The Importance of Logo Trademarks | BatesMeron Blog (2024)

Creative CapitalismDesign & ConquerLet's Talk Strategy

Leah Cho

The Importance of Logo Trademarks | BatesMeron Blog (5)


When you think of a brand, you usually think of its logo first. The logo is a visual representation of a brand’s identity; it’s typically the most memorable element of a brand. You want people to remember your logo: to know it, love it, slap a sticker of it on their laptop or walk around proudly with the logo visible, broadcasting to the world their support of your company.

Here are some examples of timeless logos our designer, Todd, has written about in the past:

The Importance of Logo Trademarks | BatesMeron Blog (6)

With thousands of logos presented to us on a daily basis, how easy is it to remember–or forget–which brands have which logos? What happens if there’s another logo out there that’s too similar to yours? That’s where logo trademarks come in.

Trademark lawsuits are often active in court as a result of similar logo designs. The standard for trademark infringement is based on the likelihood that consumers would confuse the logos and brands because there is not enough to sufficiently differentiate the two. The court system takes into consideration the reputations of the logos, the similarity in products and services between the brands in question, the targeted consumers and other factors that are more legal than we need to get into here.

In 2007, Apple Inc. filed a trademark lawsuit against GreeNYC, a New York City initiative focusing on reducing global warming emissions to promote a more sustainable future. Below you can see the GreeNYC logo on the left. Apple’s main argument was that the logos were too similar and would confuse Apple users. Taking into consideration what these two companies offer customers, do you find these confusingly similar?

The Importance of Logo Trademarks | BatesMeron Blog (7)

Outcome: Apple Inc. dropped lawsuit because of bad press even after GreeNYC offered to remove stem from logo.

Another trademark infringement complaint was placed by PayPal against Pandora in 2017 as result of Pandora’s rebranded “P” (PayPal on the left, Pandora on the right):

The Importance of Logo Trademarks | BatesMeron Blog (8)

Last month Pandora rolled out an updated logo as result of the settlement:

The Importance of Logo Trademarks | BatesMeron Blog (9)

In relation to the Apple Inc. example, how important does color play in logo identification? The PayPal and Pandora blues can cause some trouble, sure, but the green infinity design and the white/silver apple? Pandora’s wavy, new rainbow logo is definitely distinct enough now, don’t you think?

As a creative agency that specializes in branding, our team puts hours into the branding process. There is time dedicated to understanding the client’s values and goals, researching inspiration, sketching options and taking feedback and direction from clients. We want each client to know that their logo is as special to us when designing as it is to their brand and its identity. As our creative director Melissa said in her postabout our team’s favorite logo designs:

“It’s not an understatement to say that the pressure is on when it comes to designing an identity. No matter how visionary a creative you are, a logo carries a whole lot of weight and requires an acute attention to detail and a ton of care in its crafting.”

We also want to help prevent any trademark infringements in the future because it is easy to have similar logos. Here are a few of the many examples:

The Importance of Logo Trademarks | BatesMeron Blog (10)

The Importance of Logo Trademarks | BatesMeron Blog (11)

The Importance of Logo Trademarks | BatesMeron Blog (12)

With millions of logos in existence, it’s becoming more and more challenging to create logos that say everything you want while looking distinct from the pack. But because logos are the cornerstones of a brand and such a creative design challenge, we make sure our clients love their logos as much as we love designing them with work that is confusion- and trademark-lawsuit-free.

Need a new logo? You know how to reach us!

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The Importance of Logo Trademarks | BatesMeron Blog (2024)


Why is it important to trademark a logo? ›

Trademarking your name, your logo, a phrase (slogan), and hashtag gives you the exclusive right to use them. If you don't, then your competition can use them. Only one business can own a brand in an industry. Typically, it's whoever trademarks it first.

What is the importance of a logo? ›

A well-designed logo builds trust by validating your professionalism and get's people to stick around. It tells potential clients who you are, what you do, and how that benefits them. It communicates to people with no prior knowledge or experience with your business that you do great work.

Why is logos important in an essay? ›

Logos, or the appeal to logic, means to appeal to the audiences' sense of reason or logic. To use logos, the author makes clear, logical connections between ideas, and includes the use of facts and statistics. Using historical and literal analogies to make a logical argument is another strategy.

Why is logo ownership important? ›

Copyrighting a logo design isn't a mere formality; it's an essential step in safeguarding a brand's identity. By understanding the intertwining realms of copyright and logo design, businesses can shield their representation from misuse, ensuring their logo remains synonymous with their brand alone.

Why is the important of trademarks important? ›

Trademarking Protects Your Brand

Intellectual property laws exist so competitors cannot steal creative ideas, names, or symbols from other businesses. Trademarking is just good business – it's easy and ensures that other businesses aren't piggybacking off of your hard work and brand building.

Why are trademarks so important? ›

It helps distinguish one's goods and services from another company. Trademarks are essential because they differentiate the goods and services of one enterprise from those of other traders. They pass on information about you, your company, your reputation, products, and services.

What is the most important part of a logo? ›

The first quality great logos share is that they're relevant to the markets their companies target. More importantly, they clearly communicate a brand's personality and identity. A primary component is the use of colors in your logo, which can trigger different emotions and show your brand's personality to consumers.

What is a logo and why do they matter? ›

A logo is a visual mark that represents a company or brand. It's often the first thing customers see and remember about a brand. A logo can be a simple wordmark, a graphic symbol or a combination of both. Branding is the process of creating a unique identity for a company or brand.

What are key elements of a logo? ›

10 Elements of a Good Logo

Why are logos so powerful? ›

Logos are important because they act as the identifying mark of the company. They are symbols that distinguish one company from another. A logo is an important part of any business. It's what makes your business unique and recognizable.

How do logos influence us? ›

Logos are more than just visual symbols; they are powerful tools that can evoke emotions, communicate values, and shape consumer behavior. Understanding the influence of logos is essential for businesses and consumers alike.

What is an example of logos in real life? ›

Logos is the use of evidence and reasoning to persuasively support a claim. For example, a speaker claims that "teen pregnancy has decreased in the last five years" by citing studies that show a significant decrease in teenage pregnancy.

Why is it important to legally protect your logo? ›

Trademarking a logo with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is a critical step in establishing the origin of your goods/services, providing legal protection for your brand, and defending against counterfeits. By registering your trademark, you create a robust defense for your unique brand identity.

What happens if you don't trademark your logo? ›

However, if you do not have a registered trademark, the legal position is that you do not have proper legal rights to your brand. You may not even own your name or your brand. If you don't register your trademark, you could miss out on a lot of protections that would otherwise be available to you.

Can I use my logo without a trademark? ›

By simply having a logo, you have what's known as a common law trademark for your logo. That means that, without doing anything paperwork-wise, you have the sole legal right to use and amend that logo as you see fit. But without an officially registered trademark, that right isn't as secure as it could be.

Is it better to copyright or trademark a logo? ›

Copyrights primarily protect the rights of people who create literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other original works (like history tests, and software code). Trademarks can protect the use of a company's name and its product names, brand identity (like logos), and slogans.

Are you required to trademark a logo? ›

It isn't required, but to give your logo the most protection possible, it is beneficial to register your logo as a trademark with the USPTO. A common law trademark or unregistered trademark should be marked either with ™ or SM marks. The ™ mark is used for product-based trademarks.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.