Investing For Kids: The Best Investment Accounts To Open Early | FortuneBuilders (2024)

Key Takeaways

  • Why is investing for kids important?
  • Best investment accounts for kids
  • How to teach investing to kids

What is one thing you wish you learned in school growing up? For many people, the answer includes how to file taxes, buy a house, or manage money effectively. While these are crucial life skills, many individuals are left to teach themselves how to handle them. However, it does not have to be this way for the next generation.

With the right financial education, children can develop a strong sense of financial security and money management. That’s why investing for kids is such an important topic to share with your little ones. Keep reading to learn about the best ways to talk to kids about money and investing.

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Why Is Investing For Kids Important?

There are several reasons why investing for kids is so important, but perhaps the most beneficial element is time. Children have the benefit of watching their money grow and increase in value throughout each stage of life. By investing early, you can help your children maximize their overall returns and build their savings over time.

Think about a basic savings account as an example. If you opened an account for your child at age 10, it would accrue interest throughout their childhood regardless of whether you keep contributing over time or not. If you started that same account for them at age 18, the account would lose out on those eight years of interest. The same can be applied to other investments.

Aside from appreciation over time, investing for kids can be a great way to build a strong financial understanding early in life. Investing can open up conversations about money in the home and teach children basic management skills. This can set them up for success throughout life as they develop their own financial habits and learn to buy, save, invest, and more.

Investing For Kids: The Best Investment Accounts To Open Early | FortuneBuilders (1)

The Best Investment Accounts For Kids

With all of that being said, some investment accounts are better for kids than others. Parents need to take growth potential, management responsibility, and risk into account before choosing the right investment opportunity. The following list considers a few of the best investment accounts for kids to help you get started:

Custodial IRA

A custodial IRA is one way to help your kids start investing in their future retirement. The account operates as either a traditional or Roth IRA, though it must be opened and managed by a parent until the child reaches age 18. At that point, the account can be fully transferred to the child. A custodial IRA can give kids a head start on their future retirement income and provide them with the opportunity to learn more about stocks, bonds, and securities.

The decision between a traditional or Roth IRA will be up to the parent to decide, so it’s always a good idea to review the differences. A traditional IRA is typically used by adults to reduce their current taxable income; while a Roth IRA allows users to enjoy tax-free withdrawals once they reach retirement age. For the most part, parents opt for a Roth IRA when opening up a custodial account, though the decision is entirely up to you.

529 College Saving Plan

A 529 College Saving Plan is an account that allows parents to contribute to a child’s future college fund, with certain tax advantages at play. This account type first started in 1996 and has grown in popularity as families attempt to cover rising educational costs. The money can be withdrawn at any time and can even be applied to K-12 education if necessary. The contribution limits are set at $75.000 for single parents, and $150,000 for married couples.

There are two main types of 529 college saving plans: savings and prepaid. A savings plan is typically offered through your state of residence and allows you to contribute to an account on behalf of your child for their future tuition. A prepaid plan involves purchasing tuition credits at their current prices, to be applied at a later date. Prepaid plans are offered by states or specific institutions.

Custodial Brokerage Account

Brokerage accounts are another great opportunity to start investing with your kids. These accounts can be opened up by parents and transferred to a child once they reach age 18 or 21, depending on the state. Brokerage accounts allow investors to choose from stocks, bonds, securities, and index funds. The main benefit is not only can they pay out dividends, but there are less restrictions for withdrawals when compared to an IRA.

The most important thing to consider before investing in a brokerage account on behalf of your kids is which institution to work with. Research account minimums, transfer fees, and what (if any) educational tools are available directly for kids. Here are a few common options to kick off your search:

  • Fidelity: Fidelity offers a diverse range of potential investments including stocks, bonds, CDs, and mutual funds. There are no account fees or minimum requirements to invest, and withdrawals can be made at any time as long as they are for the benefit of the minor.
  • E-Trade: This is a great platform for parents looking for an account without contribution limits or withdrawal constraints. E-Trade also offers several educational tools for account holders and various investment options.
  • Acorns: Acorns is popular among investors of all ages because of its easy-to-navigate platform. Parents can use the website or app to manage their children’s accounts, and there are numerous investment types to choose from. Note that there are some account fees depending on where you invest.

Certificates Of Deposit

Certificates of Deposit (CD) allow you to create consistent growth for your child’s financial future over time. CDs are most commonly used with an investment strategy called laddering. This involves purchasing multiple CDs with different maturation dates and interest rates and then reinvesting the earnings into more CDs. Over time, this will create stable growth of your child’s investment. This is an excellent option for parents looking for a low-risk way to introduce young children to investing.


There are two other investment types that can be great opportunities when investing for your child: Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA) or a Uniform Gift to Minors Act (UGMA). These accounts operate similarly to a custodial IRA, except children can access the funds for college (instead of waiting until retirement age). The annual contribution limits for a UTMA or UGMA account are $15,000 for single parents or $30,000 for married couples. The funds can be withdrawn for a number of costs associated with education, such as application fees or student health insurance.

Investing For Kids: The Best Investment Accounts To Open Early | FortuneBuilders (2)

How to Teach The Basics of Investing to Kids

The best approach for teaching financial concepts to your children is to take it slow and build a strong foundation. Start with the basics, such as spending or saving and go from there. When they are ready you can begin explaining more complex topics, like stocks and investing. Read through these steps as you approach the investing basics with your kids:

  1. Show Them How To Save

  2. Teach Them Investing Basics

  3. Talk About Stocks & Bonds

  4. Open An Account

  5. Let Them Start Investing

  6. Keep Their Attention

1. Show Them How To Save

Saving is a concept you can introduce to children from a young age, even before specifically applying it to money. For example, think about any rewards systems you have in place for your child. You can demonstrate what it means to save up their points, tokens, toys, etc., by setting achievable goals. Budgets are another concept you can introduce fairly early on as they begin to grasp what saving means. As your children get older, you can show them how to save their allowance or paychecks from a part-time job to purchase items they want. This can be done through a joint checking account or financial planning app.

2. Teach Them Investing Basics

As your children learn more about money and spending, try approaching the investing basics. A few introductory concepts include risk vs. reward and what it means to earn or lose money. Each of these ideas can be approached one by one and built upon as your children gain a stronger understanding of what they mean. Try relating these topics to things your children are interested in, such as sports, toys, or even movies. The key is to break down concepts in a way that engages them over time.

3. Talk About Stocks & Bonds

When they are ready, introduce your children to different types of investments, including stocks, bonds, or real estate. Broadly share how each of these investments works and, again, apply it to something they are interested in. For example, a great way to begin explaining stock investing for kids is to talk about a company they are familiar with, such as Netflix or even Legos. Explain how stocks make up ownership shares in the company and how they can be bought and sold by investors.

Don’t be afraid to brush up on your own financial knowledge before you begin talking to your children. Understanding how investments work is one thing, but knowing the best way to explain it to your kids is a completely different ballgame. Check out educational resources online and think through the best methods for teaching your children before you approach the conversation.

4. Open An Account

Research the options listed above to identify which investment type is best for your family’s financial goals. The above account types offer several tax advantages and investment strategies to benefit from. Deciding on the right one will come down to which platform you are most comfortable with, where you want the money to be invested, and how much you can contribute. Note that parents can opt for more than one investment account if they are able to.

5. Let Them Start Investing

After you decide which type of investment account is best for your child, invite them to learn more about it as well. If you have extra funds available, you can even let them choose which type of investments to make. One way to do this is by allowing them to decide how to invest a portion of their savings, such as $100 from their allowance or birthday gifts. They will be able to watch their account change over time and gain a better understanding of how that investment type works.

There are also options for parents who do not have the funds for any investments. Many platforms offer model portfolios or mock investments that allow users to choose investment options and watch them change over time. Check out Yahoo Finance or MarketWatch for these tools, and play around with the website before getting your kids set up. Even if you do not have the money to invest right now, you can still teach valuable financial concepts to your children.

6. Keep Their Attention

One of the most important steps to remember when teaching children of any age how to invest is to keep their attention. Finances can become “boring” over time, and the last thing you want to do is make them hate learning about it. Try to build on their financial knowledge step by step, and use summers or time off school to your advantage. You can incorporate financial concepts as soon as you think they are ready and take it as slowly as you need to.


Learning about financial concepts from a young age can help set your kids up for financial success later in life. Unfortunately, money management, tax planning, and other financial topics are simply not taught in schools. This leaves the responsibility up to parents. However, by learning about investing for kids and bringing these concepts up with your own children, you are taking an excellent step towards helping them achieve financial success.

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Investing For Kids: The Best Investment Accounts To Open Early | FortuneBuilders (2024)


Investing For Kids: The Best Investment Accounts To Open Early | FortuneBuilders? ›

CDs also offer better interest rates than savings accounts and money market accounts and have a fixed rate of return, which means they can provide a stable source of income for children. To invest in a CD on behalf of a dependent, parents and guardians must open a custodial account, such as a UGMA or UTMA account.

What is the best type of investment account for a child? ›

CDs also offer better interest rates than savings accounts and money market accounts and have a fixed rate of return, which means they can provide a stable source of income for children. To invest in a CD on behalf of a dependent, parents and guardians must open a custodial account, such as a UGMA or UTMA account.

What investment accounts can I open for my child? ›

Investing for Kids: 5 Account Options
  • Custodial Roth IRA. If your child has earned income from a part-time job, they may qualify for a custodial Roth IRA. ...
  • 529 Education Savings Plans. ...
  • Coverdell Education Savings Accounts. ...
  • UGMA/UTMA Custodial Accounts. ...
  • Brokerage Account.
Sep 1, 2023

Can I open an investment account for my 2 year old? ›

To start investing in stocks on their own, your kid will need a brokerage account, and they must be at least 18 years old to open one. They can start earlier than this, but they'll need a parent or guardian to open a custodial account for them. What is a custodial account?

How to invest $1,000 for a child? ›

Best opportunities to invest $1000 for a child
  1. ETFs and index funds. Index funds structured as ETFs and mutual funds help to invest in several companies at once. ...
  2. Individual stocks. ...
  3. Savings bonds. ...
  4. Bank fixed deposits. ...
  5. Insurance policies. ...
  6. One-time child investment plans.
Jan 24, 2023

Should I open a Roth IRA for my child? ›

Should You Get a Roth IRA for Kids? If your child has earned income, saving and investing it in a Roth IRA can be a great idea. The earlier you get started, the more time they will have to benefit from compounding, and long-term investments in stocks have historically been an excellent investment.

How can I grow my kids money? ›

There are a number of ways to begin building that nest egg, including:
  1. Open a savings account. Traditional savings accounts offer a tried-and-true way to store money. ...
  2. Open a custodial account. ...
  3. Start a 529 plan. ...
  4. Open a Roth IRA. ...
  5. Set up a trust fund. ...
  6. Teach them how to save for themselves.
Oct 3, 2022

At what age can you start a Roth IRA for a child? ›

Custodial Roth IRA rules

There's no age limit. Even babies can contribute to a Roth IRA: The hurdle to opening this account is about earned income, not age. The child must have earned income. If a kid has earned income, they can contribute to a Roth IRA.

Is a CD a good investment for a child? ›

Certificates of deposit (CDs) are some of the safest investments available and can be a good way to teach children about saving and investing.

Can I open a Vanguard account for my child? ›

UGMA/UTMA accounts

A UGMA/UTMA (Uniform Gift to Minors Act/Uniform Transfer to Minors Act) account can be opened for the benefit of a minor. They can be used to save for any goal and, like regular brokerage accounts, dividends and capital gains are taxable.

Can I start a Robinhood account for my child? ›

The short answer: NO. Custodial accounts are not offered by Robinhood or many other similar applications. Investment platforms like Public, robo-advisors like Wealthfront and Betterment, as well as free investing choices like Robinhood are only available to adults. Investing as a teen under a parent's name is illegal.

What age should kids start investing? ›

People younger than 18 can get an early start on retirement planning through a custodial account. In a custodial account, an adult controls investments on behalf of a minor until they reach 18 or 21 years of age, depending on the state.

Can I buy stocks for my child? ›

Children can't open an investment account on their own. Instead, they will need to have one set up with a custodian. This custodian can be a parent, grandparent, guardian, or other adult in the child's life. Through an investment account, parents and other adults can purchase stocks for their kids.

How much will 10,000 grow in 10 years? ›

For example, if you put $10,000 into a savings account with a 4% annual yield, compounded daily, you'd earn $408 in interest the first year, $425 the second year, an extra $442 the third year and so on. After 10 years of compounding, you would have earned a total of $4,918 in interest.

How to invest $10k to make more money? ›

7 Ways to Invest $10,000
  1. Max Out Your IRA.
  2. Contribution to a 401(k)
  3. Create a Stock Portfolio.
  4. Invest in Mutual Funds or ETFs.
  5. Buy Bonds.
  6. Plan for Future Health Costs With an HSA.
  7. Invest in Real Estate or REITs.
  8. Which Investment Is Right for You?
Jun 21, 2023

How to invest $1,000 and make $10,000? ›

  1. Invest In Yourself. It's possible that you could learn something that will allow you to increase your earning potential by $10,000 per year. ...
  2. Buy Products and Resell Them. ...
  3. Start a Side Hustle. ...
  4. Start a Home Business. ...
  5. Invest In Small Businesses. ...
  6. Invest In Real Estate.
Jun 7, 2023

What is the best way to save money for a minor child? ›

Go to your preferred bank or credit union and set up a savings account in your child's name. Many financial institutions have accounts designed for children that allow the parent to add to the account as they see fit. The parent of the child might be referred to as the "custodian" or the "guardian" of the account.

Should I open a custodial account for my child? ›

Yes. With a custodial account, you can explain that the money belongs to the child and that you are investing it for him or her. By showing a child the investment mix, types of assets, and performance reports, you can educate him or her about investing.

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