Methods for Tracking Your Fertility and Ovulation | Walnut Hill OBGYN (2024)

Did you know that tracking your fertile days can increase your chances of getting pregnant? Or even help you figure out which days to avoid having intercourse so that youdon’tget pregnant?

Whether you’ve just started your journey of trying to conceive, have been try for a while without success, or aren’t quite ready to start a family,tracking the days you’re most fertile (called fertility awareness) can help.It’s all about getting to know your body and its natural rhythm so that you can better predict when ovulation willoccur.

There aremanydifferent methods, apps, and devices youcan use to tracking your fertility. Some are more effective than others and some work best when used in combination with other methods. We’ve broken down each method for you so that you candetermine the best fertility awareness method for you and your body.We’ve also compiled a list of our favorite fertility tracking apps and tools that can make getting pregnant (or not getting pregnant) easier.

What Is Fertility Awareness?

Fertility awareness (also commonly called fertility tracking, ovulation tracking,natural family planning, or fertility charting)is knowing and recognizing whenyou’ve entered the fertile window of your menstrual cycle. This fertile windowincludes thefivedays beforeyour ovaries release an eggeachmonthand the day of ovulation.These are the six days you’re most likely to get pregnantbased on the idea thatsperm can live in the uterus for up to five daysand an egg can survive 12-24 hours after ovulation.

Fertility awareness-based methods(FABMs) are the methods used to naturally track when your body is entering the fertile window. FABMs can be used topredictwhen you’re most likely to conceiveeach month or as a natural form of birth control—giving you an indication of which daysyoushould avoidsexual intercourse or use a barrier method such as a condom.

(It’s important to note that using FABMs asa form ofbirth control is not as effectivein preventing pregnancyasotherforms of birth control, such as pills or an IUD.)

What Are the Benefits of Fertility Tracking?

Since there are only six days each monthin which you can get pregnant, FABMs can help take the guesswork out of whenyou will ovulate.Clinical guidelines suggest that your fertile window falls between days 10 and 17in a typical 28-daymenstrual cycle. However,according to astudy conducted in 2000,70% ofwomen ovulated outside of that time frame. The same study also found that for those women who have regular cycles, the day of ovulation was highly unpredictable.To top it off, anotherstudy from 2006found thatfactors such as stress, diet, and sleep can affect the length of your cycle as well as when you ovulate.

This is where FABMs come in. Your body naturally provides signs about your fertility status throughoutyourmenstrual cycle. When you know what to look for and how to track these signs, you’ll learn to identify yourown individual patternovertime.

When used correctly, FABMs are76-88%accurateindetermining your fertile window.Their effectiveness can be further increased when you have the discipline to check and chart your fertility signs each day as well aswork with ahealth care professionalwho can help you chartthemcorrectly.FABMs are also more effective when youcombine multiple methods.

Common Signs of Ovulation

The following are allsigns that your body is entering its fertile window.The methods we’ll cover below can help you track and notice these signs to best determine where your fertile windowsfallsin your monthly cycle.

  • Positive result on an ovulation predictor test
  • Sustained basal body temperature increase
  • Fertile quality cervical mucus
  • Fertile salivaferningpattern– Named for the fern-shaped crystals that form in your saliva during ovulation
  • Fertile cervical position
  • Mittelschmerz pain (ovulating pain) –Pelvic and lower abdominal pain that some women experience during ovulation
  • Increased sexual desire
  • Breast tenderness

FertilityAwareness-BasedMethods You Can Use to Track Your Fertile Days

Calendar Method(Standard Days Method)

The calendar method, or standard days method,uses the typical length of your menstrual cycle andthe date of your last period to predict when you’re most likely to ovulate. This method assumes that a typicalmenstrual cycle is between 21 and 35days longandthe averageluteal phase is 14 days. Your luteal phase is the time between ovulation and the first day of your next period. Like the length of your menstrual cycle, your luteal phasevaries andcan be anywhere from 10 to 15 days long.

It’s recommended that you track the length of your menstrual cycle for at least six periods to get anaccurate representation of your average cycle length.By charting youraverage cycle length, the length of your luteal phase (if youdon’tknow it, use 14 days), and the first date of your last periodon a paper calendar or using an online calendar or app, you can then predict when your fertile window will most likely fall.

Because this method relies heavily onaverages,it’s not always 100%accurate.If you’ve been charting your cycle for a while, your cycle and ovulation date can vary from cycle to cycle, even if you have pretty regular periods. If you’re more irregular,calculateyour average cycle length and then give yourself a wider fertility window than the typical sixdays to account forany inaccuracies in your calendar charting. You can find more information andinstructions for using the calendar method here.

Here are a few onlineovulationcalendars you cantry:

Basal Body Temperature Method

Your basal body temperature (BBT) is your internal temperature when you first wake up in the morning.Your BBT changes throughout your menstrual cycle and is typically lower before ovulation(between 96-98° F)and higher after ovulation has occurred(between 97-99° F).This increase in temperature is caused by increasedprogesterone levels that are associated with ovulation.By taking your temperature each morning before you get out of bed, you can detect shifts in your BBT that may signal ovulation.

Your BBT will remain high for the two weeks following ovulation and then drop again beforeyour next period. When a rise in temperature is sustained for at least three days,it’s a good indication that ovulation has occurred.

It’s recommended that you chart your BBT for at least three months to get an accurate prediction of your fertile window.You canfind morein-depth information about BBT measurements in our blog post, “Basal Body Temperature and Ovulation.”

Cervical Mucus Method

Cervical mucus (vagin*l discharge) is secreted by glandsfound in and around your cervix and serves two purposes: prevent things from entering the uterus through the cervixoutside of your fertile window; nourish and transport sperm through the cervixandinto the uterusduring your fertile window.

The cervical mucus method (also called theBillings Ovulation Method®)attempts to track changes in color, texture, andamount of your cervical mucusthroughout your menstrual cycleto determine when you’re going to ovulate.In general,drier, stickier cervical mucus typically means less fertile, while wetter,thinner mucus indicates fertility.Around the time of ovulation, your cervical mucus will begin to thin and become clear, much like the consistency of a raw egg white. This allowsspermsto passthroughthe cervix and provides them a more alkaline environment to survive in.

Your cervical mucus will go through the following stages during your menstrual cycle:

  • Not ovulating –Mucusis dry or sticky
  • Ovulation may be coming – Mucus is creamy
  • Ovulation is very close – Mucus is wet and watery
  • Ovulation has occurred –Mucusis very wet, stretchy, and resembles raw egg whites

When using this method to determine your fertile window, youshould check your mucus every day(except during your period)and record the results on a chart. While this may make yousqueamish, remember that it’snatural andyourbody’s way of helping you get pregnant.It’s best to start using this method with the help of a health care provider as it can be hard to determine the differences in mucus consistency on your own.Keep in mind that medications,femininehygiene products, douching, sexual intercourse,breastfeeding, or having a pelvic exam in which lubrication is used can all change the look of your cervical mucus.

This method is most accurate when combined with the BBT method.On its own, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that the cervical mucus method is97% accurate.


TheTwoDayMethod®is a variation of the cervical mucus method. Using this method, you should checkyourcervical mucus twicedailyand then ask yourself two questions:

  1. Did you notice any cervical mucus secretions today?
  2. Did you notice any cervical mucus secretions yesterday?

If the answer to these two questions is “yes,” you’re most likely fertile. If you did not notice secretions two days in a row, you’re most likely outside of yourfertile window.Studieshave shown that, when used correctly,theTwoDayMethod is96%accurateindeterminingif you are fertile.

Methods for Tracking Your Fertility and Ovulation | Walnut Hill OBGYN (1)


TheSymptothermalMethod (STM) is a combination of the BBT, cervical mucus, and calendar methods.Whencombined, thesethree methodshave anefficacy rate of99.6%.

The STM is considered to be the most accuratefertility awareness-based methodsbecause each of the three methods relies on different signs to predict your fertile window. This helps you to further narrow down your fertile days and gives you backup methods you can trust if your temperature or cervical mucus are out of whack for a few days due to stress orillness.

Cervical Position Method

The position, firmness, and openness of your cervix change throughoutyour menstrual cycle. These three characteristics are referred to as yourcervical position and can be used to determine if you’re within your fertile window.

At the beginning of your menstrual cycle, your cervixis firmer, closed, andsits lower in your vagin*. As youapproach ovulation, however, your cervix moves up higher, opens slightly, and become softerto thetouch.

By tracking your cervical position, you can get an understanding of when you’re approaching ovulation so that you can prepare accordingly. Learn more abouthow to check your cervix position here.


Ovulation predictor kits are considered one of the most accurate methods of predicting ovulation. Similar to home pregnancyurinetests, ovulation test stripsmeasure your luteinizing hormone (LH) levels and show a particular color when these levels surge.LH is responsible for causing your ovaries to release an egg during ovulation,and a surge in LH levels typically indicates that you will ovulate within 12 to 36 hours.

You may have to take the test daily over several days to accuratelydetect an LH surge.If you use a test strip for five days, the chance of predicting ovulation is 80%. If you testfor10 days, thelikelihoodjumps to 95%.If a test predicts ovulation, it is recommended that you have sex daily for the next two to three days if you are trying to conceive.

You can buymanydifferent brands of ovulation predictor kitsthat vary in price. A few of our favorite are theClearblue® Ovulation Test System,First Response™ Easy Read Ovulation Test,Modern Fertility Ovulation Test,Wondfo One Step Ovulation Test Strips,and thePregmate® ovulation tests.

Saliva FerningTests

Did you know your saliva can also signal ovulation?Chemical changes occurduring your fertile windowand when dried, fern-like crystals(where the name ferning comes from)appearin your saliva. Salivaferningkitsinclude a lens that youplace a drop of saliva onto. After five minutes, all you have to do is use the provided viewing scope to see if the characteristic fern-like crystals are present.

Ovulation is likely to occur 24 to 72hours after the crystal formations are first detected. Examples of saliva ferning tests includeOvatel®andtheFertile-Focus®Saliva Ovulation Microscope.

Apps That Make Fertility Tracking Simple

While tracking all of theseovulation signals may sound overwhelming,there a many different apps and resources out there that make tracking everything a breeze.YourWalnut Hill physiciancan provide calendar charting tools, or you can use one of the below apps to trackmultiple FABMs at once.

  • Fertility Friend
    • Available oniPhone&Android
    • Features:Helps you track your period, BBT, cervical mucus, and more. Offersanovulation calendar, menstrual calendar, fertility chart, and a period tracker.
    • Cost:Free or you can pay for the $45/year premium membership,which includes VIP access to message boards and advanced features.
  • Glow
    • Available oniPhone&Android
    • Features:Includes a fertility calendar, daily health logthat allowsyoutotrack 40 different health signals, health insights, and the capability to share your data with your partner.
    • Cost:Free or you can pay $47.99for oneyear ofGlow Premium, which include comparative insights, private messaging, the ability to create a custom profile, access to a premium library of articles, and more.
  • Kindara
    • Available oniPhone&Android
    • Features:Chart your period, BBT, cervical mucus, cervical position, sexual intercourse, test results, PMS symptoms, and more.Includes data-driven predictions for fertility and menstruation based on the data you log.
    • Cost:Free oryoucanpay $49.99/year forKindaraPremium, which includes unlimited custom data, trackingoptionsfor vagin*l sensation and moods, direct messaging and invite-only groups, and more.
  • Modern Fertility
    • Available oniPhone(Androidcoming soon)
    • Features: Predict the two days you’re most likely to get pregnant by tracking yourperiods, ovulation test results, and sex life.Includes ability to scan ovulation test results for an instant read on your LH levels.
    • Cost: Free

OtherFertility Tracking Gadgets and Tools

In addition to apps, there are other gadgets and tools you can buy to track your fertility signals.

  • Ava
    • Ava is a bracelet you wear at night that tracks your skin temperature, heart rate variability ratio, breathing ate, resting pulsing rate, and perfusion. It then detects your five most fertile days as they’re taking placesoyou can properly time intercourse.
    • Cost: You canpurchase Ava Basicfor $279 or upgrade to Ava Plus or Ava Premium for guaranteed results insix or 12 months.
  • OvuSense
    • OvuSenseis a sensor that you insert into your vagin* overnight (much like a tampon). The device measures your core body temperature every five minutes and records your data in the connected mobile app.OvuSensecan predict ovulation up to 24 hours in advance with 99% accuracy.
    • Cost: $299 – getsyou theOvuSensedevice plus a 12-month subscription tothe app.
  • Priya(Coming Soon)
    • Priya is a ring-shaped device that you insert into your vagin* that measures your core body temperature continuously to pinpointyour fertile window and predict ovulation.

Walnut Hill OBGYN has more than 100 years of combined experience with doctors who are specialists in services ranging from routine gynecology and obstetrics care to diagnosis and treatment of serious conditions. If you need help starting your family, we also offer completefertility services.

Talk to one of our doctors todayabout whetherfertility awareness-basedmethods are right for you.

Methods for Tracking Your Fertility and Ovulation | Walnut Hill OBGYN (2024)
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