Process Scheduling (2024)

CSCI.4210 Operating Systems
Process Scheduling

If there are several runnable jobs, the operating system has to decidewhich job to run next, a process known as Process Scheduling.

In the old days, when computers ran batch jobs, this was not an issue.The computer operator simply submitted the jobs in the order that theywere delivered to him or her, and each job ran to completion. We cancall this algorithm First come first served, or FIFO (first in firstout).

However, even this primitive system had problems. Suppose there arefive jobs waiting to be run. Four of the five jobs will take aboutten seconds each to run, and one will take ten minutes, but the tenminute job was submitted first. In a FIFO system, the four fast jobswill all be held up for a long time by a large job that happened to bedelivered first.

In a batch system, this was not serious since jobs were neverinteractive. However, if we knew ahead of time how long each jobwould take, we could maximize throughput. In fact, some computercenters in the '60s could actually do this. When a user submitted ajob, he or she was also asked to specify an estimated run time. Theoperator would then allow a job to run only for that amount of time(or perhaps a few seconds longer). This was important, because eventhen, programmers could write programs with infinite loops. If aprogram exceeded its estimated run time, the operator killed it.

This permitted the operator to run jobs using a shortest jobfirst algorithm. As the name implies, instead of running jobs inthe order that they are delivered, the operator would search throughall available jobs and run that job which had the shortest run time.This is provably the fastest job scheduling algorithm. A simpleexample will demonstrate this.

Suppose four jobs arrived at about the same, but not exactly the same,time. We happen to know exactly how long each job will take. Here arethe run times of the four jobs, in the order that they arrived.

Job One25
Job Two 10
Job Three20
Job Four15

If the jobs are run with a FIFO algorithm, hereare the total times to completion for each of the four jobs (assuming that it takes notime to load a job).

Job One25
Job Two 35
Job Three55
Job Four70

The average time to completion was 46.25 seconds ((25 + 35 + 55 + 70) / 4).

If the jobs are run shortest job first, (Job Two, Job Four, Job Three, Job One) here are the total times to completion of the four jobs.

Job One70
Job Two 10
Job Three45
Job Four25

It still takes 70 seconds to run all four jobs, but theaverage time to completion for a job was 37.5 seconds ((70 + 10 + 45 + 25) / 4).

Aside:Asking users to estimate the run time of their jobs putthem in somewhat of a bind, because often they did not have an exact guess.If they submitted a high guess, their job would almost certainly run tocompletion, but it might be delayed by the operator. On the other hand, ifthey submitted a somewhat lower time estimate, the operator would start runningit sooner, but there was a greater chance that it would time out before completing.

Process scheduling on a modern multiprogramming operating system is far more complex.Recall our state diagram for the states of a process

Process Scheduling (1)

The earlier discussion made reference to a kernel process called the scheduleror the dispatcher. This is a process which decides what process to run next.The scheduler has a number of competing demands on it.

Keeping the CPU and other computer resources as busy as possible. If the CPU is idle but thereare jobs to run, everything is slowed down
Minimizing response time for interactive jobs
Modern computers are interactive, there are users waiting for responsesto their commands. It is important to schedule those jobs first where theuser is waiting for a response.
Maximizing throughput
Throughput is the number of jobs completed per unit time. Clearlythis should be a high as possible
Minimizing turnaround time
The average time to complete jobs should be as low as possible.
No starvation
Even long running batch jobs should be making progress.
Low overhead
The process scheduler itself is a process, but this process shouldnot take too much time. We can use the term overhead to refer toall of the time which is taken by the process scheduler and by the workinvolved in switching from one process to another.
Enforcing priorities
On a large system, some jobs may be run at a higher priority than others, because their owner is more important or they are doing moreimportant work. Scheduling algorithms have to take these priorities intoaccount.
Enforcing real-time deadlines
A real time process is one which has strict deadlines becauseit is impacting events in the world. An example is a process which isdisplaying a video in which each frame has to be loaded within a strictschedule in order that it not appear jittery. A system which is runningmany processes, some of which are real time processes, has to make surethat the real time process deadlines are met.
Modern process schedulers are preemptive; this means that it ispossible for a running job to be replaced by another process before it hascompleted. There are three reasons why a process might be preempted
  • It is waiting for an event to occur, such as a keystroke from the useror a read from a file or a mutex to become unlocked. In this case, theprocess is moved from the running state to the blocked state, and some otherprocess is allowed to run.
  • It has used up its time quantum (time slice). One of thefeatures of modern process scheduling is that if there are several runnablejobs, one job runs for a while, and then it is replaced by another job.The maximum amount of time that a job can run before being preempted isset by the system and is called the time quantum. It is typically on theorder of several hundred milliseconds.
  • A process with a higher priority has become runnable. This most oftenoccurs because a job which had been blocked, waiting for an event, isawakened because the event has occurred. It may be the case that thisrecently awakened process has a higher priority than the currently runningjob, and so it replaces it.
The process of switching from one job to another is called a contextswitch. At a minimum, all that is involved is saving the register valuesof the process which is being preempted, copying the register values ofthe new process which is being run, and changing the Program Counter (theregister in the CPU which contains the next instruction to be run). Insome cases, however, a context switch may involve loading pages into memory orother much more time consuming tasks. In the interest of minimizing overhead,context switches should take very little time.

There are many types of jobs which may be running more or less concurrently.Some jobs are interactive; the user is sitting at the monitor hitting keys andmoving the mouse and waiting for a response. Other jobs may be running inbackground. For example, a web server has no user, but it still requiresrelatively rapid response to requests. Still other jobs are pure batch jobs;with no user waiting for an immediate response. On many mainframes, filesof transactions are read in and a database is updated, but this is nothappening in real time.

We can distinguish two categories of jobs, compute intensive jobs andI/O intensive jobs. Any running process consists of alternating periodsof computation followed by an I/O operation. In a compute intensivejob, the computation phase is long relative to the I/O phase. In anI/O intensive job, the computation phase is very short; the computerreads a record from a file for example, performs a trivial computationon it, then reads the next record.

Question: Which type of job should be given priority, a computeintensive job or an I/O intensive job?

Answer: The I/O intensive job should be given priority, because itwill run for a very brief period of time before issuing its next I/O command, whichwill put it to sleep, and then the compute intensive job can run.

Here is a simple example: Two jobs are submitted at the same time, P1 iscompute intensive and P2 is I/O intensive. The compute intensive job willrequire 300 milliseconds to run, the I/O intensive job will perform 3 I/O operations.Each I/O operation takes 60 msec, and the process will need 20 milliseconds toprocess the data from one I/O operation. There is also an initial startup of 20 msec, so it requires a total of 80 msec of CPU time. The time slice is100 msec.

Consider two scenarios. In the first scenario, the compute intensive jobis given priority. In the second scenario, the I/O intensive job is givenpriority and will preempt a running compute intensive job whenever it isrunnable. To keep things simple, we will assume that a context switch takesno time. Here are the two time lines.

Process Scheduling (2)

In the first scenario, P1 takes a total of 340 msec and P2 takes 440 msec.In the second scenario, P1 takes 380 msec but P2 takes only 260 msec.

It is important to keep in mind throughout all of this discussion that thescheduler does not know how long a process will run or whether or not itwill be I/O intensive or CPU intensive. Also, the scheduler does not usually knowwhether or not a particular job is interactive or not. The only information that it hasis the priority and its past history.

If we look at the kinds of jobs that are actually run on computers doing realwork, it turns out that we can make some assumptions.

  • A process which has been IO intensive in the recent past will probably beIO intensive in the near future. The same is true of CPU intensive jobs.
  • A process which has been running for a long time is less likely to end soonthan a process which has just started. This may be somewhat counterintuitive,but it turns out that the mix of jobs on most computers consists of a large numberof very short jobs (the user typing ls for example) with a small numberof long running jobs.
Earlier we said that the best algorithm for a non-preemptive batch system was a shortest job first algorithm. When we tryto generalize this to a preemptive system, we conclude that the algorithmwhich maximizes throughput is to always run the job which has the least timeremaining. In practice, this is impossible to implement because thescheduler has no way of knowing how long a particular job has to run. Butwe can get some clues from the above two observations.

Scheduling Algorithms and strategies

Let's consider some simple scheduling algorithms to see how well they meet ourcriteria.

We have already discussed two non-preemptive algorithms

First-come-first-served (FCFS) - Just run the jobs as they arrive. This issimple to implement, but it means that a long running job can block a quickjob, so it is not very efficient.

Shortest job first - Run the shortest job in the queue first. This isthe most efficient non-preemptive strategy, but it is based on the assumptionthat the system knows how long each job will run, and generally this is not known.Thus, it is not practical.

Preemptive strategies

Essentially all modern operating systems use a preemptive scheduling strategy,so we can discuss several such algorithms.

Round Robin

A simple yet fairly effective scheduling algorithm is called RoundRobin. This is a variant of the FCFS algorithm discussed above with atime slice preemption added. In a Round Robin scheduler, the processes whichare ready to run are kept in a FIFO queue. A running job continues runninguntil it terminates, it becomes blocked, or it uses up its time slice. Whenits time slice is used up, it is put on the end of the ready queue. When sleeping processes are awakened or when new processes are started theydo not preempt the currently running job, they are put on the end of the queue.

The Round Robin Scheduling algorithm has the following advantages

  • It is simple to implement. Simplicity generally means low overhead.
  • There is no danger of starvation for any job
It has the following disadvantages
  • It cannot take scheduling priorities into account
  • Interactive jobs are not necessarily given priority, so there can belonger than optimal waits.
  • IO intensive jobs are not necessarily given priority.
Let's compare Round Robin to our idealized (run shortest remaining job first)algorithm. Suppose that we have four jobs, with the following times remaining.
Job 140
Job 210
Job 330
Job 420
Here is how the timing would look with Round Robin scheduling using a time quantum of 10.

Process Scheduling (3)

The average time to completion is 70 msec. With shortest job firstscheduling, the average time to completion of the four jobs is 50 msec.

The size of the time quantum is an important consideration. Ourexamples have ignored the time to perform a context switch, but inpractice there is some overhead associated with switching from onerunning process to another. If the goal is to minimize overheadtime, then it is better to have a large time quantum. In practicemost processes will not use up their entire quantum because they willbe blocked on an IO operation or a mutex.

However, if the time quantum is large, the turnaround time on shortjobs will be longer because they will spend more time waiting forCPU intensive jobs to complete their time slice.

Multiple queues based on priority

If job priority is an important criterion, as it is in real time systemsfor example, another algorithms is to have several queues depending onpriority. High priority jobs are placed on one queue, low priorityjobs on another. High priority jobs are run first. This algorithmhas the risk that low priority jobs might starve if there are enoughhigh priority jobs, so one solution to this is that jobs that are ready torun but have not received any CPU time recently are moved up in priority.

Multiple queues based on prior usage (feedback)

A variant of this is to assign jobs to different priority queues depending on recent CPU usage. Consider a simple system with twoqueues. Newly started jobs or jobs that have just been awakenedafter being blocked are placed on the high priority queue. A jobwhich is preempted because it uses up its time slice is placed onthe lower priority queue. Jobs on the high priority queue arerun first. If there are no jobs on this queue, then jobs on thelow priority queue are run. Each queue operates on an FIFO basis.

This algorithm has a number of advantages over a simple round robinscheduler. Interactive processes are given priority because theytend to be either very short or to spend most of their time blockedwaiting for input. The disadvantage of this is that long running,CPU intensive jobs can starve if there are enough interactive jobs.One solution to this problem is to have the scheduler periodicallyscan the low priority queue to look for jobs which have notreceived any CPU time recently and move them to the higher priorityqueue.

If two queues are better than one queue, perhaps three or more queuesare better than two. With multiple queues, a job which is on, sayqueue 2 which uses up its time slice is then placed on queue 3, (lowernumbers mean higher priority), and so on. Thus a long, compute intensive jobwill quickly migrate to a lower priority queue. In order to avoid starvation,there needs to be a mechanism to move low priority jobs which have not received anyCPU time for a while to move to a higher priority queue.

Yet another variant of this, which helps to address the problem oflow priority jobs starving, is to vary the time slice depending onthe priority. Low priority jobs run less often, but when they getto run, they are given a longer time slice.

Scheduling systems which use multiple queues based on prior usage aresometimes called feedback models.

Calculating CPU usage with decay

A multiple queue system assigns jobs a priority based onCPU usage. One simple but poor solution is to just assignpriority based on total CPU usage so far. This effectivelystarves long running jobs. A second solution isto base priority only on CPU usage during the recent past, the past second for example. Thus, a job which received no CPU time in the past second istreated the same as a brand new job. An even better solution isto use an algorithm which is a hybrid between these two such that recent CPU time reduces priority more than CPU time in the distant past.

For example, suppose we divide timeup into discrete periods of, say, one second. We want to count usage inthe most recent time period more heavily than usage in the second most recent timeperiod, and so on. This is called a decay function. Each second, a valueT is calculated for each current process according to a formula suchas the following:

TN = .5 * TimeN-1 + .25 * TimeN-2 + .125 * TimeN-3 + .0625 * TimeN-4 ...

In this function, TN is our total usage indicator at time N.TimeN-1 is the amount of CPU time that the process used in thelast time period, TimeN-2 is the amount of CPU time thatthe process used in the second to last time period, TimeN-3is the amount of CPU time that the process used in the third to last time period, and so on.

Jobs are prioritized by T, the job with the lowest value of T is run first, the job with the second lowest value of T isrun second, and so on.

This algorithm has several advantages

  • Newly arrived jobs are given the highest priority because they haveno prior CPU time.
  • IO intensive jobs are given priority, because, since they spend most oftheir time sleeping, they do not accumulate much CPU time.
  • Long running, CPU intensive jobs do not starve, because the longerthey wait for CPU time, the lower their value of T is.
It would seem that it would require a lot of overhead to compute such a function,but in fact that is not the case. The following function performs thiscomputation.

TN = P * Time + (1 - P) * TN-1

In this formula Time is the amount of CPU time that the processused since T was last recomputed, and P is avalue between zero and one. If P has the value of .5, thisexactly computes the expansion above. A higher value of P gives moreweight to the recent past. In other words, the function decays more quickly.

Fair-share scheduling

All of the models described above treat each process as independent. However,on a modern multiuser system with threading, this may not be the case. In thediscussion of threads, we made a distinction between two different ways toimplement threads. On system which implements user threads, thread schedulingis handled entirely within a process without the kernel dispatcher knowinganything about the threads. In this case, there is a thread library which isa part of the process structure, and this will contain a scheduling mechanism,but of course, it only schedules threads within that process when that processis actually running. The opposite is kernel threads, in which the kernelknows about multiple threads in a single process and is responsible forscheduling these threads.

In the latter case, the scheduler might want to schedule threads such thateach process gets its fair share of the CPU, in contrast to giving a process with,say, six threads, six times as much run time as a process with only a single thread.This is known as fair-share scheduling (FSS). In a typical FSS system,the system divides the executable threads into related groups, and allocatesa fraction of the total CPU time to each group. Scheduling is thus based on acomplex priority system which can take into account the recent history of thatparticular thread, the total usage of all of the threads in that group, andperhaps the priority of the group, and/or the priority of the threads withinthat group.


Multiprogramming only works efficiently if all runnable processesare in memory. During times of heavy load, it may be the casethat not all processes will fit into memory at the same time.This leads to a lot of memory page faults (exception conditions in whicha process or a component of a process needs to be loaded into memoryfrom disk before it can run), which are extremely inefficient.One solution which is adopted by many real world operating systemsis to swap out some jobs during times of peak load.This means that entire jobs are copied onto disk and removedfrom the ready queue, even though they are potentially runnable.This not only frees up memory for higher priority jobs, but italso makes the scheduler work more efficiently because it hasfewer potentially runnable processes to consider. Only lowpriority jobs should be swapped out.

The obvious disadvantage is that swapping can dramatically slowdown long running jobs, so there needs to be a mechanism toperiodically copy swapped out jobs back to memory and give themsome CPU time.

Swapping processes in and out of memory is called medium level scheduling. Thiscan be contrasted with short term scheduling on the one hand, which was the kindof scheduling that was discussed in the rest of this lesson, and long term scheduling,on the other hand, which is deciding which and how many jobs to run. Althoughmany operating systems texts discuss long term scheduling, modern systems usually have little control over when new processes are created, and so itis only relevant for a few large mainframe systems that run mostly batch jobs.

An observation

Although process scheduling is a crucial component of the study of operatingsystems, it is only important for systems which are running many more or lesssimultaneous processes. In practice, the typical PC or Unix workstation isonly running one or at most a small number of active processes at one time,and so process scheduling is not important.

Scheduling in Unix and Windows

In spite of that observation, both of theoperating systems that we discuss in this course use scheduling algorithmswhich are more complex than any of those discussed above.

Unix (4.4BSD)

Unix uses multilevel feedback queues. All runnable processesare assigned a scheduling priority that determines which queue theyare placed in. Each queue uses round robin. Priorities aredynamically adjusted.

When a nonrunning process with a higher priority becomes available, itimmediately preempts the current running process if the current processis in user mode, otherwise it switches when the current process exits thekernel.

Unix processes have a priority value called niceness, which ranges from-20 (highest priority) to +20 (lowest priority). The default value for a user process is zero.A user can run a process with a lower priority with the nicecommand at the shell. For example
nice a.out
This sets its niceness value to 10. It is called nice becauseusers who use this are being nice to other users by running their jobs at alower priority. Only the superuser is allowed to increase the priority of a job(nastiness).

Short term priority of user processes is based on two values, recent cpu utilization and niceness. Every four clock ticks(40 msec) priority is recalculated base on this equation.

priority = PUSER + (recentcputime/4) + 2 * Niceness.

recentcputime is incremented each time that the system clock ticks,and the process is found to be executing. It is adjusted onceper second by a decay factor which causes 90 percent of the cpu usageover the past second to be decremented over a period of timewhich is dependent on the system load factor. PUSER is a constant.

recentcputime = ((2 * load) / (2 * load + 1)) * recentcputime + nice

load is the average length of the run queue. Thus, this function uses a decay function as described above with the rate ofdecay determined by system load. When the system is lightly loaded,decay is rapid, when the system is heavily loaded, decay is slower.

Each type of job has its own priority. This is determined bythe constant in the equation. User jobs have the value PUSER,Processes running in kernel mode have a higherpriority than user jobs, so the constant is higher.

Process Scheduling in Windows 2000

Windows 2000 also uses a priority driven, preemptive scheduling algorithm. A running job is assigned a time quantum, but size of thetime quantum varies. Unlike Unix, what is scheduled is threads,not processes, and in general, no consideration is given to whatprocess the thread belongs to. This means that a process withmany runnable threads would receive much more CPU time than a processwith only one runnable thread.

Windows 2000 uses 32 priority levels (higher numbers indicatehigher priority). The top 16 are calledreal time levels and the bottom 16 are for ordinary userprocesses.

A thread in a real time process is assigned a realtime priority and this does not change. However, note thatin spite of the name, Windows 2000 does not support truereal time scheduling (i.e. guaranteed turnaround time);these simply refer to higher priority jobs. Many kernelthreads run with real time priority.

The priority of a thread in an ordinaryuser process changes dynamically. Each thread starts out with itsprocess base priority (the default is 8). However, prioritycan be increased by the following events

  • Completion of an I/O operation
  • after waiting on a semaphore or mutex
  • when a GUI thread wakes up because of a windowing activity
  • when a thread that is ready to run hasn't run for sometime (starvation).

The scheduler also changes the length of a time quantum, thuseffectively increasing the CPU time of certain processes. Oneof the advantages of integrating the Graphical User Interface withthe kernel is that the system knows which window has the focus,and can increase the time quantum for the process or processesassociated with that window (foreground processes). This makes sense because theseprocesses are more likely to be interactive.

The dispatcher runs higher priority jobs first. A process that uses upits time quantum has its priority reduced.

Here is an exercise which simulates two of thesealgorithms

There is no programming assignment this week.

Process Scheduling (2024)


What is the process of scheduling? ›

Definition. The process scheduling is the activity of the process manager that handles the removal of the running process from the CPU and the selection of another process on the basis of a particular strategy. Process scheduling is an essential part of a Multiprogramming operating systems.

Which is the best process scheduling? ›

The simplest best-effort scheduling algorithms are round-robin, fair queuing (a max-min fair scheduling algorithm), proportionally fair scheduling and maximum throughput.

What are the 3 types of scheduling? ›

The three schedule types are known as the Capacity schedule, Resource schedule, and Service schedule. In some ways, they overlap in what they can do, and for some applications more than one will work.

Why is process scheduling important? ›

Process scheduling allows OS to allocate a time interval of CPU execution for each process. Another important reason for using a process scheduling system is that it keeps the CPU busy all the time. This allows you to get the minimum response time for programs.

What is process scheduling and types? ›

Process Scheduling handles the selection of a process for the processor on the basis of a scheduling algorithm and also the removal of a process from the processor. It is an important part of multiprogramming operating system. There are many scheduling queues that are used in process scheduling.

What scheduling means? ›

Scheduling is the process of arranging, controlling and optimizing work and workloads in a production process or manufacturing process. Scheduling is used to allocate plant and machinery resources, plan human resources, plan production processes and purchase materials.

Which scheduling is best and why? ›

The FCFS is better for a small burst time. The SJF is better if the process comes to processor simultaneously. The last algorithm, Round Robin, is better to adjust the average waiting time desired.

What is a good scheduling system? ›

Google Calendar, Acuity Scheduling, Calendly, CalendarHero, and Doodle are the best scheduling software products based on user reviews and user popularity, according to the 2021 Capterra Shortlist.

What are the types of scheduling? ›

What Are the 8 Different Types of Appointment Scheduling?
  • Time-slot scheduling.
  • Wave scheduling.
  • Wave and walk-in appointment scheduling.
  • Open appointment scheduling.
  • Double scheduling.
  • Cluster scheduling.
  • Matrix scheduling.
  • 40/20 scheduling.
16 May 2022

What are the 5 main types of scheduling? ›

Here are a few approaches to scheduling appointments and patient processing to help you get ahead of demand.
  • Wave scheduling. ...
  • Time slot scheduling. ...
  • Stream scheduling. ...
  • Open booking. ...
  • Clustering scheduling. ...
  • Double scheduling.

What are the objectives of process scheduling? ›

Objectives of process scheduling

Optimize the use of resources present. Keep the CPU busy and have maximum utilization of the CPU. Minimum response time for executing a process means the shortest possible time for process execution.

Why process is so important? ›

Why are processes important? They are important because they describe how things are done and then provides the focus for making them better and how they are done determines how successful the outcomes will be. If you focus on the right processes, in the right way, you can design your way to success.

What are the 5 benefits of scheduling? ›

Let's look at 5 benefits of project scheduling.
  • Prioritization. A project schedule allows work to be prioritized. ...
  • Tracking. Schedules allow the project manager to track and monitor progress. ...
  • Resource management. ...
  • Risk management. ...
  • Stakeholder satisfaction.
16 Mar 2022

What are process types? ›

The general type of a process. There are three elementary process types (assignment, manifestation, and containment) and four compound process types (their combinations). Each process type represents an infinite number of specific concepts (see examples in Table 4a & b ).

What are the 2 types of processes? ›

Basically there are two types of process: Independent process. Cooperating process.

What is process scheduling queue? ›

Process Scheduling Queues

Each processing state has its own queue in the OS, and PCBs from all processes in the same execution state are put in the very same queue. A process's PCB is unlinked from its present queue and then moved to its next state queue when its status changes.

How do you schedule a project? ›

7 steps to create a project schedule
  1. Define your project goals. ...
  2. Identify all stakeholders. ...
  3. Determine your final deadline. ...
  4. List each step or task. ...
  5. Assign a team member responsible for each task. ...
  6. Work backward to set due dates for each task. ...
  7. Organize your project schedule in one tool, and share it with your team.
27 Jul 2022

What means scheduling skills? ›

The ability to overcome such complex and frustrating situations by planning your activities such that you are able to complete all your projects and goals according to your priorities as well as within the available time limit is referred to as the scheduling skills.

What is schedule example? ›

You can use schedule to refer to the time or way something is planned to be done. For example, if something is completed on schedule, it is completed at the time planned. The jet arrived in Johannesburg two minutes ahead of schedule.

What is the most basic scheduling method? ›

The task list is the simplest project scheduling technique of all the techniques available. Documented in a spreadsheet or word processor is the list of all possible tasks involved in a project. This method is simple and the most popular of all methods.

Why is scheduling important in the workplace? ›

A good schedule is about getting people in the right place at the right time and, importantly, doing the right task. At the same time, effective scheduling allows businesses to empower their employees, become more productive, and ultimately deliver a better service to their customers.

What are most challenging about scheduling? ›

Here are seven of the most common (and aggravating!) scheduling issues managers run into regularly, and how to eliminate them:
  • Shortage of Employees. ...
  • Overscheduling. ...
  • Disorganization. ...
  • Last-Minute Absences. ...
  • Employee Turnover. ...
  • Not Planning for Vacations (and Other Paid Time Off) ...
  • Lack of Availability. ...
  • Shortage of Employees.
11 Jun 2013

How can I improve my scheduling? ›

Follow these tips when building a schedule around your daily rituals, and use them to more effectively manage your time:
  1. Jot down a to-do list. ...
  2. Notate key tasks. ...
  3. Put tasks in order of importance and timeliness. ...
  4. Map out time frames. ...
  5. Keep yourself on target. ...
  6. Schedule self-improvement time.
4 Apr 2022

How can I improve my scheduling skills? ›

7 Best Tips to Improve Your Time Management Skills
  1. #1. Determine Your Priorities. In your day-to-day activities, some tasks are more important than others. ...
  2. #2. Avoid Multitasking. ...
  3. #3. Avoid Distractions. ...
  4. #4. Learn to Say No. ...
  5. #5. Use Time Management Apps. ...
  6. #6. Organize Your Day. ...
  7. #7. Take Breaks. ...
  8. #1. Reduced Anxiety.
25 Mar 2022

How do I make scheduling more efficient? ›

How to improve scheduling efficiency
  1. Schedule the right workers for the right shifts. ...
  2. Accommodate nontraditional schedules. ...
  3. Combine scheduling with payroll. ...
  4. Remain compliant. ...
  5. Publish your schedule in advance. ...
  6. Be flexible. ...
  7. Make schedules accessible.
13 Apr 2021

What is operations scheduling? ›

Operations scheduling follows the sequence of operations that is specified on the production route. The scheduling reserves capacity on the resource groups, based on the operation times that are defined on the production route.

What are the two types of process scheduling? ›

Summary. Process scheduling schedules a process into ready, waiting, and running states. There are two categories of process scheduling: preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling. Job queue, ready queue, and device queue are the three queues of process scheduling.

What is service time in process scheduling? ›

Service Time or St is simply defined as the time taken by the system to process a particulate service request. Service Time tends to remains constant for a given transaction when there is no change in any of the user inputs or other environment variables that govern the performance of the given business transaction.

What tools are used for scheduling process? ›

Project scheduling tools and techniques
  • Task list. This is the most basic form of project schedule. ...
  • Work breakdown structure (WBS) ...
  • Gantt chart. ...
  • Simulation Simulation. ...
  • Mathematical methods. ...
  • Duration compression methods. ...
  • Resource levelling heuristics.
29 Mar 2022

What are the rules of scheduling? ›

Scheduling Rules
  • Activity Priority. The Activity Priority scheduling rule specifies that activities in the waiting list (for resources) should be sorted in the order of increasing values of their priority.
  • Delayed Late Start. ...
  • Late Start Time. ...
  • Late Finish Time. ...
  • Resource Priority. ...
  • Shortest Duration.

What skills are needed for scheduling? ›

Scheduler Qualifications/Skills:
  • Scheduling.
  • Administrative writing skills.
  • Professionalism, confidentiality, and organization.
  • Reporting skills.
  • Travel logistics.
  • Typing.
  • Verbal Communication.
  • Microsoft Office skills.

What is a purpose of process? ›

Definition(s): High-level objective of performing the process and the likely outcomes of effective implementation of the process.

What makes a great process? ›

These studies have identified a number of key qualities that build the profile of an effective teacher, including expert pedagogical skills, strong communication skills, passion for their profession (Murray, 2021), effective classroom management strategies, and solid knowledge of the subject matter or the field.

What is process Focus? ›

A process focus means appreciating the preparation process itself. Perhaps through taking more care with how you make the food and what you put in, such as changing ingredients or making different side dishes. Or by aiming to prepare the food a little bit better each time.

What is the advantage of scheduling? ›

An automated process of refreshing the jobs or reports on a regular basis. Scheduling is a process of planning any event or a job at a required time. Similarly, on the technical front, scheduling helps in automating the required procedure for refreshing processes, reports or jobs on regular or required intervals.

What are the five steps of scheduling? ›

The five to developing a schedule are: Define Activities.
  • Step 1: Define Activities. ...
  • Step 2: Sequence Activities. ...
  • Step 3: Estimate Resources. ...
  • Step 4: Estimate Durations. ...
  • Step 5: Develop Schedule.
10 Oct 2014

What are the 5 types of scheduling? ›

What Are the 8 Different Types of Appointment Scheduling?
  • Time-slot scheduling.
  • Wave scheduling.
  • Wave and walk-in appointment scheduling.
  • Open appointment scheduling.
  • Double scheduling.
  • Cluster scheduling.
  • Matrix scheduling.
  • 40/20 scheduling.
16 May 2022

What are the two types of scheduling? ›

1. Preemptive Scheduling: Preemptive scheduling is used when a process switches from running state to ready state or from the waiting state to ready state.

What are scheduling skills? ›

Key scheduling skills include attention to detail, problem-solving skills, relationship-building skills, and adaptability. These skills are needed to ensure that a professional working as a scheduler can successfully plan and execute scheduling needs for the company or organization that they work for.

What are scheduling types? ›

3.1 First come, first served. 3.2 Priority scheduling. 3.3 Shortest remaining time first. 3.4 Fixed priority pre-emptive scheduling. 3.5 Round-robin scheduling.

What is the most common method of scheduling? ›

Gantt Chart is the most frequently used scheduling technique because of its simplicity. However, without using software it is difficult to update activities, activity relationships and manage changes as the project progresses.

How do you schedule employees? ›

How to create an employee work schedule
  1. Think about your scheduling needs ahead of time. ...
  2. Evaluate your staffing levels and availability. ...
  3. Create a list of employees who want extra shifts. ...
  4. Follow local rules and regulations. ...
  5. Publish your schedule early. ...
  6. Communicate your employee scheduling rationale effectively.
10 May 2021

What is Level 4 scheduling? ›

Control Level Schedule (Level 4)

Level 4 schedules are developed and maintained by a project execution team and are commonly prepared by project leads and construction subcontractors to monitor and control day-to-day work activities and serve as the foundation for measuring project progress and performance.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.