Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (2024)

Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (2)

Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (3)

Are you having “post-Praxis II anxiety?” Sometimes the worst post-test-jitters comeafter test day, as you wait for your official Praxis II scores.

Have no fear, gentle readers. I’m here to alleviate a lot of your uncertainty.Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about Praxis II scores. I think you’ll find that these answers take away a lot of your post-exam uncertainty.

What is the difference between raw Praxis II scores, unofficial Praxis II scores, and official Praxis II scores?

When you take any Praxis exam, you’ll usually receive three different versions of your score: a raw score, an unofficial score, and an official score.Below, I’ll give you a definition of each of the three types of scores, with specific scoring examples from one of the Praxis Subject Assessment tests.

    This is the number of questions you answer correctly. Always think of your raw score as aratio; it’s the number of questions you got right out of the total number of questions on the test.
    The unofficial score is calculated on the Praxis II’s special scoring scale for a minimum of 100 points and a maximum of 200 points. Both unofficial and official Praxis II scores are scaled in this 100-200 point range.
    • Example:
      If you got a raw score of 92/130 on the Praxis II, 5081 (Social Studies Content Knowledge), your unofficial score would be 170.
    Your official score is the score that truly matters. This is the score that your state’s teacher licensing board will look at. Your official score will be issued anywhere from days to weeks after you take the Praxis II. (For details, see the post “When Do I Get My Praxis Exam Results?“) Very often, official Praxis II scores are exactly the same as unofficial Praxis II scores.However, sometimes official scores can be changed. When this happens, the adjustment seldom exceeds 3 points.
    • Example:
      Continuing with my example from Praxis 5081, an unofficial score of 171 on the Praxis II for Social Studies would likely translate into an official score of 171 as well. If any adjustments are made, however, a 171 unofficial score would likely translate into an official score of between 168 and 174.

Wait, how do you convert a raw Praxis II score into an unofficial score?

If the “magic” of converting a raw score (such as 92/130) into a scaled score (such as 171) seems mysterious to you, you’re not alone. Here at Magoosh Praxis, we get student questions about raw-to-scaled score conversion all the time.

Don’t worry, though–the math for changing a raw score ratio into a 100-200 point unofficial scaled scoreis surprisingly simple. Ready to have your mind blown? Here’s the two-step process:

    • Step 1:Turn the ratio of your Praxis II raw score into a percentage.
      Example:The Praxis 5081 raw score I described above is 92/130. 92/130 = 0.707, which is like 70.7%. This rounds up to 71%.
    • Step 2: Add 100 to your percentage number to get your scaled unofficial score.
      Example:If you get 71% of your answers correct on the Praxis 5081 (or any Praxis exam), 71+100 = 171 So 171 is your unofficial scaled score.

How are adjustments to official Praxis II scores calculated?

There are two different reasons your official Praxis II score might be adjusted from your unofficial one.

First, a small handful of Praxis II exams have scores that are adjusted for relative difficulty. What does this mean? Well, every test-taker gets a different mix of questions; there are no two identical versions of the same Praxis II exam. You may get a mix of questions that’s harder than average or easier than average. If your questions were unusually hard, you may get a few points added to your score, to compensate for this. And if your questions were unusually easy, your score could be adjusted downward a little bit. (But again, downward adjustments are rare.)

Your official score will also be adjusted if certain questions are worth more than just one point.Usually, Praxis II questions all have the same point value. However, you will occasionally see Praxis II questions that are weighted more heavily.

Sometimes questions are worth extra points because you need to select more than one answer. At other times, questions are given extra value for less obvious reasons. For instance, a multiple choice question may test your knowledge in two or three important principles instead of just one.

Will I always get to see my raw and unofficial Praxis II scores on test day?

Sadly, the answer to this question is “no.” Compared to other ETS exams, the Praxis is maddeningly inconsistent about their unofficial score reports.

The “standard” is that you’ll get to see both your raw and unofficial scores in the test center, right after you take the Praxis II. However, the Praxis doesn’t guarantee you’ll get to see this. If the computers in the exam center are slow or glitchy on the day you take the test, you might only see your raw Praxis II score or only your official Praxis II score. In some cases, you won’t be shown any score at all! (That’s not common, but I have heard of it happening.)

In addition, you’ll see only apartial raw score and no unofficial score if you take a Praxis II exam that includesconstructedresponses(essays and short written answers).Constructed-response scoring is done by actual human scorers after your test day.For tests with this response type, you won’tsee complete score information until you actually get your official score report.


268 responses to “Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know”

  1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (9)


    How many questions do I need to get right to receive the passing score of 157 for the Praxis II exam (5624)?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (10)

      David Recine

      Praxis 5624 (Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades 7-12) is a tricky case. This is because 5624, like all of the exams in the Praxis PLT series, includes 4 questions that are “constructed response.” These constructed response questions– short essay question in this case– are not immediately graded. And you don’t “get them right” per se. Instead, the questions are scored based on their quality.

      So it’s hard to tell exactly how many multiple choice questions you need to get a 157, given that your score also depends on your short essay ratings.

      That being said, I can tell you how many multiple choice questions you need to get right in order to average a 157 in the multiple choice (AKA selected response) portion of your Praxis PLT 7-12 exam. You’d need to get at least 40 questions right to get the equivalent of 157 on that part of the PLT, since 40/70 = 57%.


      1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (11)


        Hi David,
        I took the physics content today. I made a 150 unofficial score is there a real possibility for it to be scales up? I need a 152 for a pass for my situation.


        1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (12)

          Magoosh Test Prep Expert

          Hi Annie!

          I’m so sorry to hear about this – I know it’s stressful and disheartening to see an unofficial score that is so close to the passing score! I can’t say for certain that your score will change, but it is possible for scores to change a few points between the unofficial and official score. Sometimes, the Praxis makes some adjustments for the official score. When they do change, they almost always increase. Unfortunately, you’ll have to wait for the release of the official scores to know for sure… I wish you the best of luck!


          1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (13)


            Hi, I am taking the Spanish praxis soon and wondering how is the score calculated since it has the 3 constructive response plus 3 speaking response? It has 75 multiple choice questions which total a 64% of the test. Thank you

          2. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (14)

            David Recine

            Hi Jes. Great question! The particulars of predicting your score when constructed response is involved can be tricky. Because of this, I’ve actually written an entire post designed to help you predict your Praxis score when constructed response is involved. Look that over, and I think you’ll get to where you need to be But if you still have specific questions after reading that guide, post them here, and I can give you some additional assistance. 🙂

      2. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (15)


        I am taking the physics content tomorrow. What was your raw score and official score, if you don’t mind sharing?

        Thanks, and hope everything went well!


      3. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (16)



        What were your raw and official scores? Taking mine tomorrow!


      4. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (17)

        Ashley S

        Hey did your score go up? I made a 153 and need a 154 on my business praxis.


      5. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (18)

        Ana Lopez

        Hi Annie im in the same situation you were in can you state your outcome of your story. Than you


  2. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (19)

    denise mahanian


    I took the Praxis II (5025) Early Childhood education exam in N.J. today and failed by one point. The passing score is 156 and I recieved a 155. Is it possible they would scaled the score up one point? There were a few multiple choice questions with more than one answer.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (20)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Denise, I’m really sorry to hear about this! The unofficial score is almost always the same as your official score. In very rare circ*mstances, the unofficial score will change by a point or so. You’ll have to wait for the official scores to be sure. I’m wishing you the best of luck.


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (21)


    I got 40 out of 60 (66%) questions right on my 5155, but received a 160. The passing score is 164. Did they scale me down 6 points because the test was easy? Seemed like it wasprety hard to me.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (22)

      David Recine

      There are a number of reasons the score could have been scaled down on Praxis Pennsylvania Grades 4-8 Core Assessment: Mathematics and Science (5155). They definitely could have scaled it down 6 points if the questions you answered correctly were easier on average.

      However, it’s also possible that a number of your correct answers were experimental questions. These questions are newly created by Praxis and are put on the exam as an experiment to see how test takers do, but they don’t actually count toward your score. Unfortunately, there’s no way to tell if any questions on your exam are experimental, and not every exam will use experimental sections.

      On Praxis exams with math, it’s also common for certain math questions to be worth more points than other math questions. So if you missed a few higher-point-valued math questions, that could also account for the adjustment downward.


    2. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (23)

      I just took the Praxis 5155 and scored 41 points out of 60 and scored a 162-NOT 168!! I too, obviously need a 164. Can someone just tell me why this has happened?? I am desperate to pass this exam and now I can’t even get the score I have earned. I am at my wits end. How can they justify this? I scored 179 and 179 for Language Arts and S.S as well as for pedagogary on the first try. This was my second attempt with the math and science section.


      1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (24)

        Magoosh Test Prep Expert

        Hi Sally,

        I’m so sorry to hear that you didn’t reach your target score, and that your score was lower than our estimates. We provide this scoring method as a way to estimate scores, but unfortunately it does tend to over-simplify the actual Praxis scoring process. ETS adjusts it’s scores to take minor differences between different test versions into account. Your score may have been adjusted downwards for several reasons. The test may have been “easier” than normal (the test questions were easier than ‘normal’, so the score was adjusted downwards to account for this), or some of the questions you got correct could have been experimental questions, which means that they did not contribute to your score. I’m sorry that our score estimate did not work in this case; the ETS scoring process is a closely-held secret, and we provide these estimates to help students prepare for the test, but they aren’t perfect.


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (25)


    Could you please shed some light on Praxis 5362. I received a score right after the test. What is it? Are unofficial scores different than official scores?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (26)

      David Recine

      It’s your lucky day, Swapna. You’re asking about one of the three Praxis II tests I’ve personally taken. 🙂

      For any Praxis II test, including Praxis 5362, there are two kinds of scores you might see immediately at the very end of your test: a raw score or an unofficial score.

      The raw score for 5362 will not be higher than 120 points, because the raw score represents how many individual questions you answered correctly out of 100.

      Your unofficial score will not be less than 100 points, because unofficial scores are calculated on a 100-200 point scale, just like official scores.

      Because 5362 has more than 120 questions, if the score you saw was between 100 and 120 it might have been either a raw or unofficial score. But it was probably a raw score; an unofficial score of 100-120 would mean you only got between 0 and 20% of the answers right, and almost nobody does that poorly. (Especially not people who care enough about their exam to read this blog and ask Magoosh questions. 😉 )

      So this should hopefully allow you to make an educated guess as to what kind of score you saw on test day. (Bear in mind that sometimes you also get to see both your raw score and your unofficial score right after the test.)

      As for the difference between an unofficial score and an official one, sometimes there is no difference. Your official score may be exactly the same as your unofficial one. Or it may be adjusted by a few points, due tot he relative difficulty of certain questions you answered, or other factors.


      1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (27)


        Hi! I just got home from taking the 5362 test. On the screen I saw Score: 192* and then a list of the topics with number of questions I answered correctly. I didn’t think to write down the numbers but by reading this, I’ve come to the conclusion that 192 is my unofficial score and I can I unofficially celebrate as my state requires a 149 and it’s unlikely that score will change by such a margin. Am I understanding correctly?


        1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (28)

          Magoosh Test Prep Expert

          Hi Natalie,

          Celebrate away! Sounds like you did an amazing job on this. 🙂


          1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (29)

            Julie Whitecotton

            I am also freaking out about my score. I saw a score of 178 on my praxis 5362. I also did not look at the other scores on the page. My acceptable score is 155. Is this a good sign? Thanks

          2. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (30)

            Magoosh Test Prep Expert

            Hi Julie, It could be, if you saw the 178 correctly! Best of luck to you. 🙂

  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (31)


    Thank you so much for this article, it is SUPER helpful compared to the actual Praxis website.

    I am still a bit confused, or at least just in disbelief over here, and hopefully you can clear this up for me. So the 5941 (World and US History) is a 120 question test and has a passing score of 157 in Tennessee. Now by using the math you explained above, a 70/120 would equal .58, or 58%, and then adding 100 to that gives me 158, a passing score.

    Am I going crazy over here or is it ACTUALLY possible to pass this test even if I miss 50 (!!!!) questions?

    Thank you!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (32)

      David Recine

      It actually is possible to pass the test even if you miss 50 questions; the Praxis (and most other standardized tests from ETS) simply aren’t judged on the same scale as regular homework assignments or exams you might have had in school. That being said, there’s always a chance your score could be adjusted by a few points before the official score is issued. So I strongly recommend aiming higher than a 70. You’ll want at least a 75/120, and of course ideally you should aim for the highest score you can get.


    2. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (33)


      I attempted Praxis 5331 today. Criteria for certification is 162. But on screen I saw the score 161. My official report will be declared on 25th October. Can I expect any miracle for 1 mark?


      1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (34)

        Magoosh Test Prep Expert

        Hi Deepa,

        The official score differs from the unofficial score only in rare cases. Most likely, the official score will remain the same.Unfortunately, you will have to wait for your official results to learn more.


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (35)


    I take Praxis II Early Childhood Education (5025) on Tuesday. I am looking at Maryland’s passing score (156) and wondering if you could let me know the lowest number (I recognize the test must be scored by a professional, some q’s have more than one answer, etc.) I can get to pass? The test has 120 q’s. My friend and I are studying together and have taken several practice tests provided by ETS’ website – I got 90/120, she received an 83/120. These were our lowest scores and we just want to make sure we’re on the right track. THANK YOU!!!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (36)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Mari,

      We don’t have exactly a cutoff, but both of your scores would get 160+ by my estimation, so you are both on track to pass with above the 156! 🙂


      1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (37)

        Rena Anderson

        I need a 164 on the 5301 Reading Specialist test. There are 80 questions and 2 constructed response questions. The constructed response counts as 20% of the test.


        1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (38)

          Magoosh Test Prep Expert

          Hi Rena, the information in this blog post will help you to estimate your score.


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (39)

    Justin Garcia

    I just took the 5122 test and had a score of 140. Is that the official or raw score?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (40)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Justin,

      That looks like the unofficial score that will be similar to your official score.


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (41)


    On a praxis 2 subject specialty test, I got a 200 despite getting 9 questions wrong. I got roughly 91% of the questions correct. So it isn’t as simple as taking the percent and adding 100, the test I took is obviously more weighted than that and had at least 10 raw scores that would give you a perfect official scores. Excuse my annoniminity.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (42)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Anon,

      First of all, congrats on a perfect score!! You’re right–this method will only give you an estimated scaled score. ETS adjusts the scaled score based on the difficulty of each test in order to standardize scores across tests. You can read more about this process here. ETS does not release information regarding this process and how exactly it works, so there is an element of mystery to the whole scoring process. I’m honestly surprised to hear about such a discrepancy between the raw and scaled score in your case, but I guess that means you had a particularly hard Praxis test! Again, congrats on a perfect score 🙂


    2. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (43)

      Anon 2

      Yes, Anon. This formula is definitely oversimplified. I scored 200 on two different subject areas, nine years apart, and I did not have a perfect raw score either time. There’s definitely some kind of weighting or curving going on.


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (44)


    I just got back from taking the 5362. I was really shocked to see NS instead of an unofficial score at the conclusion of my all multiple choice test. My raw score was 93/120. Do you think the formula will still be more or less accurate for me – or is something wrong with my test?!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (45)

      David Recine

      The exam has 120 questions total, so your raw score should be accurate and convertible. 93/120 is 77.5%, so you can estimate your raw score at between 177 and 178. That’s a really good score by national standards and most state standards. Nice work! (And sadly, the Praxis can be a bit inconsistent about actually displaying the estimated scaled score at the end of the test.)


      1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (46)


        Just got my scores! 193

        Thanks for the reply. I’m so relieved


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (47)


    Hello! I just took the praxis 5362. At the end of the test it gave me my total points in each category. After calculating I got an 80. If following your steps correctly 80/120= 66%. 66+100= 166. I need a 155 to pass. Is it safe to say I passed?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (48)

      David Recine

      You got that formula right, Jen. 🙂 And yes, if your unofficial score is 11 points higher than the minimum, your official score will also be well over that 155 benchmark. Nice work!


      1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (49)


        Hi, Jen again. I am starting to second guess myself. The scores are released tomorrow or Saturday. On the screen it never told me my total score. It just gave me number after each section/category. I added the points in each section and got the 80. Can I assume that it is 80/120?


        1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (50)

          Anne Lacis

          Hi Jen Just took the Special Education core knowledge praxis and had the same message at the end of my test, no score and added up my own points. Did you assume correct? Did you pass?


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (51)


    I got 124 points on the screen. I need 130 for SC, in the Physics content. Do I pass?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (52)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Leo,

      You seem to have fallen just a little shy of the goal, but there is always a chance. Hold out hope, but also start making preparations to retake. Good luck! 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (53)


    I took the praxis 5362. My raw was 75. I need 155.
    Is the scale of error still in my favor?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (54)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Elizabeth,

      According to the Study Companion, there are 120 questions total on this test. This means that your scaled score is approximately 162 according to our method here. You’ll have to wait for your official score to know for sure, but it looks like you have a good chance of passing 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (55)


    Hi, I just took the praxis 5402 and at the end a total score of 172 popped up. My raw scores also were shown and all together equal 84. There were 140 questions and I need a 147 to pass. How on earth did they get 172 from that raw score? 84/140 is 60% so my score should be 160, no? I’m super confused…and anxious. Any help would be appreciated.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (56)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi DB,

      In either case, you pass–so try not to worry about this too much 😀 As we mention at the bottom of this blog post, this method is only an approximation, and it’s not uncommon for tests to adjust scores. In this case, it appears that your score was adjusted upward, which is great news!


    2. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (57)


      thanks for putting what your score was on here!

      I’ve been stressing about getting only 95 on my first try using the prep-exam and thought I was going to get a fail on the 5402. So hopefully, this means I wont fail or bomb it on Wednesday!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (58)

    Lori McNeill

    I got 95 out of 120 on the esol practice test. I was just wondering if that would be a passing score for Maryland (155). It is my understanding that my unofficial score would be a 179. Is this correct?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (59)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Lori,

      Yes, this is a good estimate of your score according to this method! In any case, your percent correct is well above 55%, so I think you are set 😀


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (60)

    Charmaigne Lloyd

    I do not understand how my raw score was higher than the number of questions on my Praxis 2 5005 Science test. If there are only 50 questions how can my raw score be in the 100’s. What does this mean? Please help.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (61)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Charmaigne,

      This is because there is a difference between your raw score and your scaled score. You can read about raw scores here. . Basically, a raw score is your percent correct–it’s the same score you are probably familiar with from every test you’ve ever taken in school. The Praxis (and most standardized tests) don’t report your raw score. Instead, they convert it into a scaled score. This process allows them to take different tests into account and make sure that their tests are standardized and valid. For the Praxis, the scaled score is always between 100 and 200. So, the Praxis takes your percent correct (# of correct questions/50, in your case) and converts it into a score between 100 and 200. This blog post provides some more explanation that might be helpful for you 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (62)



    Today I took the Professional School Counseling Praxis II..

    Required score is 156. My unofficial was 153. I didnt look at any other scores because I was so disappointed and everything just went blank.. Im literally sick to the stomach.

    Is it possible my official score could change?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (63)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi M.J.,

      I’m so sorry to hear about this–I know it’s stressful and disheartening to see an unofficial score that is so close to the passing score! I can’t say for certain that your score will change, but it is possible for scores to change a few points between the unofficial and official score. Sometimes, the Praxis makes some adjustments for the official score. When they do change, they almost always increase. Unfortunately, you’ll have to wait for the release of the official scores to know for sure…I wish you the best of luck!


    2. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (64)

      Hey MJ, I was wondering did you happen to pass your exam??? I have came into the same situation and was just wondering the results?


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (65)


    I am freaking out over my scores, just like everyone else.

    I just took the English 5038, which has 130 questions, separated into three categories. At the end of the test it gave me a score of 189, and then scores per category, 37, 27, and 30 respectively.

    And no matter how I add and divide this, I can not get the two to match.

    My added scores per category would be 94/130. Which would be an unofficial score of 172 if I do the formula the way explained above, although there were several questions which required two or three answers rather than one.

    But 172 is not even close to 189. Feeling very confused. Is it possible my unofficial score would actually be 189?

    Thanks for all the responses, this site has been VERY helpful!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (66)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi M.C.,

      If your unofficial score said 189, then that is the best estimate for your official score! Our method here is good for a general score range, but it looks like it didn’t work very well in this case 😀 What this really comes down to, however, is the passing score for your state–both 172 and 189 are likely passing scores in most states, so you shouldn’t worry too much about it 😀


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (67)


    I just took the technology education test 5051 for Maryland.
    At the end of the test it said my raw score was 150. I immediately felt a knot in the bottom of my stomach. There was only 120 questions on the test. Please help me to understand what I saw today.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (68)

      David Recine

      It looks like what you actually saw was an unofficial scaled score. Your unofficial scaled score is the percentage of correct answers you gave, plus 100. So a 150 indicates 60/120 correct answers. Your official scaled score will be the same or very similar. Sometimes official scaled scores are adjusted by a few points, compared to the unofficial scaled score. According to the Praxis website’s page for Maryland’s requirements, it looks like you need a 59%/159 for state licensure. So you’ll probably need to retake the test. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Although it is good you’ve already gotten into the 150s– you just need to get higher in that range the next time!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (69)

    I scored a 160 on the praxis 5018 today. I need a 163 to pass it. Is there any chance that my unofficial score may be three points higher? I’ve already signed up to retake but I’m still holding a tiny bit of hope.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (70)

      David Recine

      When Praxis scores are adjusted for the official score report, they’re usually adjusted by one to three points, up or down. So it’s absolutely possible that your score could be a 163 in the official test. But it is far from guaranteed. So you’re doing the right thing– holding some hope, while also preparing for the retake you may need. 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (71)

    Jennifer Floyd

    What is the percentage I need correct to pass the PRAXIS II English for Speakers of Other Languages? (5362) On the practice one I got from the ETS website, I got 77/120 or 66%. If I follow your directions, I got 164. I need only 149 to pass. Am I correct in thinking I passed? I will take this May 5th so I’m hoping yes.


    1. David Recine

      You’d actually probably get between a 163 and 169 with a 166, with 166 or higher being the most likely score. 😉 So a 66%, if you can do the same on test day, is a likely pass. I would still recommend shooting for just a little bit higher, though– even a 67%, a single 1% boost, would noticeably increase your already-good chances of passing.


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (73)


    I have my test in 3 days, I took a practice test over a week ago and taking another tomorrow. I scored a 70% on the earth science test, VA says I need a 156 to pass, would I have passed?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (74)

      David Recine

      Since your scaled score is (approximately) your percentage correct plus 100, you have roughly a 170 on your Praxis Earth and Space Science test. So congratulations– it really does look like you passed! 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (75)

    Mallory V Jenkins

    Thanks for the explanation!! You’ve helped put my mind be at ease. I took the Praxis 5440 today and wrote down a 169 unofficial score but afterwards I was second guessing that score and thinking what if it was only a 109 that I just misread in the stressful moment of finishing. However, after I added up my raw points (10+11+14+19+14+10=78/125) and then adding that 62% to the 100 makes my 169 unofficial score accurate! And I only needed a 150 for SD so I am good to go. Thanks again for the blog!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (76)

      David Recine

      Thanks for sharing that awesome story. And yeah, that 62% means you could have gotten your score adjusted to 169 for various reasons, or you could have misremembered and actually saw a 162 rather than a 169. But you’ve easily passed either way! 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (77)


    I took the Earth Science Praxis in April, the score was cancelled. I was so upset because I thought I might have passed. I requested an appeal but they ignored me. I have bee studying hard using the flash cards. So in May I took the same Earth Science Praxis, but it was so difficult, the concepts were much harder with lots math formulas. I received a score of 153, I need a score of 156. I am having the worst luck. I am hoping that I pass even though I probly have to retake the exam.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (78)

      David Recine

      Score cancellation by ETS is uncommon, but very frustrating when it happens. I’m sorry you had this experience! 🙁 You’re right to have hope that you’ll pass on the next try though, though. 153 isn’t that far off from 156. With continued flashcard practice, and perhaps some additional practice with the official study companion or the official mock test, it sounds like you have a very good chance at success in the near future. 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (79)

    Lauren S.

    I just took the English Content Knowledge (5038) which is out of 130. At the end of the test, it told me that I got a 175 but then it also gave me a breakdown of the three content categories and I received a 31, 20, 31 in them. Adding those up, I got 82/130 correct. The scores are very different so which one is my unofficial score??


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (80)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Lauren,

      I would trust the unofficial score that is displayed at the testing center. While it’s possible that your official score will change/increase, that is the best unofficial score right now!


      1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (81)



        I recently took Praxis 5091 on PE. I got 67 raw score/120 questions. If We apply your formula, I will have 155.83 scaled score. My state requirements is only 148. Do you guys think I passed the exam?


        1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (82)

          Magoosh Test Prep Expert

          Hi Beads,

          This is just an estimate and you’ll have to wait for your official results, but these numbers do look promising!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (83)


    I got 85/120 right on the ETS practice 5362 that I purchased. If I’m understanding correctly, since 85/120=.70, or 70%, I add 100 to that for a score of 170. Does that sound right? I took it without listening to the listening sections because I was in a meeting, so hopefully I can improve on that section, at least. I take the test on June 12th. Thanks. I need a 149.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (84)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Deanna,

      Yes, you’ve done the math right! Keep in mind that this is an estimate, but it looks like you are already well above the passing score for your state. Seems like you are in good shape 🙂 Good luck on your upcoming exam!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (85)


    I just took the Praxis 5081 and it showed a score of 160 at the end of the test. If I’m not mistaken, I only needed 157 to pass in PA. Am I to assume that I’m safe?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (86)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Sean,

      I think that you can be pretty confident about your score, but unfortunately you’ll have to wait for your final results to know for sure! WHile the unofficial scores are usually the same or a bit lower than the official scores, there is a (very, very) slight possibility that your score goes down.


      1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (87)


        can you tell me the passing score for exam 5081 in Arkansas??


        1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (88)

          Magoosh Test Prep Expert

          Hi Jake!

          According to the ETS Praxis website for Arkansas, you will have to “check with your educator preparation provider for the required Qualifying Score.”

          I hope this helps a bit, and good luck! 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (89)


    Just took Social Studies content 0581. Two things showed up… 173 and then a breakdown of my raw score. Added all the raw score numbers together to get 79. There are 130 questions and I need a 158 to pass. Any ideas? Was that 173 my unofficial score?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (90)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Jackie,

      It sounds like 173 was your unofficial score 🙂 Keep in mind that our method provides you with a score estimate, so it won’t be 100% accurate all of the time! It sounds like no matter what happens with your official score, you are well above the passing score 🙂 Congrats!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (91)



    I’ve just taken the elementary multiple subject test, and right afterward was shown the following scores:
    Reading: 198
    Math: 199
    Social Studies: 200
    Science: 194

    I didn’t feel nearly as confident as my scores would suggest – is it possible there have been some mistakes in the grading? Are these unofficial scores that are likely to be lowered?



    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (92)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Jenn,

      Congratulations on awesome scores! It sounds like you were underestimating your skills and capabilities 🙂 While it’s possible that these scores will go down, it isn’t likely to lower by more than a few points. I’d say you can stop worrying and start celebrating (and relaxing)!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (93)


    I tool Chemistry: Content Knowledge (5245) last saturday and got a raw score of 122. There were 125 questions. Did I pass or did I not pass? I am starting to freak out!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (94)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Daryllyn,

      I understand that it’s nerve-wracking to wait for the official scores, but try not to freak out until you get the final scores (and then hopefully your freak-out will be positive!) If 122 is indeed your raw score, then you can expect a score of around 197, which should be a passing score in any state! It’s also possible that 122 is your unofficial score (sometimes students get confused with the score results after the test), in which case you would need to look up your state’s passing score in order to determine if you passed or not. In any case, good luck and try to shake off those nerves!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (95)



    My raw score was 40/60 on the 5161 praxis exam in Pennsylvania (27 for Numbers and Operations, 13 for Geometry and Probability). My unofficial score popped up on the screen after I was done and it said “166*”. If “160” is the passing score in Pennsylvania, do you think my chances are good that I passed and am in the clear?

    I’m just curious as to what others think. It seemed like a really difficult test.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (96)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi there,

      I would say that your chances are good, with the caveat that nothing is certain until the official scores are released! If the official score changes at all, it usually only change by a point or two. I’d say that you are pretty safe with a score of 166 🙂


    2. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (97)


      In response to your question about what others think about 5161, it is a BEAST! Congrats on passing, though! I have to get a 160 and am taking it for the 3rd time on Saturday, not feeling very confident (only got a 148 a month ago).


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (98)

    amy w

    Has anyone ever had the unofficial score increase by 1pt. I would love a response from someone that has personally seen this happen. I need 1pt to pass and I am not very hopeful, however based on these calculations my official score should be 161.6666 based on me getting 74 correct answers out of 120. which is .6166666% and add 100 should be 161.66666 which should be 162, but my unofficial score on the computer showed 160 🙁


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (99)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      I know it’s nerve-wracking to wait for the final results! I hope someone here can share their experience with you. Good luck!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (100)


    I took my Praxis Elementary Content Knowledge (5001), Is it likely that my scores will decrease when my official scores are released? The reason I ask is on the Social Studies portion I needed a score of 155 to pass and my unofficial score was 155. I am so nervous that my score will drop! I also scored 1 point below what I needed on the reading section, my unofficial score was 156 and I needed a score of 157 to pass. The other 2 sections, Math and Science, I scored very high scores, so I am not concerned on either of those sections. I know that if I have to retake the 2 sections, I can do much better because I took this exam with not being able to study at all due to a family emergency. I would love to not have to retake as many as possible.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (101)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Candy,

      In our experience, it’s not likely that your score will increase. However, it is possible. In most cases, the unofficial score stays the same. In some instances, it changes by a point or so, and it usually increases if it changes at all). Unfortunately, it’s impossible to say what will happen in your case, and all that you can do is wait for the official scores. Good luck, and I’ll have my fingers crossed for you 🙂


    2. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (102)


      Email me ttiffany544 at gmail dot com and I can give you the exact study guide. I made a 157 using it and that was 6 points shy of my states score.


      1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (103)

        David Recine

        As my grandma likes to say, “thanks for being shareful,” Tiffany! I edited your email to spell out “at” and “dot,” to minimize spamming, before enthusiastically approving your comment!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (104)

    Amy Jane

    Hi, so I’m trying to understand my score right now.

    I took the World & U.S. History: Content Knowledge (5941). There are total of 120 questions and I need a 157 to pass and get a TN licensure.

    Here’s the score breakdown (raw points earned) of the test I took recently:
    1. World History to 1450 C.E. 12 out of 28
    2. World History: 1450 CE to the present: 13 out of 27
    3. United States History to 1877: 15 out of 29
    4. United States History: 1877 to the present: 15 out of 28
    5. Historical thinking skills: 14 out of 28.
    So that’s 69 out of 140 raw points.
    I ended up getting a 133.

    What I don’t understand is, the raw score points available passes 120 (the number of questions), and even if I take out the historical thinking skills score (28) since historical thinking skills questions are in the 4 categories, it’s still not 120.

    Can you please explain this to me. I’m so confused. I don’t know how many questions I actually need to get right to pass this test…


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (105)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Amy,

      The test has 120 questions, but that does not mean 120 points. Some of the questions are worth more than one point. So your score in points was the 69 our of 140 you referenced, which would be not high enough to cross your 157 score requirement, unfortunately.

      Out of 140 points, you need to get over 85 points to have a good shot at passing. That would correspond to approximately 68-70 questions out of 120 to be safe. I hope that helps!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (106)


    I just took the Praxis World & U.S. History: Content Knowledge (5941). I need a 156 to pass in Utah and after the test it showed a 155. I am sick!!! I got 83 raw points, which when divided by 120 would be 69, so according to the above calculations that would be 169. I like that score a lot better. Can it be that off? How does 83/120 come to be 155? I just need one more point! How rare is it that the unofficial score changes?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (107)

      David Recine

      Sorry to hear you had this experience in the test center, Sharon! It certainly sounds disappointing and frustrating. But there still may be hope. Here are a few things to consider:

      1) It’s rare but not unheard of for the test center to give you an erroneous number for your score on test day. In that case, your final official score report could look different.

      2) It is quite common for the official scaled score to be adjusted slightly (1-3 points, usually) from the unofficial scaled score you saw on test day. When this happens, the adjustments bring your score up more often than down. Based on what I’ve heard from past students, if 155 was your actual scaled score on test day, there’s a slightly more than 50% chance you will get a 156 or higher.

      3) On these longer tests, there are a wider variety of question types. This usually means there are some questions that are more “weighted” than others in score calculations. If a question has multiple correct answers or tests a few differnet inportant concepts at the same time, it can have a larger impact on your score. This is the most likely explanation for why you got a 155 instead of a 169. (But again, computer error is a possibility, albeit a less likely one.)

      4) In short, there’s a chance you passed, but there’s also a distinct chance you won’t make the 156 cut off. This brings me to a final piece of somewhat good news. You’re close enough to the cutoff that if you fall below it, you have a very good chance of getting much more comfortably above a 156 with additional study and a retake.

      So take heart! You’ve either passed or have a passing score in your near future. I hope these thoughts are helpful. 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (108)


    Hi-I just took the Praxis 5857 health and physical education content knowledge…130 multiple choice questions. At the end, the computer showed a “total score” of 178. From what I have been reading, this is not a raw score, correct? How different will by official score be from 178?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (109)

      David Recine

      You’re right– 178 would be the scaled score, not the raw score. Your final official scaled score will either be 178, or something very close to it. Scaled scores are seldom adjusted by more than a few points.


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (110)


    I took the Professional School Counselor praxis exam today. at the end of my exam it showed me a score of 175 and the. underneath there was a chart that broke down how many questions i got right in each section, is the score of 175 i saw my actual score? I know it may stay the same or change a little when the official scores are reported but for North Carolina I need a 156. did the 175 score i saw mean i passed?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (111)

      David Recine

      Hi Ashley,

      Since there are only 120 questions on the Praxis for Professional School Counselor, 175 would definitely be your scaled score and not your raw score. Your final official scaled score will be the same as 175 or very close to it. So congratulations! You passed quite impressively. 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (112)


    Hello! I take the Praxis II Math content (5161) test tomorrow and in South Dakota I need a 160 to pass. It is out of 60 questions could you help me, make sure I got this right.. If i need a 160 I have to get a 60% on the test? so about 36/60 questions correct? is that right or am i doing the math wrong?
    Thank you in advance!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (113)

      David Recine

      Hi Morgan,

      You do have the math right! 🙂 One word of caution, though: because the final official scaled score can be adjusted by a few points, it’s better to overshoot beyond the 36/60 minimum. Getting at least 38 questions correct would be ideal.


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (114)

    I took the praxis 5857-health and physical education content knowledge. At the end of the test, I expected to see how many I got correct out of 130 multiple choice questions, but instead the screen said: total score 178. Does this mean that will be my final score?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (115)

      David Recine

      Hi Amanda. A 178 scaled score means you answered 78$ of the questions correctly. Congratulations– that’s an impressive score by Praxis standards. Your final official score will be 178, or something very close to it. (Official scores are sometimes adjusted by a few points.)


      1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (116)

        Thank you so much! I believe my state requires a 160 to pass.


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (117)


    Hey! I just took a special education praxis 5354 and got 70 of a possible 120 questions correct. By my calculations from reading the above comments I will have a score of 158 which is more than the 151 needed to pass. I didn’t receive an actual scaled score. It popped up NS on the screen which has me somewhat concerned but it did show the 70 correct answers. Do you think I passed or will it be cutting it close?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (118)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Melody,

      According to this estimation method, you can expect a score somewhere around 158. As you have also likely read in these comments, this estimation is not perfect, and there is the possibility that your score will be adjusted downwards. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do is wait for the official score report! Good luck, and our fingers are crossed for you 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (119)

    Greg Martinez


    I just took the Special Education Core Knowledge and Applications Praxis test 5354.
    My raw scores were , 14,19,14,19,20 so an 86 . There are 120 questions on the test. What do you think my unofficial score is because it didn’t show me!

    Thank you for this!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (120)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Greg,

      According to the method we outlined here, this would be around a 172. Keep in mind that this is only an estimate, but you can expect your score to be someone in that ballpark 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (121)

    Dominique Jordan

    Can you help me understand why there might be a very large difference between a raw score and an unofficial score? On the Praxis II Elementary Education: Content Knowledge (5018) I have a 30 point difference between the calculation you explained for raw score [ (# of correct answers/total # of questions) + 100 ] and the unofficial score shown to me on the screen. Thanks!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (122)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Dominique,

      That is quite a large difference, and I’m sorry that our estimation didn’t work in this case. ETS is not very forthcoming with information about how they score specific Praxis tests, and unfortunately there are some reasons why this estimation method would not work in particular cases.

      For example, they may have scaled down if your test happened to have easier questions on average. These sorts of adjustments are meant to ensure that there is standardization across different versions of the test.

      It’s also possible that some of your correct answers were experimental questions. These questions are newly created by Praxis and are put on the exam as an experiment to see how test takers do, but they don’t actually count toward your score. Unfortunately, there’s no way to tell if any questions on your exam are experimental, and not every exam will use experimental sections.

      On Praxis exams with math, it’s also common for certain math questions to be worth more points than other math questions. So if you missed a few higher-point-valued math questions, that could also account for the adjustment downward.

      30 points is an extreme downward adjustments (generally we see adjustments on the scale of 4-6 points), so a few of these different reasons must have conspired together. I’m sorry that this estimation didn’t work for your case!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (123)


    I just finished the Middle School Science exam and my raw score displayed was 123. Was this informing me that I got 123 questions correct out of 125? Or did I fail badly? The TN state requirement official score is 150.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (124)

      David Recine

      Oh, that’s a tough one! It’s rare that a Praxis exam has significantly more than 100 questions. But for longer exams like Praxis Middle School Science (5440), it’s hard to tell if the score you see in the test center at the end of the test is the raw score or the scaled score. It seems possible that you got a 123 scaled score, answering only 23% of the questions correctly. But it also seems like you may have gotten 123 out of 125, which would be a 98%, or a 198. I’m sorry I can’t be of more help, but it sounds like you’ll need to wait until you get your official score before you can know what happened for sure.


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (125)

    Michelle Vail


    I just took the Praxis II (5411) exam yesterday and the last screen displayed a score of 166 with a listing of topics and numbers beside them below the score. I am assuming from what I am reading that my unofficial score is a 166. I did not pay attention to the topics/numbers at the bottom of the screen. I found the test to be excruciating and nothing like what I had been studying. I had multiple study guides and used the interactive practice test, but this test very difficult. If my score is, in fact, a 166 then I believe I passed for NC, so why am I feeling like there is something wrong?
    Why do we have to wait to see the scores online? Will it really take 10 business days?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (126)

      David Recine

      Hi Michelle,

      First off, sorry to hear that you had such a stressful testing experience. Sometimes, what you see on test day really doesn’t seem to line up with the practice materials. The good news is that if you saw a 166, that is your scaled score, and your final official score should be fairly close to the scaled one. If any adjustments are made int he final report, your score should still change by less than 10 points. Given that North Carolina’s requirement for Praxis 5411 (Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision) is 145, it looks like you really did pass. Congratulations. 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (127)



    I took the PLT K6 twice. The first time got a 155 and was given a 4 out of 16 on the constructed response. I took again concentrated on the essay qyestions received a 7 out of 16 was above or at the average of every other section and got a 159. Need 160 to pass. Is it worth it to appeal seeing the only avg I missed was 10-16 on constructed response. These tests cost a fortune and i can’t take the test until I hear about the 1 point appeal. Have you heard of anyone receiving one point on an appeal or is it another way for ETS to make money. I can’t find anything about % of appeals that helped etc..

    Please help


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (128)

      David Recine

      You’re correct that there isn’t much available data on how many rescores are successful. What we do know is that when rescores raise your score, they usually only boost it by a point or two. So you’re close enough to the cutoff that if your rescore boosts your score at all, it’ll get you to where you need to be.

      By all accounts, though, studying and retaking the test gives you a better shot at boosting your score by a point. Your last two tests represent improvement– 155 to a 159. If htis trend continues on your third test (and with your hard work, it seems like it will), you’re on track to get comfortably above 160 on your next attempt. I honestly would recommend that over paying for a rescore. A retake fee is higher than a score review fee, yes– but the extra cost seems like it will be worth it, in your case. (As you consider retake vs. rescore, you may also want to read Allison’s post on Praxis Score Review, if you haven’t already.)


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (129)


    I took 5311 and the screen showed an NS. My raw score was 85/120, 71%. That would mean my scaled score estimate is 171 correct? I need a 156 scaled to pass.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (130)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Maggs,

      That’s right! This is an estimate, so your actual scaled score might be a few points above or below this due to variations in the test, but it sounds like you are well above the passing benchmark. Congrats 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (131)


    I just took the Praxis 5354. I was not given an unofficial score, just the correct number of answered questions for each section. 1. 14/20 2. 21/27 3. 22/27 4. 15/22 5. 16/24. If I am reading this right and did my math correct I would have gotten 88 questions correct out of 120 (as it was a 120 question test). Therefore, give or take a few points (as you stated they can be relative to difficulty) I would have gotten a passing score of 173 or 170-16; as passing is 151 by Nebraska Law. Does this seem correct to you? Should I take anything else into consideration with the scores or exempt answer? I am too anxious to wait around for two weeks and would like to be able to put my mind somewhat at ease. Thank you in advance!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (132)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Hannah,

      Yes, your calculations look correct to me! It looks like you are well above the passing score for your state, so I think that you can breathe a little easier as you wait for your official results 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (133)

    Janet Roberts


    I just took the General Science Praxis Test (5435), and when I was finished, they showed me that I got 122/135 (135 questions total). If I did my math correct, this means I scored a 90% and add 100, I made a 190. The passing score is 152 in Alabama, but I think the highest passing score is 166 in a different state. Regardless, if they round points down for any reason, should I be scoring well above these passing scores?

    I am so nervous, and I’m about to leave the country and won’t be able to see my score since I’ll be out of town with no service. Any reassurance would be great! 🙂


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (134)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Janet,

      First of all, congratulations on taking the test and doing such a great job! You’ve done your math correctly here. While this is only an estimate, your actual score will likely be within a few points of this. You are well above the passing rate for your state, so I don’t think you have anything to worry about!


    2. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (135)


      Janet did you get your scores? Were they close?


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (136)

    Anne Lacis

    I just took the Special Education Core Knowledge and Applications Praxis test. When I finished the test it gave me a result of no score. When I added up the sections, I think I got a raw score of 87. What does this mean? I am so nervous!!!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (137)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Anne,

      Your 87/120 puts you on track to get a score of 165+. According to ETS, “Some, but not all, Praxis® tests offer you an opportunity to view unofficial scores at the end of your testing session. If an unofficial score is not provided for your test, it means that further analysis must be conducted before scoring can be completed. This does not indicate a problem with the administration of your test and will not result in a delay in reporting your official score.” It sounds like this is one of the Praxis exams that doesn’t display an estimated score, but you seem to have done very well! 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (138)


    I took the praxis 5354 today. I got a “NS” at the end of the test, but was given a list of raw points which added to be 91 total points on a 120 question test. Using the formula that would give me an approximate score of 175-176, correct? Could the NS account for the questions that were select all that apply or place a check in the correct column questions?


    1. Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi H.W.,

      Yes, it seems like you’re on track for a 170+ score on your Praxis! According to ETS, “Some, but not all, Praxis® tests offer you an opportunity to view unofficial scores at the end of your testing session. If an unofficial score is not provided for your test, it means that further analysis must be conducted before scoring can be completed. This does not indicate a problem with the administration of your test and will not result in a delay in reporting your official score.” It sounds like this is one of the Praxis exams that doesn’t display an estimated score, but you sound like you did well. 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (140)

    Chemistry Praxis II 5245. I scored a 121. Did I do that poorly or is that possibly a raw score? There were 157 questions and the goal is a 153. It’s crazy but I thought I had done well and understood the questions but was appalled at my score.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (141)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Kim,

      I’m not sure based on what you have said. The scored portion of the exam has 125 questions, so it is possible that your mistakes were clustered in the scored questions. I’ll send you all the good luck I have! I hope that turns out to be a raw score. 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (142)

    Keisha Ware

    I took the Middle School Science test which had 125 Questions. At the end of the test, my unofficial score was a 149. TN passing score is 150. Will my score increase or stay the same when I get my official scores?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (143)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Keisha,

      There is a chance it will increase the 1 point you need, but not a guarantee. Good luck!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (144)


    Taking the 5018 content praxis. It has 140 questions so how many questions must I get right to make a 163 on the exam? Thanks


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (145)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Matthew,

      You want to aim for about 91+ questions correct to achieve your 163. 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (146)


    I took the new educational administrators Praxis II (5412). My raw score was a 79 out of 120 questions. Can I estimate my score by using the percentage method you have described or is it different with this being a new exam?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (147)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Shannon,

      Great question! This method should work for all Praxis II tests, but keep in mind that this is only an estimate and there will be variation in different tests. But this estimation should give you a decent estimate for what to expect once your test results are released. Let us know how it goes 🙂


    2. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (148)


      I just took the same praxis today, was this method true with your score?


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (149)

    Emilee Vaughn

    Hey! I just took the media specialist praxis (5311) and got 71 of a possible 120 questions correct. By my calculations from reading the above comments I will have a score of 159 which is more than the 151 needed to pass. I didn’t receive an actual scaled score. It popped up NS on the screen which has me somewhat concerned but it did show the 71 correct answers, when I added the three sections together. Do you think I passed or will it be cutting it close? I am very nervous 😩 about the NS showing up.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (150)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Emilee,

      I wouldn’t worry about the NS–sometimes the unofficial score is not shown after the test 🙂 Yes, your calculations are correct here! This is only an estimate, but these scores are generally pretty accurate–your official score will likely be within a few points of 159. Keep in mind that ETS may scale your score depending on the difficulty of the test and other factors, which would account for any difference between this score estimate and your final score. Good luck!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (151)

    Ralph Fertil

    Hey, I just recently took Praxis exam : special education 5354 and the official qualifying score is 151 and my unofficial score is 153. I was wondering did I pass


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (152)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Ralph,

      It sounds like you passed! The unofficial score is rarely different from the official score, and the difference is almost always within a point. You’ll have to wait for the official results to be entirely sure, but I think you can feel pretty confident about this score 😀 Congrats!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (153)


    I literally just left the testing center taking the business practices 5101 and my unofficial score is 151 how likely will that number change if all the questions are multiple-choice? My state requires 154 as minimum in order to be considered passing this is my second attempt at this test in the last two weeks thank you


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (154)

      David Recine

      You score can change by a few points once the official score is issued. So there’s certainly a chance you could be given a 154. With that said, I still recommend studying for a retake just in case. And you may want to give yourself a month for the retake if you can. That will give you more than enough time to receive your latest score. And a full month should also be sufficient to boost your score bu just a few points, in case your official score doesn’t reach 154.


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (155)


    Hi David,
    I took the praxis special ed 5354 today (120 questions total) and received a raw score for each section of the test. After adding up these scores I received a raw total of 89/120. Using the calculation above, I believe I received an unofficial score of 174. Is this correct and can I be sure that I passed if my stare requires a 151? Thanks!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (156)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Jamie,

      Yes, you did this calculation correctly! Keep in mind that this is just an estimation and your score will likely be a few points higher or lower. However, you are well above the required score, so I think it’s safe to celebrate this one as a success 🙂


      1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (157)


        Hi all!!!
        I just wanted to follow up with the praxis test (special ed 5354) I took on January 14. The calculation worked correctly and my raw score of 89/120 was an official score of 183!!
        Thank you for your help David!! Good luck to everyone waiting on scores 🙂


        1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (158)

          David Recine

          Glad I could help you with your calculations, Jamie. But of course, the real credit for the important stuff goes to you. You worked hard to get that score! Nicely done!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (159)


    My unofficial scores were spot-on (unfortunately) for Praxis 3059 -6pts to pass and Advanced Journalism -1pts to pass and rescore on 3059 was an abject waste of money. Honesty – barely studied on first go-round mostly just practice tests. 2nd 3059, hit a question and had a meltdown, did not finish last hour of the test (btw, always finish the test)

    Retaking 3059 this Saturday after sweet fellow substitute teacher encouraged me greatly and looked up PLT 5624 study guide.

    Seems like Missing piece for me (missed most of section 3/teaching strategies)

    Also reading Library sourced 5038 study guide(i.e. FREE) is helping too, hope it is enough as I’m out of time to get 5039 by mail


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (160)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Good luck, Christian! Thanks for sharing your experience 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (161)


    Would two test takers with the same subscores on the same subject area have the same score? I know two people who one had higher subs it’s than the other. The lower sub score person passed but the higher did not. How is this possible?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (162)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Cheryl,

      There are two potential explanations for this. The subscores for each subject area are added up for the raw score, which is then converted into the scaled score. If person 1 had a lower sub score for a particular section than person 2, then person 1 may have made up for it by getting higher sub-scores in other sections. If person 1’s total raw score was higher than person 2’s raw score, regardless of performance on specific sub sections, then person 1 would get a higher score.

      Another potential explanation has to do with the scaling process for the Praxis test. The scaling process for each test is a bit different because of the difficulty of the questions. It’s possible that Person 2 got a higher sub-score than person 1, but person 2’s test was easier overall because of differences in different test versions. In that case, Person 2 might still get a lower score because the scaling process takes difficulty into account.

      Ultimately, it may not be possible to know what happened on the test, because ETS keeps the scoring process a closely guarded secret. I hope this helps to explain this a bit!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (163)

    Is MS Science (5440) one of the tests that is usually curved based on difficulty. There were also quite a few problems where you selected 3 out of 4 answers. I missed the score by 3 points. Any chance it will go up?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (164)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Caitlyn,

      I’m so sorry to hear about this– I know it’s stressful and disheartening to see an unofficial score that is so close to the passing score! I can’t say for certain whether the Praxis 5440 is curved, or that your score will change, but it is possible for scores to change a few points between the unofficial and official score.

      Sometimes, the Praxis makes some adjustments for the official score. When they do change, they almost always increase. Unfortunately, you’ll have to wait for the release of the official scores to know for sure… I wish you the best of luck!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (165)


    So on PII 5101 the post test score of 176, I am safe to assume I passed over the 154 required score right?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (166)

      David Recine

      Definitely! Praxis 5101 (Business Education: Content Knowledge) only has 120 questions, so a 176 would definitely be a scaled score and not a raw score. And adjustments to your scaled score seldom exceed more than 2 or 3 points. Looks like you made it. Congratulations! 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (167)


    I just recently took the Praxis 5412 and I received a NS when I submitted my test. I was given however a list of 6 categories with numbers listed out from them. Now I am assuming those points would be my raw points which added up to be 67. There were 120 questions but four of those questions that had multiple answers, they actually equaled 12 more answers over those four questions. Could these have a severe negative effect on my score? Because before factoring in those questions 67/120 equals 56%, so ultimately 156 using the formula. In my state the required score is a 146, do you think I am safe on passing with the 10 point cushion? Thanks in advance!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (168)

      David Recine

      Before I give you my thoughts on this, I want to say it’s always wonderful to hear from someone who thinks so carefully about their score and has such a good sense of how the scoring works. I would say it’s likely that you’ve passed. If I understand correctly, 4 regular questions would be worth a combined total of 4 points, but the 4 multiple answer questions were worth a combined total of 12 points? In that case, even if you missed every single answer in every single one of the multiple answer questions, you’d still be at 59/120, which would put you at 49%, or 149.

      Long story short, you’ve probably passed unless you got every answer wrong on the 4 multiple answer questions, or unless there is an unusually big point adjustment in your final official score. It’s unlikely either of those two things will happen, so it’s pretty likely that you passed. Congratulations, Jacob! 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (169)

    Savannah Anthony

    I took the Praxis 5091 today and my unofficial score was 150. The passing score in my state is 152. Can my unofficial score increase two points?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (170)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Savannah!

      I can’t say for certain that your score will change, but it is possible for scores to change a few points between the unofficial and official score. Sometimes, the Praxis makes some adjustments for the official score. I’d say an increase of 2 points is possible, but you’ll have to wait for your official score to know for sure.


    2. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (171)


      Did the score go up 2 points? I have the same situation for physics. Got an unofficial of 150 and need a 152


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (172)


    I just did my Praxis 5038 yesterday and got a score of 174 and the state requirement is a score of 167. I should be in the clear, right?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (173)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Ashley!

      Very often, official Praxis scores are exactly the same as the unofficial scores. 🙂 If it changes, it rarely does so by more than 3 points. So, congratulations! I think you’ll be fine. 😀


    2. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (174)


      I am trying to pass Praxis test 5038. Where can I find good study material?


      1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (175)

        David Recine

        I always recommend the official study materials (5038: ) as the very best, but Ashley, feel free to recommend any additional materials that helped you. 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (176)


    I took praxis 5331/slp this particular format was a newer version. This test had multiple questions asking for 2/3 answers. At the end of the test my score was 15/16/20 the system showed No Score at the end. In my state I need 162. I have heard that this exam was by far the hardest. Will I recieved credit for partial answers SR format?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (177)

      David Recine

      Generally, the Praxis does give partial credit if you are partly correct on a question that has more than one answer. However, I can’t say for certain if that’s the case on the Speech Language Pathology test in particular. The Praxis 5331 (Speech Language Pathology) Official Study Companion itself does not mention those newer format multiple answer questions, so it’s difficult to tell what the policy is.

      So I can’t give you a definitive answer, but Praxis Customer Service may be able to help more.


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (178)

    Kristin N.

    Hello – I am preparing to take Praxis 5624, which has 70 selected-response questions and 4 short answers. Just wondering how the scores for short answers weigh on the overall test score? I know that each one is individually scored as 2,1, or 0, which would make the whole test out of 78 points, I’m guessing. However, with that, it seems as though as long as you get a high enough score on the selected-response section, that you could get 0 points on the short answers still pass?? That doesn’t sound right.

    On the most recent practice test I took, I got 61/70. So, if the test is out of 78 points, that would be a 178 overall (61/78 = 0.78 + 100) … and that is if I don’t add any points for short answers. I feel like I’m doing this wrong.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (179)

      David Recine

      As for the amount of points the short answer questions are worth in the test overall, note the 70 multiple choice questions are worth 75% of your score and the 4 short answers are worth the remaining 25%. That 25% is 1/3 of 75%. So if 70 questions are 75% of the test, then 70*(1.3), or 23, represents the “weight” of the short answer questions. In other words, the four short answer questions, together, are equivalent to 23 multiple choice questions. This means the exam overall is worth about 70+23, or 93 raw points.

      Let’s revisit those percentages for a moment. In Praxis 5624, the selected-response (multiple choice) questions are 75% of your score. The short answers are 25% of your score. So, as long as your state’s required score is 175 or lower (equivalent to 75% or lower) it is possible for someone to pass the exam even if you got a 0 on all of the short answer questions.

      So let’s look at your own chances in that unlikely worst case scenario. You’ve gotten a 61/70 in your multiple choice questions. This is approximately a 60/93, in terms of raw percentage points. So if you get 0s on all of your short answers, your score will be 64%, an approximate scaled score of 164. If that’s enough to pass in your state, you’re good to go! If 164 is too low though, don’t worry too much. Your score will almost certainly be higher than that, based on the additional points you earn in the short answers.

      Also, for more information on estimating your score when short answers are involved, see the post I wrote specifically on predicting your Praxis score with constructed response. 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (180)

    An Drew

    Hey Magoosh. I’ve been obsessed with this page during the process of studying for my Praxis 5652. I took it today and scored an unofficial149 which is the EXACT required passing score in my state. I’m trying to celebrate and feel good about this, but now this page has me terrified it’ll go down 1-3 points when the official comes in 7-19 days. Its a newer test and there was nothing qualitative on it, I’m just freaking out at getting the exact score because there was a lot riding on it. Anything you can say to offer any comfort?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (181)

      David Recine

      In all honesty, Andrew, Praxis 5652 (Computer Science) can be a little unpredictable. A number of the question formats in 5652 have more than one answer. This likely means that certain questions are worth more points than others. If you missed a lot of the “weightier” questions that are worth more points, then your official score will very likely be below 149. On the other hand, if you missed mostly “lighter” questions with just one correct answer, your final score will almost certainly be above 149.

      You could read the first two chapters of the official Praxis 5652 Study Companion to get more info on question types and topics and their possible impact on our score. But my advice would be to simply not think too much about exactly how your score will shake out, as stressing out about something that’s beyond your control is a waste of energy.

      If you do have some nervous energy regarding your score (and it would be understandable if you do!), focus that energy on studying for a retake, just in case. Because if your raw score is 149, you’re either already where you need to be, or very close! If you do wind up needing to retake, it seems very likely that a retake you study well for will get you to exactly where you need to be.

      And if you get a passing score sent to you while you’re still studying for your retake just in case, you’ll be able to stop studying for that retake. Focus on how awesome that’ll be, and you’ll have the morale and calm to deal with whatever challenges and hard work await you as a future teacher. 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (182)


    Hello! I just finished the Middle School Science Praxis 5440. At the end of the test a score of 130 was shown. In Kentucky the passing score is 150. Is there any way possible that I passed this?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (183)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Kristie!

      There are only 125 questions on the Praxis 5440, so it’s likely that the 130 was your unofficial score. Unfortunately, this doesn’t look like it’s going to be high enough to pass. However, all you can do is wait for the official scores to know for sure.

      Moving forward, you’ll need to get at least 63 out of 125 questions correct for a passing score. Most likely 70+ to be safe. Don’t be discouraged though, you can do it!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (184)


    Hi! I am in NC and took the CKT 7803 Elementary Math Praxis. I need a 150 to pass and my raw score on the screen at the end was 153. Did I pass?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (185)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Carmen!

      There’s only 52 questions on the Praxis 7803. 🙂 Given this information, it looks like your unofficial score was a 153. Unofficial scores rarely change, so I think you can be pretty confident about your score (and passing).

      However, you’ll have to wait for your final results to know for sure! While the unofficial scores are usually the same or a bit lower than the official scores, there is a (very, very) slight possibility that your score goes down.

      Best of luck!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (186)

    Kimberly Gray

    Hi David-

    I have a question. I have taken Praxis 5203 two times, and I failed it by four the first time and two the second time. I was looking at the individual score breakdown and noticed both times I have taken the test I receive the same raw score for the responses. How is that possible. I had the test rescored when I missed it by 2, and they didn’t see any need to change the score. I am beyond upset, but how is that possible to score the same score on the “constructive response.” section on the test both times. Seems a little fishy to me.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (187)

      David Recine

      Hi Kimberly,

      Sorry to hear you’re going through this with your scores. It can be very frustrating and disappointing to have the same raw scores but different final scores. As for the constructed response scores being the same on both exams, this isn’t necessarily so fish, although I can understand how it would look odd. On Praxis 5203, there are only three short constructed response questions, each of which are scored on a small 0-3 raw-score range. With that simple of a scoring system, it’s definitely possible to get the same scores across multiple takes of the test. With that said, if you feel you might have been given incorrect constructed response scores on one or both exams, you could be right. This happens often enough that Praxis actually has an appeals process for constructed response scores; it’s an option worth considering.

      As to why you have the same whole-test raw scores but different scaled scores, this can happen because Praxis has been known to adjust your scaled scores based on the relative difficulty of certain selected and constructed response questions. It’s always a bit frustrating when this works against a test-taker especially since the Praxis is a bit less transparent about their scoring decisions, compared to other ETS exams.


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (188)

    Brandon Williams

    i took praxis 5101 business comtent tally up my scores and it gave me 64, did i pass or not.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (189)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Brandon,

      Passing Praxis scores are determined by each state. I recommend checking out this website to find your state’s passing score. 🙂

      With that said, there are 120 questions on the Praxis 5101. 64 out of 120 would be around a 151, though you’ll have to wait for your official scores to find out for sure!

      Best of luck!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (190)


    Hello! I took the Middle School Science Praxis (5440) and got a raw score of 143. My total number of questions correct was 65/125. Does this mean I will get at least a 150 official score?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (191)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Caleb,

      There are only 125 questions on the Praxis 5440, so it’s likely that the 143 was your unofficial score. Unfortunately, this doesn’t look like it’s going to be high enough to pass. However, all you can do is wait for the official scores to know for sure. Best of luck!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (192)


    Months ago I nailed the History 5081.
    Today I took the English 5038 in Richmond, VA.
    130 Q’s multiple choice; no writing.

    My score at the end screen said “174”.
    I understand that the lowest passing score is 167.

    Am I likely in the clear or do I risk a massive surprise by the test being weighted ?

    Waiting for 2-3 weeks is going to kill me.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (193)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi RA,

      I don’t think you have any reason to worry! In most cases, the unofficial score is the same as the official score. If there is a difference, it should only change by 1-2 points. I know it’s nerve-wracking to wait for that final score, but I think you’re in a good spot 🙂 Congrats!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (194)


    I am taking Biology Content Knowledge (5235) next week. I’ve taken both forms of the practice exam and received raw scores of 121/150 and 124/150. I need a 147 in my state to pass. If I’m understanding this correctly, those scores would equate to ~180 for an unofficial score if I scored similarly on the actual test. Is this correct? Thanks!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (195)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Charlie! This looks like a repeat question, but yes, you are correct 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (196)


    I’m taking Biology Content Knowledge (5235) next week and need a 147 to pass in my state. I’ve taken both forms of the practice exams and received raw scores of 121/150 and 124/150. If my understanding is correct, this would give me an approximate unofficial score of 180 if I scored similarly on the actual exam. Is this accurate? Thank you!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (197)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Charlie! Yes, given that the percentages of those scores are .806 and .826, that should give you an approximate score of 180. Correct! 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (198)


    I took the math 5003 and the unofficial score showed just 1 point less than I need to pass for my state. I’ve read through the comments about how sometimes the official score does change from the unofficial. My question is how often does the unofficial score change? Is it often or rarely? Trying to gauge if I should wait to retake or schedule it now.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (199)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Joy,

      It is not uncommon for a one or two point discrepancy, so there is a chance you’ll reach the 160, but I would start making arrangements in case that does not happen, either. It’s a coin toss at this point, and you’ll have to wait for your official scores to know for sure. Good luck!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (200)


    Hello! I took the practice test for gifted, TN. (gifted education 5358). On the practice test I scored 90/120. Passing in TN is 157. Would this be a scale score of 175? Thanks for all your guidance!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (201)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Allison!

      You’re absolutely right. The approximate score for a 90/120 would be a 175. Congratulations! It looks like you’re in great shape to pass the Praxis 5358.


    2. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (202)


      Hi, I just took the gifted (5358) today. I got 89/120 correct…so I wanted to ask if your official score came back close to the 175 you calculated?


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (203)


    I took the 5362 for ESL teachers today. It showed an unofficial score of 195, but my raw score was 97. The scaled score would then be 181. Does a 14 point difference seem unusually wide?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (204)

      David Recine

      That is unusually wide! I took that very same test a few years back and didn’t see that kind of dramatic change with my official score. Did you still pass?


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (205)



    First off, thank you for the awesome information! Eased my mind during the whole studying process. I am currently studying for the Marketing Education (5561) praxis test for the state of Pennsylvania. A passing score of 144 is needed on the 120 question test. So according to your formula, I would only need to get roughly 53 questions correct? (53/120=44.1 +100= 144 score). Is this correct? Thank you again for this information!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (206)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Joe!

      That’s precisely correct. 🙂 With that said, ETS may adjust scores by 1 – 2 points depending on the difficulty of the exam. Therefore, I’d aim for a few more questions (maybe 60) just to be safe.

      Hope this helps!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (207)

    Michelle Foote

    I just took a practice Praxis PLT 5622 (Elementary k-6 PLT). I did better than expected on my first attempt, according to your calculation explanation. I scored 56/70 or 80%. However, I am not sure how the constructed response questions are weighted. I need a passing score of 160 for license upgrade in Utah. I feel like I am doing okay with the multiple choice, but I am very anxious about the constructed response. Any idea how much that is weighted and how many points I need in multiple choice to negate poor scoring on the constructed response? Thanks for your help!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (208)

      David Recine

      Hi Michelle,

      Calculating the weight of constructed response can be a little tricky, because it depends on the exam– different Praxis exams place different weights on constructed response. To help with this, I’ve made a guide to predicting your Praxis score when constructed response is involved. You can use that and the question weight table on page 5 of the PLT 5622 Study Companion to calculate the way your constructed responses contribute to your score. 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (209)

    Mariela Algarin

    Hello! I just took my Praxis: Biology Content Knowledge for SC. The required score is 148. At the end of my test, it showed me a total score of 180. Was this my unofficial score? Does this mean I passed?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (210)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Mariela!

      There are only 150 questions on the Biology: Content Knowledge exam (Praxis 5235). Therefore, 180 was likely your unofficial score. 😀 Unofficial scores rarely differ from the official scores for the Praxis, so I’d say you passed with flying colors. Congratulations!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (211)


    Hi Magoosh! I’m taking the Praxis 2 (5019) tomorrow. Passing score is 155. The exam has 124 questions, 4 of them are the mini essay portions at the end. How many correct answers will I need to pass? Thanks!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (212)


    Hi! I just took Praxis test 5641, ending up with 100 correct out 0f 120. My initial thought was, “Pretty crappy,” but the unofficial score also posted on that page said 198! How in the world is this discrepancy possible? A glitch in the system? I appreciate your feedback.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (213)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi there,

      Congrats, it sounds like you did better than you think you did! If you have any doubts, my recommendation would be to wait and see what your Official Scores say. 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (214)


    I am studying for my general science praxis exam and have scored 80/135, is this enough to pass. My states cut score is 145. Am I doing the math right this would equate to a 159? What are the chances that I’ll pass?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (215)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Sarah!

      Most of the time the unofficial score is very similar to the official score. 🙂 An estimation of 159 would put you quite safely above 145, so it’s very likely that you passed! Congrats. 😀


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (216)


    Hello. I just took the praxis core today. All three subjects. I got a 158 on math. The unofficial score. I need a 150. The reading i got a 186 on reading which only 156 was needed. My writing i didnt receive because they have to grade it. Do you think based off your experience that i am still in the clear for Math in regards to the official score?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (217)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Naomi,

      The official score differs from the unofficial score only in rare cases. Most likely, the official score will remain the same. At most, it will change by 1 point, so I think you have every reason to be confident 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (218)


    I took the Praxis: English Content today. My raw scores on the 3 subsections were 39, 25, and 32. Or 174 scaled. (Test is 130 questions total). But it also gave me an unofficial score result of 191. Which is correct? And why the discrepancy? Certainly many questions required more than one answer. Might that explain it?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (219)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi there,

      If your unofficial score was 191, then there’s not much use in asking ‘why’. This method gives you an estimation, and it will change depending on the test. Obviously this method was not very accurate for your particular test, but it sounds like you did just fine 🙂


      1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (220)

        Latoya Raymond

        I just completed the Praxis 11 Elementary reading and language arts. My score at the end was 155, but the passing score is 157. Is it possible for my official score to change?


        1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (221)

          Magoosh Test Prep Expert

          Hi Latoya, the official score is almost always the same as the unofficial score. In very rare cases, it may change by 1 or 2 points. Unfortunately, I would recommend that you start to prepare for a retake.


    2. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (222)


      Hi. I take the Praxis 5038 tomorrow. My goal is to make a 175 or above. On the practice exam I just took I made a 111/130 and then I made 94-130. Should those scores calculate to a passing score?


      1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (223)

        Magoosh Test Prep Expert

        HI PSB, the 111/130 would be roughly a 185, and the 94/130 would be roughly a 172. It sounds like you are in a good range, I hope that your test went well!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (224)


    Hi there! I’m getting ready to take the Computer Science (5652) test. My state requires a score of 149, which seems rather low. The test information says that there are 100 questions on the exam. Would it be correct to assume that I’m probably looking at needing to answer somewhere between 49-59 questions correct in order to pass?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (225)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Will!

      That’s a good estimation for the number of questions that you need to get correct for your required score. To be extra safe, I’d recommend 55 – 60. 😀

      Best of luck!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (226)


    Please help me.
    I just finish with the Geography praxis test 5921 in South Carolina.
    My unofficial score is 148 and the state requires 149.
    do you think my score can increase 1 point?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (227)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Woren,

      Unofficial scores sometimes change, but it’s rare. You’ve likely already received your official score, and I hope it was good news!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (228)


    I took Praxis 5941: World and US History: Content Knowledge. I received a raw score of 158. Tennessee requires a cut off score of 157. Foes this mean the raw score was enough to pass?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (229)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi there!

      The Praxis 5941 only has 120 questions, so it looks like 158 is your unofficial score. Official scores and unofficial scores are rarely different, however, they can also vary from between 1-3 points. With a 158, you should pass – however, you’ll have to find out your official scores to know for sure.

      Best of luck!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (230)


    I just took the speech language pathology praxis. I received raw scores of 25, 21, and 21 in the three categories. My total score said “NS”. I need a 162 to pass. Is it possible??


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (231)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi there!

      There’s 132 questions on the Praxis 5331 (Speech Language Pathology). Using our estimation method, it looks like your score will be around 150 (67 questions / 132 questions). I’m sorry about that. I’d recommend preparing for a retake.

      Best of luck!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (232)

    Sarah Miller

    Hi! I just took the science praxis 2 for Elementary k-6. 159 was displayed at the end showing 11, 11, and 10 for the breaking down of it. If that is 32/50 total questions, is 159 accurate and will it stay this score? I need a 159 to pass so I was unsure if this was my score or if it was just showing me the score I need to pass. I am nervous as this is my 3rd time taking it.



  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (233)


    I am taking the Praxis SPED Early Childhood test (5691) in a few days. The needed score to pass is 159. There are 130 questions on the test. How many do I need to get right in order to receive a 159 or higher on the exam? Thanks!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (234)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Brittany, I’d recommend that you aim for at least 80% correct in order to reach your target score.


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (235)

    I took Elementary Social Studies for the 2nd time Friday. According to information I have read you need a raw score of 35 and a scaled score of 155. I got a raw score of 33 and scaled 155. According to your calculations a 33 raw would give a scaled 155. Is there a chance that my score would go down? I felt like the test was really hard again! I don’t want to have to take it a 3rd time!!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (236)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Wendi, the unofficial score is usually the same as the official score. You’ll have to wait for your official scores to be sure. Good luck!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (237)


    I’m about to take the Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading (5712). My state passing score is 156. I was wondering how many questions I need to get right to pass.
    Thank you,


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (238)


    Hi, I took the praxis Health Education 5551 test today. It said i had 155. It was a test of 120 questions. Did I pass for PA?? I’m DYING!!!!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (239)


    I just took the SLP Praxis exam (5331) and it gave me 161 raw score and 3 scores below of 19,18,18. what do you think the final passing score is?


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (240)


    Hello David,

    I just took the Physical Education Test (5758) and received an unofficial score of 157. I needed a 160 to pass the test in the state of Virginia. Seeing this score made me so upset and was wondering if theres any chance I still may pass.



    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (241)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      HI Sydney, unfortunately the unofficial score only rarely changes. I’m sorry about that! I would recommend preparing for a retake.


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (242)

    Patrick B.

    Hi, I’ve found this thread very informative and am hoping to receive some feedback. I recently took Praxis 5047 (Middle School English Language Arts) and received my score. My Raw Points Earned were 71 out of 102 available points. I obviously didn’t do as well as I’d hoped but still thought I’d pass. Unfortunately, I only received an official score of 154 and did not pass. Having answered 70% of the questions correctly, is it possible that my score was scaled down as much as 15 points to a 154?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (243)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Patrick, I’m afraid that I don’t have much insight for you. We use this method to estimate scores, but each Praxis II test is slightly different. It’s possible that some of the questions you answered correctly were experimental and did not count towards your score.


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (244)

    Christina Reese

    Hey there! I just took the 5081 and was told my unofficial score was 162 and in my state the passing is 150.
    Would any of you know if I passed?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (245)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Christina,

      Usually the official score is the same as the unofficial score, so it sounds like you passed!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (246)


    For the newer Praxis Core Math Test 5733, I cannot find what is considered the “average” performance (score on official score states “average performance range not computed”). On test I score a 158 (passing for Wisconsin of 150), but the university in which I am getting a teaching degree (graduate level) states I need a 175 based on the school acredited by NCATE through CAEP. The second test I took I got a 170 unofficial score. Any insight to the collected averages for this test would be most helpful as it now just seems like a money making scheme to me (having to take the test again and again)..


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (247)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Gigi, I’m not aware of any resource like this. Each school, district and state has their own requirements. I’m sorry that we can’t be more helpful!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (248)

    Robert Bell

    I took the praxis 5412 and got a 164 raw score, I need a 144 to pass for my state, did I pass?


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (249)


    What is the passing score for Praxis 5412 in PA? My raw score was 160.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (250)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Brandon, you’ll have to contact your educational authorities to find the passing scores for PA. This page on the ETS website has a tool for looking up testing requirements.


    2. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (251)

      Deloris U Nwadeyi

      Did you pass your praxis with a raw score of 160?


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (252)


    I got 30/50 on 5005. Which is 60%. Instead of a 160 I got a 153? There were also 55 questions on the test, but in the breakdown just listed out of 50 questions!


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (253)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Ryan, this is a good example of how the equating process can change a score! The equating process is the method used to convert the raw score into the scaled score, and it’s different for every particular test depending on the difficulty level of the questions. The process in this blog post provides an estimate of your score, but it’s not 100% accurate because it’s impossible to take equating into account. The extra 5 questions on your test were probably experimental questions; they include some questions in the Praxis to make sure they are good questions before releasing them officially.


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (254)


    Just adding another statistic to the pile – no questions! I took the 5235 Praxis II (Biology Content Knowledge) a couple of weeks ago. I received an unofficial score of 160 (I did not do my best on the molecular bio section – it has been 12 years since my last bio course!), and it did not change so my official score was 160. I needed a 152 to pass, so I passed, though would have felt better about a higher score. Wishing anyone searching good luck and calm during their wait for official scores – I definitely obsessed heavily looking for info!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (255)

    Deloris U Nwadeyi

    Thank you for providing this breakdown. However, after getting my score and going over what you mentioned I am still a bit confused. I took the 5412 Educational Administration Praxis and there were 120 and questions on my test. They were all selected responses and there were maybe 3 or 4 questions that were multiple choice. My raw score is 160. Would I still follow the steps of 160/120 or would I change it to 60/120 to then determine my unofficial score of whether I passed or not.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (256)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Deloris,

      As you mentioned, the Praxis 5412 only has 120 selected response questions. Therefore, 160 is your Unofficial Score. Typically, the unofficial score is the same as the official score, but it could change anywhere from 1 – 3 points.



  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (257)


    Hello! I just took the Math CKT Praxis (7813) and got 29 raw points out of 52. It did not show me my unofficial score. I am wondering if this is enough to pass! I need an official score of 150.


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (258)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Kate,

      The estimate for 29/52 would be around 155. I think it’s safe to say that you passed. Congratulations!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (259)


    I am studying for the Math 5169 Praxis. I took a practice test and out of 55 Questions, I got 55 right, or a 64%. It seems rather low and the site labeled test as one that needs significant improvement. Yet, according to you guys it seems rather close.
    I need a 165 score to get endorsed in my state. Are you sure you are calculating this correctly?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (260)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Trent, as we mention in this post, this method is meant as a way to estimate your score, and the actual score conversion may differ based on the specific test. It’s frustrating that the Praxis site doesn’t provide a score estimate and that they would give you such a vague statement after your test–the score required will vary greatly from state to state and even district to district, so who decides when “significant improvement is needed? I wish that I could give you more helpful information here. I recommend that you reach out to others who have taken this exam and ask about their experience with practice exams and the actual Praxis 5169. Good luck 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (261)


    I took the practice 5440 Praxis test from ETS. I received an 89/125, which is 71.2%. Would that translate to a score of 171 if this were the actual test?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (262)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Hillary,

      171 would be an estimate, and it may differ by 1-2 points. 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (263)


    If I need to get a 140 as a passing score for the 5362 Praxis. What percentage of the questions do I need to answer correctly?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (264)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      According to this estimate method, you will need around 40% correct. Keep in mind that this is only an estimate, though!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (265)


    You have brought so much relief to me with the raw score calculator. I took practice tests for the PLT all last week (took the real one on Friday) and practice tests all this week for the content tests. I’ve been so disheartened as I’ve been getting high 60’s and low 70’s. in my mind that’s “failing.” I didn’t realize there was an extra step of adding 100 to my number! Turns out I’ve been getting passing grades this whole time! Thank you, thank you, thank you for the information today. It was has brought so much relief to me 🙂


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (266)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      I’m so glad this was helpful!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (267)


    I just took my 5081 and got a total score at the end of 167. Is that good for the state of Nc?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (268)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Bruce! I suggest you check with your individual state! That should help. 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (269)

    Pamela Taylor

    I took Math – Elem Ed CKT 7813 yesterday for the second time. The first time I didn’t receive a passing score: I scored 24 raw points for an official score of 141 (need 150 to pass). Does your above formula for converting Praxis 2 raw score work the same? It’s weird because though this test has only 52 questions, many of the questions have multiple answers, ranging from 1-4, so I know the questions must be weighted differently. Yesterday I earned 28 raw points; do you think there’s any possible way I could have passed this time?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (270)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Pamela!

      In order to turn your raw score into a scaled score, we’d need to know the exact number of questions on the test (including those with multiple answers that contribute more than one point to the percentage of correct responses). For more on this topic, check out the first blog article here.
      I hope this helps a bit, and good luck! 🙂


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (271)

    I took my praxis in leadership, 5412, and got a 133 raw score. I need a 146 to pass. When raw scores are scaled to do you think I will earn a score of 146 for passing? Thank you so much


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (272)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Linda! It looks like the Praxis 5412 has only 120 total questions. So, I don’t think your raw score can be 133. Perhaps what you saw was the unofficial scaled score itself. I hope this helps a bit!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (273)


    I took the praxis 5001 elementary ed: multiple subjects and passed all of the sections except the science (praxis 5005). When I look at my raw points earned it says that I got 28/40 right which would give me a 0.7 or 70%. If I use this method I would have scored a 170. However, my official score came out to 148… does this method not work for this specific test, or what happened with my scores?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (274)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Sarah,

      We provide this scoring method as a way to estimate scores, but unfortunately it does tend to over-simplify the actual Praxis scoring process. ETS adjusts it’s scores to take minor differences between different test versions into account. Your score may have been adjusted downwards for several reasons. They definitely could have scaled it down 6 points if the questions you answered correctly were easier on average.

      However, it’s also possible that a number of your correct answers were experimental questions. These questions are newly created by Praxis and are put on the exam as an experiment to see how test takers do, but they don’t actually count toward your score. Unfortunately, there’s no way to tell if any questions on your exam are experimental, and not every exam will use experimental sections.

      Some individual questions can also be worth more points than others. So if you missed a few higher-point-valued questions, that could also account for the adjustment downward.

      You can see that our method isn’t perfect then, and is more of a rough estimate. That said, if you think there was an error, you can always contact ETS and have them review your case!


  • Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (275)

    Alesia L Thornton

    I took the praxis 5025 today and received an unofficial score of 156 for the state of Maryland that is a passing score. What are the chances that my official score drops down a point?


    1. Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (276)

      Magoosh Test Prep Expert

      Hi Alesia,

      Unofficial scores on the Praxis are often similar to the official scores. With that said, it’s not impossible for a score to change 1 – 3 points. Best of luck!


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    Praxis II Scores: What You Need to Know (2024)


    What score do you need on Praxis II to pass? ›

    Passing score ranges for Subject Assessments usually fall between 127-177 on a maximum 200 -point scale.

    How to understand Praxis scores? ›

    Scores are determined based on the structure of the specific Praxis test. Selected-response answer sheets are scored by machine, a process which provides virtually 100% scoring accuracy. Each correct answer is worth one raw point. The total raw score is the number of questions answered correctly on the full test.

    Is Praxis 2 hard to pass? ›

    How hard is the Praxis II? While these exams are used to test a beginning teacher's abilities and content knowledge, they are not easy. The Praxis Elementary Education 5001 has complicated questions for each subtest. These are things we learned long ago and may not recall.

    How many questions can you get wrong on the Praxis and still pass? ›

    How many do I have to get correct to pass the Praxis test? There are no definitive passing scores on the Praxis; each state sets its own standard, and each test's raw score is weighted differently.

    What happens if you fail the Praxis II? ›

    If you don't pass a Praxis II Exam for your license, you will need to retake it before you can teach. In states that require multiple Praxis tests, every test must be passed before you're issued a teaching certificate. If you pass the Praxis Core but fail the Praxis II, this will keep you from getting a license.

    What is the unofficial score on the Praxis 2? ›

    The unofficial score is calculated on the Praxis II's special scoring scale for a minimum of 100 points and a maximum of 200 points. Both unofficial and official Praxis II scores are scaled in this 100-200 point range.

    Do Praxis scores matter? ›

    As long as you pass, Praxis scores aren't that important for the job search. You need to pass the Praxis test and earn your licensure. If you are in the testing process, a school may ask you about your unofficial scores to make sure you're on track to earning your licensure.

    How to calculate scaled score? ›

    Each correctly scored item below 50 is calculated by taking the number of correct answers, multiplied by the scaled-score value (~3), and added to 100; a raw score of 20 would be approximately a scaled score of 160 (20 x 3, + 100), whereas a raw score of 40 would be approximately a scaled score of 220 (40 x 3, + 100).

    Are unofficial Praxis scores accurate? ›

    The official score, released in the score report, is calculated the same way as the unofficial score, but may be scaled for differences between test forms. The official score may also differ from the unofficial score if a test center error or miscalculation was fixed, but this is very rare.

    How common is failing Praxis? ›

    What's the pass rate for Praxis exams? According to a report by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ), the first-time pass rate for the Praxis Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects test is 46% across all subtests. Those odds are not great.

    Which is the hardest Praxis? ›

    How easy is the Praxis test? This depends on the exam. Generally, the Praxis Core is the easiest, though it can still be quite challenging. Praxis Subject Assessments (or Praxis 2 exams) are typically more difficult, as they require more in-depth knowledge.

    How to study for Praxis 2? ›

    The following steps will help you prep for the Praxis 2:
    1. Determine the Praxis 2 exam you need to take.
    2. Understand the logistics of your Praxis 2 exam.
    3. Review Praxis 2 test content.
    4. Utilize effective Praxis 2 study strategies.
    5. Prepare for Praxis 2 test day.

    How is the Praxis II scored? ›

    On most Praxis® tests, each selected-response question answered correctly is worth one raw point, and your total raw score is the number of questions answered correctly on the full test. Selected- response questions are scored by computer.

    How do I know if I passed the Praxis? ›

    If you take the Praxis [test-name] on [test-date] your score report will be available in your Praxis account after 5 p.m. ET on [report-date].

    Which state has the lowest Praxis scores? ›

    All states have a minimum passing score of 162 for the Praxis Core Writing exam except for Washington, which requires 158, and [North Dakota], which requires 160. While there are many subject exam state requirements, it is easiest to give an average range of passing scores that encompass all 50 states.

    What is the lowest score you can get on the Praxis? ›

    This means the lowest possible score on a Praxis Core exam is 100 points, the highest possible score is 200, and the point range is 100. To calculate the unofficial score, the Praxis takes the percentage of correct responses and proportionally adjusts it to the 100 point range within the 100-200 scale.

    When should your Praxis II be taken? ›

    You'll probably take this test toward the end of your teacher prep program. Most states require that you pass the Praxis II before being issued a teaching license. Both assessments come with testing fees, too, which can range from $90 to $150 or more.

    What does the Praxis 2 consist of? ›

    This Praxis 2 Elementary Education exam is composed of 4 different subtests, Reading and Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science. The entire exam takes 4 hours and 35 minutes, though each subtest is timed separately. Test takers will see selected-response and numeric-entry questions.

    Is there a time limit on the Praxis 2? ›

    Praxis Subject Assessment Test Length

    All of the PLT exams have 70 selected-response questions, 4 constructed-response questions, and a time limit of 2 hours.

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