Permission Set Groups (2024)

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe why you might mute a permission.
  • Mute permissions in a permission set group.

Permission Set Groups (1)


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What Is Muting?

Earlier in this module, you learned that permission set groups allow you to bundle permission sets together based on job functions. A permission set group includes all of the permissions in its included permission sets, and you can include a permission set in more than one permission set group.

Hmmm. Let’s pause here. A permission set group includes all of the permissions in its included permission sets, and you can include a permission set in more than one permission set group.

The ability to include permission sets in more than one permission set group offers a lot of flexibility. However, what if you don’t want to assign all of the permissions in a given permission set to users in a permission set group?

Muting lets you customize a permission set group by muting (disabling) selected permissions in it. To mute a permission, you add the permission to a muting permission set in the selected permission set group. When you mute a permission in a permission set group, the muting affects only users assigned to the permission set group, not users assigned directly to a permission set outside of the permission set group. So, muting offers you great flexibility when you design your permissions model.

Moreover, if you subscribe to a managed package, you can mute permissions in groups for features that you’re not ready to adopt yet. For example, let’s say that you have a local permission set group and then add a managed permission set, installed from a managed package, to it. You receive an automatic update from the independent software vendor (ISV) for the package, but you aren’t ready to enable a new field that’s now available in the managed permission set. Is this a problem? No. You can receive the update and the benefits it offers but mute anything in permission set groups that you’re not ready to adopt for your org.

Try Muting Out

There’s nothing like experimenting with a new feature to really understand how it works. The Sales Processing permission set group that you created for E.J. earlier in this module contains two permission sets.

  1. Sales Orders, with permissions to:
    • Activate orders
    • Read, create, edit, and delete orders
  2. Sales Contracts, with permissions to:
    • Read, create, edit, and delete contracts

Permission Set Groups (2)

Elisa from the Contracts department has users that need to work with sales contracts. Previously, you assigned profiles to users who needed specific object permissions. But the company is growing, and you want to move away from using profiles to assign permissions. Let’s see what you can do for Elisa.

Elisa’s users need to:

  • Read, create, edit, delete, view all, and modify all contracts
  • Delete activated contracts

You could create permission sets specifically for Elisa. But let’s pause, because it might make sense to reuse a permission set from the Sales Processing permission set group. Reusing works because both teams have tasks that involve contracts, even though people in the two teams have different job functions.

The glitch is that the Sales Contracts permission set in the Sales Processing permission set group lacks some permissions that Elisa’s users need.

Are we stuck? No way! Remember that permission set groups are flexible and allow you to reuse permission sets. Here’s the plan.

  1. Mute the permissions that the Sales Processing users shouldn’t have by creating a muting permission set in the Sales Processing permission set group. Do this first. Why? You want to avoid giving Eric access to the broader permissions for contracts that Elisa’s group needs (even temporarily). By creating the muting permission set first, you maintain the integrity of the permission set group for Eric.
  2. Update the Sales Contracts permission set by adding the permissions that Elisa needs for her team.

Permission Set Groups (3)

Let’s start. If you haven’t already completed the steps in Unit 2, do that first or you won’t be able to do this activity.

Create a muting permission set.

  1. From Setup, in Quick Find type Permission Set Groups and then select Permission Set Groups.
  2. Click Sales Processing—the permission set group you created in Unit 2.
  3. Under Permission Sets click Muting Permission Set in Group.
  4. Click New.
  5. For label use Contracts Permissions Muted.
  6. For API Name, use Contracts_Permissions_Muted.
  7. Save the muting permission set.

Select permissions to mute.

  1. Click your muting permission set.
  2. In Find Settings enter Contracts and then select Contracts.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Mute the View All and Modify All object permissions.
  5. Save your changes.
  6. In Find Settings enter Contracts and then select Delete Activated Contracts.
  7. Click Edit.
  8. Under Sales, mute the Delete Activated Contracts permission.
  9. Save your changes.

Now when you add the permissions for Elisa’s group to the Sales Contracts permission set, they’ll be muted in the Sales Processing permission set group.

Let’s add Elisa’s permissions to the Sales Contracts permission set. Enable these permissions in the Sales Contracts permission set:

  1. Enable the Delete Activated Contracts permission.
  2. Enable the View All and Modify All permissions for contracts.

When you’re ready to create a permission set group for Elisa, you can add the Sales Contracts permission set to it. Members will receive the Delete Activated Contracts and View All and Modify All for the Contracts object. Voila!

Permission Set Groups (4)

Muting and Permission Dependencies

When you mute permissions, keep permission dependencies in mind. For example, suppose that you grant all users Create, Read, Edit, and Delete permissions for an object. Then you grant some users View All and Modify All for that object. Now, if you mute the Read permission, Create, Edit, Delete, View All, and Modify All are also muted because users can’t perform those tasks without the ability to read the data.

That example is fairly straightforward, but dependencies can get tricky. When you mute permissions, pay attention to the permission change confirmation message when you save your changes. For example, when muting permissions in the Sales Contracts permission set, if you had muted Activate Contracts, then Delete Activated Contracts would have been muted as well.

Permission Set Groups (5)

As you work with your permission set groups, keep permission dependencies in mind to avoid removing permissions from users who need them.


Permission Set Groups (2024)


What is a permission set group answer? ›

With permission set groups, you create a single group based on the tasks that your sales employees regularly perform. You can call it Sales Staff Users. Then, assign the group to the sales employees. The permission set group contains the combined permissions of all three permission sets.

What is the limit of permission set groups? ›

The Maximum number of permission sets can be created are 1000. This limit is dependent on type of salesforce features and editions. Permission set can't be used for revoking access, It is only used for granting access.

How do you assign permission sets to groups? ›

In the Permission Set Group detail page, under Permission Sets, click Permission Sets in Group. Click Add Permission Set. You can add up to 100 permission sets to a permission set group. On the Add Permission Sets detail page, select the permission sets that you want to add to the group, and click Add.

What is the limit of permission set groups in Salesforce? ›

Limitations Of Permission Sets:

You can create 1000 permission sets. This limit depends on the type of salesforce features and editions. The permission set cannot be used to revoke access; it can only grant access.

What is permission set with example? ›

Permission sets are, as the name implies, a set of additional CRED permissions that can be applied to different profiles. Typically they are task-based and related to different Objects and managed packages. For example, Sales users may be assigned a permission set giving them access to a CPQ app to generate quotes.

What is a permission set group quiz? ›

What is a permission set group? A group of permission sets bundled together based on job function. The permissions you include in the permission sets in your permission set group must align with the tasks that the users perform in their job function.

What are the 3 permission groups in Linux? ›

What are the three kinds of file permissions in Linux?
  • Read (r): Allows a user or group to view a file.
  • Write (w): Permits the user to write or modify a file or directory.
  • Execute (x): A user or grup with execute permissions can execute a file or view a directory.
Jan 9, 2023

How do I give full permission to a group in Linux? ›

To change file and directory permissions, use the command chmod (change mode). The owner of a file can change the permissions for user ( u ), group ( g ), or others ( o ) by adding ( + ) or subtracting ( - ) the read, write, and execute permissions.

What is the purpose of permission set groups in Salesforce? ›

Permission Set Groups allow Admins to combine multiple permission sets into a single permission set group for user assignment. With the grouping mechanism, admins can apply role-based access control to manage user entitlements in Salesforce.

What is the easiest way to assign permissions? ›

Setting Permissions
  1. Access the Properties dialog box.
  2. Select the Security tab. ...
  3. Click Edit.
  4. In the Group or user name section, select the user(s) you wish to set permissions for.
  5. In the Permissions section, use the checkboxes to select the appropriate permission level.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. Click Okay.
Mar 31, 2023

Can we assign permission set to group of users? ›

Permission sets can be assigned only to users. It is not possible to assign a them to a public group, role, or profile. Read this article to learn more about permission sets.

What is the difference between a permission set and a permission set group? ›

A permission set group includes all permissions in the permission sets. You can even include a permission set in more than one permission set group. Granting permissions to users based on the tasks they perform in their different job functions becomes much simpler.

Can one user have multiple permission sets? ›

Users can have more than one permission set. Profiles are restrictive. Permission sets are additive. Every user must be assigned a profile.

Can a user have multiple permission sets in Salesforce? ›

Users can have only one profile but, depending on the Salesforce edition, they can have multiple permission sets. You can assign permission sets to various types of users, regardless of their profiles.

Is there a limit on the number of public groups in Salesforce? ›

There is no limitation on the number of members per Public Group. It is the daily job of the Salesforce administrator to add or remove users to the Public group.

How do I manage permission sets in salesforce? ›

Manage Profiles and Permission Sets - Allows the user to create, edit, and delete profiles and Permission Sets. Manage Roles - Allows the user to create, edit, and delete roles. Password Never Expires - Allows the user to have a password that does not expire.

What are 3 sentences for permission? ›

He asked permission to leave the room. Finally his mother relented and gave permission for her youngest son to marry. Police said permission for the march had not been granted. They cannot leave the country without permission.

Do permission sets override profiles in salesforce? ›

The settings and permissions in permission sets are also found in profiles, but permission sets extend users' functional access without changing their profiles. This means that permission sets are almost identical to a profile, but you can assign them to specific users.

What are permission groups? ›

With permission groups, you can assign multiple users sets of permissions in a single step, based on membership in a specific group, streamlining the process of provisioning and managing your Amplitude organization.

How do you check effective permissions for a user or group? ›

To see effective permissions, in the Advanced Security Settings dialog box, click the Effective Permissions tab and select a user or group. These are the results of the permissions directly assigned to the file or folder and permission inherited from parent folders.

How do I create a permission set group in salesforce? ›

  1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Permission Set Groups , then select Permission Set Groups.
  2. Click New Permission Set Group.
  3. Enter a label and description for the permission set group, and save your work.

What are the basic permission type and permission group? ›

– Each set consists of read, write, and execute permissions. – Each file or directory has three permission sets for the three types of permission groups. – The first permission set represents the owner permissions, the second set represents the group permissions, and the last set represents the other permissions.

What is user groups and permissions? ›

The User Group Permissions screen allows you to assign or revoke permission belonging to user groups and to "embed" user groups (along with associated permissions) into other user groups.

How do I check group permissions in Linux? ›

The easiest way we can check for user group privileges on a Linux system is to use command-line tools such as groups. The groups command displays all the groups that a particular user belongs to. As we can see, the output shows the username john followed by a list of groups the user john belongs to.

How do I give myself full permissions in Linux? ›

Changing access permissions using the chmod command
  1. To give yourself permission to execute a file that you own: chmod u+x file1. ...
  2. To give members of your group permission to read a file: chmod g+r file2. ...
  3. To give read permission to everyone for a particular type of file: chmod a+r *.pub.

What is 777 permission in Linux? ›

The command chmod -R 777 / makes every single file on the system under / (root) have rwxrwxrwx permissions. This is equivalent to allowing ALL users read/write/execute permissions. If other directories such as home, media, etc are under root then those will be affected as well.

How to set full permissions in chmod? ›

To give the owner all permissions and world execute you would type chmod 701 [filename]. To give the owner all permissions and world read and execute you would type chmod 705 [filename].

What are the benefits of permission set groups? ›

What Are the Benefits of Permission Set Groups? Custom permission sets require maintenance with each new release of features. By using Permission Set Groups, you can eliminate the tedious process of auditing and updating custom permissions.

Why do we need permission set? ›

A permission set is a template that you create and maintain that defines a collection of one or more IAM policies. Permission sets simplify the assignment of AWS account access for users and groups in your organization.

Can you clone a permission set group? ›

User can clone multiple Permission Sets in single GO using BOFC. This feature has an option for a user to override any existing permission sets or create the permission sets which are not available. User can clone permission sets from Same or External (non-linked) Salesforce org.

Why should you assign permissions to groups rather than users? ›

Why should you assign permissions to groups rather than user? Because if a user leave and a new arrives. All the setting would have to be added again to each user. Groups make it easier.

How to automatically assign a specific permission set to new users? ›

Guided Practice (We-do):
  1. Define flow properties for record-triggered flow.
  2. Add a get records element to find permission set id.
  3. Add a decision element to check the permission set id from the record variable (from step 2.2)
  4. Add a create records element to assign the permission set to users.
Nov 26, 2020

Who can permission sets be assigned to? ›

Permission sets that match the user's license. For example, if a user's license is Chatter Only, you can assign permission sets with the Chatter Only license. Permission sets specific to permission set licenses.

Can we assign permission set to group of users in Salesforce? ›

Now, when you navigate to individual users in Settings, you can assign the group to them using the 'Edit Assignments' button under 'Permission Set Group Assignments. '

How to assign permission set group to multiple users in Salesforce? ›

  1. Select the permission set that you want to assign to users.
  2. Click Manage Assignments and then Add Assignments.
  3. Select the checkboxes next to the names of the users you want assigned to the permission set, and click Assign.

Is permission set mandatory for every user? ›

It is not mandatory to create permission sets for the user. It is mandatory to create profile sets for the user as it is the entry point for the user into Salesforce.

What are the three types of permission profiles? ›

Multi-Domain Permission Profile Parameters
  • Superuser - Manage all aspects of the Multi-Domain Security Management environment.
  • Manager - Manage Domains as specified in the Permissions section of Administrator definition.
  • Domain Level Only - Same as Manager, but with no Multi-Domain permissions..

Do permission sets override sharing rules? ›

Note The Sharing Overrides list doesn't show permissions granted through permission sets, which may also override sharing settings for an object. To override sharing settings for specific objects, you can create or edit permission sets or profiles and enable the “View All” and “Modify All” object permissions.

How many user groups can be created on a single system? ›

Up to 256 user groups can be created per system, including the default user groups.

Can a user be assigned to multiple IAM groups? ›

Each user has an individual set of security credentials. In this example, each user belongs to a single user group. However, users can belong to multiple user groups.

How many users can be added in the permission set? ›

Permission set groups: maximum (created per org) are 800. File Storage includes files in attachments, Files home, Salesforce CRM Content, Chatter files (including user photos), the Documents tab, the custom File field on Knowledge articles, and assets.

What is the difference between permission sets and sharing rules? ›

Permission sets and profiles control a user's object and field access permissions. Roles primarily control a user's record-level access through role hierarchy and sharing rules. With sharing rules you can make automatic exceptions to organization-wide sharing settings for sets of users.

Is it possible for an user or group have multiple specific permissions to the same object? ›

Users can have only one profile, but they can have multiple permission sets. You'll be using permission sets for two general purposes: to grant access to objects or apps, and to grant permissions—temporarily or long term—to specific fields. Grant access to custom objects or apps.

What is a permission set? ›

A permission set is a collection of settings and permissions that give users access to various tools and functions. Permission sets extend users' functional access without changing their profiles and are the recommended way to manage your users' permissions.

What is a permission set group trailhead? ›

With permission set groups, you can bundle permission sets together based on a job function. A permission set group includes all permissions in the permission sets.

What is a permission group? ›

With permission groups, you can assign multiple users sets of permissions in a single step, based on membership in a specific group, streamlining the process of provisioning and managing your Amplitude organization.

What is permission in answer? ›

noun. authorization granted to do something; formal consent: to ask permission to leave the room.

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Name: Edwin Metz

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