Let's Talk Real Estate Investing - One of the Best Real Estate Investing Podcasts Today (2024)

Who else thinks podcasts should do more than just “pass the time”. Yeah, me too!

This is podcast is for seasoned investors as well as for folks just getting started. Here you'll find interviews with industry experts, action plans, tips, checklists and so much more. You can listen to all the past episodes right here on this page. Please do us a huge favor and subscribe to this show on Apple Podcasts.

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Past episodes prior to October 2019

Episode #1: Introduction

Episode #2: Scaling Your Business to 100K with Chris Bruce

Episode #3:Understanding Lease Options with Bill Walston

Episode #4: Brian Haskins – Using Virtual Assistants to Grow Your Business

Episode #5: Seth Williams – Flipping Land

Episode #6: Lolita Sheriow – Using Google+ to Grow Your Business

Episode #7: Ali Boone – Investing in Turn-Key Properties

Episode #8: Justin Williams – Systems for Growing a “Hands Off” Rehabbing Business

Episode #9: Jeff Kowalczek – Hedge Funds and Scaling a Business

Episode #10: Al Williamson – Building Wealth in Inner City Neighborhoods

Episode #11: Greg Harris – Investing, Wholesaling and Rehabbing Houses in Other States

Episode #12: Danny Johnson – Flipping Houses for Big Profits

Episode #13: Barbara Grassey – How to Market Your Real Estate Investing Business

Episode #14: Bill Walston – Understanding the Dodd Frank Act

Episode #15: Rachel Hernandez – Mobile Home Investing

Episode #16: Iman Yusef-Yahya – Investing in Inner City Neighborhoods

Episode #17: Eric George – Investing in Student Housing

Episode #18: Erik Hitzelberger – The Part Time Real Estate Investor

Bonus Episode: G+ Hangout: Kelly Payne – How to Talk to Motivated Sellers

Episode #19: Mike Simmons – Just Start REI

Episode #20: Larry Goins – Buying HUD Homes Half Off

Episode #21: Mike Butler – Creating Systems for Your REI Business

Episode #22: Scott Costello – Investing Part-Time with Limited Funds

Episode #23: Vincent Polisi – Virtual Real Estate Investing

Episode #24: Lolita Sheriow – 21 Steps to Take Action Book

Episode # 25: Bill Walston – Understanding Master Lease Options

Episode #26: Kathy Kennebrook – The Marketing Magic Lady

Episode #27: Ben Leybovich – Creative Financing for Multifamily Properties

Episode #28:Susan Lassiter Lyons- Attracting Private Money Partners

Episode #29:Episode #29: Michael Quarles – Learn to Negotiate Like a Pro

Episode #30: Mark Ferguson – Realtor – Investor; Making it Work

Bonus Episode: Probate Investing with Sharon Vornholt and Michael Quarles

Episode #31: 4 Essential Components of a Direct Mail Campaign

Episode#32: Joe Fairless – Making the Transition from Single Family Homes to Apartments

Episode #33: Glenn Schworm – Building a Successful Rehabbing Business

Episode #34: Tracy Royce – Short Sales Superstar

Episode #35: Karen Rittenhouse – How Investing Fits Into the Family Real Estate Business

Episode #36: 4 Tips for Learning Your Farm Area

Episode #37: Understanding Double Closings

Episode #38: Shaun Riley – Rehabbing Houses Other InvestorsWon't Touch

Episode #39: Daniil Kleyman – Renovating Historic Homes

Episode #40: David Corbaley – How to Consistently Get Deals

Bonus Episode: Mark Podolsky interviews Me for His Land Geek Podcast

Episode #41: Andy McFarland – How to Wholesale 100+ Houses a Year

Episode #42:Trevor Mauch – The Entrepreneurial Mindset

Episode #43: Mark Podolsky – The Land Geek

Episode #44: Justin Williams – The House Flipping Formula

Episode #45: Trevor Mauch – Why Productivity Hacks Don't Work

Episode #46: Anthony Garrant – Wholesaling in Your 20's

Episode #47: Trevor Mauch – The Big Goal Trap

Episode #48: Brittany Bolling – Going from 0 to 25 Deals in Less than 2 Years

Episode #49: Neva Williamson – From Corporate America to Full Time Real Estate Investor

Episode #50: Trevor Mauch – Tips for Hiring “A List Team Members”

Episode #51: Newbie Closes 8 Deals in 8 Months with Marina Sud

Episode #52: Adding Team Members with Andy McFarland

Episode #53: Amber Miller – Building a Successful Rehabbing Business With Your Spouse

Episode #54: Mark Podolsky – Make Yourself Irrelevant to Your Business

Episode #55: How to Build a Big Business In One Year with Mike Hambright

Episode #56: Mitch Stephen – Live Comm

Episode #57: Christopher Seder and Nasar Elaribi – Doing JV Deals

Episode #58: Trevor Mauch – Getting Paid What Your Are Really Worth

Episode #59: Rachel Hernandez – Real Estate Investing Sucks

Episode #60: Barbara Grassey – How to Start a REIA in Your City

Episode #61: Getting to Yes; How to Make Multiple offers On a Property

Episode #62: Creating a Co-working Space with Trevor Mauch

Episode #63: Making Offers; Changing Seller's Expectations

Episode #64: How Your Bootstrapped Company Can Hire (and Pay) Employees With Trevor Mauch

Episode #65: How to Create a Freedom Lifestyle with Brock Collins

Episode #65: Understanding FHA 203K Loans with Tim Gordon

Episode #66: How Build a Successful Rehabbing Business with Danny Johnson

Bonus Episode: Wholesaling Houses the Right Way – Danny Johnson interviews me.

Episode #67: How to Create Rock Star Goals

Episode #68: Mitch Stephen – The Art of Seller Financing

Episode #69: Creating the Ultimate Lifestyle Business with Ali Boone

Episode #70: Developing the Millionaire Mindset; 8 Traits for Success

Episode #71: Building a Multifamily Empire with Joe Fairless

Episode #72: Networking Tips for Building Profitable Business Relationships with Mike Hambright

Episode #73: Part-time Investor – Full Time College Student – Claire Hebb

Episode #74: Investing, Crowdfunding and More with Sterling White

Episode #75: Hiring a Property Management Company with Linda Libertore

Episode #76: 3rd Generation Real Estate Investor with Marcus Maloney

Episode #77: Building an 8 figure business with Andrew Holmes

Episode #78:

Episode #79: This Mom Flips with Lauren Hardy

Episode #80: Using Your Signature Book as a Branding and Marketing Tool with Barbara Grassey

Episode #81: The Truth About Juggling a Demanding Career, Kids and Life with Tamara West

Episode #82: What's the Difference Between Birddogging and Wholesaling with Marcus Maloney

Episode #83: How to Quickly Screen Sellers on the Telephone and Get All the Relevant Property Info

Episode #84: Tips for Raising Private Money with Bill Walston

Episode #85: Using Social Media to Grow Your Business and Your

Episode #86: How to Create Financial Freedom with MC Laubscher

Episode #87: How to Build a Portfolio of Rentals Without Cash, Credit or a Bank with Jim Ingersolll

Episode #88: Tips for Generating Motivated Seller Leads Today

Episode #89: How to Successfully Use Direct Mail in Your REI Business

Episode #90: Planning for Success in Your REI Business

Episode #91:

Episode #92: Success in Probate Investing; What Does Your Mindset Have to do with It?

Episode #93: Overcoming Procrastination – The Silent Killer of Your Business

Episode #94: Marketing Your REI Business with Kathy Kennebrook

Episode #95: Modular Homes: Make it Modular with Stevie Bear

Episode #96: The 6 Biggest Marketing Mistakes Real Estate Investors Make in Their Businesses

Episode #97: Building an Exceptional Business with Mike Hambright

Episode #98: How to Find Deals on the MLS with Jim Huntzicker

Episode #99: How to Generate Online Leads with Danny Johnson

Episode #100: Yippee!20 Things I've learned From Doing 100 Podcasts

Episode #101: Earn Double Digit Returns on Tax Liens with Ted Thomas

Episode #102: The Smart Way to Build a Wholesaling Business with Brett Snodgrass

Episode #103: How to Buy 100+ Houses Just by Networking with Holly McKhann

Episode #104: How to Build Rapport with Motivated Sellers

Episode #105: How to Hire an Acquisition Manager with Brian Ellwood

Episode #106:Investing Where it Makes Sense with Kira Golden

Episode #107: Overview of Probate Investing

Episode #108: The Terminology of Probate Investing

Episode #109: Marketing to Probates

Episode #110: 4 Ways You Can Avoid Probate

Episode #111: How Do You Build a Successful Real Estate Investing Business with Just $1200With Whitney Nicely

Episode #112: How to Make Money Investing in Apartments with John Casmon

Episode #113: Tips for Getting Better Results with Your Marketing

Episode #114: How Do You Set Goals that Get Results?

Episode #115: From Aircraft Carrier to Successful Rehabber with Beka Shea

Episode #116: We're Changing things Up – It's All About Marketing and Branding

Episode #117: Aligning Your Investments with Your Goals

Episode #118: What I Learned from Tracking My Marketing in 2017 with Beka Shea (and what I plan to change)

Episode #119: Jumpstart Your Marketing with These 5 Tips

Episode #120:Why Financial Education is Key to Building any Successful Business with Erik Hitzelberger

Episode #121:1st Quarter Check-In + FREE Goal Setting Planner

Episode #122:Building Wealth by Finding Problems Not Properties with Tyler Sheff

Episode #123: Supercharge Your Marketing with McKinley Carbone

Episode #124:Which is Best? Investing Locally or In Another State?

Episode #125: Probate Investing Part 1: Understanding the 8 Step Probate Process

Episode #126: Probate Investing Part 2: The Duties of the Executor

Episode #127: Probate Investing Part 3: Where Do You Start?

Episode #128: Probate Investing Part 4: Marketing to Probates

Episode #129: Julie Broad on Branding

Episode #130: Tom Cafarella – Getting More Offers Accepted

Episode #131: Branding, Your Reputation and Success go Hand in Hand

Episode #131:Feeling Invisible in Your Marketplace? It's Time to Change That.

Episode #132: How to Improve Your Lead Generation and Your Website with Great Branding

Episode #133:Building an Authority Brand with Shannon Gurule'

Episode #134: 4 Real Estate Lessons I Learned the Hard Way with Joseph Hogue

Episode #135: Master Marketing and Branding or Your Business Will Die a Slow, Painful Death

Episode #136:Using Social Media to Grow Your REI Business with Lyndsay Phillips

Episode #137: What are the First Steps in the Probate Process after a Death?

Episode #138:The Probate is Opened – Part 2 of 4

Episode #139:Next Steps: The Assets and the Heirs; When (and how) Do the Heirs Get Paid – Part 3 of 4

Episode #140: The Final Steps in the Probate Process

Episode #141: Increasing Profits in Your Rental Business with Nathan Miller

Episode #142: Lead Generation:How to Create Marketing that Works

Episode #143: How Do I Find Time for Marketing?

Episode #144: Safety Tips for Real Estate Investors – Commonsense Rules for Staying Safe

Episode #145:Do You Ever Wish Marketing Wasn’t So Hard? Learn to Tell Your Compelling Story

Episode #146: How to Buy Hud Houses, Owner Financing and More with Larry Goins

Episode #147: Tips for Hiring an Acquisition Manager, Seller Financing and More with Mitch Stephen

Episode #148: Wholesaling Case Study with Chicago Investor Kevin Forte

Episode #149: 3 Types of Money: One Time Money, Temporary Money and Forever Money with Mitch Stephen

Episode #150: When it Comes to Direct Mail Marketing – Is More Always Better

Episode #151: The Power of Collaboration: Accountability Partners

Episode #152: Gen Z and Technology:How they are Changing the Way We Do Business

Episode #153: Wholesaling Houses for Quick Cash

Episode #154: New Year, New You. 14 Tips for Being a Better You

Episode #155:Tips for Compiling Probate Lists- How Far Should You Go Back?

Episode #156: How to Get Better Marketing to Absentee Owners

Episode #157:Marketing Your REI Business is Not a One Time Event

Episode #158: Strategies for Closing Off Market Deals

Episode #159: How to Increase Your Direct Mail Results by 400% with Justin Silverio

Episode #160:Why Choose Probate Investing? Become THE Expert in Your Area

Episode #161:5 Tips for Using Ringless Voicemail for Probate Investing

Episode #162″Make it Big with Small Apartments with Brie Schmidt

Episode #163: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Working from Home

Episode #164: The 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Probate Investing

Episode #165: House Flip Blueprint – How this MN Mom Flipped Over 100 Houses with Amber Miller

Episode #166: 5 Ways to Ensure You Have Happy, Responsible Tenants that Stay for Years

Episode #167: Are You Truly an Entrepreneur or Have You Just Created a Job for Yourself?

Episode #168: Making the Transition from Self Employed to Business Owner

Episode #169: Are You Coachable?

Episode #170: What are the 7 Traits of a Successful Wholesaler?

Episode #171: My Probate Investing Roadmap – The One Thing You Must Know to Work in this Niche

Episode #172: How to Build Systems and Your Team with Eventual Millionaire's Jaime Masters

Episode #173: Building Wealth Through Real Estate: The 2-5-7 Method with Andrew Holmes

Episode #174: How You Can Buy a Lot of Houses in Probate IF You Have the Right Letter

Episode #175: Why You Need to Invest in a Professional Photoshoot for Your REI Business with Natalie Jennings

Episode #176: Ask Sharon: How Many Times Should I Send Direct Mail to Motivated Sellers?

Episode #177: How to Get the Very Best Results from Your Probate Direct Mail Campaigns

Episode #178: What's the Difference between Probates and Inheritance Leads?

Episode #179: Everything You Learned About Marketing is Wrong . Marketing Tip #1

Episode #180: Do You Ever Feel Like Throwing in the Towel? Marketing Tip #2

Episode #181: The One Thing Guaranteed to Be the Kiss of Death. Marketing Tip #3

Episode #182: Creating a Nurture Series of Letters for Probate Direct Mail Campaigns

Episode #183: The Reason Your Marketing Probably Sucks: You Need a Written Marketing Plan. Marketing Tip #4

Episode #184: The Difference in Inbound Marketing Strategies and Outbound Marketing Strategies. Marketing Tip #5

Episode #185: The #1 Thing that Causes Investors to Fail – Marketing Tip #6

Episode #186:The Simple Secret to Creating Unbelievable Success in Your REI Business – Marketing Tip #7

Episode #187: Wealth Building Strategies with Linda Pliagas

Episode #188: Big Profits with Short Term Rentals with Al Williamson

Episode #189:Nurturing Your Probate Leads – Marketing Tip #8

Episode #190: The Top 5 Tips for a Successful Branding Photoshoot

Let's Talk Real Estate Investing - One of the Best Real Estate Investing Podcasts Today (1)

Let's Talk Real Estate Investing - One of the Best Real Estate Investing Podcasts Today (2)

Let's Talk Real Estate Investing - One of the Best Real Estate Investing Podcasts Today (3)

Let's Talk Real Estate Investing - One of the Best Real Estate Investing Podcasts Today (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Views: 5459

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.