Top 10 Free Excel Business Budget Templates for 2023 | Layer Blog (2024)

A business budget is an essential tool for any business, no matter how big or small. It helps you stay on track with your finances and ensure that all areas of your organization run efficiently. With a budget in place, you can quickly identify areas where costs are getting out of control and make adjustments before they become problematic.

Creating a budget can be daunting, especially if you are unfamiliar with Excel. Thankfully, many free Excel business budget templates are available that make it easy to set up your own budget. These templates provide an easy-to-follow format that allows you to quickly input your income and expenses so you can get started right away.

Top 10 Free Excel Business Budget Templates for 2023 | Layer Blog (1)

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What Is Budgeting?

Budgeting is a process of predicting and managing your income and expenses. It helps you plan out how much money you will need to cover your business costs for the month or year ahead. With budgeting, you can track spending, identify areas where you may be overspending, and make adjustments as needed to stay within your budget.

Why Is Budgeting Important?

Budgeting is essential for any business, as it allows you to plan ahead and ensure your organization is on the right track financially. Without a budget, setting goals and tracking progress can be challenging. A budget also helps you identify areas where costs are getting out of control so you can take corrective action before they become too costly.

How to Create a Budget Template?

When creating a budget template, it's essential to include all the categories and items relevant to your business. This includes revenue sources, fixed costs such as rent or utilities, variable expenses like advertising or travel, and any other relevant items. Once you have identified these categories, you can enter them into an Excel spreadsheet. It's important to remember that budgeting can be complex, and you should always consult a professional if you need help.

Once all the information has been entered into your template, it's time to begin tracking income and expenses. This will give you an accurate picture of how much money is coming in and going out each month. As the months progress, you can easily adjust your budget if it becomes necessary. This way, you'll always have an accurate picture of your financial situation and be able to adjust accordingly.

Using a free Excel business budget template, you can quickly and easily create a comprehensive budget that will help keep your finances in check. Once you're comfortable with the budget, you can modify it as needed to accommodate any changes in your business. With a bit of time and effort, you can have an adequate budget in place that will keep your business running smoothly.

How to Make a Monthly Budget Template?

Creating a monthly budget template is similar to creating a one-time budget. Start by identifying all the relevant categories and items to your business. Once you have all the information gathered, enter it into an Excel spreadsheet. You can then use this template to track your monthly expenses and income. As the months pass, adjust your budget based on new developments or changes in your business.

Why Use a Template for Budgeting?

Using a template for budgeting provides several benefits. It allows you to quickly create accurate and up-to-date budgets, allowing you to make informed decisions about your finances. Additionally, templates make it easy to track expenses and income so you can adjust as needed. Finally, free Excel business budget templates can save time and money as you won't need to hire a professional to help with budgeting.

How to Use an Excel Budget Template?

Using an Excel budget template is a great way to get started creating your business budget. All of the free templates provided here include a simple format that's easy to use and understand. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your Excel budget template:

  • Start by entering all your income sources, such as sales revenue, interest income, and other sources of revenue.
  • Next, enter your expenses, such as payroll, rent, supplies, and other operating costs.
  • Make sure to include taxes and other overhead costs in your budget.
  • Set up a timeline for budgeting so you can stick to it throughout the year.
  • Run reports and analyze the data in your budget. This will help you identify areas where costs are getting out of control or where there may be opportunities to save money.

By taking the time to create an accurate and up-to-date business budget, you can ensure that your organization runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible. With the help of free Excel business budget templates, you can quickly and easily create a budget that works for your organization.

Top Free Excel Business Budget Templates

1. Business Case Excel Template

Download the Business Case Excel Template for Free

A business case excel template helps businesses easily analyze and evaluate different scenarios to inform decision-making. This type of template includes pivoting tables, graphs, financial projections, and other valuable data that can help you make the best possible decisions for your organization. Business cases are often used to compare various investment or product opportunities to determine which one is the most profitable.

Benefits of Using a Business Case Excel Template

There are many benefits to using a business case excel template, such as:

  • Streamlining the decision-making process by providing relevant data and insights that help inform decisions.
  • Creating an organized structure for analyzing different scenarios and options.
  • Consolidating data into one place to make it easier to analyze and compare.
  • Generating various reports that can be used to track performance and make informed decisions.
  • The ability to customize the template for specific needs or goals.

Creating a business case template in Excel can help you analyze data and make informed decisions that will benefit your organization.

Download the Business Case Excel Template for Free.

2. P&L Statement Excel Template

A Profit and Loss (P&L) statement Excel template is a spreadsheet that helps businesses analyze their financial performance and make informed decisions. This type of template includes tables and graphs that can be used to track income, expenses, and profits over a period of time. It also provides insight into cash flow and profitability.

Benefits of Using a P&L Statement Excel Template

Using a P&L statement Excel template provides several benefits, such as:

  • Giving an overview of the business's financial performance over some time.
  • Breaking down income and expenses into categories to make it easier to analyze.
  • Being able to track profit margins, cash flow, and other vital metrics.
  • Generating reports that can be used to inform decision-making.
  • Analyzing different scenarios to identify areas for improvement.

By using a P&L statement Excel template, businesses can quickly and easily analyze their financial performance and make informed decisions that will benefit the organization.

Download the for Free.

3. Revenue Forecasting Excel Template

Download the Revenue Forecasting Excel Template for Free

A revenue forecasting Excel template helps businesses predict future financial performance by analyzing historical trends and data. This type of template includes a variety of graphs, charts, and tables that can be used to analyze past performance and make projections for the future. Revenue forecasting is often used to set business goals and inform strategic plans.

Benefits of Using a Revenue Forecasting Excel Template

Using a revenue forecasting Excel template has many benefits, such as:

  • Allowing businesses to develop reliable projections and estimates based on past performance.
  • Identifying trends and insights that can inform decision-making.
  • Generating various reports and dashboards that can be used to track performance.
  • Establishing goals and benchmarks that can be used to measure success.

Download the Revenue Forecasting Excel Template for Free.

Top 10 Free Excel Business Budget Templates for 2023 | Layer Blog (5)

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4. Balance Sheet Excel Template

Download the Balance Sheet Excel Template for Free

A balance sheet Excel template is a spreadsheet that helps businesses track financial transactions and analyze the organization's overall health. This template includes several sections, such as assets, liabilities, and equity. A balance sheet provides an overview of a company's finances, showing how much money it has in cash, investments, or debts.

Benefits of Using a Balance Sheet Excel Template

Using a balance sheet excel template has many benefits, such as:

  • Allowing businesses to analyze and compare financial data easily.
  • Creating an organized structure for tracking assets and liabilities.
  • Generating various reports that can be used to measure performance.
  • Establishing goals and benchmarks that can be used to measure success.

By creating a balance sheet excel template, businesses can quickly and efficiently track their financial data and make informed decisions about their organization's finances.

Download the Balance Sheet Excel Template for Free.

5. Income Statement Excel Template

Download the Income Statement Excel Template for Free

An income statement Excel template helps businesses analyze and track their financial performance. This template includes several sections, such as revenue, expenses, and net income. An income statement provides an overview of a company's profitability, showing how much money it has earned or lost over a given period.

Download the Income Statement Excel Template for Free.

6. Startup Business Budget Excel Template

Download the Startup Business Budget Excel Template for Free

A startup business budget Excel template helps businesses manage their finances and plan for the future. This template includes several sections: revenue projection, expenses, and cash flow. Companies can use a startup business budget template to analyze their financial performance accurately and determine the best course of action for their organization.

Download the Startup Business Budget Excel Template for Free.

Top 10 Free Excel Business Budget Templates for 2023 | Layer Blog (9)

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7. Expense-Tracking Excel Template

Download the Expense-Tracking Excel Template for Free

An expense-tracking Excel template or an expense-tracker Excel template helps businesses track and analyze their spending. This template includes several sections, including expenses by category, total costs, and monthly averages. By using an expense tracking template, businesses can quickly and easily identify areas of overspending or unnecessary expenses so they can make better decisions about their finances.

Download the Expense-Tracking Excel Template for Free.

8. Cash Runway Excel Template

Download the Cash Runway Excel Template for Free

A cash runway Excel template is a type of spreadsheet that helps businesses track their cash flow and analyze the short-term financial health of the organization. This template includes several sections, such as cash inflows, outflows, and balances. A cash runway provides an overview of a company's ability to pay its expenses and manage liquidity, showing how much cash is available to the organization at any given time.

Download the Cash Runway Excel Template for Free.

9. Unit Economics Excel Template

Download the Unit Economics Excel Template for Free

A unit economics Excel template is a spreadsheet that helps businesses analyze the profitability of individual products, services, or customer segments. This template includes several sections, such as revenue per unit, cost per unit, and operating profit per unit. Using a unit economics Excel template, businesses can accurately analyze the profitability of different product lines and identify potential areas for improvement.

Download the Unit Economics Excel Template for Free.

10. Operating Budget Excel Template

Download the Operating Budget Excel Template for Free

An operating budget Excel template helps businesses track and manage their expenses. This type of template includes several sections, such as fixed costs, variable costs, and capital investments. An operating budget provides an overview of a company's expected expenses over a given period of time, helping the organization make smart decisions about its finances.

Download the Operating Budget Excel Template for Free.

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Using the top free Excel business budget templates is an effective way for businesses to create and maintain financial plans. From business cases to revenue forecasting and balance sheets, these templates help businesses stay organized and make informed decisions that benefit their organization.

Top 10 Free Excel Business Budget Templates for 2023 | Layer Blog (14)

Get Started With Layer Today!

Share parts of your Google Sheets, monitor, review and approve changes, and sync data from different sources – all within seconds.


Top 10 Free Excel Business Budget Templates for 2023 | Layer Blog (2024)
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