The 3 Levers of Growth for More Revenue in eCommerce | SCHWUNGVOLL - eCommerce Marketing (2024)

How do I make moresales?”

This is a ques­ti­on that is often asked in eCom­mer­ce forums. Some­ti­mes it is for­mu­la­ted dif­fer­ent­ly, for example

  • How do I get more orders?”
  • How do I gene­ra­te more traf­fic for my shop?” or
  • How do I do suc­cessful Facebook/Content/Online Mar­ke­ting for my online store?”

But even these ques­ti­ons ulti­m­ate­ly come down to reve­nue; the other fac­tors merely influence and increase revenue.

More reve­nue every shop operator’s goal. Either you want to earn more money and earn a living as a one-man-show with your own shop. Thin­king fur­ther, this leads to the desire to have to work less sooner rather than later by chan­ging from self-employ­ed to entre­pre­neur, hiring people for pack­a­ging and ship­ping, cus­to­mer sup­port or help with other ope­ra­tio­nal tasks. Or the shop ope­ra­tor sees growth for the eCom­mer­ce shop as the main goal and wants to make his pro­ducts acces­si­ble to more people.

Very few people are aware that there are actual­ly only three ways to make more sales with an online shop. In this artic­le, we dis­cuss these three levers and show how you as a shop ope­ra­tor iden­ti­fy the lever (or levers) with the grea­test poten­ti­al for more sales and how you can make use of this knowledge.

The 3 Levers of Growth for More Revenue in eCommerce | SCHWUNGVOLL - eCommerce Marketing (1)


  • 1 The Three Levers for Incre­asing Revenue
    • 1.1 Initi­al Situation
    • 1.2 Assump­ti­on 1: 30% more customers
    • 1.3 Assump­ti­on 2: Avera­ge order value (AOV) raised by €15
    • 1.4 Assump­ti­on 3: More regu­lar cus­to­mers – out of 10 first-time cus­to­mers, 3 place ano­therorder
    • 1.5 Assump­ti­on 4: 30% increase with all levers
  • 2 Pull on the Three Levers with the Fol­lo­wing Tactics
    • 2.1 Tac­tics for more cus­to­mers (lever 1)
    • 2.2 Tac­tics for higher avera­ge basket value (lever 2)
    • 2.3 Tac­tics for higher fre­quen­cy of orders of a cus­to­mer (lever 3)
  • 3 More sales for your Woo­Commerce shop with the right levers

The Three Levers for Incre­asing Revenue

In order to increase reve­nue in your online shop, you can influence the fol­lo­wing three factors:

  1. Number of customers
  2. Avera­ge shop­ping cart size, how much reve­nue an order gene­ra­tes on avera­ge, also known as Avera­ge Order Value (AOV)
  3. Fre­quen­cy with which a cus­to­mer orders in yourshop

That’s it. And maybe this leaves you thin­king “but what about the traf­fic? That can increase my sales, can’t it?” Indi­rect­ly yes, but if you increase the traf­fic to your shop, this will pri­ma­ri­ly affect the number of your cus­to­mers – the first lever. Pos­si­bly also on the third, the fre­quen­cy with which your cus­to­mers order fromyou.

Traf­fic can the­r­e­fo­re be a tactic to turn the levers; but it’s “only” a means to an end to increase the number of cus­to­mers. We’ll go into the dif­fe­rent tac­tics in more detail later. First, let’s take a closer look at the three levers for incre­asing sales with Woo­Commerce and go through seve­ral scenarios.

Ima­gi­ne, for exam­p­le, you impro­ve all three values by 30%. Then your reve­nue will grow to 219%, 119% more – that’s 25,000 € to 54,925 € month­ly reve­nue. If you con­cen­tra­te on cam­paigns to imple­ment a lever for 4 months at a time, achie­ving this is quite pos­si­ble in oneyear.

But of course it makes sense to first find out which lever can pro­vi­de the most abso­lu­te change in margin before over­heads and profit, and to work on it first. At Schwung­voll, we’ve crea­ted a spreadsheet that won­derful­ly shows which chan­ges have what impact.

Use the cal­cu­la­tor in the spreadsheetand read on for a writ­ten explanation.

The 3 Levers of Growth for More Revenue in eCommerce | SCHWUNGVOLL - eCommerce Marketing (2)

Initi­al Situation

First things first: the calcu­al­a­ti­on and eva­lua­ti­on are indi­vi­du­al for each shop. This is exact­ly why it’s so important to under­stand which of the three levers you need to pull in order to get the big­gest increase in reve­nue for yourshop.

In our exam­p­le, we assume that theshop

  • curr­ent­ly has 1,000 cus­to­mers, withan
  • avera­ge order value (AOV) of 50 €/order.
  • From these 1,000 cus­to­mers, zero are regu­lar cus­to­mers of the shop, mea­ning all cus­to­mers order onlyonce.
    That amounts to a total reve­nue of 50,000 €.
  • Mar­ke­ting costs are 7,143 € (cus­to­mer acqui­si­ti­on costs over com­ple­te cus­to­mer run­ning time pre­su­med at 1:7).
  • In addi­ti­on there are product/handling/shipping costs of 21,500 € (empi­ri­cal values).
  • These assump­ti­ons run on a margin before over­heads (30%) of 21,357 €, as wellas
  • a profit of about 6,357 €.

The 3 Levers of Growth for More Revenue in eCommerce | SCHWUNGVOLL - eCommerce Marketing (3)

Assump­ti­on 1: 30% more customers

If we now pull the first lever “Number of cus­to­mers” and increase it by 30% to 1,300, the fol­lo­wing chan­ges result in:

  • Reve­nue increa­ses by 15,000 € to 65,000 €.
  • Mar­ke­ting costs increase by 2,143 €.
  • Margin before over­heads rises by 6,407 €.
  • Profit rises by 1,907 €.

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Almost 2,000 € addi­tio­nal­ly, for 30% more cus­to­mers – not so bad at all, is it? But what does it look like if you pull the other levers? Maybe even more will happen.

Assump­ti­on 2: Avera­ge order value (AOV) raised by €15

If we now pull the second lever ins­tead of the number of cus­to­mers, i.e. set the AOV to 65 €/order (ins­tead of 50 €), the fol­lo­wing chan­ges willoccur:

  • Reve­nue increase by 15,000 € to 65,000 €.
  • The mar­ke­ting costs remain the same becau­se we have put not­hing into it to attract more cus­to­mers or regu­lar customers.
  • The product/handling/shipping costs increase by 4,500 €.
  • The margin before over­heads increa­ses by 10,500 €.
  • The profit increa­ses by 6,000 €.

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Ama­zing! 6,000 € more profit for only 15 € higher AOV – that sounds fea­si­ble, does­n’t it? But maybe the third lever can tickle even more out of thisshop…

Assump­ti­on 3: More regu­lar cus­to­mers – out of 10 first-time cus­to­mers, 3 place ano­therorder

If you manage to con­vert 0.3 cus­to­mers into regu­lar cus­to­mers, this will have the fol­lo­wing effect on theshop:

  • The tur­no­ver rises to 65,000 € here aswell
  • The mar­ke­ting costs sink around 1,648 €, since it is more favorable regu­lar cus­to­mers to reac­ti­va­te than new cus­to­mers to activate.
  • The margin increa­ses by 12,148 €.
  • The profit rises around 7,648 €.

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With the third lever, we increase the margin and profit most for this shop sce­na­rio. But as I said, depen­dingon

  • how your own shop is setup,
  • how many cus­to­mers youhave,
  • the AOV,and
  • how many regu­lar cus­to­mers youhave,

ano­ther sce­na­rio might be the better one for ano­ther shop. Use the cal­cu­la­tor in the spreadsheet and cal­cu­la­te where you can rea­li­ze the lar­gest addi­tio­nal mar­gins and pro­fits for your shop. After­ward, we’ll be happy to dis­cuss with you what mea­su­res and what effort is involved.

But what hap­pens if we pull all levers at the sametime?

Assump­ti­on 4: 30% increase with all levers

If we pull all three levers at the same time by 30%, thus incre­asing the number of cus­to­mers to 1,300, the AOV to 65€, and the number of regu­lar cus­to­mers to 3 out of 10 first cus­to­mers, the fol­lo­wing chan­ges result for theshop:

  • The tur­no­ver increa­ses from 50,000 € to 109,850 €, more than doubling.
  • The mar­ke­ting costs remain thesame.
  • The product/handling/shipping costs rise by 19,905 €, since more orders are recei­ved and must be completed.
  • The margin almost tri­ples, from 21,357 € to just over 61,302 €.
  • The profit more than tri­ples, from 6.357 € to 28.347 €.

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And now it’s your turn. The easie­st way to figure this out for your own shop is with our cal­cu­la­tor spreadsheet, which you can copy here for free.

Expert tip for all those who prefer to cal­cu­la­te ever­y­thing them­sel­ves: If you know your reve­nue, AOV, and the number of your cus­to­mers, you can cal­cu­la­te the repurcha­se rate if you don’t have it at hand. The for­mu­la for this is: tur­no­ver / cus­to­mers / AOV = repurcha­se rate.

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Pull on the Three Levers with the Fol­lo­wing Tactics

Now you can cal­cu­la­te which lever has the grea­test poten­ti­al for your shop. But how do you actual­ly pull the three levers? There are dif­fe­rent tac­tics for eachlever.

In order to not com­ple­te­ly go beyond the scope of this artic­le, we link to fur­ther excel­lent artic­les for the dif­fe­rent tac­tics of eachlever.

Tac­tics for more cus­to­mers (lever 1)

To get more cus­to­mers, you have to do one thing above all else: increase traf­fic to your shop. The higher the number of visi­tors to your shop, the more people you can con­vert into buyers.

But more traf­fic is not the only tactic for more cus­to­mers. Learn all about the dif­fe­rent ways you can pull lever1:

Tac­tics for higher avera­ge basket value (lever 2)

There are a number of stra­te­gies and pro­ce­du­res that can be used to increase the avera­ge shop­ping basket value (AOV). In prin­ci­ple, the aim is to con­vin­ce cus­to­mers to buy more when they place an order. This can be either addi­tio­nal pro­ducts or more of the same product.

Find out how to do thishere:

Tac­tics for higher fre­quen­cy of orders of a cus­to­mer (lever 3)

For this levera­ge, you have to con­vert one-time cus­to­mers into mul­ti­ple cus­to­mers, i.e. regu­lar cus­to­mers. Here, too, there are seve­ral dif­fe­rent approa­ches, which you will learn more about in the fol­lo­wing articles:

The 3 Levers of Growth for More Revenue in eCommerce | SCHWUNGVOLL - eCommerce Marketing (9)

More sales for your Woo­Commerce shop with the right levers

Now you know the three levers (number of cus­to­mers, avera­ge shop­ping basket value, and number of regu­lar cus­to­mers) and their tac­tics, with which you can get more sales out of your online shop. And you can easily make sure you’re pul­ling the right lever for your own Woo­Commerce store with our handy Oppor­tu­ni­ty Calculator.

Click here, copy the Google Sheet, and get to know your shop better in 3 minutes.

The 3 Levers of Growth for More Revenue in eCommerce | SCHWUNGVOLL - eCommerce Marketing (2024)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.