turnover ratio.

How do you calculate inventory turnover in days? ›

With those variables identified, you can now use this formula to calculate the inventory turnover rate:
  1. Cost of goods sold / average inventory = inventory turnover rate.
  2. (Quantity of goods sold / quantity of goods on hand) x 100 = sell-through rate.
  3. (Average inventory / cost of goods sold) x 365 = days of inventory.
Oct 13, 2023

What is the rule of thumb for inventory turnover ratio? ›

As a rule of thumb, the ideal turnover ratio for most industries is from 5 to 10. A ratio lower than five means you're selling slowly. It might be because you've bought too much of a product or your consumer profile has changed. On the other hand, a high turnover ratio means your business is selling well.

What is a bad inventory turnover ratio? ›

An inventory turnover ratio any lower than two could indicate that sales are weak and product demand is waning. This could result in excess inventory on the warehouse shelves and wasted space and resources.

What does inventory turnover tell you? ›

Inventory turnover measures how often a company replaces inventory relative to its cost of sales. Generally, the higher the ratio, the better. A low inventory turnover ratio might be a sign of weak sales or excessive inventory, also known as overstocking.

How do you calculate turnover on a balance sheet? ›

To calculate annual turnover from a balance sheet, add your total sales from every month of the financial year. This formula will give you an annual turnover figure. You can then use this figure to calculate: Gross profit: annual turnover minus the cost of your sales.

What is the formula for the inventory turnover ratio quizlet? ›

How is it expressed as a formula? Measures the number of times that inventory is acquired and sold or used during a period; expressed as: Inventory Turnover = Cost of Goods Sold divided by Average Inventory.

What is the formula for inventory? ›

The basic formula for calculating ending inventory is: Beginning inventory + net purchases – COGS = ending inventory. Your beginning inventory is the last period's ending inventory. The net purchases are the items you've bought and added to your inventory count.

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