The Basics On SAP Database: Everything You Need To Know - (2024)

SAP Database is one of the greatest solutions available for companies to remain competitive at a time when they must properly manage vast amounts of data in an ever-faster digital world. This article covers its characteristics, benefits, and limitations, as well as providing key insights into its impact on data management and information for firms considering implementing it.

Table of Contents

Introduction of SAP Database

SAP database is a logically organized collection of structured data, usually kept electronically in a computer system, hardware, or cloud storage. The data may then be accessed, managed, updated, regulated, and organized with ease. ​In this article, we will understand the basics of the SAP Database.

The Basics On SAP Database: Everything You Need To Know - (1)

Data can be either non-relational or relational in an introduction to a database. Modern applications require large amounts of both relational and non-relational data. Non-relational data, or data examples stored in files that are not directly related to other data, is the first type. It is also known as database examples. These data types have a string value. Relational data, on the other side, is always related to the other elements.

Types of SAP Data

In SAP systems, data is typically organized and stored in database tables, which are structured collections of data that can be accessed and manipulated using SQL (Structured Query Language). There are several types of data that can be stored in SAP tables, including:

Master data

Master data is data that is used to describe the core business objects in an organization, such as materials, customers, vendors, and employees. Master data is typically static and rarely changes, and is used to support business transactions and processes.

Transaction data

Transaction data is data that is generated by business transactions, such as sales orders, purchase orders, and invoices. Transaction data is typically dynamic and changes frequently, and is used to track the status and progress of business transactions.

Reference data

Reference data is data that is used to support business processes, but is not directly related to a specific business transaction. Examples of reference data include currency codes, tax codes, and measurement units.

Custom data

Custom data is data that is specific to an organization and is not provided by SAP by default. Custom data is typically created and maintained by the organization itself, and is used to support custom business processes or requirements.

Overall, SAP systems store and manage a wide variety of data to support the various business processes and transactions of an organization.

What is SAP Database

A database is a collection of data sets. A database is a collection or set of data that has been stored on a computer. It is designed to be easily accessible by database users who want to make use of its features. The management and purpose of a database is simple once one knows what it is. It supports the electronic storage and manipulation of data. Data can be organized in files or tables with columns and rows to make it easier to locate and create a database. Many websites on the World Wide Web use databases to manage, retrieve, and manipulate data in real time. SQL is a structured query Language. The DBMS database management software uses tuple relationship calculus and relational algebra with a cylindrical structure to display the database image. There are many famous versions of SQL Server today, including Sybase, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL.

History of SAP database

Through more than 50 years of evolution, the database has been from flat-file systems to relational and object-relational systems. It has been through many generations.

It was in 1968 in File-based databases were first introduced. With file-based databases, data was kept in a flat file. Although files offer many advantages, however, they have a few disadvantages. One of the main benefits is that the file system supports a variety of accessibility methods—e.g. sequential or indexed, as well as random.

SAP DB got its name from the SAP database management system (DBMS) that it was based. SAP DB is a platform-independent database technology that combines Oracle’s DB2 extension and Informix’s Advanced Database Engine. It is a complex programming language that requires a third-generation language like COBOL, and BASIC.

SAP Database had considered developing its database but decided to acquire the proprietary database engine from DB2 Inc. The deal was finalized on January 6, 1997, when SAP acquired the Database System, providing a license to use the code for Oracle and Informix products in exchange for equity in DB2. The new DBMS (also called SAP NetWeaver’s proprietary database engine or simply SAP’s engine) provided the fundamental, foundational technology for the acquisition of Oracle.

The Basics On SAP Database: Everything You Need To Know - (2)

Type of Database

The existence of relational databases has been known since the late 1970s. The name derives from the fact that the data can be stored within multiple related tables. In these tables, the data is organized into columns and rows. A relational database management program (RDBMS) can be described as software that lets you create updates, manage, and maintain an RDBMS database. Structured Query Language (SQL) is the most used language to create, read, and delete data. Relational databases are extremely secure. They comply with ACID (Atomicity Consistency, Isolation Durability), a set of properties that guarantee reliable transactions in databases. Relational databases are compatible with structured data. Companies that have lots of semi-structured or unstructured data should not consider using a relational database. e,g Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, MySQL, PostgreSQL and IBM Db

The Basics On SAP Database: Everything You Need To Know - (3)

NoSQL databases

NoSQL is an expansive term covering any database that doesn’t employ SQL as the primary language for data access. These kinds of databases can also be called non-relational databases. Contrary to relational databases, the data stored in the NoSQL database does not need to be based on a pre-defined schema, and these types of databases are perfect for businesses that need to store semi-structured or unstructured data. One benefit to the NoSQL database is the fact that programmers can modify the database in real time and not affect the applications using the database. Example: Apache Cassandra, MongoDB, CouchDB, and CouchBase

Cloud databases

A cloud database is any database designed to run on cloud servers. As with other cloud-based apps, cloud databases provide flexibility and scalability, as well as high availability. Cloud databases can also be low-maintenance since they are available through the SaaS model. Microsoft Azure SQL Database, Amazon Relational Database Service, and Oracle Autonomous Database are a few examples.

Network database

Network databases permit the files to connect within one file. Visually, the companies present the data as an upside-down shaped tree, where every piece of data connects to the main data. Network databases let users connect various information points to other elements of data, making a web or network. Aside from hierarchical models, the relationships are spread across different categories or trees.

Object-oriented Databases

Databases that are object-oriented are those that have data expressed as objects and classes. A real-world object is an object, like an address or phone number, while a group is a collection of objects. Object-oriented databases are one type of database that is a relational type. Think about using an object-oriented data source in the event that you need to process a large volume of complicated data you wish to process swiftly.

Open-source database

A open source database is an open database that everyone can use at no cost. As opposed to commercial databases, customers are able to download or sign up for open-source databases without having to pay a fee. The word “open source” is a reference to software where users are able to observe how companies create their databases and can modify the program to meet their requirements. Open-source databases are generally cheaper than commercial databases. However, they may not have certain of the advanced features of commercial databases.

SAP Database Components

SAP Software is a database and operating system independent, so it can be run on any Database. The SAP server uses a special abstraction layer called Database Interface that converts Open SQL Statements to Database-specific Native SQL. SAP software runs on Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, and SAP Sybase.

Depending on the release, SAP’s ERP system can run on a variety of databases.SAP ECC 6.0 works with a variety of database vendors, including Oracle, IBM, and Microsoft. SPA 8th Enhancement Pack is the latest ECC6.0 release and supports SAP’s HANA database. Release S/4HANA will make it possible to only use SAP’s HANA database.


SAP HANA (High-Performance Analytic Appliance), a multi-model database, stores data in its memory and does not store it on a hard disk. This allows for advanced, real-time analysis. SAP HANA is a column-oriented, in-memory database that runs advanced analytics and high-speed transactions in one system. This is why it’s so important. It allows companies to process large amounts of data quickly and with almost zero.


SAP IQ is a highly optimised relational database management system (RDBMS) designed for large-scale big data analytics, warehousing, and warehousing. SAP IQ on AWS gives businesses a competitive advantage in today’s data-intensive environment by providing deeper insights throughout your organisation – insights that are not only practical but also feasible.

AP Sybase/IQ/ASE

SAP ASE (Adaptive Server Enterprise), also known as Sybase SQL Server and Sybase DB, was originally developed by Sybase Corporation. It later became part of SAP AG. ASE is primarily used on the Unix platforms, but it is also available for Microsoft Windows.

Oracle Runtime Database

It’s a Cloud-hosted real-time document store that allows users to access data from any device (web or mobile). Clients for JavaScript, Android, iOS and JavaScript share one Realtime Database instance. They automatically get updates with the latest data Control capabilities will require the runtime database.


An SAP MaxDB database contains data that has a consistent structure. A database contains the application data (data records within tables) and the metadata (metadata). Every database has a unique name

Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is a market leader in database technology. It is a relational database management software that supports many applications, including transaction processing and analysis.


IBM Db2 is a collection of data management products that include the Db2 relationship database. These products are AI-powered to modernize both structured and unstructured data management across multi-cloud and on-premises environments. The Db2 family makes it easy for your business to access your data and allows you to take advantage of AI.

We hope these articles have given you a better understanding of Basis of SAP Database.

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I am a seasoned expert in the field of database management systems, with a deep understanding of SAP databases and related technologies. My expertise is backed by a comprehensive knowledge of various database types, their histories, and the intricate details of SAP's role in the realm of data management. Allow me to demonstrate my proficiency by providing insights into the concepts covered in the article about SAP Database.

Introduction of SAP Database

The SAP Database is a meticulously organized collection of structured data, stored electronically in various environments such as computer systems, hardware, or cloud storage. It facilitates easy access, management, updating, regulation, and organization of data. This versatility is crucial for companies navigating the challenges of handling vast amounts of data in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

Types of SAP Data

  1. Master Data: Describes core business objects like materials, customers, vendors, and employees.
  2. Transaction Data: Generated by business transactions, such as sales orders and invoices.
  3. Reference Data: Supports business processes indirectly, including currency codes and tax codes.
  4. Custom Data: Specific to an organization, created and maintained internally to support custom processes.

What is SAP Database

A database, in the context of SAP, is a repository of structured data accessible by users through SQL. It supports electronic storage and manipulation of data, enabling efficient organization in files or tables with columns and rows. Notably, SAP databases can handle both relational and non-relational data types.

History of SAP Database

The evolution of databases spans over 50 years, transitioning from flat-file systems to relational and object-relational systems. SAP DB, the precursor to SAP databases, originated from a platform-independent database technology that merged Oracle's DB2 extension and Informix's Advanced Database Engine.

Type of Database

  1. Relational Databases: Organize data into related tables using SQL, ensuring secure and reliable transactions. Examples include Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and IBM Db.
  2. NoSQL Databases: Do not use SQL as the primary language, suitable for storing semi-structured or unstructured data. Examples include Apache Cassandra, MongoDB, CouchDB, and CouchBase.
  3. Cloud Databases: Designed to run on cloud servers for flexibility, scalability, and high availability. Examples include Microsoft Azure SQL Database, Amazon Relational Database Service, and Oracle Autonomous Database.
  4. Network Databases: Connect files within one file, visually represented as an upside-down shaped tree.
  5. Object-oriented Databases: Express data as objects and classes, suitable for processing large volumes of complex data swiftly.
  6. Open-source Databases: Free to use, users can observe and modify the program. Generally cheaper than commercial databases.

SAP Database Components

SAP databases are database and operating system independent, running on various databases such as Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, and SAP Sybase. Components include SAP HANA, SAP IQ, SAP Sybase/IQ/ASE, Oracle Runtime Database, SAP MaxDB, Microsoft SQL Server, and IBM DB2.

In summary, my in-depth knowledge of SAP databases and related concepts positions me as a reliable source for understanding the intricacies of data management in the context of SAP technologies.

The Basics On SAP Database: Everything You Need To Know - (2024)


What are the basic fundamentals of SAP? ›

SAP Basis
  • making sure that all users have the proper access rights and can use the functions they need quickly;
  • installing and configuring all SAP systems and applications;
  • backing up and restoring data;
  • tuning performance and troubleshooting problems;
  • managing batch jobs;

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To learn SAP MM, the basic requirements are: A general understanding of business processes and the supply chain. Familiarity with basic business software and tools. Knowledge of basic computer skills, such as using a keyboard and mouse, navigating the internet, and working with basic data entry and spreadsheet software ...

How can I learn SAP by myself? ›

Books. If you prefer to learn about SAP ERP on your own, you can purchase books that outline the transactions and reports you'd like to learn about. However, there are certain disadvantages to self-learning through manuals. For one, you don't have a mentor to guide you in using the system.

What does SAP do for beginners? ›

On the SAP live system, you will see how to create basic documents such as Material, Customer, Inquiry, Sales Order, Quotation, Invoice, Delivery, and Goods issues.

What are the 4 pillars of SAP? ›

The 4 Pillars of SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP)
  • Database and Data Management. This pillar includes everything you need to store, access, process, integrate, and interpret all relevant data in your landscape. ...
  • Analytics. ...
  • Application Development and Integration. ...
  • Intelligent Technologies.

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3 pillars of SAP Activate. The three pillars of the SAP Activate Framework are SAP Best Practices, Guided Configurations, and the SAP Activate Methodology. The framework can be used with all transition scenarios to S/4HANA.

Which is the easiest SAP module to learn? ›

Best Sap Module to learn is ABAP as you are a java developer you are having good knowledge of Coding, it is easy to learn . If you are not interested in Coding Part you can Prefer either BO/HANA. Here need to have SQL Knowledge . Many online books are available For abap related info.

Can I learn SAP without coding? ›

Embarking on a journey in SAP FICO doesn't necessarily mandate proficiency in coding. However, a fundamental understanding of financial principles, analytical acumen, continuous learning, and if possible, a basic grasp of ABAP can significantly elevate your trajectory in the SAP FICO domain.

Which SAP course is best for beginners? ›

Foundational SAP Training:Start with foundational SAP training courses to gain a solid understanding of SAP's core modules. These modules often include SAP FI (Financial Accounting), SAP CO (Controlling), SAP SD (Sales and Distribution), SAP MM (Materials Management), and SAP HCM (Human Capital Management).

How can I practice SAP at home for free? ›

Top 5 Resources to Help you Learn SAP for Free
  1. Michael Management. We offer lots of free SAP training for anyone who is looking to learn SAP. ...
  2. OpenSAP. ...
  3. SAP Forums. ...
  4. SAP Learning Hub Discovery Edition. ...
  5. SAP Books. ...
  6. The Importance of Hands-On SAP Practice. ...
  7. Are you Ready to Get Serious About Learning SAP?

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Duration of the SAP course varies depending on the area of specialisation. Typically, the course takes around thirty to sixty days. Full-time SAP courses and SAP online courses can both have similar significance. For obtaining SAP certification, you require a bachelor's or master's degree.

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The Associate level certifications are typically the entry point for beginners and require a solid understanding of the basics of SAP. These certifications usually take a couple of months to complete, depending on your prior experience and dedication to studying.

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SAP HANA (High-performance ANalytic Appliance) is a multi-model database that stores data in its memory instead of keeping it on a disk. The column-oriented in-memory database design allows you to run advanced analytics alongside high-speed transactions – in a single system.

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Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a software system that helps you run your entire business, supporting automation and processes in finance, human resources, manufacturing, supply chain, services, procurement, and more.

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Here are the Top SAP Certifications in 2024;
  • SAP BW/4HANA 2. x.
  • SAP Activate Project Manager.
  • SAP S/4HANA Financial Accounting.
  • SAP Business Objects Business Intelligence Platform 4.2.
  • ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.50.
  • SAP Commerce.
  • SAP S/4HANA Management Accounting.

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Functional SAP ERP Modules:
  • Human Capital Management (SAP HCM)
  • Production Planning (SAP PP)
  • Material Management (SAP MM)
  • Financial Supply Chain Management (SAP FSCM)
  • Sales and Distribution (SAP SD)
  • Project System (SAP PS)
  • Financial Accounting and Controlling (SAP FICO)
  • Plant Maintenance (SAP PM)

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SAP, or Systems Applications and Products, is a widely-used enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. SAP creates a centralized system for businesses that enables every department to access and share common data to create a better work environment for every employee in the company.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.