What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (2024)

Last updated on Apr 8, 2024

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What are revenue multiples?


How are revenue multiples calculated?


What factors affect revenue multiples?


What are the pros of using revenue multiples?


What are the cons of using revenue multiples?


What are some alternatives to using revenue multiples?


Here’s what else to consider

If you're running or investing in a start-up, you might have heard of revenue multiples as a way to value a business. But what exactly are they, and what are their advantages and disadvantages? In this article, we'll explain what revenue multiples are, how they are calculated, and what factors affect them. We'll also discuss the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up, and some alternatives you can consider.

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What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (1)

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  • Kishore Dasaka I help business owners make informed financial decisions for long-term success | Fractional CFO 🚀 | Chartered…

    What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (3) 4

  • What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (5) What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (6) 3

  • What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (8) 2

What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (9) What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (10) What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (11)

1 What are revenue multiples?

Revenue multiples are a type of valuation metric that compare the market value of a company to its annual revenue. They are often used to value start-ups that are not yet profitable or have high growth potential. Revenue multiples are calculated by dividing the market value of a company by its annual revenue. For example, if a company has a market value of $100 million and annual revenue of $10 million, its revenue multiple is 10x.

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    **Pros of Revenue Multiple Approach:**1. Simplicity & Transparency2. Ideal for Early-Stage or High-Growth Companies: Particularly advantageous for startups or firms poised for rapid revenue expansion3. Facilitates Industry Comparisons: Allows for straightforward benchmarking against similar companies within the industry4. Emphasis on Top-Line GrowthCons1. Neglects Profitability & Costs: Overlooks crucial aspects like expenses, profitability, and operational efficiency2. Excludes Non-Revenue Metrics: Fails to account for vital indicators such as customer retention, market share, and competitive positioning3. Doesn't Address Inconsistent Growth Patterns4. Subject to Industry Variances


    What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (20) 2

  • Dan G. Head of Insights at Equidam, the Startup Valuation platform | Crunchbase contributor
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    Revenue multiples are a short-hand way to compare the valuation of similar companies (same industry, same business model) by revenue performance. In recent years, revenue multiples have been applied as a method of valuing companies - for which they are deeply inappropriate. They are, in the best case, a practical way to calibrate a valuation to the market conditions at that time. Revenue multiples fail as a valuation method on two counts: They fail to look at the subject company with any meaningful resolution, due to the focus on comparison.They rely on finding suitably similar companies which is challenging in a market where companies are unconventional by nature.


    What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (29) What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (30) 2

  • Kishore Dasaka I help business owners make informed financial decisions for long-term success | Fractional CFO 🚀 | Chartered Accountant 💰
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    Revenue multiples are a benchmarking technique, where you value your startup based on the multiples of similar startups in your industry. The key here is to find startups that operate in the same industry, geography, serving the same customer, and possibly at the same stage of growth.Using revenue multiples are one of the best ways of valuing early stage startups, which are not yet profitable, and where other methods like DCF do not work (since cash flows aren't predictable)


    What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (39) 1


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2 How are revenue multiples calculated?

Revenue multiples can be calculated using different sources of market value and revenue data, such as market capitalization, enterprise value, and revenue. Market capitalization is the total value of a company's outstanding shares on the stock market, and is the easiest way to calculate revenue multiples for publicly traded companies. However, it can be volatile and influenced by market sentiment. Enterprise value is the total value of a company's equity and debt, minus its cash and cash equivalents, making it a more comprehensive way to calculate revenue multiples for both public and private companies. Revenue is the total amount of money a company generates from its sales or services, which can be based on historical, current, or projected figures depending on the stage and growth rate of the company.

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    Often revenue multiples for start-ups are determined using 'comparable' businesses - businesses that address a similar market, or have a similar value proposition or solution.But keep in mind that early stage valuations are more of an art than a science, and as the paragraph above mentions, fluctuate wildly based on current market conditions.


    What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (48) What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (49) 3

  • Kishore Dasaka I help business owners make informed financial decisions for long-term success | Fractional CFO 🚀 | Chartered Accountant 💰
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    ✅ Stick to the Basics: Revenue multiple is a valuation metric. It is calculated by taking the company's current valuation and dividing it by its current or estimated revenue. It's essentially an answer to the question: "How many times the revenue is someone willing to pay for a company?"✅ Look at Comparable Companies: To find an appropriate revenue multiple, look at the multiples of similar, publicly traded companies in their sector. This gives a ballpark figure, but the catch is that, established companies may have different trajectories and risk profiles than startups.✅ Adjust for Risks: High-growth startups might command higher multiples due to their growth potential. On the contrary, more risk could reduce the multiple.

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    Calculating revenue multiples is both subjective and precise in nature. As the multiple is an indicator of future earnings or revenue, one has to make assumptions about how much the business is going to grow. The more traction + scalability in a business model suggests a higher revenue multiple, whereas slow growing businesses tend to get lower multiples. Benchmarking using comparables is another way of obtaining a revenue multiple, what other companies have achieved multiple using a similar business model within the same space with similar metrics.


3 What factors affect revenue multiples?

Revenue multiples can vary significantly depending on the industry, market, and growth stage of a company. Factors such as profitability, growth potential, and competitive landscape of an industry can affect revenue multiples. For example, software companies generally have higher revenue multiples than manufacturing companies due to their higher margins, lower capital requirements, and scalability. Additionally, the size, demand, and attractiveness of a company's market can also influence its revenue multiple; a company that serves a large, growing, and underserved market will likely have a higher revenue multiple than one that serves a small, saturated, and competitive market. Furthermore, the stage of development and growth of a company can also affect its revenue multiple; a start-up in the early stages of product development and customer acquisition can have a higher revenue multiple than a mature company that has reached its peak growth and profitability.

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    For me, four factors influence the revenue multiple paid:- revenue growth (double or triple YOY growth percentage)- Gross profit margin today- expected EBITDA profit margin when it materializes- market competition today or expected market entrants in the future


    What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (74) 2

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    4 main factors: Market sentiment: is the industry on a high growth trajectory?Quality of revenue: ideally, scalable recurring revenueAssets: possessing difficult to replicate assets (such regulatory approvals) Revenue growth: 20% + YoY

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4 What are the pros of using revenue multiples?

Using revenue multiples to value a start-up has some distinct advantages, such as simplicity, relevance, and flexibility. These multiples are easy to calculate and understand, as they only require two data points: market value and revenue. They are also widely available and comparable across different companies and industries. Moreover, they are relevant for start-ups that are not yet profitable or have negative cash flows, as they focus on the top-line growth potential of the business. Revenue multiples can also be adjusted to account for different scenarios and assumptions, such as using different sources of market value and revenue data, or applying different discounts or premiums based on the risk and opportunity of the business.

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  • Kishore Dasaka I help business owners make informed financial decisions for long-term success | Fractional CFO 🚀 | Chartered Accountant 💰
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    ✅ Simplicity: Unlike some valuation methods, using revenue multiples is fairly simple. No need to dive deep into financial projections (which are subjective). Just look at your current revenue, slap on a multiple, and you've got a valuation! Especially useful when you're in early-stage talks with investors or partners.✅ Benchmarking: Many sectors have established revenue multiples. Startups can easily compare themselves to peers, understanding where they stand in the game of valuation. This helps when negotiating with investors or assessing market position.✅ Focus on Growth: For startups, it's often about top-line growth. Revenue multiples encourage this perspective, rewarding those who can scale fast and efficiently.


    What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (91) 1


5 What are the cons of using revenue multiples?

Using revenue multiples to value a start-up also has some disadvantages, such as not reflecting profitability, efficiency, or sustainability, as well as the variability and relativity of multiples. Revenue multiples do not take into account the costs, expenses, or cash flows of a company, nor the quality, diversity, or retention of the revenue streams. Additionally, they are highly dependent on market conditions, industry trends, and growth expectations. Furthermore, external factors like investor sentiment, market hype, or regulatory changes can also have an effect. Lastly, revenue multiples are relative measures of value that depend on comparison with other similar companies or industry averages and can be inaccurate if the comparable companies or industry benchmarks are not relevant, reliable, or consistent.

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    As a saas, seed-stage startup CEO turned Chief Growth Officer:-market-driven vs. venture-driven-susceptible to economic trends-susceptible to geopolitical conflicts-forces you to "think like" a venture capitalist/investor-yet you are not a startup fund, usually-FOMO drives revenue multiples up - regardless of whether they "should" or "shouldn't." (everyone ends up being human)-90% of startups fail, and most of the original "projections" you built, will become useless.-Growth > Rev. VCs will "fund growth" (even if you're not profitable)-tacking on someone else's business model on top of yours -fulfilling the vc model on top of your own tend to create conflicts, and expand opportunities for misalignment/poor communication


    What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (100) 1

  • Ben Littauer (he/him)
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    I'm a Boston-based seed stage investor. At the stage I invest there are often no revenues, so multiples end up being zero. Not a great metric. And basing off projections is highly dependent on the aggressiveness of the entrepreneur. Anyone can show $1B in revenues in 10 years, but believably? I prefer the term "price" to "valuation" in any case. It will be based on the investor's perceived risk and perceived reward, and will be compared to other companies with similar profiles. It is thus a market-dependent number, as can be seen in the higher "valuations" seen in Silicon Valley than in the Northeast. The best way for an entrepreneur to price their deal is by talking to a lot of investors and getting their feedback.


    What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (109) 1


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6 What are some alternatives to using revenue multiples?

Revenue multiples are not the only way to value a start-up; there are other methods that can supplement or complement it. Discounted cash flow (DCF) estimates the present value of future cash flows, based on its projected growth rate, discount rate, and terminal value. This method is more comprehensive and accurate than revenue multiples, but it requires more assumptions and inputs. Alternatively, earnings multiples compare the market value of a company to its profits or earnings, such as EBITDA or net income. This method is more relevant for start-ups that are profitable or have positive cash flows; however, it can be distorted by accounting policies, non-recurring items, or capital structure. Additionally, depending on the industry, market, and business model of a start-up, there may be other metrics that can be used to value it, such as user base, customer lifetime value, gross margin, or unit economics. These metrics can provide more insight into the performance and scalability of a start-up; however, they may not be comparable or standardized across different companies or industries.

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  • Kishore Dasaka I help business owners make informed financial decisions for long-term success | Fractional CFO 🚀 | Chartered Accountant 💰
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    It depends on the stage in the startup lifecycle. In early and pre-revenue stages, its best to go for a convertible, and postpone the game of valuation. According to me the best time to use a revenue multiple is when a decent level of product-market fit, and predictability has been achieved.The best alternative is the DCF approach. This method estimates the value of an investment based on its expected future cash flows. For startups, it can be a more comprehensive look than just revenue, but predictions can be challenging due to their volatile nature. This method is especially relevant today in the era of "find the path to profitability" vs the earlier mantra of "grow at any cost"


    What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (118) 4


7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Randy Ridley Executive Product and Services Sales
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    My start up experience suggests that tracking initial marque customers is the gateway to understanding the value of early stage start ups.


    What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (127) What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (128) 2

  • Marc Kitten


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    (part 1)I would propose an alternative perspective, linking the metric to the maturity of the business, as I do in my valuation classes.Early on, there is just no basis for forecasting profits, when the business is just starting to have revenue. At that stage, there is no reasonable alternative, and even the revenue multiple must carefully leverage the choice of comparables which should be at a similar stage.At the other end of very mature and stable businesses, nothing can be as precise as the P/E ratio, but it still benefits from adjustments for risk, growth and payout ratio.


    What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (137) 1


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What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? (2024)


What are the pros and cons of using revenue multiples to value a start-up? ›

You can easily find comparable companies and their financial data from public sources, and calculate the multiples with minimal assumptions. The disadvantages of using multiples are that they can be misleading, inconsistent, and subjective.

What are the pros and cons of multiples-based valuation? ›

You can easily find comparable companies and their financial data from public sources, and calculate the multiples with minimal assumptions. The disadvantages of using multiples are that they can be misleading, inconsistent, and subjective.

What is the revenue multiplier for startups? ›

Revenue multiples are a vital financial metric for valuing companies, particularly useful for startups. They are calculated as company value divided by annual revenue and are instrumental in assessing a company's worth, especially in cases where traditional profit-based metrics fall short.

Why are revenue multiples important? ›

A revenue multiple measures the value of the equity or a business relative to the revenues that it generates. As with other multiples, other things remaining equal, firms that trade at low multiples of revenues are viewed as cheap relative to firms that trade at high multiples of revenues.

Is it better to value a company using a revenue or EBITDA multiple? ›

As stated earlier, there can be instances, such as when analyzing start-ups or unprofitable companies, when using revenue over EBITDA is more appropriate. However, in most cases, finance professionals prefer the EBITDA multiple because it provides a more comprehensive view of a company's financial performance.

What are the disadvantages of multiples approach? ›

It is a disadvantage because it simplifies complex information into just a single value or a series of values. This effectively disregards other factors that affect a company's intrinsic value, such as growth or decline.

What are the disadvantages of valuation? ›

Cons of Asset-Based Valuation

The approach is not without its drawbacks. Asset-based valuation often overlooks a business's future earning potential, something that methods like discounted cash flow factor in. Furthermore, it generally undervalues companies with substantial intellectual property or customer goodwill.

What are good revenue multiples? ›

Average earnings multiples range from 2 to 3.5, with the average across all sectors at 2.46. Revenue multiples range from 0.4 to 1.2, with the average across all businesses at 0.63. (For small business valuation purposes, cash flow to the owner (earnings) is a more reliable indicator than revenue.)

What multiples are used to value startups? ›

In start-up valuation, the most often used multiples are the following: enterprise value-to-revenue (EV/R), enterprise value-to-EBITDA (EV/EBITDA), enterprise value-to-EBIT (EV/EBIT), and enterprise value-to-free cash flows (EV/FCF).

What is considered a good revenue multiple? ›

The multiple used might be higher if the company or industry is poised for growth and expansion. Since these companies are expected to have a high growth phase with a high percentage of recurring revenue and good margins, they would be valued in the three- to four-times-revenue range.

How to value a startup based on revenue? ›

Main Valuation Methods for Startups
  1. SaaS: usually 10x revenues, but it could be more depending on the growth, stage and gross margin.
  2. E-commerce: 2-3x revenues or 10-20x EBITDA.
  3. Marketplaces, hardware or low-margin businesses: 1-2x revenue.

How to value a company with multiples? ›

In order to determine the Enterprise Value of the business, you find the EBITDA from the business you're valuing, and then multiply this by the EBITDA multiple observed from the other comparable companies. This EBITDA multiple is the EV/EBITDA ratio. From this we determine the Enterprise Value of the business.

Why are multiples important? ›

Factors and multiples are important in the field of math in many ways. For example, factors and multiples are used when looking for patterns in numbers, simplifying fractions, or when determining the greatest common factor.

What are the pros and cons of EBITDA valuation? ›

Pros And Cons Of EBITDA
Helps comprehend the firm's underlying business income as compared to similar enterprisesLack of consideration towards regarding capital expenditures
Neutral towards the capital structurePossibly misleading
4 more rows
Apr 10, 2024

Why use EBITDA instead of revenue? ›

EBITDA is a more comprehensive financial term than revenue as it considers a company's operating expenses. Revenue, on the other hand, only indicates a company's total income. EBITDA is derived by adding back interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization to net income.

What is the disadvantage of EBITDA multiple? ›

Besides this inherent problem of ignoring depreciation, EBITDA has other considerable shortcomings: 1. Inaccurate Representation of Cash Flow: EBITDA overlooks changes in working capital, meaning it can inflate cash flow if a business has substantial growth in receivables or inventory.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of asset-based valuation method? ›

The asset-based method is highly favorable for core niches like the real estate sector. However, it comes with its own disadvantages, such as the fact that it's quite complex, especially for those with little experience.

Which of the following is an advantage of multiples-based valuation? ›

The main advantages of multiples are that they are relatively easy to use, are based on actual market transactions and can provide a useful ballpark for estimating value. It takes a known quantity for a firm like earnings or book value and converts it into a proposed price for the firm.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of asset-based valuation approach? ›

In reality, a business may fail to fetch the value it gets on the basis of asset based method when it actually goes for disposing of its assets. As said above, some off balance sheet items may also need to be considered in this method. So, measuring those items could get difficult.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of asset-based valuation model? ›

Neglecting Potential Earnings:

Unlike other widely-used valuation methods, asset-based valuation disregards the prospective earnings of a firm. It solely focuses on tangible assets and liabilities, overlooking the potential for future income.

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