The Ultima 6 Project equipment locations (2024)

UNDER CONSTRUCTION - List is far from complete, many locations still missing

The inventory

In this list, the locations of unique items, good equipment and the best possible weapons and armour in the Ultima 6 Project is written down. Note that the list does not include plot relevant items, nor items and equipment that can be bought at many vendors without problems.


  • 1 Weapons
    • 1.1 Melee Weapons
    • 1.2 Missile Weapons
  • 2 Armour
  • 3 Equipment


Melee Weapons[edit]

Two-Handed Hammer

According to the hintbook, the two-handed hammer is the best melee weapon the druid-class, who are forbidden from using sharp weapons. Unfortunately, the hintbook is wrong. Druits cannot use two-handed hammers. It has a damage rating of 12 - 20. For being a regular non-magical weapon, it is hard to find and only one vendor in all of Britannia sells them.

  • Brandon in Trinsic sells them in his shop.
  • One is found at Thor's grave on the Frost Islands. You can get there by traversing the cave found on the island at 104S 94E.

Glass Sword

This powerful magic weapon does 255 damage in a single hit, inflicting severe damage to any foe. Unfortunately, the force of the blow will shatter the sword, rendering the remaining shards useless.

  • Dale, the glassblower in Minoc, can manufacture these for 5 peer gems.
  • The wreck of the Dutchman on the Fens of the Dead.
  • The wreck of HMS Empire on the Cape of Heroes.
  • Moonglow Crypts Level 1
  • Beneath Bonn’s home on Dagger Isle
  • Britain Sewers level 3 in pirate camp.
  • Pickpocket from Phoenix in Britain Sewers level 3
  • Level 3 Destard southwest corner.
  • Destard level 4 in dragon nests.
  • Zoltan the gypsy gives one for returning his earring.
  • Pirate Cave level 4 in treasure cave.
  • Miss Blip's storage chest


The halberd is the best weapon for the fighter and the tinker classes, like Seggallion and Julia, who both are forbidden from using magic weapons. It deals damage of 15 - 30. As with the two-handed hammer, the weapon is hard to find and only two vendors in all of Britannia sell it.

  • Gherick at Serpent's Hold sells these in his shop.
  • James in Minoc sells them as well.

Magic Sword

This is the best non-unique melee weapon all the remaining classes can use. It is the strongest non-unique weapon with a damage-rating of 24 - 30, which can be found in the game. Due to being one-handed it also is quite fast and can be used together with a shield. These swords can only be found - with one exception - exclusively in the dungeons of Britannia.

  • Found near a dragon a bit west of Lost Lake on a plateau.
  • In dungeon Despise in the extra area of level 3.
  • The wreck of HMS Empire on the Cape of Heroes.
  • 3rd floor of Moonglow crypts in main room
  • Britain sewers level 3 in pirate camp.
  • Destard level 4 in dragon nests.
  • Covetous level 2 in small chest in chest in southern swamp.
  • From Miss Blip after solving her quest.
  • From the lighthouse warrior on the island at 18S 110E.

Mystic Sword

Exactly like the magic sword, also a damage-rating of 24 - 30, but unique. Should be given to the Avatar.

  • Found in the Avatar chamber of the Lycaeum.


The unique Enilno is the strongest melee weapon in the entire game, with a maximum damage-rating of exactly 130. However, to unfold such sheer destructive power, this two-handed sword should only be used by someone with a very high STR and DEX stats. This normally means that the Avatar should hold on this sword.

  • It is found in the dungeon Hythloth on the third level. On that level, a lava river is found, with several bridges over it. One bridge leads to level 4, the others go in a circle. Take the bridge fathest from the correct one and then find a place where you can climb down in the following corridor, where it makes a bend (the passage is disguised in 1.1). You need a rope for it. Down there, Enilno is found.

Missile Weapons[edit]

Magic Bow

The magic bow is with a damage-rating of 16 - 20 the best regular missile weapon that can be found. Even better, all classes can use it, even the ones that don't like magic gear. However, apart from finding it, only one vendor sells it in all of Britannia.

  • Sold by Gwenneth at Iolo's Bows in Britain.
  • One can be found in the wreck of HMS Virtuous.
  • Level 3 Britain Sewers in pirate camp
  • Level 2 Destard across lava lake.
  • Level 3 Destard southwest corner.
  • Pirate Cave level 4 in treasure cave.
  • Palace of Blackthorn level 2

Triple Crossbow

This is the strongest missile weapon in the game, being capable of reaching a damage-rating of 30, but it also is a unique weapon. However, to get it, a lot of patience is needed.

  • Gwenneth in Britain says, that she is out of them, but promises to have one ready in three months. This starts a timer and the weapon is given after the three months are over.

Magic Axe

Not quite as powerful as the magic bow, and with slightly less range, the main advantage of this magical throwing axe is it always returns to the wielder. No ammunition is required.

  • Level 3 of Britain Sewers in pirate camp
  • Destard level 4 in dragon nests.

Magic Staff

This staff is not a normal magical weapon. Instead the spell Enchant is used on them in order to store charges of various spells into them, just like Fire Wands and Lightning Wands, but more versatile. Once a staff's charges have been used up, it cannot be recharged. A new uncharged staff purchased from Nicodemus must be charged. A fresh staff can hold 10 charges for the cost of casting Enchant and the spell you'd like the staff to hold, which can be particularly cost-effective for regent-intensive spells, such as Invisibility All.

  • Nicodemus, who lives near Yew, sells uncharged staves for 100 GP.
  • Another is given by Dargoth at the Lycaeum after giving him the scroll with the Anju Sermani spell for his quest.
  • One staff is found in dungeon Deceit
  • 4th floor Shame
  • Level 3 Destard, west side.
  • Level 3 Swamp Cave, in evil mage treasure

You are also limited in the type of spell you can put on a staff (unfortunately no Death Wind staffs). The available spells are:

  • Negate Magic (An Ort)
  • Kill (In Corp)
  • Create Food (In Mani Ylem)
  • Reveal (An Sanct Lor)
  • Protection (In Sanct)
  • Hail Storm (Kal Des Ylem)
  • Grand Summon (Kal Xen Corp)
  • Ice Strike (Por An Flam)
  • Fireball (Por Flam)
  • Great Light (Vas Lor)
  • Chain Lightning (Vas Ort Grav)
  • Tremor (Vas Por Ylem)
  • Mass Invisibility (Vas Sanct Lor)
  • Mass Sleep (Vas Zu)

Lightning Wand

A very strong magical missile weapon. It however has the disadvantage that it only has limited charges. Once these are used up, the Lightning Wand becomes useless.

  • One is found in Nystul's chest in Caste Britannia.
  • Moonglow Crypts Level 1, near the tavern entrance.
  • Destard Level 3, western caves.
  • ...

Fire Wand

A very strong magical missile weapon. It however has the disadvantage that it only has limited charges. Once these are used up, the Fire Wand becomes useless.

  • Destard Level 3, western caves.
  • ...


Normal Robes, all kind of gauntlets, normal helmets and Plate Armour, which all are the maximum for some classes, are not listed here due to being very common to buy.

Magic Armour

The best armour in the entire game. It also is non-unique. This armour protects like no other armour, giving +10 on the armour rating, but can't be used by classes who don't want to use magic equipment (fighters, tinkers...). This armour can be found, but this is not needed, as one vendor does sell it in his shop.

  • Brandon in Trinsic sells magic armour in his shop.
  • In the Britain Sewers guarded by the Nether Abomination.
  • Britain Sewers level 3 in pirate camp.
  • Pickpocket from Phoenix (NPC) in Britain Sewers level 3
  • Destard level 4 in dragon nests.

Mystic Armour

This basically is the same as magic armour, also giving +10 armour rating. Due to its unique look, it should be given to the Avatar.

  • Found in the Avatar chamber of the Lycaeum.

Magic Helm

These helmets are the best head protection in the game with an armour rating of +5. They however can not be used by classes who don't like magic equipment (fighters, tinkers...). They come it two different looking variants, but protect the same. The best thing is, that one vendor sells these, so finding them is not needed.

  • Brandon in Trinsic sells magic helmets in his store.
  • Found near a dragon a bit west of Lost Lake on a plateau.
  • In a chest guarded by pirates on the 2rd level of the Buccaneer's Cave.
  • Britain Sewers level 3 in pirate camp.
  • Pickpocket from Phoenix (NPC) in Britain Sewers level 3
  • Pirate Cave level 4 in treasure cave.

Magic Shield

The best possible shield available - which also can't be used by classes who dislike magic, but by everyone else (even classes that don't like big shields). Magic shields can't be bought, they can only be found. Besides the shield of the order of the Silver Serpent, which is a plot item and not listed, there also is the Silver Ankh Shield. All of these however have the same armour rating, namely +5.

  • The Silver Ankh Shield is found in the wreck of the ship Virtuous at the western shores of Lock Lake, guarded by the undead crew.
  • Dungeon Despise, in the extra area of level 3.
  • Just north of the entrance to the Drylands, next to the Bloody Plains.
  • In the Moonglow crypts, level 3.
  • Buccaneer's Cave Level 2 in dragon's nest.
  • Britain Sewers level 3 in pirate camp.
  • Pickpocket from Phoenix (NPC) in Britain Sewers level 3
  • Wrong level 4 in first chest clockwise in barracks.
  • Ambrosia
  • From Miss Blip, after solving her quest.
  • From the lighthouse warrior on the island at 18S 110E.

Swamp Boots

Swamp Boots should be the footwear of choice, since they protect from the poison that lurks in swamp areas (of which there are a lot of). They also are with +2 just one below the armour rating of plate boots, so there is no big loss. Apart from being found however, there is only one vendor in all of Britannia, that sells swamp boots.

  • Utomo in Yew sells swamp boots in his shop.

Spiked Collar

These collars are the best neck protection available, with +2 on the armour rating. However, the problem is that each vendor who has them, only sells them once and doesn't restock them. Therefore, others need to be found to outfit the entire party.

  • Gherick at Serpent's Hold sells one.
  • Nomaan in Jhelom sells one.
  • Britain Sewers level 3 in pirate camp.
  • Destard level 4 in dragon nests.
  • Wrong level 1 in sleeping quarters in room just north of far southwest corner.
  • Wrong level 1 library in northeastern part of level
  • Wrong level 2 in locked room with dragon



The sextant makes it possible to see the current position on the world map. It also enables the display of the exact coordinates. Both functions only work on the overworld and are needed to prevent getting lost in the wilderness. Only very few vendors actually offer a sextant for sale.

  • Hermione in Britain sells a sextant.
  • Ephemerides near the Lycaeum sells one as well.
  • Britain Sewers level 3 in pirate camp.
  • Pirate Cave level 4 in treasure cave.


Rope in the Ultima 6 Project works the same as the grapple in the previous game. Having a coil of rope in the inventory activates the grappling arrows, which allow ascend or descent to a new floor. Some dungeons and caves can only be entered this way and it's needed to progress in the game. Only one vendor in Britannia sells rope, however. Note that rope also is used to build the balloon.

  • Mortude in Paws sells rope in his shop.

Bread Crumbs

While unseeming, bread crumbs can be used to make the way, which is especially useful in the labyrinth-like dungeons.

  • Can be bought from Cullen the baker.

Magic Fan

Information about the workings of this artifact can be gained by first talking to Utomo in Yes, then to Yuna in Buccaneer's Den and then giving her message to Utomo. The Magic Fan has the effect the using it during sea travel doubles the speed of the ship. However, getting it is entwined with the main quest of the game.

  • The Magic Fan is found in the treasure of Captain Hawkins on Spektran in one of the chests.

Powder Kegs

Powder kegs are weapons of destruction. Setting them somewhere and then shooting an arrow at it starts a devastating explosion. If another keg is near, it will explode as well. These are actually need to get the treasure of Hawkins. For all the destruction they can cause, there is only one vendor who sells them.

  • Effrem in Britain sells powder kegs.
  • A huge store of them can be found in the basem*nt of an abandoned house on the hill a bit northwest of the Lycaeum.
  • Cyclops Cave is littered with powder kegs.
  • Britain Sewers level 3 in pirate camp.

Protection Ring

These rings give +5 on the armour rating. They are especially useful for Beh Lem, who can't wear any armour. Unlike the other rings, protection rings do not vanish over time. However, they can only be found, not bought.

  • The Britain Sewers, guarded by the Nether Abomination.
  • The wreck of the Dutchman on the Fens of the Dead.
  • Moonglow Crypts Level 1.
  • Moonglow Crypts Level 2 in central eastern tomb.
  • Moonglow Crypts Level 3 in room south of main tomb.
  • Buccaneer's Cave Level 2 in dragon's nest
  • Britain Sewers level 3 in pirate camp.
  • Pirate camp on top of moutain northwest of Trinsic
  • Destard level 4 in dragon nests.
  • Pirate Cave level 4 in treasure cave.
  • Swamp Cave, level 1 in the west.
  • Swamp Cave, level 3 in evil mage treasure.
  • Ambrosia
  • Mr. Blip's storage chest.

Invisibilty Ring

These rings make the wearer invisible for a limited time before they vanish. This makes them useful to sneak around enemies or place powder kegs in the middle of acid slugs or slimes. Can be either found or bought from one vendor.

  • Sold by Budo in Buccaneer's Den.
  • The wreck of the Dutchman on the Fens of the Dead.
  • The wreck of HMS Empire on the Cape of Heroes.
  • Inside Penumbra's storage room (stealing).
  • Moonglow Crypts Level 1
  • Inside Xiao's home (stealing).
  • Inside the rat hole at the Sword and Keg (requires Sherry).
  • Britain Sewers level 3 in pirate camp.
  • Destard level 4 in dragon nests.
  • Wrong level 2 in small room in NE corner of dragon statue room.
  • Pirate Cave level 4 in treasure cave.
  • Swamp Cave level 3, in evil mage treasure
  • Ambrosia
  • ...

Regeneration Ring

These rings regenerate the wearer's health for a limited time, before they vanish. They are utterly worthless, since by the time they are found, magical healing is available. Can be either found or bought from one vendor.

  • Sold by Budo in Buccaneer's Den.
  • In the first room of Cyclops Cave.
  • The wreck of HMS Empire on the Cape of Heroes x 2.
  • 3rd floor of Moonglow Crypts by the Rune of Honesty
  • 3rd floor shame in rogue encampment
  • Level 2 Destard across lava lake.
  • Level 4 Destard on corpse with map
  • Swamp Cave level 3, in evil mage treasure

Storm Cloak

This cloak is pretty much a life insurance against magic using enemies. Wearing it disables all magic in the area - even that of the party - apart from that of the wearer. The cloak is absolutely needed later in the game to even have a chance against all the magic-using enemies. Thankfully, the storm cloak is never used up and hold infinitely.

  • The first of three storm cloaks is in possession of Mariah, who had borrowed in from Jaana. Speaking with her the first time, she returns it.
  • The second storm cloak is found in a side cave of the third level of the Swamp Cave, near the small lake with the bloody altar.
  • The third cloak is in the treasure of Captain Hawkins, which can be given to Homer.
The Ultima 6 Project equipment locations (2024)


How do you meditate in Ultima 6? ›

You must clear the moonstone from the shrine before meditating, which is done by "using" the appropriate rune and speaking the corresponding mantra for that shrine. After the shrine has been cleared, talking to it gives you a chance to meditate at it, and once you have meditated at a shrine you will gain a level.

How do you cast spells in Ultima 6? ›

You cast a spell by clicking on its name, or by selecting it with the up and down arrows and pressing <enter>. Typing the first letter of each syllable of the spell also works. For instance, to cast the Repel Undead spell — An Xen Corp — you could type AXC and press <enter>.

What does meditation unlock? ›

Meditation lets you become more aware and more purposeful about your actions. It teaches you how to respond, rather than react, to situations in your life. Meditation sounds simple. But it takes discipline to remain still in body and mind.

How to meditate freely? ›

  1. Get settled. Find a quiet space where you can relax. ...
  2. Breathe deeply. Defocus your eyes, gazing softly into the middle distance. ...
  3. Check-in. Take a few moments to settle into your body. ...
  4. Scan your body. Slowly turn your mind inwards. ...
  5. Observe the breath. ...
  6. Allow your mind to be free. ...
  7. Prepare to finish. ...
  8. Congratulate yourself.

Is Ultima the most powerful spell? ›

Ultima is the strongest spell, costing 99 MP to cast. It lights up the screen in an explosion of green and blue light, dealing heavy damage to all enemies.

Can you reflect Ultima FF6? ›

Ultima will not be reflected back at the party if it is cast at an enemy with an active Reflect buff. It also ignores enemy Magic Defense, and its damage will not be lessened if cast on a foe with an active Shell buff.

What is the P spell in Ultima? ›

The arcane spell known simply as P (for lack of a designated name) is the most powerful incantation of carnage available to the mage in Ultima III, eclipsing even the lethal Decorp. Its divine clerical counterpart is the spell Zxkuqyb.

How to meditate Star Wars? ›

The basics of Jedi meditation were to focus on whatever emotions were uppermost in one's mind, to be honest with oneself about the feelings one experienced and their effects. Then, one was to let each emotion go—the goal being to make oneself an empty vessel that the Force would be able to fill with peace and serenity.

How do you meditate at the peak of blood and gods? ›

She'll eventually tell you to meditate at the nearby peak. This peak is pictured below, but to make things easier, it's the synchronization point closest to you. When you're up here, meditate (press and hold down on the d-pad to access the meditate option). A cutscene will begin when you do this.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.