Retention KPIs: 10 Metrics To Measure Customer Retention (2024)

Looking for the right retention KPIs to track and improve your customer retention rates?

Customer retention is the key ingredient when it comes to growing your SaaS product without having to acquire new customers.

Forbes claims that it’s 5 times cheaper to invest in retaining existing customers than in trying to attract new ones, while The Economics of E-Loyalty suggests that even a mere 5% increase in customer retention can boost profits anywhere between 25% and 95%.

So let’s find out what retention key performance indicators you should start tracking!


Retention KPIs: 10 Metrics To Measure Customer Retention (1)

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Retention KPIs: 10 Metrics To Measure Customer Retention (2)

What is customer retention?

Customer retention refers to a product’s ability to turn new clients into repeat customers. It occurs when customers find your product valuable enough to stick with it for a long period of time.

What are retention KPIs in SaaS?

Customer retention metrics or KPIs are numeric measures that allow you to identify the number of retained customers your product has. In this way, you can measure the total value these customers deliver to you over a period of time.

Customer retention rates, customer lifetime value, customer churn rates, and Net Promoter scores are some examples of customer retention metrics and KPIs.

Why is tracking retention KPIs important?

The majority of revenue in a subscription-based business model is derived from repeat customers, not from new ones.

When you track customer retention metrics, you take proactive measures to reduce churn and take measures to improve customer loyalty.

In order to improve your product’s customer engagement and the number of satisfied customers, you can further analyze this information and identify friction points.

Thus, you cannot measure the effectiveness of your customer retention strategy without customer retention metrics.

Customer retention benchmarks

If you’re unsure of what a decent customer retention rate is for your product, you should start by looking at industry averages.

Given that the typical monthly churn rate for SaaS products is between 3 and 8%, the target average retention rate should be between 92 and 97%.

Additionally, as the typical annual churn is between 32 and 50%, the average retention rate should fall between 50 and 68 percent.

However, you shouldn’t always compare your performance to that of the industry standard. Start by setting goals and measuring your performance against them.

10 Customer retention metrics to measure retention

Here are 10 of the most important retention KPIs and metrics that help you measure customer retention.

Customer retention KPI #1: Customer retention rate

Customer retention rate measures the percentage of users who continued to use your product after their initial purchase. You can use it to determine if your product keeps customers after you acquire them for a long time. As a rule of thumb, a high customer retention rate means high profitability.

To calculate the customer retention rate, you need to calculate the number of customers at the end of the period minus the number of new customers acquired during the period, and divide that number by the total number of customers at the start of the period and multiply by 100 to get your retention rate.

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Retention rate calculation formula.

How to improve customer retention rate?

Among effective customer retention strategies, first and the most important one is to personalize the onboarding for new customers to shorten the time to value.

Firstly, you need to gather valuable data from new users using welcome surveys. This information will help you to understand the pain points of your users and identify their key ‘jobs to be done’.

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Welcome survey example.

You can use the data you’ve gathered to segment customers and trigger a personalized onboarding experience. This will decrease time to value and increase activation rates, which helps improve customer retention rate.

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Customer segmentation in Userpilot

Customer retention KPI #2: Monthly recurring revenue

MRR refers to the revenue your product generates in a month, typically through subscriptions. This metric is used for forecasting, financial planning, and measuring a product’s growth rate and momentum.

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Monthly Recurring Revenue.

To calculate the MRR, you need to first determine the average revenue per active account (ARPU). Then, multiply this value by the total number of monthly active users.

For example, if you have 6,500 active accounts and the average revenue per active account is $25, then your MRR is 6,500 * 25 = $162,500.

How to improve monthly recurring revenue

A higher MRR indicates higher customer retention and lower customer churn. You can improve it through:

  • Product tutorials and interactive walkthroughs.
  • Loyalty programs and incentives that encourage users to stick around.
  • Upgrade prompts via tooltips, modals, and banners.

This is how Mailchimp encourages its users to upgrade their accounts.

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Mailchimp’s upgrade prompts.

Customer retention KPI #3: Customer lifetime value

Customer lifetime value measures the amount of revenue you can expect from a single customer over the lifespan of your relationship. It shows how much a customer is worth and how much you should spend to keep them.

To calculate the CLV, you have to divide the average revenue per account (ARPA) by the customer churn rate within a specified time frame.

Retention KPIs: 10 Metrics To Measure Customer Retention (8)

Customer Lifetime Value.

A high lifetime value shows that your existing clients find value in your product in the long run, so they will continue to use it.

Customer retention is crucial for any SaaS company because it lowers the average customer acquisition cost. Also, you can determine who your most profitable customers are.

How to improve customer lifetime value?

Although primary onboarding can increase your Day 1 retention, you need secondary onboarding and customer retention strategies to increase the CLV. With secondary onboarding, your clients can become more familiar with new features and relate them to their use cases.

To develop an engaging secondary onboarding process, you may leverage UI components like checklists, experience flows, and Native tooltips. You can create all these code-free with Userpilot.

Retention KPIs: 10 Metrics To Measure Customer Retention (9)

Create tooltips with Userpilot

Customer retention KPI #4: Product stickiness

The DAU to MAU rate is a good measure of product stickiness – the rate at which users return to your product regularly.

This is a key product metric you should measure to understand whether your product creates value or not.

To calculate product stickiness, simply find your daily and monthly active users and then divide them.

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DAU to MAU Ratio.

How to improve product stickiness?

To improve the DAU to MAU rate, focus on improving your product stickiness. You can do so by:

  • Developing engaging user experiences.
  • Improving feature adoption rates.
  • Creating proactive upsell strategies and introducing existing users to more valuable features.
  • Using customer satisfaction surveys to collect feedback, identify friction points, and improve your best features.

Customer retention KPI #5: Repeat purchase rate

This KPI measures the number of repeat purchases from customers as a percentage of your total customer base. This metric quantifies your repeat business and demonstrates your customer loyalty in a general sense.

To use the repeat purchase ratio formula, find the number of customers who purchased more than once and the total number of customers in a specified time frame first. Then, divide them.

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Repeat purchase rate.

How to improve repeat purchase rate

To encourage repeat purchase frequency, you can offer incentives, discounts, and small rewards to build loyalty and turn them into loyal customers.

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Modal created with Userpilot

Customer retention KPI #6: Expansion MRR

Expansion MRR is the additional revenue your product generates from existing customers through cross-sells, upsells, or add-ons.

Growing this KPI is important on the grounds that it is more cost-effective to increase the customer lifetime value of existing users rather than acquiring new ones, which enhances your LTV: CAC ratio.

To calculate this, you need to first find out the expansion MRR at the beginning and the end of the month and calculate their difference. This value is then divided by the Expansion MRR at the beginning of the month.

Retention KPIs: 10 Metrics To Measure Customer Retention (13)

Expansion MRR.

For example, if your expansion MRR additional revenue is $14,000 at the beginning of the month and $19,500 at the end of the month, then your expansion MRR rate would be:

(19,500 – 14,000)/14,000 x 100 = 39.29%

How to improve Expansion MRR?

The best way to improve expansion MRR is to prompt customers to upgrade their accounts using tooltips, modals, banners, or emails.

Here’s how Miro communicates with their users and invites them for an upgrade.

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Miro Account Expansion Tooltip.

Userpilot allows you to create these and develop upselling opportunities without having to write a single line of code. Book a free demo with our product specialists to learn more.

Customer retention KPI #7: Customer satisfaction score

The customer satisfaction score (CSAT) is one of the most effective customer satisfaction metrics to measure.

With it, you can gain insight into how satisfied your customers are with numerous aspects of your product, ranging from its features to the helpfulness of customer support.

To calculate this, create a survey asking customers about their satisfaction levels. You can ask a customer, “How satisfied were you with this session?” after a session with a customer service representative.

After that, divide the number of ‘happy’ customers by the total number of customers asked to calculate the CSAT score. A higher customer satisfaction score can indicate that customers are happy with your product and will continue using it.

Retention KPIs: 10 Metrics To Measure Customer Retention (15)

CSAT score

How to improve customer satisfaction scores?

You can improve customer experience by collecting direct responses from users since you’ll know what aspects of your product need improvement.

You can also measure customer satisfaction with a certain part of your product: features, resource center, educational resource, etc.

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CSAT survey

Customer retention KPI #8: Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures the likelihood of your customers promoting your product. It is also a measure of customer loyalty.

To calculate the Net Promoter Score, you need to use a survey. Here, you ask your customers a question on a scale of 1 to 10: How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or family?

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Net Promoter Score (NPS).

Your NPS score is the difference between the percentage of promoters and detractors.

For example, in your survey, 60% of the respondents chose 9 or 10, while 30% chose 6 or below. So, your NPS score is 30%.

A high NPS score can encourage customer advocacy.

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How to calculate NPS

It shows that your customers are extremely satisfied with your product, and are willing to actively promote it.

How to improve Net promoter score?

To improve your Net Promoter Score, you can add a qualitative question to the survey and understand users’ logic behind the score. This can help you identify exactly why your customers might or might not promote your product.

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NPS Survey follow-up question.

Once you have these answers, you can even follow up with the respondents. You can contact them via email or invite them for a call to learn more about their issue.

Customer retention KPI #9: Customer health score

The customer health score is a metric used to determine whether a customer is likely to grow, remain loyal, or leave. Keeping track of this allows you to identify potential churning customers, power users, account expansion opportunities, and customer success and failure patterns.

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Customer health score.

To calculate the customer health score, you have to determine the customer actions impacting the health score and assign an impact score to each action. These are known as action values.

For example, you can measure how many features your customers are using, the number of resolved or unresolved tickets in a day, or the frequency at which customers use your in-app help center and assign numeric scores to these elements.

Finally, you sum up the individual action values to get the customer health score.

How to improve customer health score?

You can improve your customer health score by offering in-app guidance and in-app help centers so that customers can get on-demand support and overcome friction points on their own.

Retention KPIs: 10 Metrics To Measure Customer Retention (21)

Drive self-service support with an in-app resource center

Want to build an in-app resource center code-free? Book a demo to get started!

Support features like FAQs, knowledge bases, live chat, and others enable users to get support when they need it rather than waiting for a customer service representative.

Customer retention KPI #10: Revenue churn rate

The monthly recurring revenue your product loses from existing customers over a given time frame is known as revenue churn.

Your product is no longer valuable to your customers, so they switch to free plans or stop using it.

To calculate the revenue churn rate, you need to first identify your MRR at the beginning and the end of a specified period. This difference is your net revenue churn. Then, divide this by the MRR at the start of the period.

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Revenue churn rate

For example, your MRR at the beginning of January is $17,000. By the end of the month, your MRR has decreased to $14,600. For the one month, your revenue churn is:

(17,000 – 14,600) / 17,000 * 100% = 14.12%

How to reduce revenue churn rate

To reduce your product’s revenue churn rate, you need to first understand the reasons behind it. Here’s where churn surveys come into play.

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Churn survey made with Userpilot.

With churn surveys, you can ask customers what made them cancel their subscriptions. This will help you identify the friction points so you can fix them before the churn rate increases.

4 Best customer retention tools to reduce churn and drive loyal customers

Now let’s see what tools you can use to reduce churn and boost customer loyalty.


Userpilot – for user onboarding

Improve your customer retention metrics with Userpilot.

Userpilot is a product growth platform that focuses on improving user onboarding through welcome screens, checklists, tooltips, , interactive walkthroughs, banners, and in-app resource centers.

Retention KPIs: 10 Metrics To Measure Customer Retention (24)

Getting started is easy, and there is no need to know how to code. It can be set up in minutes and is extremely fast.

Zendesk – for customer support automation

Retention KPIs: 10 Metrics To Measure Customer Retention (25)

Zendesk Customer Service Automation.

Designed to create better customer relationships, Zendesk is customer relationship management software.

It offers features such as past ticket information, smart ticket management, and custom notification settings to remind you about unaddressed tickets.

Prices range from $19 to $99 for Zendesk Sales and Services, respectively.

Amplitude – for product analytics

Retention KPIs: 10 Metrics To Measure Customer Retention (26)

Amplitude Product Analytics Tool.

Amplitude is a comprehensive product analytics platform that enables you to leverage product and digital marketing behavioral insights.

Through numerous graphs and charts, you can explore your customers’ behavioral data. The event segmentation feature is fully customizable, allowing you to set as many different filters as you like.

There are three plans available with Amplitude. The Starter is free, while Growth and Enterprise require direct contact for a quote.

Qualaroo – for feedback collection

Retention KPIs: 10 Metrics To Measure Customer Retention (27)

Qualaroo Customer Feedback Tool

Qualaroo is a handy tool for collecting customer feedback. A variety of survey templates are available, enabling you to launch feedback surveys quickly.

By segmenting the feedback and analyzing the sentiment, you can get detailed insights into your customers’ preferences. It can be used to create exit intent surveys, NPS surveys, and user experience feedback surveys.

Qualaroo starts at $80 per month. Depending on which package you choose and your product’s monthly pageviews, the price can exceed $200.


How many loyal customers your product has determines its health and profitability. Therefore, identifying customer journey problems and focusing on customer retention is crucial.

Want to track your retention KPIs and improve them? Get a Userpilot Demo and see how you can reduce the number of churned customers and grow your customer base.

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Retention KPIs: 10 Metrics To Measure Customer Retention (29)

Alright, let's delve into the world of customer retention, SaaS metrics, and the key performance indicators (KPIs) outlined in the article you've provided.

Customer Retention: Customer retention refers to a product's ability to retain clients over an extended period. It emphasizes the value customers find in a product that keeps them engaged over time, creating repeat business.

Retention KPIs in SaaS: These are numerical measures used to track the number of retained customers and the value they contribute over a specific period. Examples include customer retention rates, customer lifetime value, churn rates, and Net Promoter scores.

Importance of Tracking Retention KPIs: Retaining existing customers is often more financially efficient than acquiring new ones. By tracking retention metrics, businesses can actively reduce churn, enhance loyalty, and improve customer engagement by identifying and resolving friction points.

Customer Retention Benchmarks: Industry averages can serve as a benchmark, but setting personalized goals and measuring performance against them is crucial. For instance, in SaaS, typical monthly churn rates range between 3 and 8%, implying a target retention rate of 92% to 97%.

10 Customer Retention Metrics:

  1. Customer Retention Rate: Measures the percentage of users who continue using the product after their initial purchase.
  2. Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR): Revenue generated through subscriptions in a month, aiding in forecasting and growth rate measurement.
  3. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Measures the expected revenue from a single customer throughout their relationship with the product.
  4. Product Stickiness (DAU to MAU Rate): Indicates how frequently users return to the product.
  5. Repeat Purchase Rate: Measures the number of repeat purchases as a percentage of the total customer base.
  6. Expansion MRR: Additional revenue generated from existing customers through add-ons or upgrades.
  7. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): Measures overall customer satisfaction with the product.
  8. Net Promoter Score (NPS): Measures the likelihood of customers recommending the product.
  9. Customer Health Score: Predicts customer growth, loyalty, or attrition based on their actions.
  10. Revenue Churn Rate: Measures lost revenue from existing customers over a specific time frame.

Improving Retention KPIs: Improvement strategies include personalized onboarding, enhancing user experiences, offering incentives for loyalty, and gathering feedback to identify and resolve issues.

Tools for Customer Retention: Several tools can aid in customer retention efforts, including Userpilot for user onboarding, Zendesk for customer support automation, Amplitude for product analytics, and Qualaroo for feedback collection.

Tracking and improving retention KPIs are pivotal for sustained business growth, profitability, and ensuring a product's health. Efforts in understanding customer behavior, addressing pain points, and nurturing a loyal customer base play a fundamental role in any business's success.

Retention KPIs: 10 Metrics To Measure Customer Retention (2024)
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