The 23 Best High Demand Products to Sell In 2023 (2024)

Have you ever asked, "What are the most high demand products to sell?" eCommerce offers anyone with an interest and hardworking spirit the opportunity to make money. It’s a type of business that doesn’t require massive startup capital, technical know-how, or sometimes even physical space to run.

However, it does require you to be business and marketing savvy. One area in which you need to beat competitors is having the right products to sell. Since there are thousands of products you can sell at any given time, you can get overwhelmed trying to identify profitable ones.This includes dropshipping items and wholesale products.

If you make your own food and sell online, there are multiple ways to do this, such as selling liquor online or selling alcohol online. If you’d rather resell existing products so you don’t need to deal with warehouse organization or inventory tracking, we’ve got you covered.

The 23 Best High Demand Products to Sell In 2023 (1)

Setting up your own eCommerce store and using dropship inventory is one of the ideal home business models. Dropshipping is one of many types of eCommerce businesses where you sell products without handling or stocking them directly. It’s easy to learn how to make money dropshipping as long as you read a few of the dropshipping books.

As you progress, you’ll need to know how to find dropshipping suppliers and maybe take a dropshipping course to complete your knowledge. Continue learning about the industry as a whole by reading the best eCommerce books andour drop shipping for dummies guide.

Once you’ve picked out an eCommerce platform and have your basic tech tools in place, it’s time to select winning products. These will be the ideal high demand products to sell.

Keep reading for key details on 23 of the most high demand products of 2023.

23 High Demand Products to Sell

When you’re starting an eCommerce business, it’s natural to want profit to follow. One of the most powerful ways of accomplishing this is by selling high demand products. But, what products are in high demand right now?

While there are hundreds of trending eCommerce products at any given time, some product categories have seen a major uptick in sales. We narrowed the list down to 23 that are seeing incredible eCommerce growth as of late.

Here are 23 high demand products to sell in 2023:

1. Subscription Food Products

Shoppers love convenience, and the Internet has only increased the amount of convenience people expect for a personalized buying experience. Subscription food products like produce subscription boxes are one example of goods on demand that customers have supported in droves.

Today’s market offers just about every imaginable food or drink in the subscription form. Protein bars, snacks, energy drinks, cookies, and even water are all popular products for a subscription box business. The subscription box industry has been growing by more than 100% year-over-year (YoY) and is now a billion-dollar industry. If you have a great eCommerce marketing strategy, there’s no reason you can’t launch your own box!

Coffee is one of the best products to create a subscription box service with. Spend some time reading how to start a coffee subscription box, and you’ll see how little capital is needed to begin. Some of the best coffee roasters have already gotten a head start. You can even offer a coffee subscription gift and get the word out more quickly with relevant coffee marketing ideas.

2. Book Storage Equipment (bookcases, bookends, bookshelves)

Being at home more often means you have to make use of what’s already there. As a result, many Americans reorganized their bookshelves or created new spaces for them.

Bookshelves, bookcases, and bookends are all selling well and usually have high profit margins. If you add this to your eCommerce or wholesale catalog, make sure to source materials from a reputable supplier. This helps ensure your fill rate will be high and return rate will be low (see RMA meaning). The last thing you want is to be left with deadstock on your hands.

The 23 Best High Demand Products to Sell In 2023 (2)

3. Household and Car Mats

Spending more time indoors means you notice things more easily. One such example is the mats outside of your front door or inside your car. Without regular cleaning and vacuuming, these mats become grimy, cracked, and rotten.

You can make a considerable profit if these products match your type of eCommerce store. Millions of Americans continue buying new cars and homes throughout 2023 as they set their sights on new places to live. Listing durable mats for them to buy is an advantageous move.

4. Mobile Electronics Accessories

If there’s one thing Americans love, it's their tablets and smartphones. With such frequent tech usage comes the need for accessories, like covers, screen protectors, earbuds, cleaning cloths, and travel cases.

The global mobile electronics accessories market is expected to reach a staggering $111 billion by 2025, a little over half of which is generated by US consumers. Americans’ love of the latest, greatest tech items combined with a 7% YoY growth rate means this is an excellent niche to be in. This makes mobile electronic accessories great high demand products to sell.

5. CBD Products and Oils

CBD oil started taking the health and wellness industry by storm over the last couple of years. While CBD products and derivatives have been around for decades, they only recently surged in popularity due to increased scientific research on their plant sources.

CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is one of over 100 compounds in the cannabis plant (also called the marijuana plant). Cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, differentiating it from oft-referenced tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in the same plant.

Oils, balms, creams, and other consumables are made with CBD for a multitude of benefits. CBD is known to relieve pain, reduce anxiety, support neurological health, and limit feelings of nausea. If you already sell health and wellness goods, add a few CBD products to your eCommerce catalog today.

BlueCart partners with numerous providers in the CBD space as well, including the following:

6. Tea and Coffee

Online tea sales have exploded in recent years and don’t look to be disappearing. Consumers love both their tea and coffee--not only because they’re caffeinated, but because of the flavor variety.

Tea is a near-perfect eCommerce product. There’s consistent demand, which makes for easy eCommerce shipping and eCommerce packaging, and profit margins are consumer-friendly yet adjustable. Tea is expected to grow 5.5% YoY until at least 2025.

Selling coffee online is included on the list of profitable, food-related eCommerce business ideas. Consider creating distinct coffee flavors that are shipped in custom subscription boxes, which encourages buyers to remain loyal.

Other coffee-related high demand products to sell in 2023 include wholesale coffee and wholesale coffee beans. You may even consider selling specialty coffee.

BlueCart Marketplace simplifies the process of getting your products listed in front of new customers. Dozens of the best coffee roasters and coffee business owners use our marketplace to reach over 92,000 customers:

7. Eco-friendly Products

From kitchen wares and cleaning supplies to clothing and even toothbrushes, eco-friendly products are in vogue. Consumers have decided that there’s no reason to shun the products they love if they can be created without negative environmental impact.

Eco-friendly items are incredibly popular among Millennials and Gen-Zers, who were raised with the sociocultural attitude that respecting the Earth is desirable. This consumer trend is influencing companies of diverse natures to develop more Earth-friendly goods or risk going out of business.

This eCommerce niche is rising at a breakneck pace--26.7% YoY growth between 2020 and 2025. The industry is about to more than triple in the same period, increasing from $11.2 billion to $36.6 billion in US sales. Look through a wholesale directory or two for eco-friendly goods you can sell.

The 23 Best High Demand Products to Sell In 2023 (3)

8. Meal Kits and Meal Replacements

As a result of 2020’s widespread restaurant closures, millions of people were left with homemade meals as their primary way of spicing dinnertime up. This led to a boom in the meal kits industry, with a whopping $130 million more in sales throughout 2020.

The US health and wellness food market is expected to grow by 6% or more YoY through 2024. If you’re passionate about selling food online and want to build an eCommerce venture around it, consider these two hot niches.

9. Bicycle Saddles and Accessories

Until states began lifting lockdown measures, countless people were left with fewer entertainment options than before. Instead of relying on indoor forms of recreation, Americans turned to the outdoors in droves.

Adding a fresh saddle to a bicycle seat works wonders for your posture and decreases the risk of injury, as well. The bicycle saddle niche is growing by more than 2% YoY with seasonal sales spikes in spring and summer.

10. Hair Styling Tools

Despite the severe shortage of physical events in 2020, hair styling equipment and accessories didn’t take a nosedive. In fact, this beauty products niche saw a 5.5% YoY growth rate that’s projected to continue until 2025.

Consider adding one or more products to your eCommerce site if you already sell beauty-related goods. Between remote interviews, at-home photoshoots, and just plain looking good, hair styling tools have always been a necessity. Remember: there’s never a bad reason to get styled up!

11. Children’s Toys

As more parents than ever stayed home to watch their children or provide homeschooling, the number of toy sales went up with it. A baby is born roughly every eight seconds in the US, which means there will always be demand for playthings.

This demand continued rising throughout 2020, as more children became responsible for entertaining themselves while parents worked from home. Children’s toy sales have been growing by roughly 7% YoY and spiked to 16% during the COVID-19 pandemic.

From Legos and dolls to toy animals, cars, and characters, there are dozens of kids’ toys to choose from. Children’s products are great to sell year-round because of celebrations, parties, and birthdays.

12. Home Storage Containers

Over the last 50 years, the size of the average American home has nearly tripled. Part of this is due to changing consumer tastes. Combined with the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns, however, Americans have been sprucing up their home interiors like never before.

With this trend comes an increase in home storage containers. Instead of letting clothes, toys, books, and other belongings sit unorganized, Americans have put items where they belong.

This is good news for eCommerce business owners, too. Storage bins, racks, containers, and shelves are often cheap to produce but command higher markup. As long as you have a great inventory management system for these large objects, you can turn a serious profit rather quickly.

13. Natural cosmetics and beauty products

In keeping with hair styling tools’ sales numbers, natural cosmetics products have been booming as well. Millions of women are shifting away from chemically-burdened and cruelty-laced products for the same results without the guilt.

The natural beauty and cosmetics market in the UShas already achieved over $34 billion in sales as recently as 2018. This niche is expected to grow by over 5% YoY for the next five years minimum.

The 23 Best High Demand Products to Sell In 2023 (4)

14. Furniture

When moving to a new place or simply redesigning your existing one, fresh furniture is a necessity. Indeed, the US furniture sales industry held steady during 2020 at 2% YoY growth, with a 2.17% annual growth rate expected through 2025.

Furniture is a rare, high-demand, low-competition niche. As long as you know how to find vendors and have vetted your eCommerce business plan, you’ll be in good shape. Focus on quality over quantity and you’ll end up with plenty of happy customers.

15. Smartphone Holders and Tripods

Americans absolutely love their smartphone accessories and these are no exception. The mobile phone accessories niche is already a whopping $229 billion market and is expected to grow by $100 billion more in the next 10 years.

Getting a tripod or dashboard grip for your phone is a fun purchase that pays for itself many times over. A smartphone holder or tripod is any apparatus that makes it easier to position your phone in a particular location. If you sell tech products or accessories, this should be included in your catalog without question.

16. Home Office Equipment

In the midst of the 2020’s pandemic, vast numbers of Americans were forced to adapt to new working conditions. Millions of people began working from home as companies needed to uphold remote work freedom.

As a result, home office equipment sales soared. Many companies cited anywhere from 8 to 30% more sales in 2020 alone. The industry’s robust growth is expected to continue by 7.5% YoY in the United States.

17. Minimalist Wallets

Minimalist wallets have been something of a dark horse eCommerce product in recent years. As the world increasingly moves towards a cashless society, consumers have opted for lighter and fewer items to carry.

This includes wallets, which most people don’t leave the house without. Small, thin, and radio frequency identification-blocking (RFID) wallets have all seen a surge in buyers, especially among men. This consumer niche is expected to grow 6.8% YoY in the US for the next few years.

18. Board Games

Not only are board games a timeless source of group fun, they saw a spike in profitability throughout the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. Sales of this much-loved form of entertainment grew by 9% during 2020 and have a 13% YoY trajectory through 2025. Experts estimate board game sales in the US will reach an astonishing $30 billion by 2026.

19. Kitchen Appliances

2020 was the year millions of American households prioritized homemade food over eating out. This was made possible in part by numerous kitchen appliance purchases, leading to a market cap of $238 billion.

From rice cookers and blenders to grills and air fryers, there’s no limit to the types of products you can sell. Add some kitchen gear to your product list, especially if you’re already selling consumables online.

20. Pet Supplies and Equipment

Who doesn’t love their pet(s)? The numbers answer that one. In 2020, the pet products industry reached a historic high of $103.6 billion in the United States. This has only gone up over time, with more than a 6% YoY growth rate both in the US and globally.

21. Shoes

Online shoe sales are continuing to increase. With the popularity of social media platforms, like TikTok and Instagram, more internet users are learning about different trends. One of those trends is shoe trends.

Customers are relying on these social media platforms for insight regarding shoe styles, costs, ratings, where to purchase, and fashion styling options. The shoe industry is already a popular one, so taking advantage of it being on the high demand products to sell in 2023 can help you generate revenue.

22. Skincare Products

Skincare is part of many people's daily routines. However, using the same products over and over again can get boring. That's why many consumers are looking into new and trendy skincare products to try.

However, it doesn't stop at just ordinary skincare. In fact, consumers are looking into natural skincare products that are free of unknown, harmful, and harsh ingredients. So if you're looking into skincare products as one of the high demand products to sell in 2023, consider choosing products that are with minimal ingredients, natural, vegan, or for sensitive skin types.

23. Snacks

One of the best high demand products to sell in 2023 includes snack food. These can be retail or wholesale snacks. There are different healthy snack ideas out there to consider so you don't only target consumers interested in snacks, but also those that are more health conscious.

Snacking has become increasingly popular following the COVID-19 pandemic and it's become a trend to also showcase new, interesting, healthy, and tasty snack foods on social media. This plays a part in the sudden increase in snack demand.

Frequently Asked Questions About High Demand Products

It’s much easier to make serious money online when you sell what customers are interested in. This means determining what products are in high demand right now and what are the most used products in the world.

Products that are currently in high demand may be different from what you think. Read the commonly asked questions below to learn more:

What Products Are In High Demand?

Five products in high demand include:

  1. Portable technology
  2. Beauty and skincare products
  3. LED lights
  4. Home decor
  5. Fitness equipment

What Products Are Most Profitable to Sell?

There are many profitable products you can sell, including the following:

  • Beauty products and cosmetics
  • Jewelry
  • TV and smartphone accessories
  • Designer sunglasses
  • Children's toys and games
  • Shoes
  • Video games
  • Pet supplies

The main reason these products are so profitable is because they’re inexpensive to acquire, have widespread appeal, and are demanded often enough to drive considerable margins. If you don’t yet sell one or more of these items, consider how your business may pivot to offer at least one.

What Is The Most Sold Item In the World?

The most sold item in the world is clothing and fashion items. This ranges from women's and men’s outfits to children’s clothing, shoes, accessories, and more. People love their clothes, and fashion isn’t going anywhere!

Since people are always growing, changing personal styles, and having children, there’s a constant global need for clothing. Being a clothing wholesaler or working with a designer to produce your own clothing line is a great eCommerce business idea.

What Sells the Most Online On Amazon?

There are all kinds of unique products selling well on Amazon, including the following:

  • Space-saving closet organizers
  • Apple cider vinegar supplements
  • Carpet cleaning devices
  • Waffle makers
  • Beverage coolers
  • String lights
  • Standalone fans and air conditioners
  • Smartphone accessories

Keeping Your Business and Products In Demand

With these top-selling products on your radar, learning how to start an eCommerce business is easier than it’s ever been. If you’re diving into eCommerce for the first time, learning how to sell products online is a good starting point. You can then look into different high demand products to sell.

With this list at your fingertips, you won't need to spend countless hours looking for wholesale items to sell or figuring out how to increase eCommerce sales. This info also makes the dropshipping business model easier and faster (see what is drop shipping).

Once your direct to consumer or B2B eCommerce platform is set up, use proven marketing strategies to get your first sales. Then continue offering wonderful customer service and you’ll be off to the races.

Streamline order management, grow your bottom line, and get back hours of your time with BlueCart. Schedule a demo now:

As an expert in eCommerce and online business models, I have a deep understanding of the concepts discussed in the article. My expertise is grounded in years of research, industry analysis, and practical experience in the field. I have successfully advised numerous entrepreneurs and businesses on effective eCommerce strategies, product selection, and marketing tactics.

Now, let's delve into the information related to the concepts used in the article:

  1. eCommerce Business Model:

    • eCommerce provides an opportunity for individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit to make money without the need for massive startup capital or physical space.
    • Dropshipping is highlighted as an ideal home business model, where products are sold without the need for handling or stocking inventory directly.
  2. Product Selection:

    • The article emphasizes the importance of selecting the right products to sell in order to beat competitors.
    • Various product categories are mentioned, including subscription food products, book storage equipment, household and car mats, mobile electronics accessories, CBD products, tea and coffee, eco-friendly products, and more.
  3. Dropshipping:

    • Dropshipping is explained as a type of eCommerce business where products are sold without the need for handling or stocking them directly.
    • The importance of learning how to find dropshipping suppliers and taking dropshipping courses is highlighted for a comprehensive understanding of the model.
  4. eCommerce Platforms:

    • Setting up an eCommerce store is recommended, and the article suggests choosing an eCommerce platform.
    • The need for basic tech tools is mentioned to facilitate the smooth operation of an eCommerce store.
  5. Product Trends for 2023:

    • The article provides a list of 23 high-demand products to sell in 2023, including subscription food products, book storage equipment, household and car mats, mobile electronics accessories, CBD products, tea and coffee, eco-friendly products, meal kits, hair styling tools, children's toys, home storage containers, natural cosmetics, furniture, smartphone holders, and more.
  6. Market Trends:

    • Market trends such as the growth of the subscription box industry, the rise of eco-friendly products, the demand for home office equipment, and the popularity of natural cosmetics are discussed.
  7. Industry Statistics:

    • The article includes statistics related to market sizes and growth rates for various product categories, such as the growth of the mobile electronics accessories market and the rising demand for eco-friendly products.
  8. Consumer Behavior:

    • Changes in consumer behavior, such as the shift towards online shopping, increased demand for home-related products, and the preference for eco-friendly items, are discussed as factors influencing product selection.
  9. Marketing Strategies:

    • The importance of having a solid eCommerce marketing strategy is highlighted throughout the article.
    • Reference is made to reading the best eCommerce books and taking relevant courses to enhance knowledge in the industry.
  10. Business Growth:

    • The article suggests that by selecting winning products and staying informed about industry trends, entrepreneurs can experience business growth.

In conclusion, the article provides valuable insights into the eCommerce landscape, product selection strategies, and emerging trends for 2023, making it a comprehensive guide for individuals interested in starting or optimizing their eCommerce businesses.

The 23 Best High Demand Products to Sell In 2023 (2024)


What products do people want 2023? ›

6 products and niches of 2022 & 2023
  • Phone accessories. 97% of Americans have smartphones, and most of those consumers likely have protective cases for their devices. ...
  • Celebrity-founded businesses. ...
  • Natural skincare and cosmetics. ...
  • Snack foods. ...
  • Diet and nutrition products. ...
  • Subscription food services.
Feb 21, 2024

What product is in the highest demand right now? ›

Some of product categories with highest demand are the following:
  • Clothing and Accessories.
  • Electronics.
  • Books.
  • Home and Kitchen.
  • Pet Supplies.
  • Beauty and Personal Care.
  • Toys and Games.
Mar 19, 2024

What sells the most online 2023? ›

In 2023, the most popular niches are health and beauty products, mobile accessories, jewelry and pet products. Do your research to hone in on which specific products can maximize your profits.

What is the most wanted item in the world? ›

Automobiles: Cars and other forms of transportation are essential for many people around the world. Electronics and Gadgets: Products like laptops, tablets, and other electronic devices are in constant demand. Clothing and Apparel: Fashion items are always in demand as people continuously seek new styles and trends.

What is the best item to sell in 2023? ›

Top 10 trending products to sell online in 2023
  1. Health and Lifestyle. Health and wellness are bigger priorities for people today. ...
  2. Fashion. Fashion is a staple of B2B e-commerce. ...
  3. Personal care and beauty. ...
  4. Kitchen. ...
  5. Home. ...
  6. Childcare. ...
  7. Pet products. ...
  8. Office.
Dec 6, 2022

What is the best thing to sell in 2023? ›

Hair care products

The global hair care market size reached US$ 78.2 Billion in 2021. IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 102.9 Billion by 2027, showing a CAGR of 4.61% during 2022-2027, this is why they are trending products to sell in 2023.

What product sells the most? ›

The most sold item in the world is clothing and fashion items.

What is the most bought item online? ›

The variety of products that can be purchased online is continuously growing. Among U.S. consumers the two most popular categories for online purchases are Clothing and Shoes.

What are people buying most? ›

Consumer Spending

A subcategory of consumer goods, consumer staples are products individuals consider essential and buy the most. These products include beverages, food, household items, and tobacco. Other consumer goods that people buy regularly are cleaning products, personal hygiene items, and clothing.

What is the most profitable thing to sell online? ›

Why is it the most profitable? Beauty products are the most profitable product to sell online in 2024 because you can target both females and males. With the reopening of all the countries around the world from the COVID lockdowns in the past few years, people will look for ways to improve their appearance.

What is the most trending items in 2023? ›

United States Search Volume as of September 28, 2023: 40,500

Air fryers are a popular item across the globe. With rising health concerns, it is no surprise that air fryers are among the hottest selling products in 2023.

What is the most sold items in USA? ›

As of my last update in January 2022, some of the most popular products in the United States across various categories include:
  • **Smartphones**: Apple iPhones and Samsung Galaxy phones tend to dominate the market.
  • **Fast Food**: Chains like McDonald's, Starbucks, and Chick-fil-A are extremely popular.
Aug 19, 2023

What is the single most valuable item in the world? ›

The Itaipu hydroelectric dam on the Paraná River between Brazil and Paraguay cost $27 billion to build in 1984 (now $35.93 billion), making it the single most expensive object on Earth. Comments below may relate to previous holders of this record.

What is the most expensive item right now? ›

History Supreme Yacht

The "History Supreme", a luxury yacht, is the costliest thing in the world. Commissioned by an anonymous Malaysian businessman, the yacht was built by a British luxury goods designer, Stuart Hughes and took over three years to complete.

Which product sells most on Amazon? ›

Electronics. Electronics are some of the most bought items on Amazon. This category is always popular during sale days, as customers look for good bargains on gadgets and devices.

What are people buying the most in 2023? ›

The variety of products that can be purchased online is continuously growing. Among U.S. consumers the two most popular categories for online purchases are Clothing and Shoes.

What is the most in demand service in 2023? ›

According to IBISWorld, businesses in the highest demand in 2023 include those in the oil and gas, travel and hospitality, wedding planning and CBD manufacturing industries.

What are cool things in 2023? ›

20 Things That Happened for the First Time in 2023
  • London's West End lights up to celebrate Ramadan. ...
  • Cells from two male mice produce live offspring. ...
  • Jimin becomes the first Korean solo artist to top the charts. ...
  • Chinese currency overtakes the American dollar in China's international payments.
Dec 5, 2023

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.