Master production schedule | Siemens Software (2024)

A master production schedule links sales demand with manufacturing capacity. The purpose of master production scheduling is to create a realistic plan that minimizes overstock while maximizing on-time delivery. Master production scheduling software is an element of modern advanced planning and scheduling (APS) software.

Master production scheduling is a dynamic process, and master production scheduling software is designed to incorporate changes in demand or capacity promptly. It extracts actual order and capacity data to ensure that the master production schedule is based on the most up-to-date information. Master production schedule calculations account for forecasts, known and anticipated orders, key capacity constraints, inventory levels, stock buffer requirements, and demands from departments such as research and development. Master production scheduling software generates the master production schedule automatically but also allows for manual adjustments to accommodate specific needs or objectives.

Additionally, master production scheduling software allows for planned production volume to be overridden with scheduled volume. The master production schedule is then recalculated to meet current conditions.

Advanced planning and scheduling software leverages the master production schedule to support interactive schedule visualization, in which data can be displayed as stock profile graphs and capacity usage graphs. Planners using this functionality are able to evaluate alternatives within the schedule. The master production schedule can be changed simply by clicking and dragging a point on a stock or capacity graph. Similarly, the production of a particular item may be moved to another production period through the interactive schedule, and this change will be reflected in the master production schedule.

Related product: Opcenter Advanced Planning and Scheduling

Master production schedule | Siemens Software (2024)


How do you complete a master production schedule? ›

The 7 Steps of Master Production Scheduling
  1. Understand and Define Your Products. ...
  2. Set Your Lead Time Targets. ...
  3. Assess Public Demand and Decide Upon the Required Rate of Production. ...
  4. Make Sure That Available Resources Align with Production Rate. ...
  5. Identify Production Shortfalls and Troubleshoot These Problem Areas.

What are the disadvantages of master production schedule? ›

MPS can present certain challenges that need to be managed effectively, such as balancing the demands of different customers, products, and departments. There are also uncertainties and variations in the demand forecast, capacity availability, and supplier reliability that need to be addressed.

What is the correct schedule of master production? ›

A master schedule is a high-level plan that outlines the overall production plan for a specified period, typically several months to a year. It provides a general overview of what products will be produced, the quantities to be produced, and when production will occur.

How can I improve my master production schedule? ›

Improve Production Scheduling: Three Necessary Steps
  1. STEP 1: Set ground rules. ...
  2. STEP 2: Agree to create a realistic, achievable schedule. ...
  3. STEP 3: Set a timeline and benchmark for measurement and review.

What are the three steps in making an MPS? ›

Master production schedule (MPS) is a planning tool that helps to ensure consistent, high-quality product delivery on time. The three steps in MPS are setting goals, creating schedules, and monitoring results.

What is an example of MPS and MRP? ›

MPS determines when the finished products must be made to meet customer demand. For example, a company that manufactures bicycles might use MPS to determine that it needs to produce 1,000 bikes in the next week. MRP would then determine how many bicycle components are required to produce 1,000 bicycles.

What is a master production schedule in simple words? ›

A master production schedule (MPS) is a plan for individual commodities to be produced in each time period such as production, staffing, inventory, etc.

What is master production scheduling easy? ›

Master production scheduling is the process that helps manufacturers plan which products and related quantities to produce during certain periods. It is proactive, driving the production process by determining what should be manufactured and what materials should be purchased.

What is the difference between a production plan and a master production schedule? ›

The main difference is that production planning works with MRP planned orders & MPS firm planned orders outside of the cumulative lead-time window while master schedulers work with converting the MRP planned orders into MPS firm planned orders and ultimately into work orders once they come into the execution window or ...

What is the purpose of MPS? ›

Optimize Production: The MPS aims to optimize production by efficiently allocating resources, including labor, equipment, and materials. This optimization helps in achieving cost-effective production. Minimize Inventory: By aligning production with actual demand, the MPS helps minimize excessive inventory.

What is an example of MPS? ›

An example of a master production schedule (MPS) for manufacturing is usually a spreadsheet that contains a production plan consisting list of sales orders, from purchase orders and sales forecasts, and specific time periods that they will be produced within a 3 to 12-month time horizon.

Is production scheduling hard? ›

Effective shop floor production planning and execution is a tough gig. While there isn't a shortage of technology or methods to help shops plan for an ideal production picture — execution is another ballgame entirely.

What are the disadvantages of production schedule? ›

1 Complexity and uncertainty

There are many factors that can influence the production process, such as demand fluctuations, machine breakdowns, material shortages, human errors, and unexpected events. These factors can cause deviations from the planned schedule and require frequent adjustments and revisions.

What is a disadvantage of production scheduling? ›

Lack of Flexibility

With a production schedule, you may not be able to adapt quickly enough to avoid problems. Once the materials are on the way and the staff is scheduled to work, it can be very difficult to stop the process and do something else if you experience a problem.

What are the two main disadvantages of MRP systems? ›

Disadvantages of MRP

While MRP systems offer several benefits, there are some potential drawbacks to consider: High implementation and maintenance costs. Heavy reliance on accurate input data (e.g., demand forecasts, inventory levels, production schedules)

Which of the following is a disadvantage of the MRP system? ›

Disadvantages of MRP

MRP has drawbacks, including the following: Oversupply of inventory. While MRP is designed to ensure adequate inventory levels at the required times, companies can be tempted to hold more inventory than is necessary, thereby driving up inventory costs.

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