Strategies for Protecting Your Income From Taxes (2024)

Income is taxed at the federal, state, and local levels, and earned income is subject to additional levies to fund Social Security and Medicare, to name a few. Taxes are difficult to avoid, but there are many strategies to help ward them off.Here are six ways to protect your income from taxes.

Key Takeaways

  • Contributing to qualified retirement and employee benefit accounts with pretax dollars can exempt some income from taxation and defer income taxes on other earnings.
  • Tax rates on long-term capital gains are low
  • Capital loss deductions can reduce taxes further.
  • Interest income from municipal bonds is generally not subject to federal tax.

1. Invest in Municipal Bonds

Buying a municipal bond essentially means lending money to a state or local governmental entity for a set number of interest payments over a predetermined period. Once the bond reaches itsmaturity date, the full amount of the original investment is repaid to the buyer.

Interest on municipal bonds is exempt from federal taxes and may be tax-exempt at the state and local level as well, depending on where you live. Tax-free interest payments make municipal bonds attractive to investors.

Municipal bonds historically have lower default rates than their corporate bond counterparts. A study of municipal bonds from 1970 to 2019 found that the default rate was 0.1% for investment-grade municipal bonds versus 2.25% forglobal corporate issuers.

However, municipals typically pay lower interest rates. Because of the tax benefits, municipal bonds'tax-equivalent yieldmakes them attractive to some investors. The higher your tax bracket, the higher your tax-equivalent yield.

2. Shoot for Long-Term Capital Gains

Investing can be an important tool in growing wealth. An additional benefit from investing in stocks,mutual funds, bonds, and real estate is the favorable tax treatment forlong-term capital gains.

An investor holding a capital asset for longer than one year enjoys a preferential tax rate of 0%, 15%, or 20% on the capital gain, depending on the investor’s income level. If the asset is held for less than a year before selling, the capital gain is taxed at ordinary income rates. Understandinglong-term versus short-term capital gainsrates is important for growing wealth.

For 2021, a married couple filing jointly would pay 0% on their long-term capital gains if their taxable income falls below $80,800 and, in the case of a single individual, below $40,400.

For 2022, the zero rate bracket for long-term capital gains applies to taxable income up to $83,350 for married couples and $41,675 for single individuals. A tax planner and investment advisor can help determine when and how to sell appreciated or depreciated securities to minimize gains and maximize losses.

Tax-loss harvestingcan also offset a capital gains tax liability by selling securities at a loss. If capital losses exceed capital gains, the lesser of $3,000 of the excess losses or the net capital loss can be deducted from other income.Capital losses in excess of $3,000 can be carried forward to later tax years.

3. Start a Business

In addition to creating additional income, a side business offers many tax advantages.

When used in the course of daily business, many expenses can be deducted from income, reducing the total tax obligation. Especially important tax deductions for self-employed individuals are health insurance premiums which are available if special requirements are met.

Also, by strictly following Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidelines, a business owner maydeduct part of their home expenseswith the home office deduction. The portion of utilities and internet used in the business may also be deducted from income. In order to claim these deductions, the taxpayer must conduct business to make a profit. The IRS evaluates a number of factors, outlined in Publication 535. Taxpayers who realize a profit in three of the last five years are presumed to be engaged in a business for profit.

TheSetting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Actwas enacted in 2019. The SECURE Act offers tax incentives to employers who join multiple-employer plans and offer retirement options to their employees.

4. Max out Retirement Accounts and Employee Benefits

In 2022, taxable income can be reduced for contributions up to $20,500 to a401(k) or403(b) plan (up from $19,500 in 2021). Those 50 or older can add $6,500 to the basic workplace retirement plan contribution. For example, an employee earning $100,000 in 2021 who contributes $19,500 to a 401(k) reduces their taxable income to only $80,500.

Those who don’t have a retirement plan at work can get a tax break by contributing up to $6,000 ($7,000 for those 50 and older) to atraditional individual retirement account (IRA) in 2022 and 2021. Taxpayers who do have workplace retirement plans (or whose spouses do) may be able to deduct some or all of their traditional IRA contribution from taxable income, depending on their income.

The deduction for IRA contributions is phased out for adjusted gross incomes at different levels, higher in 2022 than in 2021, depending on whether claimed on a single taxpayer’s return, joint return, married individual filing separately as well as taking into account any participation by a taxpayer in another plan. The IRS has detailed rules about whether—and how much—you can deduct.

Before the SECURE Act, 401(k) or IRA account holders had to withdrawrequired minimum distributions (RMDs)in the year they turned age 70½. The SECURE Act increased that age to 72, which may have tax implications, depending on the tax bracket the account holder belongs to in the year they withdraw. The bill also eliminates the maximum age for traditional IRA contributions, which was previously capped at 70½years old.

Fringe Benefits

In addition to retirement plan contributions, many employers offer a variety of fringeplans thatallow employees to exclude the contributions made or benefits received from their income. Benefits under these programs generally are reflected as non-taxed amounts on employees’ W-2 statements.

These benefits include flexible spending accounts, educational assistance programs, adoption expense reimbursem*nts, transportation cost reimbursem*nts, group-term life insurance up to $50,000, and generally for senior managers and executives, deferred compensation arrangements.

5. Use a Health Savings Account (HSA)

Employees with ahigh-deductible health insurance plancan use a health savings account (HSA)to reduce taxes. As with a 401(k), HSA contributions (which may be matched by the employer) by payroll deduction are excluded from the employee’s taxable income; an individual’s direct contributions to an HSA are 100%tax-deductiblefrom their income.

For 2021, the maximum deductible contribution level is $3,600 for an individual and $7,200 for a family. In 2022, those maximums rise to $3,650 for individuals and $7,300 for families. These funds can then grow without the requirement to pay tax on the earnings. An extra tax benefit of an HSA is that when used to pay forqualified medical expenses, withdrawals aren’t taxed, either.

6. Claim Tax Credits

There are manyIRS tax creditsthat reduce taxes, such as theEarned Income Tax Credit. For the tax year 2021, a low-income taxpayer could claim credits up to $6,728 with three or more qualifying children, $5,980 with two, $3,618 with one, and $543, if none.

In 2022, the credit rises to $6,935 for three or more kids, $6,164 with two, $3,733 with one, and $560 with none.

The American Rescue Plan, signed by President Biden on March 11, 2021, includes generous tax breaks to low- and moderate-income people. For 2021 only, the size ofthe earned-income tax credit will increase for childless households. The maximum credit amount for childless people increases to $1,502, from $543.

The age range has also been expanded. People without children will be able to claim the credit beginning at age 19, instead of 25, with the exception of certain full-time students (students between 19 and 24 with at least half a full-time course load are ineligible). The upper age limit, 65, will be eliminated. For single filers, the phaseout percentage is increased to 15.3% and phaseout amounts are increased to $11,610.

TheAmerican Opportunity Tax Creditoffers a maximum of $2,500 per year for eligible students for the first four years of higher education and the Lifetime Learning Credit allows a maximum 20% credit for up to $10,000 of qualified expenses or $2,000 per return.

There is also theSaver’s Credit for moderate and lower-income individuals looking to save for retirement; individuals can receive a credit of up to half their contributions to a plan, an IRA, or anABLE account.

The Child and Dependent Care Creditcan, depending on income, help offset qualified expenses for the care of children and disabled dependents.

President Biden's American Rescue Plan also made changes to the Child Tax Credit for 2021. In 2021, it will increase to as much as $3,000 per child ($3,600 for ages 5 and under). The age limit for qualifying children also rises to 17 (from 16). In addition, the credit is fully refundable. The IRS may also issue up to half of an eligible household’s credit as an advance disbursem*nt between July and December 2021, using 2020 or 2019 tax returns to determine eligibility.

The Bottom Line

Although it is important to pay all that is legally owed to tax authorities, nobody has to pay extra. A few hours on the IRS website ( scouring reputable financial information sites may yield hundreds, maybe even thousands, of dollars in tax savings.

Strategies for Protecting Your Income From Taxes (2024)


What are the 3 basic tax planning strategies? ›

There are a number of ways you can go about tax planning, but it primarily involves three basic methods: reducing your overall income, increasing your number of tax deductions throughout the year, and taking advantage of certain tax credits.

What strategies will you take to reduce your taxable income? ›

Key Takeaways. An effective way to reduce taxable income is to contribute to a retirement account through an employer-sponsored plan or an individual retirement account (IRA). Both health spending accounts and flexible spending accounts help reduce taxable income during the years in which contributions are made.

What are some tax planning strategies? ›

Most small businesses will need to utilize a number of the following tax-planning strategies.
  • Look for Ways to Reduce Your Adjusted Gross Income. ...
  • Utilize Fringe Benefit Plans for Employees. ...
  • Optimize Your Retirement Plan. ...
  • Add A Cash Balance Plan to the Mix. ...
  • Don't Ignore Carryover Deductions. ...
  • Use Accountable Plans.
4 Oct 2022

What is a tax avoidance strategy? ›

Here are some examples of tax avoidance strategies: Maximizing your retirement contributions. Tax-advantaged retirement accounts, including IRAs and 401(k)s, allow you to reduce your taxable income as you put aside money for your later years. Claiming as many tax deductions as you can.

What are the 4 R's of taxation? ›

The four “Rs” of tax refer to the key benefits that flow from taxation: Revenue, to fund public services, infrastructure and administration. Redistribution, to curb inequalities between individuals and between groups. Repricing, to limit public “bads” such as tobacco consumption and carbon emissions.

What are the 7 principles of taxation? ›

Principles of a good tax system

They are the principles of convenience, simplicity, economy, equity, certainty, flexibility and stability.

How do millionaires avoid taxes? ›

The step-up basis is a fundamental way wealthy people avoid paying tax when their investments increase in value. When an asset is sold at a profit, it's taxed. However, if the asset isn't sold but instead passed on to an heir, then the asset's value is adjusted to its worth at the time of the death.

What are three examples of tax avoidance? ›

Tax avoidance is legal; tax evasion is criminal
  • Deliberately under-reporting or omitting income. ...
  • Keeping two sets of books and making false entries in books and records. ...
  • Claiming false or overstated deductions on a return. ...
  • Claiming personal expenses as business expenses. ...
  • Hiding or transferring assets or income.

What are the three elements of tax evasion? ›

Understanding the Three Elements of the Tax Evasion Statute

§ 7201, which sets forth the three elements of the crime: the existence of an additional tax due and owing; an attempt by the taxpayer to evade or defeat the tax; willfulness on the part of the taxpayer (2).

What are the types of tax avoidance? ›

Tax credits, deductions, income exclusion, and loopholes are forms of tax avoidance. These are legal tax breaks offered to encourage certain behaviors, such as saving for retirement or buying a home. Tax avoidance is unlike tax evasion, which relies on illegal methods such as underreporting income.

What are the 5 heads of tax? ›

The 5 heads of income tax are:
  • Income from salary.
  • Income from house property.
  • Income from profits and gains from business or profession.
  • Income from capital gains.
  • Income from other sources.
17 Nov 2022

What are the 3 characteristics of effective taxation? ›

A good tax system should meet five basic conditions: fairness, adequacy, simplicity, transparency, and administrative ease.

What is good tax governance? ›

Effective tax governance means having clear processes and procedures in place in a corporate governance framework to support decision making, and to ensure that the group is meeting its tax and super obligations.

What are the five major objectives of taxation? ›

Truly speaking, in the modern world, taxation is used as an instrument of economic policy. It affects the total volume of production, consumption, investment, choice of industrial location and techniques, balance of payments, distribution of income, etc.

What are the biggest tax loopholes? ›

23 Ridiculous Tax Loopholes
  • Yacht Deduction. ...
  • 15 Days of Free Rental Income. ...
  • HSA Pays Medical Bills Past, Present and Future. ...
  • Breast Augmentation Equals Tax Reduction. ...
  • Cat Food Deduction. ...
  • Viva Las Vegas Tax Deduction. ...
  • Deductions for Deadbeats. ...
  • The Life Insurance Loophole.
9 Apr 2022

How do billionaires avoid taxes for families? ›

Billionaires have avoided taxation by paying themselves very low salaries while amassing fortunes in stocks and other assets. They then borrow off those assets to finance their lifestyles, rather than selling the assets and paying capital gains taxes.

Which is worse tax evasion or tax avoidance? ›

But what is the difference between the two? Well one massive difference is that tax evasion is illegal, while tax avoidance is legal (well, to a certain extent anyway). In its most simplistic form, there are plenty of people whose financial actions may be labelled as 'tax avoidance'.

What are red flags tax evasion? ›

Examples include: Failing to file tax returns. Having bank deposits that far surpass the taxpayer's reported income. Omitting or understating income.

How do you tell if IRS is investigating you? ›

Signs that You May Be Subject to an IRS Investigation:
  1. (1) An IRS agent abruptly stops pursuing you after he has been requesting you to pay your IRS tax debt, and now does not return your calls. ...
  2. (2) An IRS agent has been auditing you and now disappears for days or even weeks at a time.

What are the 3 primary sources of tax law? ›

There are three basic types of authoritative documents: statutory, administrative and judicial.

What are 3 purpose of taxes? ›

Why Do We Pay Taxes? Taxes are the primary source of revenue for most governments. Among other things, this money is spent to improve and maintain public infrastructure, including the roads we travel on, and fund public services, such as schools, emergency services, and welfare programs.

What is meant by the Golsen rule? ›

742 (1970). Under Golsen, the Tax Court will interpret decisions based on the Circuit where the taxpayer resides. If no Circuit decisions are specifically applicable, then the Court will apply its own interpretation to the circ*mstances and application of the IRC.

What are the three common types of tax forms? ›

But choose carefully. There are three personal income tax forms — 1040, 1040A and 1040EZ — with each designed to get the appropriate amount of your money to the IRS.

What are the 5 principles of a good tax system? ›

A good tax system should meet five basic conditions: fairness, adequacy, simplicity, transparency, and administrative ease. Although opinions about what makes a good tax system will vary, there is general consensus that these five basic conditions should be maximized to the greatest extent possible.

What common tax saving methods are available to most individuals and households? ›

What common tax-saving methods are available to most individuals and households? - Time the receipt of income and payment of taxable expenses in relation to your current and future tax rate. - Take advantage of tax credits for which you qualify. -Maximize contributions to tax-deferred retirement programs.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.