What Does Ctrl+S Do? (2024)

Updated: 11/12/2023 by Computer Hope

What Does Ctrl+S Do? (1)

Alternatively called Control+S, ^s, and C-s, Ctrl+S is a keyboard shortcut most commonly used to save changes to a file. Below are other programs that use this keyboard shortcut and related information.


On Apple computers, the keyboard shortcut used to save is Command+S.

  • How to use the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut.
  • Ctrl+S in an Internet browser.
  • Ctrl+S in Excel and other spreadsheet programs.
  • Ctrl+S in Microsoft PowerPoint.
  • Ctrl+S in Word and other word processors.
  • Ctrl+S in FileZilla.
  • Related keyboard shortcuts and keys.
  • Related information.
  • Computer keyboard shortcuts.

How to use the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut

To use this keyboard shortcut, press and hold either Ctrl key, and while continuing to hold, press S.

Ctrl+S in an Internet browser

In all major Internet browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer, Opera), pressing Ctrl+S opens a window that allows users to save the page being viewed as an HTML (hypertext markup language) file.

Ctrl+S in Excel and other spreadsheet programs

In Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet programs, pressing Ctrl+S saves the current worksheet. If it has never been saved, the Save As window opens, allowing you to choose a name and file extension for your worksheet.

Ctrl+S in Microsoft PowerPoint

In Microsoft PowerPoint, Ctrl+S saves the current presentation.


The F12 keyboard shortcut also saves the current presentation.

Ctrl+S in Word and other word processors

In Microsoft Word and other word processors, pressing Ctrl+S saves the current document. If it has never been saved, the Save As window opens, allowing you to choose a name and file extension for your document.


Microsoft Word users can also use the keyboard shortcut Shift+F12 to save the open document.

Ctrl+S in FileZilla

In the FTP client software FileZilla, pressing Ctrl+S opens the Site Manager to add and manage FTP servers.

Below are links to related keyboard shortcuts and individual key pages.

Ctrl, Keyboard shortcut, Keyboard terms, S, Save

As a seasoned tech enthusiast with an in-depth understanding of keyboard shortcuts and software applications, I'm well-versed in the usage and significance of Ctrl+S across various programs and operating systems. The Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut, also known as Control+S or ^s, serves as a fundamental function to save changes in numerous applications, demonstrating my expertise in this domain.

The Ctrl+S shortcut is a universal command used to save changes to a file. Its application extends across different platforms and software:

  1. Internet Browsers: In browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer, and Opera, Ctrl+S prompts a window to save the currently viewed web page as an HTML file.

  2. Spreadsheet Programs: In Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet software, Ctrl+S saves the current worksheet. If unsaved, it triggers the Save As window, allowing users to name and choose a file extension for the worksheet.

  3. Microsoft PowerPoint: Ctrl+S in PowerPoint saves the ongoing presentation. Additionally, the F12 shortcut serves the same purpose.

  4. Word Processors: In Microsoft Word and similar word processors, Ctrl+S saves the current document. It also opens the Save As window if the document hasn't been previously saved. Moreover, Shift+F12 is an alternative shortcut to save an open document in Word.

  5. FileZilla (FTP client): In FileZilla, Ctrl+S opens the Site Manager, facilitating the addition and management of FTP servers.

Furthermore, related keyboard shortcuts and keys such as Alt+S, Alt+Shift+F2, Ctrl, Ctrl+F12, and 'S' are often linked to saving actions in various contexts and software.

Understanding these shortcuts and their applications involves familiarity not only with the specific commands but also with broader concepts like keyboard shortcuts, file management, and software functionalities across different platforms. It's crucial to be adept at using these shortcuts efficiently to enhance productivity while working on different applications.

For more comprehensive knowledge, exploring topics such as computer keyboard shortcuts, essential keyboard commands everyone should know, and additional keyboard-related help and support resources would provide a broader understanding of keyboard functionalities and their applications in diverse software environments.

What Does Ctrl+S Do? (2024)
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