Software Subscription Services: Are they Right for You? (2024)

Subscription services are not new. In fact, it might interest you to know that the subscription business model was pioneered by publishers of books and periodicals as far back as the 17th century.

Whether you lease a car, donate to charity or pay for homeowners insurance, you’re probably already paying for subscription services of one kind or another.

Many organizations have been changing the consumption model for their products and services in order to continue to stay relevant and to provide more choices for their customers.

This is a high-growth market, which has seen a recent uptick due to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the market research firm UnivDavos Market Insights (UMI), the global subscription e-commerce market is expected to reach $478B USD by 2025, representing a growth of 68% CAGR.

What are software subscription services?

The traditional way to purchase software – where you make an up-front purchase then continue to pay for an annual support and maintenance program after the first 12 months – is declining. Depending on the application, this initial investment can sometimes be a barrier to entry due to budget constraints or the need for executive level sign-off, often requiring a business justification including the calculation of return on investment (ROI).

Even paying for ongoing support and maintenance can be a struggle for some companies.

According to a 2020 survey by 2Checkout, which looks at worldwide subscription usage patterns, 49% of respondents indicated they had bought at least one SaaS subscription in the last 12 months, with 46% favoring an annual billing cycle.

The cost-effectiveness of the software or service appears to be the greatest driver of subscription service purchases, with 46% of consumers choosing a subscription to save money. Efficiency in time, usage and convenience were also popular factors, with 28% of respondents choosing subscriptions for these reasons.

With software subscription services, you get a number of benefits:

  • Lower up-front cost
  • Immediate access to the software
  • Ability to scale usage up or down quickly
  • Automatic updates to the latest versions
  • Automatic security patching, where applicable
  • Support and maintenance built in
  • Simplified licensing and asset management

For many software companies, a subscription service such as SaaS is the go-to model since it offers the opportunity for recurring revenue: revenue that is generated continuously. This leads to better predictability for the vendor and happier customers who get increased stability.

What are the different types of software subscription services?

In terms of subscription-based software services, there are a number of well-known examples that were previously only available as traditional desktop-installed software, such as Office 365 and Adobe Creative Cloud.

Software as a service (SaaS)

Software as a service is a licensing and delivery model where you subscribe (either annually or monthly) to cloud-based services and log in to a website where the software is located.

The user experience is very similar to what you would expect from a desktop-installed application.

Examples of SaaS are Office 365, Adobe Creative Cloud and Quest Spotlight Cloud.

Desktop as a service (DaaS)

Desktop as a service is a multi-tenant virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) that is hosted in the cloud. These subscription services come with applications pre-installed so that companies can deploy them across their organization and stream them to users’ devices. Users access the desktop via a web browser.

Examples of DaaS include Citrix Managed Desktops and Amazon Workspaces.

Desktop subscription

Desktop subscription is a relatively new offering and is basically renting a software license for a desktop-installed application on a year-to-year basis. These subscriptions include support and maintenance as well as automatic updates.

Examples of desktop subscription include Autodesk and QuestToad for Oracle Base Subscription.

What are the pros and cons of software subscription services?

For many, your expected frequency of use will determine whether you use subscription software or pay for a license up-front. For example, you may use Dropbox every day, so a subscription would be a good way to reduce your cost. On the other hand, if you use Adobe software for the occasional photo editing, it probably doesn’t make sense to subscribe to the Creative Cloud, but just purchase a license to use Photoshop Elements.

This table compares the pros and cons of software subscription services versus perpetual licensing.



Perpetual licensing

You own the asset

Higher up-front cost

Pay for ongoing support/maintenance after first 12 months

Physical download and installation

Software gets outdated unless you pay for support/maintenance

Potential security issues unless kept patched

You have to manage your own licenses


No physical download or installation

Lower up-front cost

Higher long-term investment

Immediate access

Support and maintenance included in price

Automatic updates and security patches

Simplified licensing and asset management

Subscription auto-renew


Education / event invitations

Desktop subscription

Lower up-front cost

Higher long-term investment

Support and maintenance included in price

Automatic updates and security patches

Physical download and installation

Simplified licensing and asset management

Subscription auto-renew


Education / event invitations

Other benefits not available in perpetual, such as persistent settings

What software subscription services does Quest provide?

Quest Software’s Information and Systems Management business, which provides a broad portfolio of solutions for database and data management, currently offers two subscription products and has plans for more.

Spotlight Cloud

Spotlight Cloud is a database performance monitoring tool for SQL Server and Azure SQL that leverages cloud computing to provide 24x7 monitoring and instant diagnostics.

This no-software, low-cost/low-maintenance solution allows you to respond instantly to SQL Server issues and pinpoint and fix the highest priority issues with ease.

Spotlight Cloud is a SaaS product and is hosted in the Microsoft Azure cloud.

To illustrate the typical savings you could gain by switching from a traditional on-premises product with an upfront cost, the Spotlight Cloud team offers a cost calculator so you can easily see just how much you could save:

Toad for Oracle Base Subscription

Toad for Oracle Base Edition Subscription is the first Toad product to offer subscription pricing. It remains a desktop product but offers cloud-based subscription billing and licensing.

Toad for Oracle Base Edition Subscription offers a wide range of features for building and maintaining Oracle database programs, including PL/SQL and SQL scripts. It includes a robust, integrated debugging suite for PL/SQL and SQL*Plus scripts and utPLSQL unit testing so you can easily incorporate testing into your database development processes using an industry standard testing framework.

Toad for Oracle Base Edition Subscription is individually priced for single users for a single year. Individual Oracle DBAs and PL/SQL developers will save time, reduce costs and risks using the same toolset our enterprise customers use—but at a yearly, subscription rate.

For enterprise users who require multiple licenses priced at a yearly or perpetual rate, Toad for Oracle Base Edition is still available at corporate rates and can be purchased via Quest sales.

Are software subscription services right for you?

Software subscription services are going to be a good fit for many organizations across a wide range of applications, but it still pays to carefully evaluate whether they’re right for your needs. Be sure to consider long-term and short-term cost, frequency of use and any impact on your IT team.

Software Subscription Services: Are they Right for You? (2024)


What are the advantages of software subscriptions? ›

The User Benefits of Subscription-Based Software Platforms
  • Your Software is Always Up to Date. ...
  • Get the Latest Features & Bug Fixes Instantly. ...
  • Everyone is Always on the Same Page. ...
  • Dramatically Reduce Up-Front Costs. ...
  • Shop Around Before You Commit. ...
  • Scale Your Subscription to Meet Your Current Organizational Needs.
Feb 22, 2022

What makes a subscription service successful? ›

The fundamental appeal of a subscription is its reliability. Whether you're receiving consistent access to a content library or a monthly delivery of essential goods, you must be able to count on the provider to hold up their end of the bargain.

What is a software subscription service? ›

Subscription-based software relates to a monthly or annual licencing model, allowing users to pay a per user fee. Customers typically pay an initial subscription upfront, and are entitled to use the software only during the subscription term, unlike a perpetual licence, allowing them to use software indefinitely.

Why do customers prefer subscriptions? ›

Well, in addition to cost, consumers say they want you to: “Make my life easier.” In many categories, value starts with convenience. Subscriptions make it easy for consumers to get what they want and need.

What is the purpose of subscription? ›

In a subscription model, customers are charged on a recurring basis for a product or service. They choose how long and how often they want to receive each offer, and most subscriptions provide the option to renew or cancel at any time. Think of a subscription as a contract between you and the customer.

What are the benefits of software support to a customer? ›

Benefits of customer support software
  • Easier communication with colleagues and customers. ...
  • Increase sales and conversions. ...
  • Provide support 24/7. ...
  • Automatically route inquiries to the right specialist. ...
  • Easily track and view support tickets. ...
  • Support your customers in any channel. ...
  • Lower operational costs.
Sep 7, 2022

What are the advantages and disadvantages of software subscription licenses? ›

Subscription-based Software Licensing Pros and Cons
  • Lower Upfront Costs. ...
  • Lower IT resource needs and staying current. ...
  • The subscription cost includes support and upgrades. ...
  • Module-based complexity is simplified. ...
  • Usability and Access. ...
  • Higher Total Cost of Ownership: ...
  • Integrations: ...
  • Summary.
Jul 8, 2021

How can I improve my subscription service? ›

Five key tactics to grow your subscription sales
  1. Implement cross-selling and upselling. ...
  2. Optimize your subscription catalog. ...
  3. Give your subscribers flexibility. ...
  4. Provide benefits after a minimum spend. ...
  5. Create product bundles.
Jun 15, 2022

How many subscription services does the average person have? ›

U.S. users have an average of four streaming service subscriptions, according to the Deloitte Digital Media Trends Study.

Are software subscriptions goods or services? ›

As software has a commercial value and can form the subject of a commercial transaction, it can be classified as “goods”, irrespective of whether it is supplied by electronic download.

What is software services and examples? ›

SaaS uses the Internet to deliver subscription software services, which are managed by a third-party vendor. Well-known SaaS examples include Dropbox, Google Workspace, and Salesforce. Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) offers access to resources such as servers, storage, memory, and other services.

What is your idea of subscription management software? ›

Subscription management is the process of managing your customers' subscriptions and making sure that their experience with your product or service is a happy one. The process starts once a customer signs up to "subscribe" to your product or service, and it ends when the customer cancels their subscription.

How do you convince customers for subscriptions? ›

Here are seven tips for simplifying the renewal process:
  1. Tailor your offer to what customers need with flexible pricing. ...
  2. Offer automatic renewals. ...
  3. Offer multiple ways to renew. ...
  4. Notify customers when it's renewal time. ...
  5. Offer grace periods. ...
  6. Use tools to proactively avoid passive churn (RRT) ...
  7. Optimize the renewal process.
Sep 6, 2017

Why Monthly subscriptions are better? ›

A monthly subscription appeals to customers who cannot or do not wish to commit to being billed annually. This may be because they aren't sure how long they are going to need to use a service. Alternatively, it may be because they know or believe that they will only want to use a service for a short time.

Why do people buy subscription services? ›

Subscription services take the hassle and time out of having to remember. Instead, customers are guaranteed it every week or month, so they never run out!

Why is software services important? ›

It is essential for businesses since it allows them to set themselves apart from their competition and become more competitive. Customer satisfaction and experience can be improved through custom software development services and the introduction of more feature-rich and innovative goods to market.

What is the main purpose of customer service software? ›

Customer service software is a term used to describe the tools and platforms businesses use to better manage and improve the customer experience. More specifically, these tools may help manage customer support requests—collecting, analyzing, assisting with, and reporting on cases.

What are 3 benefits of good customer service? ›

Five benefits of good customer service
  • Customer loyalty. Loyal customers have many benefits for businesses. ...
  • Increase profits. These long-term customer relationships established through customer service can help businesses become more profitable. ...
  • Customer recommendations. ...
  • Increase conversion. ...
  • Improve public image.
May 28, 2021

What is the benefit of subscription pricing? ›

Subscription-based pricing attracts more customers

Subscription payments lower the barrier to entry for products and services and allow more potential customers to purchase your product. While they may pay a larger amount over the long term, they can get immediate access to the product.

What are the three types of subscription? ›

Types of subscriptions
  • Fixed usage subscription. The fixed usage subscription model offers a set price for a fixed quantity of goods or services over a set time frame. ...
  • Unlimited usage subscription. ...
  • Pay-as-you-go-subscription. ...
  • Freemium model.

What is a subscription strategy? ›

A subscription-based business model is based on selling a product or service in return for a recurring monthly fee. You can offer content, software, service, or even physical products as long as the customers are willing to pay for them.

What are the features of subscription? ›

Subscription Plan Catalog
  • Flat fee. Charging a flat, fixed sum per billing interval.
  • Tiered pricing. Customers can choose between several plan tiers, each providing additional incremental value on an increasing scale.
  • Per seat pricing. ...
  • Usage-based/ metered. ...
  • Per feature pricing. ...
  • Freemium. ...
  • Free trials. ...
  • Dynamic pricing.

What types of subscriptions are the most common? ›

At the moment, Netflix is the most popular streaming service with more than 220 million subscribers.
What are the most popular streaming services?
  • Amazon Prime Video.
  • Disney+
  • Hulu.
  • HBO Max.
  • Apple TV.

What is the most common subscription? ›

According to the latest data on the most popular subscription services among adults in the United States, Amazon Prime currently tops the list. Nearly two-thirds (61%) of consumers there pay for it.

How many subscription services does the average American have? ›

The Average U.S. Household Subscribes to Four Streaming Services - MNTN. Great - what's your title and where do you work?

What do subscription services offer? ›

A subscription service is a business offering to sell products or services on a set timeline, such as monthly or weekly. They come in one of three forms. Curation is a popular type of subscription offering. These can include items like clothing, skincare, or pet accessories.

Are software subscriptions an office expense? ›

Cost of Software Subscriptions

Office 365, Quickbooks, Freshbooks, DocuSign, Adobe and all other cloud-based software subscriptions that relate to your business are 100% tax deductible.

What type of expense is software subscription? ›

Operating Expenses

This is the most common category for software subscriptions, as the subscription is typically used to run the business on a day-to-day basis.

What best describes software as a service? ›

Software as a service (or SaaS) is a way of delivering applications over the Internet—as a service. Instead of installing and maintaining software, you simply access it via the Internet, freeing yourself from complex software and hardware management.

Can you give me an example of software? ›

10 Software Examples
  • macOS.
  • Microsoft Defender.
  • Linux.
  • Windows 11.
  • Windows Disk Cleanup.
  • Google Drive.
  • Todoist.
  • Asana.
Oct 3, 2022

Which two are examples of software as a service? ›

Software as a Service, also known as cloud application services, represents the most commonly utilized option for businesses in the cloud market.
Popular examples of SaaS include:
  • Google Workspace (formerly GSuite)
  • Dropbox.
  • Salesforce.
  • Cisco WebEx.
  • SAP Concur.
  • GoToMeeting.
Jun 15, 2019

Is the subscription model good for business? ›

Customers and businesses alike prefer subscription models because they provide a great balance of price versus value. Customers get the convenience of automatically having the product when they need it, or getting immediate access to new features. Businesses get a more stable source of income.

What is the perfect example of subscription model? ›

In a subscription business model, customers pay a fee on a regular basis to get access to your product or service. Netflix and Spotify are both great examples of subscriptions businesses.

How do I convince customers not to cancel my subscription? ›

Top 6 Customer Retention Strategies
  1. Gather Information: Why Do They Want to Cancel? ...
  2. Get Creative: What Can You Do to Save This Customer. ...
  3. Reduce Future Customer Churn: Determine How to Measure Success. ...
  4. Measure What Matters: Regularly Review Customer Data. ...
  5. Build Loyalty: Reward Your Customers. ...
  6. Iterate: Add Customer Value.
Feb 1, 2023

What are the advantages of purchasing a software package? ›

One of the major selling points of packaged software is that it is faster to purchase, install, and use. Depending on your knowledge and tech savvy, you can have a piece of packaged software up and running by the end of the day.

What is the importance of software packages? ›

A software package is a collection of system resources that are packed together. These packages enable the end-user to perform some types of tasks when the software package gets installed on their device.

What are the benefits and the advantage of using the software? ›

Information can be retrieved more quickly and with greater confidence in its accuracy. This can improve the productivity of employees. It may also improve the movement of goods and the supply of goods to customers.

What are the things you need to consider in purchasing a software? ›

7 Things to Consider Before Buying Software
  • How much does it cost and what is the value? ...
  • Will you need assisted implementation? ...
  • Is the software company prepared to fix bugs? ...
  • How often do they push updates? ...
  • Is the system customizable enough to meet your needs? ...
  • What kind of support do they offer?
Dec 2, 2019

Why would a company decide to buy software instead of developing IT themselves? ›

Predictable Total Cost of Ownership and Less Upfront Costs

Buying software also has a more predictable total cost of ownership, with set license, maintenance and support fees. As mentioned in point two, software projects tend to have the highest risk of cost and schedule overruns.

What are software packages examples? ›

A software package typically contains related programs that can perform different functions. For example, Microsoft Office is a software package that includes programs for creating, editing and viewing documents (Word), spreadsheets (Excel), presentations (PowerPoint) and email (Outlook).

What is package software Short answer? ›

Packaged software is a collection of programs that perform similar functions or have similar features. For example, Microsoft Office includes multiple applications such as Excel, Word, and PowerPoint.

Why do companies move to subscriptions? ›

Why do companies move to subscriptions? The subscription model is more profitable for companies than the purchase model. It's also more convenient for customers. Subscriptions offer customers a chance to try out products before they buy them and make it easy to cancel if they don't need it anymore.

Why software is important in our life? ›

Software not only makes your computer hardware perform important tasks, but can also help your business work more efficiently. The right software can even lead to new ways of working. It is therefore a crucial business asset and you should choose your software carefully so that it matches your business needs.

What are the benefits and risks of software as a service? ›

The pros of SaaS include cost, maintenance and mobility. The cons include security, contractual obligations and a loss of control. Proper software asset management is critical with SaaS applications.

What are the advantages of using online software? ›

Here are the major advantages of using online software:
  • More Flexible than a Yogi.
  • Simple to Use.
  • Accessible from Anywhere.
  • Easy Collaboration.
  • Monthly Subscription.
  • Get Started Immediately.
  • Safe and Secure.
  • Common Concerns.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.