Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (2024)

Table of Contents
Correction Notice Highlights COVID-19 context for police-reported crime statistics in 2021 Text box 1Factors influencing police-reported crime Canada’s Crime Severity Index stable in the second year of the pandemic,but violent crime went up The Violent Crime Severity Index rose in 2021, largely due to more police-reportedlevel 1 sexual assaults Changes in the Crime Severity Index varied across Canada Text box 2Measuring police-reported crime with the Crime Severity Index The Crime Severity Index in 2021: contributing violations andjurisdictional trends Volume of violent crime reported monthly continued to be at or abovepre-pandemic levels Changes in crime differed in urban and rural areas Text box 3Measuring crime in Canada: Police-reported and self-reported data Key trends for police-reported crime in Canada in 2021 Sharp rise in the rate of police-reported level 1 sexual assault Text box 4Family violence during the pandemic Continued decrease in rates of breaking and entering, theft of $5,000 orunder, and robbery Police-reported opioid drug offences continue to increase during thepandemic Text box 5Police-reported hate crime in 2021 Continued increases in offences related to harassing and threateningbehaviours Police-reported fraud stable during the pandemic Increase in rates ofviolent and non-violent Criminal Codefirearmoffences for seventh consecutive year National homicide rate increases for third year in a row Rate of Indigenous victims of homicide decreases in 2021, but remainsdisproportionately high Almost one-third of homicide victims were identified by police as personsdesignated as racialized Four in ten homicides are firearm-related Rate of gang-related homicide highest since data collection began in 2005 Findings for other selected police-reported offences in Canada in 2021 Human trafficking stable in 2021 Child sexual exploitation and abuse increased in 2021 Cannabis offences in 2021 Impaired driving decreased in 2021 Police-reported youth crime Text box 6Impacts of the pandemic on the criminal justice system – Canadian policing, courts and corrections Police strength remained stable in 2021 compared with 2019 Canadian courts and corrections rebounded, but indicators remained belowpre-pandemic levels Police-reported administration of justice violations Summary Appendix A – Violations contributing to the change in the Crime SeverityIndex (CSI) between 2020 and 2021, by province or territory. Appendix B – Violations contributing to the change in the Violent CrimeSeverity Index (VCSI) between 2020 and 2021, by province or territory. Appendix C – Violations contributing to the change in the Non-violent CrimeSeverity Index (NVCSI) between 2020 and 2021, by province or territory. Appendix D – Violations contributing to the change in the Crime Severity Index (CSI), by census metropolitan area (CMA), between 2020 and 2021, by province or territory. Appendix E – Trends in the police-reported Crime Severity Index, provincesand territories, Canada, 1998 to 2021. Appendix F – Police-reported Crime Severity Index and Violent CrimeSeverity Index, by census metropolitan area, 2021. Key terminology and definitions Detailed data tables Survey description Uniform Crime Reporting Survey Measuring incidents of crime Crime rate Crime Severity Index References More information Note of appreciation Standards of service to the public Copyright

by Greg Moreau, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics

Release date: August 2, 2022 Correction date: August 3, 2022

Correction Notice

A correction has been made to the percentage (%) change in rate of theft under $5,000 in Prince Edward Island (PEI) for 2021.

On this page
  • Highlights
  • COVID-19 context for police-reported crime statistics in 2021
  • Text box 1 Factors influencing police-reported crime
  • Canada’s Crime Severity Index stable in the second year of the pandemic, but violent crime went up
  • Text box 2 Measuring police-reported crime with the Crime Severity Index
  • Text box 3 Measuring crime in Canada: Police-reported and self-reported data
  • Key trends for police-reported crime in Canada in 2021
  • Text box 4 Family violence during the pandemic
  • Text box 5 Police-reported hate crime in 2021
  • Findings for other selected police-reported offences in Canada in 2021
  • Police-reported youth crime
  • Text box 6 Impacts of the pandemic on the criminal justice system – Canadian policing, courts and corrections
  • Summary
  • Appendix A – Violations contributing to the change in the Crime Severity Index (CSI) between 2020 and 2021, by province or territory
  • Appendix B – Violations contributing to the change in the Violent Crime Severity Index (VCSI) between 2020 and 2021, by province or territory
  • Appendix C – Violations contributing to the change in the Non-violent Crime Severity Index (NVCSI) between 2020 and 2021, by province or territory
  • Appendix D – Violations contributing to the change in the Crime Severity Index (CSI), by census metropolitan area (CMA), between 2020 and 2021, by province or territory
  • Appendix E – Trends in the police-reported Crime Severity Index, provinces and territories, Canada, 1998 to 2021
  • Appendix F – Police-reported Crime Severity Index and Violent Crime Severity Index, by census metropolitan area, 2021
  • Key terminology and definitions
  • Detailed data tables
  • Survey description
  • References
  • Notes
Start of text box


  • In 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic continued to have profoundimpacts on Canada’s economy, health care system and society in general.Policies enacted to contain the spread of the virus resulted in unprecedenteddisruptions in the social and economic lives of Canadians, changing how weinteract, socialize, learn, work and consume.
  • There were over 2 million police-reportedCriminalCodeincidents (excluding traffic) in 2021, about 25,500 moreincidents than in 2020. At 5,375 incidents per 100,000 population, thepolice-reported crime rate—which measures the volume of crime—increased 1% in2021, following a 9% decrease in 2020. In 2021, the violent crime rateincreased 5%, while the property crime rate decreased 1%. Following a largedecrease in 2020, the property crime rate was the lowest it has been dating backto 1965.
  • Police-reported crime in Canada, as measured by the CrimeSeverity Index (CSI), remained stable, changing from 73.9 in 2020 to 73.7 in2021. This follows a 7% drop in the CSI in 2020, the first after 5 years ofincreases. Thestability in the overall CSI was the result of increases in violent crime andcontinued decreases in non-violent crime. TheCSImeasures thevolume and severity of police-reported crime in Canada, and it has a base indexvalue of 100 for 2006.
  • The Violent CSI rose 5% in 2021, and was higher than in 2019,prior to the pandemic. The increase was primarily driven by a relatively large risein the rate of level 1 sexual assault (+18%). Various other violent crimes alsoincreased in volume in 2021, however they had a more marginal impact on the CSI.The rise in level 1 sexual assault accounted for 40% of the increase in the ViolentCSI. Overall, there were 34,242 police-reported sexual assaults (level 1, 2 and3), representing 90 incidents per 100,000 population in 2021.
  • TheNon-violent CSI—which includes, for example, property offences and drugoffences—declined 3%, after a 9% drop in 2020. Much of this decline was due tolower rates of breaking and entering (-10%) and theft of $5,000 or under (-4%).
  • Nationally, there were 788 homicides, 29 more than theprevious year. The national homicide rate increased 3% from 2.00 homicides per100,000 population in 2020, to 2.06 homicides per 100,000 population in 2021.Police-reported 190 Indigenous victims of homicide, 18 fewer than in 2020.Despite the decrease, the rate of homicide for Indigenous peoples (9.17 per100,000 population) was approximately 6 times higher than the rate fornon-Indigenous people (1.55 per 100,000 population). The rate of homicide forindividuals identified by police as persons of a group designated as racializedincreased 34% in 2021 to 2.51 homicides per 100,000 population. This rate was higherthan for victims identified as belonging to the rest of the population (1.81homicides per 100,000 population).
  • In 2021, four in ten (41%) homicides were firearm-related. Thefirearm was recovered in 29% of firearm-related homicides. Of the 297firearm-related homicides that occurred in 2021, almost half (46%) wereconsidered by police to be gang-related.
  • The number of police-reported hate crimes increased 27% to 3,360incidents in 2021. Compared with 2019, hate crimes have increased 72% over thelast two years. More hate crimes targeting religion (+67%) (including Jewish,Muslim and Catholic) and sexual orientation (+64%) accounted for most of thenational change, along with more incidents targeting race or ethnicity (+6%).
  • In 2021, there were 5,996 opioid-related offences in Canada,representing a rate of 16 per 100,000 population, a 13% increase compared with2020. Police-reported rates of heroin (-32%), ecstasy (-25%), methamphetamine(-20%) and cocaine-related drug offences (-15%) all decreased. Additionally,rates of impaired driving dropped 9% compared with 2020.
End of text box

Since 1962, Statistics Canada has collected information on allcriminal incidents reported by Canadian police services through its annualUniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Survey.Note In addition to theUCR,Statistics Canada also collects information on self-reported criminalvictimization through the General Social Survey (GSS) on Canadians’ Safety(Victimization), which is conducted every five years. Unlike theUCR,theGSSon Victimization collects self-reported data which includesincidents that may not have been brought to the attention of the police. Thesecomplementary surveys provide a more complete picture of crime andvictimization in Canada.

ThisJuristatarticlepresents findings from the 2021UCRSurvey to provide information onpolice-reported crime across Canada and over time.Note To publish police-reported crime statistics in a timely manner, this articlerelies mostly on aggregate data (totals), which are the first crime dataavailable each calendar year. To inform some community safety issues which areparticularly relevant to the pandemic, such as family violence and hate crime,this article also draws on detailed disaggregated data on the characteristicsof incidents, victims and accused persons. These disaggregated data will alsobe available for custom requests and will be included in future analyticalproducts.Note Crime counts presented in the article arebased on the most serious violation in a criminal incident (see Key terminology and definitions).

This article first provides an overview of important contextsurrounding crime in Canada given the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemicin 2021. This is followed by an analysis of keystatistical trends in crime reported by police in 2021, includingthe volume and severity of crime, and the offences driving these trends. It then brieflyexplores other selected violation types that may have contributed to recentcrime trends or for which these latest data can help to inform prior publications. Finally,the article describes trends for youth accused of committing crime.As in prior years, this publicationprovides a general summary of police-reported crime in Canada in 2021, layinggroundwork for future detailed data analysis.

COVID-19 context for police-reported crime statistics in 2021

Police-reported crime statistics reflect only those incidents thatare reported to the police, which can be affected by large-scale criminalevents, social movements and changes in legislation, policies and procedures(seeText box 1).

The COVID-19 pandemic continued to have profound impacts onCanada’s economy, health care system and society in general throughout 2021.Early in the first year of the pandemic, policies enacted to contain the spreadof the virus resulted in unprecedented disruptions in the social and economiclives of Canadians, changing how we interact, socialize, learn, work andconsume. The pandemic continued to impact Canadians, but perhaps in a differentway, as restrictions began to lift across the country. The pandemic has alsohad major social and economic impacts on Canadians, some of which wereshort-term changes as an acute response to the ongoing situation, and some ofwhich are longer-term. Crime trends reflect these evolving circ*mstances in2021.Information on the broader social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemiccan be found on StatisticsCanada’s COVID-19 hub.

Since March 2020, the vast majority of Canada’s population weretypically spending more time at home and many businesses closed or turned tonew methods of operation, often online. These changes have, at least partially,affected crime patterns across the country. With the advent of vaccinationprograms and government-led reopening plans, many Canadians returned to in-personwork and education in the second year of the pandemic, while others continuedto work and learn remotely. In general, though there were shifting situations anddifferential jurisdictional responses to emergent waves of the coronavirus incommunities, the pandemic has resulted in people tending to stay home moreoften, reducing contacts with others, and using the Internet more often thanprior to the pandemic.

Start of text box 1

Text box 1
Factors influencing police-reported crime

There aremany factors that influence police-reported crime statistics. First, anincident must come to the attention of police. The decision by an individual toreport a criminal incident to police has a considerable impact on the number ofcrimes ultimately recorded by police. The 2019 General Social Survey onCanadians’ Safety (Victimization), which provides information on the crimereporting behaviour of Canadians aged 15 and older for selected offences,indicated that about one-third (29%) of crimes are reported to police (Cotter 2021) (seeText box 3formore information on self-reported and police-reported data).

Second,differences between individual police services—such as available resources ordepartmental priorities, policies and procedures—can also have an effect on police-reportedcrime. For instance, as a crime prevention measure, some police services haveimplemented initiatives to focus attention on prolific or repeat offenderswithin the community. Moreover, certain crimes such as impaired driving anddrug offences can be significantly affected by enforcement practices, with somepolice services devoting more resources to these specific types of crime. Somepolice services may also rely on municipal bylaws or provincial statutes torespond to minor offences such as mischief and disturbing the peace. For detailedinformation on police resources in Canada for the year 2021, see Statistics Canada 2022a.

Third,and more broadly, social and economic factors can influence the volume ofpolice-reported crime at a national, regional, municipal or neighbourhoodlevel. In particular, crime rates can be affected by changes in agedemographics (Britt2019;Loeber et al. 2015),economic conditions (Wilson2018;Jankoand Popli 2015), neighbourhood characteristics (Ha and Andresen 2017),the emergence of new technologies (Milivelojevic and Radulski 2020;Brewer et al. 2018;McGovern 2015)and Canadians’ attitudes toward crime and risky behaviour (Ouimet 2004).

End of text box 1

Canada’s Crime Severity Index stable in the second year of the pandemic,but violent crime went up

Canada’sCrime Severity Index (CSI) was stable in the second year of the pandemic—changingfrom 73.9 in 2020 to 73.7 in 2021 (Chart 1; Table1). This follows a 7% drop in the CSI in 2020, the first after fiveyears of increases. The stability in the CSI was predominantly the result ofdecreases in non-violent crime—such as breaking and entering, and to a lesserextent, decreases in theft of $5,000 or under—offset by increases inviolent crime. The Non-violent CSI—which includes all propertyoffences—declined 3%, after a 9% drop in 2020. The overall CSI was 5% lowerthan a decade earlier in 2011.

Chart 1 start

Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (1)

Data table for Chart 1 
Data table for chart 1
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 1. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), Crime Severity Index, Violent Crime Severity Index and Non-violent Crime Severity Index, calculated using Index units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Year Crime Severity Index Violent Crime Severity Index Non-violent Crime Severity Index
1998 118.8 97.8 126.9
1999 111.2 99.4 115.8
2000 106.7 97.8 110.2
2001 105.3 97.2 108.4
2002 104.1 96.2 107.2
2003 106.8 97.6 110.4
2004 104.1 96.0 107.2
2005 101.3 98.5 102.4
2006 100.0 100.0 100.0
2007 95.3 97.8 94.3
2008 90.6 95.1 88.9
2009 87.8 94.3 85.3
2010 82.9 89.2 80.5
2011 77.6 85.7 74.5
2012 75.5 82.0 73.0
2013 68.9 74.0 66.9
2014 66.9 70.7 65.4
2015 70.4 75.3 68.4
2016 72.0 76.9 70.1
2017 73.6 81.3 70.7
2018 75.6 83.6 72.6
2019 79.8 90.3 75.8
2020 73.9 88.0 68.7
2021 73.7 92.5 66.7
Note: Crime Severity Indexes are based on Criminal Code incidents, including traffic offences, as well as other federal statute violations. The base index was set at 100 for 2006 for Canada. Populations are based upon July 1st estimates from Statistics Canada, Centre for Demography.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Chart 1 end

The Violent Crime Severity Index rose in 2021, largely due to more police-reportedlevel 1 sexual assaults

Incontrast to declines in the Non-violent CSI, there was an increase in the ViolentCSI driven by a relatively large increase in the rate of level 1 sexual assault(+18%).Note Various other violentcrimes also increased in volume in 2021, however they had a more marginal impact on the CSI. These include: sexual violations against children, assault(level 1 and 2), homicide, extortion, harassing and threatening behaviours, andviolent firearm violations. Overall, the Violent CSI increased 5% in 2021 to 92.5.This follows a 3% drop in 2020, after five years of increases. By comparison, thevalue in 2021 was higher than in 2019, and 8% higher than a decade ago.

TheCSI measures the volume and severity of police-reported crime in Canada, andhas a base index value of 100 for 2006. The police-reported crime rate, whichmeasures only the volume of crime, was nearly stable, rising 1% from 2020 to2021 (Table 2). Canadian policeservices reported just over 2 million Criminal Code incidents (excludingtraffic) in 2021, about 25,500 more than in 2020. The relative stability wasmostly the result of counteracting fluctuations in violent crime and propertycrime. The annual rates of violent crime (+5%) and other (non-property) CriminalCode offences (+2%) increased, while property crime (-1%) decreased for thesecond year in a row. Additionally, the rate of police-reported drug offencesunder theControlledDrugs and Substances Act (CDSA)and theCannabis Actdecreased 9%in 2021 (Table 3).

AlthoughtheCSIand the crime rate are separate measures, withtheCSIaccounting not only for volume but also changes in therelative severity of police-reported crime (see Text box 2), both measures show similartrends in police-reported crime in Canada since 1998 (Chart 2; Chart 1).

Chart 2 start

Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (2)

Data table for Chart 2 
Data table for chart 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 2. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), Total, Violent crimes, Property crimes and Other crimes, calculated using rate per 100,000 population units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Year Total Violent crimes Property crimes Other crimes
rate per 100,000 population
1962 2,771 221 1,891 659
1963 3,022 249 2,047 726
1964 3,245 284 2,146 815
1965 3,199 299 2,091 809
1966 3,511 347 2,258 907
1967 3,850 381 2,484 985
1968 4,336 423 2,826 1,087
1969 4,737 453 3,120 1,164
1970 5,212 481 3,515 1,217
1971 5,311 492 3,649 1,170
1972 5,355 497 3,634 1,224
1973 5,773 524 3,704 1,546
1974 6,388 553 4,151 1,684
1975 6,852 585 4,498 1,769
1976 6,984 584 4,533 1,867
1977 6,971 572 4,466 1,933
1978 7,154 580 4,579 1,995
1979 7,666 610 4,903 2,153
1980 8,343 636 5,444 2,263
1981 8,736 654 5,759 2,322
1982 8,773 671 5,840 2,262
1983 8,470 679 5,608 2,182
1984 8,387 701 5,501 2,185
1985 8,413 735 5,451 2,227
1986 8,727 785 5,550 2,392
1987 8,957 829 5,553 2,575
1988 8,919 868 5,439 2,613
1989 8,892 911 5,289 2,692
1990 9,485 973 5,612 2,900
1991 10,342 1,059 6,160 3,122
1992 10,040 1,084 5,904 3,052
1993 9,538 1,082 5,575 2,881
1994 9,125 1,047 5,257 2,821
1995 9,008 1,009 5,292 2,707
1996 8,932 1,002 5,274 2,656
1997 8,475 993 4,880 2,603
1998 8,093 995 4,569 2,529
1999 7,695 971 4,276 2,449
2000 7,610 996 4,081 2,534
2001 7,592 995 4,004 2,593
2002 7,516 980 3,976 2,560
2003 7,773 978 4,125 2,670
2004 7,601 957 3,976 2,668
2005 7,326 962 3,744 2,620
2006 7,246 968 3,605 2,673
2007 6,908 952 3,335 2,621
2008 6,632 938 3,096 2,598
2009 6,462 926 3,005 2,531
2010 6,160 907 2,802 2,451
2011 5,781 870 2,586 2,325
2012 5,639 843 2,524 2,272
2013 5,207 769 2,348 2,089
2014 5,062 736 2,328 1,998
2015 5,232 755 2,437 2,040
2016 5,298 769 2,490 2,039
2017 5,375 791 2,523 2,060
2018 5,513 819 2,625 2,068
2019 5,877 886 2,733 2,258
2020 5,338 850 2,274 2,214
2021 5,375 890 2,219 2,266
Note: Information presented in this chart represents data from the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR1) Aggregate Survey, and permits historical comparisons back to 1962. New definitions of crime categories were introduced in 2009 and are only available in the new format back to 1998. As a result, numbers in this chart will not match data released in the new UCR2 format. Specifically, the definition of violent crime has been expanded. In addition, UCR1 includes some different offences in the "other crimes" category. Populations are based upon July 1st estimates from Statistics Canada, Centre for Demography.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Chart 2 end

Changes in the Crime Severity Index varied across Canada

Acrossthe provinces and territories, there were contrasting annual changes in theCSI, resulting in general stability nationally. Between 2020 and 2021, 6 ofCanada’s 10 provinces and Nunavut reported increases in theirCSI, whilethe others reported decreases(Table 4). As has been the case since 1998,the Prairie provinces and British Columbia have had the highestCSIs amongthe provinces, while the three territories have reported the highestCSIsoverall (Chart 3).Note

Chart 3 start

Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (3)

Data table for Chart 3 
Data table for chart 3
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 3. The information is grouped by Province or territory (appearing as row headers), Crime Severity Index, Violent Crime Severity Index and Non-violent Crime Severity Index, calculated using Index units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Province or territory Crime Severity Index Violent Crime Severity Index Non-violent Crime Severity Index
Canada 73.7 92.5 66.7
N.L. 75.5 97.3 67.5
P.E.I. 57.0 60.0 55.7
N.S. 71.6 94.7 63.1
N.B. 88.5 90.4 87.6
Que. 54.3 83.0 43.9
Ont. 56.2 72.2 50.4
Man. 126.9 182.5 106.6
Sask. 146.8 185.9 132.3
Alta. 101.4 112.4 97.1
B.C. 92.9 95.2 91.8
Y.T. 213.3 268.7 192.8
N.W.T. 391.3 472.7 361.0
Nvt. 384.1 596.1 306.9
Note: The Crime Severity Index is based on Criminal Code incidents, including traffic offences, as well as other federal statute violations. The base index was set at 100 for 2006 for Canada. Populations are based upon July 1st estimates from Statistics Canada, Centre for Demography.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Chart 3 end

Amongthe provinces, Quebec (+5%) and Ontario (+1%) reported increases in their CSIsin 2021 and therefore had the largest mitigating impacts on the change in theCSI. The rise in Canada’s two largest provinces was primarily due to relativelylarge increases in level 1 sexual assault, as well as an increase in generalfraud in Quebec and homicide in Ontario, while there were declines in breakingand entering (Table 5).

Incontrast, the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia had the largest relativeimpact on decreases in the national CSI, falling 7% and 5%, respectively. Theviolations driving these decreases were breaking and entering, theft of $5,000or under, and to a lesser extent, general fraud. As was the case at thenational level, both provinces also reported relatively large increases inlevel 1 sexual assault.

Fora summary of detailed information available on the police-reported CSI,including the primary contributors to the changes in CSI in each province andterritory, see Text box 2.

Start of text box 2

Text box 2
Measuring police-reported crime with the Crime Severity Index

In Canada,there are two complementary ways to measure police-reported crime: thetraditional crime rate and the Crime Severity Index (CSI). The crime ratemeasures the volume of crime, including all Criminal Code violations (excepttraffic) relative to the population size. The CSI measures both the volume andseverity of crime, and includes all Criminal Code and other federalstatute violations. The CSI has a base index value of 100 for 2006. Both thetraditional crime rate and theCSImeasure crime based on the mostserious violation in the criminal incident (see Keyterminology and definitions and Survey description for more information onthese concepts).

TheCSIwasdeveloped to address the limitation of the police-reported crime rate beingdriven by high-volume, but relatively less serious, offences.TheCSInot only takes into account the volume of crime, but also therelative severity of crime. As such, theCSIwill vary when changesin either the volume of crime or the average severity of crime—or both thevolume and the average severity—are recorded. In order to calculate thepolice-reportedCSI, each violation is assigned aweight.CSIweights are based on the violation’s incarceration rate,as well as the average length of prison sentence handed down by criminalcourts.Note

For a summaryof the violations driving changes in the crime severity indexes in eachprovince and territory, see Appendix A, AppendixB and Appendix C. Likewise, for a summary of the violations drivingchanges in the overall CSI in census metropolitan areas,Note see Appendix D.

For a series ofdetailed charts and tables showing trends in the CSI and crime rate in allprovinces and territories, see Appendix Eand Table 4 and Table 14. For a series of detailed charts andtables showing trends in the CSI and crime rate in CMAs, see Appendix F and Table 15 and Table 16.

The Crime Severity Index in 2021: contributing violations andjurisdictional trends

Typically,analysis of the CSI is focused on annual changes in crime, however it can behelpful to identify the relative impact of offences contributing to the totalCSI. Despite fluctuations as a result of the pandemic, breaking and entering,fraud and assault (level 1, 2, 3 and assault against a peace officer) make upmuch of the national CSI, accounting for 35% of the Index. The proportionaldistribution of these offences varies, however, across jurisdiction (Chart TB2).Notably, mischief accounts for between 15% and 32% of the CSI in theterritories, while breaking and entering and total fraud are comparativelylarger contributors among the provinces. Some of the major contributors to thenational CSI, breaking and entering (16% of the national CSI), total fraud(12%), theft of $5,000 or under (7%) and sexual assault (level 1, 2 and 3) (5%)are also similar to the violations responsible for much of the change in crimebetween 2020 and 2021 across the country.

Chart text box 2 start

Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (4)

Data table for Chart text box 2 
Data table for chart text box 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart text box 2. The information is grouped by Province or territory (appearing as row headers), Canada, N.L., P.E.I., N.S., N.B., Que., Ont., Man., Sask., Alta., B.C., Y.T., N.W.T. and Nvt., calculated using percentage of index units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Province or territory Canada N.L. P.E.I. N.S. N.B. Que. Ont. Man. Sask. Alta. B.C. Y.T. N.W.T. Nvt.
percentage of index
Breaking and entering 15.6 13.4 12.1 12.5 18.1 12.3 15.5 17.2 17.0 19.0 15.7 8.1 7.9 7.4
Total fraudData table for chart tb2Note1 11.7 8.5 19.0 14.0 15.0 14.5 14.2 6.9 7.1 9.9 9.9 6.0 2.9 1.3
AssaultData table for chart tb2Note2 8.2 8.9 6.0 7.6 7.2 9.1 7.4 11.5 9.9 7.8 6.7 10.9 14.5 15.8
Theft of $5,000 or under 7.4 4.1 7.2 8.5 5.9 4.8 9.2 5.6 5.1 7.1 9.1 4.4 2.5 1.3
Sexual assaultData table for chart tb2Note3 5.5 6.0 6.9 5.9 4.8 7.5 6.1 4.5 3.7 4.5 4.2 5.8 5.8 6.5
Mischief 5.3 11.8 6.7 6.0 6.0 2.4 3.2 9.0 8.8 6.0 5.9 15.1 29.6 31.9
Robbery 5.1 3.3 1.4 3.1 1.3 4.5 6.0 9.9 4.1 4.9 4.4 1.5 1.3 0.8
Homicide 3.3 2.6 0.0 4.1 2.0 2.2 3.9 3.5 4.8 3.1 3.0 4.5 0.7 1.7
Other offencesData table for chart tb2Note4 38.0 41.5 40.6 38.3 39.8 42.8 34.5 32.0 39.4 37.7 41.2 43.8 34.8 33.2

Total fraud includes general fraud, identity theft and identity fraud.

Return to note1 referrer


Assault includes levels 1, 2, 3 and assault against a peace officer.

Return to note2 referrer


Sexual assault includes levels 1, 2 and 3.

Return to note3 referrer


Other offences includes other Criminal Code violations and other federal statute violations.

Return to note4 referrer

Note: Crime Severity Indexes are based on Criminal Code incidents, including traffic offences, as well as other federal statute violations. The base index was set at 100 for 2006 for Canada. Data on the Crime Severity Indexes are available beginning in 1998. Populations are based upon July 1st estimates from Statistics Canada, Centre for Demography.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Chart text box 2 end

End of text box 2

Volume of violent crime reported monthly continued to be at or abovepre-pandemic levels

Inthe second year of the pandemic, monthly counts of police-reported violentcrime tended to be at or above pre-pandemic levels (Chart 4).Note Overall, the volume of violent crime was 5% higher in 2021 compared with 2019.In contrast, the monthly volume of property crime in 2021 remained lower thanprior to the pandemic (-12% overall from 2019 to 2021). As a result, in thelatter portion of 2020 through 2021, the general pattern of monthly counts ofpolice-reported crime mostly returned to what had been observed in the monthsprior to March 2020, when initial pandemic responses began.

Chart 4 start

Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (5)

Data table for Chart 4 
Data table for chart 4
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 4. The information is grouped by Year and month (appearing as row headers), Total Criminal Code (excluding traffic), Total violent crime, Total property crime, Total drug offences and Total other Criminal Code offences, calculated using number of incidents units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Year and month Total Criminal Code (excluding traffic) Total violent crime Total property crime Total drug offences Total other Criminal Code offences
number of incidents
January 166,573 36,255 98,639 5,659 31,679
February 142,042 32,694 81,756 5,270 27,592
March 168,630 38,040 97,530 5,362 33,060
April 175,297 38,978 103,980 5,929 32,339
May 192,407 42,423 114,053 6,070 35,931
June 194,055 42,618 114,763 6,423 36,674
July 207,853 42,895 126,509 6,392 38,449
August 209,540 41,717 128,540 6,446 39,283
September 199,540 40,602 123,647 6,672 35,291
October 195,607 40,730 121,053 6,135 33,824
November 175,005 38,119 105,465 5,184 31,421
December 167,334 37,170 100,091 4,148 30,073
January 176,097 37,928 106,517 5,892 31,652
February 167,263 37,090 99,547 5,443 30,626
March 163,491 36,676 98,525 4,961 28,290
April 144,486 32,602 86,332 5,295 25,552
May 150,745 37,560 83,632 6,572 29,553
June 168,544 42,726 94,524 5,736 31,294
July 189,880 47,977 105,142 5,606 36,761
August 189,672 45,494 108,386 5,833 35,792
September 180,748 41,799 104,425 6,102 34,524
October 178,976 40,293 106,009 5,508 32,674
November 155,996 36,765 90,358 5,452 28,873
December 148,252 35,033 85,110 4,449 28,109
January 150,765 35,614 85,791 4,889 29,360
February 134,213 33,885 74,370 4,725 25,958
March 163,955 41,024 91,626 6,363 31,305
April 161,778 39,933 89,874 6,142 31,971
May 173,753 43,406 96,122 5,826 34,225
June 180,285 45,698 99,562 5,280 35,025
July 185,973 44,695 105,201 4,885 36,077
August 191,583 45,403 110,981 4,658 35,199
September 185,174 43,638 107,493 5,305 34,043
October 181,706 43,663 105,512 4,407 32,531
November 172,345 41,320 100,939 4,881 30,086
December 157,104 38,653 91,404 3,444 27,047
Note: Total Criminal Code (excluding traffic) includes Total violent crime, Total property crime and Total other Criminal Code offences; it excludes Total drug offences which are violations under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and the Cannabis Act. Monthly data were not available for UCR1 respondents and the LaSalle Police Service, Canadian Pacific Railway Police Service and Canadian Forces Military Police. Therefore, these police services were excluded from the monthly analysis.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Chart 4 end

Historically,there has generally been a seasonal pattern to police-reported crime in Canada.Crime was typically at its lowest in the winter months during first and fourthquarters of the year (October through March). Crime would then begin toincrease to a peak in July and August, before dropping again in the fall andwinter months. People generally socialize more in the summer months,potentially affording more opportunity for crimes to occur or for crime to bemore visible. This pattern was disrupted somewhat by the pandemic due to thevery low volume of crime reported in the second quarter of 2020 (April to June).

Changes in crime differed in urban and rural areas

Throughout the pandemic, the major categories of crime in urbanareas decreased significantly compared with 2019, while violent crime in ruralareas increased (Chart 5).Note Overall, thecrime rate in urban areas decreased 11% from 2019 to 2020, and then remainedstable in 2021, while the crime rate in rural areas was down 1% in 2020,followed by a 2% increase in 2021.

Chart 5 start

Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (6)

Data table for Chart 5 
Data table for chart 5
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 5. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), Urban police services, Rural police services, Total Criminal Code (excluding traffic), Total violent crime, Total property crime and Total other Criminal Code offences, calculated using rate per 100,000 population units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Year Urban police services Rural police services
Total Criminal Code (excluding traffic) Total violent crime Total property crime Total other Criminal Code offences Total Criminal Code (excluding traffic) Total violent crime Total property crime Total other Criminal Code offences
rate per 100,000 population
2019 5,567 1,140 3,447 980 7,569 2,034 3,865 1,670
2020 4,941 1,109 2,961 872 7,492 2,113 3,754 1,625
2021 4,958 1,165 2,898 895 7,632 2,176 3,836 1,620
Note: SeeTable3for a detailed list of the offences in each category. Urban police services serve an area where the majority of the population lives within a census metropolitan area (CMA) or census agglomeration (CA). Rural police services serve an area where the majority of the population lives outside aCMAorCA. ACMAor aCAis comprised of one or more adjacent municipalities centred on a population centre (known as the core). ACMAmust have a total population of at least 100,000, of which 50,000 or more must live in the core. ACAmust have a core population of at least 10,000. To be included in theCMAorCA, adjacent municipalities must have a high degree of integration with the core, as measured by commuting flows derived from census data. ACMAorCAmay have more than one police service. Rates are calculated per 100,000 population. Populations are based upon July 1st estimates from Statistics Canada, Centre for Demography. Excludes data from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s Canadian Police Centre for Missing and Exploited Children.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Chart 5 end

Overall, the violent crime rate in rural areas increased 3% in 2021compared with 2020, and was 7% higher than in 2019. The rate of property crimein rural areas was 1% lower in 2021 compared with 2019. In contrast, urbanareas experienced a significant decrease (-14%) in the rate of property crime in2020 (as well as an 11% drop in other Criminal Code offences), andanother 2% decrease in 2021. Violent crime in urban areas was down 3% in thefirst year of the pandemic, but rebounded in 2021 to levels higher than in 2019.Said another way, the rural crime rate remained fairly stable from 2019 to 2021,with violent crime increasing throughout the pandemic, while the urban crimerate decreased largely due to less property crime and fewer other CriminalCode offences.

It is important to note that rural areas of Canada are oftenanalyzed as a hom*ogenous group, however, they are subject to high variability,both in terms of crime rate, as well as relative location across the country (Perreault2019). For example, differences in urban and rural areas werepreviously noted in the Prairie Provinces relative to other provinces, as wellas a distinction between north and south regions. For detailed information onrural Canada, see Statistics Canada’s Rural Canada Statistics Portal.

Start of text box 3

Text box 3
Measuring crime in Canada: Police-reported and self-reported data

Self-reportedsurveys provide an important complement to official police-reported data oncrime. In Canada, two main national surveys collect crime-related data: theUniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Survey and the General Social Survey (GSS) onCanadians’ Safety (Victimization). TheUCRcollects police-reporteddata, while theGSSon Victimization collects information from asample of Canadians aged 15 and older on their experiences with crime.TheGSSon Victimization is conducted every five years, with the mostrecent cycle having been conducted in 2019.Note UnliketheUCR, theGSSon Victimization captures information both oncrimes that have been reported to police and those that have not.TheGSSon Victimization, however, collects information for a subsetof offences—sexual assault, robbery, physical assault, breaking and entering,theft of motor vehicles or their parts, theft of personal property, theft ofhousehold property and vandalism—and does not include crimes committed againstbusinesses or institutions.

While bothsurveys are used to measure crime, significant methodological and conceptualdifferences exist between them and affect direct comparisons of data findings(for further information, seeWallace et al. 2009). It is possible,however, to compare the distribution of offences to better understand changesin the pattern of crimes reported to police. For instance, both surveys showthat physical assault is the most common type of violent crime, and that sexualassault is more common than robbery.

In contrast,theGSSshows that women are at a greater risk of being a victim of aviolent crime, which is considerably different from what is seen inpolice-reported data, where the overall rate of violent crime is only slightlyhigher among women than men. This difference can be attributed to severalfactors. Police-reported data includes a broader range of types of violentcrime than does theGSS, which asks only about sexual assault, robbery,and physical assault. In addition, sexual assault is vastly underreported topolice, meaning that a large part of violent crime that disproportionatelyaffects women is the least likely to be reflected in official data (Cotter 2021).

According totheGSSon Victimization, 29% of the eight crime types measured inthe 2019 cycle were reported to the police. Reporting rates ranged from 6% ofsexual assault to 52% of motor vehicle or motor vehicle parts thefts. Moreover,retrospective questions on child abuse also show that, for the vast majority(93%) of those who were victimized by an adult before age 15, the abuse was notreported to the police or child protective services (Cotter 2021).

To further complement police-reported data and to advance knowledge of all forms of gender-based violence in Canada, including forms of violence that may not meet the criminal threshold, Statistics Canada conducted the first cycle of the Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces (SSPPS) in 2018, with a second cycle planned for collection in 2024/2025. TheSSPPScollectsself-reported information on experiences and characteristics of violentvictimization as well as the continuum of other unwanted experiences while inpublic, online, or at work. According toSSPPS, the vast majority of incidentsof violent crime occurring in the 12 months preceding the survey did not cometo the attention of police: 5% of women stated that police found out about themost serious incident of sexual assault they experienced, while 26% of womenand 33% of men who were physically assaulted said likewise (Cotter and Savage 2019).

End of text box 3

Key trends for police-reported crime in Canada in 2021

In2021, there were significant changes for certain offences that highlight howpolice-reported crime was evolving in Canada.

Thefollowing sections cover a selection of offences that contributed to howpolice-reported crime evolved in Canada in 2021. Specifically, sexual assault, breakingand entering, theft of $5,000 or under and robbery were importantcontributors to the change in the Crime Severity Index. Descriptive text boxesprovide detail on police-reported family violence, hate-motivated crime, and offences against theadministration of the criminal justice system,topics relevant to the dynamics of the pandemic. Additionally, certain offencesprovide an indicator of how crime continues to shift in Canada, whether or notthey directly impacted the CSI, including opioiddrug offences, violent firearm crime,fraud, harassingand threatening behaviours and homicide.

Sharp rise in the rate of police-reported level 1 sexual assault

While theoverall CSI was stable in 2021, violent crime was up, primarily due to an 18%increase in the rate of level 1 sexual assault. The rise in level 1 sexualassault accounted for 40% of the increase in the Violent CSI. In contrast, therates of police-reported level 2 and 3 sexual assault decreased 5% and 13%,respectively. In total, level 1 sexual assault accounted for 98% of sexualassaults in 2021.

Overall, therewere 34,242 police-reported sexual assaults (level 1, 2 and 3) in 2021, representing90 incidents per 100,000 population (Table3; Table 5). This rate was 18%higher than in 2020, and the highest rate since 1996 (the rate was the same asin 1997). Prior to a decrease in 2020, the rate of sexual assault had increasedsteadily for five years (Chart 6). From 2020 to 2021, the rate ofpolice-reported sexual assault (level 1, 2 and 3) increased in all provinces,but decreased in all three territories (Table 5).Note

Chart 6 start

Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (7)

Data table for Chart 6 
Data table for chart 6
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 6. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), Sexual assault (level 1, 2 and 3), calculated using rate per 100,000 population units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Year Sexual assault (level 1, 2 and 3)
rate per 100,000 population
1986 79
1987 85
1988 93
1989 98
1990 101
1991 108
1992 121
1993 121
1994 109
1995 96
1996 91
1997 90
1998 85
1999 78
2000 78
2001 78
2002 78
2003 74
2004 72
2005 73
2006 68
2007 65
2008 65
2009 62
2010 66
2011 64
2012 63
2013 60
2014 58
2015 59
2016 60
2017 68
2018 77
2019 82
2020 76
2021 90
Note: Populations are based upon July 1st estimates from Statistics Canada, Centre for Demography.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Chart 6 end

Despite the general increase in police-reportedsexual assault, as well as considerable public discussion of issues aroundsexual violence in recent years, the number of sexual assaults reported bypolice is likely a significant underestimation of the true extent of sexualassault in Canada, as these types of offences often go unreported to police.The most recently available self-reported data, from the 2019 General SocialSurvey on Canadians’ Safety (Victimization), show that 6% of sexual assaultincidents experienced by Canadians aged 15 and older in the previous 12 monthswere brought to the attention of police (Cotter 2021). Similarly, according to data fromthe 2018 Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces, 5% of women stated thatthe police found out about the most serious incident of sexual assault they hadexperienced (Cotter andSavage 2019).

In2020, pandemic-related lockdown conditions could have exacerbated issues aroundunderreporting of sexual assaults. With widespread stay-at-home orders andoverburdened hospital and medical care resources, it may have been moredifficult for victims to come forward to report instances of sexual assault, andless likely that a third-party (for example a doctor or teacher) would identifysigns of abuse, particularly for children and youth. Likewise, withcirc*mstances around the pandemic evolving in 2021, there may have been moreopportunity for individuals to report sexual assaults, but also potentiallymore opportunity for sexual assaults committed by strangers. There are someindications that family violence services and victims of family violence were disproportionatelyimpacted by the pandemic (seeText box 4).

In2021, less than one in ten (8%) level 1 sexual assaults reported to police wereclassified as unfounded, meaning it had been determined through policeinvestigation that the incident reported did not occur, nor was it attempted.This represents a continued decrease in unfounded incidents from a high of 14%in 2017 (Table 6).For comparison, the proportion of common physical assault (level 1) classifiedas unfounded dropped from 11% in 2017 and has stabilized at 9% in 2021. Formore detailed information on the potential impact of unfounded criminalincidents in previous years, refer to Text box 2 inMoreau et al. 2020 and Moreau 2019.

Notethat the information presented on sexual assaults excludes incidents of sexualviolations against children, as well as child p*rnography offences. Informationon these violations can be found in “Findingsfor other selected police-reported offences in Canada in 2021.”

Start of text box 4

Text box 4
Family violence during the pandemic

TheCOVID-19 pandemic brought increased attention to the issue of family violence.With individuals distancing, working and studying at home, many were concernedabout the prospect of victims of family violence isolating with their abuser,while contact with other family, friends and professionals (e.g., doctors,teachers) was significantly reduced.

Whilethe rate of police-reported family violenceNoteremained unchanged between 2019 and 2020 (Moreau 2021), there wasa 4% increase in the rate between 2020 and 2021 (from 324 to 337 victims per100,000 population). Between 2020 and 2021, increases were noted for all victimsubgroups: family violence against children and youth aged 17 and youngerincreased 14%, while family violence against seniors aged 65 and olderNote increased 8% and family violenceagainst adults aged 18 to 64 increased 2%. Increases were also noted for allvictim subgroups when comparing rates in 2021 to those from 2019, before theCOVID-19 pandemic.Note In all, therewere 127,504 victims of family violence in 2021.

It ispossible that public health restrictions might have led to a decrease inreporting violence to police while, inversely, the easing of restrictions mighthave led to an increase in reporting to police, either by victims orthird-party individuals who witnessed or suspected such violence.

Sheltersare often an important resource for victims escaping violence in the home.According to the Survey of Residential Facilities for Victims of Abuse, 54% ofall people living in residential facilities for victims of abuse were womenwhile 44% were accompanying children (Ibrahim 2022a).Note The large majority (84%) of thesewomen were primarily escaping intimate partner violence, and seven in ten (70%)reported living with their abuser at the time they sought shelter. In 2020/2021,one-third (34%) of facilities reported their ability to serve victims wasimpacted to a great extent by the COVID-19 pandemic, while nearly half (44%)were impacted to a moderate extent.

TheCanadian Centre for Justice Statistics will be releasing family violenceanalysis in the fall, including standardized data tables. Detail will beprovided about the types of relationships and the types of offences that wereinvolved in instances of family violence.

End of text box 4

Continued decrease in rates of breaking and entering, theft of $5,000 orunder, and robbery

Nationally,decreases in breaking and entering, and to a lesser extent robbery and theft of$5,000 or under, were primary contributors to the declining element of thecrime severity index in 2021. As was observed in 2020, these offences werelikely impacted by conditions of the pandemic, namely people being at home moreoften and shifting business models for some retail stores.

In2021, the rate of breaking and entering declined 10% nationally to 328incidents per 100,000 population (Table 3). This decline followsa 16% drop in 2020. Since peaking in 1991, the police-reported rate of breakingand entering has generally been declining in Canada (Chart 7). Over the lastdecade, the rate of breaking and entering has fallen 38%. Despite thisdecrease, breaking and entering continued to be a relatively common form ofproperty crime; just over 125,500 incidents were reported by police in 2021. Mostnotably, breaking and entering was the highest contributing violation to theoverall CSI in Canada, accounting for 16% of the index (see Text box 2).

Chart 7 start

Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (8)

Data table for Chart 7 
Data table for chart 7
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 7. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), Breaking and entering, Robbery, Shoplifting of $5,000 or under and Theft of $5,000 or under, calculated using rate per 100,000 population units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Year Breaking and entering Robbery Shoplifting of $5,000 or under Theft of $5,000 or under
rate per 100,000 population
1998 1,163 109 303 2,063
1999 1,046 107 276 1,955
2000 956 100 262 1,899
2001 901 99 258 1,869
2002 879 96 257 1,871
2003 901 101 271 1,944
2004 864 97 240 1,871
2005 811 101 237 1,743
2006 772 106 245 1,652
2007 704 104 234 1,530
2008 635 97 238 1,425
2009 613 97 276 1,386
2010 579 90 268 1,286
2011 528 87 260 1,197
2012 508 80 264 1,175
2013 446 66 250 1,096
2014 429 59 265 1,069
2015 447 62 280 1,085
2016 444 61 285 1,091
2017 437 62 296 1,086
2018 433 61 337 1,100
2019 430 62 373 1,129
2020 363 51 240 910
2021 328 48 248 877
Note: Populations are based upon July 1st estimates from Statistics Canada, Centre for Demography.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Chart 7 end

Allprovinces other than Nova Scotia and New Brunswick reported declines or nochange in the rate of breaking and entering in 2021 (Table 5). The largest decreasesoccurred in Alberta (-17%), British Columbia (-15%) and Quebec (-12%). Incontrast, all three territories reported increases in 2021. Given itsrelatively high volume and CSI weight, changes in rates of breaking andentering had an impact on CSIs in several jurisdictions (seeText box 2 and Appendix A to D).In 2021, 20 out of 35 census metropolitan areas (CMAs)Note reporteddecreases or no change in breaking and entering (Table 7).

In2021, rates of theft of $5,000 or under dropped 4%, following a 19% decline in2020. The decline in theft of $5,000 or under was the second largestcontributor to the decrease in the general crime severity index, though itsimpact was small relative to breaking and entering. The drop was fairlylocalized; among the provinces, Alberta (-15% rate), British Columbia (-12%rate) and Prince Edward Island (-10% rate) reported large decreases in theft of$5,000 or under, while the other provinces reported an increase or no changesince last year.

Followinga considerable decrease in 2020, rates of shoplifting of $5,000 or under wereup 3% in 2021 (Table 3;Chart 7).Still, shoplifting rates were 33% lower than in 2019. Prior to 2020, rates ofshoplifting had been increasing for 6 years, with larger increases in 2018 and2019. As could be expected with nation-wide restrictions generally easing in2021, rates of shoplifting rose again with some stores opening to in-personshopping. Additionally, technological changes (for example, surveillancecameras and anti-theft devices) and more reporting options, including onlinereporting to police, may also increase the likelihood that a given incident ofshoplifting is reported.

SpecificCMAs accounted for large changes in police-reported shoplifting rates inseveral provinces (Table 7).For example, the rate of shoplifting increased significantly in Halifax and St.John’s, and decreased in Winnipeg and Edmonton. Several CMAs in Ontarioexperienced large changes up or down, and all four CMAs in British Columbiareported increases.

Thenational rate of police-reported robbery dropped 5% in 2021, from 51 incidentsper 100,000 population to 48 incidents. This follows an 18% decrease the yearbefore. Rates of police-reported robbery had been fairly stable for the fiveyears preceding the pandemic period. Rates of robbery declined or remainedunchanged throughout most of Canada in 2021, with the exception of AtlanticCanada (excluding New Brunswick) and Nunavut (Table 5). Rates of robbery alsodeclined or remained the same in 19 of 35 CMAs, however for those that reportedan increase, rates increased fairly substantially, with 13 CMAs reportingincreases of at least 10% (Table 7). These increases were typically arebound from decreases reported in 2020.

Police-reported opioid drug offences continue to increase during thepandemic

Accordingto the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), the COVID-19 pandemic isworsening the ongoing public health crisis of opioid overdose deaths andhospitalizations. Between January 2016 and December 2021,PHACreportedthat 29,052 apparent opioid toxicity deaths had occurred in Canada. During thefirst year of the pandemic (April 2020 to March 2021), there were 7,362opioid-related deaths, a 96% increase from the previous year. Since then, thenumber of deaths has remained high. Of all accidental apparent opioid toxicitydeaths in 2021, 86% involved fentanyl or fentanyl analogues. Opioid-relateddeaths and hospitalizations have also been linked to the use of stimulants suchas cocaine and methamphetamine, reflecting the polysubstance nature of thecrisis (Special AdvisoryCommitteeon the Epidemic of Opioid Overdoses 2022).

A number of factors were cited as possible contributors to a worsening of theopioid overdose crisis during the pandemic, including the increasingly toxicdrug supply, increased feelings of isolation, stress and anxiety and limitedavailability or accessibility of services for people who use drugs (Special Advisory Committee onthe Epidemic of Opioid Overdoses 2022).

In2021, there were 5,996 opioid-related offences in Canada, representing a rateof 16 per 100,000 population, a 13% increase compared to 2020 (Table 8).Note This also followed a 37%increase in 2020.All opioid-relateddrug violations increased in 2021, including more possession, trafficking,production and importation or exportation offences (Table 9). Among the provinces, the highestrates were reported in British Columbia (57 per 100,000 population), Ontario(13) and Alberta (13), with notable increases in Quebec, Ontario and thePrairie provinces (Table 8).TheCMAs with the highest rates of opioid-related offences were Lethbridge(124 per 100,000 population) and Kelowna (116), followed by Vancouver (45),Hamilton (37), Abbotsford-Mission (35), Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo (30) andSt. Catharines-Niagara (30). In terms of opioid-related deaths, Western Canadacontinues to be the most impacted region of the country since 2016, but rateshave begun to increase in other areas as well, notably in Ontario (Special Advisory Committee onthe Epidemic of Opioid Overdoses 2022).

Similarto the previous year, opioid-related offences were the only specific drug typeNote to experience a significant increase in 2021 compared with 2020. Specifically,police-reported rates of heroin (-32%), ecstasy (-25%), methamphetamine (-20%)and cocaine (-15%) drug offences all decreased. Overall, police-reported ratesof cannabis (35 incidents per 100,000 population), cocaine (35),methamphetamine (30) and opioid-related offences (16) were highest among thespecific drug types (Table 8).

Whilethe rates of these other drug types decreased, the polysubstance nature of theopioid crisis may impact how particular drug offences, namely those related tomethamphetamine and cocaine, are reported, given that only one drug type willbe indicated as the most serious violation for a particular criminal incident.According to data reported byPHACfrom six provinces andterritories, more than half (58%) of accidental opioid toxicity deaths so farin 2021 also involved a stimulant. Of these deaths, 63% involved cocaine, while53% involved methamphetamines. Similarly, 86% of deaths identified as apparentstimulant toxicity deaths also involved an opioid over the same time period.

Forinformation on cannabis-related drug offences, see “Findingsfor other selected police-reported offences in Canada in 2021.”

Start of text box 5

Text box 5
Police-reported hate crime in 2021

TheCOVID-19 pandemic further exposed and exacerbated issues related todiscrimination in Canada, including hate crime. For example, according to datafrom the 2020 General Social Survey on Social Identity, racialized groups weremore than twice as likely toreport having experienced discrimination since the start of the pandemiccompared with the rest of the populationNote (data table 43-10-0061-01).

Hatecrimes target the integral and visible parts of a person's identity and maydisproportionately affect the wider community. A hate crime incident may becarried out against a person or property and may target race, colour, nationalor ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression,language, sex, age, mental or physical disability, or any other similar factor.

Thenumber of police-reported hate crimes in Canada increased by 27% in 2021,rising from 2,646 incidents to 3,360. This follows a 36% increase inpolice-reported hate crimes from 2019 to 2020. In total,police-reported hate crimes have increased 72% over the last two years. From 2020to 2021, increases were noted in the number of police-reported hate crimestargeting religion (+354 incidents, +67%) and sexual orientation (+165incidents, +64%), and to a lesser extent race or ethnicity (+104 incidents,+6%). All provinces and territories reported increases in the number of hatecrimes in 2021, except for Yukon which remained the same.

Police-reportedhate crimes targeting the Jewish (+47%), Muslim (+71%) and Catholic (+260%)religions were up. The increase in hate crimes targeting the Muslim populationfollows a similar decrease in 2020; the increase also occurred in the same yearas an attack in London, Ontario which targeted a Muslim family and resulted infour homicides and one attempted homicide. While it is not possible to linkpolice-reported hate crime incidents to particular events, media coverage andpublic discourse can increase awareness as well as draw negative reactions frompeople who share hateful attitudes. In 2021, there were discoveries of unmarkedgraves on former residential school sites. Following these discoveries, therewere reports of hate incidents targeting the Indigenous population as well as churchesand other religious institutions. Any criminal incident deemed by police to be motivatedby hate would be included in these statistics.

The423 hate crimes targeting sexual orientation rose above the previous peak of265 in 2019. About 8 in 10 (77%) of these crimes specifically targeted the gayand lesbian community, while the remainder targeted the bisexual orientation (2%)and other sexual orientations, such as asexual, pansexual or other non-heterosexualorientations (11%). An additional 10% were incidents where the targeted sexualorientation was reported as unknown.

Muchof the rise in hate crimes targeting race or ethnicity was the result of morereported crimes targeting the Arab or West AsianNote population (+58 incidents or +46%), and following large increases in 2020, morecrimes targeting the East or Southeast Asian populationNote (+42 incidents or +16%), and the SouthAsian populationNote (+29 incidents or +21%). Hate crimestargeting the Black population dropped 5%, following a 96% increase in 2020.Similarly, hate crimes targeting the Indigenous populationNote dropped 1%, after increasing 169% in 2020.

Amongall hate crimes, both non-violent (+26%) and violent (+29%) hate crimesincreased in 2021.

Policedata on hate crimes reflect only those incidents that come to the attention ofpolice and that are subsequently classified as hate crimes. As a result,fluctuations in the number of reported incidents may be attributable to a truechange in the volume of hate crimes, but they might also reflect changes inreporting by the public because of increased community outreach by police orheightened sensitivity after high-profile events. According to self-report datafrom the 2019 General Social Survey on Victimization, approximately one in five(22%) of criminal incidents perceived to be motivated by hate were reported tothe police.

Adetailed analyticalJuristatonpolice-reported hate crime in Canada for the year 2021 will be released inearly 2023.

Table for Text box 5
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table for Text box 5. The information is grouped by Detailed motivation (appearing as row headers), 2019, 2020 and 2021, calculated using number and % change from previous year units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Detailed motivation 2019 2020 2021
number % change from previous year number % change from previous year number % change from previous year
Race or ethnicity 884 11 1,619 83 1,723 6
Black 345 17 676 96 642 -5
East or Southeast Asian 67 12 263 293 305 16
South Asian 81 -4 135 67 164 21
Arab or West Asian 125 34 126 1 184 46
Indigenous (First Nations, Métis or Inuit) 29 -26 78 169 77 -1
White 48 14 85 77 53 -38
Other race or ethnicityTable for Text box 5Note1 150 -8 188 25 221 18
Race or ethnicity not specified 39 129 68 74 77 13
Religion 613 -7 530 -14 884 67
Jewish 306 -18 331 8 487 47
Muslim 182 10 84 -54 144 71
Catholic 51 16 43 -16 155 260
Other religionTable for Text box 5Note2 57 10 40 -30 64 60
Religion not specified 17 -26 32 88 34 6
Sexual orientation 265 42 258 -3 423 64
Other motivationTable for Text box 5Note3 150 -6 200 33 199 -1
Motivation unknown 39 77 39 0 131 236
Total 1,951 7 2,646 36 3,360 27
0 true zero or a value rounded to zero

Includes motivations based upon race or ethnicity not otherwise stated (e.g., Latin American, South American) as well as hate crimes which target more than one race or ethnic group.

Return to note1 referrer


Includes motivations based upon religion not otherwise stated (e.g., Sikh, Hindu, Buddhist).

Return to note2 referrer


Includes mental or physical disability, language, sex or gender, age and other similar factors (e.g., occupation or political beliefs).

Return to note3 referrer

Note: Information in this table reflects data reported by police services covering 99.7% of the population of Canada.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

End of text box 5

Continued increases in offences related to harassing and threateningbehaviours

In2021, Canada saw continued increases in the rates of various criminallyharassing and threatening behaviours. In particular, criminal harassment (+10%rate per 100,000 population), non-consensual distribution of intimate images (+8%rate), indecent or harassing communications (+4% rate), and uttering threats (+3%rate) all saw increases compared with 2020 (Table 3). These crimes have generally beenincreasing since around 2017, and notably throughout the pandemic period (Chart8).

Chart 8 start

Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (9)

Data table for Chart 8 
Data table for chart 8
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 8. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), Uttering threats, Criminal harassment, Indecent or harassing communications and Non-consensual distribution of intimate images, calculated using rate per 100,000 population units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Year Uttering threats Criminal harassment Indecent or harassing communications Non-consensual distribution of intimate images
rate per 100,000 population
2009 234 59 69 Note...: not applicable
2010 225 63 64 Note...: not applicable
2011 209 63 59 Note...: not applicable
2012 203 64 54 Note...: not applicable
2013 182 61 47 Note...: not applicable
2014 176 55 39 Note...: not applicable
2015 176 56 41 1
2016 169 53 42 2
2017 173 54 45 4
2018 180 53 48 4
2019 215 62 62 5
2020 223 65 69 6
2021 229 71 72 6
... not applicable
Note: Indecent or harassing communications was amended in the Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act: Bill C-13 (2015) to include all means of telecommunication, not only phone calls. Non-consensual distribution of intimate images is an offence created by the Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act: Bill C-13 (2015), therefore only data from 2015 to 2021 are shown. Populations are based upon July 1st estimates from Statistics Canada, Centre for Demography.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Chart 8 end

In addition to legislative amendments and new offences thatcame into force in 2015 by the former Bill-C13 “Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act,Note Notethe national increases in harassingand threatening offences can be attributed, in part, to increases in the accessibilityand use of the Internet and social media. In the context of the COVID-19pandemic, individuals are using computers and the Internet more often forschool, work and socializing, potentially affording more opportunities forcriminal violations that do not require a physical presence. For instance, in 2021, there were almost 15,500cybercrime-related harassing and threatening behaviour violations, up 1% from 2020,and up 21% from 2019.Note The perceived anonymity of theInternet and social media can facilitate criminal harassment, uttering threatsand indecent and harassing behaviours (Dhillon 2012;Perrin 2018). Inaddition, advancements in cell phone technology and the availability ofcloud-based sharing platforms could have contributed to the increases seen inthe non-consensual distribution of intimate images. Increased focus on theenforcement and reporting accuracy of cybercrime, and increased awareness ofcybercrime by both the public and police may have also contributed to thechange.

Additionally,some police services have indicated that incidents of extortion involvingintimate images or video—“sextortion”— are on the rise in their jurisdictions,especially in light of increased internet usage for work, school and leisure.More generally, extortion is a relatively serious violent crime which involvesobtaining anything through coercion (the use of or threat of violence,accusation or menace). The rate of police-reported extortion increased 32% from2019 to 2020, and 19% from 2020 to 2021. The rate of extortion has generallybeen increasing over the last 10 years, up 297% from 2011. According to theCanadian Anti-Fraud Centre, the nature of extortion has been shifting in thedigital world, including the use of hostage-taking scams, ransomware,sextortion and various other digital and electronic scams (CAFC 2022). Over the course ofthe pandemic, the number of cyber-related extortion offences increased, up 78%from 2019 to 2020, and 18% from 2020 to 2021.

Police-reported fraud stable during the pandemic

Therate of police-reported total fraud was stable during the first two years ofthe pandemic. After remaining stable at 443 incidents per 100,000 population in2019 and 2020, the rate dropped less than 1% to 441 incidents in 2021. Thisrate was 74% higher than the rate reported a decade ago (Chart 9).Note The general stability was the result ofsmall shifts in the three fraud subtypes: a 1% decline in general fraud, themost voluminous type of fraud, as well as a 3% decline in identity theft,offset by a 3% increase in identity fraud.Note

Chart 9 start

Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (10)

Data table for Chart 9 
Data table for chart 9
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 9. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), Total fraud, General fraud, Identity fraud and Identity theft, calculated using rate per 100,000 population units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Year Total fraud General fraud Identity fraud Identity theft
rate per 100,000 population
2010 261 240 18 2
2011 254 226 23 4
2012 258 227 26 5
2013 260 227 27 6
2014 266 229 30 6
2015 305 264 33 7
2016 351 304 39 9
2017 358 310 39 9
2018 404 351 43 10
2019 443 378 53 13
2020 443 363 60 19
2021 441 360 62 19
Note: As of 2010, reporting requirements for total fraud include separate violations for fraud, identity theft and identity fraud, which, combined, make up total fraud. Prior to 2010, different types of fraud were reported simply as fraud, therefore fraud data are only presented from 2010. Populations are based upon July 1st estimates from Statistics Canada, Centre for Demography.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Chart 9 end

New or evolving scams continue to draw theattention of the Canadian Anti-fraud Centre (CAFC) and the news media,particularly those involving tax returns with the Canada Revenue Agency, COVID-19-relatedscams including Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) scams, fake vaccinesand fake test results, as well as other general online, telephone or textmessage scams (CAFC 2022).A survey on cyber security during the pandemic showed that just over 4 in 10Canadians (42%) experienced at least one type of cyber security incident sincethe beginning of the pandemic, including phishing attacks, malware, fraud, andhacked accounts (StatisticsCanada 2020a). Of those who experienced a cyber securityincident, less than one-third (29%) reported the incident to a relevant serviceprovider, financial institution or credit card company, and just 5% ofindividuals reported the incident to an authority such as the police. Accordingto the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, from March 2020 to March 2022, there were 29,513victims and $8.17 million lost due to COVID-related fraud alone.

While fraud overall was fairly stablethroughout the pandemic, incidents of reported cyber-related fraud increasedsubstantially. From 2019 to 2020, the total number of cyber-related fraudviolations increased 41%, and rose another 13% from 2020 to 2021. In total,there were nearly 40,000 incidents of cyber-related fraud in 2021.

As is the case for many types of crime,self-reported data suggest incidents of fraud are significantly underreportedto police. In particular, according to the 2019 General Social Survey onVictimization, over 5.2 million Canadians aged 15 and older reported havingbeen a victim of fraud in the 5 years preceding the survey. Of those victims,11% reported the incident of fraud to the police.

Whilefraud is not an especially severe crime in theCSI, it is a relativelyhigh-volume crime, which contributed to making fraud, typically general fraud,a common driver of theCSIand Non-ViolentCSIin severaljurisdictions in Canada. For the second year in a row, Western Canada, thePrairies and Ontario reported decreases in the rate of total fraud, whileQuebec, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island reported consecutive increases (Table 5). Totalfraud decreased in 20 of 35CMAs in 2021 (Table 7).

Increase in rates ofviolent and non-violent Criminal Codefirearmoffences for seventh consecutive year

TheCriminal Codespecifiesa number of violent offences involving the use of a firearm, includingdischarging a firearm with intent, pointing a firearm and using a firearm inthe commission of an indictable offence.Note Amongthese offences specified in theCriminalCode that were reported by police, 46% in 2021 were fordischarging a firearm with intent, while another 39% were for pointing afirearm. The remaining 15% were for using a firearm in the commission of anindictable offence. The number of violent offences specific to firearmsincreased by 194 incidents in 2021 (from 4,187 in 2020 to 4,381 in 2021), resultingin a 4% rate increase (Table3). This marks the seventh consecutive annual increase. The ratesof discharging a firearm with intent (+8%) and using a firearm in thecommission of an indictable offence (+3%) increased, while the rate remainedstable for pointing of a firearm. Much of the increase in firearm-relatedoffences in 2021 was the result of more incidents in Quebec (+128) and Manitoba(+78), while there were fewer incidents in Ontario (-71).

Inaddition to the violent offences involving a firearm specified in the CriminalCode, other more serious crimes such as homicide, robbery, assault andsexual assault may have also involved a firearm. Tomeasure all violent firearm-related crime, information on the incidentcharacteristics must be used. In 2021, there were 8,047 victims of violentcrime where a firearm was present during the commission of the offence, or arate of 27 per 100,000 population.Note This rate was 5% lower compared with 2020.Despite this year-over-year decline, the rate of firearm-related violent crimehas generally been increasing since 2013, when it was at its lowest point sincecomparable data became available.Note

Therate of non-violent weapons violations (e.g., possession of weapons and unsafestorage of firearms) increased 2% from 51 incidents per 100,000 population in2020 to 52 incidents in 2021, increasing for the seventh consecutive year (Table 3). The vastmajority (91%) of these violations were related to possession of weaponsoffences and breach offences for weapons possession contrary to an order.

Fordetailed information on firearm-related violent crime in Canada, see Allen 2022.

National homicide rate increases for third year in a row

In 2021, policereported 788 homicides, 29 more than the previous year. The national homiciderate increased 3% from 2.00homicides per 100,000 population in 2020, to 2.06homicides per 100,000 population in 2021. This follows a 9% increase in 2020.Overall, homicides represented 0.2% of all violent crimes, a similar proportionto previous years (Table 3;Chart 10; data table35-10-0068-01).

Chart 10 start

Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (11)

Data table for Chart 10 
Data table for chart 10
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 10. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), Homicide and Attempted murder, calculated using rate per 100,000 population units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Year Homicide Attempted murder
rate per 100,000 population
1986 2.18 3.37
1987 2.43 3.46
1988 2.15 3.12
1989 2.41 3.04
1990 2.38 3.27
1991 2.69 3.72
1992 2.58 3.72
1993 2.19 3.43
1994 2.06 3.18
1995 2.01 3.20
1996 2.14 2.97
1997 1.96 2.89
1998 1.85 2.47
1999 1.77 2.26
2000 1.78 2.50
2001 1.78 2.34
2002 1.86 2.16
2003 1.74 2.23
2004 1.95 2.10
2005 2.06 2.55
2006 1.86 2.57
2007 1.81 2.41
2008 1.84 2.17
2009 1.81 2.38
2010 1.63 1.96
2011 1.74 1.94
2012 1.56 1.92
2013 1.46 1.81
2014 1.47 1.78
2015 1.71 2.18
2016 1.69 2.18
2017 1.82 2.25
2018 1.78 2.22
2019 1.83 2.33
2020 2.00 2.24
2021 2.06 1.95
Note: Populations are based upon July 1st estimates from Statistics Canada, Centre for Demography.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Chart 10 end

Overall, theincrease in the national number of homicides was the result of more homicidesin Ontario (+37 homicides, which follows two years of decreases) and BritishColumbia (+25 homicides). In contrast, Alberta (-23 homicides, which followstwo years of increases) and Nova Scotia (-14 homicides, which follows a largeincrease in 2020 as a result of the mass shooting that occurred in theprovince)Note recorded relatively largedecreases. As has been the case with provincial comparisons historically, rateswere highest in Saskatchewan (5.93 homicides per 100,000 population) andManitoba (4.41). A high rate was also observed in Yukon (9.31 homicides per100,000 population) and Nunavut (5.08), while there was one homicide reportedin the Northwest Territories in 2021. The relatively small population counts inthe Territories typically translate to higher and more variable rates (Table 5; data table35-10-0068-01).

In 2021, Regina(5.67 homicides per 100,000 population), Thunder Bay (5.63) and Winnipeg (5.39)recorded the highest homicide rates among CMAs (Table 7). Trois-Rivières and Guelph werethe onlyCMAs with no homicides in 2021.

With 117homicides, Toronto, Canada’s most populousCMA, had the most homicides in2021, but the 16thhighest rate. Toronto’s rate rose 11% as aresult of 12 more homicides. Among theCMAs, Vancouver (+14 homicides),Toronto (+12) and London (+8) reported the largest increases in the number ofhomicides from 2020 to 2021.

Rate of Indigenous victims of homicide decreases in 2021, but remainsdisproportionately high

In2021, there were 190 Indigenous victims of homicide,Note a decrease from 208 in 2020. This represents a rate decrease of 11% forIndigenous peoples in 2021 (9.17 per 100,000 Indigenous peoples in 2021compared to 10.28 in 2020). This rate was approximately six times higher thanthe rate for non-Indigenous people in 2021 (1.55 per 100,000 non-Indigenous people).Note Of the 190 Indigenous victims of homicide,65% were identified by police as First Nations people, 6% as Métis and 5% asInuk (Inuit). For an additional 24% of Indigenous victims of homicide, theIndigenous group to which they belonged was not identified. For moreinformation on Indigenous victims of homicide, see data table35-10-0156-01.

Thenumber of female Indigenous victims increased from 42 to 45, while the numberof male victims fell by 21 (from 166 to 145).Thehighest rate of homicide was among Indigenous males (14.13 homicides per100,000 population), followed by Indigenous females (4.31 per 100,000population) and non-Indigenous males (2.30 per 100,000 population). Homiciderates were lowest among non-Indigenous females (0.80 per 100,000 population),in line with previous years.

Historical and ongoing impacts of colonization, including for example the lasting effects of the residential school system (the last of which closed in 1996), forced relocation and the Sixties Scoop, is identified as having profoundly impacted Indigenous communities and families (Bombay et al. 2014;Bombayet al. 2011; Bombayet al. 2009;MMIWG2019;The Truth and ReconciliationCommission of Canada 2015). Indigenous people often experience social, economic and institutional marginalization, and systemic racism and discrimination, which include various forms of trauma and violence—including intergenerational trauma and gender-based violence. As a result, many Indigenous people experience challenging social and economic circ*mstances (Arriagada et al. 2020;MMIWG2019;Statistics Canada 2020b;The Truth and ReconciliationCommission of Canada 2015). These factors play a significant role in theoverrepresentation of Indigenous people in the criminal justice system and asvictims of crime (OntarioHuman Rights Commission 2003;House of Commons 2018).

Formore information on homicide victims by age group, gender and Indigenousidentity, see data tables35-10-0156-01 and35-10-0060-01.

Almost one-third of homicide victims were identified by police as personsdesignated as racialized

Of the 762 victims of homicide in 2021 forwhom information was available, almost one-third (32%) or 247 victims wereidentified by police as persons of a population group designated as racialized.Note The rate of homicide for racialized persons was higher than the previous year,increasing 34% from 1.87 victims per 100,000 population in 2020 to 2.51 victimsin 2021. In 2021, the rate of homicide among racialized victims was higher thanvictims among the rest of the population (1.81). Almost half(49%) of racialized victims were identified by police as Black,Note and a further 19% were identified as South Asian.Note

In2021, there were 46 female homicide victims who were designated as racialized,an increase of 27 victims from 2020. Among male victims, there were 199 racializedvictims compared with 158 in 2020, an increase of 41 victims. Consequently, thehomicide rates for these populations also increased year-over-year. For racializedfemale victims, the homicide rate was 0.92 victims per 100,000 population, anincrease of 137% from 2020 (0.39). Notably, even with the large year-over-yearincrease, this rate is much lower than the national homicide rate of 2.06 per100,000.Note Among racializedmales, the 2021 homicide rate was 4.10 victims per 100,000, a 23% increase from2020.

Thehomicide rate for racialized males was more than one and a half times higherthan that of males of the rest of the population in 2021 (4.10 victims per100,000 racialized males compared with 2.59 male victims from the rest of thepopulation). For females, the opposite was true—in 2021, racialized females hada lower homicide rate than their female counterparts (0.92 victims per 100,000 populationcompared with 1.03 population), and both lower than the national average of2.06. Caution should be used when interpreting rates among racialized populationsbecause the relatively small population counts typically translate to moreunstable rates.

Ofthe 604 accused persons for whom police reported a racialized identity in 2021,police reported 33% as belonging to a group designated as racialized.Note

Formore information on homicide victims by gender, racialized identity andpopulation group, see data tables 35-10-0208-01 and 35-10-0206-01.

A detailedanalytical Juristat on Homicide in Canada for the year 2021 will bereleased in late 2022.

Four in ten homicides are firearm-related

In2021, 41% of all homicides were firearm-related, similar to the proportion seenin 2020 (39%).Note

Thefirearm was recovered in 29% of firearm-related homicides (84 of 287firearm-related homicides).Note Of those wherethe firearm was recovered, 69% were sent for tracing by police services.Note While both the RCMP and the Ontario Provincial Police provide firearm tracingsupport to law enforcement agencies when the information is required to supporta criminal investigation or a prosecution, no province currently requires thatinvestigators send all crime guns for tracing. For 57% of the 54 firearms sentfor tracing in 2021, the origin was unknown, meaning they had either not yetreceived the results or the trace was unsuccessful. Another 27.8% originatedfrom Canada, 11.1% from the United States and 3.7% from other countries.

Of the 297 firearm-related homicides that occurred in 2021, almosthalf (46% or 137 homicides) were considered by police to be gang-related.

Rate of gang-related homicide highest since data collection began in 2005

Nationally, there were 184 gang-related homicides in 2021, 33 morethan in 2020. The majority (74%) were committed with a firearm, most often ahandgun (65%). In 2021, gang-related homicide committed with a firearmrepresented 17% of all homicides, a larger proportion than in 2020 (14%).Overall, gang-related homicides continued to account for about one-quarter(23%) of all homicides and marked the highest rate (0.48 per 100,000population) recorded in Canada since comparable data were first collected in2005. For more information on gang-related homicide, see data table 35-10-0075-01.

Findings for other selected police-reported offences in Canada in 2021

Each yearthere are over 2 million criminal offences reported by police in Canada. Dependingon the relative volume or severity of an offence, it may not be consideredamong the primary contributors to changes in crime in a given year. Some crimesmay be important from a public policy or safety perspective, despite not necessarilyhaving a considerable impact on annual changes in crime. This section providesinformation for the year 2021 for selected criminal offences and, wherepossible, includes links to detailed analytical articles that have previouslybeen published by the Canadian Centre for Justice and Community SafetyStatistics.

Human trafficking stable in 2021

Traffickingin persons, also known as human trafficking, involves recruiting, transporting,transferring, receiving, holding, concealing or harbouring a person, orexercising control, direction or influence over the movements of a person, forthe purpose of exploiting them or facilitating their exploitation (Criminal Code1985). Victims tend to disproportionately come from vulnerable ormarginalized populations, mostly young women or children, and due to the hiddennature of human trafficking, the true scope is underestimated (Public Safety Canada 2019; Department of Justice Canada 2015).

In 2021,there was a combined total of 552 incidents of human trafficking offencesreported under theCriminalCode (352incidents) and theImmigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA)(200 incidents) (Table 3).Note This was essentially the same as in 2020, when 553 incidents were reported.Overall, the combined number of incidents and rate of human trafficking hasbeen on an upward trend since 2011. Historically, human trafficking incidentstend to occur in urban centres, notably in Toronto, Ottawa, Montréal andHalifax.

For detailedinformation on human trafficking over time—including discussion of incidentcharacteristics, victims and accused persons—in Canada, see Conroy and Sutton 2022.

Child sexual exploitation and abuse increased in 2021

While manypolice-reported crimes declined during the pandemic, the rate ofpolice-reported child p*rnographyNote increased 31% from 2019to 2021, to a rate of 31 incidents per 100,000 population.Note This follows a 47% increase in 2019 and the rate has generally been trendingupward since 2008. Overall, there were 11,790 incidents of child p*rnographyreported by police in 2021 (Table 3).Similarly, sexual violations against childrenNote have also increasedthroughout the pandemic, including a 14% rise in 2021. The combined rate ofsexual violations against children was 32 incidents per 100,000 population in2021.

Formany child sexual exploitation and abuse violations, the incidents that occurare committed online as cybercrimes. For instance, 61% of incidents of childp*rnography and 20% of sexual violations against children were recorded ascybercrimes.Note The pandemic has potentiallyexacerbated issues related to cybercrimes for these offences as children havebeen more likely to be staying at home and individuals are more likely to usethe internet to engage with others.

For adetailed discussion of online child sexual exploitation and abuse in Canada,see Ibrahim 2022b. For a detailed discussion of importantcontext related to the reporting of child p*rnography incidents, see section “Continuedincrease in rate of police-reported child p*rnography” in Moreau 2021.

Cannabis offences in 2021

Nationally,the total rate of police-reported cannabis offences under theCannabis ActandControlled Drugs and Substances Actincreasedfor the first time in 9 years, rising 5% in 2021 (Table8 and Table 9).Note Previously, a general decrease in cannabis-related offences had been compoundedby the legalization of cannabis on October 17, 2018. TheCannabis Actprovides alegal framework for the legalization and regulation of the production,distribution, sale, possession, importation and exportation of cannabis inCanada (Parliament ofCanada 2018).

Policereported a total of 13,560 cannabis-related incidents, representing a rate of35 incidents per 100,000 population. The most commonly reported offences wererelated to importation or exportation (66% of allCannabis Actoffences),possession (9%), and distribution (8%) (Table 9).

The increasein police-reported cannabis offences was almost entirely the result of moreimportation and exportation offences, mainly in British Columbia and Quebec.Case processing and investigation procedures for these offences in particularimpact police-reported metrics.Note Excluding importation andexportation offences, the national rate of other cannabis offences decreased 11%in 2021.

Impaired driving decreased in 2021

Policereported just under 71,500 impaired driving incidents in 2021, about 6,300 fewerincidents compared to the year before (Table 3 and Table 5).This is the second decrease in a row, following a large rate increase in 2019.Note Most jurisdictions reported a decrease in the rate of impaired driving, exceptfor Ontario (+7%) and the Northwest Territories (+3) (Table 5). Overall, the police-reported rate ofimpaired driving in Canada dropped 9% to 187 incidents per 100,000 population.

The majority(78%) of police-reported impaired driving incidents continued to involvealcohol in 2021, however this proportion has been declining in recent years, asa growing proportion of incidents involved drugs (11%), or involved acombination of alcohol and drugs (8%).

The rate ofall drug-impaired driving was stable at 20 incidents per 100,000 populationbetween 2020 and 2021, following 7 years of increases. In total, there were 7,690drug-impaired driving violations in 2021, 69 more than the previous year (Table 3).

For moredetailed information on the potential impact of legislative changes,technological and procedural changes, and other context impactingpolice-reported impaired driving in Canada, refer toMoreau 2021 and Perreault 2021.

Police-reported youth crime

While overallcrime statistics are based on the number of criminal incidents reported bypolice (regardless of whether or not an accused was identified), measures ofpolice-reported youth crime are based on the number of youth, aged 12 to 17,accused in a criminal incident by police.Note Note The number of youth accused includes youth whowere either charged, or recommended for charge, as well as those who werecleared by other means, including those diverted from the formal criminaljustice system through the use of warnings, cautions, referrals to communityprograms and other diversion programs.

In 2021, therewere 53,688 youth accused of a Criminal Code offence (excluding traffic),nearly 1,000 fewer than the previous year. The youth crime rate dropped 3% in2021 and has been on a long downward trend, declining for over two decadesafter peaking in 1991 (Table10;Table11). The rate of youth accused of violent crime increased 6% in2021, while the rate of youth accused in other major categories of crime(property crime, other Criminal Code offences, drug crime, other federalstatute violations and Criminal Code traffic violations) all decreased. Whilethe youth crime rate increased, the Violent CSI decreased 4%, meaning that therelative severity of violent crime decreased, despite the volume of violentcrime going up. Between 2011 and 2021, the rate of youth accused of crime fell 60%and the YouthCSI(YCSI) – which measures both the volume andseverity of crime involving youth accused (charged and not charged) – fell 50%(Table 12;Chart 11).

Chart 11 start

Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (12)

Data table for Chart 11 
Data table for chart 11
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 11. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), Youth Crime Severity Index, Youth Violent Crime Severity Index and Youth Non-violent Crime Severity Index, calculated using Index units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Year Youth Crime Severity Index Youth Violent Crime Severity Index Youth Non-violent Crime Severity Index
1998 110.2 86.6 128.3
1999 99.3 83.5 111.4
2000 103.5 89.3 114.4
2001 106.0 91.4 117.1
2002 101.1 87.3 111.7
2003 106.0 92.6 116.2
2004 100.9 87.9 110.8
2005 97.4 94.2 99.8
2006 100.0 100.0 100.0
2007 101.5 102.1 101.0
2008 95.7 95.7 95.6
2009 95.6 96.7 94.7
2010 90.0 93.2 87.6
2011 81.7 87.5 77.3
2012 77.4 82.3 73.6
2013 66.2 71.2 62.3
2014 60.6 64.8 57.4
2015 60.4 66.4 55.9
2016 59.9 70.9 51.8
2017 62.7 80.5 49.9
2018 56.6 77.0 42.1
2019 55.1 79.8 37.7
2020 43.0 66.9 26.3
2021 41.0 64.2 24.7
Note: Data are based on the number of youth aged 12 to 17 who were either charged (or recommended for charging) by police or diverted from the formal criminal justice system through the use of warnings, cautions, referrals to community programs, etc. The Youth Crime Severity Indexes are based on Criminal Code incidents, including traffic offences, as well as other federal statute violations. The base index was set at 100 for 2006 for Canada. Populations are based on July 1st estimates from Statistics Canada, Centre for Demography.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Chart 11 end

The decline intheYCSIin 2021 was the result of widespread decreases in the ratesof nearly all reported property and some violent violations (Table 10). Most provincesand all three territories experienced decreases in theYCSI, with theexceptions of Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and Quebec(Table 13). Due totheir small populations and comparatively fewer incident counts, theTerritories are more susceptible to considerable year-over-year fluctuations inboth their Crime Severity Index and crime rates.

Similar toprevious years, the most common criminal offences committed by youth in 2021were level 1 assault (394 accused per 100,000 youth), mischief (309) andadministration of justice violations (197), such as breach of probation andfailure to appear (Table 10).Rates of level 2 assault (166 accused per 100,000 youth), uttering threats (156)and shoplifting of $5,000 or under (115) were also relatively high.

Start of text box 6

Text box 6
Impacts of the pandemic on the criminal justice system – Canadian policing, courts and corrections

In manyrespects, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the day-to-day functioning of theCanadian working population. As was the case with most sectors, the operationsof the Canadian criminal justice system changed dramatically as a result of thepandemic, impacting access to justice for all Canadians.

Many sectors ofsociety experienced unprecedented operational adjustments and drops in capacityor resources early in 2020, which typically began to rebound through 2021 (Statistics Canada 2022b). In general, thistrend was observed with the criminal justice system—including policing, courtsand corrections—as it typically encountered reduced capacities and resources,notably in the first half of 2020. As the pandemic situation evolved and thejustice system continued to adapt, there was typically a rebound toward, butnot reaching, pre-pandemic indicators. Delays and backlogs encountered at theheight of the pandemic continued to impact the administration of justice.

The pandemichas also created new serious legal problems for some Canadians or hasexacerbated existing problems (Savage and McDonald 2022). Data from theCanadian Legal Problems Survey show that more than four in ten Canadians whor*ported experiencing a serious legal problem in the three years preceding thesurvey said that their serious problem worsened or became more difficult toresolve as a result of the pandemic. As well, almost four in ten Canadians whor*ported experiencing a serious problem said thattheir problem happened during the pandemic (after March 16, 2020).

Police strength remained stable in 2021 compared with 2019

Canada'spolice services are mandated with the essential task of administering andmaintaining law and order across Canada. They also have to ensure public safetyand are an essential service during times of crisis, such as in the context ofthe COVID-19 pandemic. According to the latest Police Administration Survey,the rate of police strength in Canada was stable in the second year of thepandemic, in comparison with the previous survey cycle (2019), after havingpreviously decreased since 2011 (StatisticsCanada 2022a).

Whilethe rate of police strength remained stable relative to before the pandemic,police services had to reorganize the way they carry out their daily operatingtasks. Police services altered their operations in order to ensure that healthmeasures were followed, but also to account for officers being absent forCOVID-19-related reasons. Nearly half (42%) of police services reported that20% or more of their staff had taken at least one day off from work at somepoint in 2020/2021 because of the pandemic. In addition, over 9 in 10 policeservices (93%) stated that they had introduced new operating measures or madeadaptations within their workplace because of the pandemic (StatisticsCanada 2022a).

Overall, calls for police service decreased by 5% in 2020/2021 compared with 2018/2019,when data were last collected. Similarly, the police-reported crime rate wasdown 9% in 2020 compared with 2019.

Canadian courts and corrections rebounded, but indicators remained belowpre-pandemic levels

Prior to the onset of the pandemic, Canadian criminal courts were overburdened and institutional delays were commonplace. Delays can have an adverse impacts on persons accused of committing a crime, as well as offenders, victims and witnesses (Statistics Canada 2021a). In an effort to support the right to be tried within a reasonable time limit, the Supreme Court of Canada established the Jordan limit (R. v. Jordan 2016, Karam et al. 2020). The Jordan limit is a ceiling set by the Supreme Court beyond which delays are presumed to be unreasonable and could result in a stay of proceedings. There was a steady decrease in the percentage of total completed cases in adult criminal courts exceeding the Jordan limit at the time that they were completed in the fiscal years (April 1st to March 31st) following the Jordan ruling (5.8% in 2016/2017 to 3.8% in 2019/2020). However, as a result of the pandemic, many courts across the country were unable to continue operating at normal capacity, which in some cases caused lengthy delays (data table 35-10-0173-01).

Overall, the number of cases completed in adult criminal courts decreased during the pandemic, falling from around 216,000 cases completed during the last three quarters of 2019 (April 1 to December 31), to just over 151,000 during the same period in 2020.Note However, case completions were up to 84% of pre-pandemic levels during the same period in 2021 (nearly 181,000 cases). Despite the observed rebound in case completions, the initial backlog and delays resulted in an increase in the median amount of time required to complete cases that took over one week to complete. Following the onset of the pandemic, cases completed between April and December 2020 took approximately 39% longer (or 67 more days) to be completed compared with the time required during the same period prior to the pandemic (172 days for cases completed between April and December 2019). Furthermore, when comparing the final three quarters of 2019 with those of 2020 and 2021, a higher proportion of completed cases had exceeded the Jordan limit at the time they were completed in both 2020 and 2021 (increasing from 3.7% of total cases in 2019 to 6.6% in 2020 and again to 10.4% in 2021).

While balancingpublic safety concerns, reducing the number of persons held in correctionalinstitutions was seen as a preventive measure to reduce the public health riskassociated with COVID-19 transmission for those in custody and correctionalstaff. In the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was anunprecedented decline in the number of adults and youth in a correctionalinstitution, and counts fluctuated in tandem with pandemic-imposed restrictions(Statistics Canada 2022c). In2020/2021, the annual average daily count of adults in provincial andterritorial custody declined 21% from the previous year, while the federalcustodial population declined 9%. Most of the decrease in provincial andterritorial custody occurred in the first month of the pandemic, from March toApril 2020, when the monthly average daily count of adults in custody fell 20%.Provincial and territorial custody counts declined again the following month(-5% in May), then trended upward over the remaining course of the year,increasing 14% from June 2020 to March 2021. Similarly, the annual averagedaily count of youth in custody decreased by more than one-quarter (-27%) in2020/2021, the largest decline in almost two decadessince the Youth Criminal Justice Act came into force.

Police-reported administration of justice violations

Therate of administration of justice violationsNote increased 4%in 2021, following a 15% decline in 2020. The decline and relatively smallerincrease in the first two years of the pandemic may be a consequence of theinitial reduced activity in Canadian courts and corrections, and the evolvingnature of court operations. Prior to 2020, the rate of administration ofjustice violationshad increased eachof the previous five years. The majority of administration of justiceviolations in 2021 were for failure to comply with an order (64%), failure toappear (17%) and breach of probation (15%). The rates of failure to appear (+46%) and failure to comply with an order (+4%) increased in 2021,following similar decreases the year prior, while the rate of breach ofprobation decreased 20% following a decrease of 23% last year.

Early in thepandemic, in an effort to minimize the impact and spread of the virus, theGovernment of Canada enacted regulatory amendments under theContraventions Act. Theseamendments allow law enforcement agencies to issue tickets to individuals whodo not comply with orders under theQuarantineAct.Note In 2021, police reported 2,215 incidents under theQuarantine Act, up from 932 incidentsin 2020. The majority (91%) of these incidents were reported in Quebec(827 incidents), British Columbia (624 incidents and Ontario (558 incidents).

End of text box 6


Thesecond year of the COVID-19 pandemic continued to have an unprecedented impacton the economic and social lives of Canadians. As a result of efforts tocontain the spread of the virus, the way people lived, worked and socializedchanged drastically, with many people staying at home for long periods of timeand avoiding public gatherings and businesses adjusting their operations toserve Canadians in new or different ways. At least partially as a result ofthese changes, police-reported crime in Canada dropped throughout the pandemicperiod in general, yet there were important differences for some types ofcrime.

Police-reportedcrime in Canada, as measured by the Crime Severity Index (CSI), was stable inthe second year of the pandemic—changing from 73.9 in 2020 to 73.7 in 2021.This follows a 7% drop in the CSI in 2020, the first after five years ofincreases.

Thestability in the overall CSI was the result of increases in violent crime andcontinued decreases in non-violent crime. The Violent CSI rose 5% in 2021, andwas higher than in 2019, prior to the pandemic. The increase in violent crimeincluded higher rates of level 1 sexual assault, sexual violations against children,assault (level 1 and 2), homicide, extortion, harassing and threateningbehaviours, and violent firearm violations. The Non-violent CSI—which includes, forexample, property offences and drug offences—declined 3%, after a 9% drop in2020. Much of this decline was due to lower rates of breaking and entering(-10%) and theft of $5,000 or under (-4%).

Despitegeneral stability in overall crime in 2021, the number of hate-motivated crimes reported bypolice increased by 27%, rising from 2,646 incidents to 3,360. Higher numbersof hate crimes targeting religion, sexual orientation and race or ethnicityaccounted for the majority of the increase.

Police reported 788 homicides in 2021, 29 more than the year before. Thehomicide rate increased 3%, from 2.00 homicides per 100,000 population in 2020to 2.06 in 2021. Police reported 190 Indigenous homicide victims in 2021, 18fewer than in 2020. Despite the decline, the homicide rate forIndigenous peoples was about six times higher than for Canada’s non-Indigenouspopulation (9.17 versus 1.55 homicides per 100,000 population). Additionally,there were 247 victims of homicide identified by police as members of apopulation group designated as racialized. The rate of homicide for racializedpersons was up 34% from 1.87 homicides per 100,000 population in 2020 to 2.51homicides in 2021.

Topublish police-reported crime statistics in a timely manner, this articlerelies mostly on aggregate data (totals), which are the first crime dataavailable each calendar year. There will continue to be more detailed analysesof these data and microdata forthcoming to help inform the pandemic situationand Canadian’s safety and wellbeing.

Appendix A – Violations contributing to the change in the Crime SeverityIndex (CSI) between 2020 and 2021, by province or territory.

Appendix A
Violations contributing to the change in the Crime Severity Index (CSI) between 2020 and 2021, by province or territory.
Table summary
This table displays the results of Violations contributing to the change in the Crime Severity Index (CSI) between 2020 and 2021. The information is grouped by Province or territory (appearing as row headers), Percent change in CSI from 2020 to 2021 and Violations driving the change in CSI (appearing as column headers).
Province or territory Percent change in CSI from 2020 to 2021 Violations driving the change in CSI
Canada Note0svalue rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded Decrease in breaking and entering, as well as theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle); offset by increase in sexual assault (level 1).
Newfoundland and Labrador 9 Increase in homicide, sexual assault (level 1), and sexual violations against children, as well as robbery, shoplifting of $5,000 or under and mischief.
Prince Edward Island -1 Decrease in homicide, as well as administration of justice violations and uttering threats; partially offset by increase in fraud, sexual assault (level 1) and identity fraud.
Nova Scotia -1 Decrease in homicide, as well as fraud and identity theft; partially offset by increase in shoplifting of $5,000 or under.
New Brunswick 6 Increase in breaking and entering, as well as theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle), and sexual assault (level 1).
Quebec 5 Increase in sexual assault (level 1) and fraud; partially offset by decrease in breaking and entering.
Ontario 1 Increase in sexual assault (level 1), homicide, and theft of motor vehicle; partially offset by decrease in breaking and entering and robbery.
Manitoba 1 Increase in assault (level 2) and violent firearms offences; partially offset by decrease in shoplifting of $5,000 or under.
Saskatchewan 3 Increase in mischief, as well as theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle), homicide and theft of motor vehicle; partially offset by decrease in fraud and breaking and entering.
Alberta -7 Decrease in breaking and entering, as well as theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle); partially offset by increase in sexual assault (level 1).
British Columbia -5 Decrease in breaking and entering, as well as theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle); partially offset by increase in homicide.
Yukon -1 Decrease in violent firearms offences, fraud and mischief; partially offset by increase in homicide.
Northwest Territories -6 Decrease in homicide, mischief, and trafficking, production, importation or exportation of cocaine; partially offset by increase in assault (level 1) and breaking and entering.
Nunavut 2 Increase in mischief; partially offset by decrease in assault (level 3), disturb the peace and sexual assault (level 1).
0s value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded
Note: The main violations driving the change in the CSI are identified, in order of impact, as those violations where the combined changes in the rates (weighted by the CSI weight) contribute substantially to the overall change in the CSI (up or down). Where large changes in other violations serve to reduce or offset the net change in the CSI, these are noted.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Appendix B – Violations contributing to the change in the Violent CrimeSeverity Index (VCSI) between 2020 and 2021, by province or territory.

Appendix B
Violations contributing to the change in the Violent Crime Severity Index (VCSI) between 2020 and 2021, by province or territory.
Table summary
This table displays the results of Violations contributing to the change in the Violent Crime Severity Index (VCSI) between 2020 and 2021. The information is grouped by Province or territory (appearing as row headers), Percent change in VCSI from 2020 to 2021 and Violations driving the change in VCSI (appearing as column headers).
Province or territory Percent change in VCSI from 2020 to 2021 Violations driving the change in VCSI
Canada 5 Increase in sexual assault (level 1), as well as sexual violations against children and assault (level 2); partially offset by decrease in robbery.
Newfoundland and Labrador 19 Increase in homicide, sexual assault (level 1), sexual violations against children and robbery.
Prince Edward Island 6 Increase in sexual assault (level 1), sexual violations against children and robbery; partially offset by decrease in homicide and uttering threats.
Nova Scotia -6 Decrease in homicide, as well as uttering threats.
New Brunswick 7 Increase in sexual assault (level 1), as well as sexual violations against children; partially offset by decrease in homicide and robbery.
Quebec 12 Increase in sexual assault (level 1), as well as sexual violations against children.
Ontario 4 Increase in sexual assault (level 1) and homicide; partially offset by decrease in robbery.
Manitoba 7 Increase in assault (level 2) and violent firearms offences, as well as homicide, sexual assault (level 1) and uttering threats.
Saskatchewan 4 Increase in homicide, violent firearms offences, sexual violations against children and sexual assault (level 1); partially offset by decrease in robbery.
Alberta 2 Increase in sexual assault (level 1), as well as sexual violations against children; partially offset by decrease in homicide and robbery.
British Columbia 4 Increase in homicide and sexual assault (level 1); partially offset by decrease in attempted murder.
Yukon 5 Increase in homicide; partially offset by decrease in violent firearms offences.
Northwest Territories -9 Decrease in homicide, as well as sexual assault (level 1); partially offset by increase in assault (level 1).
Nunavut -9 Decrease in assault (level 3), as well as sexual assault (level 1).
Note: Violations driving the change in the VCSI are identified, in order of impact, as those violations where the combined changes in the rates (weighted by the CSI weight) contribute substantially to the overall change in the VCSI (up or down). Where large changes in other violations serve to reduce or offset the net change in the VCSI, these are noted.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Appendix C – Violations contributing to the change in the Non-violent CrimeSeverity Index (NVCSI) between 2020 and 2021, by province or territory.

Appendix C
Violations contributing to the change in the Non-violent Crime Severity Index (NVCSI) between 2020 and 2021, by province or territory.
Table summary
This table displays the results of Violations contributing to the change in the Non-violent Crime Severity Index (NVCSI) between 2020 and 2021. The information is grouped by Province or territory (appearing as row headers), Percent change in NVCSI from 2020 to 2021 and Violations driving the change in NVCSI (appearing as column headers).
Province or territory Percent change in NVCSI from 2020 to 2021 Violations driving the change in NVCSI
Canada -3 Decrease in breaking and entering, as well as theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle).
Newfoundland and Labrador 4 Increase in shoplifting of $5,000 or under, mischief and child p*rnography.
Prince Edward Island -3 Decrease in administration of justice violations, theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle), breaking and entering, and trafficking, production, importation or exportation of other drugs; partially offset by increase in fraud and identity fraud.
Nova Scotia 2 Increase in shoplifting of $5,000 or under, as well as mischief, breaking and entering, and identity fraud; partially offset by decrease in fraud.
New Brunswick 6 Increase in breaking and entering, as well as theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle), and fraud; partially offset by decrease in identity theft.
Quebec 1 Increase in fraud and theft of motor vehicle; partially offset by decrease in breaking and entering.
Ontario Note0svalue rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded Increase in theft of motor vehicle, shoplifting of $5,000 or under and child p*rnography; offset by decrease in breaking and entering.
Manitoba -2 Decrease in shoplifting of $5,000 or under; partially offset by increase in theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle).
Saskatchewan 3 Increase in mischief, as well as theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle), and theft of motor vehicle; partially offset by decrease in fraud and breaking and entering.
Alberta -10 Decrease in breaking and entering, as well as theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle).
British Columbia -8 Decrease in breaking and entering, as well as theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle).
Yukon -3 Decrease in several violations, including fraud and mischief, as well as trafficking, production, importation or exportation of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine and other drugs, impaired driving and possession of stolen property; partially offset by increase in shoplifting of $5,000 or under, child p*rnography and disturb the peace.
Northwest Territories -4 Decrease in mischief and trafficking, production, importation or exportation of cocaine, as well as disturb the peace; partially offset by increase in breaking and entering and fraud.
Nunavut 11 Increase in mischief, as well as theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle), breaking and entering, trafficking, production, importation or exportation of cocaine and methamphetamine, and fraud; partially offset by decrease in disturb the peace.
0s value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded
Note: Violations driving the change in the NVCSI are identified, in order of impact, as those violations where the combined changes in the rates (weighted by the CSI weight) contribute substantially to the overall change in the NVCSI (up or down). Where large changes in other violations serve to reduce or offset the net change in the NVCSI, these are noted.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Appendix D – Violations contributing to the change in the Crime Severity Index (CSI), by census metropolitan area (CMA), between 2020 and 2021, by province or territory.

Appendix D
Violations contributing to the change in the Crime Severity Index (CSI), by census metropolitan area (CMA), between 2020 and 2021, by province or territory.
Table summary
This table displays the results of Violations contributing to the change in the Crime Severity Index (CSI). The information is grouped by Census metropolitan area (CMA) (appearing as row headers), Percent change in Crime Severity Index from 2020 to 2021 and Violations driving the change in Crime Severity Index (appearing as column headers).
Census metropolitan area (CMA)Appendix DNote1Appendix DNote2Appendix DNote3 Percent change in Crime Severity Index from 2020 to 2021 Violations driving the change in Crime Severity Index
Canada Note0svalue rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded Decrease in breaking and entering, as well as theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle); offset by increase in sexual assault (level 1).
St. John's 6 Increase in homicide, shoplifting of $5,000 or under and robbery; partially offset be decrease in mischief and theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle).
Halifax 6 Increase in shoplifting of $5,000 or under,Appendix DNote6 as well as homicide, breaking and entering, violent firearms offences and attempted murder; partially offset by decrease in theft of $5,000 or under.
Moncton 9 Increase in breaking and entering, as well as sexual assault (level 1); partially offset by decrease in fraud and identity theft.
Saint John -2 Decrease in robbery; partially offset by increase in theft of $5,000 or under and child p*rnography.
Saguenay 14 Increase in sexual violations against children, as well as fraud; partially offset by decrease in breaking and entering.
Québec 2 Increase in identity fraud and sexual assault (level 1); partially offset by decrease in breaking and entering.
Sherbrooke 6 Increase in fraud and identity fraud.
Trois-Rivières 6 Increase in sexual assault (level 1) and fraud; partially offset by decrease in homicide.
Montréal 6 Increase in sexual assault (level 1) and theft of motor vehicle; partially offset by decrease in breaking and entering.
GatineauAppendix DNote4 -4 Decrease in homicide and breaking and entering, as well as robbery; partially offset by increase in sexual assault (level 1).
OttawaAppendix DNote5 4 Increase in violent firearms offences, homicide and shoplifting of $5,000 or under; partially offset by decrease in identity fraud, breaking and entering and robbery.
Kingston 3 Increase fraud.
Belleville 8 Increase in administration of justice violations, as well as breaking and entering and fraud; partially offset by decrease in child p*rnography.
Peterborough 4 Increase in breaking and entering, as well as sexual assault (level 1); partially offset by decrease in fraud.
Toronto -2 Decrease in breaking and entering and robbery.
Hamilton 2 Increase in fraud and sexual assault (level 1); partially offset by decrease in violent firearms offences.
St. Catharines–Niagara 6 Increase in fraud, as well as breaking and entering; partially offset by decrease in importation or exportation under the Cannabis Act and child p*rnography.
Kitchener–Cambridge–Waterloo 6 Increase in breaking and entering and theft over $5,000 (non-motor vehicle); partially offset by decrease in homicide.
Brantford -7 Decrease in breaking and entering, robbery, and trafficking, production, importation or exportation of cocaine and heroin.
Guelph -8 Decrease in homicide, fraud, theft of $5,000 or under, and robbery; partially offset by increase in shoplifting of $5,000 or under.
London 7 Increase in shoplifting of $5,000 or under, homicide, and robbery; partially offset by decrease in theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle) and fraud.
Windsor 6 Increase in homicide, as well as shoplifting of $5,000 or under; partially offset by decrease in violent firearms offences.
Barrie 2 Increase in breaking and entering.
Greater Sudbury -4 Decrease in breaking and entering, as well as fraud, identity fraud; partially offset by increase in sexual assault (level 1).
Thunder Bay 7 Increase in robbery, human trafficking under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, sexual assault (level 1), trafficking, production, importation or exportation of cocaine, and sexual violations against children; partially offset by decrease in homicide and theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle).
Winnipeg -3 Decrease in shoplifting of $5,000 or under and mischief; partially offset by increase in homicide.
Regina 6 Increase in breaking and entering and homicide; partially offset by decrease in attempted murder.
Saskatoon Note0svalue rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded Increase in sexual violations against children, theft over $5,000 (non-motor vehicle) and robbery; offset by decrease in homicide.
Lethbridge -7 Decrease in theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle), as well as breaking and entering, other Criminal Code traffic violations, and possession of stolen property; partially offset by increase in assault (level 2).
Calgary -9 Decrease in breaking and entering, as well as theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle), and homicide; partially offset by increase in robbery and administration of justice violations.
Edmonton -8 Decrease in breaking and entering, as well as robbery, theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle), and shoplifting of $5,000 or under; partially offset by increase in sexual assault (level 1).
Kelowna 6 Increase in child p*rnography, shoplifting of $5,000 or under, mischief and fraud; partially offset by decrease in trafficking, production, importation or exportation of methamphetamine, and identity fraud.
Abbotsford–Mission 1 Increase in importation or exportation under the Cannabis Act, robbery and child p*rnography; partially offset by decrease in breaking and entering.
Vancouver -8 Decrease in breaking and entering, as well as theft of $5,000 or under; partially offset by increase in homicide.
Victoria -6 Decrease in breaking and entering and theft of $5,000 or under (non-motor vehicle); partially offset by increase in sexual assault (level 1).
0s value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded

A census metropolitan area (CMA) consists of one or more neighbouring municipalities situated around a major urban core. A CMA must have a total population of at least 100,000 of which 50,000 or more live in the urban core. To be included in the CMA, other adjacent municipalities must have a high degree of integration with the central urban area, as measured by commuting flows derived from census data. A CMA typically comprises more than one police service.

Return to note1 referrer


CMA populations have been adjusted to follow policing boundaries.

Return to note2 referrer


The Oshawa CMA is excluded from this table due to the incongruity between the police service jurisdictional boundaries and the CMA boundaries.

Return to note3 referrer


Gatineau refers to the Quebec part of the Ottawa–Gatineau CMA.

Return to note4 referrer


Ottawa refers to the Ontario part of the Ottawa–Gatineau CMA.

Return to note5 referrer


The marked increase observed in 2021 for shoplifting under $5,000 violations for Halifax is due in part to a change in classification for some incidents involving retail theft. These incidents were previously reported as theft of $5,000 or under. Starting in mid-2021, they began reporting these as shoplifting under $5,000.

Return to note6 referrer

Note: Violations driving the change in the Crime Severity Index (CSI) are identified, in order of impact, as those violations where the combined changes in the rates (weighted by the CSI weight) contribute substantially to the overall change in the CSI (up or down). Where large changes in other violations serve to reduce or offset the net change in the CSI, these are noted.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Appendix E – Trends in the police-reported Crime Severity Index, provincesand territories, Canada, 1998 to 2021.

Chart E1 start

Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (13)

Data table for Chart E1 
Data table for chart e1
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart e1. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Canada, calculated using Crime Severity Index units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Year Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Canada
Crime Severity Index
1998 76.4 73.3 105.4 90.0 118.8
1999 69.2 79.0 104.6 90.0 111.2
2000 70.1 76.3 95.3 84.8 106.7
2001 69.1 75.4 92.5 83.4 105.3
2002 71.4 85.2 93.9 84.6 104.1
2003 74.4 91.0 101.4 87.8 106.8
2004 79.3 81.9 106.7 87.9 104.1
2005 78.5 76.8 102.1 79.5 101.3
2006 73.1 71.8 101.1 74.2 100.0
2007 75.3 64.1 91.9 70.8 95.3
2008 71.1 68.7 84.2 71.8 90.6
2009 71.5 66.4 84.0 70.7 87.8
2010 78.7 66.4 83.6 69.2 82.9
2011 71.9 67.3 79.5 66.2 77.6
2012 68.0 73.6 76.9 68.0 75.5
2013 68.5 65.3 70.1 60.0 68.9
2014 62.4 55.8 66.8 56.0 66.9
2015 65.8 50.6 63.3 62.4 70.4
2016 69.6 49.3 62.3 61.6 72.0
2017 63.5 45.9 66.3 68.8 73.6
2018 64.9 54.2 65.6 73.0 75.6
2019 71.9 64.3 66.4 80.2 79.8
2020 69.6 57.2 72.2 83.4 73.9
2021 75.5 57.0 71.6 88.5 73.7
Note: The Crime Severity Index is based on Criminal Code incidents, including traffic offences, as well as other federal statute violations. The base index was set at 100 for 2006 for Canada. Populations are based upon July 1st estimates from Statistics Canada, Centre for Demography.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Chart E1 end

Chart E2 start

Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (14)

Data table for Chart E2 
Data table for chart e2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart e2. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia and Canada, calculated using Crime Severity Index units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Year Quebec Ontario British Columbia Canada
Crime Severity Index
1998 112.7 100.7 166.9 118.8
1999 104.3 92.3 155.8 111.2
2000 101.8 89.0 144.7 106.7
2001 96.6 86.5 146.6 105.3
2002 93.5 84.5 148.1 104.1
2003 92.9 83.2 154.7 106.8
2004 90.3 78.2 153.4 104.1
2005 89.9 77.0 146.3 101.3
2006 91.0 78.6 139.8 100.0
2007 84.7 74.5 132.4 95.3
2008 83.0 70.9 121.8 90.6
2009 81.5 69.3 111.9 87.8
2010 76.0 65.6 104.1 82.9
2011 73.4 61.2 96.7 77.6
2012 70.7 59.0 94.5 75.5
2013 62.7 52.6 87.7 68.9
2014 57.7 49.9 90.2 66.9
2015 57.0 51.1 92.7 70.4
2016 56.6 53.3 91.7 72.0
2017 57.8 56.4 87.1 73.6
2018 56.5 60.4 88.8 75.6
2019 55.8 61.0 104.3 79.8
2020 51.6 55.5 97.4 73.9
2021 54.3 56.2 92.9 73.7
Note: The Crime Severity Index is based on Criminal Code incidents, including traffic offences, as well as other federal statute violations. The base index was set at 100 for 2006 for Canada. Populations are based upon July 1st estimates from Statistics Canada, Centre for Demography.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Chart E2 end

Chart E3 start

Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (15)

Data table for Chart E3 
Data table for chart e3
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart e3. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and Canada, calculated using Crime Severity Index units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Year Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta Canada
Crime Severity Index
1998 154.5 176.2 122.5 118.8
1999 152.6 167.3 118.8 111.2
2000 149.5 169.4 111.3 106.7
2001 152.5 176.4 114.8 105.3
2002 148.3 175.7 116.3 104.1
2003 161.3 199.5 124.8 106.8
2004 163.3 192.3 124.1 104.1
2005 156.7 181.3 121.9 101.3
2006 155.9 170.5 115.6 100.0
2007 150.8 164.7 114.4 95.3
2008 129.9 152.5 112.0 90.6
2009 137.7 149.5 105.6 87.8
2010 127.3 148.2 98.2 82.9
2011 116.0 143.6 87.5 77.6
2012 114.5 138.8 86.1 75.5
2013 100.7 126.5 85.3 68.9
2014 96.7 125.0 87.6 66.9
2015 106.3 138.3 104.5 70.4
2016 115.4 151.4 106.0 72.0
2017 119.0 143.2 112.1 73.6
2018 126.2 140.7 113.7 75.6
2019 139.7 149.6 120.1 79.8
2020 125.8 142.6 108.7 73.9
2021 126.9 146.8 101.4 73.7
Note: The Crime Severity Index is based on Criminal Code incidents, including traffic offences, as well as other federal statute violations. The base index was set at 100 for 2006 for Canada. Populations are based upon July 1st estimates from Statistics Canada, Centre for Demography.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Chart E3 end

Chart E4 start

Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (16)

Data table for Chart E4 
Data table for chart e4
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart e4. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Canada, calculated using Crime Severity Index units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Year Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut Canada
Crime Severity Index
1998 226.2 267.5 Note...: not applicable 118.8
1999 230.4 255.4 218.8 111.2
2000 267.7 251.9 250.3 106.7
2001 248.8 260.4 288.9 105.3
2002 263.9 297.2 318.5 104.1
2003 258.7 339.4 360.8 106.8
2004 245.4 353.3 372.1 104.1
2005 199.4 343.3 327.1 101.3
2006 180.4 316.0 279.9 100.0
2007 186.3 335.8 316.0 95.3
2008 182.8 342.9 326.5 90.6
2009 180.9 326.2 332.9 87.8
2010 171.0 348.1 343.1 82.9
2011 154.7 342.0 315.1 77.6
2012 156.0 338.1 318.2 75.5
2013 169.4 315.0 286.0 68.9
2014 187.3 290.2 283.7 66.9
2015 183.0 321.9 275.2 70.4
2016 185.9 297.4 294.9 72.0
2017 183.9 309.5 300.5 73.6
2018 172.1 325.3 325.5 75.6
2019 212.7 389.0 371.8 79.8
2020 214.7 414.1 378.0 73.9
2021 213.3 391.3 384.1 73.7
... not applicable
Note: The Crime Severity Index is based on Criminal Code incidents, including traffic offences, as well as other federal statute violations. The base index was set at 100 for 2006 for Canada. Data for 1998 in this chart for Northwest Territories also include Nunavut. In 1999, Nunavut, which comprises the eastern part of the old Northwest Territories, officially became a Canadian territory. Starting in 1999, data are displayed separately for the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Populations are based upon July 1st estimates from Statistics Canada, Centre for Demography.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Chart E4 end

Appendix F – Police-reported Crime Severity Index and Violent CrimeSeverity Index, by census metropolitan area, 2021.

Chart F5 start

Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (17)

Data table for Chart F5 
Data table for chart f5
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart f5. The information is grouped by Census metropolitan area (CMA) (appearing as row headers), Crime Severity Index (appearing as column headers).
Census metropolitan area (CMA)Data table for chart f5Note1 Data table for chart f5Note2 Data table for chart f5Note3 Crime Severity Index
Canada 73.7
St. John’s 67.9
Halifax 65.7
Moncton 113.4
Saint John 51.1
Saguenay 50.0
Québec 42.6
Sherbrooke 50.9
Trois-Rivières 50.6
Montréal 55.9
GatineauData table for chart f5Note4 49.6
OttawaData table for chart f5Note5 49.3
Kingston 72.8
Belleville 69.3
Peterborough 64.8
Toronto 45.5
Hamilton 56.9
St. Catharines–Niagara 62.1
Kitchener–Cambridge–Waterloo 79.4
Brantford 75.7
Guelph 58.2
London 80.1
Windsor 74.8
Barrie 45.9
GreaterSudbury 84.4
Thunder Bay 101.3
Winnipeg 113.6
Regina 110.9
Saskatoon 106.0
Lethbridge 128.7
Calgary 72.3
Edmonton 97.5
Kelowna 122.3
Abbotsford–Mission 78.2
Vancouver 81.6
Victoria 71.5

A CMA consists of one or more neighbouring municipalities situated around a major urban core. A CMA must have a total population of at least 100,000 of which 50,000 or more live in the urban core. To be included in the CMA, other adjacent municipalities must have a high degree of integration with the central urban area, as measured by commuting flows derived from census data. A CMA typically comprises more than one police service.

Return to note1 referrer


CMA populations have been adjusted to follow policing boundaries.

Return to note2 referrer


The Oshawa CMA is excluded from this chart due to the incongruity between the police service jurisdictional boundaries and the CMA boundaries.

Return to note3 referrer


Gatineau refers to the Quebec part of the Ottawa–Gatineau CMA.

Return to note4 referrer


Ottawa refers to the Ontario part of the Ottawa–Gatineau CMA.

Return to note5 referrer

Note: Police-reported statistics may be affected by differences in the way police services deal with offences. In some instances, police or municipalities might choose to deal with some offences using municipal bylaws or provincial provisions rather than Criminal Code provisions. The Crime Severity Index is based on Criminal Code incidents, including traffic offences, as well as other federal statute violations. The base index was set at 100 for 2006 for Canada. Populations are based upon July 1st estimates from Statistics Canada, Centre for Demography.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Chart F5 end

Chart F6 start

Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (18)

Data table for Chart F6 
Data table for chart f5
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart f5. The information is grouped by Census metropolitan area (CMA) (appearing as row headers), Crime Severity Index (appearing as column headers).
Census metropolitan area (CMA)Data table for chart f5Note1 Data table for chart f5Note2 Data table for chart f5Note3 Crime Severity Index
Canada 92.5
St. John’s 98.2
Halifax 91.7
Moncton 98.0
Saint John 53.8
Saguenay 81.6
Québec 59.7
Sherbrooke 73.9
Trois-Rivières 76.7
Montréal 82.0
GatineauData table for chart f5Note4 72.5
OttawaData table for chart f5Note5 62.3
Kingston 76.0
Belleville 83.8
Peterborough 84.4
Toronto 65.0
Hamilton 76.5
St. Catharines–Niagara 64.2
Kitchener–Cambridge–Waterloo 86.6
Brantford 87.3
Guelph 51.6
London 92.8
Windsor 72.1
Barrie 50.2
Greater Sudbury 127.2
Thunder Bay 176.3
Winnipeg 159.6
Regina 141.3
Saskatoon 121.4
Lethbridge 114.3
Calgary 82.7
Edmonton 110.0
Kelowna 110.8
Abbotsford–Mission 85.8
Vancouver 79.0
Victoria 82.4

A CMA consists of one or more neighbouring municipalities situated around a major urban core. A CMA must have a total population of at least 100,000 of which 50,000 or more live in the urban core. To be included in the CMA, other adjacent municipalities must have a high degree of integration with the central urban area, as measured by commuting flows derived from census data. A CMA typically comprises more than one police service.

Return to note1 referrer


CMA populations have been adjusted to follow policing boundaries.

Return to note2 referrer


The Oshawa CMA is excluded from this chart due to the incongruity between the police service jurisdictional boundaries and the CMA boundaries.

Return to note3 referrer


Gatineau refers to the Quebec part of the Ottawa–Gatineau CMA.

Return to note4 referrer


Ottawa refers to the Ontario part of the Ottawa–Gatineau CMA.

Return to note5 referrer

Note: Police-reported statistics may be affected by differences in the way police services deal with offences. In some instances, police or municipalities might choose to deal with some offences using municipal bylaws or provincial provisions rather than Criminal Code provisions. The Violent Crime Severity Index is based on Criminal Code incidents. The base index was set at 100 for 2006 for Canada. Populations are based upon July 1st estimates from Statistics Canada, Centre for Demography.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Chart F6 end

Key terminology and definitions

Incident (orOffence):Acriminal incident involves one or more related offences that are committedduring a single criminal event and have been reported to police. Where thereare multiple victims within a single criminal event, a separate aggregateincident is counted for each victim. For example, a single incident involvingan assault on three victims at the same time and location is counted in theaggregate statistics as three incidents of assault. For an incident to becounted in the crime statistics it must be recorded as “founded” as opposed to“unfounded.” Police services can report up to four violations for each incident,however, for both the traditional crime rate and theCSIare based onthe most serious violation in the criminal incident. For the purposes of thisarticle, offence and incident are used interchangeably.

Most seriousviolation:Individualsaccused of crime are categorized by the most serious violation occurring in thepolice-reported incident in which they are accused. In incidents with multipleaccused involving multiple violations, each individual in the incident will becoded with the most serious violation even if this was not the violation(s)that the person was accused of committing. It is therefore possible that themost serious violation is not the offence for which an individual was accused,but one committed by another accused in the incident. Moreover, in this type ofincident, any charges against the accused may be for less serious offences inthe incident.

Founded:An incident is“founded” if, after police investigation it has been determined that thereported offence did occur or was attempted (even if the charged/suspectchargeable (CSC) [i.e., the accused] is unknown) or there is no credibleevidence to confirm that the reported incidentdid nottake place. This includesthird-party reports that fit these criteria. For the Uniform Crime ReportingSurvey, the concept of a CSC refers to a person against whom there is enoughevidence for police to either lay a charge or recommend to the Crown that acharge be laid. Effective January 1, 2018.

Unfounded:An incident is“unfounded” if it has been determined through police investigation that theoffence reported did not occur, nor was it attempted. Effective January 1,2018.

Censusmetropolitan area (CMA) and census agglomeration (CA): A CMA or CA is formedby one or more adjacent municipalities centred on a population centre (known asthe core). A CMA must have a total population of at least 100,000, of which50,000 or more must live in the core. A CA must have a core population of atleast 10,000. To be included in the CMA or CA, adjacent municipalities musthave a high degree of integration with the core, as measured by commuting flowsderived from census data. A CMA or CA may have more than one police service. It is important to note that while official police-reported data on crime from the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Survey use Statistics Canada's standard Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) names, the boundaries for the policing-based CMAs do not always fully align with the standard CMA geographic units used for disseminating information about the Census of Population.

Rural andsmall town area:Rural police services serve a territory where the majority of the populationlives outside a CMA or CA. While small towns that do not qualify as CAs areincluded in this category, the term “rural area” will be used for the sake ofbrevity. Police services are classified “rural” or “urban” based on themajority of the population they serve, rather than on the exact place ofresidence of each Canadian. Consequently, urban residents can be served by apolice service classified as “rural,” and vice versa. In the interest ofconciseness, the terms “rural” (or “rural area”) and “urban” (or “urban area”)are used to designate areas or populations based on the classification of thepolice services that serve them. The definitions of “rural” and “urban” in thisreport may differ from those used in other Statistics Canada reports.

Urban: Urban police servicesserve an area where the majority of the population lives within a CMA or CA.

Violent offences:Involve the use orthreat of violence against a person, including homicide, attempted murder,assault, sexual assault and robbery. Robbery is considered a violent offencebecause, unlike other theft offences, it involves the use or threat ofviolence. SeeTable 3fora list of selected offences in this category.

Homicide:Includes first andsecond degree murder, manslaughter and infanticide. Deaths caused by criminalnegligence, suicide and accidental or justifiable homicide are not included inthis classification.

Gang-relatedhomicide:Ahomicide is classified as gang-related when police confirm or suspect that theaccused person and/or victim involved in the homicide was either a member, or aprospective member, of an organized crime group or street gang or was somehowassociated with an organized crime group or street gang, and the homicide wascarried out as a result of this association. Prior to 2005, police were askedif the homicide was "gang-related". Beginning in 2005, the questionwas amended to give police the option of specifying whether the homicide was:(a) confirmed as gang-related or (b) suspected as being gang-related.

Firearm-relatedviolent crime:Firearm-relatedviolent crime shows the number of victims of violentCriminal Codeoffenceswhere a firearm was fired or used as a threat, and/or where a firearm waspresent and not used but the presence of the firearm was relevant to theincident, according to the police.

Firearm-relatedhomicide:Ahomicide is classified as firearm-related when the weapon used to cause deathis a firearm. Firearms include handguns, rifles or shotguns, fully automaticfirearms, firearm-like weapons (e.g. nail guns or pellet guns) and firearms -type unknown.

Assault (physical):Refers totheCriminal Codecategoriesof physical assault.

  • Commonassault:IncludestheCriminal Codecategoryassault (level 1) which includes pushing, slapping, punching and face-to-faceverbal threats.
  • Majorassault:IncludesCriminal Codeassaultlevel 2 and 3:
    • Level2–assault with a weapon or causing bodily harm:Involves carrying,using or threatening to use a weapon against a person or causing someone bodilyharm.
    • Level3–aggravated assault:Involves wounding, maiming, disfiguring orendangering the life of a person.
  • Otherassaults:Includesother forms of physical assault, including assault against a peace officer,unlawfully causing bodily harm, discharging a firearm with intent, using afirearm or an imitation of a firearm in commission of offence, pointing afirearm, criminal negligence causing bodily harm, trap likely to or causingbodily harm, and less common other assaults “of hoax terrorism causing bodilyharm (Criminal Codes.83),” “bodily harm resulting from failure to safeguard an opening in ice or onland (s. 263)” and “otherwise unlawfully causing bodily harm (s. 269).”

Sexual assault:Is classified bylevel in theCriminalCodeinto three separate categories—depending on the natureand severity of the incident—including level 1, assault of a sexual nature thatviolates the sexual integrity of the victim; level 2, sexual assault with aweapon or causing bodily harm involves sexual assault with a weapon, threats touse a weapon or causing bodily harm; and level 3, aggravated sexual assaultinvolves sexual assault that wounds, maims, disfigures or endangers the life ofthe victim.

Sexual violationsagainst children:IncludeCriminal Codeviolationsthat specifically concern offences involving child and youth victims. Theseinclude sexual interference, invitation to sexual touching, sexualexploitation, making sexually explicit material available to children for thepurpose of facilitating sexual offences against children/youth, luring a childvia telecommunications or the agreement/arrangement by means oftelecommunication to commit a sexual offence against a child. As of December2014, also includes the offences of parent or guardian procuring sexualactivity (Criminal Code,s. 170) and householder permitting prohibited sexual activity (Criminal Code, s. 171). A“householder” is any “owner, occupier or manager of premises, or any otherperson who has control of premises or assists in the management or control ofpremises” (Criminal Code,s.171). Incidents of child p*rnography are not included in the category of sexualviolations against children. Excludes incidents of sexual assault level 1, 2and 3 against children and youth which are counted within those three violationcategories.

Other sexualoffences:notinvolving sexual assault or sexual violations against children are includedwith “other violent offences.”

Non-violentoffences: Includeproperty offences and otherCriminalCodeoffences, as well asCriminal Codetraffic offences,drug-related offences and violations of other federal statutes.

Property offences:Involve unlawfulacts to gain property, but do not involve the use or threat of violence againstthe person. They include offences such as break and enter, theft and mischief.SeeTable 3for a list of selected offences in thiscategory.

Fraud, IdentityTheft and Identity Fraud: Broadly, fraud is an offence by which a person defraudsthe public or any person of any property, money or valuable security or service(Criminal Code s. 380). Identity theft is an offence by which a personobtains or possesses another person’s identity information with intent to useit to commit an indictable offence (s. 402.2). Identity fraud is an offence bywhich a person fraudulently personates another person, with intent to gainadvantage, property, cause disadvantage or to avoid arrest or prosecution or toobstruct justice (s. 403).

“Other” Criminal Codeoffences: Include crimes such asdisturbing the peace and offences against the administration of justice (e.g.,failure to comply with an order, failure to appear and breach of probation).

Drug-relatedoffences:Includeoffences under theControlledDrugs and Substances Actsuch as possession, trafficking,production, importation and exportation of drugs or narcotics. Examples includecannabis (prior to the enactment of theCannabisActon October17, 2018), cocaine, heroin and other drugs such as methamphetamine (crystalmeth), PCP, LSD and ecstasy. Also includes cannabis-related offences undertheCannabis Act,and beginning in November 2017, violations specific to opioids (excludingheroin but including fentanyl).

Other federal statuteviolations:Includeviolations of federal statutes other than theCriminal Codeand theControlled Drugs and Substances Act.These include violations of theYouthCriminal Justice Act.

Detailed data tables

Table1 Police-reported Crime Severity Indexes, Canada, 2011 to 2021

Table2 Police-reported crime rate, Canada, 2011 to 2021

Table3 Police-reported crime for selected offences, Canada, 2020 and 2021

Table4 Police-reported Crime Severity Indexes, by province or territory, 2021

Table5 Police-reported crime for selected offences, by province or territory, 2021

Table6 Police-reported crime and proportion deemed unfounded, selected offences, Canada, 2019 to 2021

Table7 Police-reported crime for selected offences, by census metropolitan area, 2021

Table8 Police-reported crime for selected drug offences, by province or territory, 2021

Table9 Police-reported crime for selected drug offences, Canada, 2020 and 2021

Table10 Police-reported youth crime for selected offences, Canada, 2020 and 2021

Table11 Youth accused of police-reported crime, Canada, 2011 to 2021

Table12 Police-reported youth Crime Severity Indexes, Canada, 2011 to 2021

Table13 Police-reported youth Crime Severity Indexes, by province or territory, 2021

Table14 Police-reported crime rate, by province or territory, 2021

Table15 Police-reported Crime Severity Indexes, by census metropolitan area, 2021

Table16 Police-reported crime rate, by census metropolitan area, 2021

Survey description

Uniform Crime Reporting Survey

The UniformCrime Reporting (UCR) Survey was established in 1962 with the co-operation andassistance of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police.TheUCRwas designed to measure criminal incidents that have beenreported to federal, provincial/territorial and municipal police services in Canada.

One incidentcan involve multiple offences. In order to ensure comparability, countspresented in this article are based on the most serious offence in the incidentas determined by a standard classification rule used by all police services.Counts based on all violations are available upon request.

Each year,theUCRdatabase is “frozen” at the end of May for the production ofcrime statistics for the preceding calendar year. However, police servicescontinue to send updated data to Statistics Canada after this date forincidents that occurred in previous years. Generally, these revisionsconstitute new accused records, as incidents are solvedand accused persons are identified by police. Some new incidents, however, maybe added and previously reported incidents may be deleted as new informationbecomes known.

Revisionsare accepted for a one-year period after the data are initially released. Forexample, when the 2021 crime statistics are released, the 2020 data are updatedwith any revisions that have been made between May 2021 and May 2022. The dataare revised only once and are then permanently frozen. Over the past 10 years(2012 to 2021), data corresponding to previous years have been revised upward9 times and revised downward 1 time, with an average annual revision of0.33%. The 2020 revision to counts of persons charged and youth not chargedresulted in a 0.8% increase to 2020 counts.

Measuring incidents of crime

Data fromtheUCRare used to calculate both the traditional crime rate and theCrime Severity Index (CSI). The traditional crime rate andtheCSIare based on the aggregate count of criminal incidents. Acriminal incident involves one or more related offences that are committedduring a single criminal event and have been reported to police. Where thereare multiple victims within a single criminal event, a separate aggregateincident is counted for each victim. For example, a single incident involvingan assault on three victims at the same time and location is counted in theaggregate statistics as three incidents of assault. For an incident to becounted in the crime statistics it must be recorded as “founded” as opposed to“unfounded.” An incident is “founded” if, after police investigation it hasbeen determined that the reported offence did occur or was attempted or thereis no credible evidence to confirm that the reported incident did not takeplace. This includes third-party reports that fit these criteria.

Police servicescan report up to four violations for each incident; however, this has typicallyonly been the practice since the late 1980s and not for all police services.Therefore, both the traditional crime rate and theCSIare based onthe most serious violation in the criminal incident. By basing the measures onthe most serious offence in an incident, it allows for historical comparisons,as well as better comparisons among police services.

It is possible,however, that by counting only the most serious violation, some offences may beunder-represented. This has little or no effect on serious violent offencessuch as homicide, sexual assault and aggravated assault; however, some—but notall—minor offences are less likely to be the most serious violation when theyare occurring at the same time as other more serious violations. Thesesecondary offences, therefore, are not included in the calculation of aggregatestatistics, the crime rate and theCSI.

To publish themost timely police-reported crime statistics, this article relies on aggregatedata (totals), which are the first crime data available each calendar year.More detailed data on the characteristics of incidents, victims and accusedpersons will be available following the release of this article, and data willbe accessible for custom requests or possible inclusion in future editionsofJuristat.

For moreinformation on counting crime in Canada, seeMeasuring Crime in Canada: Introducing the Crime SeverityIndex and Improvements to the Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (Wallace et al. 2009),The Methodology of the Police-reportedCrime Severity Index(Babyak et al. 2009), andUpdating the Police-Reported CrimeSeverity Index: Calculating 2018 Weights (Cormack and Tabuchi 2020).

Crime rate

The traditionalcrime rate has been used to measure police-reported crime in Canada since 1962,and it is generally expressed as a rate per 100,000 population. The crime rateis calculated by summing allCriminalCodeincidents reported by the police and dividing by thepopulation count. The crime rate excludesCriminal Codetraffic violations, as wellas other federal statute violations such as drug offences.

To calculatethe traditional police-reported crime rate, all offences are counted equally,regardless of their severity. For example, one incident of homicide is countedas equivalent to one incident of theft. As such, one limitation of thetraditional crime rate is that it can easily fluctuate as a result ofvariations in higher volume but less serious offences, such as theft of $5,000or under and mischief. In other words, a large decline in common but lessserious violations may cause the police-reported crime rate to decrease evenwhen the number of more serious but lower volume offences, such as homicide androbbery, increased.

In addition tothe overall crime rate, rates are calculated for violent crime, property crimeand otherCriminal Codeoffences.Further, the rates of youth who have either been charged by police or dealtwith through the use of extrajudicial measures are available for all crimecategories.

Crime Severity Index

TheCSIwasdeveloped to address the limitation of the police-reported crime rate beingdriven by high-volume, but relatively less serious, offences.TheCSInot only takes into account the volume of crime, but also therelative severity of crime. As such, theCSIwill vary when changesin either the volume of crime or the average severity of crime—or both thevolume and the average severity—are recorded.

In order tocalculate the police-reportedCSI, each violation is assigned aweight.CSIweights are based on the violation’s incarceration rate,as well as the average length of prison sentence handed down by criminalcourts.Note Themore serious the average sentence, the higher the weight assigned to theoffence, meaning that the more serious offences have a greater impact ontheCSI. Unlike the traditional crime rate, all offences, includingCriminal Codetrafficviolations and other federal statute violations such as drug offences, areincluded in theCSI.

To calculatetheCSI, the weighted offences are summed and then divided by thepopulation. Similar to other indexes (e.g., Consumer Price Index), to allow forease of comparison, theCSIis then standardized to a base year of“100” (for theCSI, the base year is 2006). AllCSIvalues arerelative to the Canada-levelCSIfor 2006.CSIvalues areavailable back to 1998.

In addition tothe overallCSI, both a ViolentCSI(VCSI) and aNon-violentCSI(NVCSI) have been created, which—like theoverallCSI—are available back to 1998. TheVCSIis comprised ofall police-reported violent violations, and theNVCSIis comprised ofall police-reported property violations, otherCriminal Codeviolations, Criminal Codetrafficviolations, and other federal statute violations. All typesofCSImeasures are also available for youth who have been accused ofa crime (charged and not charged).

To adjust tochanges in sentencing patterns from the courts, and amendments to theCriminal Codeand otherfederal statutes, the weights are updated every five years. The most recentupdate was carried out in 2018 and applies to 2019 revised and 2020 datapresented in this article.

For moreinformation on theCSI, seeMeasuringCrime in Canada: Introducing the Crime Severity Index and Improvements to theUniform Crime Reporting Survey (Wallace et al. 2009), The Methodology of the Police-reportedCrime Severity Index(Babyak et al. 2009), Updating the Police-Reported CrimeSeverity Index Weights: Refinements to the Methodology (Babyak et al. 2013), Updating the Police-Reported CrimeSeverity Index: Calculating 2018 Weights (Cormack and Tabuchi 2020),and theMeasuring Crimein Canada: A detailed look at the Crime Severity Indexvideo (Statistics Canada 2016).


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Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2021 (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.