Revenue cycle: sales to cash collections - Chapter 12 (2024)

The revenue cycle is a recurring set of business activities and related information processing operations associated with providing goods and services to customers and collecting cash in payment for those sales. Information about revenue cycle activities also flows to other accounting cycles. The general ledger and reporting functions uses information produced by the revenue cycle to prepare financial statements and financial reports.

The revenue cycle’s primary objective is to provide the right product in the right place at the right time for the right price. To accomplish this objective, the management must make a few decisions. There are four basic revenue cycle activities:

  1. Sales order entry

  2. Shipping

  3. Billing

  4. Cash collections

This chapter explains how an organization’s information system supports each of those activities. See page 353 figure 12.3 for the level 0 data flow diagram from the revenue cycle.

Most large organizations use an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. The process starts when an organization receives customer orders via the internet from various retail websites. The sales department enters customer orders received over the phone, by fax, or email. The system quickly verifies customer creditworthiness, checks inventory availability, and notifies the warehouse and shipping departments about approved sale. This is only a small part of the entire sales process.

  • The first general threat is inaccurate or invalid master data. Errors in customer master data could result in shipping merchandise to the wrong location, delays in collecting payments or making sales to customers that exceed their credit limits. One way to mitigate this threat is to use the various processing integrity to minimize the risk of data input errors. It is also important to restrict access to that data and configure the system so that only authorized employees can make changes to master data.

  • The second general threat is unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information. One way to mitigate the risk is to configure the system to employ strong access controls that limit who can view such information. It is also important to configure the system to limit employees’ ability to use the system’s built-in query capabilities to access only those specific tables and field relevant to performing their assigned duties.

  • The third general threat is concerns the loss or destruction of master data. The best way to mitigate this risk is to employ the backup and disaster recovery procedures. A best practice is to implement the ERP system as three separate instances.

The revenue cycle begins with the receipt of orders from customers. The sales departments typically performs the sales order entry process. There are three steps in this process: taking customer’s orders, checking and approving customer credit and checking inventory availability.

Today, most organizations use sales order documents. This is usually an electronic form displayed on a computer monitor screen. The sales order contains information about item numbers, quantities, prices, and other terms of the sale.

Customers can use electronic data interchange (EDI) to submit the order electronically in a format compatible with the company’s sales order processing system. This improve efficiency and cut costs.

Websites also provide opportunities to increase sales. It is possible to use history information to create marketing messages tailored to the individual customer. Another useful technique involves the use of interactive sales order entry systems that allow customers to customize products to meet their exact needs.

  • A basic threat during sales order entry is that important data about the order will be either missing or inaccurate. This not only creates inefficiencies, but also may have an negative affect customer perceptions and affect future sales.

  • The second threat is concerns the legitimacy of orders. If a company ships merchandise to a customer and the customer later denies having placed the order, there is a potential loss of assets.

  • Another revenue cycle threat is the possibility of making sales that later turn out to be uncollectible. Requiring proper authorization for each credit sale diminishes this threat. A credit limit is the maximum allowable account balance that management wishes to

allow for a customer based on that customer’s past credit history and ability to pay.

Careful monitoring of accounts receivable is very important, because some customers will and up not paying off their accounts. A useful report for doing this is an account receivable aging report, which lists customer account balances by length of time outstanding. The information provided by such reports is useful for projecting the timing of future cash inflows related to sales, deciding whether to increase the limit for specific customers, and for estimating bad debts.

In addition to checking a customer’s credit, salespeople also need to determine whether sufficient inventory is available to fill the order, so that customers can be informed of the expected delivery date. If there is not sufficient inventory on hand to fill the order, a back order for those items must be created.

Once the inventory availability has been determined, the system then generates a picking ticket that lists the items and quantities of each item that the customer ordered. The picking ticket authorizes the inventory control function to release merchandise to the shipping department. Picking tickets today are often electronic forms that may be displayed on portable handheld devices or on monitors built into forklifts.

Accurate inventory records are important to prevent both stock outs and excess inventory. Stock outs may result in lost sales if customers are not willing to wait and instead purchase from another source. Excess inventory increases carrying cost and may even require significant markdowns that reduce profitability.

Customer service is so important that many companies use special software packages, called customer relationship management (CRM) systems, to support this vital process. Customer relationship management systems help organize detailed information about customers to facilitate more efficient and more personalized service. CRM systems also help generate additional sales.

The second basic activity in the revenue cycle is filling customer orders and shipping desired merchandise. The first step in filling a customer order involves removing the correct items from inventory and packaging them for delivery.

The picking ticket generated by the sales order entry process triggers the pick and pack process. Warehouse workers use the picking ticket to identify which products, and the quantity of each product, to remove from inventory. When the quantity was recorded, the inventory transferred to the shipping department.

One potential problem is the risk of picking the wrong items or in the wrong quantity. The automated warehousing technologies can minimize the chance of such errors. Another threat involves the theft of inventory. theft losses can be extremely large, and the perpetrators can be either outsiders or employees. Theft also makes inventory records inaccurate, which can lead to problems in filling customers’ orders.

The inventory master file also produces a packing slip and multiple copies of the bill of lading. The packing slip lists the quantity and description of each item included in the shipment. The bill of lading is a legal contract that defines responsibility for the goods in transit. It identifies the carrier, source, destination, and any special shipping instructions.

A copy of the bill of lading and the packing slip accompany the shipment. If the customer is to pay the shipping charges, this copy of the bill of lading may serve as a freight bill, to indicate the amount the customer should pay to the carrier.

The third basic activity in the revenue cycle involves billing customers. It is about invoicing and updating accounts receivable.

Accurate and timely billing for shipped merchandise is crucial. The invoicing activity is just an information processing activity that repackages and summarizes information from the sales order entry and shipping activities.

The basic document created in the billing process is the sales invoice. This invoice notifies customers of the amount to be paid and where to send the payment. A well designed accounting system can entirely eliminate the need to create and store invoices, at least with customers that have sophisticated systems of their own.

One threat associated with the invoicing process is a failure to bill customers, which results in the loss of assets and erroneous data about sales, inventory and accounts receivable. segregating the shipping and billing functions is an important control to reduce the risk that this occurs intentionally.

Another potential threat is a billing error. Overbilling can result in customer dissatisfaction, and under billing results in the loss of assets. Pricing mistakes can be avoided by having the system retrieve appropriate data from the pricing master file and by restricting the ability of employees to make changes to that data.

The accounts receivable function performs two tasks. It uses the information on the sales invoice to debit customer accounts and subsequently credit those accounts when payments are received.

The two basic ways to maintain accounts receivable are the open-invoice and the balance forward methods. The two methods differ in terms of when customers remit payments, how those payments are applied to update the accounts receivable master file.

Under the open invoice method, customers typically pay according each invoice. Two copies of the invoice are mailed to the customers, who is requested to return one copy with the payment. This copy is a turnaround document called a remittance advice. Customer payments are then applied against specific invoices.

Under the balance forward method, customers typically pay according the amount shown on a monthly statement, rather than by individual invoices. The monthly statement lists all transactions that occurred during the past month and informs customers of their current account balances.

One advantage of the open invoice method is that it is conductive to offering discounts for prompt payment, as invoices are individually tracked and aged. A disadvantage of the open invoice method is the added complexity required to maintain information about the status of each individual invoice for each customer. The open invoice method is typically used by business whose customers are primarily other businesses, because the number of individual transactions is relatively small and the dollar value of those transactions is high.

Many companies that use the balance forward method use a process called cycle billing to prepare and mail monthly statements to their customers. Under cycle billing, monthly statements are prepared for subsets of customers at different times. Cycle billing produces a more uniform flow of cash collections throughout the month and reduces the time that the computer system is dedicated to printing monthly statements.

To credit a customer’s account for returned goods, the credit managet must obtain information from the receiving dock that the goods were actually returned and placed back in inventory. Upon notification from the receiving department that the goods have been returned, the credit manager issues a credit memo. This memo authorizes the crediting of the customer’s account.

Errors in maintaining customer accounts can lead to the loss of future sales and also may indicate possible theft of cash. The data entry edit checks can minimize the risk of errors in maintaining customer accounts.

Another threat is that an employee may issue credit memos to write-off account balances for friends or to cover up theft of cash or inventory. Proper segregation of cuties can reduce the risk of this threat. To prevent employees making sales to friends are then written off.

The final step in the revenue cycle is collecting and processing payments from customers.

Because cash and customer checks can be stolen so easily, it is important to take appropriate measures to reduce the risk of theft. This means that the accounts receivable function should not have physical access to cash or checks.

One method to identify the source of any remittances involves mailing the customer two copies of the invoice and requesting that one be returned with the payment. This remittance advice is then routed to accounts receivable, and the actual customer payment is sent to the cashier.

Another option is to have mailrooms personnel prepare a remittance list, which is a document identifying the names and the amounts of all customer remittances, and send it to accounts receivable.

An alternative option is to photocopy all customer remittances and send the copies to accounts receivable while forwarding the actual remittances to the cashier for deposit.

Another way to speed up the processing of customer payments involves the use of a lockbox arrangement with a bank. A lockbox is a postal address to which customer send their remittances. The participating bank picks up the checks from the post office box and deposits them in the company’s account. Establishing lockbox agreements with foreign banks reduces the time it takes to collect the payments from sales to international customers.

Information technology can provide additional efficiencies in the use of lockboxes. In an electronic lockbox arrangement, the bank electronically sends the company information about the customer account number and the amount remitted as soon as it receives and scans those checks.

With electronic funds transfer (EFT) customers send their remittances electronically to the company’s bank and thus eliminate the delay associated with the time the payment is in the mail system. EFT also reduces the time lag before the bank makes the deposited funds available to the company.

Financial electronic data interchange (FEDI) solves problems by integrating the exchange of funds (EFT) with the exchange of remittance data (EDI). The customer send both remittance data and funds transfer instructions together. The seller receives both pieces of information simultaneously. FEDI completes the automation of both the billing and the cash collection process.

Companies can also speed the collection process by accepting credit cards or procurement cards. The benefit is that the card issuer usually transfers the funds within two days of the sale.

The primary objective of the cash collections function is to safeguard customer remittances. Segregation of duties is the most effective control procedure for reducing the risk of theft. There are three pair of duties that should be segregated.

The first one is handling cash or checks and posting remittances to customer accounts. A person performing both of these duties could commit the special type of embezzlement called lapping.

The other one is handling cash or checks and authorizing credit memos. A person performing both of these duties could conceal theft of cash by creating a credit memo equal to the amount stolen.

The last one is handling cash or checks and reconciling the bank statements. An important detective control is reconciliation of the bank account statement with the balance of cash recorded in the company’s information system.

The best control procedures to reduce the risk of unanticipated cash shortfalls is to use a cash flow budget, which provides estimates of cash inflows and outflows. A cash flow budget can alert an organization to a pending short term cash, thereby enabling it to plan ahead to secure short-term loans at the best possible rates.

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Revenue cycle: sales to cash collections - Chapter 12 (1)

Revenue cycle: sales to cash collections - Chapter 12 (2024)


What is cash collection in revenue cycle? ›

The cash collection cycle is the number of days it takes to collect accounts receivable. The measure is important for tracking the ability of a business to grant a reasonable amount of credit to worthy customers, as well as to collect receivables in a timely manner.

What are the three 3 common source documents for the revenue cycle? ›

Revenue Cycle Source Document Function Sales order Record customer order. Delivery ticket Record delivery to customer.

What are the four main activities in the revenue cycle? ›

Four basic business activities are performed in the revenue cycle: sales order entry, shipping, billing, and cash collection.

What is a revenue cycle example? ›

Revenue Cycle of a Manufacturer

For example, if the JKL Corporation makes widgets and promotes those widgets through a sales staff, a salesperson may contact potential customers. If the salesperson gets an order, the normal procedure might be to check company records to ensure that sufficient inventory is on hand.

Is cash collection a revenue? ›

The cash collection statement of cash flow outlines your cash receipts from a cash-basis perspective -- that is, recognizing revenue once you receive your cash. This is unlike the accrual basis of accounting, where you recognize revenue once you make a sale rather than when you receive the cash.

What are the five primary activities in the revenue process? ›

The five key (primary) activities that generate higher profits include inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and services.

What are the most important elements in the revenue cycle? ›

Preregistration is the first and most vital step in the revenue cycle process. Preregistration allows the medical practice to capture demographic information, insurance information and eligibility in real-time through a clearinghouse, often while the patient is still on the phone.

What are the five key areas for revenue cycle improvement? ›

Five steps to improve a practice's revenue cycle management...
  • Focus on the patient. ...
  • Consolidate systems. ...
  • Focus on collecting payments early. ...
  • Give patients alternative ways to pay. ...
  • Focus on improving systems on the back-end.
22 May 2017

What are the 3 types of revenue? ›

Rent revenue. Dividend revenue. Interest revenue. Contra revenue (sales return and sales discount)

What are the key accounts in the revenue cycle? ›

The four basic activities in the income cycle are order sales, shipping, billing and accounts receivable entries, and cash billing entries.

How do you calculate revenue cycle? ›

5 KPIs to Help Measure Revenue Cycle Management Success
  1. Point-of-Service (POS) Cash Collections.
  2. Clean Claim Rate.
  3. Bad Debt.
  4. Days in Accounts Receivable.
  5. Adjusted Collection Rate.
27 May 2020

What is the main purpose of the revenue cycle? ›

The goal of revenue cycle management is to identify any points of friction in the provider's revenue cycle in order to resolve them. With proper revenue cycle management, care providers can maximize their claim reimbursem*nts and increase their revenue.

What is revenue cycle management in simple words? ›

Revenue cycle management (RCM) is the financial process, utilizing medical billing software, that healthcare facilities use to track patient care episodes from registration and appointment scheduling to the final payment of a balance.

How do you calculate cash collections from sales? ›

Expected cash collections = cash sales + projected collections from accounts receivable
  1. 55% of their receivables were paid within 30 days.
  2. 1% of their receivables were paid within 30 to 60 days.
  3. 2% of their receivables were paid within 60 to 90 days, and.
  4. 42% of their receivables were paid after over 90 days.
8 Feb 2022

Is cash collection an operating activity? ›

Operating Activities Explained

Operating activities examples include: Receipt of cash from sales. Collection of accounts receivable. Receipt or payment of interest.

Is cash collection accounts receivable? ›

Cash collection is a function of Accounts receivable. It is the recovery of cash from a business or individual with which you have issued an Invoice. Unpaid invoices are considered outstanding.

What is the journal entry for collected cash? ›

In the case of a cash sale, the entry is: [debit] Cash. Cash is increased, since the customer pays in cash at the point of sale. [debit] Cost of goods sold.

Which journal should cash collections be booked? ›

A cash receipts journal is used by companies to record all cash received from any source. This includes cash sales, receipt of funds from a bank loan, payments from customer accounts, and the sale of assets. Below you can see an example of a typical cash receipts journal.

What type of activity is cash collections from customers? ›

Cash collections from customers This consists of sales made for cash (cash sales) and cash collected from credit customers. The activity in the accounts receivable and sales accounts is used to determine the cash collections from customers.

What are the three main concepts of revenue management? ›

The discipline of revenue management combines data mining and operations research with strategy, understanding of customer behavior, and partnering with the sales force.

How many steps are there in revenue cycle management? ›

2022 Guide: 13 steps of revenue cycle management.

What makes a good revenue cycle manager? ›

Revenue Cycle Manager Requirements:

Sound knowledge of health insurance providers. Strong interpersonal and organizational skills. Excellent customer service skills. The ability to work in a fast-paced environment.

What are the two parts of the revenue cycle? ›

A traditional healthcare revenue cycle includes two components: front-end and back-end. The front-end manages the patient-facing aspects, whereas the back-end handles claims management and reimbursem*nt.

What are 3 strategies that you would use to manage and control revenue? ›

9 Revenue Management Strategies
  • Understand Your Market. ...
  • Segmentation and Price Optimisation. ...
  • Work Closely With Other Departments. ...
  • Forecasting Strategies. ...
  • Embrace Search Engine Optimisation. ...
  • Choose the Right Pricing Strategy. ...
  • Incentives For Direct Bookings. ...
  • Focus on Mobile Optimisation.

What are 5 revenue examples? ›

A company's revenue may include:
  • Sales of goods or services.
  • Interest.
  • Dividends.
  • Rental income.
27 Jul 2021

What is the formula for sales revenue? ›

Number of Units Sold x Average Price of Unit = Sales Revenue

If you wanted to find the sales revenue for the previous month you just need to find the number of units sold and how much you sold them for.

What is the difference between accounts receivable and revenue cycle? ›

Revenue is the gross amount recorded for the sale of goods or services. This amount appears in the top line of the income statement. The balance in the accounts receivable account is comprised of all unpaid receivables.

What is the most important step of revenue cycle? ›

The first and most vital step in the revenue cycle process, preregistration allows the medical practice to capture demographic information, insurance information and eligibility in real time through a clearing house, often while the patient is still on the phone.

What is the best way to evaluate revenue cycle performance? ›

What Is the Best Method to Evaluate Revenue Cycle Management Performance?
  1. Days In AR (Accounts Receivable) This is representative of the average time it can take for a claim to be paid. ...
  2. CCR (Clean Claims Ratio) ...
  3. Bad debt rate. ...
  4. Denial rate. ...
  5. Net collection ratio. ...
  6. Gross collection rate.
25 Feb 2022

What are the six stages of the revenue cycle? ›

The Six stages of the revenue cycle are provision of service, documentation of service, establishing charges, preparing claim/bill, submitting claim, and receiving payment.

What is the importance of revenue collection? ›

Collecting taxes and fees is a fundamental way for countries to generate public revenues that make it possible to finance investments in human capital, infrastructure, and the provision of services for citizens and businesses.

What is another name for revenue cycle management? ›

This is why successful medical practices use a revenue cycle management (RCM) program, which is another name for a streamlined billing process.

What is included in cash collection? ›

Simply put, cash collections is the process of collecting on debts owed to your company. These may be payments owed by an individual or another business and can include both current accounts with an outstanding balance and past-due accounts. You may also hear this called payment collections.

What is cash collection and disbursem*nt? ›

Key Takeaways. Cash concentration and disbursem*nt is a type of electronic funds transfer typically used to transfer funds among commercial business accounts. CCD was developed by the National Automated Clearing House Association.

Is cash collection a debit or credit? ›

When cash is received, the cash account is debited. When cash is paid out, the cash account is credited.

What are cash collection items? ›

Cash Collections means all cash, checks, drafts, items and other instruments for the payment of money received by the Debtors from proceeds of Collateral.

How do you calculate cash collected from sales? ›

Cash Received from Customers = Sales + Decrease (or - Increase) in Accounts Receivable. Cash Paid for Operating Expenses (Includes Research and Development) = Operating Expenses + Increase (or - decrease) in prepaid expenses + decrease (or - increase) in accrued liabilities.

How do you set cash collection targets? ›

Your cash collection target should be front and centre for everyone involved with the collection process. They should always start with the highest amount and work out which customers must be collected to hit the target.

What duties should be segregated in cash collection? ›

Segregation of Duties

No one person should be allowed to collect, handle or transport and deposit checks/currency without some additional control feature to ensure that all funds are accounted for.

Who is responsible for cash disbursem*nt? ›

Exhibit 9-16 is a data flow diagram of cash disbursem*nts. The accounts payable department is generally responsible for notification of the need to make cash disbursem*nts and the maintenance of vendor accounts.

Why is cash collection important? ›

The key objective of cash collection is to get invoices paid on their due date. New payment settlements or credit terms also need to be managed, in order to avoid debts becoming 'doubtful' or 'bad'.

What is collection cycle? ›

Keeping collections records organized

That whole process of identifying overdue accounts and taking steps to collect your money is called your collection cycle.

What type of account is cash collection? ›

Cash collection is a function of Accounts receivable. It is the recovery of cash from a business or individual with which you have issued an Invoice. Unpaid invoices are considered outstanding.

Is cash collection an asset? ›

Collection of Cash from a Sale

Cash is an asset account. Revenue increases stockholders' equity.

What are the 4 types of cash? ›

The 4 different types of money as classified by the economists are commercial money, fiduciary money, fiat money, commodity money.

What are the steps of collection process? ›

The typical collections process includes the following steps:
  1. Overdue invoice is assigned. ...
  2. Verify past due amount. ...
  3. Issue dunning letters. ...
  4. Call the customer. ...
  5. Settle payment arrangements. ...
  6. Adjust credit limit. ...
  7. Monitor payments under settlement arrangements. ...
  8. Refer to a collection agency.
30 Sept 2020

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