Product Classification: What It Is & Its Impact on Marketing Efforts (2024)

Product classification is key to uncovering the reasons behind your consumers' buying behaviors.

Product Classification: What It Is & Its Impact on Marketing Efforts (1)

For example, I've been buying the same toothpaste for years. I don't think about testing out a different brand or buying from another retailer. Toothpaste, as it turns out, is a "convenience good." Shoppers like me usually buy this product without putting too much thought into it.

Understanding product classifications like this can help you better market, price, and distribute your products.

There are four types of product classification and a variety of reasons why these classifications are important. Let's dive into each type, so you can decide where your product falls, and learn the top marketing strategies for each.

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Continue reading, or jump to the section you’re looking for:

  • What is product classification?
  • Product Classification in Marketing
  • What are the four classifications of products?
  • Why the Classification of Consumer Products Is Important
  • Product Classification Examples

What is product classification?

Product classification organizes products into four categories based mostly on consumer buying behavior, similarity to competing brands, and price range. Classifying products helps marketing and sales teams develop strategies to target consumer needs.

Product classifications are not the same as product categories. Both can help to organize products for promotion. But product categories are usually specific to a business, industry, or niche.

Product Classification in Marketing

Understanding product classification is vital when devising a marketing strategy. Why? Well, it lets you know the mindset most consumers have and the behavior they display when interacting with your product.

This knowledge helps you create effective customer-centric marketing strategies. It also helps you decide on a realistic marketing budget.

For instance, say your products fall under the "unsought goods" classification. This means that you’ll likely need to take a more aggressive marketing approach to reach consumers that may not have considered your product or brand.

Think of charity organizations, life insurance companies, and funeral homes. These are usually not top of mind for consumers. As such, these brands must put in more effort to be visible to consumers and highlight the benefits of their goods or services.

Product Classification: What It Is & Its Impact on Marketing Efforts (4)

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Shopping goods, on the other hand, are highly visible and competitive. Consumers typically spend time comparing quality, cost, and value before making a purchase. That’s why building brand loyalty is vital for this product classification.

Product Classification: What It Is & Its Impact on Marketing Efforts (5)

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As you can see, there are factors to consider for every classification of product. The more familiar you are with consumer habits and beliefs for that category, the more equipped you will be to market your product.

What are the four classifications of products?

  1. Convenience Goods
  2. Shopping Goods
  3. Specialty Goods
  4. Unsought Goods

There are four types of products and each is classified based on consumer habits, price, and product characteristics: convenience goods, shopping goods, specialty products, and unsought goods.

Let's dive into each one in more detail.

1. Convenience Goods

Convenience goods are products that consumers buy repeatedly without much thought.

Once consumers choose their brand of choice, they typically stick to it unless they see a reason to switch. For example, an interesting advertisem*nt or convenient placement at the checkout aisle may inspire them to try a new brand.

Examples of convenience goods include:

  • Gum
  • Toilet paper
  • Soap
  • Toothpaste
  • Shampoo
  • Milk

Marketing Convenience Goods

To promote a convenience good, remember that most people impulse buy these products. Placing your products near the checkout line at a store could be a good idea for these products. That's why you'll often find candy and gum at the front of a store.

Most convenience products have low prices. This means that cost and discounting aren't major deciding factors when considering a purchase. I won't switch my toilet paper brand just to save a few cents.

For convenience goods, brand recognition is key. With this in mind, you'll want to create widespread campaigns to spread awareness of your company if possible.

For instance, Charmin, the toilet paper brand, is a widely recognized brand in the United States. This is partly due to the company's consistent and long-term advertising strategy, dating back to the 1960s with the invention of the character "Mr. Whipple" who appeared in TV, print, and radio ads.

2. Shopping Goods

Shopping goods are products shoppers typically spend more time researching and comparing before they buy. Unlike convenience goods, these are rarely impulse purchases.

Shopping goods can be affordable items, like clothes and home decor. For example, if you have an event coming up and you want to get a nice pair of shoes, this doesn’t fall under impulse purchases. Instead, you'll want to try it on, consider whether the price is worth it, and even get input from your loved ones.

Shopping goods can also be a one-off purchase with a higher economic impact. These are higher-end goods like cars and houses.

Since it's an expensive and important purchase, you'll spend a good amount of time deliberating on it. For example, when buying a house you'll attend different open houses, and compare the pros and cons of your final selection.

Marketing Shopping Goods

To promote a shopping good, invest in content that persuades your buyer of your product’s value. It's important your marketing materials show how your product differs from the competition and the unique value it offers. This commercial for Honda is a great example of shopping goods marketing:

Price also plays a role in this product type. This means that the promotion of discounts and sales can attract consumers to your brand.

3. Specialty Goods

A specialty good is the only product of its kind on the market. This means consumers don't usually feel the need to compare and deliberate as much as they would with shopping products.

For example, iPhones are a specialty good because of Apple’s strong brand identity, unique features, and operating system. This combination creates a perception of product quality.

Other examples of specialty goods include luxury cars, gourmet food brands, and designer clothing.

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Marketing Specialty Goods

When marketing specialty brands, you may not need to convince consumers that your product is different from competitors. These are often rare purchases with high brand awareness, so consumers often covet these products.

To maintain high demand for specialty products, focus on product innovation and improvement. This keeps your customers loyal to your brand.

For instance, if Apple stopped updating their iPhones, users might think about switching brands. But updates like action mode, privacy keys, and visual lookup show shoppers that this brand continues to innovate.

4. Unsought Goods

Unsought products are goods that people aren't usually excited to buy. These products have utility, but they're usually not fun purchases. Good examples of unsought goods include fire extinguishers, insurance, and refrigerators.

People often buy unsought goods out of a sense of fear, danger, or utility. For instance, you wouldn't go online to search for the "new and best" fire extinguisher. You'd only buy one due to the fear of a potential fire. People also buy unsought goods like refrigerators or toasters because the old ones stopped working.

Marketing Unsought Goods

With unsought goods, focus on reminding consumers that your product exists and why they need it. Then, convince them that purchasing your product will leave them with a better sense of comfort or security.

Focusing on a target audience and using marketing to inform and motivate customers are also useful strategies. For example, this commercial from Samsung introduces bespoke refrigerators that buyers can personalize.

This strategy attempts to change the perception of the refrigerator from a boring necessity to an exciting purchase.

For more product marketing insights, plus free templates, download this free product marketing kit.

Why the Classification of Consumer Products Is Important

Customer Awareness

Product classifications can help you better understand what motivates people to make a purchase. That information helps your team make more effective decisions for:

  • Marketing
  • Pricing
  • Sales
  • Distribution

This knowledge can also help your team make decisions that make it easier for customers to find and use your website for online purchases.

Industry Awareness

Correct product classifications help businesses avoid unnecessary risks. They also impact pricing and distribution.

More resources:

  • Product life cycle
  • Product life cycle template

Competitive Awareness

Product classification helps your business meet and exceed the standards set by competitors. They can help make you a more effective brand in your niche and industry.

Understanding how your product might be classified can also help you find ways to make it stand out. It can also help you weigh the value of continued innovation, research, and development.

Product Classification Examples

1. Browndages

Browndages is a convenience goods brand. It markets itself by highlighting its key feature: bandages for every skin tone.

Messaging like "The perfect bandage for brown skin" is on the brand’s website, packaging, and social media platforms. This makes it stand out against competitors like Band-Aid which usually focus on medical benefits.

2. State Farm Insurance

Like many insurance companies, State Farm falls under the unsought goods product classification.

As such, brand and product awareness is a priority when it comes to marketing.

In its marketing efforts, State Farm positions itself as a reliable and trustworthy partner to rely on when bad things happen in your life.

In this example, the brand starts with a broken window. It spotlights a fear many homeowners have — a popular tactic used by unsought goods brands — while mentioning why trusting this brand will make things go smoothly.

3. Energizer

For many consumers, the first thing they think of when they picture batteries is a pink rabbit holding a drumset.

Similar to Charmin, Energizer created a brand mascot that consumers could easily recognize and remember: the Energizer Bunny.

Product Classification: What It Is & Its Impact on Marketing Efforts (7)

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As a convenience good, Energizer needed to increase its brand recognition so that it could stand out among competitors in the store.

Now, the brand is widely popular and this is likely due to this marketing tactic.

4. Oui The People

For products under the "shopping goods" classification, it’s imperative that you find ways to stand out among your competitors.

Why? Because, when shopping for these products, consumers compare everything: features, cost, value. As such, you must offer something that other brands don’t - whether that relates to your product features, brand values, or mission.

For Oui The People, sustainability is at the center of its brand.

Product Classification: What It Is & Its Impact on Marketing Efforts (8)

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Consumers who care about the environment will gravitate toward the brand because of its use of recyclable material for its products and packaging.

5. Pyer Moss

As mentioned before, when people purchase specialty products, they usually understand their quality and value.

What consumers are looking for instead is a brand identity they can relate to, a vision they identify with.

Product Classification: What It Is & Its Impact on Marketing Efforts (9)

Luxury clothing company Pyer Moss attracts consumers with its refreshing take on fashion. The brand isn’t afraid to step outside of the norm while still remaining rooted in its heritage.

Make Product Classification Work for You

Now that you know where your product fits, use consumers' buyer behavior to inspire your next marketing campaign. It’s time to figure out how you can meet — and exceed — customers' expectations of your product.

Editor's Note: This blog post was originally published in August 2020, but has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Topics: Product Marketing

Product Classification: What It Is & Its Impact on Marketing Efforts (2024)


Product Classification: What It Is & Its Impact on Marketing Efforts? ›

Product classification is the process of categorizing products based on their characteristics and the needs they fulfill for consumers. This classification enables businesses to create targeted marketing campaigns, optimize inventory management, and enhance customer service.

What is product classification in marketing? ›

What is product classification? Product classification organizes products into four categories based mostly on consumer buying behavior, similarity to competing brands, and price range. Classifying products helps marketing and sales teams develop strategies to target consumer needs.

Why is product classification important for marketing decisions? ›

This classification helps marketers understand the nature of products, target the right audience, and implement effective marketing strategies. Products can be classified in various ways, such as by type, function, price, target market, or other relevant factors.

Why is it important to classify products? ›

Classifying a product will let them determine the optimal method for distribution, promotion, and pricing. How a product is ultimately classified will determine how it will be marketed and sold to its customers. There are two (2) main categories of products; Consumer Products and Business Products.

What are the 4 classifications of consumer products? ›

Within the category of consumer products, there are four main classifications: convenience goods, shopping goods, specialty goods, and unsought goods. This article will describe characteristics of goods in each category, provide examples, and discuss relevant marketing strategies.

What is product classification and definition? ›

A product is something that is made with the purpose of being sold in the marketplace. The use of products satisfies the needs of customers. All marketing operations centre around the product, which is one of the most important aspects of marketing. There are two types of products: tangible and intangible.

Why is product important in marketing? ›

The product fills an important role in the marketing mix because it is the core of the exchange. Does the product provide the features, functions, benefits, and uses that the target customer expects and desires? Throughout our discussion of product we will focus on the target customer.

Why is classification important in business? ›

Data classification systematically categorizes information based on sensitivity and importance to determine its level of confidentiality. This process helps apply appropriate security and compliance measures to ensure each category receives proper protection.

Why is product classification important to consumers? ›

Business product classification plays a significant role in determining why consumers purchase various products. Businesses can create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with their target audience by categorizing products based on their characteristics, functionality, and the needs they fulfill for consumers.

What are the two major classification of products in marketing? ›

Classification of Products

The two most common classifications are: (a) consumer goods versus industrial goods, and (b) goods products (i.e. durables and nondurables) versus service products. The traditional classification of products is to dichotomize all products as being either consumer goods or industrial goods.

In what ways could a marketer benefit from this classification system? ›

It helps businesses tailor their marketing strategies, pricing, distribution, and promotional efforts to suit the specific characteristics and consumer buying behavior associated with each product category. How Does Product Classification Affect Consumer Purchasing Decisions?

Why do marketers classify goods and services? ›

Product classification is a marketing and business term that categorizes products based on how and why consumers purchase them. These distinctions can change the way companies market their products and affect other aspects of sales, such as pricing and distribution.

What is an example of classification? ›

If you have a group of things, such as fruits or geometric shapes, you can classify them based on the property that they possess. For example, you can classify the apples in one category, the bananas in another, and so on. Similarly, geometric shapes can be classified as triangles, quadrilaterals, and so on.

What are the product classification systems? ›

Product classification or product taxonomy is a type of economic taxonomy which organizes products for a variety of purposes. However, not only products can be referred to in a standardized way but also sales practices in form of the “Incoterms” and industries can be classified into categories.

What are the 5 levels of products? ›

Kotler's Five Product Levels Model
  • Core Level Products:
  • Generic Level Products:
  • Expected Level Products:
  • Augmented Level Products:
  • Potential Level Products:

What is product classification and product mix? ›

Product mix, also known as product assortment or product portfolio, refers to the complete set of products and/or services offered by a firm. A product mix consists of product lines, which are associated items that consumers tend to use together or think of as similar products or services.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.