Revenue Recognition with subscriptions and invoicing (2024)

Because of the detailed information available on subscriptions and invoices, Revenue Recognition can accurately defer and recognize revenue for these resources. Revenue Recognition treats each invoice line item and subscription item as its own performance obligation.

Revenue Recognition amortizes revenue by the millisecond, but our example uses a daily interval.

Licensed subscriptionsRevenue Recognition with subscriptions and invoicing (1)

Licensed subscriptions are subscriptions that generate invoices for a service offered in an upcoming subscription interval. At the end of the interval, the subscription cycles and generates a new invoice for the next interval.

Each subscription item corresponds to a single line item on the invoice, and automatically populates the period for that line item with the period start and end for the subscription item.

Let’s take a look at an example and timeline for a simple monthly subscription.

  • On January 15, a customer starts a monthly subscription that costs 31 USD, which generates an invoice that gets finalized.

In this case, the period of service is from January 15 to February 14. The 31 USD is therefore recognized over 17 days in January and 14 days in February. If you inspected the account balances at the end of January, you’d see that 17 USD of revenue was recognized, and 14 USD of revenue remains deferred (to be recognized in February).


Metered subscriptionsRevenue Recognition with subscriptions and invoicing (2)

While licensed subscriptions items bill in advance, metered subscription items bill in arrears—at the point of invoice, all service has already been provided and all revenue recognized.

Metered subscriptions allow businesses to submit usage information as service is provided, prior to generating an invoice. Because service is provided, the revenue must be recognized prior to the point of invoice.

This example introduces the concept of unbilled accounts receivable, which represents the amount of cash a business can expect to receive based on the service that they’ve already provided, but not yet invoiced.

This next example is for a metered subscription item where usage is submitted over time.

  • On January 15, a customer subscribes to a monthly metered subscription at 1 USD per unit, and with aggregate_usage=sum.
  • On January 25th, they use 15 units.
  • On February 4th, they use another 17 units.
  • On February 14th, the subscription generates an invoice of 32 USD.
  • The invoice is finalized for 32 USD, but isn’t paid yet.

In this case, the period of service is from January 15 to February 14, but you don’t generate an invoice until February 14. However, the revenue from the 15 units of usage still needs to be recognized in January, for an amount of 15 USD. If you inspected the account balances at the end of January, you’d see that 15 USD of revenue was recognized, but instead of debiting accounts receivable, unbilled accounts receivable was debited.

If you later inspected the account balances at the end of February, you’d observe the following:


Upgrades and downgradesRevenue Recognition with subscriptions and invoicing (3)

Subscriptions can be upgraded and downgraded mid-month, and revenue needs to be recognized accordingly. If an invoice is cut mid-month to handle the prorated charges, the revenue schedule is also adjusted accordingly.

This next example is for a subscription that’s upgraded mid-month.

  • On April 1, a customer starts a monthly subscription for 90 USD, which generates and finalizes an invoice.
  • On April 21, the customer upgrades the subscription to cost 120 USD instead, which generates an invoice that accounts for the remaining 10 days of the month.

In this example, the customer receives 20 days of service with the 90 USD monthly subscription (60 USD in value) and 10 days of service with the 120 USD monthly subscription (40 USD in value). Therefore, in April, the recognized revenue is 100 USD.

Standalone invoicesRevenue Recognition with subscriptions and invoicing (4)

The algorithm for recognizing revenue for standalone invoices is the same as that of a licensed subscription—the main difference is that line item periods aren’t automatically populated.

To recognize revenue correctly, remember to set the period for each invoice line item. If you don’t set a period on an invoice line item, the amount on that invoice line item is recognized immediately when the invoice finalizes. If you need to override or add a new service period, use the Data Import feature to configure your invoice data, or set rules to customize revenue treatments on different invoices.

In this example, an invoice has two line items, one with a period set, and one without.

  • On January 15, you create an invoice and finalize it with
    • A line item for 31 USD with a period from January 15 to February 14.
    • A line item for 5 USD with no period set.

In this case, the invoice is for a total of 36 USD. The 31 USD is recognized over 17 days in January and 14 days in February, but the 5 USD is immediately recognized on January 15. If you inspected the account balances at the end of January, you’d see that 22 USD (17 + 5) of revenue was recognized, and 14 USD of revenue remains deferred (to be recognized in February).


Uncollectible invoicesRevenue Recognition with subscriptions and invoicing (5)

When an invoice is marked as uncollectible, we clear the accounts receivable account since we no longer expect payment.

Parts of the revenue for the invoice might have already been recognized. Upon marking it uncollectible, the recognized revenue is offset by contra revenue in the bad debt account.

Parts of the revenue for the invoice might still be deferred. Upon marking it uncollectible, the remaining deferred revenue is cleared.

In this example the invoice for a subscription finalizes and is later marked uncollectible.

  • On January 15, a customer starts a monthly subscription for 31 USD. The invoice for 31 USD gets created and finalized.
  • On February 1, the invoice is marked as uncollectible.

In this case, the customer received 17 days of service, but didn’t pay. The 17 USD that’s recognized at that point would be considered bad debt. The 14 USD in deferred revenue for a service that has yet to be provided is zeroed out. If you inspected the account balances on February 1, you’d see the following:


An uncollectible invoice might still be paid. When the invoice is paid, the bad debt account is cleared out using a part of the received cash amount. The remaining cash amount goes to the recoverables account.

Voided invoicesRevenue Recognition with subscriptions and invoicing (6)

When you void an invoice, the invoice has reached a terminal state. We therefore clear the accounts receivable account since the invoice can no longer be paid.

You might have already recognized parts of the revenue for the invoice. Upon voiding, the recognized revenue is offset by contra revenue in the voids account.

Parts of the revenue for the invoice might still be deferred. Upon voiding, the remaining deferred revenue is cleared.

In this example, the invoice for a subscription is finalized and later voided.

  • On January 15, a customer starts a monthly subscription for 31 USD. The invoice for 31 USD gets created and finalized.
  • On February 1, the invoice is voided.

In this case, the customer received 17 days of service, but didn’t pay. The 17 USD that’s recognized at that point would be voided. The 14 USD in deferred revenue for service that has yet to be provided, is zeroed out. If you inspected the account balances on February 1, you’d see the following:


Credit notesRevenue Recognition with subscriptions and invoicing (7)

Credit notes allow the amount due on an invoice to be reduced after it finalizes. Since the expected payment is reduced, accounts receivable are reduced by the amount of the credit note.

If the credit note has no line items, the credit note is divided proportionally among all line items, based on the line item amounts. If the credit note has a specified line items, the credit note only applies to that line item.

You might’ve already recognized parts of the revenue for the invoice. When a credit note is issued, recognized revenue is proportionally offset by contra revenue in the credit notes account, based on the proportion of revenue that you recognized.

Parts of the revenue for the invoice might still be deferred. When a credit note is issued, deferred revenue is reduced, based on the proportion of revenue that’s still deferred.

In this example, the invoice for a subscription finalizes and a credit note is issued later.

  • On January 1, a customer starts a three month subscription for 90 USD. The invoice for 90 USD gets created and finalized.
  • On February 1, a credit note of 45 USD is issued.

At the end of March, the account balances would resemble the following:


Tax liabilityRevenue Recognition with subscriptions and invoicing (8)

To accurately handle your tax liability on invoices and subscriptions, use the default_tax_rates and tax_rates attribute on those resources to assign tax rates. If tax is modeled as a regular item, Revenue Recognition doesn’t automatically differentiate between revenue and tax unless you configure a custom rule.

It’s worth noting that taxes aren’t recognizable as revenue. For example, an invoice for 50 USD with an exclusive tax of 5 USD has 50 USD in recognizable revenue and 5 USD of tax liability. The invoice and accounts receivable totals are both 55 USD.

In this example the invoice has an exclusive tax rate.

  • On January 1, a customer starts a monthly subscription for 31 USD with an exclusive tax rate of 10%. The total due amount on the generated invoice is 34.10 USD.
  • The invoice is paid immediately.

Similarly, let’s take a look at an example for an invoice with an inclusive tax rate.

  • On January 1, a customer starts a monthly subscription for 31 USD with an inclusive tax rate of 10%. The total due amount on the generated invoice is 31 USD.
  • The invoice is paid immediately.

Customer credit balanceRevenue Recognition with subscriptions and invoicing (9)

The customer credit balance is a balance on a customer that gets applied to future invoices automatically. Because the customer credit balance is treated as an additional payment (rather than a discount, for example), applying it to an invoice doesn’t reduce the tax liability for that invoice.

Handling the customer credit balance involves what we call the customer balance account, which tracks the interactions between customer credit balance and invoices.

In this example, an invoice is created for a customer that maintains a customer credit balance.

  • On January 15, an invoice for 31 USD is created and finalized. None of the line items have a service period, so revenue is immediately recognized.
  • The customer has -11 USD in their customer credit balance. Stripe automatically applies -11 USD to the invoice and adjusts the customer credit balance to 0 USD.
  • The customer pays 20 USD.

In this case, the resulting account balances would look like

Revenue Recognition with subscriptions and invoicing (2024)


How is revenue recognized for subscriptions? ›

Under ASC 606 revenue is recognized as each performance obligation is completed for the customer, which may happen over a period. If a performance obligation is satisfied over time, revenue is recognized as it becomes enforceable against the customer even when the entire agreement is not complete.

Do you recognize revenue when you invoice? ›

Revenue should be recognized when earned, while invoicing and cash receipt may occur independently of the earning process. For example, cash may be received prior to the performance of a service and/or encumbrance of any expense.

How to record subscriptions in accounting? ›

If the amount of the subscription is significant, the company should debit the cost of the subscription to the current asset account Prepaid Expenses and credit Cash. During the period of the subscription, the company credits Prepaid Expenses and debits Subscription Expense for the amount that is expiring.

How to record membership revenue? ›

At the start, the total amount paid by the customer is tallied in 'Accounts Receivable. ' The setup fee is recognized as 'Earned Revenue,' while the monthly fee is placed as 'Deferred Revenue. ' As each month passes and the service is delivered, a part of the 'Deferred Revenue' is moved to 'Earned Revenue. '

How do I track my subscription revenue? ›

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

It's the most common KPI used in recurring businesses. You get your MRR by multiplying your total number of customers with their monthly subscription rates. This goes for annual, quarterly, and semiannual subscription plans as well.

How do you calculate revenue for subscriptions? ›

Just multiply the number of monthly subscribers by the average revenue per user (ARPU). For subscriptions under annual plans, MRR is calculated by dividing the annual plan price by 12 and then multiplying the result by the number of customers on the annual plan.

What are the 5 criteria for revenue recognition? ›

The ASC 606 how-to guide: Revenue recognition in five steps
  • Identify the contract with a customer.
  • Identify the performance obligations in the contract.
  • Determine the transaction price.
  • Allocate the transaction price.
  • Recognize revenue when the entity satisfies a performance obligation.
Apr 26, 2023

What is the difference between invoicing and revenue recognition? ›

Billing generates invoices that lead to cash collection, whereas revenue recognition records revenue without necessarily indicating the actual cash received.

Are invoices considered revenue? ›

Billed revenue is when an invoice is sent to a customer. Earned revenue is when a service or product has been provided. As an example, if a software company issues an annual invoice for $12k, the billed revenue will be $12k as soon as the invoice is sent to the customer. The earned revenue will be $1k per month.

What type of revenue is subscription? ›

Recurring (or subscription) revenue models are used widely across a variety of industries. Customers pay a recurring fee, typically monthly or annually, to access a product or service. Recurring revenue models are popular for their ability to generate steady, predictable income and build customer loyalty.

How are subscriptions treated in accounting? ›

Total Subscriptions received in the accounting period is shown in the Receipt and Payment Account. Subscription relating to the current accounting year whether received or not is shown on the income side of the Income & Expenditure Account.

Are subscriptions received revenue or capital? ›

Subscription received by an organisation is a revenue receipt.

When to recognize subscription revenue? ›

Applying these criteria to a subscription-based business, revenue should be recognized once a customer has paid for a subscription. If a customer pays for a year-long subscription on January 1, the company should recognize revenue for that customer in twelve installments, one for each subscription month.

Can you recognize revenue before invoicing? ›

Because service is provided, the revenue must be recognized prior to the point of invoice. This example introduces the concept of unbilled accounts receivable, which represents the amount of cash a business can expect to receive based on the service that they've already provided, but not yet invoiced.

What is an example of revenue recognition? ›

This is the simplest example of revenue recognition—you deliver the product or service immediately upon purchase, and you record the revenue immediately. Revenue for one-time purchases should be recognized immediately. This is most common with one-time purchases, like buying groceries or one-time software packages.

How do you forecast revenue for a subscription business? ›

Key metrics you need for Accurate Subscription Revenue Forecasting
  1. Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) is your company's revenue over a defined period (typically per month or year) for each active customers. ...
  2. Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) ...
  3. Churn Rate. ...
  4. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
Mar 25, 2023

How do you recognize revenue for services? ›

Revenue is generally recognized after a critical event occurs, like the product being delivered to the customer. The process involves identifying contracts, fulfilling performance obligations, determining transaction prices, and then recording revenue as these obligations are met.

How does a subscription revenue model work? ›

They focus on customer retention over customer acquisition. In essence, subscription business models focus on the way revenue is made so that a single customer pays multiple payments for prolonged access to a good or service instead of a large upfront one-time price.

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