The AIS Transaction Cycles Game (2024)

Susan M. Moncada, Ph.D., CPA
Indiana State University

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An accounting system consists of business processes which can be described as interrelated sets of structured activities performed by an entity to create value. The execution of business processes involves a logical time sequence and may require employees, external parties, resources, data, documents, and machines. Business processes are triggered by some economic event and have clearly defined starting and ending points. To learn about business processes various models have been developed to describe them. The Transaction Cycle model is one way to view basic business processes. The purpose of The AIS Transaction Cycles Game is to provide drill and practice or review of the elements that comprise the five typical transaction cycles identified as: revenue, expenditure, production, human resources/payroll, and financing. The game is based on the game called Connect 4. The AIS Transaction Cycles Game (1)

Learning Goals

As a result of studying course materials and completing this activity, students should be able to:
Determine which business process elements are associated with the revenue, expenditure, production, human resources/payroll, and financing/investing cycles.

Context for Use

The specific cycles within the Transaction Cycle model tend to differ somewhat among the accounting information systems' textbook authors. While the components of the Revenue, Expenditure, and Production Cycles are fairly standard, the remaining cycles can differ substantially. The AIS Transaction Cycle Game is primarily based on the model described by Romney & Steinbart, in the 12th edition of their Accounting Information Systems textbook.

  • Romney & Steinbart's version of the Transaction Cycle model along with those presented by of the other authors tends to ignore investing activities. As a result the Financing Cycle in the AIS Transaction Cycles Game has been renamed Financing/Investing Cycle in order to include investing activities, such as fixed asset and investment management.
  • In other versions of the model, the Production Cycle is sometimes called the Conversion Cycle. The terms are synonymous in this game.
  • The Payroll Cycle is sometimes an independent cycle or included with the Human Resources Cycle. In The AIS Transaction Cycles Game, payroll has been included in the Human Resources Cycle.

Description and Teaching Materials

  • The AIS Transaction Cycles Game (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 523kB Apr2 12) is an interactive PowerPoint presentation modeled after Connect 4. The game requires two players or teams, red and yellow. The 7 x 7 game board contains 49 circular slots or cells into which game chips are dropped. Each cell is tied to a transaction cycle element. When a team selects the correct transaction cycle to which the element belongs, the team gets to drop its chips (yellow or red), into its position on the game board. Should an incorrect answer be given, the cell remains unclaimed, and play progresses to the other team. The first player or team to align four chips consecutively, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, wins the game.
  • User instructions for the Instructor (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 350kB Apr2 12). This document contains detailed instructions for playing the game, modifying content or using the blank template to create a new game.
  • Blank Game Template (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 231kB Apr2 12). This template can be used to create a game on any topic in for any discipline.

Teaching Notes and Tips

The AIS Transaction Cycles Game is intended for reinforcing concepts previously taught. For homework prior to the class during with the game will be played, students should be required to become familiar with the elements of the various business processes that comprise the Transaction Cycle model. The game can be used for drill and practice or review purposes in class with the instructor serving as the moderator. Additionally, the game could be posted online through a course learning system for students to download and play in pairs during class time.

While any game board slot can be chosen at any time, in order to actually simulate Connect 4, questions should be chosen from the bottom of the game board (row one) first. For example, assume the yellow team selects cell A1 and answers correctly. The red team can select any additional cell in row 1 as well as cell A2.

Note: The components of the Transaction Cycle model while similar are not identical to the classification scheme used to distinguish operating, investing, and financing activities for the Statement of Cash Flows.


The game serves as a form of informal formative assessment. Summative assessment will be required via some other means.

References and Resources

Romeny, Marshall B., & Steinbart, Paul John. (2012). Accounting Information Systems. 12th Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

The AIS Transaction Cycles Game (2024)


What is transaction cycle in AIS? ›

The Transaction Cycle model is one way to view basic business processes. The purpose of The AIS Transaction Cycles Game is to provide drill and practice or review of the elements that comprise the five typical transaction cycles identified as: revenue, expenditure, production, human resources/payroll, and financing.

What are the five transaction cycles? ›

The basic exchanges can be grouped into five major transaction cycles.
  • Revenue cycle—Interactions with customers. ...
  • Expenditure cycle—Interactions with suppliers. ...
  • Production cycle—Give labor and raw materials; get finished product.
  • Human resources/payroll cycle—Give cash; get labor.
  • Financing cycle—Give cash; get cash.

What are three 3 cycles of transaction processing systems? ›

Three transaction cycles process most of the firm's economic activity: the expenditure cycle, the conversion cycle, and the revenue cycle. These cycles exist in all types of businesses— both profit-seeking and not-for-profit.

What are the transaction cycles? ›

A transaction cycle is an interlocking set of business transactions. Most of these transactions can be aggregated into a relatively small number of transaction cycles related to the sale of goods, payments to suppliers, payments to employees, and payments to lenders.

What are the 4 transactions? ›

There are four main types of financial transactions that occur in a business. The four types of financial transactions that impact of the business are sales, purchases, receipts, and payments.

What are the 4 steps of processing transactions? ›

The first four steps in the accounting cycle are (1) identify and analyze transactions, (2) record transactions to a journal, (3) post journal information to a ledger, and (4) prepare an unadjusted trial balance.

What are the 5 transaction properties? ›

A transaction in a database system must maintain Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability − commonly known as ACID properties − in order to ensure accuracy, completeness, and data integrity.

Why is TPS necessary in an AIS? ›

TPS are necessary to conduct business in almost any organization today. TPSs bring data into the organizational databases, these systems are also a foundation on which management oriented information systems rest. Systems charts are well-established tools which are used to describe TPSs.

What are the 3 types of processing? ›

There are three main data processing methods - manual, mechanical and electronic.

What are the 3 characteristics of a transactional processing system? ›

A transaction process system (TPS) is an information processing system for business transactions involving the collection, modification and retrieval of all transaction data. Characteristics of a TPS include performance, reliability and consistency.

Why is it important to understand the transaction cycle? ›

Businesses engage in multiple financial transactions during normal operations, and accurate reporting of each accounting transaction cycle helps determine the profitability of a process or product.

What are the two types of transactions? ›

Answer. There are two types of business transactions in accounting which are as follows: Cash Transactions and Credit Transactions. Internal Transactions and External Transactions.

What are basic transactions? ›

Basic Transaction is the contract on goods and services which are prepared, concluded and/or processed underlying the present framework contract.

How many modes of transaction are there? ›

Transaction Modes. This chapter describes the different modes in which read consistency is performed.

What are the 4 commands that are used to control transactions? ›

The following commands are used to control transactions.
  • COMMIT − to save the changes.
  • ROLLBACK − to roll back the changes.
  • SAVEPOINT − creates points within the groups of transactions in which to ROLLBACK.
  • SET TRANSACTION − Places a name on a transaction.

What are stages of accounting cycle? ›

The eight steps of the accounting cycle are as follows: identifying transactions, recording transactions in a journal, posting, the unadjusted trial balance, the worksheet, adjusting journal entries, financial statements, and closing the books.

How to do the accounting cycle? ›

Here are the steps in the accounting cycle:
  1. Step 1: Transactions.
  2. Step 2: Record journal entries.
  3. Step 3: Post journal entries to the general ledger (G/L)
  4. Step 4: Run unadjusted trial balance.
  5. Step 5: Make adjusting entries.
  6. Step 6: Prepare an adjusted trial balance.
  7. Step 7: Run financial statements.
  8. Step 8: Close the books.
18 May 2022

What are the three 3 basic processes of accounting? ›

Three fundamental steps in accounting are:
  • Identifying and analyzing the business transactions.
  • Recording of the business transactions.
  • Classifying and summarising their effect and communicating the same to the interested users of business information.

What are golden rules of accounting? ›

Golden rules of accounting
  • Rule 1: Debit all expenses and losses, credit all incomes and gains.
  • Rule 2: Debit the receiver, credit the giver.
  • Rule 3: Debit what comes in, credit what goes out.
2 Nov 2022

What are the 5 documents used to record transactions? ›

Transaction documents include:
  • Quotations.
  • Customer Orders.
  • Invoices.
  • Credit Notes.
  • Supplier Orders.
  • Contracts.

What are the 5 basic types of accounts? ›

The 5 Account Types
  • Assets.
  • Liabilities.
  • Expenses.
  • Income (Revenue)
  • Equity.
20 Jul 2022

What are the main types of transactions? ›

Here are the most common types of account transactions:
  • External transactions. ...
  • Internal transactions. ...
  • Cash transactions. ...
  • Non-cash transactions. ...
  • Credit transactions. ...
  • Business transactions. ...
  • Non-business transactions. ...
  • Personal transactions.

What is transaction and its types? ›

A transaction involves the exchange or transfer of products, services, or money. What are the three most common types of transactions? There are three types of accounting transactions depending on the transaction of money: cash transactions, non-cash transactions, and credit transactions.

What is a list of transactions called? ›

A statement of account, or account statement, is issued by a vendor to a client. It lists out all the financial transactions between the two businesses within a specific time period (typically, monthly).

What are the six primary components of AIS? ›

Accounting information systems generally consist of six primary components: people, procedures and instructions, data, software, information technology infrastructure, and internal controls.

What are 3 important functions does AIS perform in an organization? ›

The three basic functions of an accounting information system are to collect and process data, to report for the management, and to maintain accuracy and security.

How can AIS improve efficiency? ›

AIS provides the managers with the necessary information needed in discharging their duties in an effective as well as an efficient manner is such areas as planning, performance evaluation, resource control, and decision making.

What are the 4 types of processing methods? ›

Examples of processing modes are:

distributed processing. Time sharing. Batch processing. multiprocessing.

What is Type 1 and Type 2 processing? ›

This in mind, the theoretical core amounts to a dichotomous view of two types of processes (Figure ​1A): type 1—intuitive, fast, automatic, nonconscious, effortless, contextualized, error-prone, and type 2—reflective, slow, deliberate, cogitative, effortful, decontextualized, normatively correct1.

What is the first step in the data processing cycle? ›

The first step in the data processing cycle is the collection of raw data. Data is pulled from sources such as the company's point-of-sale systems and mailing lists, usually stored in the company's data lakes and warehouse.

What is the most common example of a transaction processing? ›

A transaction processing system is a computerized system that performs and records the daily routine transactions necessary to conduct business. Examples are sales order entry, hotel reservation systems, payroll, employee record keeping, and shipping.

What is an example of a transactional process? ›

Different examples of transaction processing include automated teller machines, credit card authorizations, online bill payments, self-checkout stations at grocery stores, the trading of stocks over the Internet, and various other forms of electronic commerce.

What are the steps in the transaction processing system? ›

There are six steps in processing a transaction. They are data entry, data validation, data pro- cessing and revalidation, storage, - output generation, and query support.

What are the five steps to analyzing transactions? ›

The accounting transaction analysis process in 5 steps
  1. Identify the accounts involved. ...
  2. Establish the nature of the accounts. ...
  3. Determine which account increases and which one decreases. ...
  4. Apply the rules of debit and credit on accounts. ...
  5. Record the transactions in your journal entry.
16 Mar 2022

What is the purpose of transaction activity? ›

Transaction or activity means the conduct of any dealings between or among two or more persons. This term does not include the purchase of utilities.

What is a Class 2 transaction? ›

Related Content. A transaction by a premium listed company, the size of which results in a percentage ratio of 5% or more (but under 25%) under any one of the class tests set out in the Listing Rules.

What are examples of transaction accounts? ›

A transaction account, also called a checking account, chequing account, current account, demand deposit account, or share draft account at credit unions, is a deposit account held at a bank or other financial institution.

What transaction details mean? ›

The Transaction Detail is the information about a transaction that is able to be reviewed from multiple reports like Transaction Summary or Reconciliation reports.

What is step 5 of the revenue cycle? ›

Step five in the revenue cycle is remittance processing. Once a practice's claims have gone out, they will get remittances back. The explanation of benefits shows the practice what they got paid for the services provided. During this process, allowables are determined.

What are the five major phases of the acquisition and payment process? ›

The acquisition and payment cycle includes processes for identifying products or services to be acquired, purchasing goods and services, receiving the goods, approving payments, and paying for goods and services received.

What are the 4 P's of the revenue cycle? ›

The 4Ps of revenue management are: Pricing, Positioning, Pace and Performance.

What are the 10 steps in the revenue cycle? ›

10 Steps of the Revenue Cycle Management Workflow
  • Patient Registration and Insurance Eligibility. ...
  • Encounter. ...
  • Charge Capture and Medical Coding. ...
  • Claim Scrubbing and Submission. ...
  • Claim Status Inquiry. ...
  • Remittance Advice. ...
  • Denials and Appeals. ...
  • Payment Posting.

What are the four activities in the revenue cycles? ›

Four basic business activities are performed in the revenue cycle: sales order entry, shipping, billing, and cash collection.

How many steps are in a P2P cycle? ›

Also known as purchase-to-pay and P2P, procure-to-pay is the process of requisitioning, purchasing, receiving, paying for, and accounting for goods and services, covering the entire process from point of order right through to payment.

What are the 5 means of payment? ›

A payment can be made in the form of services exchanged, cash, check, wire transfer, credit card, debit card, or cryptocurrencies.

What are the 4 process of purchasing in SAP? ›

The four basic steps of the procurement process are: the purchase order, the goods receipt PO, the A/P invoice and the outgoing payment. Two key types of master data in purchasing are vendor master data and item master data.

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